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PSS/SINCAL documentation Sachs/dv0017/25.07.


PSS/SINCAL offers unique features beyond PSS/Adept and

PSS/VIPER functionality

1. User GUI
PSS/SINCAL provides a variety of useful GIS-Tool-features which outperform the
functionality of PSS/ADEPT and other network planning tools:

Picture 1: Network diagram with calculated results and GIS-vector-map in the background


- Nearly unlimited layer and object facilities
- Free configuration and positioning of all objects an texts
- User defined definition of GUI including XML export for other projects
- Embedding user-own applications into PSS/SINCAL GUI
- Handling of various pixel and vector formats
- Loading background graphics (up to 1,5 GB if necessary) (Picture1)
- Embedding maps in different scales
- Digitizing features
- Embedding even free OLE objects (such as pictures from substations or
EXCEL sheets)
- Definition of generic data stored within the PSS/SINCAL data base and
managed in the GUI to be used according the users demands
- Copy and Paste even from network to network
- Linking together different data bases with macro technology

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This has been combined with typical network planning tasks such as:

- Contour Plotting of load density (Picture 2) and substation placement

Picture 2: Medium voltage network with load density contour plot and background graphic

- high lighting of selected groups

- feeder evaluation for complete substations or network parts in radial and
meshed networks
- structure and energizing presentation
- density of loads over a time period in different areas (Picture 3)

2005 2010 2015

Picture 3: load increase in different areas within the next 10 years

Data management is an important task for system planning. PSS/SINCAL offers a

variety of ways to access data in order to meet users needs. Access to data is not
only given by selecting the specific element. It is possible to

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- have access to data of groups selected by multiple selection, areas, types

of elements, freehand contours and even user own defined queries
- definition of user defined groups that can be used for calculation and
evaluation functionalities
- working in a Tabular Editor with direct link to data base and filter functions
- working with masks linked to editor and graphics

A Tabular Editor is the most effective access to the data base. The user has
functions such as EXCEL-like summation of selected cells and
- copy and paste to other MS-Office applications
- Data filter (Picture 4)
- Printouts

Picture 4: user defined filters for the tabular network editor

Case studies can be easily performed using PSS/SINCALs variant management tool
that organizes variants in a hierarchical tree structure.

2. Calculation Methods
PSS/SINCALs calculation methods are successfully used from low voltage to high
voltage systems, from steady state to dynamics and even EMT, of course within
every network configuration. The data base gives you the certainty of no limitation in
network size. Linkage of different networks together with synchronization during
calculation is possible, too (Picture 6).
- Load flow analysis: PSS/SINCAL offers 4 different algorithms including
Current iteration, Newton-Raphson and Gauss-Seidel. The software
automatically switches to an other algorithm if bad convergence is
detected. Additionally the Delta-JJ-Criteria method can be used to
estimate the distance to the stability boundaries. It can be used to provide
improved starting conditioned or to solve the load flow. (Picture 5)
- Short circuit calculation according to ANSI, IEC 60909, IEC 61363
standard is available besides the well known preload calculation (for e.g.
protection calculations). A special multiple fault method covers all
combination of faults the user may want to check and this in predefines

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Picture 5: Evaluation of load flow results (voltages and loading of equipment) by means of coloring

- Reactive Compensation Placement: depending on the reactive power

equipment, the program places capacitors and/or coils to the downstream
node of transformers. The available types of equipments can be defined
in a standard type data base
- Optimal Branching: PSS/SINCAL suggests the user a list of breaking
points. The user can accept all or select only the preferred ones.
- Harmonics: one calculation considers all specified frequencies and
determines the result like harmonic response, polar plots and voltage
disturbance. Compensation across transformers and even resonance
networks are possible.
- Motor start: multiple motors can be started at different times and the
effects can be seen in diagrams such as torques to speed; Voltage,
Currents, Powers as functions to time; Heyland circle. Input data are
NEMA models or the given curves for starting current, the motor torque
and the load torque.
- Stability: The full functionality of the well known program PSS/NETOMAC
is available. Controller models can be built by the user without
programming. Many models are already available in PSS/SINCALs
- Protection: two approaches are realized here: First the system calculates
the setting of Distance protection relays according to the special facilities
each devices has. Secondly a complete co-ordination of the protection
settings can be done across all types of relays (overcurrent time or
distance) by simulating faults in a unique stepped event analysis that
considers changes in the network configuration.
- Reliability Analysis: Probabilistic reliability calculation allows quantitative
description of supply reliability through appropriate characteristic indices.
The analytic method combinatorial generates all failure combinations.
Only those combinations having a probability above a given threshold
value are further regarded in the calculation. Another possibility to limit

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the number of the combinations to be considered in the calculation is the

limitation of the order.

Picture 6: synchronized network calculation through different connected networks

Furthermore, there is a variety of optional calculation modules in addition to

the functionality of PSS/ADEPT:
- load profile calculation
- load flow optimization
- ripple control
- cost calculation
- load development
- contingency analysis
- EMT functionality
- Eigenvalue analysis

3. Open Access
PSS/SINCAL is easy to integrate in your data environment because it is a Data
Base Application.
- Several Import and Export facilities are available based on ASCII-files.
Among that are PSS/E raw.file (inclusive graphics) , HUB-File,
NETOMAC, UCTE, DVG, -> This means you can continue working
with your existing network models
- a data import interface via SQL is provided
- even a simple EXCEL import can be used to get data into
PSS/SINCAL.(Picture 7)
- PSS/SINCALs complete data base model is released to the user
community in order to support users to program their own interface to
other software or develop or add-on their own applications.

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Picture 7: EXCEL Import within PSS/SINCAL environment

GIS and SCADA connectivity is one of our strength!

4. Programming facilities
PSS/SINCAL has roots to and experience of more than 40 years network
planning software but finished a complete re-engineering in the year 2002.
Therefore the user can profit from the newest programming standards.
Development has been done totally with C++ using COM-Interfaces and other
standards (e.g. Crystal Reports for documentation). Data base and Interfaces are
laid open. Therefore users can program with PSS/SINCAL using their preferred
programming language (e.g. .net, java, .vbs, .vba,) to build their own
applications. (Picture 8)

Picture 8: load density funnels and MV network with OHL and cables in 3D-presenations

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5. Investing into the future

- Siemens is a strong partner knowing the market and having competence
in network planning across all voltage levels
- Make a safe investment in the software of the world market leader
- high development speed ensures PSS/SINCAL users quick access to the
state of art technologies.
- Make use of synergies with the enhanced modules and functionality not
only in Electricity Networks. PSS/SINCAL offers its planning tool in the
same GUI for Gas, Water and District Heating (Picture 9)

Picture 9: Longitudinal profile in district heating network with contour plot of loading

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