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A short story

This a story of hope.

It all started when Lito, a young boy living with his family on the foot of Mt. Gibut went to fetch
some water on the river nearby. He was surprised to see when all he saw are stones and the
water has completely dried out.

Where did all the water go? said young Lito. He thought, maybe it was all only because the sun
has been shining too hot over the past few days, drying the river. He later on decided to went
back home with an empty pale on hand.

Lito, I told you to fetch me some water so I can cook our food said his mother.

But mama, the water in the river has all dried up answered Lito.

Oh, then ask for some water from Inday. I saw her store some water in that big drum last week
said his mother.

Lito went to the house of Inday to ask for some water.

Ate Inday, can I ask for some water? My mother cant cook our food because the water in the
river has all dried up asked Lito.

Okay, but just a small amount of it because I still have to prepare the food of my baby replied

Lito went on to get the water from the big drum. As he opened it, there are a lot of mosquitoes
flying all around. In fact, two or more mosquitoes bit him but he did not mind it. There are also
small worm-like insects floating in the water but Lito didnt mind it either because he was eager to
get home.

After saying thanks to Inday, he immediately went home and gave the water to his mother. His
mother cooked their lunch. Everyone in the family gathered around their small table to eat. They
also used that small amount of water left in the pale to drink.

The next day, Lito went to the river again and was glad to see that the water has started to flow
already. He immediately gathered some water into his container and went back home.

Upon reaching home, he gave the water to his mother and helped his father in plowing the fields.
Later that night, they were awakened with a loud cry from Kara, the younger sister of Lito. She
was having a stomachache. She was vomiting and going back & forth to the CR. His mother didnt
know what to do. Morning came and Kara was getting weaker and weaker.

After a few hours, Kara died due to dehydration. It was devastating to the whole family.

A week after the death of Kara, Lito got sick with fever. His father and mother brought him to the
barangay clinic but they were advised to admit Lito to the municipal hospital because he has a
very low platelet count and might be suffering from dengue.
His father went back home to get some clothes for Lito. Their savings are now slowly depleting
and he cant work in the fields because he had to attend to the needs of Lito in the hospital. His
father thought of selling their carabao to sustain their needs just until Lito gets out of the hospital.

He then went back to the hospital where he found his wife sitting on a bench at the corner.

I am planning to sell our carabao, our savings will only last us for two more days and we cant
afford the bill in the hospital he told his wife.

But, we will have no more means of living if you do that she replied.

We will face that problem when it happens. For now, let us just make sure we can get by day by
day he said with pain evident in his voice.

After the doctor was done with her rounds, the couple immediately approached her to ask about
the condition of Lito.

Your son showed symptoms of dengue. However, he was lucky that his immune system is strong
enough and his platelet did not reach a critical level. He is now recovering and you can go home
in three days time the doctor said.

But before the doctor left, she said something that made the couple think.

Misis, do you have a clean source of water? While we were running some tests on Lito, we found
some bacteria similar to that found in a baby mosquito. Maybe he consumed a contaminated
water. the doctor added.

Several minutes later, the father of Lito decided to go to the municipal health office to ask for
some help. He was advised to boil the water before they consume it to make sure that the bacteria
were eliminated.

The personnel from the local health office also helped them to seek the services of their local
water district so that they can have a clean and fresh water daily from the water delivery services
of the latter.

The municipal health office, together with the personnel from their local water district also
conducted several seminars in their community in order to protect their water from getting

Lito is now out of the hospital and he didnt have to fetch water from the river or ask from their

Indeed, its only when we hit rock bottom that we are forced to see that there is something wrong
and seek for change. But that is the beauty of life, as long as we are breathing, there is always
that spark of hope for a better day

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