Worms For Composting, Worms For Bait and Worms For Waste Processing

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Worms for Bait or Waste

Processing (Vermicomposting)
A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 • www.attra.ncat.org

By Alice Beetz, NCAT This publication is for entrepreneurs interested in a commercial earthworm enterprise. Information
Program Specialist about vermiculture – raising earthworms for bait or feed – is included. Information about using these
© 2010 NCAT worms, usually Eisenia fetida, to process waste into vermicompost is also included. Vermicompost is
used in nurseries or the landscape industry as an ingredient in potting soil mixes and performs pest
and disease control functions as a soil amendment. Production and marketing issues are covered for
Contents both types of earthworm businesses. Whether you are raising worms for bait or using them to produce
vermicompost, you will need to learn how to raise earthworms. For your worm-based business, you
Introduction ..................... 1
will have to separate earthworms from their growing environment and sell your product—either the
Produce earthworms worms or the vermicompost.
or use worms for
waste processing?.......... 1 Many people use earthworms on a much smaller scale for processing their personal garbage as a means
to reduce the amount of their garbage going to the landfill. This publication has information that can
Raising worms ................. 2
serve this audience as well.
Feeds and bedding ....... 4
Worm bin ecology ......... 7
Separating worms
from vermicompost ...... 8 Introduction

Marketing worms efore you decide to begin an
and vermicompost ........ 9
earthworm venture:
and budget..................... 13
A word about • Read about worms
pyramid schemes ......... 14 • Start a worm bin of your own
What about • Identify markets
certifying worms
or vermicompost • Visit a worm enterprise and ask
as organic? ...................... 14
Conclusion ...................... 15
• Decide whether to sell the worms
References ...................... 16
or to sell the vermicompost
Further resources ......... 16
• Locate inexpensive or free sources Eisenia fetida, a good composting worm of many
Appendix......................... 19
of bedding and feed names. Photo courtesy of Bentley Christie,
• Develop a business plan
• Decide on a marketing plan (sometimes with purchased amendments)
This might not be the proper order for your into vermicompost, a valuable soil amend-
investigation and research. However, each ment. Although the needs of the worms
activity will help you determine if you should must be met in either type of system, the
objectives are different.
start an earthworm enterprise. Marketing is
ATTRA—National Sustainable
important, so you must develop a plan for Raising worms for bait requires closer man-
Agriculture Information Service selling your product before you make any agement than raising them to process agri-
(www.attra.ncat.org) is managed
by the National Center for Appro-
serious investment in this new venture. cultural or food wastes. When you choose
priate Technology (NCAT) and is to sell worms for bait or as feed for fish or
funded under a grant from the
United States Department of Produce earthworms or use poultry, you will sell off the livestock from
Agriculture’s Rural Business- the system periodically. Bait worms must
Cooperative Service. Visit the worms for waste processing? meet a certain size standard and will need to
NCAT website (www.ncat.org/
sarc_current.php) for The two main reasons that people grow be separated from smaller worms and eggs.
more information on
our sustainable agri-
worms are to sell them as bait or feed or to You should be consistent in your feed and
culture projects. use earthworms to process waste materials bedding. You will also need to optimize
scales throughout the United States.
Castings are pure worm waste. Vermicom- These systems can be used to raise
post includes castings, organic material and worms or for waste processing.
bedding in various stages of decomposition,
along with living worms, eggs and other – Stacked bins or containers are a type
worm bin creatures. There are not many com- of batch reactor and require con-
mercial systems that produce pure castings. siderable handling and lifting. It
The terms castings and vermicompost are is difficult to monitor bed condi-
often used interchangeably and, because tions and to add feedstuffs. Systems
pure castings haven’t proved more effective
using stacks of large, shallow draw-
than vermicompost, they won’t be distin-
guished in this publication.
ers reduce some of the drawbacks.
Considerable labor is involved.
• Windrow systems on concrete or on
temperature, aeration, pH and moisture con- the ground require the least capital
ditions to promote worm reproduction and investment, but they are slow and
growth. All of this requires consistent man- labor-intensive, even with machinery.
agement and attention to detail. Although windrows have been used
for worm production, they are most
Related ATTRA For a waste processing system, the goal is
Publications appropriate for waste processing.
low-cost production. The materials that you
process might not be ideal for feed or bed- • Continuous flow reactors are the most
Potting Mixes for
Certified Organic ding, but if the source is consistent, you can expensive of these systems. Labor
Production design a workable system. With skillful mar- costs may be less, however. Equip-
keting, it’s possible to be paid tipping fees for ment, skilled management and
Alternative Soil
waste removal and be paid again by the end excellent marketing are necessary to
Testing Labs
user for the final product. Tipping fees are ensure a profitable enterprise.
Foliar Fertilization charged to those who generate garbage for Continuous processing has emerged as the
Notes on the service of hauling it away. preferred method for commercial produc-
Compost Teas tion of vermicompost. The worms never
Do some market research and consider what
Direct Marketing type of worm farming system fits your sit- leave the bed, so tedious harvesting proce-
uation before you commit resources to set- dures are avoided entirely. Feeding, misting
ting up your operation. Producing worms and collecting the finished product can be
will require considerable attention, espe- automated, and it is much easier to produce
cially at the start. If you have never managed a consistent product.
a household worm composting system, begin
with a small-scale trial and learn the basics. Raising worms
The kinds of worms used in commercial
Production systems systems are not the species commonly found
Worm production takes place at scales that living in the soil. Likewise, the worms raised
range from a bin in the kitchen for pro- in these systems will not survive long
cessing household scraps or raising fishing living outdoors.
worms to large mechanized systems able to The most common species raised in the
accommodate tons of organic material on a United States is Eisenia fetida. They require
continuous basis. This publication is focused high levels of nutrients, reproduce quickly
on commercial-scale operations. In general, and tolerate being raised in captivity. Their
these production methods can be grouped preferred temperature range is about 65 to
into four types: 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Batch reactors (containers on legs or Often called red wigglers, manure worms or
on the ground) are filled, allowed to tiger worms, there are many common names
work and then emptied. This type of used to market this type of worm. Some
processing is being tested at various are called hybrids; some are even called

Page 2 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)

nightcrawlers. True nightcrawlers, Lubricus
terrestris, are not well-adapted to commercial Some things to know about worms:
production. However, if you check the species • They don’t tolerate light. One hour of exposure to sunlight
of the worms you are buying, you will be fine, will completely paralyze an earthworm and several hours
no matter what the seller is calling them. will kill it (Gaddie and Douglas, 1975).
When stocking a bin, start with a pound of • Their skin must be kept moist so that they can breathe
worms for every cubic foot of bed. This allows through it.
plenty of room and ensures that the worms • Their bedding must be kept moist, but not wet.
will be in close enough proximity to con-
tinue breeding. Populations are self-adjust- • Aeration is critical to maintaining healthy worms.
ing. When conditions become crowded, larger • If conditions in the bed don’t suit them, the worms
worms will eat less and try to avoid younger will leave.
or smaller worms. Reproduction rates then
• Once acclimated to their environment, worms can eat half
decline and worms will try to leave the bin their weight – or more – daily.
(Gaddie and Douglas, 1975)
• Reproduction rates slow down when worms are too crowded.
As stated earlier, the emphasis is different
if you are selling worms or if you are using • Optimal bedding temperature ranges for growth and for
reproduction vary by species.
worms to produce a valuable soil amend-
ment. In either case, you will need to tend to
the needs of your worms. Consider them as
livestock that have feed and housing require- Moisture: The bedding should be very damp.
ments. Worms are vulnerable to pests, but In order to breathe, a worm’s skin must stay
less susceptible to diseases. Care for them moist. A moisture meter will accurately mea-
well to create a profitable business. sure the moisture percentage in bedding.
The ideal moisture range, from 80 to 90 per-
Key environmental conditions for growing cent, is higher than is practical for maintain-
worms are: ing aerobic conditions, so optimal percent-
• High moisture percentage through- age is about 65 to 70 percent. Worms in an
out the bedding over-watered bed will become large, soft and
sluggish. Breeding rates decline under such
• Continuous oxygen within the
waterlogged conditions. It is useful to know
growing container how bedding with the optimal amount of
• Optimal bedding temperature moisture feels. Taking a handful of bedding
• Slightly acid pH (acidity or alkalinity) and squeezing it should produce a few drop-
in the system lets of water between the fingers. This indi-
cates about 70 percent moisture.
Oxygen: Oxygen is critical to the worm
production system. The worm needs oxy- If there is not enough moisture, the worms
gen, which passes through its moist skin, to have trouble breathing. Other pests will also
live. The microbes that live with the worms move into a very wet environment, especially
and help process the worm feed also need if it becomes so wet that oxygen is limited.
oxygen. If the bedding becomes matted or Be sure that excess moisture can drain away
water-logged, the system will become anaer- from the production area, but be careful to
obic (oxygen-limited). Incorporate some control such runoff, because it is considered
coarse bedding materials that won’t mat livestock effluent. The laws designed to pre-
when they get wet. vent livestock effluent from contaminating
Pay close attention to this critical environ- water resources apply to worm production
as well.
mental factor. It is difficult to maintain high
moisture and high oxygen conditions, but Excess water that drains from a worm
that is what worm production requires. production system is not the same as
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vermicompost or worm tea. Such teas are difference of one number means that the
made by soaking vermicompost for a pre- lower number is 10 times more acidic than
determined period, either with or without the next number up. Some feed and bedding
amendments, often with a bubbler to main- materials will change the pH when added to
tain aerobic conditions. Teas have been the growing area. For example, high-protein
shown to provide benefits similar to vermi- feeds tend to make the system more acidic,
compost but with the advantages of liquid as do many vegetable wastes. Nevertheless,
application. changes in pH are usually gradual and don’t
affect the worm population.
Temperature: Each worm species has differ-
ent ranges for optimal growth and reproduc- Kelly Slocum, a worm production consul-
tion. Keep the temperature of the bedding tant, says that, contrary to what many have
between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit for said, worms prefer a pH of 5, which is acidic
all worms except tropical species. Although (7 is neutral). She suggests that if you have
the worms will survive relatively extreme a problem with your worm production, pH
temperatures (some will even tolerate grad- should be the last item you evaluate. If you
ual freezing), the goal is to maximize growth decide that pH is the problem and you want
and reproduction, which is most efficient in to adjust it, remember that this affects all of

comfortable conditions. the bin residents that are adapted to the cur-
the rent conditions. The whole ecology of the
best Where cold temperatures are a concern, bin will shift and it will take time to adjust
feed? The most electric heating mats or cables can be used to the new pH (Slocum, 2000).
microbe-active, underneath the production area to keep
the bedding warm. You can also insulate When conditions are not within tolerable
diverse material that limits, worms will be stressed. How can you
the production facilities with straw bales or
can be obtained for other available materials. In areas where the tell that there’s a problem?
little or no cost. soil doesn’t freeze deeply, burying the beds • When worms are climbing up and
–Kelly Slocum, below ground level helps protect the worms exiting the bin
worm consultant from extreme temperatures, although drain-
• When worms are staying low and
age issues must be addressed.
not coming up to feed
Increased microbial activity will raise the • When worms mass together in a ball
temperature in the beds. This is helpful in
keeping beds active in colder climates, but If you see these symptoms, something is seri-
it is a problem if the bedding or feedstock ously wrong with the worms’ environment.
has not been pre-composted and the bed You should immediately determine what it
becomes very hot. When using raw materi- is and fix it.
als for this purpose, be sure the worms can
move away from the source of heat. Feeds and bedding
Some materials can serve as feed and bed-
In hot climates, shade is essential to main-
ding. Successful producers provide for their
taining an optimal temperature range. Half-
livestock’s (worms) need for both. Both the
buried production facilities can be helpful in
feed and the bedding will be consumed by
these situations as long as there is plenty of
the diverse population of organisms in a
moisture and air flow for evaporative cool-
worm production system and both will need
ing. Some producers have used mist systems.
to be replaced as the material is converted to
Remember, consistent temperatures provide
worm castings.
consistent results.
pH: The pH (acidity or alkalinity) of the Feeds
system is important, but only if conditions Worms eat a wide variety of organic materi-
range too far from neutral or changes occur als – or, more accurately, a wide variety of
too rapidly. Worms can tolerate a pH range the microbes that feed on organic materials.
from 5 to 9, which is broad, because the Almost any plant or animal waste could
Page 4 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)
Worms have no teeth, so it is best to use
small feed particles. If you grind feed materi-
als very finely, worms can utilize them more
readily, but be sure that there are enough
coarse materials for bedding so that the
materials will not pack tightly and limit oxy-
gen. Another way to reduce particle size is to
soak feed before adding it to the bed.
Worms have gizzards, as chickens do, and
need some kind of grit to help them reduce
the size of the food particles they eat. Add-
ing sand or clean garden soil periodically
will help the worms consume their feed. If
the bed is tending toward a pH that is too
acidic, a small amount of agricultural lime
(calcium carbonate) can serve as the grit and
neutralize the living conditions. A limited
number of egg shells will also serve this pur-
pose, but watch for pest problems.
Worms with vegetable scraps and paper bedding.
Photo by Amy Weishuhn. Bacteria, fungi and other soil-dwelling
microbes also help break organic material
be used as worm feed. But remember that, into usable particle sizes. Bacteria and molds
like other livestock, worms need vitamins, begin to digest organic matter very quickly.
minerals, protein and carbohydrates. Feeds Their activity softens and breaks down food
should contain more carbohydrates and cel- to further prepare it for the worms.
lulose than protein. Scientists believe that microbes themselves
Usually the feed has nitrogen and is balanced constitute a sizable portion of the worm diet.
by the high level of carbon in the bedding. A Protozoa may in fact be the dominant nutri-
carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 30 parts carbon ent source. However, rotifers, nematodes,
to 1 part nitrogen is about right for a worm bacteria and fungi – as well as the decom-
production system. Too much nitrogen cre- posing remains of plants and other animals
– are also eaten and probably provide some
ates ammonia, which is toxic to worms and
to many of the microbes that the production
system relies on. Excess carbon slows micro- Feeds
bial activity and reduces overall productivity. Animal manures (no antibiotics or
Fat or oily materials such as soybean or sun- deworming medications)
flower meals should be avoided because oil Cardboard, shredded
slows bacterial breakdown, shifting the pH Hay, either legume or grass types
toward an acid bed. Waste products and compost
Commercial feeds
Animal by-products, dairy products and Wood and paper products
meat are generally avoided because they Sewage sludge
attract flies, rodents and other pests. How- Food scraps (avoid meat and dairy)
ever, animal waste – especially livestock Synthetic feeds
manure mixed with straw or sawdust – is Almost any decaying organic material
good for a worm business because the feed
and bedding are already combined. Use Do not feed:
Meat scraps or bones, fish, greasy or
good sanitary procedures when handling raw oily foods, fat, tobacco or pet or human
manure to prevent the spread of infection manure.
from possible pathogens in the manure.
www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 5
nourishment. This is why worms like feed that is free of antibiotics, dewormers and
materials that have already started to spoil. other chemical medications. Check for an
acceptable level of urine and salts. If the
Monitor how quickly the feed is being pro-
product is consistent, and you are observant
cessed, and don’t overfeed. Producers who
about your system, you will not need to test
top-feed either remove unused feed or wait
it often.
until visible feed has been consumed before
adding more. A pile of fresh manure, even when mixed
with straw or sawdust bedding, immediately
You might choose to offer a fattening ration
begins a thermophilic (heat-producing) com-
just before harvest if your system goal is to
posting process. Bacteria cause this activity
raise worms to sell to the bait market or
and the resulting compost is microbe-rich,
if you are selling some worms as breeding
but make sure the thermal composting pro-
stock. Because maximum growth is desired,
cess is done before using this manure in your
you might purchase feed formulated for
worm beds.
this purpose. If you would rather formulate
your own ration, a commonly used recipe Many vermicompost systems rely on ther-
contains the following ingredients, very mal composting prior to feeding the organic
finely ground: material to the worms. Pre-composting, as it
5 parts chicken starter (high-protein is sometimes called, can disable viable seeds
corn, ground) and kill some human pathogens that may
2 parts bran (wheat or rice) have been in the feedstock.
1 part wheat flour
Pre-composting takes much less time than
1 part powdered milk
completely composting the feedstock mate-
1 part agricultural lime
rial. Since pre-composting is designed to
3 parts alfalfa, ground
allow some of the potential heat to dissi-
If the focus of your operation is to use worms pate, it is usually a short (often two weeks)
to process plant or animal wastes into vermi- but closely monitored process. Materials are
compost, few purchased inputs are required. combined and the pile is built. Proper mois-
Look around your area for confined livestock ture and aeration help create an active pile
operations, canning factories and mushroom that heats to 160 degrees F for three days.
facilities for potential sources of waste. Gro- The compost is often turned and allowed
ceries and restaurants are other possibilities to heat a second time. After this stage, the
if vegetable matter can be separated from material can be cooled and carefully added
animal and other waste products. Pre-con- to a working bin.
sumer wastes are easier to handle than post-
consumer garbage. Testing material for use as bedding
Since landfills in many areas will not accept Fill a small container that has aeration holes
organic materials, some establishments with the prospective bedding material.
might pay you to receive their wastes. This Introduce a small number of worms into
the container. If the worms are still there 12
tipping fee is commonly charged for the
hours later, it is safe to use the material as
disposal of garbage. Similarly, livestock bedding. If they are dead or have crawled
manure is subject to legal restrictions so out of the container, further processing
that it doesn’t contaminate nearby water is needed. Leach or age the manure for a
sources. Diverting these waste streams to longer period and test again before using
worm production is an opportunity for the it as bedding.
entrepreneurial worm farmer.

Manure for feed or bedding Bedding

Manure is a great feed or bedding material. Bedding and feedstock sometimes come
Try to find a trustworthy source of manure together. Manure mixed with straw is an

Page 6 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)

have only rudimentary digestive fluids, they
Possible bedding materials depend on other creatures for help to make
• Shredded paper (newsprint, paper nutrients available. The large, visible organ-
bags, cardboard, office paper, but isms reduce the size of particles in the bed
not cross-cut shredded) so that the smaller creatures have access
to more surface area. Microorganisms use
• Sawdust (but not from redwoods,
their own enzymes or digestive acids to
pine or other aromatic softwoods;
process food for themselves, which makes
test first)
the organic material more available to
• Composted animal manure (cow, worms and other critters in the system. Each
horse, rabbit) species has a niche. Any given organism
• Shredded, decaying leaves feeds on materials or other organisms in the
• Straw bed and is likely to become food to others in
the ecosystem.
• Peat moss (consider sustainability
and cost issues) To the new producer, some of the organisms in
• Coconut coir (consider transportation the worm ecosystem will be unfamiliar and
might cause concern. However, most are not

cost and sustainability) ecause
dangerous to the worms and are extremely
worms don’t
beneficial to the efficient functioning of
example. Worms will process the bedding as the system. Few of them eat living plant have teeth
well as the feed, so why make the distinction? material, so they are rarely a danger to plants and have only
that will receive the vermicompost. rudimentary
Bedding is typically a carbonaceous material
that will break down more slowly than the Some of the critters commonly found in vermi- digestive fluids,
feed. It is usually a coarse material that won’t culture systems are listed and described in the they depend on
pack tightly and therefore maintains air pock- Appendix. These descriptions are very brief, other creatures
ets within the growth chamber. It helps to serving as an introduction to the residents of for help to make
absorb excess moisture from feedstock as well. the worm-producing ecosystem that you are nutrients available.
Some commercial systems use peat moss managing. Learn more about each of them
as bedding, but this is an expensive, non- as you observe them in the system. If certain
renewable input that might be better used in critters seem to be overwhelming the system,
other applications. Coconut coir, a renewable study them, learn what conditions are causing
resource, has replaced peat moss in many sys- the increase and adjust your management to
tems. Its disadvantage, from a sustainability bring the system back into equilibrium.
perspective, is that it is transported long Included in the Appendix are lists of ani-
distances. Sustainable, economic opportu- mals that might threaten worms in a pro-
nity in worm production lies in using easily duction system as well as benign critters that
obtainable inexpensive or free materials for are potential competitors for feed.
as many of the inputs as is possible.
Because this is an extremely intricate biolog-
Worm bin ecology ical system, using chemicals to control any
member within it will affect the others. If
A successful worm bin is an ecosystem you use chemicals, they may persist in the
containing a wide diversity of plants (fungi, bedding or castings. Later, when the mate-
bacteria, and molds) and animals, all adapted rial is added to the soil, it might be hazardous
to similar conditions. There are many more
to the growing plants.
species than just the worm that the system
is managed for. These critters, both micro-
scopic and visible to the eye, are interdepen- Diseases
dent; they all work toward breaking down and Worms are not generally susceptible to
stabilizing the organic materials in a worm diseases; however, they are sensitive to condi-
bin. Because worms don’t have teeth and tions in their environment. Protein poisoning

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or sour crop will result from the accumula- worms move down faster than smaller ones,
tion of unused feed in the bin. When this so that the top layer of bedding and the
happens, the bed becomes acidic and gases smaller worms are swept back into the grow-
are released into the bedding. ing area. The worms are allowed to move
to the bottom again. After several sweep-
Symptoms include:
ings, the remaining bedding is swept toward
• Swollen or burst clitellum the center of the table, and the worms are
allowed to move to the bottom, and the top
• Knots along the worm’s body
of this pile is swept away. Finally, the large
• Worm s t h at a re st ri ng y or worms are hand-picked into containers
crawl around aimlessly on the with damp bedding and readied for further
bed’s surface fattening or for immediate sale.
• Worms that stay low in the beds and
refuse to come up to eat Using screens to separate worms
The simplest method of screening worms
• Worms that turn white and die in from their bedding involves shaking a box
the bedding with a screen bottom. The screen size allows
• An increase in the population of vermicompost to fall through and the
acid-loving worm bin residents worms remain in the box. When screens of
different sizes are used, the vermicompost
Separating worms can be separated from the small worms
and eggs as well. This method has obvious
from vermicompost drawbacks because of size limitations and
No matter what product you’re selling, sepa- labor requirements.
rating worms from vermicompost is neces-
sary. If you’re selling the worms, the larger Some production systems are based on using
worms may be separated by one of the meth- stacked boxes with screen bottoms. As the
ods below and then fed a fattening feed feed and bedding is used in a box, another
ration to increase their size or to clear their box with fresh feed and bedding is placed
guts if they are being sold as feed. on top of it. Worms naturally migrate away
from the castings-rich environment to the
You should periodically harvest to redistrib- next level above it. At intervals, another sim-
ute worms, even if they are not being sold, ilar box with fresh bedding and feed is added
in order to keep populations from becoming to the top of the stack. After the worms have
overcrowded. Start with a 30-day harvest moved up, the bottom box is removed and
interval (after your production area is fully the vermicompost is processed for sale.
occupied) and adjust it according to your
system’s requirements. Another harvest method uses screen wire
that is placed in the bed. Again, fresh food
Sorting systems use worms’ natural aversion to and bedding are placed on the screen wire
light, their tendency to move upward to fresh to entice the worms away from the worked
food offered and mechanical screening devices material toward the bottom of the bed. The
to separate worms from the vermicompost. worms move up through the screening and
feed near the surface. After the worms have
Hand sorting worms been feeding and growing above the screen
for some time, the screen is removed with
Removing the top 3-4 inches of bedding
the worms in it. What remains below the
from the growing area to a sorting table is a
screen is mostly vermicompost ready to be
labor-intensive way to sort worms. A strong
processed for use or sale.
light is maintained in the work area so that
as layers of vermicompost are brushed away The worms’ natural inclination to move
the worms are exposed and immediately bur- upward and toward fresh bedding is used to
row into the remaining material. The larger harvest worms in windrow systems as well.
Page 8 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)
In fact, this is the most common way to from the bottom using a bar
prepare the finished vermicompost for har- dragged along the screening
vest. New bedding is placed on the top of that is the f loor of the bin.
the windrow and worms move into it. When Th is movement separates the
most of the worms have moved, the top bedding material from the
layer of the windrow is removed to start the bottom of the bed and ver-
next one, leaving the castings behind. Some micompost falls to a concrete
systems place the new bedding next to the floor where it is collected for
existing windrow, forming a wedge, but the use. It may be allowed to dry
separation of worms from vermicompost is before collection.
less complete.
Oregon Soil Corporation in
Oregon City, Ore., began using
Mechanical screen trommel a continuous reactor process in
Mechanical screening can be used for sep- 1988. Many adaptations have
arating worms from vermicompost in any been built to suit a given sys-
of the production systems. A slanted cylin- tem and plans are available Continuous bed processor. Photo courtesy of
drical harvesting machine, called a trom- from several vendors. Large
mel, is commonly used in large-scale com- amounts of vermicompost can be produced
mercial operations. A motor turns a cylinder without ever having to stop to separate
that is made of progressively larger screens. the worms.
The material from the beds is fed into the This type of system requires a capital invest-
raised end. As it moves downward, different ment on the front end. Savings in labor
sizes of screens allow the vermicompost, the expense for harvesting and handling might
small worms and eggs and finally the larger justify such an investment.
worms to fall into separate areas. The eggs
and small worms are returned to fresh bed-
ding. If only large worms are wanted, only Handling the worms
two screen sizes are necessary. Whatever method is chosen to separate
worms from vermicompost, consider the
worms’ needs during the process. The worms
will die if exposed to light or very dry con-
ditions for too long. Wear damp gloves to
handle the worms and move the worms that
will stay in your system to fresh bedding as
soon as possible. Worms that will be shipped
should be quickly weighed and placed into
the damp medium they will be shipped in.

Marketing worms and

VermiCo Electric Worm Harvester, plans available.
Photo courtesy of Peter Bogdanov, www.vermico.com. Marketing your product is an area to address
long before you actually have anything to
sell. It doesn’t matter if you will be selling
Continuous processing worms or vermicompost, you must have
A continuous bed processor is a long, a buyer if you are going to make money.
raised growing area. New bedding and feed Where will you sell your product? Will you
are added at the top. Feed and moisture, sell wholesale or retail? Who are your cus-
when needed, are applied along the entire tomers in each case? Approach and begin to
length of the bed, sometimes with an over- educate potential buyers as you develop the
head conveyor belt system and mist sys- rest of the business. As your market grows,
tem. Finished vermicompost is harvested you can increase production as well.

www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 9

The worm market, though stable, is not for their consideration. Once you’ve made a
growing much. The vermicompost market is sale, you must provide continuing good ser-
more likely to grow because of these trends: vice and produce a quality product to cul-
• Increased interest and understanding tivate a customer that will buy from you
about recycling repeatedly.
• Awareness about sustainable systems Vending machines that dispense bait are a
relatively new development. An excellent
• Laws banning organic materials
location and conscientious servicing can
from landfills
make this option worthwhile.
• Expansion of the market for organic
farming products Besides face-to-face sales, the Internet pro-
vides another direct sales channel. Create
• Increased awareness in the gen- a website that details your products and
eral public about vermicomposting services. Because most of your customers
(Quillian, 1998) will be remote, your presentation will be
Rhonda Sherman at North Carolina State in competition with all other worm out-
University published a list of potential lets on the Internet. Learn the strategies
markets for worms and vermicompost. for increasing your website’s exposure.
Find it on her comprehensive website at You will also have to decide how you will
www.bae.ncsu.edu/topic/vermicomposting/ ship your product and set up a secure
vermiculture/markets.html. payment system.
Pet stores buy worms as feed for some of
Selling worms their animals. They will probably want to
The main markets for worms are: buy live worms. Likewise, pet owners are
• As bait potential customers.
• For feed Alternatively, worms can be dried and made
• For household food waste processing into a meal to be used as feed. This worm
meal is easier to transport and store than live
Approach local bait stores and ask if they worms. Producing meal requires further pro-
would be interested in buying directly from cessing. Can you get a price that justifies the
a local grower rather than a distant seller. extra expense? Packaging and labeling must
When you are in production, provide samples also be considered.
Although selling worms to businesses and
municipalities that are beginning to process
their organic wastes by vermicomposting is
a possibility, this is not a large or recurring
market. A 2003 scam claimed to be sup-
plying worms for start-up municipal ver-
micomposting operations. Even if this had
been true, it is unlikely that a huge supply
of worms would have been required. Each
new facility would most likely make one
initial purchase of worms and then main-
tain a working population without need for
further purchases.
Selling to individuals and families who
want to use worms to process their waste is
another opportunity. However, this is usu-
Worms for the bait market. Photo by Amy Weishuhn. ally a one-time, relatively small sale. You will

Page 10 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)

need many customers of this type to gener- orders because you had not perfected your
ate significant worm sales. shipping system.

Packaging and shipping worms Selling castings or vermicompost

Depending on where you will be selling Vermicompost is a high-quality soil amend-
your worms, you will need individual con- ment that has been shown to offer growth
tainers or bulk containers for packaging and and yield advantages as well as resistance
shipping. If your market is local bait shops, to plant pests and diseases. Likewise,
you will probably count or weigh and cup vermicompost tea has been recognized as
the worms yourself. You or an employee will a provider of considerable benefits in plant
deliver and provide service to your custom- production systems when it is used as a
ers. However, if your market is farther away, soil drench or a foliar spray. However, the
packaging and shipping require a different general public and even many businesses
type of system. that would clearly benefit from its use are
often unaware of the advantages of using
Ship worms as quickly as possible after har- vermicompost. Do not assume that if you
vest and be sure to maintain optimal condi- have it, people will buy it.
tions for their survival. Peter Bogdanov, in
his excellent book Commercial Vermiculture: Plan to educate your customers and develop
How to Build a Thriving Business in Red- a market as you generate the product. Spend-
ing time and resources with nurseries, land-
worms, recommends sphagnum peat moss
scapers and garden supply store managers
as a shipping medium. The bedding should could be well worth your time. Other poten-
be damp and air must be available. Bogda- tial buyers of bulk vermicompost might
nov has determined that, for his operation, include organic farmers or turf farms, as well
waxed cardboard containers are best for a as golf course and sports field managers.
small to medium amount of worms. Other
authors have described many types of con- You may even want to conduct trials com-
tainers, including plastic foam, wax-coated paring your product with whatever is cur-
paper and rigid plastic. Breathable paper or rently being used. Perhaps you can help cli-
ents set up a trial at their place of business.
cloth bags are also used for bulk shipping.
Remember, once you secure the business of
Choose a shipping company according to a customer that requires large volumes of
accessibility and services offered. Since materials repeatedly and you can deliver a
worms will not survive extreme tempera- consistent product, you will be on your way.
tures, plan for their protection. Label the Some buyers will want to buy small amounts
container so people handling them in tran- for gardens and others will buy by the truck
sit can safeguard the contents. Live earth- load. These are issues you must evaluate dur-
worms and Perishable and Do not expose to ing your market research. You will need to
extreme temperatures are suggested. Pre- decide how to sell your product. Who is your
cooling the shipping medium and worms to target market? Will you need to package or
68-72 degrees F results in lower fatalities in
hot weather, according to Roy and Dianne The effects of vermicompost and vermicompost teas in plant production
Fewell in As the Worm Turns (Fewell and systems are being studied at several universities. Although vermicompost
Fewell, 2007). doesn’t test high in nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, it does contain
significant micronutrients. Biological activity is very high, and evidence
Bogdanov recommends doing practice runs of plant growth hormones has accumulated. Disease suppression, pest
by shipping to friends or relatives to make resistance, better growth and higher yields have been documented and
sure your containers, shipping material are under investigation.
and methods will succeed in delivering the For more information about the research into these qualities – especially
worms in good condition. Your fi rst cus- if you need it for promoting your product – please contact ATTRA at
tomers will appreciate the results, and you 1-800-346-9140 or www.attra.ncat.org.
may save the expense of having to repeat

www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 11

make it through the worms, or your product
Reasons that current demand for vermicompost is low: might cause weed problems for customers.
• Lack of consistent supply Such a mistake is not easily fixed, especially
• Lack of large producers when you have lost your customers’ trust.
• Uneducated consumers Pre-composting the feedstock and bedding
• Lack of tests for content and quality materials, if they contain seeds, can prevent
• Lack of field-tested research such problems.
• Lack of research in commercial settings (Quillian, 1998)
Be very careful with any input that might
contain human pathogens that might sur-
further process the product? If you package vive worm processing. Develop a system
the vermicompost, you will likely have to to handle such resources by isolating them
create a legal label; this can be a challenge in from contact with the fi nished product,
itself. Consult with your state Department maintaining aerobic production conditions
of Agriculture for applicable regulations. and separately pre-composting them in a
thermal system to ensure that they are safe
Remember that your vermicompost prod-
uct must be consistently available and be of to use. Th is is serious business and your
dependable quality. These attributes are key liability here is absolute.
to return business The second factor that affects the final
product is the environmental conditions in the
How to ensure consistent quality worm bins. Temperature, moisture and pH
vermicompost all determine which organisms thrive and
which do not. If these conditions are kept
The nutrient content of vermicompost is
constant, the microorganism community
extremely variable. Although you will see
will also remain relatively steady. In a similar
analyses for various manures or vermicom-
posts, the actual content depends on two way, the microbes that live in the worm gut
main factors: processing the organic matter adapt to
whatever conditions they are subjected to.
• The feedstock and bedding Continually changing these conditions
• The environmental conditions under reduces the efficiency of your production
which it is produced system and affects the uniformity of the final
merchandise (Slocum, 2000).
Feedstock and bedding are the two major
inputs. The nutrient analysis of the vermi- The length of time the material is in the bed
compost will reflect these materials. Cat- affects the final product. If the temperature is
tle manure with straw produces a differ- not optimal or other environmental conditions
ent product from chicken litter with wood are not ideal, worms will take longer to process
shavings. The relative amount of nitrogen the same materials. If conditions are not stable,
and carbon will also affect the composition monitor them and adjust your procedures to
of the biological community inhabiting the ensure the reliability of your product.
final product (Slocum, 2000).
Your product will be consistent if your pro-
In addition to the nutrient content, the duction system uses known materials in
material fed or used as bedding can poten- unvarying proportions. Monitor environ-
tially contain substances toxic to plants or mental conditions and establish routines so
humans. If landscape waste materials are that you do not have to test often to be con-
included, be sure they don’t contain persis- fident that your product doesn’t vary in con-
tent pesticide residues. Livestock waste can tent or quality.
contain residues from medications or feed
Check with your local Cooperative Extension
additives. Know your inputs.
Service about testing the macronutrients and
Seeds in the feedstock provide an addi- micronutrient content of your product. Many
tional challenge. Be sure that no viable seeds states provide this service. Labs that specialize

Page 12 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)

in testing the biological components of com- The records you have kept on your small-
post or vermicompost are a little harder scale learning experiments will serve you well
to find. Consult ATTRA’s Alternative Soil as you put together your own business plan.
Testing Laboratories for a list. You should have already found and tested
materials that can serve as bedding and feed-
When you bag your product to sell, the label
stock. You will have learned how much feed
will probably be regulated by law. Check
the worms need and decided on the type of
with your state Department of Agriculture
system to raise your worms.
for information on what is required.
It is time to build your budget. It should
Economics and budget include at least these items. Make your esti-
mates as realistic as possible.
This publication is about raising worms
as a commercial venture. The focus of the
operation might be on using animal or food Budget
wastes to produce a valuable soil amendment
or on producing worms for the bait worm or Price/
unit Quantity Amount Your estimate
animal feed markets. In any case, the goal is
to make the venture pay. As was stated ear- Receipts
lier, if bait worms are the product, inputs Worm or vermi-
might cost more and management must be compost sales
attentive in order to produce a larger, mar- Other sales
ketable worm. Vermicomposting is often less
demanding, and the inputs should be inex- Tipping fees
pensive or free.
Total receipts
Profitability depends on the price received
for the final product minus the costs of Variable costs
inputs, labor and capital expenses. These will Feed
vary for every business situation. Therefore,
it is essential that you research and build a Bedding
business plan. Business plans will go a long
Labor to feed
way toward ensuring a profitable business
later on and can be instrumental in securing Harvest labor
start-up funds.
Here are some tools to help with evaluating
your potential new enterprise: Advertising
• USDA Risk Management Agency Cost to operate
http://farm-risk-plans.usda.gov the system

• Building a Sustainable Business: Other var. costs

A Guide to Developing a Business
Total var. costs
Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses
business.pdf Fixed costs
Initial investments
• Starting an Ag Business?
A Pre-Planning Guide Equipment
Other fixed costs
• Cornell ha s developed ma ny
other business planning tools. Total fixed costs
Source: http://agalternatives.aers.psu.edu/Publications/earthworm.pdf
www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 13
Your business plan and budget estimates What about certifying worms
serve at least two functions:
or vermicompost as organic?
1. To evaluate your potential for developing Recently interest has been high in every-
a viable business thing organic. Here are a few thoughts
2. To convince a bank or other lending pros- about so-called organic vermicompost and
pect that you are serious and have done worm production.
your homework. The use of the word organic is controlled by a
federal law. For more information about the
Continuing to keep financial records, and
law and its application to organic produc-
taking the time to analyze them, are keys to
tion, see ATTRA’s publication Organic Farm
building and maintaining a profitable busi-
Certification and the National Organic Program.
ness. If you assume that there are always
places that you can improve your efficiency
or reduce your costs, and search them out, it Organic vermicompost
will prevent unwelcome financial surprises. Organic certification is restricted to agri-
cultural products such as food and livestock

ontinuing feed. One could argue that vermicompost is
A word about such a product and get it certified. However,
to keep
pyramid schemes there is no need to do so. Vermicompost can
For some reason, the worm business has be used as it is in organic production just like
records, and taking compost can be used without being certified
repeatedly been plagued by dishonest schem-
the time to analyze ers. The promoters use a pyramid scheme. organic. The main stipulation is that no pro-
them, are keys to They sell the initial batch of worms with hibited materials be used in its production
building and the promise of buying back all of the worm – neither as feed nor as bedding. Treated
maintaining a production at “guaranteed” high buy-back wood chips or sawdust from treated wood
prices. Often, exaggerated claims are made are examples of materials that would not be
profitable business.
about how quickly the worms will repro- allowed if the vermicompost were going to
duce. In reality, all the worms are being sold be used in a certified organic production sys-
to others to begin their production systems. tem. Carefully examine commercial worm
feed formulations, if used, to be sure that they
A worm scam promoted during 2002-03
contain no prohibited materials.
fooled many honest people across the United
States. Many of the people who got into pro- It is unlikely that there is a market of any
duction enjoyed raising the worms, but when size for organic certified vermicompost.
it came time to sell them, the promised market If there were, it would probably be
was not there. Homes and pensions were lost. non-commercial gardeners who want to be
The perpetrators were not brought to justice. “elite-green.” Be sure that you have identified
customers who will pay a premium price that
If approached with such a business proposal, will cover the cost of certifying your product
be wary. If it sounds too good to be true, it and maintaining its certification before pur-
might be. Ask a prospective company for ref- suing this option.
erences of satisfied clients who have been in
business with the company for several years. In order to promote their products to organic
Talk with those producers. Do not be rushed producers, manufacturers often seek OMRI
into something that you may later regret. listing. OMRI (Organic Materials Review
Institute) reviews commercial products to
The Federal Trade Commission maintains determine if they comply with National
a website with information for prospective Organic Standard requirements. Several prod-
business or franchise buyers. Here is advice ucts with vermicompost have gone through
worth heeding to protect yourself in the the exacting procedure required to obtain
marketplace: www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/con- OMRI listing. You can learn more about how
sumer/invest/inv07.shtm. to qualify by visiting www.omri.org.
Page 14 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)
Organic worms feed ration in a separate certified organic
Just as in the case of vermicompost, it is dif- livestock system. In the case of chickens,
ficult to imagine the market for certified worms have been considered as an organic
organic worms. What would they be used source of the amino acid methionine. The
for? Would potential buyers pay a premium amount of worm meal or fresh worms
for organic worms? required would probably be small enough
to be considered a supplement. If used as a
If worms were the major feed ingredient for supplement, the worms or worm meal would
some other animal that is being raised in not have to be certified organic as long as no
a certified organic production system, then prohibited materials were used to raise the
the worm production system might also worms. This is, again, an area in which the
have to be certified. Th is is a grey area on person who certifies that livestock system
which the National Organic Program has would have authority to interpret the law.
not set standards. Officially, if you apply
the federal Rule, feed formulas for certi- Conclusion
fied organic livestock production cannot
Worms can be used to process animal waste
contain manure Th is might be applied to
that was considered a potential environ-
worms, but possibly only if the worms were
mental problem. Worms can process food
for direct human consumption.
garbage that would have gone to a land-
If manure were not allowed, organic worms fill. These are worthy services. Many worm
could be fed a ration of certified organic growers report that working with worms is a
grains, though that would be very expen- satisfying activity. What if you could make
sive. Is there a market that would bear it a profitable business?
this cost? Another option would be to feed
Realistic planning will reduce the risks that
wastes from an organic food processor. The
accompany such a venture. Raise worms
production waste from, for instance, organic
on a small scale first. Create business and
baby food might become the main input for
marketing plans based on your experience
an organic worm ranch. Your certification
and thorough research. Always remember
agency would be the one to interpret and
that you will have to sell your product to
apply the federal law to all aspects of your
create a commercial enterprise. Concen-
production system.
trate on combining the satisfaction of rais-
It is much more likely that worms would be ing worms in a sustainable system with a
used as a relatively small proportion of the profitable business model.

Steps toward developing a national vermicompost market

(ideally some of these would be accomplished by a producers’ association)
1. Consolidate existing research results and knowledge into a useful form.
2. Field test vermicompost in a commercial setting. Producers must:
– Work with growers’ associations and university agriculture departments to fund and/or conduct field research
– Work with Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) and organic farming groups to do
on-farm research
3. Develop a program for testing and quality assurance (pH, organic matter, moisture, biological activity)
4. Make marketing a significant part of the business plan and budget. This includes targeted market research,
educational materials, package design, trade shows, and promotional events (Quillan, 1998).

www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 15

Fewell, Roy and Dianne Fewell. 2007. As the Worm Ferris, Amanda, Mark Jackson and Angus Campbell.
Turns: New and Easy Methods for Raising Earth- 2002. Best Practice Guideline to Managing On-site
worms. Shields Publications, PO Box 669, Eagle River, Vermiculture Technologies. Recycled Organics Unit,
WI 54521. p. 43. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 106 p.
Gaddie, Ronald E., Sr. and Donald E. Douglas. 1975. www.recycledorganics.com/publications/reports/
Earthworms for Ecology & Profit. Volume I: Scientific vermiculturebpg/vbpg.htm
Earthworm Farming. Bookworm Publishing Co., PO This publication provides an easy-to-read account of how
Box 3037, Ontario, CA 91761. p. 59. to establish and manage an on-site, mid-scale vermicul-
ture unit for the commercial and industrial sector. The
Quillian, Mike. 1998. Earthworm castings—the key guide includes practical information on development,
to unleashing the vermiculture market. Worm Digest. including feedstock preparation, monitoring, mainte-
August. p. 13, 25, 27, 29-30. nance procedures and use of the vermicompost.
Slocum, Kelly. 2000. Going Sour on Lime.
Worm Digest. No.24. p. 20. General worm farming
Worm Power
Further resources www.wormpower.net
Inclusion in this list is not an endorsement nor is A vermicomposting business site. Tom Herlihy, the
exclusion meaningful. author, has a lot of videos and information about the
actual process as well as who uses the material and how.
Web resources
If you have access to the Internet, there are many Sonoma Valley Worm Farm
websites with information about worm farming. www.sonomavalleyworms.com
Many resources for the producer, including books, Experienced producer Jack Chambers uses a continuous
breeding stock and equipment, can be located by processing unit. He also sells vermicompost to vineyards
visiting the sites listed below. Many include links and others.
to other sites of interest. Under the Website section
below, there is a list of websites that offer informa- Rhonda L. Sherman’s home page
tion or products of interest for those raising worms. www.bae.ncsu.edu/people/faculty/sherman/index.html
Web addresses frequently change, but a search of Sherman is an Extension specialist with vermiculture/
“worm farm” or “worm production” will locate vermicompost expertise. She hosts an annual worm
these and many other sites. conference in early summer. Scroll down to the vermi-
composting link for access to many resources.
Manuals related to
California Vermiculture LLC – George Hahn
Sherman, Rhonda. 2003. Raising Earthworms Suc- Worm farms in several states produce consistent
cessfully. EBAE 103-83. North Carolina Cooperative branded products, complete with testimonials.
Extension Service, Raleigh, NC. 26 p. www.bae.ncsu.
edu/topic/vermicomposting/pubs/earthworms.pdf Worms Wrangler
Mason, William T., Jr., Roger W. Rottmann, and John http://wormswrangler.com
F. Dequine. 1992. Culture of Earthworms for Bait or This site contains many useful articles related to
Fish Food. Circular 1053. University of Florida IFAS worm production.
Extension. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FA016 Happy D Ranch
Munroe, Glenn. N.d. Manual of On-Farm Vermicom- www.happydranch.com/index.html
posting and Vermiculture. Organic Agriculture Centre Commercial site offering worms, bins, books, articles
of Canada. 52 p. www.oacc.info/DOCs/Vermiculture_ on home- and farm-scale vermicomposting. Specials
FarmersManual_gm.pdf for teachers.

Page 16 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)

VermiTechnology Unlimited Vermitech.com
www.vermitechnology.com www.vermitech.com/home.htm
Florida worm farmer Larry Martin has lots of This site has a clear description, photos and schematic of
experience setting up systems in several locations. He the continuous processing system the company offers.
offers organically certified castings (not vermicompost)
products, worms and books. Books on vermiculture & vermicomposting
Trinity Ranch Appelhof, Mary. 1997. Worms Eat My Garbage.
http://mypeoplepc.com/members/arbra/trinity/id14.html Flowerfield Enterprises, 10332 Shaver Rd,. Kalamazoo,
This website has a wealth of information about worms and MI 49024. 162 p.
vermicomposting. They sell worms, equipment and books. Barrett, Thomas J. 1942. Harnessing the Earthworm.
Flowerfield Enterprises, Mary Apelhof’s site Shields Publications, Eagle River, WI. 166 p.
www.wormwoman.com/acatalog/index.html Bogdanov, Peter. 1996. Commercial Vermiculture:
Emphasis on using worms for education. Also provides How to Build a Thriving Business in Redworms.
worm composting and compost tea products and infor- VermiCo, PO Box 1134, Merlin, OR 97532. 83p.
mation including books, videos, worms, worm bins and
other vermicomposting resources. Edwards, C.A. and P.J. Bohlen. 1996. Biology and
Ecology of Earthworms (3rd ed.). Chapman & Hall,
Unco Industries London. 426 p.
Edwards, Clive, Norman Arancon, and Rhonda
Offers a worm growing system, complete with equipment
Sherman (eds.). 2010. Vermiculture Technology:
and training. Earthworms, Organic Wastes, and Environmental
Bentley Christie’s worm site Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
www.redwormcomposting.com Fewell, Roy and Dianne. 1998. As the Worm Turns:
A very active hobby worm grower experimenting with New and Easy Methods for Raising Earthworms.
worms and gardens. Shields Publications, PO Box 669, Eagle River, WI
54521. 56 p.
Worm species photo album
Amy Weishuhn’s Worm photo album Gaddie, Ronald E., Sr., and Donald E. Douglas. 1975.
http://community.webshots.com/album/93031731AZXEzc Earthworms for Ecology & Profit. Volume I: Scientific
Earthworm Farming. Bookworm Publishing Co., PO
Photos of many worm species.
Box 3037, Ontario, CA 91761. 180 p.
Commercial worm equipment sources Gershuny, Grace. 2004. Compost, Vermicompost and
Compost Tea: Feeding the Soil on the Organic Farm.
Oregon Soil Corporation
A Project of the Northeast Organic Farming Associa-
tion. Highland Press, Athol, MA. 90 p.
Experienced in vermicomposting, offers commercial and
residential scale equipment and consultation services. Minnich, Jerry. 1977. The Earthworm Book: How to
Raise and Use Earthworms for Your Farm and Garden.
VermiCo, Peter Bogdanov’s site Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA. 372 p.
This site has an emphasis on business and marketing. It Morgan, Charlie. (1975-revised). Profitable Earthworm
offers blueprints for building a continuous harvest worm Farming. Published by Shields Publications, P.O. Box
production system as well as tools to monitor production 669, Eagle River, WI 54521. 95 p. Other titles by
beds. Items for sale include a rotating screen harvester Morgan include:
(electric and gas models) and plans to build a harvester, Earthworm Selling and Shipping Guide (82 p.)
as well as compost tea brewers and applicators. Earthworm Feeds and Feeding (90 p.)
The Worm Farm (70 p.)
Worm World Inc. and Brian Paley’s The Burrow How to Raise, Store and Sell Nightcrawlers (40 p.)
www.jetcompost.com/burrow/index.html Raising the African Nightcrawler or Tropical Giant (53 p.)
Worm harvesters for sale and a lot of older material Therapeutic Medications & Pesticides for Worm
on vermicomposting. Growers (100 p.)

www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 17

Payne, Binet. 1999. The Worm Café: Mid-Scale materials are available for purchase on this site. The new
Vermicomposting of Lunchroom Wastes. Flower Press, periodical has not been evaluated, so no opinion is offered.
Kalamazoo, MI. 180 p.
Shields, Earl. (1994-revised). Raising Earthworms for Budget and economics
Profit. Shields Publications, P.O. Box 669, Eagle River, Building a Sustainable Business: A Guide to Developing
WI 54521. 128 p. a Business Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses.
Sellers of worm books Doherty, Brigid A., and John C. McKissick. 2000.
Note that many vermicomposting sites also sell books. Market Opportunities for Biosolid-Based Vermiculture
Shields Publications offers many practical books about in Georgia. Center Special Report No. 9. Center for
raising worms. www.wormbooks.com/index.htm Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University
Publisher of many practical books about raising of Georgia. www.agecon.uga.edu/~caed/Pubs/
worms, including a current buyer’s guide. Small books vermiculture.html
at reasonable prices. Warco, Dan. 2002. Shipping and Handling Included.
New York Books – Earthworm books Worm Digest. No. 29. p. 7.
www.nyworms.com/books.htm Budgets for building a traditional on-the-ground bed
Annotated list of practical worm farming books. about 12’ X 3’. http://agalternatives.aers.psu.edu/
Rhonda Sherman’s list of worm farming books and Publications/earthworm.pdf
book vendors www.bae.ncsu.edu/topic/vermicomposting/ Also a sample budget with production estimates.
Marketing resources
Worm periodicals Anon. N.d. Earthworm Buyers Guide & Directory
VermiCo 2008-09. Shields Publications, P.O. Box 669, Eagle
PO Box 1134 River, WI 54521. www.wormbooks.com
Merlin, OR 97532 Bogdanov, Peter. 1996. Commercial Vermiculture:
(541) 476-9626 How to Build a Thriving Business in Redworms.
www.vermico.com VermiCo, PO Box 1134, Merlin, OR 97532. 83p.
Publishes: Casting Call Quillian, Mike. 1998. Earthworm castings—the key
Six bimonthly issues for $18 to unleashing the vermiculture market. Worm Digest.
e-subscription for $10 August. p. 13, 25, 27, 29-30.
Back issues available individually and in volumes;
also electronically. Research review articles
The JG Press, Inc. Three review articles in popular press:
419 State Avenue Arancon, Norman Q., Clive A. Edwards, Richard
Emmaus PA, 18049 Dick, and Linda Dick. Vermicompost tea production
(610) 967-4135, ext.22 and plant growth impacts. BioCycle. November 2007.
www.jgpress.com/biocycle.htm p. 51-52.
Publishes: BioCycle: Advancing Composting, Organics
Recycling, and Renewable Energy. Monthly annual Edwards, Clive A., Norman Q. Arancon, Eric Emerson,
subscription for $74. and Ryan Pulliam. 2007. Suppressing plant parasitic
nematodes and arthropod pests with vermicompost teas.
Worm Digest
BioCycle. December. p. 38-39.
This site has been reconfigured and is under different 2007 Literature Review of Worms in Waste
management from the original, very useful website and Management, Vols. 1 and 2. Recycled Organics Unit,
periodical. The Worm Digest that contained practical, University of New South Wales (Australia).
hands-on articles and news relevant to worm producers www.recycledorganics.com/publications/reports/
is no longer being published. However, some of the old vermlitreview/vermlitreview.htm
Page 18 ATTRA Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)
Scientific Research on Benefits tea research continues. Many scientific papers are
available on-line.
of Vermicompost
The Soil Ecology Laboratory Cornell Vermicompost Research
The Ohio State University
This site provides access to all the vermicompost research
www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~soilecol/index.htm that Cornell is conducting. A video about how to pro-
Vermicompost pioneer, Clive A. Edwards, anchored duce and use vermicompost as well as its function in
this program for many years. Research reports on biological control in greenhouses is available. Fact sheets
many aspects of vermiculture and vermicompost with cover field soil and greenhouse applications and a section
emphasis on its benefits for production. Vermicompost about suppression of Pithium.

Critters you might find in a worm bin Rounded segmented body with two pairs of legs per
segment; darker than the centipede and slower moving.
Ants, Formicidae
Ants prefer a dry environment. If there are a lot of ants, Mites, Acarina
it is an indicator that the bins are too dry. Ants can Small, brown to reddish arthropods, readily visible
occasionally become a problem when they are attracted without magnification. Natural inhabitants of manures
to high-concentrate feed. When ants are very numer- and other organic materials, mites are usually very
ous, they might feed on small worms or eggs. numerous in worm bins. They are found near the
Centipede, Chilopoda surface and edges of the beds and around feed
These are worm predators that usually live on the sur- concentrations. There are both predatory and plant-
face of the bed. They also feed on larger organisms feeder types. There may be one mite that actually
in the bin. Remove these predators if there are more attacks worms, but they might just ride on worms and
than a few in a bed. Description: Reddish-tan cylindri- be an irritant. Very high populations probably stress
cal, segmented body with one pair of legs per segment. the worms. Prevention: Because high mite populations
They are equipped with pincers just behind the head. occur when beds are over-watered, overfed, and/or fed
fleshy, high-water-content garbage, good management
Fruit flies, Diptera
is the best prevention. Do not overfeed. Remove feed
These are often considered a nuisance, especially when
that has spoiled. Be sure there’s plenty of aeration in the
populations are high and bins are indoors. They are very
beds and that excess water can escape. If you are feed-
active decomposers, however. Because their eggs and lar-
vae are commonly on food scraps, they are usually pres- ing garbage and mites are still a problem, stop until
ent in any system using those items as a feedstock. Pre- they are under control and then feed more carefully.
vention includes pre-treating the material by freezing or Another tactic is to expose the beds to sun for several
microwaving it before adding it to the bin and burying it hours. Description: They are tiny relatives of spiders,
below the surface. Beneficial nematodes can be employed with four pairs of legs, large bodies and small heads.
to control an infestation if it becomes serious. Molds and fungi
Fungus gnats, Diptera These decomposer plants are common in all worm beds
They eat fungi in the worm bin, but will eat plant roots and are a source of food for the worms. They secrete
and are a problem if transferred to the growing bed. enzymes that break down some of the most resis-
They don’t usually grow to high populations in worm tant materials in the bin. Mold allergies, however, can
bins Description: Tiny black fly species similar to fruit become a problem for worm workers in enclosed spaces.
flies but looks more like a mosquito. Nematodes
Millipedes, Diploda A very tiny roundworm. They eat bacteria and fungi
These occur throughout the bedding, are good decom- ordinarily. Very rarely a parasitic nematode will show
posers and should not be a problem. Description: up, but not in healthy vermiculture systems.
www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 19
Pot worms, Enchytaeidae worms are not coming to the surface to feed, pay atten-
Often show up in healthy worm bins; not usually a tion to good water management and sanitary feed prac-
problem. Description: Tiny white segmented worms. tices. Description: Some are dark brown with the ability
to jump; others are tiny and range from white to brown
in color. Body has three distinct segments, four pairs of
Microscopic animals that eat bacteria and are, in turn,
legs and antennae.
eaten by worms.
Pseudoscropion Enemies of worm producers
This is a predator, but is not a problem in worm bins. These animals will eat worms. Some, like snakes and
moles, can completely destroy a worm bin before the
Slugs, Stylommatophora grower is even aware that they are there. Be vigilant!
Usually not a problem in worm bins, because they will Birds
help to break down organic matter. A few carnivorous Snakes
species of slugs exist, but even when present, they usu- Moles
ally don’t eat many worms. Gophers
Soldier fly larvae, Diptera Toads
These are voracious decomposers, but often considered Mice and rats won’t eat the worms, but they will nest in a
unpleasant in the worm bin. No need to control them bin and eat the feed meant for the worms.
unless the worms show signs of stress. They can be Other possible invaders
removed by scooping them out of the beds. Description: These invaders might show up from time to time. They
One-half inch to an inch long, segmented cylindrical won’t eat the worms, but they can become competitors
body with coloring that darkens from orange to black for the food.
at the front end to dirty white or grey toward the back. Spiders
Sowbugs and pill bugs, Isopoda Earwigs
These are crustaceans that feed on woody material Grasshoppers
resistant to attack by other worm residents. However, Crickets
since they eat living or dead plant material, they can be Beetles
a problem if they are transferred to plant production Silverfish
areas along with the vermicompost. Description: Light Termites
brown to dark grey with segmented shell. Seven pairs of Aphids
legs and antennae. Stinkbugs
Springtails, Colembola spp. Worm bin creatures on Trinity Ranch website
Usually very common in worm bins, but not a problem, http://mypeoplepc.com/members/arbra/bbb/id16.html
even at high populations. They eat fungi. They can be Contains photos of many of the creatures described above
so numerous as to turn the surface of a bed white. If with descriptions and suggestions for preventing problems.

Worms for Bait or Waste Processing (Vermicomposting)

By Alice Beetz
NCAT Program Specialist
© 2010 NCAT
Holly Michels, Editor
Amy Smith, Production
This publication is available on the Web at:
Slot 28
Version 052710

Page 20 ATTRA

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