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June 2017

Creative Siham
Learning Priority: learning strategies for active exploration,
thinking and reasoning.

It was raining and cold outside. We decided to do some indoor

activities. There were a few activities set up, some on the
construction and puzzle table, some on the writing and colouring
tables. Ive realised that Siham was interested in the magnetic
shape connectors. Curious about how they work, she started
experimenting and testing them. She was turning them into a
house, cars and more. She could use logic, reasoning and abstract
thinking to connect all these different shape magnet connectors.

Through this activity, she has developed spatial understanding,

experimenting 2D and 3D by fitting the magnet connectors
together and taking them apart, rearrangeing and reshaping it into
different shapes. Different shapes encourage children to use trial
and error to find the solution to problem and to use previoes
experience as a basic trying out alternative strategies.

After she finished with the construction, she wanted to try to spin
the hexagon shape into a spinning top. She was so fascinated by
how it turned out and decided to share her interest with her
cousin, Ibrahim. Ibrahim was amazed by it and decided to copy
her. So Siham started to teach Ibrahim how to do it. MashaAllah I
am amaze with her creativity and her curiosity to explore things
around her. She felt belong to this centre and knows how to treat
others fairly to include him in play.

InsyaAllah there are more to explore in this world as Allah has

created this world with so many things. Like in Surah An-nisa, verse
97 said:

.. was not the earth of Allah spacious(enough) for you to

emigrate therein

By: Teacher Nur Aisyah

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