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COURSE: English language

RE: Examination questions for students

LEVEL: 4th Grade
TEACHER: Kemal Avdagic


1. Introductory class.


Q1. Define the following terms: Acting, Lyrics, Stage

A1: gluma, tekstovi pjesama, scena

Q2: What is a gig?

A2: Its a modern, informal word for a concert.

Q3: Where do you usually watch films?

A3: Sometimes I go to the cinema but most of times I watch films at home on my DVD


Q1: How often do you tune in to the radio?

A1: I tune in to the radio almost every day for several hours.

Q2: Write the proper word or expressions for the following definitions:
- listen to a particular program on the radio
- make illegal copies of something
- buy
A2: - tune in to
- pirate
- make purchases

Q3: How popular are these activities amongst teenager in your country: buying CDs, buying
pirated DVDs, downloading music.
A3: Buying CDs- most have never bought a CD
Buying pirated DVDs- teens often choose this instead of going the cinema
Downloading music- a large majority do this illegally from file-sharing sites


Q1: Read five sentences from the text on page 85 and translate them.
A1: Students practice reading and translating at home.

Q2: Translate the following words: thought-provoking, seasons, on a wide scale, shrinking,

A2: zanimljivo, interesantno; sezone, godisnja doba; uopceno, uveliko; smanjivati se;

Q3: Match Matthew Robsons comments 1-7 with the things he is talking about a-g (p. 85).
A3: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4f, 5d, 6g, 7e.


Q1: How do tenses change when we go from direct to reported speech?

A1: The tense of the verbs usually goes one tense back in reported speech. Some tenses
cannot go any further back and stay the same.

Q2: Do you think tense change when the reporting verb is in the present or present perfect?
A2: If the reporting verb is in the present simple or present perfect (e.g. He says, He has said),
the tense doesnt change.

Q3: How do these tenses change when we use reported speech: present simple, past simple,
past perfect?
A3: Present simple past simple
Past simple past perfect
Past perfect past perfect


Q1: Define the following compound nouns: generation gap, blockbuster, box office.
A1: Generation gap - the difference in opinion or behavior between older and young people
Blockbuster a film, show or book that is very successful
Box office either the place in a theatre where you buy tickets, or used to refer to the
number of tickets a film has sold to show how successful it is

Q2: Are these statements true (T) or false (F) page 88, exercise 3)
A2: 1 F, 2 T, 3 F, 4 T, 5 F, 6 F.

Q3: Define the following words: mud, headliner, smog, cog, bombers
A3: Mud very soft wet earth
Headliner the main performer at a show or festival
Smog polluted air that is a mixture of smoke and fog
Cog small wheel in a machine that helps the machine turn and work
Bombers large military planes that drop bombs


Q1: How did the singer find out about the festival?
A1: The singer found out about the festival from a person.

Q2: In the song there are a lot of examples of direct speech. Write two of the sentences in
reported speech.
A2: I asked him where he was going. He told me he was going on down to Yasgurs farm.

Q3: Are these statements true (T), false (F) or is the information not given (NG) (exercise 3,
page 90)?
A3: 1 T, 2 NG, 3 T, 4 T, 5 NG, 6 T, 7 F, 8 NG.


Q1: Which reporting verbs need a person (like told) and which dont (like said) (exercise 1a,
page 90)?
A1: reporting verbs that need a person: warn, remind;
reporting verbs that dont need a person: explain, add, and claim

Q2: Explain different forms used in reporting speech?

A2: a) verb + infinitive: agree, claim, offer, promise, and refuse (e.g. He agreed to go with
b) verb + object + infinitive: advise, ask, forbid, instruct, tell, order and recommend (e.g.
She advised him to buy tickets in advance)
c) verb + gerund: admit, advise, deny, regret, recommend, suggest (e.g. They admitted
stealing the watch)
d) verb + preposition + gerund: apologize for, insist on, object to, confess to (e.g. We
apologized for arriving late)
e) verb + object + preposition + gerund: accuse somebody of, congratulate somebody on,
criticize somebody for, warn somebody against (e.g. They accused him of cheating in the

Q3: Choose the correct alternative (exercise 5, page 91).

A3: 1 seeing, 2 ask, 3 suggest, 4 apologize for, 5 criticize somebody for


Q1: State three expressions for giving emphasis?

A1: 1. You have to remember that
2. Dont forget that
3. You cant deny that

Q2: State three expressions for giving examples?

A2: 1. For instance
2. Takefor example
3. Just to give you an idea

Q3: What do you think about violence on TV?

A3: Students own answers. (e.g. There is too much of violence on TV and young children
and teenagers should avoid watching violent programs).


Q1: What is the paragraph plan when writing reviews?

A1: When writing reviews attention should be paid on the following structure:
- Paragraph 1: basic information about what you are reviewing
- Paragraph 2: more detailed information
- Paragraph 3: your opinion and justification(s) for it

- Paragraph 4: Your recommendation

Q2: Give ten words which are useful for writing a review.
A2: amazing, amusing, appealing, perceptive, realistic, thought-provoking, well-produced,
intriguing, fast-moving, deep

Q3: Which expressions should be used when writing a review?

A3: To give your opinions: Personally, I think, As far as Im concerned, in my opinion, I
agree/disagree with
To give a conclusion: To sum up, In conclusion


Together with their teacher students revise what they had studied prior to this lesson.


Q1: Translate the following words: avalanche, drought, earthquake, flood, landslide, and
volcanic eruption.
A1: lavina, zemljotres, poplava, kliziste i vulkanska erupcija.

Q2: Define the following terms: epidemic, tsunami, forest fire and hurricane.
A2: Epidemic a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people
Tsunami a very large wave or series of waves caused when something such as an
earthquake moves a large quantity of water in the sea
Forest fire a situation in which a large area with trees burns
Hurricane a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain

Q3: Complete the sentences with the correct form of words (exercise 6, page 96).
A3: 1 evacuate, 2 panic, 3 sweeping, 4 heading, 5 spreading, 6 ash, 7 victims.


Q1: Read and translate the text on page 97.

A1: Students read and translate the text.

Q2: Guess the meaning of the following words: blast, dormant, famine and tumbling.
A2: Blast explosions
Dormant sleeping, not active at the moment
Famine a situation where there is not enough food for a long time and people become ill
or die
Tumbling falling

Q3: Read the text and choose the best answer (exercise 1, page 97).
A3: 1 c, 2 b, 3 c, 4 a, 5 d.


Q1: How do we form the passive?

A1: subject + (modal/will) + be + past participle (+ by + agent)

Q2: What does BY introduce?

A2: BY introduces the agent of an action, i.e. the person or the thing that does the action.

Q3: We use the passive when we dont know the person who does the action. T/F
A3: T


Q1: Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs given (exercise 2, page
A1: 1 have been destroyed; 2 are being made; 3 will be controlled; 4 were killed; 5 be seen; 6
is measured; 7 be built; 8 were not warned.

Q2: Which sentence in each pair is more natural (exercise 5, page 98)?
A2: 1a; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5b.

Q3: Find the mistakes in sentences and rewrite them correctly (exercise 3, page 98).
A3: 1 been; 2 saved; 3 hit; 4 by; 5 has been/was; 6 been; 7 any people been; 8 be.


Q1: What are typical threats to the planet that appear in disaster movies?
A1: Typical threats in disaster films include: alien invasion, environmental disaster such as
major climate change or an asteroid or comet strike, nuclear war or pandemic.

Q2: Define the following terms: burst, scenario, dare.

A2: Burst (n.) a sudden short period of intense activity
Scenario a situation that could possibly happen
Dare be brave enough

Q3: Translate the following words into Bosnian: evaporate, light year, warn, particles, and
A3: evaporate isparavati; light year svjetlosna godina; warn upozoriti; particles
cestice; destroy unistiti.


Q1: What is your opinion of disaster movies?

A1: They make us aware of global threats such as global warming, nuclear wars, famine etc.

Q2: Why do you think disaster movies are popular?

A2: They are popular because we love the suspense and we are fascinated with how people
survive in worst-case scenarios.

Q3: What is the typical plot in a disaster movie?
A3: The plot is usually about how survivors get along with each other after a disaster and how
they find a solution before time runs out.


Q1: Name an animal for each letter of the alphabet (except U and X).
A1: alligator, bat, camel, dog, elephant, flamingo, goat, horse, iguana, jaguar, kangaroo,
leopard, monkey, newt, orangutan, penguin, quail, rabbit, seal, tiger, vulture, water buffalo,
yak, and zebra.

Q2: Describe the following animals: monkey, bat, dog, and seal.
A2: Students provide their own descriptions of the above mentioned animals.

Q3: Can animals predict natural disasters?

A3: Animals can predict natural disasters because they are much more sensitive to vibrations
of the earth than humans, and it is believed that they can feel changes in the air and air
pressure much more easily than we can.


Q1: What is the meaning of the following words: believe, claim, expect, know, report, say
and think?
A1: Believe to think that a fact is true;
Claim to say that something is true;
Expect to think that something will happen;
Know to have learned or found out about something;
Report to provide information about something that exists or has happened;
Say to think something, or have a particular opinion;
Think to believe something based on facts or ideas.

Q2: After the verbs reported, known, believed, etc, we use to have + past participle to talk
about past events. T/F
A2: T

Q3: After the verbs reported, known, believed, etc, we use to + infinitive to talk about things
in the present, or things that are always true. T/F
A3: T


Q1: Which words and expression do we use when we talk about numbers and proportions?
A1: We use the following words and expressions: a half/third/quarter/fifth/sixth, etc.
one in two/three/five/ten, etc.
the majority.

Q2: Which words and expression do we use when we talk about trends?
A2: If we want to discuss trends we will use the following words and expressions:

Stay the same/change little

Q3: Describe the chart and graph using appropriate words and expressions.
A3: The number of people affected by natural disasters rose gradually between 1993 and
1995. It fell sharply from 1995 to 1997, but then there was a sharp increase the year after.
The number of people affected fluctuated in the next two or three years. It rarely stayed the


Q1: What is the paragraph plan when writing an opinion essay?

A1: Few things should be taken into consideration when writing an opinion essay:
a) state the topic of the essay using general statements
b) make points for (or against)
c) make points against (or for)
e) conclusion restate the most important arguments and give your own opinion.

Q2: Which linkers join two halves of a sentence?

A2: - and, and so, although, as, because, despite, even though, since, so that, when, whereas,

Q3: Which linkers introduce a new sentence?

A3: - all things considered, as a result, as far as Im concerned, consequently, finally, firstly,
furthermore, however, in addition, in conclusion, in the end, in my opinion, meanwhile,
nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other hand, moreover, personally, secondly, therefore, to
sum up, whats more.


Together with their teacher students revise what they had studied prior to this lesson.




Test revision and correction of mistakes.


Q1: Name five different everyday inventions.

A1: Dishwasher, washing machine, remote controller, laptop, digital camera.

Q2: Define the following terms: device, broadband, coverage, keyboard, and wireless.
A2: Device a machine or piece of equipment that does a particular thing

Broadband a type of connection to the Internet that allows you to receive or send a lot of
information very quickly
Coverage the strength of the signal to your mobile phone from your network
Keyboard a piece of equipment used for giving power to a battery
Wireless this technology communicates using electronic signals, not with wires

Q3: Translate into Bosnian: microwave oven, laser printer, hairdryer, satnav.
A3: microwave oven mikrovalna pecnica; laser printer laserski printer; hairdryer fen za
kosu; satnav satelitska navigacija.


Q1: Which inventions do you use most and which you never use?
A1: The invention I use most is a mobile phone because I use it several times a day to call or
text my friends and family. I never use a satnav because I cant drive.

Q2: Define the following terms: tags, beeping, bends, barks, assign.
A2: Tags small labels that are fixed to something
Beeping a short high sound or several short high sounds
Bends becomes curved or folded and not straight
Barks makes the short loud sound a dog makes
Assign to decide that something has a particular name, use, or value

Q3: Read the text and translate it into Bosnian (page 111).
A3: Students read and translate the given text.


Q1: Explain the use of defining relative clauses.

A1: Defining relative clauses give essential information to define or identify the person or
thing we are talking about. Some key points about this kind of relative clauses are:
- commas are not uses
- who, whom and which can be replaced by that
- whom is very formal and is only used in written English
- the relative pronouns who, which and that can be omitted when followed by a noun or a
- relative clauses with who, which, and that as subject pronouns can be replaced with a
participle. This makes the sentence shorter and easier to understand

Q2: Explain the use of non-defining relative clauses.

A2: Non-defining relative clauses give extra, non-essential information. It can help students
to think that this information might be followed by the words by the way, i.e. It is additional
information and could be presented as two separate statement. Key points:
- they are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. The commas have a
similar function to parentheses, showing the information is not vital to the sentence.
- we cant use that instead of who, whom, or which and we cant leave out the relative
pronoun, even when it is the object of the verb in the relative clause
- they can be introduced by expressions like all of, many of + relative pronoun

Q3: When do we use the relative pronoun which and when do we use who?
A3: We use which with things. We use who with people.


Q1: When do we use whose, when, where or why?

A1: We use whose for possessions, where for places, when for times and why for reasons.

Q2: Can we replace which with that in defining clauses?

A2: Yes, we can replace which with that in defining clauses.

Q3: Can we omit the relative pronoun in non-defining clauses?

A3: No, we cant leave out the relative pronoun in non-defining clauses.


The First School Written Assignment


Correction of the First Written Assignment


Q1: What is a phrasal verb?

A1: a verb followed by an adverb, a preposition, or both, used with an idiomatic meaning
that is often quite different from the literal meaning of the individual words.
Q2: Define the following phrasal verbs: back up, go off, print out, hack into, and run out.
A2: Back up make a copy of information that is on your computer
Go off start making a noise
Print out produce a copy of a document from a printer
Hack into connect to someones computer secretly and maybe illegally
Run out use all of a supply of something

Q3: Develop three sentences using phrasal verbs.

A3: - Dont forget to back up all your documents.
- An alarm goes off when you press the panic button.
- Can you print out a copy for me?


Together with their teacher students revise what they had studied prior to this lesson.

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