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Trainer Level:

Name Pokmon CP HP
To use this sheet: File > Make a Copy or go Magmar 684 59
to this URL: Dragonair 473 55 Omanyte 458 41
Spreadsheet by /u/aggixx Eevee 320 49
Pinsir 455 53
LEGEND Example Dratini 101 24
Yellow cells are input cells. Hover over the column's Example 1 Dratini 116 26
header for more info. Example 2 Dratini 130 28
Blue cells are automatically calculated when you Example 3 Dratini 145 29
change yellow cells. Example 4 Dratini 160 31
Seel 201 48
Light gray cells are some helpful analytics.
Shellder 223 27
Poliwag 80 24
HOW TO Poliwhirl 332 60
Not sure what to do? Try this: Doduo 109 24
1) Pick a pokemon whose IVs you'd like to calculate, and enter Squirtle 293 40
its species, CP, HP, and Dust Price in a new row.
Meowth 185 36
2) If you're sure the pokemon hasn't been Powered Up before, Rhyhorn 151 49
then you can leave "Powered Up?" blank. If you have, then
select TRUE. Magikarp 65 20
3) The sheet will make some calculations and you'll get one of Bellsprout 307 50
two outputs:
Jigglypuff 326 117
3a) If there's only one possible configuration of IVs it will Psyduck 349 51
display them. All done! See the statistics in the light gray
columns. Pikachu 252 35
3b) There's multiple possible combinations of IV, and the sheet Drowzee 245 49
needs more info to narrow it down for you. You can see the
different combinations in the dropdown, as well as the min and Jigglypuff 125 78
max perfect %. If the max % is below 80% you probably want
to transfer it and stop here. If its got good IVs and you may be Pidgey 206 40
interested in leveling it then continue.
Eevee 72 26
Voltorb 133 30
4) Give the pokemon a unique name in the Name column, then
make a new row below it with the same name but " 1"
appended (without quotes). Enter the pokemon's new stats
after you've powered it up one time. Make sure to set "Powered
Up?" to TRUE. The sheet will narrow the list of IV
5) Repeat step 4, increasing the number after the unique name
by 1 each time until you either know the exact IVs, or the
perfect% range is too low to continue.

IVs, or Individual Values, are the hidden stats that determine
the power of a pokemon. The pokemon's level and its IVs
combine together to determine how strong the pokemon is.
By knowing its IVs, you know how powerful it will be at
higher level or when evolved. Furthermore, since you can
level any Pokemon to max with enough dust, if a Pokemon
has perfect IVs then you also know that Pokemon is as good
as it can possibly be.
Dust Powered Individual Values Perfect Powered
Level % Perfect Maxed CP
1300 6 combinations 22% to 75%
1000 8 combinations 64% to 73%
1900 15 combinations 44% to 84%
1300 11 15 15 2 7111.1% 338 1026 2768
800 10 combinations 62% to 77%
400 17 combinations 91% to 95%
400 1 6 combinations 93% to 95%
600 1 2 combinations 93% to 95%
600 1 2 combinations 93% to 95%
600 1 6 13 15 15 9555.6% 162 976 3498
800 31 combinations 6% to 75%
1300 32 combinations 17% to 55%
400 25 combinations 82% to 91%
1000 8 combinations 37% to 44%
600 43 combinations 75% to 84%
1300 12 combinations 24% to 68%
1000 28 combinations 40% to 86%
600 38 combinations 66% to 82%
1000 25 combinations 53% to 93%
1300 15 combinations 48% to 48%
1600 16 combinations 51% to 86%
1300 14 combinations 57% to 71%
1300 36 combinations 26% to 68%
1000 22 combinations 35% to 57%
600 26 combinations 46% to 53%
1600 23 combinations 8% to 44%
400 141 combinations 48% to 73%
600 19 combinations 75% to 91%
CP Multiplier by Level Levels by Stardust Base Stats
1 0.0940000 200 1 Attack
1.5 0.1351374 400 3 Bulbasaur 126
2 0.1663979 600 5 Ivysaur 156
2.5 0.1926509 800 7 Venusaur 198
3 0.2157325 1000 9 Charmander 128
3.5 0.2365727 1300 11 Charmeleon 160
4 0.2557201 1600 13 Charizard 212
4.5 0.2735304 1900 15 Squirtle 112
5 0.2902499 2200 17 Wartortle 144
5.5 0.3060574 2500 19 Blastoise 186
6 0.3210876 3000 21 Caterpie 62
6.5 0.3354450 3500 23 Metapod 56
7 0.3492127 4000 25 Butterfree 144
7.5 0.3624578 4500 27 Weedle 68
8 0.3752356 5000 29 Kakuna 62
8.5 0.3875924 6000 31 Beedrill 144
9 0.3995673 7000 33 Pidgey 94
9.5 0.4111936 8000 35 Pidgeotto 126
10 0.4225000 9000 37 Pidgeot 170
10.5 0.4335117 10000 39 Rattata 92
11 0.4431076 Raticate 146
11.5 0.4530600 Spearow 102
12 0.4627984 Fearow 168
12.5 0.4723361 Ekans 112
13 0.4816850 Arbok 166
13.5 0.4908558 Pikachu 124
14 0.4998584 Raichu 200
14.5 0.5087018 Sandshrew 90
15 0.5173940 Sandslash 150
15.5 0.5259425 Nidoran 100
16 0.5343543 Nidorina 132
16.5 0.5426358 Nidoqueen 184
17 0.5507927 Nidoran 110
17.5 0.5588306 Nidorino 142
18 0.5667545 Nidoking 204
18.5 0.5745692 Clefairy 116
19 0.5822789 Clefable 178
19.5 0.5898879 Vulpix 106
20 0.5974000 Ninetales 176
20.5 0.6048188 Jigglypuff 98
21 0.6121573 Wigglytuff 168
21.5 0.6194041 Zubat 88
22 0.6265671 Golbat 164
22.5 0.6336492 Oddish 134
23 0.6406530 Gloom 162
23.5 0.6475810 Vileplume 202
24 0.6544356 Paras 122
24.5 0.6612193 Parasect 162
25 0.6679340 Venonat 108
25.5 0.6745819 Venomoth 172
26 0.6811649 Diglett 108
26.5 0.6876849 Dugtrio 148
27 0.6941437 Meowth 104
27.5 0.7005429 Persian 156
28 0.7068842 Psyduck 132
28.5 0.7131691 Golduck 194
29 0.7193991 Mankey 122
29.5 0.7255756 Primeape 178
30 0.7317000 Growlithe 156
30.5 0.7377735 Arcanine 230
31 0.7377695 Poliwag 108
31.5 0.7407856 Poliwhirl 132
32 0.7437894 Poliwrath 180
32.5 0.7467812 Abra 110
33 0.7497610 Kadabra 150
33.5 0.7527291 Alakazam 186
34 0.7556855 Machop 118
34.5 0.7586304 Machoke 154
35 0.7615638 Machamp 198
35.5 0.7644861 Bellsprout 158
36 0.7673972 Weepinbell 190
36.5 0.7702973 Victreebel 222
37 0.7731865 Tentacool 106
37.5 0.7760650 Tentacruel 170
38 0.7789328 Geodude 106
38.5 0.7817901 Graveler 142
39 0.7846370 Golem 176
39.5 0.7874736 Ponyta 168
40 0.7903000 Rapidash 200
40.5 0.7931164 Slowpoke 110
Slowbro 184
Magnemite 128
Magneton 186
Farfetch'd 138
Doduo 126
Dodrio 182
Seel 104
Dewgong 156
Grimer 124
Muk 180
Shellder 120
Cloyster 196
Gastly 136
Haunter 172
Gengar 204
Onix 90
Drowzee 104
Hypno 162
Krabby 116
Kingler 178
Voltorb 102
Electrode 150
Exeggcute 110
Exeggutor 232
Cubone 102
Marowak 140
Hitmonlee 148
Hitmonchan 138
Lickitung 126
Koffing 136
Weezing 190
Rhyhorn 110
Rhydon 166
Chansey 40
Tangela 164
Kangaskhan 142
Horsea 122
Seadra 176
Goldeen 112
Seaking 172
Staryu 130
Starmie 194
Mr. Mime 154
Scyther 176
Jynx 172
Electabuzz 198
Magmar 214
Pinsir 184
Tauros 148
Magikarp 42
Gyarados 192
Lapras 186
Ditto 110
Eevee 114
Vaporeon 186
Jolteon 192
Flareon 238
Porygon 156
Omanyte 132
Omastar 180
Kabuto 148
Kabutops 190
Aerodactyl 182
Snorlax 180
Articuno 198
Zapdos 232
Moltres 242
Dratini 128
Dragonair 170
Dragonite 250
Mewtwo 284
Mew 220
Base Stats
Defense Stamina Evolution
126 90 Venusaur
158 120 Venusaur
200 160
108 78 Charizard
140 116 Charizard
182 156
142 88 Blastoise
176 118 Blastoise
222 158
66 90 Butterfree
86 100 Butterfree
144 120
64 80 Beedrill
82 90 Beedrill
130 130
90 80 Pidgeot
122 126 Pidgeot
166 166
86 60 Raticate
150 110
78 80 Fearow
146 130
112 70 Arbok
166 120
108 70 Raichu
154 120
114 100 Sandslash
172 150
104 110 Nidoqueen
136 140 Nidoqueen
190 180
94 92 Nidoking
128 122 Nidoking
170 162
124 140 Clefable
178 190
118 76 Ninetales
194 146
54 230 Wigglytuff
108 280
90 80 Golbat
164 150
130 90 Vileplume
158 120 Vileplume
190 150
120 70 Parasect
170 120
118 120 Venomoth
154 140
86 20 Dugtrio
140 70
94 80 Persian
146 130
112 100 Golduck
176 160
96 80 Primeape
150 130
110 110 Arcanine
180 180
98 80 Poliwrath
132 130 Poliwrath
202 180
76 50 Alakazam
112 80 Alakazam
152 110
96 140 Machamp
144 160 Machamp
180 180
78 100 Victreebel
110 130 Victreebel
152 160
136 80 Tentacruel
196 160
118 80 Graveler
156 110 Golem
198 160
138 100 Rapidash
170 130
110 180 Slowbro
198 190
138 50 Magneton
180 100
132 104
96 70 Dodrio
150 120
138 130 Dewgong
192 180
110 160 Muk
188 210
112 60 Cloyster
196 100
82 60 Haunter
118 90
156 120
186 70
140 120 Hypno
196 170
110 60 Kingler
168 110
124 80 Electrode
174 120
132 120 Exeggutor
164 190
150 100 Marowak
202 120
172 100 Hitmonchan
204 100
160 180
142 80 Weezing
198 130
116 160 Rhydon
160 210
60 500
152 130
178 210
100 60 Seadra
150 110
126 90 Seaking
160 160
128 60 Starmie
192 120
196 80
180 140
134 130
160 130
158 130
186 130
184 150
84 40 Gyarados
196 190
190 260
110 96
128 110 Vaporeon
168 260
174 130
178 130
158 130
160 70 Omastar
202 140
142 60 Kabutops
190 120
162 160
180 320
242 180
194 180
194 180
110 82 Dragonite
152 122 Dragonite
212 182
202 212
220 200

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