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Talend Open Studio for Data Integration

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016 Talend Inc. -

All rights reserved.

This program and the accompanying materials are made available

under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0

This product includes software developed at

Talend Inc. (

This product includes software developed at

The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

This product includes software developed at

The Eclipse Foundation (
Licensed under the Eclipse Public License - v1.0

This product includes software developed at

ASM Helper Minidev.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

AWS SDK Java (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
2016, Amazon Web Services

This product includes software developed at

Amazon Aws Libraries.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Amazon SDK for Java (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Amazon-S3 (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

AtInject (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Avro MapReduce.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Box Java SDK (V2) (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

CSV Tools.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Google APIs Client Library for Java.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Google Gson (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Guava (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright (C) 2010 The Guava Authors

This product includes software developed at

Guava (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 1.6+ (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
This product includes software developed at
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 1.6+.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Hadoop Libraries.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Hadoop Libraries (Retrieved from CDH3u0. LICENSE.txt explains that Zookeeper is
distributed under Apache License 2.0).
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Jackcess (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Jackson JSON Processor (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright 2012-2013 FasterXML.

This product includes software developed at

Jackson JSON processor.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Jackson Java JSON-processor.
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright 2009 FasterXML, LLC

This product includes software developed at

Jackson Java JSON-processor.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Jackson Libraries.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Jasypt : Java Simplified Encryption.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Joda Time.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Joda-Time (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright 2002-2016

This product includes software developed at

Joda-Time (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright 2002-2015

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Json Simple (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Json-Simple (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Yidong Fang
Chris Nokleberg
Dave Hughes

This product includes software developed at

Lucene Core.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

MarkLogic Java Client API.
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright 2012-2015 MarkLogic Corporation
This product includes software developed at
Microsoft Azure SDK for Java (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

OpenSAML (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Plexus (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Resty : A simple HTTP REST client for Java.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Rocoto (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Sisu Guice (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright (c) 2006 Google, Inc. All rights reserved.

This product includes software developed at

Sonatype Plexus (
Licensed under Apache-2.0
Copyright The Codehaus Foundation.

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0
Pivotal Software Inc. / The original author or authors

This product includes software developed at

SshJ (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

StAXON - JSON via StAX (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Talend ESB Libraries.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Xerces2 Java Parser.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

XmlSchema Core.
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

google-guice (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

json-path (
Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0

This product includes software developed at

Jetty (
Licensed under Apache-2.0;EPL-1.0
Copyright 2016 The Eclipse Foundation.

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0;EPL-1.0

This product includes software developed at

Jetty (
Licensed under Apache-2.0;EPL-1.0

This product includes software developed at

Jackson Java JSON-processor.
Licensed under Apache-2.0;LGPL-2.1

This product includes software developed at

Woodstox : High-performance XML processor (
Licensed under Apache-2.0;LGPL-2.1

This product includes software developed at

Woodstox : High-performance XML processor (
Licensed under Apache-2.0;LGPL-2.1

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Apache-2.0;LGPL-3.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under BSD-2-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Antlr 3 Runtime.
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause
This product includes software developed at Web Service Connector (WSC).
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Ganymed SSH-2 for Java.
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Paraccel JDBC Driver.
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver.
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at (
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2005-2013,

This product includes software developed at

Scala (
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) 2002-2016 EPFL; Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Lightbend, Inc. (formerly
Typesafe, Inc.)

This product includes software developed at

XStream (
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

XStream Core.
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

jsr-305 (JSR 305: Annotations for Software Defect Detection in
Licensed under BSD-3-Clause

This product includes software developed at

Java API for RESTful Services.
Licensed under CDDL-1.1

This product includes software developed at

Java API for RESTful Services
Licensed under CDDL-1.1

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under CDDL-1.1;GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under CPL-1.0

This product includes software developed at

Aether (
Licensed under EPL-1.0
Copyright (c) 2010, 2014 Sonatype, Inc.

This product includes software developed at

Eclipse Sisu.
Licensed under EPL-1.0
Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 Sonatype, Inc.

This product includes software developed at

H2 Embedded Database and JDBC Driver (H2 is EPL 1.0 !).
Licensed under EPL-1.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under EPL-1.0
Copyright (c) ${copyright-range} Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under EPL-1.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under EPL-1.0

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under EPL-1.0;LGPL-2.1
This product includes software developed at
Java Json (
Licensed under Json

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under Json

This product includes software developed at

AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standards) (
Licensed under Public Domain

This product includes software developed at

Simple API for CSS.
Licensed under W3C

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under X11
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2016 The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc.

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under X11

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under X11

This product includes software developed at

SL4J (
Licensed under X11

This product includes software developed at

Licensed under X11
Copyright (c) 2004-2013

This product includes software developed at

Simple Logging Facade for Java (
Licensed under X11

This product includes software developed at

Simple Logging Facade for Java.
Licensed under X11

This product includes software developed at

dropbox-sdk-java : Java library for the Dropbox Core API.
Licensed under X11

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