Research Proposal - Home Economics

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Research Proposal

1. Research Topic, Projected Answer, Qualitative Research

a. The research topic I have chosen is to what extent does a Food
Studies class impact a student's eating habits? I am currently a Home
Economics Teacher at West Vancouver Secondary School where I
teach Foods 8, 9 and 11. I am interested in learning if my class theory,
demonstrations, labs, guest speakers and projects make a difference
in the personal lives of my students where they choose to cook at
home versus eating out, processed foods. As a Home Economist, I
wonder if I am making an impact on the lives of my students healthy
eating choices and to what extent.

b. This topic is appropriate for ETEC 500 because it is informative to me

and to other Home Economists. I would like to share my finds with
my peers in my school, district, province and nation. I have never
previously researched about this topic and I would like to perform a
more in-depth, quality, master-level research and learn more about
the complete situation. I believe it will be exciting to learn the results
and there is a wealth of information for me to learn.

c. I will be using qualitative research system where I will be

interviewing current and past students about their eating habits and
meal preparation time at home. I would like to ask staff if they took
Home Economics classes in high school, how often do they cook and
eat at home and continue to use their home economics teachers
recipes from their teachers.

2. Leading Research Questions and Hypothesis

a. To what extent does a Food Studies class impact a student's eating
i. Do you cook and eat food at home 1 - 2 times a week? 3 4
times a week? 5 7 times a week?
ii. How many times have you used a recipe from class at home in
the past year? Month? Week?
iii. How often do you eat out? Processed foods? 1 2 times a
week? 3 4 times? 5 7 times?

3. Research Strategy
a. What do I need to find out through research?
i. How often do the students eat healthy during and after my
Foods classes?
ii. Has my Foods classes made an impact on their healthy meal
choices at home or when they are out with friends?
iii. Who decides what they eat throughout the day?
iv. What were their eating habits before my Foods class?

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