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subcontracting with CIN


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1 of 9 6/26/17, 10:01 AM
subcontracting with CIN

Helpful Answer by
Jeyakanthan A (/discussions/message/10248985#10248985) , Sudhir Tiwari (/discussions
/message/10249039#10249039) , Pankaj Singh (/discussions/message/10249044#10249044)
Wanted subcontracting configuration with CIN.

Please help


Smitha Joshi (

May 12, 2011 at 06:37 AM

Helpful Answer

Jeyakanthan A ( May 10, 2011 at 11:14 AM


Best option is refer sap help,

[Subcontracting Without Payment of Excise Duty |


2 of 9 6/26/17, 10:01 AM
subcontracting with CIN

kailas ugale ( May 10, 2011 at 11:15 AM



settings for sub-contractor are as follows

img>logistics general>Tax of goods movement>India>Business

Transactions>Subcontracting>Subcontracting Attributes

After setting this, thru T-Code J1I9 set the number ranges for the object J_1I57FC. This
needs to be set for each series group

In J1ID define your material as subcontracting


Kailas Ugale

Helpful Answer

Sudhir Tiwari ( May 10, 2011 at 11:25 AM



You mean to say the sub-contractor vendor is charging Excise duties to product. If it is yes

Then it is possible everything remains same. Just you need to create z-Condition type as

3 of 9 6/26/17, 10:01 AM
subcontracting with CIN

assessable and assign in your Pricing procedure. And use same condition while creating Sub con PO.

As in case of sub con case you are paying vendor only activity charges which is based on Assessable value maintained in J1ID.

But here system will calculate based on assessable value maintained in PO & all Excise duties will calculate based on this

Then send the material with 541 subsequently challan J1IF01 ->Create -Do goods receipt for end product

J1IFQ -> Reconcile Challan with Material document of 101

J1IF13 - Complete/ Reverse/ Recredit -->If entire qty received do complete challan.

Then capture & Post excise invoice of Vendor.

MIRO.This complete the entire process.


Helpful Answer

Pankaj Singh ( May 10, 2011 at 11:27 AM



Subcontracting Process

Subcontracting without Payment of Duty

- Creation of Subcontracting PO (ME21N)

- Transfer Posting of Components to Subcontractor (Mvmt Type - 541) (MB1B/ME2O


- Creation of Subcontracting Challan w.r.t. Transfer Posting Doc (J1IF01)

- Goods Receipt w.r.t. Subcontracting PO and Refer Subcontracting Challan at the time of

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subcontracting with CIN

GR (MIGO) {GR with 101 and autoconsumption of components with 543 movement}

- Reconciliation of Subcontracting Challan (J1IFQ)

- Completion of Subcontracting Challan (J1IF13)

- Generation of Annexure IV (J1IFR)

Subcontracting under Full Payment of Duty

- Creation of Subcontracting PO (ME21N)

- Transfer Posting of Components to Subcontractor (MB1B/ME2O/MIGO)

- Creation of Excise Invoice w.r.t. Transfer Posting Document (J1IS)

- Capture Excise Invoice at the time of GR of Finished Goods w.r.t. Subcontracting PO (MIGO)

- Post Excise Invoice (J1IEX)

Master Data

- MM01- Material Masters for Components and FG

- XK01 - Vendor Master (Subcontractor)

- CS01 - BOM for FG

- ME11 - Purchase Inforecord for Subcontracting

Note: - Excise Transactions need to be performed only if it is applicable.



Refer link;

[Subcontracting Process w/o Payment of Excise Duty|


Subcontracting Process

Subcontracting without Payment of Duty

5 of 9 6/26/17, 10:01 AM
subcontracting with CIN

- Creation of Subcontracting PO (ME21N)

- Transfer Posting of Components to Subcontractor (Mvmt Type - 541) (MB1B/ME2O/MIGO)

- Creation of Subcontracting Challan w.r.t. Transfer Posting Doc (J1IF01)

- Goods Receipt w.r.t. Subcontracting PO and Refer Subcontracting Challan at the time of GR (MIGO) {GR with 101 and
autoconsumption of components with 543 movement}

- Reconciliation of Subcontracting Challan (J1IFQ)

- Completion of Subcontracting Challan (J1IF13)

- Generation of Annexure IV (J1IFR)

Master Data

- MM01- Material Masters for Components and FG

- XK01 - Vendor Master (Subcontractor)

- CS01 - BOM for FG

- ME11 - Purchase Inforecord for Subcontracting

Configuration: -

- Go to SPRO > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Account Determination > Specify Excise Accounts per
Excise Transaction > Here maintain as following;

Copy Code

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subcontracting with CIN

1. ETT Subtrn Typ DC ind Acct name

3. 57FC CR RG23BED
4. 57FC CR RG23ECS
6. 57FC 01 CR PLABED
7. 57FC 01 CR RG23AT1
8. 57FC 01 CR RG23BED
9. 57FC 01 CR RG23ECS
10. 57FC 01 DR CLEAR
13. 57NR CR RG23BED
14. 57NR CR RG23ECS
16. 57NR 01 CR CLEAR
17. 57NR 01 CR PLABED
18. 57NR 01 CR RG23BED
19. 57NR 01 CR RG23ECS
20. 57NR 01 DR REVERS

- And then go to SPRO > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Account Determination > Specify G/L
Accounts per Excise Transaction > Here do Account Determination for the above combination and Excise Group

Apart from above also do following configuration for Subcontracting;

- SPRO > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Business Transactions > Subcontracting > Subcontracting

Here maintain following;

Copy Code

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subcontracting with CIN

1. Excise Group XX
2. Excise TT 57FC
3. Subtransaction Type 01
4. Subtran Type Text 57FC CHALLAN
5. Subc. Period 180
6. Rate-subcontracting
7. Mvt Grp Issues 0001
8. Mvt Grp Receipt 0002
9. Filter Non exise
10. EI Items 10
11. No. range no. 01
12. ***. Val. /Exc Inv
13. Subcon Output Type J1IF

- SPRO > Logistics - General > Tax on Goods Movements > India > Business Transactions > Subcontracting > Maintain
Movement Type Groups

Here maintain following

Copy Code

1. MVT. Grp. MvT S

2. 0001 101 O
3. 0001 541 O
4. 0002 542
5. 0002 542 O
6. 0002 543 O

- J1I9 - maintain No range for object "J_1I57FC" for series group

Smitha Joshi ( May 12, 2011 at 06:37 AM


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subcontracting with CIN

Thanks all.

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