Topics Master

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Competition Topics (11-Oct-2013)

1. Silence is Golden. Discuss.

2. Global warming should be welcomed in Ireland!
3. If you knew you would live healthily for another 100 years, how would you
live your life differently?
4. Computers and technology, Good or bad for society.
5. The eyes are the windows to the soul!
6. People in glasshouses shouldnt throw stones!
7. Which childrens story has the best life lesson?
8. In 1654, English dramatist George Chapman first wrote that 'the law is an
ass'. Does this still hold true today?
9. Who inspires you the most?
10. What song would you like played at your funeral and why?
11. Do drug companies hold too much sway over doctors?
12. What invention who you most like to see next?
13. What book should never have been made into a film?
14. Worst duet of all time?
15. Reality TV, riveting or rubbish?
16. What books do kids most enjoy to read?
17. Look before you leap?
18. If you could travel back in time which period would you pick and why?
19. What was the last movie you wanted to tell someone about?
20. Love-Hate?

Next Topicsmaster
Why is pausing so powerful?
Does the Irish Education System need an overhaul?
If you were the supreme ruler of Ireland what would be the first law youd
introduce or change?
Should fracking be banned in Ireland?
How would you explain a bowl of fruit to a blind person?
Is recession good for the soul?
What is the meaning of life?
House should the Oireachtas be reformed?
Should there be a worldwide ban on organ tourism?
It's said that to assume makes an ass out of you and me. Tell us about an
incorrect assumption you've made and it's consequences?
Your favourite book?
Is it time that the Simpsons were removed from our screens?

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