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Needs Assessment

Erin Keim

Old Dominion University


The Sources of Data

A need was identified in the Recovery Room (PACU) with regards to completion of the

SBAR form as a means of communication between nurses when care is passed from one nurse to

the next. Through observation and data collection, it was found to show inconsistency on how

much was filled out on the form prior to faxing to the floor nurse. Over the course of one week,

fifteen SBAR forms throughout the day and evening were reviewed randomly for completion.

Nurses were randomly selected to have their forms reviewed.

Prior to the data collection and observation, during a staff meeting, nurses attending were

given a survey form (included) with a checklist as to what they thought needed improvement

with regards to our care of patients and how it is passed from us to the floor nurse. Every nurse

participated in the survey, which was done anonymously.

This educational activity targeted nurses working in the PACU at Johnston-Willis

Hospital (a total of fifteen nurses, full-time and PRN).


Each of the fifteen PACU nurses participated in the survey. A common finding was that

nurses were finding, after assuming care from a previous nurse in PACU, the SBAR forms were

left blank in many areas, creating stress to the nurse taking over until the patient reaches their

room. The oncoming nurse, many times, is rapidly filling out the blanks and searching for

information for the SBAR before the patient is ready to go to the floor. This has caused

frustration and errors between nurses and those on the floor. This finding was consistent on the

survey. Other problem areas included transportation help, and nurses on the floor being

available for report at bedside.


During this activity, it was observed that nurses in the recovery room must work together

as a team and also work well with the floor nurses. PACU nurses must establish a good report

with the floor nurses and give accurate and thorough reports to help ensure timely and accurate

care to the patient.

Teaching Methods

During a staff meeting, a blank SBAR was presented to each of the staff members in

attendance. A discussion, question/answer, was used to go over the SBAR in detail as to what

was required and what information each section needed. For example, on the blank SBAR, there

is a section under the Assessment that states, Meds given in PACU. It was explained that the

medication name, route, dose, pain scale (0-10) and time administered needed to be included. If

a new bag of Lactated Ringers was hung, it needed to be included in the medications given.

On a poster board, a sample SBAR form was included with generic information filling it

out to completion. Bright arrows pointed to sections with a brief description under each arrow.

Through discussion, visual aids, surveys, observation, hands-on activities and staff

meetings, nurses expressed their understanding of the correct completion of a SBAR form.

Through various teaching methods, the nurses learning needs were met.

Because compliance can only be achieved if the nurse is motivated and sees the need for

the change, frequent evaluations would be made to identify those nurses struggling with

completing the SBAR. Audits of the SBAR form would be made randomly to identify those

needs. If someone is really struggling with this, the nurse manager would discreetly discuss this

with the nurse and reinforce the learning with the sample SBAR on the poster. If that nurse was

felt to be at risk of feeling targeted or could take the criticism poorly, a different approach would

be made, either through peer reinforcement, written letter/e-mail, or casual reinforcement. Some

nurses are set in their ways and may require more teaching in order to see the changes. If a

standard was set forth on what is expected and is consistently followed and enforced, it would

not take long for the problem to resolve. It is important to follow up with the nurses and to make

it a habit to check SBARs before submission to the floor.

Learning Needs

Overall, there was a success in the compliance of completion of the SBAR form. Some

nurses preferred to learn towards the beginning of their shift, whereas some were more prepared

after lunch. Due to the multi-method of teaching, all learning styles were addressed and no

further methods were required. Through frequent evaluation of nurses and the SBAR, nurses

were consistently filling the form out correctly without much reinforcement.
PACU Survey

Best way ___Visual (posters, sample forms, etc.)

for you to ___ In-service meetings or staff meetings

___ Independent study (typed instructions with sample forms)
___ Healthstream or computer-based activities


Best time
for you to
___ Morning
___ Afternoon (after lunch)
___ End of shift


___ Transportation help

Problems ___ Lunch relief

___ Getting out of work on time
___ Staff availability

identified ___ SBAR form completion

___ Cleanliness of unit
___ Supplies

at work ___ Amount of call

___ Sign-outs from anesthesia
___ PACU orders received in a timely manner

"I pledge to support the honor system of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any

form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware

that as a member if the academic community, it is my responsibility to turn in all

suspected violators of the honor system. I will report to Honor Council hearings if

summoned." Erin Keim


Grading Criteria Comments Points

Nature and scope of the
problem. (10)
A minimum of one source
from the literature must be
utilized in this discussion.

Description of the group

of learners. (10)
Target audience discussed
in detail.

Tool and administration

strategies. (30)
Discuss assessment
strategies. Include a copy
of the tool used if

Findings of needs
assessment. (30)
What did you learn about
the problem and group of

Your suggestions for at

least 3 teaching methods
. (10)
Address the learning needs
of the group.

Grammar and spelling


Final Grade (100)

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