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1 Warehouse Management (WM) :

1.1 Transfer requirement

LTBK Transfer requirement - header
LTBP Transfer requirement - item

1.2 Transfer order

LTAK Transfer order - header
LTAP Transfer order - item

1.3 Master data - stock positions

LQUA Quants

1.4 Inventory documents in WM

LINK Inventory document header
LINP Inventory document item
LINV Inventory data per quant


Select warehouse: 800.

Unselect "Completed Transfer Rqmts"
Click on TR number to drill down.Note: To select the TRs with particular movement type: 101- For
purchasing TR. 319-For material staging. 311-For stock transfer from storage location to storage location.
201-For goods issue to cost center.

In the display transfer order initial The transfer

screen, enter the warehouse order details
Display individual TO WM LT21
number 800. enter theTransfer will be
order number. Then press enter. displayed

In the Transfer ordr list screen, The open

enter the warehouse number TO list will
Display open TO-List WM LT23
800. Select only open TO items be
indicator. Then execute. displayed.

GE Confidential
Enter the warehouse number. Enter the
requirement number as P,Production supply.
Select the indicator Status, Open. Then enter.
Convert to Transfer In the display transfer requirement-List of
Order (TO) for WM LB13 requirement screen, select the TR
material staging number.Click TO in the Foreground. In the TO
from TR-Overview or transfer requirement
screen, Click select all. Then click, generate TO
item.Then save the data

Enter the movement type as 999.

Transfer the stock
WM LT01 Enter the material number.Enter the transfer quantity.If
from bin to bin
applicable update the stock type or stock category

Update the storage unit type as R1

Enter the source storage type ,source section,source bin
Transfer the stock
WM LT01 from which the material is taken.
from bin to bin
Enter the destination storage type ,destination bin in
which the material is placed.

Confirm the transfer Update the TO the button confirm

order internally.Click on save to confirm the TO internally

For warehouse and storage type default values has to be maintained in IMG , Try maintaining
default values for physical inventory in IMG under below path :

IMG > Logistics Execution >Warehouse Management >Activities >Physical Inventory >Define
Default Values

Kindly revert if you are facing any problems after this.

GE Confidential

As I understand:

- in IM, your stock level is 0 for your material

- in WM, your stock level is also zero considering your whole WH

- in WM, due to stock count you have +3 pcs in 999 and you also have -3 pcs in 911

I would suggest you should move the 3 pcs from 999 to 911 via LT01 / LT10 and you could get
rid off the + / - quants in WM.

GE Confidential

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