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The Sacrifice

In a fantasy land, where all things are possible, there is a man living under the sea. He is
Steven, tallest man under the sea. All the girls are swayed by his charm. But none of these girls
catches his attention.
Steven has a pet named Silva. Silva is an ancient wyvern that could produce a super nova
that could wipe out all things in 5km and could swim and fly faster the speed of sound. Also,
Silva is the last wyvern living in the earth so it is very special. Steven found Silva when he is still
an egg and raise it as his own. One day, when Silva and Steven traveling across the globe, they
found an angel-like elf that is hunted by an ogre.
Hold right there, Ogre! Steven said.
Who are you to stop me from what Im doing? The Ogre replied angrily.
Please! Help me! The angel-like elf pleaded.
The Ogre pulled her and put his arms around the angel-like elfs neck. Steven and Silva
planned how they will beat the Ogre. Steven get his pocket knife and run fast to the Ogre and
stab it in his eyes. Steven got a chance to pull and take away the angel-like elf from the Ogre and
so he did. Then Silva used his super speed against the Ogre. That made the Ogre lost its
consciousness. Steven and Silva took the angel-like elf away from the Ogre before it gets back to
its consciousness.
Are you ok? Steven asked.
Im alright. Thanks for saving me. I owe you my life. The angel-like elf said with her
illecebrous smile.
Steven stared at her and was amazed by her beautiful smile.
What can I do for you in return for your kindness? the angel-like elf asked but it seems
that Steven didnt hear her. Mister? Steven was only staring at the angel-like elfs face until
she laughed and that made Steven brought back to his awareness.
You seemed lost. What happened to you? she asked Steven while laughing.
Im sorry. Dont mind me. Steven replied. By the way, where do you live? Let me take
you home. Its very dangerous, something might happen to you.
The angel-like elf nodded. Steven called his friend, Silva and they take the elf to the place
where she lives. When they got to the elfs place, the elf invited them to enter her house but
Steven refused.
Were very sorry but we must go now. Thank you for inviting us. Steven said.
The elf tried to smile even if she feels unhappy that Steven will leave.
I understand.
Good bye. Silva and Steven turned around and theyre ready to leave when Steven
looked back. By the way, can I know whats your name? he asked.
The elf smiled, My name is Madelene.
Steven smiled. Its very nice to meet you Madelene. Im Steven.
Nice to meet you too, Steven. Thanks for saving my life.
Youre welcome. Dont go too far when youre alone. Its too dangerous especially in
this place. Steven said before they leave.
As the time passed, Steven and Madelene became very close to each other. He even
brought Madelene to his world. And Madelene introduced Steven to her family and friends. They
travel anywhere with Silva. Theyre always together without realizing that they already fell for
each other. They promised that they will never leave each other.

The Ogre, whom Steven fought with, was comfortably sitting in his throne while waiting
for his servant.
Master, what can I do for you? Chrianndyer asked her master, the Ogre.
I want you to make a potion that can make someone fall asleep for a long time. The
Ogre told his servant. Can you do that?
Of course, master. Anything for you.
Charianndyer is the very first servant of the Ogre, and the one and only servant that the
Ogre trusts. She makes different kinds of potions for decades. And she is also the best when it
comes on making poisonous and fatal potions.
After making the potion that her master told her, she gave it to the Ogre.
Very good. You never failed me. The Ogre told her. Tell me about this potion.
That potion is very powerful. When someone drinks that potion, that person will fall
asleep forever. Unless that person will be kissed by his one true love.
The Ogre wanted to take revenge to Madelene. She used to be his wife but she never
wanted him. Madelene was forced by her father to marry the Ogre in order for them to live
longer. For the reason that the Ogre was planning to kill all of them that lives in his territory until
the Ogre noticed Madelene and made a deal with her father.

Steven woke up and left the sea very early without the accompany of his friend, Silva. He
went to the top of the hill where he will meet with Madelene. This is the day where Steven plans
to tell Madelene that he loves her.
When he reached the top of the hill, he saw Madelene facing the other side of the hill.
When Steven is walking towards Madelene, he saw the Ogre and Charianndyer approaching him.
Then suddenly the Ogre hit Steven at the back of his neck. Steven lost his consciousness. Then
the Ogre snatched Madelene from where she was standing, and brought her to his castle.
Steven was shocked when he woke up because he knew that that the Ogre snatched
Madelene. Silva come forward! Steven shout furiously. Then Silva, without hesitation, quickly
approached Steven. Lets go to the castle to find Mandelene. Steven said.
Steven and Silva arrived to the castle of the Ogre within 5 seconds. Ogre, where did you
hide my beloved Madelene? Steven asked furiously. Were here. Shouted the Ogre. After that
the Ogre forced Madelene to drink the potion.
Dont do that! Steven shouted.
Dont worry youre next. The ogre replied.
Then the Ogre poured the potion to the mouth of Madelene. Steven consumed by his
anger, attacked the Ogre with all his might. After a few minutes of fighting, Steven won and the
Ogre flee across the north where he will never be found.
After seeing Madelene laying down on the floor, Stevens world began to fall down.
Madelene, please wake up. I never had the chance to tell you that I love you so much
and I promise myself that I will never let you go. Please Madelene, wake up. Steven kept on
After hearing those words, Charianndyer rush forward to Steven and said,
There is a way to break the spell. You must kiss Madelene but there is a consequence,
you will be the one who will be put into sleep forever.
Ok, I will do everything for Madelene
After kissing Madelene, Steven began to feel dizzy. Before he loses his consciousness, he
wrote a letter and put it under the pillow where Madelene is sleeping.
When Steven fall into the deep sleep, his loyal best friend, Silva, carried him and went to
Atlantis. For Silva, this is where he could take care of Steven while he is in deep sleep.

When Madelene woke up, she was on her bed with a mysterious pillow beside her. She
held the pillow and thought about Steven. She ran as fast as she could up to the top of the hill
while crying, thinking that she will never see Steven again.
When she reached the top of the hill, she saw nothing. She went to the tunnel which is the
way to Stevens place but she found nothing. Theres no such place as the tunnel and under the
sea. She went back to the hill and sat to the grass and sighed hopelessly.
Where are you Steven?
Was it just a dream?
But I can feel you.
And you said you wont leave me.
Madelene hugged the pillow and cried. While she was crying, the pillow turned into life
and hugged her back.
Who are you? Madelene asked the pillow.
They call me Pillowee. The pillow answered.
Dont worry Madelene. I am here. The pillow told her. Some people come into our
lives and quickly go. Some, stays for a while and leave footprints. Because things end, and
people leave. But Madelene, life goes on. Sometimes, we met the right person at the wrong time.
In some circumstances, you met the wrong person at the time when you are ready to love again.
But when you find the right person at the right time, in the right place, faith has grabbed both of
your hands. Dont let go.
Then the pillow hugged Madelene. After the pillow left, she saw a letter. And it is from
Steven. She was right! It was not a dream! The love that she felt for Steven is real.

Dear my beloved Madelene,

This is for all the things that I wanted to say, for the greatest love I had to give up. This is for
you and me, for the story that we never got to finish, and for the emotions that have consumed us, even
when they were not supposed to be there.
I have constantly wondered what would have happened if I made a different choice. Destiny
tested the both of us, and it's sad to say that we failed. I'm so sorry that I had to leave you, even if
leaving you will make my world tear apart. Only if we met in another world and another time, maybe
things wouldn't be like this.
I still remember when you touched my hand for the first time; I wanted nothing more than to
hold it forever. Whenever I look at you, I see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. I want to demand
more time having you within my reach. I still want to be there for you, to listen to everything that you
have to say. I still want to show you how much I love you, how much I care for you, and how much I
want to keep you. Maybe fate doesn't want me to end up with you.
While you're reading this, maybe I'm already gone. I'm sorry for breaking my promise not to
leave, but I have to for you. Because I want you to live your life, even if it means living without me.
But even if I'm gone, always remember, that I'm always by your side.
Maybe, I'm not right for you and surely, you're not right for me. Maybe at the very beginning,
we just met to teach each other a lesson. A lesson that will serve as our guide as we wait for the right
one to come.
I guess what's left to say is no matter how different our lives have turned out now, I'm glad
that we were once part of each other's lives. And despite the ache, thank you for teaching me how to
love and feel loved.

After reading the letter, tears were evident on the face of Madelene.

The End

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