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Name ________________________________________________Date _____________

90-Day Plan to Launch FastTRACK

This is what a plan to earn money with Shaklee would look like for you. It’s a plan that we work on
together. It will answer questions about the activities we will be doing and how much you will earn on
the FastTRACK. In the meanwhile, begin to “Shakleeize” your home as soon as possible.

During our planning together we’ll talk about –

o Real money – the amount of money you want to earn

o What your business will look like to achieve that goal
o The idea of getting on the FastTRACK and reaching Director as a beginning goal
o Setting dates for your first Grand Opening events

Income Goals:

Your gross earnings in Shaklee are usually half of your personal group volume. For example, when your
volume is 5,000 a month your gross earnings are $2,500 a month. Remember: this is a GROSS
amount so if you want to work with a NET amount you need to increase your volume goal.

1. How much money would you like to earn per month by the end of your first year? ________________
(On FastTRACK you will be earning around $1000 per month by your third month, $3500 per month by the end of
your first year)

2. What would be your long term income goal? (Based on 1099 figures from Shaklee)

___Coordinator $22,800 ___Key Coordinator $111,600

___Senior Coordinator $40,400 ___Master Coordinator $286,800
___Executive Coordinator $62,200

Volume Goals:
3. How much volume per month do you need by the end of your first 3 months in order to earn that amount?

4. How much volume would you have per month by the end of your first year? ____________________

Group Building Goals:

We first need to build your initial Director Group. A Director group is one which has a minimum of 6
Gold Ambassadors and 50-60 members. The concept is 3 and 10; do it again. That means we will look
for 3 Gold Ambassadors. In the process we will find at least 10 members. We will repeat the process
and each Gold Ambassador will do the same.
Here is the way your income will grow with FastTRACK

3 months Director 6 Gold Ambassadors and 50-60 members $1,406 per month
6 months Senior Director One Director $1,874 per month
9 months Coordinator Two Directors $2,120 per month
12 months Senior Coordinator Two Directors and 12,500 Volume $3,400 per month

How many Gold Ambassadors do you need to achieve the Director level? _________
How many members will you need to achieve the Director level? _________

Remember: Your Gold Ambassadors will help bring in members as well so it can happen quickly!

Rank Advancement Goals:

A Shaklee Director has a minimum of 2000 group volume; 6 Gold Ambassadors and approximately 50-60 total
members and distributors. A director earns a gross of a little less than $1,000 a month. This is an important first
step. Your Gold Ambassadors will be working to achieve Director themselves and that is how you will increase
your rank. (See #2 on page 1)

When would you like to achieve Shaklee Director? ____________________________

Remember if you make it in your first 3 months you win FOUR nights at Disneyland and FREE registration to
our Global Conference.

Launching Your Business Goals:

During your first month we will focus on your grand opening. I will help you do two or more group events that
feature an overview of Shaklee. You’ll invite your family and close friends, people you know who will support
you. You will learn how to do the Shaklee presentation by watching me. We will look for your first three Gold
Ambassadors; get some new members enrolled and work to achieve a volume of a minimum of $1000. That will
qualify you for Star Associate Director.

I will do the presentation for your first grand opening events. My target for your first 30 days is to help you
find your first 3 Gold Ambassadors; bring in 6-10 members and help you get your first check!

Which dates have you scheduled for your first Grand Opening events?

______________________ ____________________ ____________________

During your first 90 days a four week training course is available for you. It will give you skills on how to
contact people and do appointments and follow-up. I will continue to work closely with you as you do your
Shaklee activities and accomplish your goals. I will direct you to begin Shaklee University.

Starting with your second month and continuing through your first year, you’ll work from a monthly plan
that we will review each month. It will help you establish productive habits and an example of success for your
business partners to follow.
90-Day Plan to Launch Your Shaklee Business

Summary for _________________________________________________Date _____________

How much money per month do you want to earn by the end of the first year? _____________

How much volume per month do you need in order to earn that amount? _____________
(Multiply the amount of money you want to earn by 2.)

How much volume per month do you need by the end of the 6th month? _____________
(Divide the first year volume figure by 2.)

How much volume per month do you need by the end of the first 90 days? _____________
(Divide the 6 month volume figure by 2.)

How many members need to be enrolled by the end of the first year? _____________
(Divide the first year volume figure by $50. You enroll some of
the members and your team partners enroll some of them.)

How many members need to be enrolled each month to reach that goal? _____________
(Divide the first year number by 12.)

When do you want to be a director? _____________

What is your long term income goal? _____________

Right now don’t worry too much about the overall plan. We can try it out by setting up your first two
Grand Opening events. It’s what we do and you can see how it works and if you like it.

Our goal for your first 30 days is to bring in 3 Gold Ambassadors, 6-10
members and help you earn your first check!

Keep this plan in front of you! It will be a powerful motivator.

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