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SME Annual Meeting

Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

Preprint 04-19

W. A. Wilkinson, Jr.
Mincom, Inc.
Englewood, CO

V. J. Kecojevic
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA

ABSTRACT advancements in mining software help them to visualize the complex-

ity and spatial distribution of rock strata parameters, allowing them to
Mining companies are increasingly looking at Global Positioning make engineering changes, and to test or compare new concepts
System (GPS) technology coupled with 3D mine planning and visu- even before the field action is taken. An integrated algorithm for drill
alization systems to deliver increased productivity and reduction in and blast design, as well as drill monitoring system is shown in Figure
operating costs in drilling and blasting operations. Leveraging GPS 1.
into drill and blast operations requires that a drilling plan be devel-
oped and imported into the GPS to guide the operation to a planned
and desirable outcome. State-of-the-art mine planning software sys-
tems provide the engineer with a 3D environment in which to design
and visualize drill and blast plans. This paper discusses producing
and exporting 3D drill and blast plans to GPS and how some coal
companies are utilizing GPS and mine planning software technology
in the drill and blast process.


The purpose of drilling and blasting operations in surface mining

is rock fragmentation. Drilling and blasting are the two key compo-
nents in the overall rock fragmentation systemthe first element of
the ore extraction process. This system, well designed, provides
appropriate rock material granulation or size that is suitable for load-
ing and transportation. According to the U.S. Geological Survey [1],
the U.S. surface mining industry uses almost 2 million tons of explo-
sives annually. Between 1989 and 1999, surface coal mines have Figure 1. Integrated drill and blast design flow
used 16.2 billion kilograms (35.7 billion pounds) while 3.3 billion kilo-
grams (7.3 billion pounds) have been used in nonmetal mines [2].
The proper design of the drilling and blasting system is essen- COMPUTER AIDED DESIGNS
tial to the success of mine operations. The major thrust is to maintain
safety, minimize the overall cost, and maximize the value of the Geologic & Topographic Models
resulting products. Requirements of efficiency, timeliness, and accu- Drill and blast design begins with models of the geology and cur-
racy must be satisfied simultaneously, to assure that companies rent mine topography. The mine topography must be accurate to
involved remain competitive and able to survive in a tough market. provide a reliable surface from which to locate the position and ele-
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and 3D mine design tools are vation of the blast hole collars. Increasingly mining companies are
envisioned as a major vehicle in future improvements in mine design, utilizing GPS or laser scan technology to quickly obtain accurate
safety, efficiency in the drill and blast process, cost savings, and in existing topography data. It is generally a straightforward process to
the education of mining professionals. import GPS and scan data into current state-of-the-art mine planning
It is advantageous to utilize fully integrated software packages software packages. Figure 2 depicts the process of constructing a
which provide all the required tools in one package, including CAD, drill bench surface using survey data with a geologic cross-section
topographic modeling, geological modeling, blast layout, hole charg- shown.
ing, detonation time and Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) calculations, It is equally important to have an accurate geologic model,
plotting, reporting and finally, exporting designs to the drill monitoring which, at a minimum, identifies product zones that will be mined.
system. The 3D design tools have changed the methodology by Product zones will typically be used to limit the depth of the blast
which mining engineers design, plan and maintain performance holes or define intervals for special blast hole loading. Other geolog-
records of mining structures throughout their life cycle. It has signifi- ic zones should be modeled if deemed critical to the drill and blast
cantly reduced development time, and graphics can be generated design. If modeled, weak rock strata, exceptionally hard zones, etc.,
very quickly. Mining engineers benefit from this progress, as parallel can be utilized in determining how to charge the blast holes.

1 Copyright 2004 by SME

SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

Figure 2. Bench surface constructed from survey data (surface is rendered and geologic section is shown for visualization).

Software which supports expression surfaces (surfaces represented onds). Similarly, hole conditions, such as wet holes, will also have an
by formula referencing modeled intervals/surfaces) is valuable in impact on the selection of blasting agents and how holes may be
cases where an identified zone of interest has not specifically been loaded. 3D drill and blast software can provide the designer with
modeled, but can be calculated in relation to another modeled inter- tools to interactively categorize the blast holes which control how the
val or surface holes are charged and visually displayed to the engineer. Influence
polygons for the blast holes, blast consumables and powder factors
Drill Pattern Design can be calculated to predict the impact and cost of the designed
Typically, sets of parameters associated with blasting pattern blast. The blast holes can also be tied with designed delays, interac-
include bench height, hole diameter, hole depth, burden, spacing, tively, or as a batch. Once the blast holes are tied, the detonation
hole inclination, sub-drilling, hole positioning, and hole pattern. times and blast sequence can be visualized as 3D graphics. Figure
Integrating the blast design with the geologic model, mine design and 4 shows an example of a blast hole loading plan and a charged blast
mine topography facilitates drill hole pattern positioning on the actu- hole design.
al drill bench elevation as individual blast holes are projected to The resulting 3D drilling and blasting design provides the oper-
benches or surfaces critical to the design. With the implementation of ator with a visual representation of the pattern to be drilled, and
GPS, drill monitoring systems, and a 3D drill and blast design sys- allows for visual assessment of blast holes distribution in reference to
tem, hole pattern designs need not be limited because of field stake- the local rock strata features and verification of compliance with the
out considerations. Figure 3 shows a typical drill pattern located on approved mine plan. Providing blasting personnel with typical blast
a bench with a coal seam. hole loading plans helps ensure that the blast design is implemented
in the field. The blast design effectiveness and cost can be evaluat-
Blast Design ed before blasting by utilizing the actual mine topography and an
Selection of the appropriate types of explosives depends upon accurate geological model. In addition, the entire geological domain
such major factors as health and safety, environmental considera- can be visualized from different angles thus forewarning about possi-
tions, rock properties, rock fragmentation requirements, drill hole ble trouble spots before drilling. As a permanent record, such visu-
conditions, drill hole diameter, etc. While designing the blast hole ally enhanced designs could have a significant impact in document-
patterns, the key parameters considered should include: the depth of ing both successful and unsuccessful blasting events tied to the local
stemming (rock chips, dirt, or other non-explosive material placed on geology and rock structure. More detailed description on 3D design
top of the charge), the charge amount, the charge interval (multiple of drilling and blasting patterns can be found in authors papers pub-
charge intervals separated by stemming), explosive type, specific lished by Swets & Zeitlinger [3] and International Society of
gravity of explosive, the detonator type, and the delay timellisec- Explosives Engineers [4]

2 Copyright 2004 by SME

SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

Figure 3. Staggered blast hole pattern positioned on the drill bench with areas of influence polygons displayed.

Figure 4. Charged and tied blast holes with typical loading sheet detail.

3 Copyright 2004 by SME

SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

GPS DRILL MONITORING SYSTEMS With GPS systems on the drill rig, the as-drilled blast hole
information can be imported back into the drill and blast design sys-
In a new, technology-rich era, the high precision systems are tem via wireless network and the design blast holes reconciled with
used to address drilling and blasting challenges in a technologically actual drilling. Additionally, geologic information captured by drill
efficient and cost-effective manner with far-reaching impacts. Using monitoring systems and assays from drilled blast holes can be used
GPS technology and advanced control systems, traditional survey- to update the geological model, as well as provide quality control
ing, stacking, and human errors are virtually eliminated. information for blasting and production. An example of the interface
Drilling machines can be instrumented with a variety of sensors between the Mincom MineScape Drill & Blast product [7] and GPS is
from which data can be digitized and transmitted to any location for shown in Figure 5. The MineScape system provides for export of drill
analyses. The INTELMINETM High-Precision Drill System by hole locations, depths and reference graphics to Aquila and DrillNAV
Modular Mining Systems [5] uses GPS technology, information from GPS Systems.
computer-aided design of drilling and blasting, and an on-board color
graphics console to provide the precise location of boreholes drilled. FIELD EXPERIENCES
Each borehole can be surveyed as part of the drilling operation to
provide an as-built record of the drilling accuracy accomplished at The author interviewed two U.S. surface coal mining companies
each location. The Aquila Mining Systems [6] has developed a pro- that have implemented a drill monitoring system to learn of their
duction monitoring system, a material recognition system, and a guid- experiences and discover if their planned objectives for utilizing a
ance system for vertical and inclined drilling. The production moni- GPS system in drilling and blasting were met. Company 1 began
toring system provides the operator with immediate information on implementing their drill monitoring system in March 2003 and
drilling productivity and performance, while the material recognition Company 2 has been using a drill monitoring system for several
system is equipped with vibration sensors and pattern recognition years. The two companies interviewed are using Mincom MineScape
software to determine hole geology while drilling. Guidance systems for drill and blast planning, while the Aquila drill monitoring system
for vertical and inclined drilling enable the operator to position the provides the drill monitoring system. While neither company inter-
blast hole with centimeter accuracy. viewed could provide a definitive analysis on costs savings, they

Figure 5. Output - Aquila and DrillNAV drill hole information and graphics output are supported. Blast cost reports can
also be easily generated.

4 Copyright 2004 by SME

SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

could identify efficiencies and benefits from employing a drill monitor- This company has identified several benefits from using the
ing system. Requests from companies not wishing to be identified Aquila system. Firstly, correct drill rig alignment over the designed
have been honored and thus they have been given an arbitrary name inclined blast hole location ensures that the blast hole is drilled to the
in this paper. desired direction, thus achieving the desired fragmentation.
Additionally, the positioning of blast holes at the designed locations
Company 1 and angles is critical to achieve a designed cast blast of approximate-
Company 1 is a multiple seam surface coal mine located in the ly 30%.
western United States that mines approximately 5.4Mt (6 million short Secondly, since existing and designed drill holes can be pre-
tons) of coal using a dragline for overburden removal. Blast hole cisely located, misfires can be addressed by utilizing GPS to locate
drilling is performed by three Drilltek 75K drill rigs producing 1.55Mm new blast holes between the misfired holes. Finally, when required,
518km per year (1.7 million ft. per year). Twelve (full time operators, a safety bench will be constructed on the high wall. To achieve the
one supervisor, one engineer working part time and six to eight required blasting production, blast hole drilling must also occur on the
backup drill operators staff drilling and blasting operations. Blasting safety bench, which is drilled vertically. Blast holes drilled at the crest
operations consume 12.24Mkg (27 million lbs.) of ANFO and are angled. Blast hole design, GPS positioning and depth control
3.786Mkg (8.5 million lbs.) of emulsion per year. The drill and blast ensure that blast holes do not intersect and maintain the correct
procedure for Company 1 historically involved the surveyors staking spacing. Company 2 is now beginning to take a harder look at
out the first column of drill holes. Day shift drillers would be respon- designing blast hole charges by incorporating data collected from the
sible for locating the night shift drill hole locations by offsetting from Aquila drill monitoring system as well as computerized hole loading
the surveyed holes location. The drill hole location process reduced equipment in an effort to achieve the required fragmentation with just
the amount of time the daylight shift drillers spent drilling by one half enough powder factor.
Company 1 has recently implemented the Aquila drill monitoring CONCLUSION
system and rock recognition system in an effort to achieve better uti-
lization and productivity in the drill and blast process. Anticipated The discussion presented in this article provides an overview of
cost savings were expected in the areas of increased drilling produc- the benefits of leveraging technology into computer-aided design and
tion, improved bit life, reduction in over-drilling, and reduced powder high-precision systems in drilling and blasting. Benefits provided by
consumption. this cutting-edge technology include:
MineScape was utilized to develop the geologic model and drill
and blast patterns Survey data of the drill bench was also gathered 1) Improved engineering design andjob training, case his-
and modeled in the MineScape system. The MineScape Drill & Blast tory analysis;
product was then used to locate user-defined blast hole pattern col- 2) Accurately locating blast holes resulting in improved
lars onto the bench surface and then projected to the coal seam to be implementation of the blast planmapping of blasting
mined. The resulting designed blast hole pattern information was activities in combination with the local rock strata char-
then exported to an Aquila format provided and transmitted to the drill acteristics;
rigs wirelessly through the Aquila METS manager system. 3) Improved results in the areas of drilling, fragmentation,
Company 1 has not yet achieved all of the objectives it had loading conditions, explosive usage, production, energy
anticipated with an Aquila implementation as of the writing of this usage, and eliminating toes accurate blast plans );
paper. Initial equipment problems have affected the reliability of the 4) Retention and utilization of data acquired through drill
rock recognition system, which have prevented the consistent use of and blast operations to improve the geologic model and
information so far; thus, no evidence of powder reduction and to better predict the grade;
improved drill bit life has been seen. The vendor has since provided 5) Improved health and safety; and
solutions and the mine is currently undergoing an evaluation phase. 6) Wireless connectivity to and from the mine office.
While measured drill production has not increased, efficiencies
gained by the system in the drilling process have increased produc- While many benefits can and have been identified, the coal min-
tivity, through an 87% reduction in drill stakeout delays. ing companies interviewed for this paper have not yet been able to
definitively quantify cost savings. It has been observed that imple-
Company 2 mentation of GPS technology for drilling and blasting is performed in
Company 2 is a one and two-seam surface coal mine located in stages. Aside from start-up glitches in assembling a GPS drill moni-
the western United States that mines approximately 52Mt (62 million toring system, companies just beginning to implement GPS drill mon-
short tons) of coal per year using draglines for overburden removal. itoring systems focus on developing blast hole patterns and commu-
Five drill rigs perform the blast hole drilling; where three units drill nicating the drilling plans to the GPS system. As companies become
overburden and two drill coal. The overburden drills produce more familiar with the system, the focus can be directed at incorpo-
1.219Mm per year (3.9 million feet per year), while the drills in coal rating data collected from the drill monitoring system into blast hole
produce 274.3km per year (900,000 feet per year). Drilling and blast- planning and geologic modeling. Alternately, and possibly in parallel,
ing operations are staffed with twenty-six drillers and loaders and coal mining companies will focus on blast hole charging plans in an
two supervisors. Blasting operations consume 73.02Mkg per year effort to reduce powder factor while achieving the desired fragmenta-
(161 million pounds per year) of ANFO for both overburden and coal tion.
blasting operations.
MineScape is utilized to develop the drill and blast patterns, REFERENCES
while the geologic model is imported into MineScape for mine plan-
ning purposes from another software package. Survey data of the 1. USGS: Mineral Industry Surveys. Explosives 1999 Annual
drill bench is obtained using laser technology and modeled in the Review, U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 2000.
MineScape system. The MineScape system is then used to locate 2. Kramer D.A. : Mineral Industry Surveys, Explosives 1999
user-defined blast hole pattern collars onto the bench surface and Annual Review, Reston, Virginia, 2000.
then projected to the coal seam to be mined. The resulting designed 3. Kecojevic V., Mrugala M., Wilkinson W., 3-D Visual Drill and
blast hole pattern information is then exported to an Aquila format Blast Design, International Journal of Rock Fragmentation and
provided and transmitted to the drill rigs wirelessly through the Aquila Blasting FRAGBLAST, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003.
METS manager system.

5 Copyright 2004 by SME

SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 23-25, Denver, Colorado

4. Kecojevic V., Wilkinson W., Computer-Aided Design & High-

Precision Systems in Drilling & Blasting, The Journal of Explosives
Engineering, ISEE, Volume 20, No. 4, 2003.
5. Modular Mining System: ProVision Drill Technical Bulletin.
Technical Bulletins,, Tucson, Arizona, 2002.
6.Aquila Mining Systems: Aquila Mining Systems Products:, Montreal, Quebec, 2003.
7. Mincom: MineScape Products,
ucts/minescape, 2003.

6 Copyright 2004 by SME

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