Ict Prelim Lesson 2

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ABACUS an early aid for mathematical computations. The user can have a fast ABC (ATANASOFF BERRY COMPUTER) Dr. John V. Atanasoff, a professor at
calculation in addition and subtraction however, multiplication and division is IOWA State University and graduate student Clifford Berry assembled a prototype
much slower. The oldest surviving Abacus was used by the Babylonians. of the ABC for Dr. Atanasoffs Physics students spending complicated calculations.

NAPIERS BONE invented by John Napier where logarithmic values were carved
on ivory sticks. John Napier also invented logarithm.

SLIDE RULE first built in England in 1632 and still in used in 1960s by NASA EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING
engineers. Leonardo da Vinci made drawings of this gear-driven calculating
machine. MARK 1 Howard Aiken began working on MARK 1 at Harvard University with
the assistance graduate students and engineers from IBM. It was completed in
CALCULATING CLOCK the first gear-driven calculating machine invented by a 1944 and officially named as Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator or
German professor Wilhelm Schickard. ASCC.

PASCALINE a gear-driven one-function calculator invented by Blaise Pascal at ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) it was developed under
the age of 12 as an aid for his father who was a tax collector. The machine the direction of Presper Eckert Jr. and John Mauchly. It is considered as the first
couldnt sell many because of its high cost, werent that accurate and not possible large-scale vacuum tube computer.
to fabricate gears with the required precision.
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) This modified
STEPPED RECKONER also known as Leibniz Calculator, a 4-function calculator version of the ENIAC proposed by John Von Newmann was started in 1946. It
invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Instead of gears, it employed fluted drums employed binary arithmetic and have stored-program capability.
in a stair-step fashion.
EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) It was developed under
JACQUARDS LOOM a power loom that could based its weave upon a pattern the direction of M. V. Wikes in 1949 in Cambridge University and considered to
automatically read from punch wooden cards, held together in a long row by be as the first stored-program machine.
rope invented by a Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard.
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) Eckert and Mauchly left the EDVAC
DIFFERENCE ENGINE a steam-driven calculating machine as size of a room. project soon after it started to form a company to produce the UNIVAC. It is
considered to be as the first computer designed for business rather than scientific
ANALYTIC ENGINE This is a programmable machine through punch card applications.
technology of Jacquard large as a house and powered by steam engines. Both
Difference Engine and Analytic Engine were invented by English mathematician
Charles Babbage.
Lady Ada Byron Lovelace helped Charles Babbage in writing series of
notes wherein she detailed sequences of instructions thats why she was
considered to be as the first programmer. She invented the subroutine and was
the first to recognize the importance of looping.

HOLLERITHS TABULATING MACHINE also known as Holleriths Desk, a machine

that converts information on punch cards into electrical impulse invented by
Herman Hollerith. After its success in the 1890 US census, Hollerith founded the
TMC that eventually became the IBM.

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