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The Risks of Not Availing Psychiatric Help

Our present society has not at all acquired extensive awareness as to the importance of availing the help
of a psychiatrist. And it is sad to note that despite the fact that most of us have been deemed to be
susceptible of emotional breakdown when it comes to dealing with stresses and problems, still we dont
do something about it. The reason why is because they think that it is part of growing up and that they
would probably consider it quite normal for all people to experience such.

While it is true that having problems and struggles are but a normal reality to our society, what is not
ordinary here is that some people resort to extreme and even fatal means just so they would be able to
overcome their problems. Worse, they think that these deadly means are the only alternative for them
to be relieved of their problems. This should not be so to an average normal person.

When problems take a toll on you:

The following are the risks that every person may fall prey in should they allow themselves to be
seriously bothered and affected by their problems. It is of this reason that they should need a psychiatric

Panic attacks

If your hands get sweaty and your knees shake and you cannot think well, then you must be
having a panic attack especially if you are under stress.

Experience bouts of neurosis

These may involve cases such as paranoia, catatonic attacks or even cases of depression. These
can be proven fatal if thoughts of suicide would be entertained.


Although this case seldom happens only but there some emotional imbalanced individuals who
would become psychotic in order to escape the unfavorable reality they are in. The worst case
that can happen here is that they become habitual delinquents of the society.

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