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International Journal of Project Management 23 (2005) 231236

Process improvement in project expediting: there must be a better way

Keith A. Willoughby *

Department of Management, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA

Received 21 August 2003; received in revised form 14 November 2003; accepted 27 July 2004


The development of process improvement approaches for the project expediting function is reported. The current expediting rela-
tionship can be quite confrontational and argumentative, loaded with disputes. Expediting failures often result from a mismanage-
ment of expectations and poor communications. These negative implications can contribute to cost overruns and schedule delays.
Based on interviews conducted with several professionals within the oil and gas industry, various suggestions are proposed to instill
a more cooperative relationship between owner rms and suppliers.
2004 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: General managing projects; Success and strategy; Contractual partnerships; Alliances

1. Introduction and literature review This paper examines the nature of project expediting
operations, specically drawing commentary and
The performance of large scale projects depends to a improvement suggestions from professionals within the
major extent on the eectiveness of decision-making in oil and gas industry. When undertaking projects, an
the materials management area. owner rm (such as Husky Oil or Nova) acquires
Silver [1, p. 94]. goods from suppliers or obtains the services of sub-
contractors. It is claimed, by those interviewed, that
As the above quote declares, materials management
the expediting function has become quite confronta-
(also known as procurement and logistics) plays a signif-
tional, argumentative and dispute-oriented. We contend
icant role in the performance of large scale projects. E-
that such an approach is dangerous to the performance
cient performance allows one to excel on cost and
of all types of projects. Consequently, this paper will
duration dimensions. Expediting represents an approach
discuss a number of process improvement initiatives that
for managing the materials used in a given project. Specif-
can be taken to avoid the inherent problems of expedit-
ically, it monitors the performance of suppliers and sub-
ing, before such diculties materialize.
contractors so that required products are manufactured
The accounts of costly and late projects are abun-
to appropriate quality levels, within contractual deadline
dant. Thompson and Perry [2] examined all projects
dates. Therefore, one could postulate that the manner in
funded by the World Bank between 1974 and 1988. Of
which the expediting function is executed plays a substan-
the 1778 projects checked for cost behavior, a full 63%
tial role in the performance of all types of projects.
came in over-budget. When the authors analyzed 1627
projects for schedule performance, 86% of them were
completed subsequent to predicted completion dates.
Tel.: +1 570 524 2939 (home)/577 1751 (oce); fax: +1 570 577
Other researchers have suggested process improve-
1338. ment approaches in a variety of project environments.
E-mail address: kwilloug@bucknell.edu. Tabatabai-Gargari and Elzerka [3] discussed process

0263-7863/$30.00 2004 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

232 K.A. Willoughby / International Journal of Project Management 23 (2005) 231236

improvement in preconstruction activities. They exam- Various retail and manufacturing industries have
ined computer-aided design and knowledge-based sys- appreciated the benets of improved supplier-customer
tems for expediting the generation of design relationships. Kinsey [7] addressed the cooperative proc-
alternatives, specically focusing their work on the con- esses at work in the food industry. The author described
struction of mezzanine structures. Previously, the prepa- the Wal-Mart way of doing business, a model for
ration of design quotations was conducted manually, improving eciency and for allowing supply chain part-
taking about two hours. Now with this user-friendly ners to combine together in an eort to share consumer
automated system (the authors claim that salespersons sales data and inventory management information. In-
with sparse computer literacy can be trained in a single deed, the use of Wal-Mart as an appropriate benchmark
hour to use the system), quotation time has been sliced for assessing cooperative supply chains is well docu-
to about ten minutes. More accurate cost estimates have mented. Briggs [8] analyzed Wal-Marts approach to
also been realized. collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment
Ngee et al. [4] applied process improvement to build, (CPFR), a benecial strategy for dealing with buyer
operate and transfer (BOT) project negotiations. In this seller relationships. The company plans to implement
type of situation, the specic project is transferred to an- such relationships with over 100 of its suppliers.
other company at a later stage. The authors determined Frequently, these cooperative processes use electronic
suitable pricing structures for the nancial and contrac- data interchange (EDI) as a means to eectively plan
tual parameters associated with these types of contracts. these overall operations. Holland et al. [9] oer a thor-
Instead of relying on time-consuming approaches to ough analysis of EDI implementation. Using the apparel
negotiate pricing structures, the authors developed a industry as a case study, Schieier [10] showed that quick-
multiple regression model using the tari, concession response technologies (like bar-code scanning and EDI)
period, and rate of return as explanatory variables, permit a change in retailer/supplier relationships from
and internal rate of return as a response variable. In adversarial conicts to more cooperative alliances.
the end, such a method eliminated the consumption of Moynihan [11] focused his analysis on the benecial
considerable resources (namely time) that had occurred outcomes of cooperative relationships within the health-
under the previous system. care industry. In this particular case, improved interac-
Cho [5] discussed the conversion of the Bergstrom Air tions occurred between healthcare providers and
Force Base into a $600 million, 25-gate civilian airport product suppliers, as well as between providers and pay-
in Austin, TX. A program management venture was ers. In a study of the US automobile industry, Iskandar
adopted in the project, specically addressing the pro- et al. [12] discovered that managerial pro-activeness, an
jects cleanup and environmental requirements. A rather important component of cooperative supply chains, was
high degree of project eciency was attained; indeed, the most signicant factor in explaining overall success.
the author noted that this model may help to spur sim- This paper is organized as follows. In the next sec-
ilar conversion eorts. tion, we examine the nature of project expediting and
Wright [6] studied the construction of 32 pre-engi- describe its current deciencies. Then, we present some
neered metal dormitories in 24 sites of the Texas Depart- suggestions for improving project expediting. We make
ment of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) prison state system in special mention of the benets that could accrue from
a six-month period. The projects were handled through implementation of these proposals. Concluding remarks
a cooperative contracting agreement. This prevented an are provided in the nal section.
adversarial relationship from developing between the
rms. In particular, the TDCJ facilitated frequent coor-
dination between the various rms, sometimes on an
hourly basis. Joint ventures were established, as rms 2. Nature of project expediting
realized that they could accomplish more together than
by working as individual companies. A teamwork In the mid-1980s, Silver [1,13,14] conducted a study
atmosphere (if one of us failed, we all failed) prevailed of logistics issues in the large scale projects of oil and
among the rms. gas companies (the work undertaken by Silver served
As the above literature illustrates, process improve- as the genesis for this current paper). His analysis fo-
ment is often required to ameliorate the performance cused on over a dozen rms (both owner rms and con-
of large-scale projects and to mitigate the problems of tractor businesses) in the Alberta area of western
adversarial relationships. We do note, however, that Canada. When queried regarding the importance of
other industries have recognized that less confronta- expediting in a project, all rms claimed that its role
tional processes can lead to enhanced cooperation and was signicant. It had a substantial impact on project
results. A discussion of some of these cases will serve performance. Traditionally, expeditors are those indi-
to strengthen our argument that improving project expe- viduals in a company attempting to ensure that items
diting leads to better project performance. are delivered, or received, on time. In the event of sched-
K.A. Willoughby / International Journal of Project Management 23 (2005) 231236 233

ule delay, they seek alternative methods of (very able dispute entails, an owner rm may be forced to rely
quickly) ensuring delivery reliability. on an alternative source. Quality may suer with the
The nature of expediting has become quite argumen- rather short completion deadlines given to the substitute
tative, dispute-oriented and confrontational. To more source. Further, this source may produce the required
fully investigate this environment, we conducted inter- goods on an overtime production basis, thereby increas-
views with professional expeditors, owner companies ing overall costs.
and contractors involved in the oil and gas industry. Disputes in oil and gas projects, if unresolved, jeop-
To enhance the credibility of our eorts, we selected par- ardize the entire project. Consequently, it would be ben-
ticular organizations that were among the industry lead- ecial to all parties involved if one could nd ways of
ers in oil and gas projects (a brief listing is provided in overcoming the dispute-oriented nature of project
the Acknowledgment). All interviews were conducted expecting. We discuss some suggestions in the following
in face-to-face meetings between the author and the section.
industry professionals.
We noted a common belief held within the industry;
namely, that a supplier will not be able to produce a par-
ticular item within appropriate quality levels on or be- 3. Process improvement suggestions
fore a specied delivery date. As a result, owner rms
get on their supplier from day one. In truth, expedit- One clear suggestion arising from our interviews for
ing begins on the initial day of a project! improving the expediting process is to involve more
Another common view realized from our interviews is teamwork in the project. This could involve ameliorated
that a project will never be completed on time, given that teamwork within, say, the representatives of the owner
organizations are far too optimistic. In an eort to ob- rm, or between members of the owner and supplier
tain important contracts, vendor rms oversell their rms. The example of the Texas Department of Critical
capabilities. Further, owner rms and suppliers seem Justice alluded to earlier oers a prime illustration of the
to compete in a world of continual bickering. Owner eectiveness of the teamwork concept in a project man-
rms claim that suppliers are unreliable; suppliers per- agement environment.
ceive that the manner in which bids are evaluated con- Obviously, instilling teamwork within a project man-
tributes to the dispute-oriented process. agement is not simply a matter of stating, lets all work
Granted, this type of relationship is not assumed to together on this particular aspect of the project. Truly,
occur in each and every project undertaken in the oil it is easier said than done. Moreover, certain behavioral
and gas industry. Nonetheless, the fact that it does occur styles on the part of project participants may lead to en-
with some regularity is cause for alarm. hanced growth within the levels of teamwork; on the
A further negative ramication of current expediting other hand, there exist traits held by those in a project
operations is the mistrust that can grow between owner management situation that may diminish the intensity
and supplier. Rose [15] claimed that there exists an in- of teamwork. Using the results of interviews with con-
verse relationship between cost and trust on all types struction practitioners, Nicolini [16] examined the broad
of construction projects. Given that projects in the oil idea of project chemistry. The author suggested a theo-
and gas industry are usually quite costly, there seems retical framework aimed at identifying specic external
to be substantial basis for mistrust in this project man- and project factors critical to teamwork success. In or-
agement relationship. der to test the degree to which inuence style, a key
The negative type of project expediting relationship behavioral trait, aected project performance, Shim
described above leads to some critical deciencies. Silver and Lee [17] collected data from 83 ongoing projects
[13] reported that the expediting function can be quite in such industries as electronics/telecommunication,
costly. Large sums are spent to guarantee timely project chemical, and machinery. They determined that,
completion. In order to receive required goods, some although dierent leaders made use of particular inu-
owner rms may be forced to pay for premium-priced ence tactics, the inuence styles adopted by project lead-
shipping (e.g. air transport, as opposed to truck or rail). ers did shape overall performance. In truth, getting
Ironically, excessive expediting may not increase pro- supplier and owner rms in the oil and gas industry to
ject completion time. If disputes arise, these could drag participate in a cooperative teamwork relationship has
out the project indenitely. Other unfavorable aspects the potential to drastically reduce the number and dura-
include the excessive managerial intervention required tion of disputes. For some time, various academic refer-
to solve disputes. Clearly, if these disputes did not exist, ences (e.g. Meredith and Mantel, Jr. [18] and Nicholas
then precious time could be spent in more productive [19]) have advocated the use of teamwork in project
pursuits. management. In particular, Nicholas reference (p.
Expediting can cause quality problems. If a particular 201) includes a well-designed representation of project
supplier is not able to meet a schedule and an unresolv- teamwork.
234 K.A. Willoughby / International Journal of Project Management 23 (2005) 231236

There would appear to be at least three benets to A fth possible process improvement tactic is to set
creating a more cooperative, teamwork-oriented situa- up a Pre-Award Meeting in projects. Specically,
tion in projects. In particular, such an approach would one of the large oil and gas rms we interviewed made
allow problems to brought out into the open. By involv- use of such a meeting to call together groups of suppliers
ing teamwork on both sides of the project, the notion of to examine various details of the particular project. This
hidden agendas can be laid to rest. Secondly, team- helped to establish the understandable terms and easily-
work would permit dierent viewpoints and interests denable stages that would be necessary to complete the
to be taken into consideration. Without a teamwork entire project. Any number of qualied rms may be in-
concept, the dominant player in a particular scenario vited to the Pre-Award Meeting, although not every
may be the one to call the shots. Teamwork may help one of the rms is guaranteed to win the right to work
to ensure that various issues of multi-faceted problems on the project.
are considered. Finally, teamwork enables rms to de- Strategic alliances could be used to avoid the problem
vise an action plan as well as assign tasks and dates of costly time-consuming expediting activities. A repre-
for implementation. If rms work in isolation, it can sentative of one of the rms contacted in our interviews
then be quite dicult and time-consuming to assign indicated that such alliances can assist in all aspects of a
tasks between them. By remaining in close contact, it project. Expensive disputes and sub-par performance
is much easier to get the ball rolling through various are avoided since, in a major project, an owner rm
stages of a project. can immediately engage with one company rather than
A second suggestion for process improvement is to spending valuable time meandering through relation-
break a project down into easily denable stages. In ships with several companies for extended durations.
other words, realistic and meaningful milestones are In essence, the owner and supplier rms are both able
established for the duration of a project. These mile- to hit the ground running in a major project.
stones have the eect of creating a workable environ- Morton [22] advocated the continuous appraisal of a
ment within which owners and suppliers can operate. projects development to alleviate expediting complexi-
Vague stages result in uncertainty, which is never pleas- ties. Such appraisal involves communication, coordina-
ant from a project standpoint. tion, involvement and commitment. In a way, this
Leech and Turner [20] indicate some precautions that concept is connected to the teamwork notion illustrated
need to be taken when setting these milestones for pro- earlier. By actually remaining in close contact with ven-
ject performance. A breakdown that is not suciently dors, an owner rm can alert themselves to potential
detailed results in the obscuring of important activities. dangers before they occur. Proactive, rather than reac-
The overspending of both time and money may not be tive, pursuits become the rule. In order to ensure an
pinpointed. This lack of detail will frustrate all eorts organization of appropriate quality within contractual
to predict and closely monitor project costs and dura- delivery dates, it may be appropriate for the representa-
tion. On the other hand, a breakdown that is too de- tives of an owner rm to physically visit the supplier.
tailed is clearly sub-optimal. One may spend precious Poor, unreliable suppliers can present a problem. If a
time and money monitoring short and low-cost activi- certain supplier habitually experiences diculty in pro-
ties. In eect, a too-detailed breakdown may not provide ducing items of sucient quality on time, then other
valuable information. parts of a project may be delayed. This contributes to
Using more concrete terms when establishing project expediting problems. Obviously, one could improve this
contracts is another approach that may improve project process by simply not hiring these rogue vendors.
performance and assist the expediting operation. Exam- However, the implementation of such an approach
ples could include establishing clear conditions with re- may not be so straightforward. For example, a construc-
spect to what occurs in the event that a party fails to tion rm operating in a strategic alliance with an owner
perform as desired (the price of non-conformance), rm may feel pressure from the owner rm to include a
providing estimated maximum task durations (so early particular vendor in a project team. If this vendor is
warning of problems is detected), and supplying clear, somewhat unreliable, then project problems become
detailed performance measures (project deliverables). exacerbated. Further, the desire to have a high local
Individually and collectively, these would have the eect content in certain projects [13] may result in a rogue ven-
of removing vague items and providing both parties dor being selected for a specic part of a project.
with adequate clarication of project requirements. Hartman [21] encouraged the implementation of a con-
Another suggestion for process improvement is to use tractor screening program, a set of criteria by which
a project neutral in the relationship between owner potential contractors can be evaluated. In fact, one of
rm and supplier. Hartman [21] demonstrated that the the companies interviewed for this study has created a
use of a facilitator or mediator can improve the creation Vendor Qualication software program, VQUAL, to as-
of the contract, thus getting both parties o to a run- sist in vendor selection. Nonetheless, the trouble remains
ning start. that this process of screening vendors may discriminate
K.A. Willoughby / International Journal of Project Management 23 (2005) 231236 235

against newer suppliers. They may not have had the expe- Managers and employees in both types of rms would
rience necessary to score highly on the computer pro- no longer be involved in costly disputes.
grams. Caught in somewhat of a catch-22 situation, Improved quality (both in terms of nal product and
what can be done to assist these new vendors? Possible intermediate decision-making) could also result from
ideas include allowing such rms to qualify for particular implementation of these principles. Overall project costs
projects involving minimal risk. Then, these suppliers can would likely decrease as the number of disputes
gain appropriate experience. Where feasible, an addi- diminishes.
tional tactic would be to permit new vendors to work in Another benet of such process improvement ap-
tandem with a more experienced rm on a large project. proaches is that they could be applied to other areas in
Another method of avoiding rogue vendors would be oil and gas projects. Nowhere do we claim that these sug-
to adopt a policy currently used by some of the rms gestions can solely be used by the expediting function. In-
contacted in our study. Specically, these rms created deed, the same needs for project neutrals, continuous
an organizational position known as Coordinator of appraisal of development, and establishing concrete con-
Vendor Development. Such an individual would be tract terms exist throughout the entire supply chain.
charged with the task of developing techniques for qual- Moreover, such procedures could even be applied outside
ifying vendors and monitoring their performance. the oil and gas industry altogether (in those industries or
In summary, the following approaches may be used situations in which improvement is warranted). Since a
to improve the expediting process: considerable number of undertakings in real-world oper-
ations can be termed projects, the potential arena of
 Teamwork. application for such suggestions is quite enormous.
 Break a project into specic (and useful) milestones.
 Use concrete terms when setting up project contracts.
 Use a project neutral. 4. Concluding remarks
 Initiate a Pre-Award Meeting.
 Implement strategic alliances. This paper has attempted to provide approaches for
 Continuous appraisal of a projects development. improving the process of project expediting, specically
 Fail to hire rogue vendors. within the oil and gas industry. Potential suggestions fo-
 Contractor screening. cus on the need for expediting to become proactive, not
 Create a Coordinator of Vendor Development simply the reactive procedure that is often encountered
position. today. Techniques for improving this process go beyond
the bounds of the expediting function.
It is our claim that successful implementation of these Expediting problems appear to occur due to two
suggestions into the expediting operations of oil and gas main reasons: the mismanagement of expectations and
companies can lead to substantial benets. The opportu- poor communication. Our suggestions address both of
nities exist for circles of improvement. As both owner these issues. In Fig. 1, we illustrate the alignment of
and supplier rms practice these principles, the expedit- our approaches under either main reason. For example,
ing function would no longer be dispute-oriented and the proposition that rms set signicant milestones in
confrontational. As relationships continue to improve the creation of project contracts would lead to similar
and greater planning and foresight are utilized in opera- expectations on both sides of the ownersupplier rela-
tions, more time would be available to identify addi- tionship. Further, when eective teamwork is involved,
tional cost savings and eciency opportunities. Thus, the problems of poor communication are alleviated.
process improvement breeds continual improvement. We feel that using a project neutral and initiating

Mismanagement of Expectations Poor Communication

-Specific milestones
-Concrete terms
-Eliminating rogue vendors -Team work
-Contractor screening -Strategic alliances
-Coordinator of Vendor -Continuous appraisal

Fig. 1. Process improvement approaches.

236 K.A. Willoughby / International Journal of Project Management 23 (2005) 231236

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