Political Ideologies in The Middle East

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Ideologies in the Middle East

The most dominant political ideology in the Middle-East is nationalism.

There are three main broads areas of nationalism in the Middle-East:

Arab Nationalism
Particularsim,Egyptia,Lebononism,Syrianism and Jwish Nationalism or Zionism

Political Ideologies in the Middle East

The aim of these ideologies was to resolve the problem of the nation that will rule the nation-
state as demarcated by Western Powers.
The Peace of Paris 1919 demarcated the Ottoman Empire into nation-states based on the Sykes
Picot Agreement.
Upon the partition of Arab speaking Ottoman Empire territories into nation-states,various theories
of statehood emerged in the Arab world.
The most dominant were Arab nationalism and Pan-Islam,both ideologies were driven by the
Western revolutions that promoted the ideas of nationalism and the concept of the nation.


Islamic revivalism was an intellectual movement led by Jamal al-Din Al Afghani.

Al Afghani sought to revive Islam towards the end of the eighteenth centaury and early
nineteenth centauries.
The modernist were led by Jamal al-Din Al Afghani (1837-1897),Mohamed Abduh (1849-
1905)and Rashid Rida(1865-1935) their work emphasized on pan-Islam, the relationship between Islam
and the state and women.
Al-Afghani opposed the recist nations then current in Europe which claimed that only Europe
could produce culture and civilization.Al Afghani was aware of the tendency towards the formation of
national states was increasing. Therefore he tried to attune Islam to theis development by taking the
European idea of the nation, purifying it from its secular connotations and declaring that all Muslims were
a single nation, diseregarding all ethnic, linguistic and cultural differences .

The muslim Brotherhood

Al Afghani interpreted Islam as an ideology that was mainly aimed at resisting European
colonialism and made it a duty for the Muslim nation to resist European domination of the Muslim
Towards the early twentieth century Islamic revivalism took the form of a political activist
movement aiming to esrablish of a pan-Islamic state.
The Muslim Brotherhood was a revivalist movement that was established in 1928 by Hassan Al-
Al Banna promoted Islam religiously, culturally and economically as the only althernative to



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