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2:03 Examiner: In this part of the test, Im going to give each of you two photographs.

Id like you
to talk about your photographs on your own for about two minutes and also to answer a question
about your partners photographs. (ST) Florine, its your turn first. Here are your photographs. (ST)
They show people who are helping other people in different situations. (ST) I like you to compare
the photographs and say how important it is to help people in these situations. (ST) Alright?

2:37 Florine: Yeah..Eeh I think in the first picture its ah someone helping a soccer player because
is obviously hurts Ahm..and in the second photo eh the police offricer--officer is helping . I think it
must be a tourist (BT) because eeh there is a map in the photo( se toca el pelo) (ST) and I think its
really important to help people in those situations because (BR) eh theyre both eh the both
needed help and eh in the first picture the person is probably in pain because mostly when you
play eh sports you can get inju--injuries and in the second photo I think its also very important
that the police officers willing to help the tourist (BR) because ehm its just I think po--police
officers are ah are there because they have to serve the people..

3:38 Examiner: Thank you.(ST) Maria do you find it easy to ask for help when you have a

3:45 Maria: It depends what problem I have (ST) because sometimes when you are in different
places you are shy so you dont ask to help.

4:00 Examiner: (SMILE) Thank you. (ST) Can I have the booklet, please?

4:01 Maria: yes, of course.

4:04 Examiner: Thank you. (ST) (SMILE) Now Maria here are your photographs. (ST) They show
people spending time in different gardens (ST) Id like you to compare the photographs and say
what you think the people are enjoying about spending time in these gardens. (ST) Alright?

4:23 Maria: Okay, I can see in the first picture ah a woman doing gardening (ST) in maybe in his
house eh and the second one I can see in a beautiful park maybe near London and we are
spending time with his family and (ST) while the first one eh the girl mm is planting eh (ST) a nice
plant and mm I think both are enjoying a lot eh this homes (St) mm (ST).

5:22 Examiner: (SMILE)Thank you. (ST) Florine, Which garden would you prefer to spend time in?

5:27 Florine: I think I would prefer the garden in the first picture because I think its your own
garden and I like working in the garden with my mom and dad so I think I would enjoy spending
time eh on garden most (ST) yeah..

5:43 Examiner: (SMILE)Thank you. Can I have the booklet, please?

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