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A Research

Presented to

The Higher Education Department

Concordia College



Mr. Jayfel Balingasa

Mr. Aries Bilolo

Mrs. Teresita Esmero

Mr. Darell Lanuza

Mr. Albert Perez

S.Y 2017 2018

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the evaluating HED learning interests given

varied instructional materials. Specifically, the study aims to provide

answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of students learning interest after utilizing varied


1.1 BSBA;

1.2 LAEd;

1.3 BSW; and

1.4 BSN

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of learning interest

among the students when grouped according to courses?

3. In the light of the findings, what structured instructional

methodology can be proposed?

Conceptual Framework

HED Students

Assessment of Proposed
Students Structured
Learning Instructional
Interest Methodology


Conceptual Paradigm

The researcher used the Input-Process-Output (IPO) system for the

framework of this study. The figure clearly shows the three significant steps

which leads to the the perception of K to 12 Program among Grade 8

Students in Guerrero High School, which is the main objective of

conducting this study.

The said input is the implication to Grade 8 students of K to 12

education system in the Philippines, specifically K to 12 Preparedness, K to

12 Curriculum, Budget, teachers and Non-Teaching Staffs, Sustainability of

the Program, Economic Implications, and Personal Interest. The process

taken by the researchers is done by studying the provisions in order to

formulate questions needed for the questioner. The researcher went to

the school and gave the students to Grade 8, the questionnaires in order

for them to answer. Tallying was done after conducting the survey.

Afterwards, the data gathered was also interpreted. All of these would

result to the perception of K to 12 Program among Grade 8 Students in

Guerrero High School.

Significance of the Study

Learning is the vision of progression that adds up to the modification

of behavior, talents and skills, and abilities and knowledge that results from

practice and experience which seeks for quality education. The

researchers any find the findings useful to the current high school students

and as the incoming learners who will be affected by the new

educational plan as it concerns education.

Chapter 2


Methods and Techniques Used

This study entitled The Perception of K-12 Program among

Grade 8 Students in Guerrero High School utilized descriptive method of

research. Descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study. It

describes the nature of certain phenomena and the data that has been

collected. Relatively, the method is appropriate to this study since it aims

to describe the present condition regarding the K to 12 in the Philippines.

In terms of approach, the study employed quantitative

approach. The quantitative method centred on obtaining numerical

findings within the survey method. It quantifies the relationship between

the variables in the study. Its main purpose is to avoid subjectivity by

means of collecting and exploring information which describes the

subject being studied. This study by means of data analysis uses ordinal

scale of measurement. Quantitative data collection procedures through

survey helps the researchers discussed the perception of high school

students regarding K to 12 more objective rather than subjective, which

can only be realized by means of transcending individual perspective.

Population and Samples of the Study

The sampling technique that has been used in this study is

random sampling. It is one of the best ways to achieve unbiased results in

a study. It includes choosing from the population in Guerrero High School

through inpredictable means. In its simplest forms, the people, specifically

the grade 8 students, have an equal chance of being selected out of the

population being researched.

Random sampling is proportionate to the size of the population

of Guerrero High School. The results from surveying samples were used to

infer how the population as a whole have responded and drawn

conclusions about the larger group. After the random sampling survey has

been conducted, the researchers interpreted the data received from the

selected group. The researchers organized the information that has been

grathered and accuracy of all data was considered to come up with the

right results.
Instrument of the Study

The questionnaire is the main instrument of this study. All the

statements in the questionnaire were based on the provisions given by the

Department of Education regarding the K to 12 Basic Education Program

and if they agree or is willing to be a part of the curriculum. By the use of

these questionnaires, the researchers were able to know the insight of the

Grade 8 students in Guerrero High School to the implementation of K-12


The following were used by the researchers to interpret the perception of K-1
Weight Vebal Interpretation
4 Strongly Agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The school has a population of 1000 more or less. The

researchers selected 100 students from Grade 8 in Guerrero High School.

The selected students were considered the respondents of this study. It is

necessary to select students from Grade 8 as they are the ones who are

affected by the implementation of the new curriculum which is K to 12.

Students, from public school, were chosen according to their

age and section. The age ranges from 12 years old to 18 years old both

male and female. The respondents were willing to answer all the questions

listed. Most of the students from public schools were of the ages 14 to 15

and theyre still in eight grade, though their age is that of a night grade,

they still included in the K to 12 curriculum because of their grade level.

The researchers randomly asked for the age and section of

every students passing by the area in Guerrero High School. If their age

and section qualifies to the survey, permission was asked to be part of the

research by answering a questionnaire regarding the provisions of the said


After all the respondents have answered the questionnaires,

the researchers tallied their answer based on their age, section, gender,

family income, and the legend they have checked to show if they agree

or not with the provisions and if they are willing to be a part of the

educational program.
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The information from the questionnaires was tallied, tabulated

and analyzed in order to draw findings. Statistical treatment was made

through frequency distribution and percentage.

Frequency distribution will be used to know the number of

respondents on each demographic profile and whether theyre

strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree on the said


Percentage will be used in the statement of the problem number

one and two in order for the researchers to identify how many

respondents are male and female, how many are in the age

groups of 10 18, what are their section in grade 8 and how much is

their family income.

% = f/n (100)

% = percentage value

N = number of respondents

F = totatl frequency.
Chapter 3

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter highlights the discussion of the results of the study.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Age

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents by Age


11 12 20
13 15 70
16 18 10

Majority of the respondents belongs to age intervals 13-15

which is the expected age of Grade 8 students. The lowest percentage is

that of ages 16-18 because only a few pupils were old enough to be in

those year levels. And 20 percent out of a hundred respondents were

from the age group of 11-12. This simply implies that students aging from

grade 8, are only few in this district, but their percentage much larger by

10 percent than that of students aging from 16-18.

B. Gender

Table 2. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents by Gender

Male 40
Female 60

Majority of the respondents are female composing 60 percent

of the population. It is for the reason that the females seem tobe more

interested in answering the questionnaires. On other hand, male

respondents had a percentage of 40 percent out of a hundred because

men often turned down the researchers request in answering the


C. Section

Table 3. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents by Section

One 50
Two 50

Majority of the respondents are equal. Since the respondents

are in total of 100 percents, there are 50 persons in each section.

D. Family Income

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents by

Family Income


Php. 500.00 Php. 4,999.00 32
Php. 5,000.00 Php. 15,000.00 28
Php. 15,001.00 Php. 25,000.00 19
Php. 25,001.00 Php. 35,000.00 11
Php. 35,001.00 Php. 45,000.00 7
Php. 45,001.00 and above 3

It can be seen that the highest percentage of family income

ranges from Php. 500.00 to Php. 4,999.00 which is 32 percent of the total

population. It is for the reason that families living in the said barangay earn

only a small amount. Most of the parents of the respondents might have

encountered difficulty in finding jobs, this is why they opted to send their

children to public schools which is greatly affected by the K to 12

2. What is the perception of Grade 8 students in Guerrero High School

to the implementation of K to 12 education system as evaluated by

the respondents in terms of:

A. K to 12 Provisions

Table 5. Perception of the Respondents to K to 12 as assurance

for employability of future graduates.

4 Strongly Agree 43
3 Agree 33
2 Disagree 15
1 Strongly Disagree 1

Forty three percent of the respondents strongly agree that K to

12 ensures employement for future graduates. While 33 percent of the

respondents agree that it ensures employability. The remaining 24 percent

does not believe that the graduate of this program will be employed. The

researchers could infer from the data that most of the graduates to K to

12 will not be employed they havent graduated yet.

Table 6. Perception of the Respondents as means to pursue higher


4 Strongly Agree 45
3 Agree 38
2 Disagree 12
1 Strongly Disagree 5

Forty five percent strongly agrees that the K to 12 program

helps students pursue higher education. Again, the highest percentage,

which was 45 percent, did not surpass 50 percent because many students

take vocational courses after they graduate from secondary education.

Others try to find job first in order to sustain their financial needs before

they pursue higher education.

Table 7. Perception of the Respondents to K to 12 as a burden in financial

stability of families.

4 Strongly Agree 18
3 Agree 32
2 Disagree 29
1 Strongly Disagree 21
Fifty percent of the respondents agree that K to 12 curriculum is

a burden to the financial stability. Families are mostly under bare living

standard which is why half of them agrees with the statement.

B. K to 12 Preparedness

Table 8. Perception of the Respondents as means to pursue higher


4 Strongly Agree 33
3 Agree 40
2 Disagree 21
1 Strongly Disagree 6

Seventy three percent out of a hundred agree wth the

statement which states that the number of professional teachers of the

Philippines is enough to sustain the K to 12 system. Most of the respondents

agree with the statement as they believe that the number of teachers in

the Philippines is sufficient enough to cater the needs of the students. Only

27 percent of the respondents disagree with the statement as they seem

to contradict this provision.

Table 9. The Perception of the Respondents regarding funds that will

support the new education system.

4 Strongly Agree 32
3 Agree 37
2 Disagree 21
1 Strongly Disagree 10

Sixty nine percent of the respondents agree with the provision

which states that public schools have enough funds to procure classrooms

and facilities to support the new education system. On other hand, 31

percent disagree since the government has yet to construct new

classroom s and facilities for the students.

C. K to 12 Curriculum

Table 10. The Perception of the Respondents concerning the new

curriculum that allows specializations in Science and Technology,

Music and Arts, Agricultures and Fisheries, Sports, Business and


4 Strongly Agree 46
3 Agree 34
2 Disagree 11
1 Strongly Disagree 9

Eighty percent of the respondents agree to the statement

which states that K to 12 Curriculum allows specializations in Science and

Technology, Music and Arts, Agricultures and Fisheries, Sports, Business and

Entrepreneurship. Majority of the respondents were in unison with each

other as they perceive the new educational plan as something which

grants them to develop their personal interest, skills, and abilities.

Meanwhile, 20 percent out of a hundred respondents disbelieved the said

D. Budget

Table 11. The Perception of the Respondents about the difference

sectors and individual citizens collectively collaborating to improve

the basic education sector.

4 Strongly Agree 42
3 Agree 38
2 Disagree 15
1 Strongly Disagree 5

Most of the respondents strongly agree that different sectors

and individuals are helping hand to improve our education system. As

seen on it, most of the respondents have a positive perception regarding

this provision of K to 12 under budget. The respondents which are Grade

8 students, the different sectors in education and other government

officials that they can soon improve the current education system here in

the Philippines.
Table 12. The Perception of the Respondents towards the current

shortage in resources that can affect also to the implementation of

K to 12 Program

4 Strongly Agree 20
3 Agree 44
2 Disagree 26
1 Strongly Disagree 10

Most of the respondents believe that the Department of

Education cant address the current shortages in classrooms and other

teaching materials that can affect K to 12 program. Classrooms are some

of the most important factor for this education system that needs

attention. The researchers can used this as adisadvantage of the K to 12

according to the perception of the given respondents. It is shown that for

the highschool students, Philippines is not yet ready to have a education

system like this.

Table 13. The Perception of the Respondents regarding the

additional costs to parents K to 12.

4 Strongly Agree 29
3 Agree 33
2 Disagree 25
1 Strongly Disagree 13

On the last provision under budget, the respondents also agree to the

statement given in the questionnaire. According to them, K to 12 in the

Philippines would be an additional cost to parents since they need to pay

for the two more years in highschool. Grade 8 students as the respondents

believe that K to12 would be a burden to their parents.

E. Teachers and Non-Teaching Staffs

Table 14. The Perception of the Respondents regarding the burden

of K to 12 to teachers by the additional load.

4 Strongly Agree 44
3 Agree 30
2 Disagree 20
1 Strongly Disagree 6
The respondents strongly agree that the program will be a

burden to most teachers due to the sudden transition of the educational

program; theyll have to attend seminars, workshops, etc. to cope up with

the program. Some might even change profession due to the hetric


Table 15. The Perception of the Respondents regarding teachers

salary increase as a result of the K to 12 Program.

4 Strongly Agree 30
3 Agree 42
2 Disagree 20
1 Strongly Disagree 8

Most of the respondents agree on the statement for the reason

that the DepEd aims to improve the educational system in the country,

and because of that teachers will have more additional works. So, the

government needs to increase the salary of the teachers.

Table 16. The Perception of the Respondents regarding the

preparation of DepEd to its non-teaching staff and officials for the

smooth transition and implementation of the K to 12 program.

4 Strongly Agree 34
3 Agree 36
2 Disagree 23
1 Strongly Disagree 7

Based on the data shown above, most of the respondents

agree on the statement. Thirty-four students strongly agree on the

statement, and 36 students agreed. Maybe because the students think

DepEd already prepares for the implementation of the program. They

think that DepEd needs to do that in order for the program to be

F. Ensuring Sustainability of the Program

Table 17. The Perception of the Respondents regarding the effort

effectiveness of the K to 12 program.

4 Strongly Agree 40
3 Agree 38
2 Disagree 16
1 Strongly Disagree 6

The researchers have proven that the respondents surely agree

that the government will do its best on implementing the K to 12 program

in our country. The respondents strongly agree to this data because for

sure they are focused on the curriculum. This program will affect their daily

lives. The respondents could have agree to this data since they can see

the governments towards K to 12.

Table 18. The Perception of the Respondents regarding the proper

release and use of funds for K to 12 Program.

4 Strongly Agree 43
3 Agree 37
2 Disagree 15
1 Strongly Disagree 5

In provision, the respondents strongly agree in the

governments security to the money they are using for the extra

classrooms for the next three to four years. The respondents have trust to

the government towards the money; the government would keep the

mpney for the K to 12 program. They will use it properly for the benefit for

the next school batch.

G. Economic Implications

Table 19. The Perception of the Respondents about the advantage

of K to 12 regarding economic growth.

4 Strongly Agree 41
3 Agree 35
2 Disagree 16
1 Strongly Disagree 8
According to the data that the researches have received from

tallying the questionnaires, most of the respondents are strongly agree

that the K to 12 program facilitates an accelerated economic growth.

Only few of the respondents that disagree with the statement. And for

that, the researchers presume that the students really believe that the

implementation of K to 12 helps in improving the growth of the economy.

Table 20. The Perception of the Respondents regarding the

increased in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) that K to 12 can make.

4 Strongly Agree 33
3 Agree 30
2 Disagree 28
1 Strongly Disagree 9

The illustration above shows the result of the answers of the

respondents regarding the provision about Gross Domestic Product. Sixty-

three percent of the respondents agree that the improvements in the

quality of education increases Gross Domestic Product growth.

H. Personal Interests

Table 21. The Perception of the Respondents about K to 12

programa giving more job opportunity that is appropriate in their


4 Strongly Agree 40
3 Agree 37
2 Disagree 16
1 Strongly Disagree 7

The table shows that the respondents strongly agree on it.

Based on their own opinion, they believed that K to 12 program will help

them get a job. They view K to 12 program as a way to provide them

good quality education that ensured their employment in the future.

Table 22. The Perception of the Respondents in being part of the

K to 12 program.

4 Strongly Agree 33
3 Agree 38
2 Disagree 19
1 Strongly Disagree 10

For the last statement on the given questionnaire under

personal interest, the respondents agree that they want to be a part of K

to 12 education if given chance. Grade 8 students from Guerrero High

School are interested on the said education system in the Philippines. This

statement shows that they want to experience what K to 12 program can

given them.
Chapter 4

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter, the researchers discussed the summary of

findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study. This study was

conducted for the purpose of knowing the perception of grade 8 students

to the implementation of the new educational plan which is the K to 12 by

using survey questionnaires which were made by the researchers and

approved by the adviser as well as the other teachers. All of the

information in this chapter is based on the data gathered from the


Summary of Findings

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

In terms of age, 20 respondents belonged to the age

bracket of 11-12; 70 respondendets belonged to the age

bracket of 13-15; and 10 respondents belonged to the age

bracket of 16-18.

1.2 gender;

In terms of gender, 60 respondents were female, while

40 respondents were male.

1.3 school

In terms of educational institution, majority of the

respondents came from public schools.

1.4 section

In terms of section grade 8 are equal, both having 50


1.5 family income

In terms of family income, 32 respondents belong to

families with Php.500.00 Php.4,999.00 monthly income, 28

respondents belong to families with Php.5,000.00 Php.15,000.00

monthly income, 19 respondents belong to families with

Php.15,001.00 Php.25,000.00 monthly income, 11 respondents

belong to families with Php.25,001.00 Php.35,000.00, 7

respondents belong to families with Php. 35,001.00 Php.

45,000.00 monthly income, lastly, 3 respondents belong to

families with Php.45,001.00 and above monthly income.

2. What are the perceived effect of the K to 12 education system as

evaluated by the respondents in terms of:

2.1 provisions;

There are three provisions under K to 12 provisions.

Most of the respondents agreed that the K to 12 program

ensures employement for future graduates and helps students

pursue higher education. On the other hand, few disagreed to

the provision.

2.2 preparedness;

In terms of K to 12 preparedness, most of the

respondents agreed that the K to 12 program has enough

professionals and enough funds for classrooms and facilities of

the program.

2.3 curriculum;

In terms of K to 12 curriculum, most of the respondents

agreed that the K to 12 program allows specialization in Science

and Technology, Music and Arts, Agriculture and Fisheries,

Sports, Business and Entrepreneurship.

2.4 budget;

In terms of budget, most of the respondents agreed

that different sectors and individual citizens collectively

collaborate to improve the basic education sector and K to 12

adds additional costs to parents.

2.5 DepEd teaching and non-teaching staff;

In terms of teachers and non-teaching staffs, most of

the respondents agreed that teachers are burdened by the

additional load due K to 12 program and their salary will

increase as a result of the K to 12 program.

2.6 ensuring sustainability of the program;

In terms of ensuring sustainability of the program, most

of the respondents agreed that the government employs

necessary measure to ensure effectiveness of the K to 12

2.7 economics;

In terms of economics, most of the respondents

agreed that the K to 12 program will improve the economy and

make the education progress.

2.8 personal interest

in terms of personal interest, most of the respondents

agreed that the K to 12 curriculum will helo students find a

suitabke and appropriate job for their skills and almost all of the

respondents want to be part of the K to 12 program.


As the researches went on with conducting this study, the

researches concluded that most of the respondents agree and perceive

positive outlooks with the provisions of implementation of K to 12

educational plan. The respondents perceived that though the

government will face many problems in terms of the number of

professional teachers, the funds to procure classrooms and facilities, the

financial stability of families, the funds of the government, and the

effectiveness of the curriculum in the long run of the implementation of

the program, there really is a need to implement it because the

enchancement must conctinuosly support and strengthen the

implementation of the K to 12 educational plan.

The respondents believed that the implementation of K to 12 is

being carried out graduat stages. It could not be done in one shot.

However, a few number of respondents disagreed with the pursuance of

K to 12 curriculum. According to the survey questionnaires, the

respondents disagreed because there is a shortage in textbooks,

teachers, classroom, and other learning rescources which is what the

government should firstly deal with before adding two more years to high



On the basis of the foregoing and conclusions of this study, the

following recommendating are rendered:

1. With the recent findings, the researchers recommend that the

government render their full support towards the implementation of

the K to 12 program in the Philippines.

2. The researches recommend that family and friends should

encourage students, and serve as good support system by building

their self-esteem and by avoiding degrading these pupils.

3. The researchers recommend that further study be conducted in the

future consisting of students from other batches.



Altares, Priscilla (2012), et. al., Elementary Statistics with Computer

Applications. Second Edition. Rex Bookstore, Inc., Philippines

Published Article

Department of Education (2011), K to 12 Basic Education Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Electronic Sources

Porcalla, Delon (2013), K to 12 for all, use of mother tongue now law

Retrieved from:


Date Accessed: May 1, 2017

Republic Act. No. 10533

Retrieved from: 2013/05/15/republic-act-no-


Date Accessed: May 1, 2017

Introduction to Quantitative Research

Retrieved from:


Date Accessed: May 6, 2017

Research Methodology: An Introduction

Retrieved from:

Date Accessed: May 7, 2017

Random Sampling

Retrieved from:

Date Accessed: May 8, 2017


If nothing ever changed, thered be no BUTTERFLIES

As we know, K to 12 is the newly approve curriculum which will

formally start the school year since 2013. Teachers, parents, and the entire

Philippines are talking about it. Mostly, parents are telling and asking why

theres a need to implement on this. Is this really could help the new

generation in finding a job after graduating six years in high school? Why

theres a need to change curriculum? These are just some of the many

questions coming from the mouth of the parents. Last June 20, 2015 in

Integrated Basic Education Department (Concordia College). My

previous principal Doctor Rosalina A. Caubic presented to us a video

about the importance of K to 12 program. According to Doctor Caubic,

the teacher should posses the five (5) Cs in order to ensure the pupils

learning one is commitment, this is very important for us as a teacher

when we are committed to our work. It is our responsibility to make them

learn the lesson, not just we teach because of the money earned. Second

is competence. I am not pretty or handsome sure how competent I am

thats why I tried my best to study more, to learn more by pursuing my

studies. For me, to go with the flow of changes, so that what Ive learned

and experienced, I could also share it to my students that would add their
knowledge. Third is creativity. How creative a teacher as you is? It is very

important, that the teacher is capable of arousing the interest of students

towards the lesson and the only way that you can hold the students

attention until the class will end. As a teacher, I always see to it that my

topic is very interesting so that my students would pay attention to my

class or during my discussion. I always use new strategies from them not to

feel bored. And sense of humor will do a lot to make my class active and

quite enjoyable while learning. Fourth is compassion. I am pretty or

handsome sure that I posses this because I love my students. I treat them

as my own though I am single and I dont know what exactly the feeling

as a mother or father in my students. If not I treat them like a sister or

brother thats why many of my students love me also. My experience of

this, students will come to you, sharing their lives, telling their problems,

and most of the time I will be touched by their stories and through that I,

as a teacher-adviser to them can always understand their situation and

know how to deal with them. And lastly, character. As a teacher you

should know how to handle your students, be humble and be patient

always in dealing with the different character of the participants so that

whatever problems you will encounter you know how to solve it already

and know what to do about it.



In implementing K to 12 program in Educational system teachers

have a big role. It is our responsibility to make them learn the lesson, not

just we teach because of the money earned. Second is competence. I

am not pretty sure how competent I am thats why I tried my best to study

more, to learn more by pursuing my studies. For me, to go with the flow of

changes, so that what Ive learned and experienced, I could also share it

to my students that would add their knowledge. Third is creativity. How

creative a teacher as you is? It is very important, that the teacher is

capable of arousing the interest of students towards the lesson and the

only way that you can hold the students attention until the class will end.

As a teacher, I always see to it that my topic is very interesting so that my

students would pay attention to my class or during my discussion. I always

use new strategies from them not to feel bored. And sense of humor will

do a lot to make your class active and quite enjoyable while learning.

Fourth is compassion. I am pretty sure that I posses this because I love my

students. I treat them as my own though I am my own child and family . I

treat them like a my child also thats why many of my students love me

also. My experience of this, students will come to you, sharing their lives,

telling their problems, and most of the time I will be touched by their

stories and through that I, as a teacher-adviser to them can always

understand their situation and know how to deal with them. And lastly,

character. As a teacher you should know how to handle your students, be

humble and be patient always in dealing with the different character of

the participants so that whatever problems you will encounter you know

how to solve it already and know what to do about it. So I tried my best to

the one in the 21st century in K 12 curriculum.

Teaching minds

Touching hearts

Transforming lives


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