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Apex Manual

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This document contains information proprietary to Bisnews AFE (Thailand) Ltd.

and may not be reproduced, disclosed or used in whole or part without the
express written permission of Bisnews AFE (Thailand) Ltd.

© 2007 Bisnews AFE (Thailand) Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

 (Apex Manual for Training room)

   Apex ......................................................................................................................................5
! " (Desktop) ........................................................................................................................................................5
*   (Toolbars).............................................................................................................................................6
"#$% & '() (The Main Toolbar) ....................................................................................................................6
"#$% & ./01.2 (Window with Text Toolbars)..................................................................................................6
! 3" (Page Manager)...................................................................................................................7
 8  09(%1 2 (Add a New Folder)....................................................................................................................7
 %=(>&? &09(%1 2 (Renaming Tabs) ................................................................................................................7
 ($09(%1 2 (Deleting Folder)............................................................................................................................7
 $)BC' %DE (Save Page)...............................................................................................................................8
 %(&? ?' %DE (Move Page).......................................................................................................................8
 %=(>&? &' %DE (Renaming Pages/Workspaces) ..........................................................................................9
 ($' %DE (Deleting Pages/Workspaces)........................................................................................................9
   9:;<=>  ? (Default Fonts) .................................................................................9
 92 2=<=D (Moving Window).................................................................................................................10
 Drag-Drop Symbol.............................................................................................................................................11
 P9>QD (Symbol List) ..............................................................................................................................11
1 2 (Active =<=D) ............................................................................................................................12

=<=D=S (Quote Window).............................................................................................................13

 8  Quote Grid ..............................................................................................................................................13
 8  Quote Board ...........................................................................................................................................14
% Full Quote.......................................................................................................................................................15

=<=D X (Chart Window) .............................................................................................................16

"#$% &  9 (Chart Toolbar) .......................................................................................................................16
 ($/%D/&%8 "81 "$$". (Cross Hair Cursor).................................................................................17
 8   9'(?W Symbol
' E%1>?.) ...................................................................................................18
 " YZ8>D[ Z  9 (Chart Properties)............................................................................................................18
 = )$"\ 8%(Z  9.....................................................................................................................................19
 %=(>&? . %.( (Interval) Z  9 .................................................................................................................19
  912 X  (Price Chart)..................................................................................................................19
 9"B (Bar Chart) ............................................................................................................................................19
 9"B %B>? (Candlestick Chart).......................................................................................................................20
 9"`a/ Point & Figure..................................................................................................................................20
 9\%& Z 8)cc9d.%E 2 (Continuation Chart) ...........................................................................................20

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

   XS= :!D (Technical Study) .................................................................................................20

 %D/&%B/./% e'2 ..........................................................................................................................................20
%B/./% e'2"$$"81 8)ccfg[/Z? .............................................................................................................21
%B/./% e'2$ 9  (Technical Overlay)................................................................................................22
%B/./% e'2"$$"$ ' E (Add/Split Study).................................................................................................22
 " YZEi..)"(e8>Z  9 (Parameters) ...................................................................................................23
 ($%8 %B/./% e'2 (Remove Study) ..........................................................................................................23
%B/./% e'2"$$"`
8$ 9  (Add Study to New Layer) ...................................................................23
 %= >?$%B>?$ 9"\(e . %.( (Seasonal Chart)...........................................................................................24
 =< =  (Trend Lines) ..........................................................................................................................25
 %(&? ?%8 ".0  .....................................................................................................................................25
 ?1%8 ".0  (Extending)..............................................................................................................................26
 ($%8 ".0  (Deleting Trend Lines)............................................................................................................26
%8 ".0  Fibonacci Retracements ...................................................................................................................26
 = )$%=(>?&  i.f%8  Fibonacci (Fibonacci Options)..............................................................................27
  12S12 X; !92[ Symbol <23 Layer .....................................................................................28

=<=D;= (News Window)................................................................................................................29

"#$% & Z. (News Toolbar)..........................................................................................................................29
  'Z.\"'( B>&....................................................................................................................................29
 l==mnZ. .........................................................................................................................................................30

=<=DX^_DX D (Fixed Format Window) ..................................................................................31

%9dg29 2"\ (Fixed Format Menu) ................................................................................................................31

:`  (Alarms).......................................................................................................................32

8\ (Formula)................................................................................................................................32
 %D/&% &YZ
 e$$%\ ..................................................................................................................................33
Color Rules ................................................................................................................................................................36
 %D/& Color Rules ..............................................................................................................................................37

8> Color Rules

Xc D  Cyber Chart ..................................................................................................................................................43
0 8  8\ Cyber Chart.....................................................................................................................................43
 % >?1Z %B/./% e'2
./01.20.B .....................................................................................................45
 \)[ %\%B/./% e'2 (Alarms).................................................................................................................46
 %D/&8\ (Adding a Formula)............................................................................................................................46
 " YZ8\ (Modifying a Formula) .....................................................................................................................47
 ($8\ (Deleting a Formula) ...........................................................................................................................47
9o 2 )& Scale .........................................................................................................................................................48

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

deXc D 12D (Shortcut Keys)..................................................................................................................................48

 i'1=pq9o 2 )&>?2 ........................................................................................................................................48
 ghij3" Apex ...........................................................................................................................................49

 <k ; 9l2 Excel (DDE Link)..........................................................................................50

 \/1\)[ 0= "  DDE Link.................................................................................................................................50
DDE Link "$$ Quote............................................................................................................................................51
DDE Link "$$ History...........................................................................................................................................52
DDE Link "$$ Formula.........................................................................................................................................53

! 3"3 (New Page Manager)..............................................................................................53

X9< D Hot Hit ........................................................................................................................................................54
C-BUYSELL-SIGNAL ............................................................................................................................................54
C-FIBONACCI 1 ....................................................................................................................................................55
C-FIBONACCI 2 ....................................................................................................................................................56
C-QSTICK+PERCENT B.......................................................................................................................................58
C-SIGNAL-MACD-STOCH ....................................................................................................................................60
Q-GAP-PRICE .......................................................................................................................................................62
Q-TREND ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................................65
X9< D TFEX (TFEX Folder) ..................................................................................................................................66
SET50-OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................67
X9< D ALERT (ALERT Folder).............................................................................................................................69
X9< D X (Chart Folder)...................................................................................................................................71
F-CHART (F7) .......................................................................................................................................................71

jp=S 29 (Appendix: Fixed Format r F9) .........................................................................72

Z (\(1'p  (Equity Market) ..............................................................................................................................72
Z (9d.%E 28"(e= )& (Futures and Options y TFEX) ...................................................................................74
Z ([i)"(e0('e\ W (Energy and Metals)....................................................................................................75
Z (\(1% /"(e)\ "(%=(>&? (Money and Foreign Exchange Market).......................................................75
Z (\ 8 '>[ (Bond Market).............................................................................................................................76
8)c()zf2\).?&W (Symbol) ...............................................................................................................................76

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

1)$%$/[((/=pqg ?Z % 82B>&YZ 0= "  Apex $' E

     ( ,  ,  
!) #$
%  #' %
( )*%+$+%,
%  $*%.+(&
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,#1 %+$*%
 %- % Microsoft Excel -  

! " (Desktop)

01?=\/"( .0= " Ee"81 \  (Gridline) $' E gC& %&BBi %=(>&?Z1Z ./01.2' 
%(&? ?./01.2 ./01.2)[W Ee>Z1D1>)$%8 \  1 '() 'B\   ?/Z??./01.2' %(&? ?
' ?
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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

*   (Toolbars)

0= "  Apex >"#$% & 
1) >[
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34(. & 1%
%.. /&
  7+%  &%         
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$/+ % /-#/+ % View  !
(Toolbars) #-&
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%  -,$/+ % 1

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%,&% Page Manager
Open Window 8  
%,&% Window Manager
Save Page  *#%
%., (!
Workspace) #' %
( 0 0#1
Save Window  *#%
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Print .. ,

%.. ,+%&%&
.. (Print Preview)
Clear Screen 89  ,
Font Larger . 
5'  '# %
Font Smaller 
5'  '# %
Symbol List :+ ; 50 !

(Symbol) ##' %

  (Window with Text Toolbars)
 Window with Text  ! "
+%   5-
+%  (  (Full Quote)
+%  .
+%  Time & Sales
+%  <
+%  /0
+%   8)

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

! 3" (Page Manager)
(,.,#+% Save - ..
! ., 1 !
 1- # >% # !
 1 !
.,, Page Manager
?## Page Manager /- 2 ?#  %#1
1. #9A Open Page ,$!

2. #( File  !

/+ % Open Paget

$   (Add a New Folder)
1. 9A New Folder $!
2. .. !
3. 9A Enter

 912 X9< D (Renaming Tabs)

# !
 # ?#  %#1
1. 9A 
%+  % 
%,#  !
,B Tab Menu *1  %.

2. !
/+ % Rename Folder
3. .. !
4. 9A Enter

 9X9< D (Deleting Folder)

% # ?#  %#1
1. 9A)
%+  % 
2. #9A Delete Folder $!

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 Sk! 3" (Save Page)

B8 #8  "(e$)BC' %DE%D&.8e1.
 % >?1Z ( Y1 1) >[
1. (/=pq Save Page $"#$% &  ' 
2. (/B>&% File %( Save Page As
3. D/D2 &|B>&\   $)BC
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4. %( &09(%1 2B>& $ Create in "( .(/ OK
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B8 #%(&? ?Y9(2' %DEE09(%1 2'C& Y=. Y. >?) 09(%1 2'C& Y1 01?(/=pqg ?Z % 82
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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 912 ! 3" (Renaming Pages/Workspaces)

# !
., # ?#  %#1
1. 9A 
%+  %  #&
%# !
,# Manager Menu *1  %.

2. !
/+ % Rename
3. .. !
%  9A Enter

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.,#- &
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1. 9A)
%+  %.,#&
2. #9A Delete $!

   9:;<=>  ? (Default Fonts)

5&6 (Default Fonts) 
% # ?#  %#1
1. # Format ,
(Menu Bar) ,B,

2. # Edit Fonts ,B,

Select Font to Edit  %. )*%,#&
5'/  4 
'; (Large), & (Normal), : (Small)  :+9 (Tiny) #9  ##
*1',' ( &
5& (Normal)

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

3. +  %9A
%/ ,B,
+/ !
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(Font) )&
' ( (Font Style) & (Font Size)
4. /&
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 92 2=<=D (Moving Window)

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$ !
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% (Title Bar) ,- !

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#+&% (Grid lines) +%
(  ,  +
&% %+

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 Drag-Drop Symbol
 Drag-Drop Symbol !
+ ; 50 !

Symbol ,  *%- %- 
#  *% )*%
/- 1%        Times & Sales +/  ?# Drag-Drop BiY1 01?%(&% 82Y=?)
Symbol B>&B\   "( .(/=pqg ?Z % 82  Y. E eB)& ( Z % 82%=(>&?%=‚( "$$ Drap-Drop

"( .(% 82Y=?) ./01.2B>&B\   "( .=(?=pq g ?Z % 82

• ( Symbol E./01.2 9 (Chart) '  Time & Sales

• ( Symbol E  Symbol '  Description
./01.20.B (Quote)
• %&\   . Symbol
./01.20.B (Quote)
' . ?)  Symbol '  Description
• 8i' )$./01.2 9 (Chart) B8 #. Symbol Y. ?) \i"'

 P9>QD (Symbol List)

:+ ; 50 !

(Symbol) &% ##' %!
.. -  +/ :+ ; 50 #1,#%&
5& %1 & A-Z + ; 50 !

 %1 ,:- 100 + ; 50

1. ".%#/ (0%  
• + #$!
 Symbol List *1  %.
•  1+ #+ ; 50 !

% !

• #' % Symbol  ?# Drag-Drop )*%7+ ; 50 (Symbol) ,
 Symbol List
- %
  #' %
( (Active Window)

2. - / (0 (Add Symbol) '

 Symbol List
• +   !
 Add Symbol ,G
 Enter Symbol *1
• .. + ; 50 !

(Symbol) #&

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

3. #+&/ (0 (Edit Symbol) '

 Symbol List
• !
+ ; 50 !

(Symbol) #&
• +    !
 Edit Symbol ,G
'.. + ; 50 !


4.  / (0 (Delete) '

 Symbol List
• !
+ ; 50 (Symbol) #&
• +   !
# Delete

2 (Active =<=D)
 '# %
( !
Active  ,#


Active  -, Setup Options &
! )*%-'  Active  +$/-
%+ - %  #&

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%   1 +$#' %,$!
%)*%,%7$   #,

 ( # 2 !
+  :,G(
'#' %- )*%$

#,1 #-&  '# %
( 0 0 1   $#   $!


 Apex -+% >%  +/ ' %  %#1

F6 (Summary Quote)  # SET Index H#+/ ;&%,

&#, 1/ &%
F7 (Chart)  %#
% SET Index ()!1
 (SET9V)  $*%  &%
F8 (News)  #-  1%%9 % H56, !
%,% &%
F9 (Fixed Format) 
(&% '(
%&% )*%,%

7 (  1%'H&%H

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

=<=D=S (Quote Window)

' +%
(#- )*%+$+%   '+%I.
%- 9A
Quote !
/+ % New Windowt ,( File  # Quote +/  ?#+% # 4 (

1. Free Quote Format 7(

% -#
2. Quote Grid 7&%+/:,(
  )*% +$!
%-, Quote Codes
3. Quote Board 7&%+/:,( 
%-, Quote Codes
4. Ticker +%
(&%& %  
%+%-, Quote Codes

   Quote Grid
+%#- I.
%&&%( & 1%- %#1
1. 9A ,G$(
*1 !

2. ( File !

 New Window !
# Quote ,G( %.

3. !
 Quote Grid ,G,

4. 0##&
( '/+ - %- #  
Label   +   !

Add Column ,G( Quote Codes *1
5. +$.
%  1# 

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

(#. *1,G#  %+9+

7. .. /  (0 (Symbol) #& 

%   PTT9,TTA9,TOP9,SCB9,KBANK9 |. !
+%99& ' SET50 '' /+ % „ .READ SET50.TXT 0.5 …

8. $&
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9. $&
%    '+    !
 Delete Column

10. $&

( '/+ -#
% ,G((H
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7#%, +#  !
 Sort Descending
•  (H%"&2 32 7#%,# +  !
 Sort Ascending
11. $&
%#+&%    '+   !
 Edit Label ,G
'.. !


   Quote Board
+%#- I.
- %#1
1. 9A ,G$(
*1 !

2. ( File !

 New Window !
# Quote ,G( %.

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

3. !
 Quote Board ,G,

4. $&
%     #
  '/+ - #1# 
  + ),
'- % %&/%#& 
5. +/    -     #+&%    - -/  (0 (Symbol) +$/-
 #   +% Quote Grid

 Full Quote

+$#(," +,  
 #+% 3 Bid 3 Offer 7

.  - %#1
1. 9A ,G,

2. .. !
+ ; 50 (Symbol) #&

Net FF (Net Fund Flows) !

9 #
%%9'9 1 )*%  .,0 :%%
%9 #&&
%( &
%9 1 7-'H%'

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

=<=D X (Chart Window)

 % .
 1%  - 9A Chart !
/+ %
New Windowt ,( File  # Chart

 $ (Chart Toolbar)

 ! "
Refresh Data 9A#1.!
(,$(*%, Apex Server
Add Symbol to Chart #9A#1+$. Symbol -'   -  Symbol : %%%
% Symbol  & -'   #  
Expand Price Scale  ( Y)
Compress Price Scale # ( Y)
Move Chart Up !
Move Chart Down !
Auto Scale Price  '7+#+
Compress Time Scale #  ( X)
Expand Time Scale   ( X)
Shift Chart Left !
 -) (.!
Shift Chart Right !
 -  (.!
Auto Scale Time   '7+#+
Linear Chart Scale ' + Linear
Logarithmic Chart Scale ' + Logarithmic
Percent Change Chart Scale ' + %Change
Bar width   %
Chart Type 
Add Overlay .   Overlay !

Add Study .   Study ,B(

)*%+% !

Replace Study +%(

)*%# !

%  &%  !
'&% #!
Add Split/Study .  '  Study ,/.&%
 (Split Window) '
& &
Add Study to New Layer .  '9
% Study )
Study Parameters +% !

%  ##
(&% #' %
( (Active Window)  
 %  #&
%,- Parameter &% - ,7+# ,/  #' / 0 (  

Remove Study +% !

%  ##
(&% #' %
( (Active Window)   %

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 ! "
Remove All Overlays    Overlay &% #' %
( (Active Window)
Remove Split &% #' %
( (Active Window)
Split Chart .&%

% (Split Window)
Table +%
(, '(
Properties +%&% Chart Properties
Toggle Trend Line Mode +(
% + 
Add Layer .&% )
Remove Layer &% )*%)
Rotate Layers #&%
Make Layer Transparent //-/'9 Layer 7.'+
Synchronize Layers /:

Lock Time Frames '9 Layer '  Interval #   Layer )*%)

(+9   15 #, 30 #
Lock Price Scale '9 Layer ' #   Layer )*%)

Lock Date/Time '9 Layer '  #   Layer )*%)

Lock Bar Spacing '9 Layer '   %
%% #   Layer )*%)

Lock Study Type '9 Layer ' 
% #   Layer )*%)


 9/3 < = (Cross Hair Cursor)

B8 #%D/&%8 "81 "$$". (Horizontal Cursor) Y1 1) >[
1. 9A (Properties) !
+  !
2. !
 General #
 Chart Properties
 Display horizontal cursor 'G!
% „$(… .!

 Display horizontal cursor '!
% „$(… - .!

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

    X!92[ Symbol
! "<12=
+$+% ##
%  - # ?#  %#1
1. .. Symbol -'  9A Enter
2. #9A Add Symbol $!

3. .. Symbol #&

 9A Enter
.. Symbol &#& 
% Comma   KBANK9,SCB9
/  Symbol ,&
%, Symbol & *%#  %
(#0 90 &
& *%
(# 10  #-,.

' + Linear )*%7+&6 &+$

 #+7 Percent Change !
% /- %#1
1. 9A   !
/+ % Scale
2. !
%, Vertical Price Scale 

  l;13`;  X (Chart Properties)

+$ #!
% ?#-# %#1
• #$!
 Chart Properties *1  # Color .!
-+# !

• +    !

 Properties ,G
 Chart Properties *1  
• #9A OK  %,#-+#-&&
%-+#'7-& Default 
% '!
# Restore Default Colors   OK

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 ! "
Background  +#.!1 
Grid Lines  +#
%+&% (Grid Lines)
Scale  +#
Border  +#

Description  +#
5' !
Symbol  Description
Label  +#.!1
& +%+9
Cursor Date/Time  +#&
% #/  )*%
(' Cursor Window
Cursor Background  +#.!1
% Cursor Window

 ! "  "   ! "

Delete #  Page Up !
Insert   Page Down !
 -   #
Home  +'+ Home  +'+

 912 = =9 (Interval) ;  X

%#   % 
% +$/-  %#1

• #$!
  % #&
% !
.. / + %%  9A Enter

 ! " 
 ! "
0   Tick (+%9 #*1) Week  + 
5, 15, 30, 45|  #&,/ #.# . - Month  !

60    % Quarter  -&+
Day    Year  3

  912 X  (Price Chart)

 XS (Bar Chart)
 %,+%8 +(%+9 &/+9 8 % ,+%$*%+(%+9
&/+9 + +#)78 +# 7+9!
8 ?## % # %#1
• 9A  !
 Bar Chart ,(

• 9A  
%+ .!
#$ )  !
 Add Study ,B(
*1 # Bar Chart

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 XS S12 (Candlestick Chart)

 %#+%8 +(%+9 &/+9 8 + 
&/+9 + & #,+%88 ?## %#/- %#1
• 9A  !
 Candlesticks ,(

• 9A 
%+ .!
#$ )  !
 Add Study ,B(
*1 '!

 Xpj Point & Figure

 M( Point & Figure ,-+',0)!1
  M( Point & Figure ,#+ ; 50 X
 O .
& X !

('  %*1 .
& O !

('  %% .
/ Box Size  Reversal (&,'  3)
%( M( Point & Figure
• 9A  !
 Point & Figure ,(

• 9A 
%+ .!
#$ )  !
 Add Study ,B(
*1 '!
Point & Figure
• / Box Size  Reversal &&
%'&% Point & Figures Parameters

 X ; X^=" D (Continuation Chart)

%,+ ;; 8 ,
9 #/ &+1+9+ ;; ,*%-+$(

%&+ ;;-  % 1 ,*%-#/
%&+ ;;.
%  .!
% /-'     '  Symbol  %#1 <Symbol Root>_CON
  CL_CON +/  + ;;&
%+ ;;1/  NYMEX

   XS= :!D (Technical Study)

 3S= :!D
.  -'   # ?#  %#1
1. 9A Add Overlays &
%.,!   Overlay ,B&%
## !

%  9A)
%+  %  #&
2. 9A Add Study to New Split &
#1 &

 Study ,B&%(
## !

%  9A)
%+  %  #&
3. 9A Study Parameters &
%-& 1%&% 

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

S= :!D< Q_`/;2

+$.  #+%+ ;;0
% %# !
%+ ;;0)!1
    Exponential Moving Average, MACD, Price Gap, RSI  Slow Stochastic 7&
4"",! ,"
," ,+#
1. 9A Add Overlays ,G(
2. !
# Formula Overlay /+ - #1#(H  ,G(*1
3. !
# Candle Overlay ,G

%( %#&% )*%+$
% ,G(H+%,9+ ;;0 

//052 /&' ,!  $ ,+#
1. 9A Add Overlays ,G(
2. !
# Formula Overlay /+ - #1#(H  ,G(*1
3. !
# Trading Overlay ,G

%( %#&% )*%+$
% ,G(H+%,9+ ;;0 

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

S= :!D X  (Technical Overlay)

+$+%  &%  .!
& - %#1
1. 9A Add Overlays ,G(
*1 %. 

2. /+ # 

%  #&

S= :!D ! " (Add/Split Study)

+$+%   Study %,
%  - %#1
1. 9A Add Study to New Split ,G(

%  *1

2. + #  #&

%   ,.   1%,
& &

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

  l;"~==9:1;  X (Parameters)
+$-+# ,/   
%+  #+%- '   - %#1
1. -  $
• # $.!
'7 Active Window + %& ,#

• 9A Parameters !
2. -  
• # $,! #-%,
- '7 Active Window )*%,#

• 9A Parameters !

 9 S= :!D (Remove Study)

1. +    (Technical Overlay)
• # $'7 Active Window  9A !
• #9A 0##&
%,   1% 
2. +  %,
(Technical Study)
• # ,! 26 '7 Active Window  9A

S= :!Dp
 X  (Add Study to New Layer)
.  M'+  1 ,' .!
 ##  +# ',  

% # ?#/ %#1
1. #9A ,B(
*1 '+ )#  #&

2. 9A Synchronize Layers  !

• Lock Date/Time .!
Log 9   ''    .!
+ '#/
• Lock Symbol .!
Log 9   '  / 0& 
% Symbol
3. &
%#-(   #)
(% '9A)
%+  % Symbol #&
(+9 !
9A Rotate Layers
4. 0##&
%   '# !
   1  9A

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

  12S12 X9: = =9 (Seasonal Chart)

 %= >?$%B>?$ 9Z 'p %1>?.)
"\(e . %.(
 ="$$Z  g B)$"$$"`
8 (Add Layer)
• % >?
01?9D;= %(B>& Properties Ee= Š $ Chart Properties
' B%(B>&
Seasonal %D&i'1% &YZB>&\   %&% >?$ ?"( .
' (/ OK

• # of Cycles  Ei.Z %8  9B>&\   %= >?$%B>?$ gC& B8 #D/D2\.) %(ZY1 \\  
• Cycle Length  e?e%.(Z "\(e%8  9 01?Ee  / E . %.( (Cycle Units)
• Cycle Units  . %.(B>&\   %= >?$%B>?$ Ee"$ %=‚ 8)=1'2 (Week), %1 (Month) "(e=m (Year)

E\).?  91 $ Ee%=‚ %= >?$%B>?$ 9 4 %8  (# of Cycles = 4) 01?"\(e%8 Ee? '() Bp 1 =m
(Cycle Length = 1, Cycle Units = Year)

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 =< =  (Trend Lines)

 + ' Apex /- 9A Trend Mode ,B$!


 ! "
% +  9A /+ %#1,$(!


+ &+ 

+  Fibonacci Retracements
+  Speed Lines
+  Gann Time Price
+  Gann Square
+  Andrew‹s Pitchfork
.+  Fibonacci Retracements ,+ #!
.+ ( 
.+ ( # %  
+ #!
+  1%
'+ & +

% Fibonacci
% Gann Time Price  Gann Square

 92 2 = 

1. !
+ - %+ #&

2. + ,#,( 7
3. 9A)
%+ %-   + - %&/%#&

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 2< =  (Extending)

•  19A)
%+ #+ #&

 9 =  (Deleting Trend Lines)

+  /- ?#  %#1
% ," !# '9A)
%+ % +#&
• 9A Delete Line $!
9A Delete # 
% ,#-# 6 
• 9A Delete All Lines $!
/+ % Delete All ,(+ 

 =  Fibonacci Retracements

 +  Fibonacci Retracement # %#1
1. /,9
% +
  & %,9 2 ,9#1 (!
+(%+9 !
+(%+9- %,96&/+9'
 % #M)
2. 9A Horizontal Fibonacci
/+ % Fibonacci ,( Trend Line
3. 9A)
%+ ,# 9,B+ 
 1 +  9A)
%+  %,9#+
% ,B
+ Fibonacci *1
%. +  Fibonacci ,+ ##
( # 1&
1. 9A)- %+ #& 
%.+ Fibonacci  9A Add Fibonacci Lines
2. 9A)
%+  %,9#&
% ,#+ Fibonacci  %+ ,9#/- 

Bisnews AFE (Thailand) Limited Helpdesk 0-2637-5555 | e-mail: Page 26/77

 (Apex Manual for Training room)

  912 ~=Q  Fibonacci (Fibonacci Options)

9A Fibonnaci Options $!
+%&% Fibonacci Options

$7   ! "
Predefined Fibonacci Line 1, 6, 7, 8: Percent = 0.00
Line 2: Percent = 100.00
Line 3: Percent = 38.20
Line 4: Percent = 50.00
Line 5: Percent = 61.80
1/3rds Line 1, 5, 6, 7, 8: Percent = 0.00
Line 3: Percent = 33.33
Line 4: Percent = 66.66
Custom /,/  % #&
Mirror ++

Extend 1 + Trendline -%)
Extend 2 + Trendline -% 
Save as Default :%!
-#1- ' &

Close 8&% Fibonacci Options -' & !
Cancel & 1% Fibonacci Options
Apply ' & !
#/-  .
 1%8&% Fibonacci Options

Bisnews AFE (Thailand) Limited Helpdesk 0-2637-5555 | e-mail: Page 27/77

 (Apex Manual for Training room)

  12S12 X; !92[ Symbol <23 Layer

% Symbol ## &&%  +$/-.
Layer )*%7/ &  '7M.'+  /)
  +/  1&
+% # %#1
1. 9A Chart .!
#   *1
2. .. !

(Symbol) #&
%-  9A Enter   SETBANK
3. 9A Add Layer .!
4. .. !

(Symbol) #&
%/##-  9A Enter   BBL9
5. &
%. ## :'/& 1&
# 3  4
# 1%
6. Layer 
% #.*1,7.'+.!
% -

7. 9A Synchronize Layers  !

• Lock Date/Time .!
Log 9   ''    .!
+ '#/
• Lock Study Type .!
Log 9   .!
+ '-(
8. &
%#-(   #)
(% '9A)
%+  % Symbol #&
(+9 !
9A Rotate Layers
9. &
% Symbol ' '# !

% Symbol  1  9A
10. +$-+#
% & Symbol -#9A ,G( Chart Properties '
# Study Colors -+#'

% Study 1, Study 2  Study 3 -!

11. $&
& Default 
% '# Restore Default Colors

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

=<=D;= (News Window)

+$#( -9A News .!
#  1%5-
%N5 !
Thai News .!
# 5- 1 )*% 
 % %1 ,:- 8,000 1

*  ;= (News Toolbar)

 ! "
Up 1 line !

Down 1 line !

Page Up !
*1# 1 ,
9A PgUp ## 
Page Down !
%# 1 ,
9A PgDn ## 
Back to Top  # 
 +9 (!
9A Home ## 
Show all headlines 9 (
Categories  ( &% !

% (#&
Search Headlines  .. /#&
+ ; 50 (0# !
%&  9)
Properties  #-+#
Print Story + %.. !1

Story to Clipboard :
3O - %
!   MS Word !
MS Outlook

~ =!2 =2

& "(e \   ' China "(e Japan
Z.%1>?.) D/D2 china&japan
, '  \   ' China "\Y> Japan
Z.%1>?.) D/D2 china,japan
% "(eY \   ' China '  Japan
Z.%1>?.) D/D2 china%japan
! E)1i \   'Z. US "\Y% USA '  Australia D/D2 us!

  !;=!9 S1

/XRTR  5
 /XMGO  ,M(, 

/XBR  -,+/  
 /XMGD  ,M(,  
/XBS +9% %+!
..  1 /XBE  5-,&  .
/XBT  ,+/  
 /XSET  5
%N5,&  .
/XCMT   ,
 /XPR   + . ?
 /DEAL  9 Big Lot Deal

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 , Apex - %
!   MS Word !
+% e-mail - #
1. -'!1
0## 8 9:&*(+,, Apex - %
! '#5
#9 , En 7 Th
2. #$!
+   !
 Story to Clipboard

3.  MS Word  !

# Paste 1 ) Edit !

4. +$- !
%# MS Word

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

=<=DX^_DX D (Fixed Format Window)

./01.2>[ .$ .Z ('('(?%Z Y. 1. ?) >()zfe%'') 8gC& = e$1 .?' 8 $)c%D& .?

  'Z ( 01?i%8Z (B)[
= e%B"(e\ = e%B  % >?1Z (BiY1 01?
• (/=pq Fixed Format $"#$% &  '  < F9
• D/D2'?%(Z' B>&\   "( .1=pq Enter

X^_DX D (Fixed Format Menu)

~ 29:12<
Page Up %(&ZC[Y=' ' >[
Page Down %(&( Y=' #)1Y=
Format = )$"\ \).)z

8 #
% 82 Wheel
 %(&' Y1 1 .?% )
• Page Up
' %(&((/[ ZC[Y=1 $E\).B
• Page Down
' %(&((/[ ( 1 ( %Z '\).B

8i' )$=2 ; ; 9!  Fixed Format )[ B8 #1Y1 E jp=S 29

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

:`  (Alarms)

B8 #\)[ Alarms
' 0= " Bi %\%& 'p ' Z ( 
1W \ )$% &YZB>&\ )[ Y. 01?>
 %\'(?"$$ %  %8>?  ( Z . ' 8)&
' 0= " %=d1' %DEB>B& \  
 i'1% &YZ 8 #
Y1 B)[ % >?(YB2 8\ i% & (Boolean Operator) "(e% & '?B
f/\8\ 2 gC& BEe\  Bi e$p Symbol B>&\   Bp ) [ 8i' )$\)."= B>
 \) [ % & YZY1 >1) >[

= =!2 = =!2

.ASK %8Z?(8p1 .OI Open Interest Z 8)cc9d.%E 2
.BID %8g[(8p1 .OPEN %=d1
.CHANGE %=(>&?"=( .PREV =d1.)
.HIGH 8 8p1 .VALUE ( g[Z? (Ei.% /)
.LOW \&i8p1 .VOLUME = /f g[Z?

=2 29:12<
PTT9>370 %\%& %B 1Z PTT . 370
PTT9==370 %\%& %B 1Z PTT %B)$ 370
PTT9.LOW<360 %\%& \&i8p1Z PTT  ?. 360

B8 #
8\ B>&%Z>?Y. Bi \)[ %\Y1 \).? %  BY1 %Z>?8\ Z %B/./% e'2 RSI 14
.)gC& i.fEZ ( ?.)"$$% >?(YB2 1) >[
=2 29:12<
RSI14D(PTT9)>30 %\%& RSI 14 .)Z PTT . 30
RSI14D(BBL9)<50 %\%& RSI 14 .)Z BBL  ?. 50

  !2S Q„ D

8 #
% & '?B f/\8\ 2
 \) [ % &YZ gC & >% & '? 1) >[
  !2 29:12<
^ ?i()
+ $.
- ($
* f
/ '

=2 29:12<
(PTT9.HIGH+PTT9.LOW)/2==362 %\%&%–(>&? e'. 8 8p1"(e\&i8p1%B)$ 362

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

  !2 12S12

B8 #
% & '?
\  1 ( %D&Bi %= >?$%B>?$ 
 \)[ %\
  !2 29:12<   !2 29:12<
== %B)$ != Y%B)$
>= .' %B)$ > .
<=  ?.' %B)$ <  ?.

~  (Boolean Operator)

B8 #% &% &YZ'(?W % &YZ%Z 1 .?)01?
i% &
~  29:12< =2
AND „"(e… % &% &YZ%Z 1 .?) 01?Ee%\%&Bp% &YZ%/1ZC[ PTT9>370 AND PTT9.LOW>368
OR „' … % &% & YZ%Z 1 .?) 01?Ee%\%&% &YZ
1W %/1ZC[ PTT9>370 OR PTT9.LOW>368

 3 l;
 %D/&% &YZ
 e$$%\ >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %(i8)& Alarmst E% Tools Ee= ~' \ Alarm List 1) aD

2. (/=pq Add Ee= ~' \ 8i' )$

8% &YZ 1) aD

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

' \ 8i' )$

8% &YZ >B)[ '1 11 9d(12Z ( 1) >[
X^9<D 29:12<
Trigger Condition % &YZB>&\   \)[ %\ 01?EEe%=‚ e1)$ ' 8\
8Z .B>&\  
' "81 %.(B>&% &YZ%/1ZC[ gC& EeD/D2%Z Y=' Z Y=lY1
Command Action on Trigger i8)& B>&\   %&% & YZ%/1ZC[ %  % >?' %DE "81 ./01.2Z. 8)& D/D2
Trigger State \  
' % &YZ%\%&
Trigger Frequency .#>Z&   %\
Enabled \  
' %\' Y
Auto-Delete Bi ($% &YZB/ [ B)B> %&% &YZ%/1ZC["( .
Visual Alert "81 ( Z .
Audio Alarm >%8>?  %\
Audio Repeat >%8>?  %\g[iBpW 10 ./B>
Current State "E 8#eZ % &YZ f Zfe>[
de 29:12<
OK Save % &YZ>[ "( .()$8' \ Alarm List
Cancel =d1' \ Alarm List 01?Y Save % &YZ
Delete ($% &YZ "( .()$8' \ Alarm List
3. D/D2% &YZB>&\   %Z Y=
  Trigger Condition % 
PTT9>350 !2==  S < PTT = 350 S
4. D/D2Z .B>&\  
' "81 %.(  %\B>&  Memorandum 'Y\   %D/&Z .%\ l
8 #Z Z)[\>[Y=Y1 %(?
5. D/D2i8)& B>\&  
' 1i%/ %&% &YZ%/1ZC[
  Command Action on Trigger %  \  

' % >?'  9gC& Save Y.

 & F-CHART D B) [ %=(>&? Symbol %=‚ PTT i8)& B>&D/D2Ee%=‚ F-CHART;PTT9

' % >?' %DEB>&Y1 8  Y.
' D/ D2 &%DEB>&\   "( .\1 .? &'p   MYPAGE;\PTT9
'?.. 0= " Ee% >?'  MY PAGE ZC[ "( .%=(>&? Symbol
BpW ./01.2%=‚ PTT9

6. i'1 Trigger State 01?(/=pqB>&\  

• True %\%&% &YZ%=‚E /
• False %\%&% &YZ%=‚%BlE
• Change %\%&% &YZ> %=(>&?"=(
7. i'1 Trigger Frequency 01?(/=pqB>&\  

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

8. %("$$Z %8>? B>&\   E  Audio Alarm:

9. i'19d(12&W \\  
10. (/=pq OK

 9 l;
 ($% &YZ >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %(i8)& Alarmst E% Tools Ee= ~' \ Alarm List 1) aD

2. (/=pqg ?Z % 82?) % &YZB>&\   ($ "(e (/=pq Delete

  l; l;
 ($% &YZ >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %(i8)& Alarmst E% Tools Ee= ~' \ Alarm List 1) aD

2. (/=pqg ?Z % 82?) % &YZB>&\   " YZ

3. (/=pq Edit Ee= ~' \ Edit Alarm ZC[

4. " YZ9d(12B\>&  
5. (/=pq OK
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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

Color Rules
B8 #i'1% &YZ
 D(\8>Z  9Y1 Y.Ee%=‚ 9 '  9%B/./% e'2
\).? %  *  ^<=1`  = ^<=
! S  X‰1;12= * l

! ‰1< gC & Eei'1
% &YZ%=‚1) >[


01?B>& $1 SS1< =2; 9; Symbol B>&Eei'11;  X CLR_GREEN %=‚B>&Ee%/1ZC[%&% &YZ

%=‚E / 9: CLR_RED %=‚B>&Ee%/1ZC[%&% &YZ%=‚%BlE 01?
'()%1>?.)$9o 2 )& IF( )

EE>[? ) 8 #
 ~!<1;  XS= :!DY1 >1 .? \).? %  # ' RSI
14 == 70
! ‰  X‰1;12= "(e RSI 14 = 2= 30
! ‰1< . B>& RSI 2 :!= 30-
! ‰1!9 Color Rules B>&%Z>?Ee%=‚ 1) >[

'\   9121; S= :!D<2 12S12;  Symbol )[

"B $1 \).? %  \   ' ^<; !d  ;k` 2 =<
! 1; Volume ‰1;12= * l
< Ee%Z>? Color Rules 1) >[

8i' )$8>B>&
 Color Rules > 1) >[
1 ~ 1 ~
%'( Clr_Yellow 8  Clr_Orange
%Z>?. Clr_Green %B Clr_Gray
9— Clr_Cyan "1 Clr_Red
Z. Clr_White [i% / Clr_Blue
. Clr_Violet D. Clr_Purple
D Clr_Pink 1i Clr_Black
8i8)& „CLR_… i'  &Z 8>Bp )[ %& EEeY=g[i)$ Symbol Z \(1'p  Nasdaq

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 3 Color Rules

 %D/& Color Rules >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %( Color Rulest E% Tools Ee= ~' \ Color Rules 1) aD

2. (/=pq Add Ee= ~' \ New Color Rule ZC[

3. ' \ New Color Rules >9d(12Z (B)[ '1 3 9d(12 1) >[
X^9<D 29:12<
Name &Z Color Rules
Formula 8\ % &YZZ Color Rules 01?
8\ IF( )
Memorandum Z .%\.Ei ('Y\   D/D2Z . 8 #Z Z)[\>[Y1 )
Status "81 8#eZ Color Rules .D/D2Bp? #\  ' Y 'YY1
8 &Z Color Rues
EeZC[Z .. „Nonempty name required.… 'BD/D2$ ? Y#\  / $# . Ee
= ~Z ."E f \i"' >[
'D/D2Bp? #\  "#$8#e= ~Z . „OK…

de 29:12<
OK Save 8\ Color Rules >[ "( .()$8' \ Color Rules
Cancel =d1' \ New Color Rules 01?Y Save
Delete ($ Color Rules >[ "( .()$8' \ Color Rules
Import Import Y9(2 Color Rules

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

4. \)[ &Z Color Rules

8% &YZZ Color Rules
  Formula 8. 
Memorandum 'Y\  
' Z Y=Y1 %(?

5. (/=pq OK

1 Color Rules
%&i'1% &YZZ  "81 8>Z Color Rules % >?$ ?"( ."( . ./˜> i8>Z Color Rules 

 9)[>Z)[\ 1) >[
1. ^< XB>&\  
 Color Rules
2. (/=pq Parameters E"#$% &  9 \).? %  \   %=(>&?8>Z Volume
3. Ee= ~' \ Parameters Z  9B>&\   %=(>&?8>
4. (/B>&=pq8> Ee= ~!  1
' %( 1) aD

5. (/=pq Color Rules| Ee= ~ ? &Z Color Rules ZC[

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

6. %( &Z Color Rules B>&\   %  Price & Volume Up

7. (/=pq OK

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

B8 #%Z>?8\ %D/&%\/%B/./% e'2 ' 8\ i.f\ W Z B% Y1 \\   01?8 #
%Z>?Y1 2 "$$ 
1. 8\ i.fB f/\8\ 2 Ee%=‚
88\ %D&i.f\ W
2. 8\ %B/./% e'2 %D&%=‚ iY.
'  9

 (Formula Names)

B8 #\)[ &8\ Y1 \\   01?EEe
% & '? „_… % & '\   %. .  e'. i % 
percent_chg %=‚\  "\Y8 #
&8)c()zf2 (Symbol), '?%(Z '  i8)& %  MACD Y1

3  DS1

 ;12 S= :!D (Formula Parameters)
 %Z>?8\ 8i' )$%B/./% e'2 Ee\  i'1D /%\ 2>[Bp )[
Type Param. 29:12<
INPUT 8  %B/./% e'2"$$ Overlays
SERIES 8  %B/./% e'2"$$ Studies

  !2S Q„ D (Mathematic Operators)

'()  % >? (i1)$.8i)cEg ?Y=Z. ' 
. %(l$
  !2 29:12<
^ ?i()
+ $.
- ($
* f
/ '

= Symbol (Instrument Variables)

\.) "= Symbol
 %Z>?8\ Ee .?%D/& .8e1.Z B 01?0= " EeBi i.fE
Symbol \ W B>
& 8%Z Y= 01?\)."= Symbol Ee
%=‚ $1 %8
\).?  %Z>?8\ 01?
\.) "= Symbol 100*($1-min($1.low,9))/(max($1.high,9)-min($1.low,9))

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

=  (Price Variable)

B8 #i'1 B>&

 i.fY1 %  \   i.fE  High '  Low gC& >\.) "= B>&

 %Z>?8\ Y1 1) \  1 (
= 29:12<
.avg %–(>&? e'. High, Low "(e Close 01?i.fE (High+Low+Close)/3
.close =d1
.high 8 8p1
.last (8p1 gC& .  Bid, Ask, Trade "(e Settle
.low \&i8p1
.midpt ( e'. High "(e Low 01?i.fE (High+Low)/2
.open %=d1
.prev =d1.)

    ; 9
<1 (Reference to Past Bars)
   / Z (
% & '? [ ] 01?
8Ei..)/"B  9B>&\     / ? '() %  [1] %&
\     / Z)(? '() Y= 1 .)/"B  9 '  [2] %&\     / Z)(? '() Y= 2.)/"B  9
   dXc D S` !<
Xc D  29:12< Type Period Other Params
Param Param
Abs( ) Absolute Value  Shift (Optional)
Dev( ) Standard Deviation   Shift (Optional)
Disttomax( ) Distance to maximum price  - Minbars, Maxbars
Disttomin( ) Distance to minimum price  - Minbars, Maxbars
Exp( ) Exponential  - Shift (Optional)
Log( ) Logarithm  - Shift (Optional)
Log10( ) Base 10 Logarithm  - Shift (Optional)
Rangemax( ) Maximum price in defined range  - Minbars, Maxbars
Rangemin( ) Minimum price in defined range  - Minbars, Maxbars
Rmax( ) Ranged maximum   Shift (Optional)
Rmin( ) Ranged minimum   Shift (Optional)
Rsum( ) Ranged sum   Shift (Optional)
Sqrt( ) Square Root  - Shift (Optional)
Sum( ) Sums all values listed - -
IF( ) If|Then|Else - -
Max( ) Maximum   Shift (Optional)
Min( ) Minimum   Shift (Optional)
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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

Xc D  29:12< Type Period Other Params

Param Param
ADX( ) Average Directional Index  
BB( ) Bollinger Bands  - Moving Avg. Length,
Standard Deviation, Envelop
Length, Shift (Optional)
CCI( ) Commodity Channel Index  
MOM( ) Momentum  
DIO( ) Directional Oscillator  
DMINEG( ) Directional Movement Negative  
DMIPOS( ) Directional Movement Positive  
Moving Average
EAVG( ) Exponential Moving Average   Shift (Optional)
HAVG( ) Hamming Moving Average   Shift (Optional)
MAVG( ) Modified Moving Average   Shift (Optional)
SAVG( ) Simple Moving Average   Shift (Optional)
Moving Average
WAVG( ) Weighted Moving Average   Shift (Optional)
HVOL( ) Historical Volatility   Deviation, Trading Periods,
Base, Multiplier, Shift
KELTNER( ) Keltner Channel   Multiplier, Shift (Optional)
RSI( ) Relative Strength Index  
FSTOCH( ) Fast Stochastic  
SSTOCH( ) Slow Stochastic   Smooth period
CHART( ) Cyber Chart - - Bar Width, Bar Type,
Numbars, No Gap
Scale( ) Units or number of decimal places in - -
which a quote is displayed.
Use in Quote window only

     (Self-Referencing Formulas)

B8 #
% & '? [ ]
   / Z (
1>\E8\ Y1 % %1>?.) \\).? Z  \ 
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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

Xc D  Cyber Chart

= e0? 2Z  %Z>?8\ 01?
9 o 2 )& Cyber Chart > 1) >[
1. i\).%(ZE8\ "81
2. \)[ %\ (Alarm) Z Z (%B/./% e'2' 8\
3. 1C Z 8\ Y=?) Excel

    Cyber Chart

Formula Name=chart((formula)[-1],barwidth,bartype,100,nogaps)

[-1] Calc on
8%8 8i' )$Z ( ?.) '\  
' i.fE % >?(YB2
%=‚ [-2] "\
%&\(1=d1"( .Z (Ee#%(>? 2B/[ '1

..  Z "B  9 Ei%=‚\ 
 X 2 =9;
Ticks 1
Minutes 1-1439
Days 1-7, 30, 90, 365

= e%aBZ  9 Ei%=‚\ 
 X 2 =9;
Tick 0
Minutes 1
Days 2

Numbars \ ™ 100

' i.f01?=d1 . .)'?p1' Y gC& Eei'1/Yi'1lY1 \ ™ Nogaps On (=d1
. .)'?p1)
Xc D  =9;
Nogaps off 0
Nogaps on 1

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

=2  ;12 Cyber Chart ; S= :!D~! ; 9 2=

S= :!D  Cyber Chart

Average Directional Index (ADX) 14 =
• % >?(YB2 ADX_RT=CHART(ADX($1,14)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) ADX_ED=CHART(ADX($1,14)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Bollinger Bands (BB) 20 =
• % >?(YB2 BBTOP_RT=CHART(BB($1,20,2,1)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) BBTOP_ED=CHART(BB($1,20,2,1)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Directional Oscillators (DIO) 14 =
• % >?(YB2 DIO_RT=CHART(DIO($1,14)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) DIO_ED=CHART(DIO($1,14)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Directional Indicators (DI+, DI-) 14 =
• % >?(YB2 DMIPOS_RT=CHART(DMIPOS($1,14)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) DMIPOS_ED=CHART(DMIPOS($1,14)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Exponential Moving Average (EAVG) 10 =
• % >?(YB2 EAVG_RT=CHART(EAVG($1,10)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) EAVG_ED=CHART(EAVG($1,10)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Hamming Moving Average (HAVG) 10 =
• % >?(YB2 HAVG_RT=CHART(HAVG($1,10)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) HAVG_ED=CHART(HAVG($1,10)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Modified Moving Average (MAVG) 10 =
• % >?(YB2 MAVG_RT=CHART(MAVG($1,10)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) MAVG_ED=CHART(MAVG($1,10)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Simple Moving Average (SAVG) 10 =
• % >?(YB2 SAVG_RT=CHART(SAVG($1,10)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) SAVG_ED=CHART(SAVG($1,10)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Weighted Moving Average (WAVG) 10 =
• % >?(YB2 WAVG_RT=CHART(WAVG($1,10)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) WAVG_ED=CHART(WAVG($1,10)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Historical Volatility (HVOL) 253 =
• % >?(YB2 HVOL_RT=CHART(HVOL($1,10,1,253)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) HVOL_ED=CHART(HVOL($1,10,1,253)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

S= :!D  Cyber Chart

Fast Stochastic (FSTOCH) 14 =
• % >?(YB2 FASTK_RT=CHART(FSTOCH($1,14)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) FASTK_ED CHART(FSTOCH($1,14)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Slow Stochastic (SSTOCH) 14 =
• % >?(YB2 SLOWK_RT=CHART(SSTOCH($1,14,0.5)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) SLOWK_ED=CHART(SSTOCH($1,14,0.5)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Modified Stochastic (MSTOCH) 14 =
• % >?(YB2 MSTOCHK_RT=CHART(MAVG(FSTOCH($1,14),3)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) MSTOCHK_ED=CHART(MAVG(FSTOCH($1,14),3)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)
• % >?(YB2 MACD_RT=CHART((EAVG($1,0.2)-EAVG($1,0.1))[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) MACD_ED=CHART((EAVG($1,0.2)-EAVG($1,0.1))[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Relative Strength Index (RSI) 14 =
• % >?(YB2 RSI_RT=CHART(RSI($1,14)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) RSI_ED=CHART(RSI($1,14)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)
Momentum (MOM) 10 =
• % >?(YB2 MOM_RT=CHART(MOM($1,10)[-2],1,2,100,1,1)
• Z .) MOM_ED=CHART(MOM($1,10)[-1],1,2,100,1,1)

  12<; S= :!D

%&B%Z>?8\ % >?$ ?"( . 8 #iZ 8\ B>&%Z>?"$$ Cyber Chart "81
\).? %  %Z>?8\ 8i' )$%B/./% e'2 RSI 14 .) 1) >[
' %Z 80 '1Z 
8  ' 0.B (Modify Layout) "( .D/D2 1) >[
%&BE0'1Z  8  ./01.20.B "( .Bi

8 Symbol B>&\   0= " EeBi i.f%B/
./% e'2 RSI 8i' )$ Symbol )[

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 ` S= :!D (Alarms)

%&B%Z>?8\ % >?$ ?"( . 8 #iZ 8\ B>&%Z>?"$$ Cyber Chart \) [ %\Y1 \).? % 
\    RSI ; ; Overbought = 70 01?>D /%\ 2 1) >[
• \   i.f RSI gC& > Period %=‚ 14 Z 'p  PTT
• i.fE 9 ? 30 B>
• =d1  . B>&%/1ZC[E.)'?p1 (Nogaps On)
ED /%\ 2Z  \  8\ B>&%Z>?Y1 Ee%=‚ 1) >[

%&\   i\)[ %\

  Trigger Condition
' D/D2 1) >[

 3 (Adding a Formula)

 %D/&8\ %Z Y= >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %(i8)& Formulas... E% Tools Ee= ~' \ Formula Manager 1) aD

2. (/=pq New Ee= ~' \ New r Formula Editor

3. D/D28\ B>&\   %Z Y=

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

4. (/=pq Save
5. (/%(09(%1 2B>&\   %l$8\ >[Y.

6. (/=pq OK

  l; (Modifying a Formula)

 " YZ8\ >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. 1)$%$/[((/?) &8\ B>\&   " YZE' \ Formula Manager
2. Ee= ~' \ Formula Editor ZC[

3. Bi " YZ8\ \\   "( .(/=pq Save

4. =d1' \ Formula Editor

 9 (Deleting a Formula)

 ($8\ >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %=d1' \ Formula Manager
2. (/?) &8\ B>\&   ($
3. (/=pq Delete
4. Ee= ~' \ Confirm File Delete ZC[

5. (/=pq Yes

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

Xc D  Scale
9o 2 )&>[>= e0? 2
 i'1'.?Z Z (B>&\   "81
./01.20.B %  =\/"( .8\ B>&%Z>?

0= "  Apex Ee"81 Z (%=‚Ep1B/? 'B\  
8\ )[ Y=
)$Z (D)˜$)\ 8' )™š gC& >'.?%=‚
%z8. (32nd‹s) B8 #
9o 2 )& Scale
 %=(>&?'.?Z 8\ EB/?%=‚%z8.Y1

   ; Xc D  Scale
B>&\   %=(>&?"=( '.? gC& EEe%=‚ Symbol, \)."= Symbol '  8\ lY1
gC & EEe%=‚ \).%(Z, Symbol '  \)."= Symbol
'.?Z %1>?.)$'p  PTT SCALE($1,PTT9)
'  %Change "81 Ep1B/? 2 Ep1 SCALE($1.NET*100/$1.PREV),100)
'  Change >'.?%1>?.)$ %B 1Z Symbol & SCALE($1.CHANGE,$2)

deXc D 12D (Shortcut Keys)

' %DE' i8)&
$?W 8 #ii'1Y.
=pq9o 2 )&>?2Y1 %D&%D/&.8e1. .1% l.

 ~!<de Xc D 12D
 i'1=pq9o 2 )&>?2 >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %(i8)& Shortcut Keyst E% Tools
2. Ee= ~' \ Main Shortcut Keys ZC[ 1) aD

3. (/=pqg ?Z % 82?)  Value Z  =pq 9o 2 )&>?2B\>&  

4. D/D2 &' %DE' i8)& B>&\   %Z Y= "(e 1=pq Enter

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 ghij3" Apex
 ›==mœaDE Apex %D&iY=

0= " &W >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. (/?) % Edit $"#$i8)& Ee= ~%?? 1) aD

2. %("$$Z 8>B>&\   Ee›==mœE% Copy Preferences 01?(/

' >% & '? ' "$$Z 8>
Full Color ›==mœ8>\' E
Partial Color ›==mœ%D>? $ 8>
Monochrome ›==mœ%=‚aDZ.1i

3. %(D>[B>&B>&\   ›==mœE% Copy to Clipboard 01?(/

' >% & '? ' "$$B>&\  
Current Window ›==mœ./01.2B>& Active ?
Window| %(›==mœ./01.2B>&\   '() E%(i8)& Copy "( .
' (/=pq
g ?Z % 82?) ./01.2B>&\   ›==mœ
Select View| i'1D[B>&B>&\   ›==mœ '() E%(i8)& Copy "( .
' (
% 82%D&i'1D[B>&
Page ›==mœBp./01.2B>&"81 ?$' E  l==' %DEB)[ '1

4. %=d10= " B>&\   Ee. aD "( .%(i8)& Paste E% Edit

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

 <k ; 9l2 Excel (DDE Link)

B8 #1C Z (E0= "  Apex Y=?) Microsoft Excel Y1 01?
DDE Link gC&
 1C Z (
Ee\  %=d10= "  Apex 1 .?Bp )[
 1C Z (E Apex Y=?) Excel 8 #1C Y1 3 "$$ 1) >[
1. Quote   1C Z ("$$% >?(YB2
2. History   1C Z (? '()
3. Formula   1C Z (E8\ Cyber Chart B>&%Z>?Y.
B8 #% >?% DDE Y1 E Apex "(e Microsoft Excel %&\   % >?% DDE E0= "  Apex

' %(i8)& Create DDE Link... E% Tools

8i' )$ % >?% DDE E Microsoft Excel

"#$% & Z Apex

 <`    DDE Link

0= "  DDE Link BEe\  Bi \/1\)[ 0= "  01?>Z)[\ 1) >[
1. %=d10= "  Microsoft Excel
2. %=d1Y9(2 qmaster.xlb EY1% lB > ‘C:\Program Files\Apex 4.2 Workstation for Windows\dde’
3. (/=pqg ?Z % 82B>&i8)& View $*~ ; Excel "( .%( Toolbars

4. (/
' >% & '? '  Aspen DDE Tools Ee>*  ; DDE ZC[ 1) aD

5. %(i8)& Add-Ins.. E% Tools Ee= ~' \ Add-Ins ZC[

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

6. (/=pq Browse "( .%=d1Y9(2 Arg32.xla E ‘C:\Program Files\Apex 4.01 Workstation for
Windows\dde’ Ee>i. Aspen Graphics DDE Add-in ZC[ 
' \ >[ D )$>% & '? 

7. (/=pq OK

DDE Link  Quote

 1C Z (% >?(YB2E Apex Y=?) Excel >Z)[\ 1) >[

1. %=d10= "  Apex "(e Microsoft Excel
0= "  Excel %(& cursor Y=. Y. ?) \i"' B>&\   . Z (
3. (/=pq Create DDE Link Ee= ~' \ DDE Link Generator
4. D/D2 Symbol Z Z (B>&\  
5. %(()2Z Z (B>\&   01?(/=pq "Short List" '  "Long List"
6. 1)$%$/[((/?) ()2B>&\   01?()2B>&%(Y. Ee%Z Y=?

 f>B>&\   ($$ ()2gC& ?
' 1)$%$/[((/?) ()2)[ '\   ($B)[ '1

' (/B>&=pq Clear Selections

7. (/=pq Copy Link

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

DDE Link  History

X^9<D 29:12<
Start Date and End Date i'1.)% /&\ "(e.)8/[8p1
 1C Z ( 01? ="$$Z .)B>&%=‚ MM/DD/YY
\).? %  \   1C Z (\)[ "\.)B>& 15 /.?. 2004
  Start Date D/D2.
Start Time and End Time
%&\   1C Z (%=‚ ?B> %=‚ i'1%.(B>&% /&\ "(e8/[8p1
Z ( 01?> ="$$%=‚ HH:MM "(e
ž/"$$ 24 )&.0 \).? %  \   1C
Z (E#C %.($? 4 0
  End Time D/D2. 16:00
Max Days i'1Ei..)B>&\   1C Z (
 f>B>&%(1C Z ("$$ Daily \).? % 
\   1C Z ((8p1 20 .)
  Max Days EeD/D2\).%(Z 20
Periods i'1Ei.Z (B>\&   01?YiC #C = e%aBZ Interval B>&%(Y.
\).? %  \   1C Z ( ? 15 B>? '() Y=Ei. 100 record

' D/ D2\).%(Z 100 'Y\   e$p Max Days "(e Periods
8%(Z 0
Skip gaps =d1 . .)'?p1Z \(1
Sort Descending 1C Z (E=oEEp$)Y='1>\ ' E1>\'=oEEp$)
 1C Z (? '() E Apex Y=?) Excel >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. (/=pq Create DDE Link Ee= ~' \ DDE Link Generator
2. (/B>&09(%1 2 History
3. D/D2 Symbol Z Z (B>&\  
4. %("$$Z Z (B>&\   E  Interval 01?(/%("$$Z Interval B>&\  
'B%("$$ Intraday
' D/D2Ei.B>B>&\  
  Span %  \   1C Z ( ? 15 B>

8\).%(Z 15
5. '\  
' Z  . .)'?p1Z \(1
' (/  '   Skip Gaps
6. i'1 . e?e%.(B>&\   1C Z (
  Time Series
7. %(()2Z Z (B>&\   E  Quote Elements 01?=\/"( .BpW ()2Ee#%(Y. '
Y\   ()2
' (/?) ()2)[ "#$8>[i% /Ee'?Y= '() E)[(/=pq Copy Link

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

DDE Link  Formula

 1C Z (8\ gC& %Z>?"$$ Cyber Chart E Apex Y=?) Excel >Z)[\ 1) >[
1. (/=pq Create DDE Link Ee= ~' \ DDE Link Generator
2. (/B>&09(%1 2 Formula
3. D/D2 &Z 8\ "( .\1 .?% & '?. %(l$01?
8 Symbol B>&\   1C Z (Y.
. %(l$ % 
4. (/=pq Copy Link

! 3"3 (New Page Manager)

+ + -..,#
/  + 7  '    1%
(9 8 ,

  ,  - # 

 HotHit  TFEX
?##' %.,#1 +$/-9A !
 F3 .!
# Page Manager
 %, 1'# 
  1  !

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

X9< D Hot Hit


%=‚ 8  ' EY. B)[ '1 4 ./01.2 01?"\(e./01.2)[ Ee"81 ".0  \)1ZC[ "(e( Z %B/
./% e'2"$$\ W $ 9  8i' )$1 ( )[Ee"81 ". )$"(e".\ Z %B/./% e'2)[ 01?"$ %=‚
1.  < 
a. Volume y = /f g[Z? (Ei.'p ) gC& "81 %=‚"B 8>%Z>?."(e8>"1 01?>.'?1) >[
• S ;12=  = /f g[Z? f .)=oEEp$) = #).%–(>&?= /f g[Z? 5 .)
• S <  = /f g[Z? f .)=oEEp$)  2= #).%–(>&?Z = /f g[Z? 5 .)
b. MACD Oscillator y %B/./% e'2 MACD "(e MACD Oscillator
•  X   %B/./% e'2Z %8  MACD "(e %8  Signal
•  XS  %B/./% e'2 MACD Oscillator gC& # B>&Y1 . 0 Ee"81 %=‚"B 8>%Z>?.

B ()$) # B>&Y1  ?. 0 Ee"81 %=‚"B 8>"1

2.  < 9
•  = Level 1 Ee%=‚ = Z %B/./% e'2)[W
•  = Level 2 Ee%=‚ = Z %B/./% e'2)[ W

 f>B>&B\   B)[ 4 ./01.2)[Bi %=(>&?8)c()zf2 & 'p  (Symbol) Y=D )
' BD/D2 \TOP9

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)


%=‚ ./% e'2". )$"(e".\ Z 'p 01?

%B/ Fibonacci D/E f 8i' )$". )$Z
Fibonacci Low )[Ee
 52 Week Low 8.".\ Z Fibonacci High )[Ee
 52 Week High 
./% e'2 E>?[ ) "81 %B/./% e'2&W
 ="$$ \)1)Z Alert "(e ="$$ 9 1) >[
1.  $1 g ? "81  129lSD 3 S= :!D Alert B>&"81  \)1)Z %B/\ W 01?
Ee"81 %=‚ + ; 50 B (Buy Signal) !
+ ;;0)!1
 S (Sell Signal) !
+ ;;0
• Alert Vol  = /f g[Z?Z .)=oEEp$)%B>?$)$#).%–(>&?Z = /f g[Z? 5 .)
• Alert MACD   "81 8)ccf \)1)Z %8  MACD )$%8  Signal .\)1ZC[' (
• Alert Stoch   "81 8)ccf \)1)Z  %K )$ %D .\)1ZC[' (
• Alert RSI   i%–(>&?"$$ Simple 9 .)%B>?$)$ RSI .\)1ZC[' (
• 3 Indicators   = e.f`(Z Alert B)[ '1.".0 8.
2. ="$$ 9 Ee"81 %B/./% e'2 \ W 
• MACD Ee"81 %B/ MACD "(e MACD Oscillator gC& MACD Oscillator )[Ee"81
Histogram gC& # >.?2Ee%=‚"B 8>%Z>?. "\# \&i.?2Ee%=‚"B 8>"1
• Slow Stochastic "(e Relative Strength Index "$$ 14 .)
• Volume "81 = /f g[Z? D B)[ %8 %–(>&?Z = /f g[Z? 5 .) 8i' )$8>Z
 9"B )[ # %=‚8>;12=  = /f g[Z?.)=oEEp$) = %8 %–(>&? 5 .) # %=‚8><  = /f
g[Z?.)=oEEp$)  2=%8 %–(>&? 5 .)

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)


%=‚ ./% e'2". )$"(e".\ Z 'p 01?

%B/ Fibonacci D/E f % %1>?.))$' 
Fibonacci 1 "\Ee\ )
 ="$$Z /+

( !

1. &# ) ," +,  )*% +$#(

(9-9' #   '  >% 1 Drag-
Drop '/9,  +%7 +/  
   # %#1
9D =!2
F B>&\( g[Z? (Executed Price) )[EŸo  g[ (B = Bid) '  Ÿo  Z? (S = Offer)
%BUY %= 2%g\2Z ( g[Z?B>&EŸo  g[ (Bid) %&%B>?$)$( g[Z?B)[ '1
%SELL %= 2%g\2Z ( g[Z?B>&EŸo  Z? (Offer) %&%B>?$)$( g[Z?B)[ '1
%SWING %= 2%g\2 ". \).Z  gC& i.fE High "(e Low 01?B>&
# B>&Y1 8 "81 . > ". \).
"\# B>&Y1 \&i "81 . > ". \).
 . "$W

2. &# ) $  i  Fibonacci D/E f". )$".\ $ 9 01?
Ei. %
B>&%=‚ 61.8, 50 "(e 38.2 8i' )$". )$Z Fibonacci Low )[Ee
 52 Week Low 8.".\ Z
Fibonacci High )[Ee
 52 Week High ./% e'2

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)


%=‚ ./% e'2 9 01?

%B/ Guppy Moving Average ./% e'2".0   gC& %B/>[Ee
".0 'p %=‚ 2 "$$ 01?D/E fE()zfe/8)?Z )( BpB)[ e?e8)["(e e?e?. 1) >[
1. =  :2:` ("81 \).%(ZZ %8  Avg1 y Avg6) Ee"81 %8 %B/%=‚1X” 6 %8  gC& i.f
E Exponential Moving Average 01?
e?e%.( 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 "(e 15 .)
2. =  :2= ("81 \).%(ZZ %8  Avg7 y Avg12) Ee"81 %8 %B/%=‚1< 6 %8  gC& i.f
E Exponential Moving Average 01?
e?e%.( 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 "(e 60 .)
=!2;  = :!D  %&%8 %B/Bp%8 %/1 .\).) "(e% /&"\
%.(#)1 Ee
%=‚8)ccf.".0 Z Ee./& Y=\%8 ".0 Z %B/)[ # Y=
B/B ZC[ Ee%=‚".0 ZC[

B \ )Z  # %8 ".0 ./& Y=

B/B ( Ee%=‚".0 Z(
8i' )$ 912  !d  B8 #
 Drag-Drop E' E0.B% >?(YB2B pZ.$ ' D/D2
&'p E./01.2 9

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)


%=‚ i%B/./% e'2"$$ Bollinger Band i.f %D&

' %'l".0  E..  ' "$Z
Bollinger Top )$ Bollinger Bottom ZC[ 01?B>&
1. QStick_EMA %/1E"./1B>&. 9<;;k` #).%–(>&? (Moving Average) Z ^< 2 = 
#).%–(>&? (Moving Average) Z ^<
B ()$) # %=‚9<;9 #).%–(>&? (Moving Average) Z 
^< 2~= #).%–(>&? (Moving Average) Z ^<
: MAV 14 
  MAV 14 

 # B>&Y1 %=‚ = "81 .%=‚ 9<;;k`
 # B>&Y1 %=‚ 9 "81 .%=‚ 9<;9
2. PercentB %=‚%= 2%gl\2 %= >?$%B>?$ 'p )$%B/./% e'2 Bollinger Band (BB) 01?B>&
: (Close  BB Bottom) / (BB Top  BB Bottom) * 100
 # B>&Y1 = 50  !d S:9d!  Bollinger Average "81 . 'p ) [ W ?

 . ".0 ZZC[? >)?8i)c

 # B>&Y1 
~ = 50  !d S:9d9 
   Bollinger Average "81 . 'p )[ W ?

 . ".0 Z( ? >?) 8i)c

 # B>&Y1
( )$%8  Level 1  'p ./& Y=E#C %8  Bollinger Top "81 #C 'p )[W
EEe%/1 %=(>&?".0 Z 
 # B>&Y1
( )$%8  Level 2  'p ./& Y=E#C %8  Bollinger Bottom "81 #C 'p )[W
EEe%/1 %=(>&?".0 Z 
3. BandWidth Ee%=‚ .)1..  Z Bollinger Band e'. Bollinger Top "(e Bollinger Bottom %D&

 1".0 ' B/B  %(&B>&Z .)&  ' Y
: (BB Top  BB Bottom) / BB Average * 100
 # B>&Y1  2  * "81 . 'p )[W Ee> %=(>&?"=( Z ? p"
 %&> %=(>&?"=( B>& p" Bandwidth Ee%D/&ZC['  >[ZC[ "81 #C .)& Z ".0 
' B/B B>& %(&B>&Y= # %=‚".0 ( lEe( ? )& # %=‚".0 ZC[lEeZC[ ? )& E eB)& "#$
Bandwidth "81 ?1(& )"81 #C ".0 ' B/B Z Y1 \).(

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1 2

7/  MACD +% !

%  ,+%+#
% 7 "&",
- +/ /+
(  1 ,%

7 2  &

," 1: $#5# ," 2: $#&
 9"B %B>?EeD/E fE% &YZZ MACD 1) >[  9"B %B>?EeD/E fE% &YZZ MACD 1) >[
1.  9"B %B>? %=‚ 1;12= "81 8)ccf_`  9"B %B>? %=‚ 1;12= "81 8)ccf52
• MACD > Signal MACD  MACD > 0 MACD > Signal
• MACD .)>[ > MACD %&.>[ MACD #1 > MACD !
2.  9"B %B>? %=‚ 1< "81 8)ccf;2  9"B %B>? %=‚ 1< "81 8)ccf&
• MACD < Signal MACD  MACD < 0 MACD < Signal
• MACD .)>[ < MACD %&.>[ MACD #1 < MACD !
3.  9"B %B>? %=‚ 1!9  9"B %B>? %=‚ 1!9
• Y%Z % &YZ\Z B>& 1 "(e 2 Y%Z % &YZ\Z B>& 1 "(e 2
 9 Volume: = /f g[Z?  9 Volume: = /f g[Z?
1. "B 1;12=: Volume .)>[ > %–(>&? Volume 5 .) 1. "B 1;12=: Volume .)>[ > %–(>&? Volume 5 .)
2. "B 1< : Volume .)>[ < %–(>&? Volume 5 .) 2. "B 1< : Volume .)>[ < %–(>&? Volume 5 .)

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7/  MACD  Slow Stochastic 14      ,+%+#
7 "&", " 
- +/ /+
 1 ,%

7 2   %

%# !
9 '.. ‘ \’  &  !
9   \BANPU9
 ! "&
$  ! "&
 9"B %B>? D B) [ Exponential Moving = /f g[Z? (Volume)
Average 5, 10 9: 25 = "(e Parabolic E>[?) (a) "B 1;12=: Volume .)>[ > %–(>&? Volume 5 .)
"81 8)c()zf2 MACD $ 9  8i' )$.'?
Z 8> 9 >1) >[ (b) "B 1< : Volume .)>[ < %–(>&? Volume 5 .)

(a) #  MACD > Signal  MACD "2 > MACD    MACD  MACD Oscillator )*%$
  ,7%&" (a)  MACD Oscillator > 0 ,7,
(b) #  MACD < Signal  MACD "2 < MACD   (b)  MACD Oscillator < 0 ,7,


.  Slow Stochastic .
 1%++%," 20
# l;  l; (a) 9: (b) Ee"81  9"B !9 ++%'#," 80
 9"B %B>? D B)[ Bollinger Band (BB) "(e .  Relative Strength Index .
 %1 ++%
"81 8)c()zf2Z Slow Stochastic 14 = "(e BB $ ," 30 ++%'#," 70
 9  8i' )$.'?Z 8> 9 >1) >[ .  Average Directional Index 14 , Directional
(a) #  %K > %D  %K <= 50  7%&" Indicators 14  ++% Level ," 25
(b) #  %K < %D  %K >= 70  7%

# l;   l; (a) 9: (b) Ee"81  9"B !9

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7/  Slow Stochastic 14      ,+%+#

% 7 "
&", " 
- .
 1% #1,9& 
% %K   %D  %
1.  %# .
 %1 Exponential Moving Average  5, 10  ! 25  +/  

% &%# %#1
• $ Slow Stochastic 14  +% %K > %D  ! %K <= 50 % ,7"&"
• $ Slow Stochastic 14  +% %K < %D  ! %K >= 70 % ,7"

• $%!
--&%  % ,7" 

2.  MACD  MACD Oscillator )*%+%'(

% Histogram #%!
- %#1
• $ MACD Oscillator > 0 % ,7"&"
• $ MACD Oscillator < 0 % ,7"

3.  0)!1
 (Volume) .
  Simple Moving Average &
Volume 5  +#
% Volume #%!
- %#1
• $ Volume > ; " &
Volume 5  % ,7"&"
• $ Volume < ; " &
Volume 5  % ,7"

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./01.20.B% >?.YB2BD>& /E f.'p )[W > %=d1 Gap ' >  e011Z ' Y 01?D/E fB)[

" Z  %=d1 Gap Up "(e Bi Gap Down .#C  D/E f ". \).Z 1 .?

9D =!2
F B>&\( g[Z? (Executed Price) )[EŸo  g[ (B = Bid) '  Ÿo  Z? (S = Offer)
%BUY %= 2%g\2Z ( g[Z?B>&EŸo  g[ (Bid) %&%B>?$)$( g[Z?B)[ '1
%SELL %= 2%g\2Z ( g[Z?B>&EŸo  Z? (Offer) %&%B>?$)$( g[Z?B) [ '1
 %(&Y'.Z  01?B>&
GAP UP "81 .  Low =1`  =  High =   %=d1 Gap Z 

".0 ;;k`
GAP DOWN "81 .  High =1` ~=  Low =   %=d1 Gap Z

".0 ;9
%SWING %= 2%g\2 ". \).Z  01?B>&
# B>&Y1 8 "81 . > ". \).
"\# B>&Y1 \&i "81 . > ". \).
 . "$W

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./01.20.B% >?.YB2B.>& /% e'2".0 Z .?
".0 ZC[' ( 01?
%B/ MACD, Slow
Stochastic "(e RSI 8i' )$.'?Z Z ("\(e8. >1) >[

=S1 1

=S1 2

=S1 1
9D =!2
%Chg1W %= 2%gl\2 %=(>&?"=( Z  f .)>[%B>?$)$ ? '() 1 8)=1'2
%Chg1M %= 2%gl\2 %=(>&?"=( Z  f .)>[%B>?$)$ ? '() 1 %1
%Chg3M %= 2%gl\2 %=(>&?"=( Z  f .)>[%B>?$)$ ? '() 3 %1
F # "81 % & '? ‘ * 1;12=’ "81 .  f .)>[ Bi New High
 $ 1 =m '  52 8)=1'2
# "81 % & '? ‘ * 1< ’ "81 .  f .)>[ Bi New Low
 $ 1 =m '  52 8)=1'2
Wk Hi  d<
 $ 1 8)=1'2
Wk Lo ~d<
 $ 1 8)=1'2
52W Hi  d<
 $ 1 =m '  52 8)=1'2
52W Lo ~d<
 $ 1 =m '  52 8)=1'2

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=S1 2

9D =!2
Avg 5D #).%–(>&?Z = /f g[Z? (Volume) 5 .)
Alert Vol D/E f= /f g[Z? (Volume) .)=oEEp$) )$ #).%–(>&? 5 .) (Avg 5D) 01?B>&
B (Buy Signal) Ee"81 . Volume .)=oEEp$) > #).%–(>&? 5 .) (Avg 5D)
S (Sell Signal) Ee"81 . Volume .)=oEEp$) < #).%–(>&? 5 .) (Avg 5D)
EMA 5  i.f #).%–(>&?"$$ Exponential 5 .)
EMA 10  i.f #).%–(>&?"$$ Exponential 10 .)
EMA 25  i.f #).%–(>&?"$$ Exponential 25 .)
EMA 75  i.f #).%–(>&?"$$ Exponential 75 .)
BB Width %= >?$%B>?$..  e'.  9%B/./% e'2 Bollinger Top "(e Bollinger Bottom
%B %= 2%gl\2%= >?$%B>?$ e'.  9%B/./% e'2 Bollinger Top "(e Bollinger Bottom
Alert MACD D/E fZ MACD )$ %8  Signal 01?B>&
B Ee"81 . MACD <  Signal ;k` "81 #C ".0 ZZC[
S Ee"81 . MACD <  Signal 9 "81 #C ".0 Z(
Alert Stoch D/E fZ %K )$ Z %D 01?B>&
B Ee"81 . %K > %D "81 #C ".0 ZZC[
S Ee"81 . %K < %D "81 #C ".0 Z(
Alert RSI D/E fZ RSI 14 .) )$Z Simple Moving Average 9 .) (MAV9-RSI) 01?B>&
B Ee"81 . RSI 14 = > MAV9(RSI)
S Ee"81 . RSI 14 = < MAV9(RSI)
3 Indicators D/E fE Alert B)[ '1 4  01?B>&
B Ee"81 .  Alert B)[ '1
! B = 3 Alert
S Ee"81 .  Alert B)[ '1
! S = 3 Alert

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./01.20.B% >?.YB2B.>& /% e'2".0 Z .?
a.e'>' a.e eB/ 01?Z ("\(e8.)[>
.'?1) >[

9D =!2
F B>&\( g[Z? (Executed Price) )[EŸo  g[ (B = Bid) '  Ÿo  Z? (S = Offer)
%BUY %= 2%g\2Z ( g[Z?B>&EŸo  g[ (Bid) %&%B>?$)$( g[Z?B)[ '1
%SELL %= 2%g\2Z ( g[Z?B>&EŸo  Z? (Offer) %&%B>?$)$( g[Z?B)[ '1
Trend-M "81 ".0 Z 'p )[W .?
a.e'> (Bear Market) ' a.e eB/ (Bull Market) 01?
D/E fE Z Exponential Moving Average "$$ 25 .) (EMA25) "(e 75 .) (EMA75)
BULL "81 .  EMA25 > EMA75
BEAR "81 .  EMA25 < EMA75
Trend-L "81 ".0 Z 'p )[W .?
a.e'> (Bear Market) ' a.e eB/ (Bull Market) 01?
D/E fE B>&\( g[Z? f =oEEp$) (Trade) "(e Exponential Moving Average 200
.) (EMA200)
BULL "81 .  Trade > EMA200
BEAR   Trade < EMA200

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X9< D TFEX (TFEX Folder)

?##' %
( TFEX &%  1 '9A !
 F3 .!
# Page Manager
 %, 1'# TFEX Folder .!


Eei%8Z ( SET50 Index Futures

 ="$$Z (% >?(YB2 3 Bid 3 Offer "(e 9 ? '() 01?>
?(e%>?11) >[
1.  $ % >?(YB2Z SET50 Index "(e  3 Bid 3 Offer ; SET50 Index Futures 9:
 .#C  Basis ( (8p1Z 8)cc)[ - SET50 Index) "(e Open Interest (OI : 8#e   ) gC& Ee"81
? '() 1 .)
** 8i' )$8)c()zf2 (Symbol) Z "\(e8)cc BEe\  D/D2" YZ% 01?0 8  Z 8)c()zf2 
S50 + %1Z 8)cc + =mZ 8)cc01?
2 '()8p1B ?
2.  9 Z SET50 Index gC& ?1 g ? .#C  9Z SET 50 Index Futures "(e Open
Interest gC& ?B 1 Z.

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Eei%8Z ( SET50 Index Futures "(e SET50 Index Options B)[ Call "(e Put
 ="$$Z (
% >?(YB2 3 Bid 3 Offer gC& BEe\  Bi %=(>&?"=( series B>&\   1 .?\% /Y1 %=(>&?"=( )\0)\/
1.  $$1 g ? "81 Z ( SET50 Index Futures Z "\(e8)cc
2.  $$1 Z. "81 Z (8 p=aD .\(1= )& (Market Summary)
3.  $( 1 g ? "81 Z ( SET50 Index Call Options
4.  $( 1 Z. "81 Z ( SET50 Index Put Options
*** 0## &
// % ' F9 .. 21501 ***

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1 2

3 4

%=‚ i%8Z (

 ="$$Z  9 01?Ee"$ %=‚ 4 \  1) ?(e%>?11 ( >[
1. "81  9"B %B>?Z SET50 Index Futures D B)[ ( g[Z? gC& >'.?%=‚ ( $B
2.  99 _`;2; 9 Sd  01?"$ %=‚
a.  XS Ee"81 9dS• _`;2Z f 8/[.) 01?Ee"81 %=‚"B 8>%Z>?. # >( %=‚
$. "(eEe"81 %=‚"B 8>"1 # >(%=‚($
b.  X  TFEX_Foreign Ee"81 9 _`;2:Z )( Bp\ \/ 01?Ee8e8
% &?\)[ "\.)B>&B>&?1 g ?8p1Z  9
3.  99 _`;2; 9 Sd* 01?"$ %=‚
a.  XS Ee"81 9dS• _`;2Z f 8/[.) 01?Ee"81 %=‚"B 8>%Z>?. # >( %=‚
$. "(eEe"81 %=‚"B 8>"1 # >(%=‚($
b.  X  TFEX_Institute Ee"81 9 _`;2:Z )( Bp8#$) 01?Ee8e8
% &?\)[ "\.)B>&B>&?1 g ?8p1Z  9
4.  99 _`;2; 9 Sd 222 01?"$ %=‚
a.  XS Ee"81 9dS• _`;2Z f 8/[.) 01?Ee"81 %=‚"B 8>%Z>?. # >( %=‚
$. "(eEe"81 %=‚"B 8>"1 # >(%=‚($
b.  X  TFEX_Customer Ee"81 9 _` ;2:Z )( Bp ??? 01?Ee8e8
% &?\)[ "\.)B>&B>&?1 g ?8p1Z  9
!2!d: # \   1Z ( g[Z?Z )( Bp"\(e(p B% >?1Y1 01?1 F9 "(eD/D2 20881

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X9< D ALERT (ALERT Folder)


 <  "81 Z (% >?(YB2 D B)[ \).%(ZZ Exponential Moving Average 2 30 S1 B)[
"$$ 5 S , 10 S 9: 25 S E>[?) "81  i.f%B/./% e'2 ? 30 B> .#C  "81
% & '?Z %B/)[W 1) >[
• 9jD A S1 1 EeD/E f MACD 9: Signal  #  MACD > Signal Ee"81 \). B (Buy
B ()$) #  MACD < Signal Ee"81 \). S  (Sell Signal)
• 9jD A S1 2 EeD/E f Slow Stochastic 01?1E %K "(e %D  #  %K > %D Ee"81 \). B
 (Buy Signal)
B ()$) #  %K < %D Ee"81 \). S  (Sell Signal)
• 9jD A S1 3 EeD/E f RSI 14 S \)1)$ Simple Moving Average 9 S gC& #  RSI14 >
MAV9 Ee"81 \). B  (Buy Signal)
B ()$) #  RSI14 < MAV9 Ee"81 \). S  (Sell Signal)
• 9jD All EeD/E fE 9jD A ; MACD, Slow Stochastic 9: RSI S` 3   # 
()a2 A S` 3  <  B 9jD All ":<  B 1 .? "\# >9jD
<<  S 9jD All P":<
 S < =2
• 8i' )$9jD A S 2d<)[Ee"81 Z = /f g[Z?'  Volume S12*=–912
Simple Sd 5 S  *  Volume > Avg5D Ee"81 \). B  (Buy Signal)
B ()$) #  Volume < Avg5D Ee
"81 \). S  (Sell Signal)
 < 9 8i' )$1 ( Ee"81  X 2 30 S1 D B)[  $Q; Stochastic $
 9"B %B>? "(e%B/./% e'2&W
 Q1S1    l;! 3!d  [
' BD/D28c ) ()zf2 &'p 
\i"' B>\&  
# \   "< 12 9~<; 9
' (/%(?) ').Z B>&\   E)1% >? %  (/%(').Z  %change gC& # ').
( 1`;k` Ee%=‚ % >? E'p B>&>%= 2%gl\2 %=(>&?"=( E 2l "\# ').( 1`9 Ee%=‚ % >? E
'p B>&>%= 2%gl\2 %=(>&?"=( El 2

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!  (page) 29:12<

Alert-EMA-ED < ; 9 Q `= <2
Exponential Moving Average ~=Q 8i' )$
i%8Z ( >1) >[
1. \  \).%(Z f 8/[.) D B)[ "81 \).%(Z%B/./% e'2"(e8)c()zf2 B '  S
\% &YZ \)1)Z %B/)[W
2.  9 ?.) D B)[ >[Ep1\)1Z %K "(e %D $ 9"B %B>? D B)[ %B/
MACD, MACD Oscillator, Slow Stochastic, Relative Strength Index "(e Volume
Alert-EMA-RT < ; 9 129lSD 2= <2
Exponential Moving Average ~=Q
8i' )$ i%8Z ( >1) >[
1. \  % >?(YB2 D B)[ "81 \).%(Z%B/./% e'2"(e8)c()zf2 B '  S \
% &YZ \)1)Z %B/)[W
2.  9 ?.) D B)[ >[Ep1\)1Z %K "(e %D $ 9"B %B>? D B)[ %B/
MACD, MACD Oscillator, Slow Stochastic, Relative Strength Index "(e Volume
Alert-SMA-30M < ; 9 129lSD<2
Simple Moving Average 2 30 S1 ~=Q 8i' )$
 i%8Z ( >1) >[
1. \  % >?(YB2 ? 30 B> D B)[ "81 \).%(Z%B/./% e'2"(e8)c()zf2 B
'  S \% &YZ \)1)Z %B/)[W
2.  9 ? 30 B> D B)[ >[Ep1\)1Z %K "(e %D $ 9"B %B>? D B)[ %B/
MACD, MACD Oscillator, Slow Stochastic, Relative Strength Index "(e Volume
Alert-SMA-ED < ; 9 Q `= <2
Simple Moving Average ~=Q 8i' )$ i%8
Z ( >1) >[
1. \  \).%(Z f 8/[.) D B)[ "81 \).%(Z%B/./% e'2"(e8)c()zf2 B '  S
\% &YZ \)1)Z %B/)[W
2.  9 ?.) D B)[ >[Ep1\)1Z %K "(e %D $ 9"B %B>? D B)[ %B/
MACD, MACD Oscillator, Slow Stochastic, Relative Strength Index "(e Volume
Alert-SMA-RT < ; 9 129lSD 2= <2
Simple Moving Average ~=Q 8i' )$
i%8Z ( >1) >[
1. \  % >?(YB2 D B)[ "81 \).%(Z%B/./% e'2"(e8)c()zf2 B '  S \
% &YZ \)1)Z %B/)[W
2.  9 ?.) D B)[ >[Ep1\)1Z %K "(e %D $ 9"B %B>? D B)[ %B/
MACD, MACD Oscillator, Slow Stochastic, Relative Strength Index "(e Volume

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X9< D X (Chart Folder)


%=‚ "81  9 "$$"B %B>? D 1 .?%B/./% e'2"$$ Exponential B)[ '1 5 %8  
%–(>&?"$$ 5 .), 10 .), 25 .), 75 .) "(e 200 .)
8i' )$ 91 ( Ee"81 9 _` ;2 >'.?%=‚ 9 S 01?8>Z "B Ee>.'?1) >[
• S ;12= '?#C ( g[ Z? f .)=oEEp$) = #).%–(>&?Z ( g[Z? 5 .)
• S < '?#C ( g[ Z? f .)=oEEp$)  2= #).%–(>&?Z ( g[Z? 5 .)
 $Z Volume Ee"81 %8  Avg. gC& '?#C #).%–(>&?"$$ Simple Moving Average 5 .)
gC& Ee .?D/E f. ( g[Z? (( $B) f .)=oEEp$) Be(p' . #).%–(>&?Z ( g[ Z? 5 .)
' Y

'  91 ( "81 = /f g[Z? %=‚Ei.'p  (Volume)
' B%=(>&?
8)c()zf2 &'p  (Symbol) %=‚ SET9

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jp=S 29 (Appendix: Fixed Format r F9)

; 99<!d  (Equity Market)
; 9 Fixed Format (F9) !29;! 
 !9; 9  :S„ 1
9>QD=2; 9  :S„ 900
 !9; 9j2
 :S„ 10000
9>QD=2; 9  :S„ 10200
 ; 99< SET (Thailand Stock Market) 20000
 ; 99< MAI (Market of Alternative Investment Index) 20002
Z (D[™ (Stock Performace Index) %   P/E, P/BV, Mktcap 20178
8 p=a.e\(1'p  f 8/[.) (Daily SET Market Summary) 20230
(8e8Z  g[Z?"?\(p)( Bp (Cumulative Trading Value) 20250
( f 8/[.)Z  g[Z?"?\(p)( Bp (Daily Trading Value) 20251
Z ( E)1)1)$0$ % 2 (Broker Ranking) 20322
?  Z?  2\
"\(e.) (Short Sell Daily Report) 20341
Z (B>&8i)cZ . 2" \2 (SET/ MAI Warrant Informatuin Summary) 20345
=Š/B/\(1'()B )D?2 (Notice Calendar) 20390
 E?=o`(? '() 12 %1 (SET/MAI Dividend and Historical 12 Months) 20536
?  g[Z? NVDR
"\(e.) 20600
Z ( IPO (SET/MAI New IPO Company) 24000

   !!9S 32DS= :!D 24400-3

 2    (14:00
.) !  "
1. Price Moves ( %(&Y'.Z 'p ) 24410-7
2. Candlestick Pattern (Reversal) ="$$ ()$B/Z "B %B>? 24418-22
3. Price & Simple Moving Average (Volume > Avg 5 Days) 24423-25
 > %8 %–(>&?"$$ Simple & = /f g[Z? f =oEEp$) > %–(>&? 5 .)
4. Price & Exponential Moving Average (Volume > Avg 5 Days) 24426-28
> %8 %–(>&?"$$ Exponential & = /f g[Z?.)=oEEp$) > %–(>&? 5 .)
5. Price & Bollinger Bands 14 Days 24430-48
%B>?$)$%8  Bollinger Top, Average "(e Bottom "$$ 14 .)
6. Price & Bollinger Bands 20 Days 24449-68
%B>?$)$%8  Bollinger Top, Average "(e Bottom "$$ 20 .)
7. MACD (12, 26, 9) 24469-72
%= >?$%B>?$%8  MACD )$ %8  Signal "(e = )$\).ZC[ Z MACD
8. Slow Stochastic 9 Days 24473-77
%= >?$ Slow Stochastic "$$ 9 .) .%/[' Z?%/Y=' Y
9. Slow Stochastic 14 Days 24478-83
%= >?$ Slow Stochastic "$$ 14 .) .%/[' Z?%/Y=' Y

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; 9 Fixed Format (F9) !29;! 

10. RSI 9 Days 24484-86
%= >?$ RSI "$$ 9 .) .%/[' Z?%/Y=' Y
11. RSI 14 Days 24487-88
%= >?$ RSI "$$ 14 .) .%/[' Z?%/Y=' Y

  = :!D!d  ($%& 60 (

)) 24145
'()B )D?2 30 )1)$B>&>`(\ Bi
' SET Index $. 24300
(Index Mover Top 30 Gainer)
'()B )D?2 30 )1)$B>&>`(\ Bi
' SET Index ($ 24305
(Index Mover Top 30 Loser)
./% e'2 ( Bp
. 2" \2 (Warrant Analytics) *** 24310
1 f2 %=d1"(e=d1Z 'p  30 )1)$B>&Ee%=‚$. 24330-1
(Projected Open/ Close Top 30 Gainer)
1 f2 %=d1"(e=d1Z 'p  30 )1)$B>&Ee%=‚($ 24332-3
(Projected Open/ Close Top 30 Loser)
'()B )D?2B>& >  e011%=d1ZC[ (Gap Up) 24350-4
'()B )D?2B>& >  e011%=d1( (Gap Down) 24355-9
'()B )D?2B>& 8 8p1
 $ 52 8)=1'2 (Price break 52 wk high) 24360-4
'()B )D?2B>& > \&i8p1
 $ 52 8)=1'2 (Price break 52 wk low) 24365-9

*** .'?"(e ?(e%>?1Z ( = :!D; = D D (Warrant Analystics)
(a) Intrinsic Value (8#eZ 8)cc) gC& Bi %= >?$%B>?$ e'. 'p ")$ B>&
• #  'p " > 
8/B˜/ : B>&Y1 . 0 #.%=‚ In the money
• #  'p " = 
8/B˜/ : B>&Y1 Ee%B)$ 0 #.%=‚ At the money
• #  'p " < 
8/B˜/ : B>&Y1 \&i. 0 #.%=‚ Out of the money
(b) All in Premium "81 #C .?

8/B˜/ 01?#  %premium 8 lEe"81 #C .?

(c) Gearing Ratio %=‚)\ 8.Z ('p ")$ warrant gC& # B>&Y1 8 lEe"81
' %'l#C  B>& 
warrant Ee8 ZC[\'p "

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

; 9X^=" D9:  (Futures and Options r TFEX)

; 9 Fixed Format (F9) !29;! 
< 19<X^=" D (SET50 Index Futures Index) 20801
8)c()zf2 % >?1Z ( (SET50 Index Futures Symbol Guide) 10420
% >?(YB2 (SET50 Index Futures Quote Page) 20830
Z ( ./% e'2 (SET 50 Index Futures Analysis) *** 20850
8 p= g[Z? f 8/[.) (SET50 Index Futures Summary) 20870

< 19<  (SET50 Index Options Index) 21000

% >?(YB2 (SET50 Index Options Quote Page) 21500
8 p= g[Z?8)cc Call f 8/[.) (SET50 Index Options - Call Summary) 21050
8 p= g[Z?8)cc Put f 8/[.) (SET50 Index Options - Put Summary) 21080
("(e= /f g[Z?8e8"?\= e%aB)( Bp 20880
(Cumulative TFEX Trading Value and Volume by Investor Type)
8 p=( g[Z?"?\= e%aB)( Bp f 8/[.) 20881
(Daily TFEX Trading Value by Investor Type)
8 p== /f g[Z?"?\= e%aB)( Bp f 8/[.) 20885
(Daily TFEX Trading Volume by Investor Type)

*** .'?"(e ?(e%>?1Z ( ./% e'2 SET50 Index Futures Analysis
(a) Fair Value D[™\B¡z~>E i.f01?
Fund Rate '  Risk free rate (B>&Y1 Ee%=‚
1 f2 Z futures )[W 01?%B>?$)$\ BpB>&>.%8>&? \&i gC& #  Fair Value 8 .  Last
"81 . 8)cc(. ' )[W 8
(b) Fair Basis ."\\ e'.  Fair Value )$ SET50 Index (`(\$"BD[™\B¡z~>B>& 1
.EeY1 # ( Bp
 SET50 Index "(e#  Y. E'1?pZ 8)cc(. ' )[W)
(c) Basis ."\\ e'. (8p1)$ SET50 Index (`(\$"BB>&Y1 \ \(1 # ( Bp

SET50 Index "(e#  Y. E'1?pZ 8)cc(. ' )[ W)
(d) Prem ."\\ e'. (8p1 )$ Fair Value (%=‚ %= >?$%B>?$ \(1)$ D[™\
B¡z~> gC& # B>&Y1 %=‚ ($ "81 . ( Bp
8)cc(. ' )[W 8
(e) Implied Rate \ Bp\=m '  )\ 1%$>[?\=m 8i' )$ ( Bp
\ 8 pD)˜2)[W %=‚ "81 #C
\ Bp.8 ' \&i
(f) VolCh = /f g[Z?B>&%=(>&?"=( %= >?$%B>?$ e'. .)=oEEp$) )$ .)' 
(g) Fund Rate )\ `(\$"BE ( Bp
D)˜$)\ )™$( (Thai BMA Yield Curve)
(h) Div Yld )\ =o`(\$"BZ SET50 Index (Dividend Yield)
(i) Day Div Ei..)B>&%'(#C %18 $ gC& Eei.fE .)=oEEp$) #C .)Bi g[Z?8p1B ?Z
%18 $)[W

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

; 9`~9:9!: [ (Energy and Metals)

; 9 Fixed Format (F9) !29;! 
 ; 9`~ 9<9 7500
\(18i)cB)&.0( 7520
\(1%% >? 7593
\(18/ 0= 2 7595

 ; 99!: (Base Metals Index) 7000

0('e /1\ W (Metals Overview Cash Quote) 7020
aD . 0('e\(1(1 (London Metal Exchange Overview) 7147

 ; 99!:1 (Precious Metals Index) 7200

0('e>\(1(1 (London Precious Metals Fix) 7233
0('e>\(1%% >? (Asian Precious Metals Prices) 7305

; 99< 9: 9912 (Money and Foreign Exchange Market)

; 9 Fixed Format (F9) !29;! 
 ; 9"• !  :S„lS2 (Bank of Thailand) 12000
)\ "(%=(>&?E˜ "' = e%BYB? (Bank of Thailand: Daily Exchange Rate) 12005
)\  )$g[D)˜$)\ (Bank of Thailand: Daily Repurchase Market Rates) 12010

 :S„ (Thai Foreign Exchange Index) 11000
)\ "(%=(>&?(. '  (THB Spot and Forwards Rates) 11320
)\ 1%$>[?(. '  (THB Interest Rate Swap Fixing) 11470
THB Cross Currency Swap Fixing 11475
THB Interest Rate Fixing 11489
THB Interest Rate Fixing (Off-shore) 11496
Singapore Dollar Interest Rate Fixing (off-shore) 11498
 ; 99< 
 :S„ (Thai Money/ Credit Market Index) 12500
)\ 1%$>[?% /Ÿ ???˜ Df/ ?2 (Thailand Retail Deposit Rate from Bank) 12450
)\ 1%$>[?% /Ÿ#).%–(>&? (Thailand Average Retail Deposit Rates) 12458
)\ 1%$>[?% /Ÿ"$$$ /zB) (Thailand Corporate Deposit Rates) 12475
)\ 1%$>[?% / E8Z˜ \ \/ (Thai Loan Rates: Foreign Bank Branches) 12544
)\ 1%$>[?% / E˜ Df/ ?2 (Thai Loan Rates: Commercial Banks Bank) 12545
)\ 1%$>[?\)¢.8)cc
% / (Thai P/N Rates Min Baht 10,000) 12650

 ; 99<   :S„ (International Money/ Credit Markets Index) 3000
)\ 1%$>[?% /   / Z = e%B\ W (Composite Prime Rates) 3057
)\ 1%$>[? e'. ˜ Z (1 (London Interbank Offered Rates - LIBOR) 3063
)\ 1%$>[? e'. ˜ Z 8/ 0= 2 (Sinapore Interbank Offered Rates - SIBOR) 3124

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

; 9  !1` (Bond Market)

; 9 Fixed Format (F9) !29;! 
 ; 99<  !1`
 :S„ (Thai Bond Market Index) 13000
 E)1)1)$.% &#EB /8 (TRIS Ratings Results) 13300
 E)1)1)$.% &#E9dBg2 (FITCH‹ S National Credit Rating) 13330
Z (`(\$"B
"\(e.) (TBMA Daily Quotation) 13010
D)˜$)\ )™$( (TBMA: Interpolated Govt. Yield Curve) 17010
`(\$"BD)˜$)\ )™$( (TBMA: Zero Coupon Yield Curve) 17030
TBMA: RP Reference Yield 15516
TBMA: Spread and Duration 15555
TBMA: Mark-to-Market Yield 15570
TBMA: Corp. Yield Curve (Dur) 15730
TBMA: Corp. Yield Curve (TTM) 15760
TBMA: SOE Spread Matrix 15511

9>QD=2[ (Symbol)
29:12<; 9 9>QD (Symbol)
P/E Z 1) > PESET
Market Cap Z 1) > MKTSET
Dividend Yield Z 1) > YLDSET
 P/E Z 'p  (
PE "( .\1 .? &'p  "\Y\  > 9) PEBBL
9dS• _`;2; 9:9d9 
9: _` ;2; 9:9d9 
 "<<; 9X^=" D
- 'p B>&> ( g[Z?B>8& p1 (Active) TFEXA.A
- 'p B>&> %  %=(>&?"=( %=‚$.B>&8p1 (Gainer) TFEXA.G
- 'p B>&> %  %=(>&?"=( %=‚($B>&8p1 (Loser) TFEXA.L
 "<<; 9 
- 'p B>&> ( g[Z?B>8& p1 (Active) INDM.A
- 'p B>&> %  %=(>&?"=( %=‚$.B>&8p1 (Gainer) INDM.G
- 'p B>&> %  %=(>&?"=( %=‚($B>&8p1 (Loser) INDM.L

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 (Apex Manual for Training room)

29:12<; 9 9>QD (Symbol)

[i)1/$\(1/.? 2: NYMEX Crude Oil CL_CON
[i)"#$Be%(%1/%\ 2% %>?: Brent BRT
[i)"#$% /%'"(e
\ : West Texas WTC
[i)"#$\e.)( DUB1M
[i)Y 8 95 \(18/ 0= 2: Singapore Gasoline 95 SINGL95
8/ 0= 2 SINREF

 e. % : Baltic Dry Index BADI

(/%>? y (. '  3 %1 LMEAL3

(/%>? y (. '  3 %1 LMECU3
(/%>? y (. '  3 %1 LMEZN3
% /0( RTXSL
D)((%1>? RTXPL
B =D f 1 $B GTAGO

(. '  Dow Jones - Futures DJ_CON

(.' Nasdaq - Futures ND_CON

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