Sinus Node and Atrial Arrhythmias

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Contemporary Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine

Sinus Node and Atrial Arrhythmias

Roy M. John, MBBS, PhD; Saurabh Kumar, BSc(Med)/MBBS, PhD

AbstractAlthough sinus node dysfunction (SND) and atrial arrhythmias frequently coexist and interact, the putative
mechanism linking the 2 remain unclear. Although SND is accompanied by atrial myocardial structural changes in
the right atrium, atrial fibrillation (AF) is a disease of variable interactions between left atrial triggers and substrate
most commonly of left atrial origin. Significant advances have been made in our understanding of the genetic and
pathophysiologic mechanism underlying the development and progression of SND and AF. Although some patients
manifest SND as a result of electric remodeling induced by periods of AF, others develop progressive atrial structural
remodeling that gives rise to both conditions together. The treatment strategy will thus vary according to the predominant
disease phenotype. Although catheter ablation will benefit patients with predominantly AF and secondary SND, cardiac
pacing may be the mainstay of therapy for patients with predominant fibrotic atrial cardiomyopathy. This contemporary
review summarizes current knowledge on sinus node pathophysiology with the broader goal of yielding insights into
the complex relationship between sinus node disease and atrial arrhythmias. (Circulation. 2016;133:18921900. DOI:
Key Words:ablation, catheter atrial fibrillation atrial standstill pacemaker, artificial sick sinus syndrome
sinoatrial node

S inus node dysfunction (SND) and atrial arrhythmias fre-

quently coexist and interact to initiate and perpetuate each
other. Atrial arrhythmias are present in 40% to 70% of patients
digitations that frequently anastomose with the surrounding
atrial tissue. The specialized pacemaker cells are interspersed
with nerves and capillaries and scaffolded by dense connec-
at the time of diagnosis of SND.1,2 However, the complex rela- tive tissue to form the SN pacemaker complex. The caudal
tionship between the 2 remains ill defined. The documented portion fragments to merge with the atrial myocardium. The
degenerative changes in atrial myocardial structure relating to lack of a distinct encapsulation and the radiating sinoatrial
SND are primarily right atrial. Yet, the majority of triggers connections explains the lack of a single breakthrough of the
and substrates for atrial fibrillation (AF) originate from the sinus impulse. The position of the leading pacemaker site
left atrium. Although progressive biatrial fibrosis is a feature shifts within the node and varies with sympathetic and vagal
in patients with structural heart disease and in senescence, stimulation.3
paroxysmal AF that occurs in patients with no structural heart The SN pacemaker cells are interspersed with intersti-
disease may have a different pathophysiology. SND associ- tial collagen that varies in extent as a function of older age.4
ated with this latter condition is likely to be primarily a result Collagen content increases from 24% in the infant to 70% in
of electric remodeling and potentially reversible. The time the adult heart.5 The fibrous matrix with surrounding fatty
course of the progression of SND and AF3 and their individual insulation of the SN together with distinct electrophysiologi-
clinical manifestations also vary depending on the underly- cal properties (see below) provides insulation and prevents the
depression of pacemaker automaticity from the hyperpolariz-
ing pathology. The purpose of this review is to summarize the
ing electric load of the surrounding atrial myocardium.6
state of our knowledge of sinus node (SN) function in both
Multiple currents are involved in the activation of the SN.
health and disease, and to understand the complex relationship
The predominant inward current in the center of the node is
between SN disease and atrial arrhythmias.
ICaL. Action potentials with slow upstrokes initiated in the
center spreads peripherally and into the musculature of the
Structure and Functional terminal crest. However, in the periphery of the node, INa is
Components of the Sinus Node operative and is necessary for providing sufficient inward
In the adult human heart, the SN is a crescent-shaped struc- current to depolarize the larger mass of atrial tissue. Delayed
ture 1 to 2 cm long and 0.5 cm wide that lies at the junction rectifier potassium currents facilitate repolarization with slow
of the superior vena cava with the right atrium and lies along decay of Ikr and Iks. The absence of Iki in the SN allows for
the sulcus terminalis. The node itself is composed of clusters membrane repolarization below the threshold of the hyperpo-
of pacemaker myocytes arranged in parallel rows with short larization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels

From Department of Medicine, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
Correspondence to Dr. Roy M. John, MBBS, PhD, Arrhythmia Service, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Womens Hospital, 75 Francis St, Boston,
MA 02115. E-mail
(Circulation. 2016;133:1892-1900. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.018011.)
2016 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.018011

John and Kumar Sinus Node and Atrial Arrhythmias 1893

that carry the funny (If) current.7 The dominant HCN tran- Tachycardia-Bradycardia Syndrome
script is HCN4 carrying the majority of If current.7 The If The syndrome of alternating bradycardia and tachycardia was
current itself is a mixed sodium and potassium current that originally described in 4 patients by Short12 in 1954. These
triggers spontaneous and repetitive diastolic depolarization patients had periods of atrial flutter or fibrillation with periods
(membrane clock) to activate ICaL within the SN (calcium of sinus pauses at termination of the atrial arrhythmia leading
clock).8 Other currents include T-type calcium channel (ICaT,) to syncope. The tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome, although
and the sodium-calcium exchanger (INaCa). Hence, mutation in frequently referring to the combination of atrial tachyarrhyth-
genes coding for any of the INa (SCN5A), calcium, and HCN4 mia alternating with pauses (Figure1), could ostensibly be
results in SN dysfunction. Most of these genetic mutations are applied to any combination of tachycardia with bradycardia.
also associated with AF. For example, an underlying sinus bradycardia, which in itself
In addition, gap junctions composed of connexins (Cx) is asymptomatic, may complicate the management of parox-
that are critical for myocyte electric coupling are variously dis- ysmal AF with rapid ventricular rates. Similarly, persistent or
tributed within the SN. In the center of the node, electric cou- long-standing AF with periods of fast and slow heart rates,
pling is weak because Cx43 and Cx40 are poorly expressed or falls in a similar category. The clinical implication of the
absent.9 In the periphery, however, electric coupling has to be combination of tachycardia and bradycardia is the limitation
stronger to drive the atrial muscle. The periphery of the rabbit imposed on the use of negative chronotropic agents without
SN expresses 3 connexins (Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45) in keeping the concomitant use of cardiac pacing. However, the recogni-
with this postulate. SN dysfunction has been documented in tion of the exact mechanism of the tachycardia-bradycardia
Cx40 knockout mice.10 syndrome has implications for management (see below).

Definitions of Terms Epidemiology of Sinus Node Disease and

Relationship to Atrial Arrhythmia
Sinoatrial Disease The prevalence of SND is estimated to be 1 per 1000 person-
The term sick sinus syndrome is applied to a clinical syn- years in adults >45 years of age.13,14 Its incidence increases
drome to include chronic SN dysfunction, frequently with age, occurring in 1 of every 600 patients >65 years of
depressed escape pacemakers, and atrioventricular nodal age.15 SND accounts for significant healthcare use, includ-
conduction disturbances. The term sinoatrial disease is used ing the need for hospitalization and pacemaker implantation
interchangeably with sick sinus syndrome and describes (accounting for 50% of implant indications in the United
a series of abnormalities that can result in profound sinus States).13 The natural history of SND is characterized by
bradycardia, sinus pauses, sinus arrest, sinoatrial nodal exit progressive rhythm disturbances and adverse cardiovascular
block, and chronotropic incompetence, defined as inappro- events. The time course can be lengthy and unpredictable; pro-
priate responses to physiological demands during exercise or gression from bradycardia to sinoatrial block or sinus arrest
stress. Chronotropic incompetence is often underrecognized can extend over an average of 13 years (range, 729 years).16
and an important cause of exercise intolerance and a predic- A characteristic feature, however, is the development of supra-
tor of adverse cardiovascular events.11 Sick sinus syndrome ventricular arrhythmias, of which AF is the most common.2,17,18
may also be accompanied by intra-atrial conduction delay, In large population studies, the estimated hazard ratio for new-
atrioventricular nodal conduction disturbances, and paroxys- onset AF in patients with SND was 4.2.19 AF may be present
mal atrial tachycardia as part of the tachycardia-bradycardia concurrently at the time of initial diagnosis of SND in 40% to
syndrome. 70% of patients.1,2,18 In those without clinical AF at the time of

Figure 1. Ambulatory rhythm monitoring

showing a typical example of tachycardia-
bradycardia syndrome with a 6.0-second
sinus pause at the termination of AF. The
pause is interrupted by junctional escape
beats before the resumption of sinus
rhythm. AF indicates atrial fibrillation.
1894CirculationMay 10, 2016

diagnosis, new AF develops in 4% to 22% of patients in fol- source-sink mismatch with the surrounding atrial myocar-
low-up.1,2,18 In long-term follow-up, 68% of patients will have dium. In mice, deficiency of the Nav1.5 upregulates transform-
had AF documented by pacemaker diagnostics.2 ing growth factor 1 that stimulates fibrosis.37 Fibroblasts can
SND is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events physically separate the pacemaker cardiomyocytes, slowing
including syncope, overt heart failure, and poorly tolerated atrial the sinoatrial rhythm through a reduction in mutual entrain-
arrhythmias. The annual incidence of thromboembolic events is ment. Atrial arrhythmias interact with these structural changes
1%,20,21 and is related to the coexistence of atrial arrhythmias. by electric remodeling of the SN.38
The presence of comorbid cardiovascular conditions rather than The pathophysiology of AF is diverse. The majority of
SN disease per se predicates mortality risk. For example, risk of paroxysmal AF is driven by focal sources most commonly
stroke and death was related to the CHA2DS2-VASc score even originating from the pulmonary vein muscular sleeves. The
in the absence of AF at baseline.22 The presence of AF, even persistent and long-standing forms of the arrhythmia involve
when subclinical (detected only by pacemaker diagnostic in the more complicated substrates. Structural remodeling from
absence of symptoms) portends increased risk of stroke, death, repeated episodes of atrial arrhythmias or prolonged persis-
and the likelihood of the development of clinical AF.23,24 tence of the arrhythmia commonly involves cardiomyocyte
apoptosis, progressive fibrosis, dilatation, and electric decou-
Evidence for Link Between SND and AF pling.38,39 Concurrently, electric remodeling results from
The central paradigm of the clinical association between altered expression and function of the cardiac ion channels
AF and SND is likely a combination of anatomic and elec- favoring the development of functional reentry. The most
trophysiological remodeling. Remodeling is demonstrable at prominent is downregulation of ICaL, and shortening of action
a structural, ionic, cellular, and genomic level.25 Both SND potential duration attributable to enhancement of the inward
and AF become progressively more prevalent with ageing. rectifier potassium currents (both Ik1 and constitutive acetyl-
The underlying pathological process may remain clinically choline-dependent current IKAChC). Shortened refractoriness
silent in some patients, whereas, in others, it is manifest as stabilizes functional reentrant rotors, increasing AF vulner-
clinical SND or AF. Clinical electrophysiological studies have ability and sustainability. In addition, alterations in calcium
shown evidence for age-related conduction slowing, altera- handling promote diastolic calcium release from the sarco-
tion in atrial refractory periods, and reduced SN reserve in an plasmic reticulum and ectopic activity. This series of struc-
otherwise healthy population.26 Similarly, even in the absence tural and electric remodeling is responsible for the common
of atrial arrhythmias, patients with conditions associated with clinical scenarios of early recurrence after cardioversion, pro-
atrial remodeling and atrial stretch (eg, congestive heart fail- gressive drug resistance of longer-lasting AF and progression
ure) exhibit altered SN function.2731 from paroxysmal to permanent AF.
In clinical practice, prolongation of SN recovery time The inter-relationship between SND and AF has been vali-
has been noted after conversion of atrial arrhythmias to dated by a number of human studies. Detailed electrophysi-
sinus rhythm by electric cardioversion or catheter ablation.32 ological mapping performed in patients with SND showed
Furthermore, patients with prolonged postcardioversion sinus that such patients exhibit a diffuse atrial myopathy before the
pauses are more likely to experience AF recurrence after cath- development of clinical AF. In comparison with a control popu-
eter ablation.33 lation without SND or clinical AF, patients with SND exhibited
global and regional atrial conduction slowing, widespread areas
Pathophysiology Common to SND and AF of atrial scar, and loss of the normal multicentric pattern of SN
SND can be secondary to reduced impulse generation or attrib- activation with caudal shift of the pacemaker complex, and
utable to defective conduction out of the node to the surround- abnormal and circuitous atrial conduction around lines of block,
ing atrial myocardium (sinoatrial block). Although temporary as well (Figure3).27 These observations suggest the underlying
SND can result from a number of extrinsic factors (Figure2), development of silent, yet diffuse atrial remodeling that may be
permanent dysfunction is more commonly attributable to necessary for clinical SND to be manifest. Furthermore, these
intrinsic factors such as progressive fibrosis and ischemia, and findings are also consistent with the notion that a subjugate pro-
infiltrative and inflammatory processes can also act as trig- cess would be required to afflict normal function of the otherwise
gers and substrates for atrial arrhythmia.25,34 Parasympathetic widely distributed anatomic nature of the healthy SN complex40
stimulation, although more likely to produce SN dysfunction, and the observation that an extensive region of ablation is usu-
can also provoke AF (see below). ally required to modify or abolish normal SN function.41
Interstitial fibrosis is integral to the human SN.5 Age-
induced increase in SN fibrous content correlates with slower Fibrotic Atrial Cardiomyopathy
intrinsic heart rate in mammalian hearts. In human hearts, Kottkamp recently proposed a primary fibrotic atrial cardio-
age-induced increase of right atrial fibrosis correlated strongly myopathy as a distinct entity.42 The condition appears to be
with slowed intrinsic heart rate and prolonged sinoatrial con- distinct from the aforementioned atrial remodeling. Patients
duction time.35 In addition, an age-related decrease in upstroke with fibrotic atrial cardiomyopathy have evidence for exten-
velocity of the action potentials has been demonstrated in the sive and progressive atrial scarring that clearly cannot be
periphery of the rabbit and cat SN and likely represents an explained by age, underlying heart disease, or a long history
age-related decrease in density of INa in this region.36 This of AF. They develop rapid progression of disease in the form
decrease could also explain the increased sinoatrial conduc- of conversion of paroxysmal to persistent AF, and exhibit lim-
tion time and sinoatrial exit block of senescence caused by ited response to catheter ablation of AF.43 Although patients
John and Kumar Sinus Node and Atrial Arrhythmias 1895

Figure 2. Schematic of sinoatrial anatomy and factors that lead to sinus node dysfunction.25,34 The extent of the rabbit sinus node (SN)
with central region (CN, dark brown) and peripheral region (PN, blue) as determined by computer 3-dimensional reconstruction is shown
in the central figure. CAMKII indicates calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; IVC, inferior vena cava; RAA, right atrial append-
age; SERCA, sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium transport ATPase; and SVC, superior vena cava.

with fibrotic atrial cardiomyopathy may be classified as lone Extreme forms of this fibrotic process may be the cause of the
AF because of the absence of any traditional risk factors for rare but well-recognized clinical scenario of atrial standstill, a
AF, the extent of structural remodeling evident on mapping is condition characterized by mechanical and electric silence of
consistent with an underlying atrial myopathic process with the atria with nonexcitability. The relationship of this entity of
global and regional conduction slowing, atrial fibrosis, and fibrotic atrial cardiomyopathy to the various genetically medi-
impaired SN function.44 MRI imaging with late gadolinium ated diseases of sinoatrial dysfunction is unclear.
enhancement demonstrates extensive biatrial fibrosis,45 and
atrial mechanical function is extensively impaired despite a Genetic Mutations Common to SND and AF
low CHA2DS2VASc score, increasing the risk of stroke and A number of genetic mutations have been identified in famil-
necessitating prophylactic chronic oral anticoagulation.39,42 ial SND that follow a Mendelian pattern of inheritance.46 A

Figure 3. Activation (A) and voltage maps (B) in patients without SND (controls) and with SND. Activation map demonstrates the shift
from multicentric (broad red blush; A, Left) to a unicentric activation pattern (small red blush; A, Right). Voltage map (B) shows a diffuse
atrial myopathy (large amount of red color in the B, Right) in patients with SND in comparison with controls without SND (large amount
of green color; B, Left). CS indicates coronary sinus; IVC, inferior vena cava; SND, sinus node dysfunction; and SVC, superior vena cava.
Reproduced from Sanders et al27 with permission of the publisher. Copyright 2004, the American Heart Association.
1896CirculationMay 10, 2016

number of these genetic mutations result in phenotypes that Genomewide association studies have identified a risk
manifest both SND and AF. The most common of these is locus for AF62 on chromosome 4q25. In close proximity is the
mutations in the SCN5A gene and the HCN gene. SND may PITX2 gene that plays a role in asymmetrical development of
also follow a polygenic pattern of inheritance; genomewide the heart and the gut, and in embryonic rotation.62 PITX2 plays
association studies have also identified polymorphisms at 21 a critical role in the suppression of formation of the SN in the
loci, including HCN4 and Nkx-2.5, that determine the heart left atrium and in the development of the pulmonary myocar-
rate in healthy individuals. dium. Heterogeneous PITX2 knockout mice have increased
SCN5A gene mutations result in highly variable clini- susceptibility to AF during programmed stimulation. PITX2
cal presentations with SND as part of, but not unique to, the is downregulated in human atrial tissue from patients with
phenotype. Examples include Brugada syndrome, congenital AF.63 In the postnatal atria, PTX2 also plays important role
long-QT syndrome type 3, familial atrioventricular block, and in the integrity of the intercalated discs, and knockout mice
familial dilated cardiomyopathy.47,48 Familial HCN4 muta- demonstrate evidence for SND.64 Thus PTX2 has generated
tions affect different areas of the HCN4 protein including considerable interest as having a role in AF and possibly SND
the intracellular C-terminal and the ion pore region, leading although evidence regarding the expression of PTX2 and its
to familial SSS.49 The clinical presentation can vary between target genes in AF is still missing.
asymptomatic sinus bradycardia and a more clinically impor- Cardiomyopathy linked to lamin A/C mutations is fre-
tant phenotype of symptomatic SND and AF.5052 quently associated with conduction abnormality and atrial
Mutations in calcium channels and calcium-handling arrhythmias. Selective apoptosis has been documented in
proteins lead to SND but generally result in a more severe the conduction system of mice models with lamin A/C muta-
global cardiac phenotype because of the ubiquitous nature tions.65 In a genetic atrial cardiomyopathy attributable to
of calcium-handling proteins. Mutations of ryanodine or Natriuretic Peptide Precursor A gene mutation, progressive
calsequestrin 2 result in sinus bradycardia and AF associated fibrosis leading to atrial standstill occurred in affected family
with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycar- members over several years of follow-up and may represent
dia.5356 Ankyrin-B mutation can cause severe SND by virtue an extreme form of fibrotic atrial cardiomyopathy.66
of abnormalities of ion channel trafficking resulting in the
disruption of the cell membrane and calcium clocks, lead- Cholinergic Effects on SN and Atrial Arrhythmias
ing to an autosomal dominant inherited form of sick sinus Vagal stimulation provoking marked sinus bradycardia and AF
syndrome associated with sudden death and occasionally QT is well recognized in clinical practice (Figure4). Adenosine
prolongation.5759 A loss-of-function mutation of ANK2 is shortens the atrial refractory period via its effects on the
associated with early onset of AF.60 Missense mutations in IkAch,Ado channels. The effect is not uniform and leads to marked
the MYH6 gene, encoding the heavy chain subunit of car- dispersion of refractoriness within the atrium, creating the
diac myosin is associated with heightened susceptibility to substrate for functional reentry and fibrillation. In pacing-
sick sinus syndrome.61 induced canine models of heart failure, marked upregulation

Figure 4. Rhythm strip showing the effect of adenosine on the sinus node and atrium. Intravenous adenosine terminates an AV node
dependent SVT. After termination, a sinus beat is followed by a burst of atrial fibrillation and prolonged sinus pause. See text for details.
AV indicates atrioventricular; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; and TACHY, tachycardia.
John and Kumar Sinus Node and Atrial Arrhythmias 1897

of adenosine A1 receptors occurs with increased sensitivity to rate, heart rate range, and corrected SN recovery times in com-
adenosine induced SN dysfunction and AF.67 parison immediately postablation with reevaluation at 2 years
postablation.76 In some patients, however, reversal of atrial
Bradycardia Predisposes to AF remodeling may not occur and may in fact progress despite
Whereas SND and diffuse atrial myopathy demonstrably successful elimination of AF with catheter ablation.43 This
coexist, providing a working substrate for AF, bradycardia, suggests that some patients may have an underlying indepen-
in itself, may also facilitate the development of AF through dent myopathic process that progresses inexorably indepen-
the increased likelihood of atrial ectopy and greater disper- dent of efforts directed at reversal of the remodeling-inducing
sion of refractoriness.68 In the cardiovascular health study, low stimuli.45,79
heart rates were associated with an increased risk for AF in
the elderly.69 An intriguing experimental study using isolated Management of Atrial Arrhythmias and SND
rabbit atrial sections that incorporated the SN and pulmonary
veins suggested an interaction between SN tissue, atrial myo- Drug Therapy for Atrial Arrhythmias in the
cardium, and pulmonary vein tissue.70 When the connection Presence of SND
between SN and the pulmonary vein were interrupted in this In the presence of significant bradycardia, the use of antiar-
preparation, pulmonary venous musculature demonstrated rhythmic drugs is often restricted by the risk of further wors-
more burst firing and early after-depolarizations in response ening bradycardia. In otherwise healthy athletic patients with
to provocative agents in comparison with control rabbits with paroxysmal AF, a baseline resting sinus bradycardia is often
intact connections. Thus, the loss of SN overdrive modula- attributable to a high vagal tone. Adequate chronotropic
tion on subsidiary pace-making cells likely facilitates the gen- response can often be demonstrated during exercise testing,
eration of ectopic arrhythmias. Increased spontaneous activity unlike in the elderly patients with true SND where chronotropic
attributable to the If current has been demonstrated in canine incompetence is usually the rule. In the absence of significant
pulmonary vein sleeves after rapid atrial pacing.71 SN disease, -blockers, possibly those with intrinsic sympatho-
mimetic activity, are useful to prevent rapid heart rates during
Effect of Atrial Arrhythmias on SN Function paroxysms of AF. Among the class 1c drugs, both propafe-
Rapid atrial pacing or atrial arrhythmia is well documented to none and flecainide have minimal effects on the normal SN but
result in SND. In canine models, persistent rapid atrial pac- worsen SN function in the presence of SN disease. Propafenone
ing for >2 weeks and pacing-induced AF resulted in SND evi- has an additional -blocking effect that is more prominent in
denced by prolonged SN recovery time and slower intrinsic slow acetylators and is a less attractive choice. Class III antiar-
hearts; these changes are gradually reversed after termination rhythmics such as dofetilide have a higher incidence of tors-
of AF.72 Yeh et al73 reported downregulation of the HCN chan- ade de pointes in the presence of marked sinus bradycardia. Ikr
nels and reduced If current in atrial arrhythmias. In experiments blockade can also have direct effect on SN function.80
of isolated right atrial tissue of dogs with pacing-induced AF,
the superior part of the SN showed reduced responsiveness Pacing for the Treatment of SND
to caffeine stimulation and was unable to serve as the lead- If no reversible cause is evident, cardiac pacing is the only
ing pacemaker site. This area of the node had reduced RyR2 effective treatment for SND. Early randomized studies dem-
expression in keeping with a defective calcium clock being onstrated that rate-responsive AAI or DDD pacing confers a
responsible, in part, for the SND in this pacing-induced model lower risk of AF, stroke, and pacemaker syndrome than with
of AF.74 In human studies, even short duration of pacing or VVI pacing.1,21,81 Atrial-based pacing can prevent potential trig-
paroxysmal episodes of AF is associated with SN remodeling gers of AF such as bradycardia, ectopic beats, and mechanical
and reduced SN reserve or dysfunction.75,76 Following ablation stretch caused by atrioventricular dyssynchrony. The benefit
of atrial flutter, corrected SN recovery time decreased by 35% from AAI-only pacing may be somewhat mitigated in patients
3 weeks after ablation, suggesting that the atrial arrhythmia with long PR intervals that may be the result of diastolic mitral
has a reversible effect on SN function.32 regurgitation.18 However, right ventricular pacing with the
DDD mode is known to worsen heart failure especially with
Time Course of Recovery of SN Function After preexisting left ventricular dysfunction.82 Minimal ventricular-
Termination of AF pacing algorithms can be useful for the prevention of AF.82
Although reversal of atrial remodeling has been demon- In pacing for SN disease, algorithms to suppress AF, such
strated in numerous animal and human studies,77 reversal as continuous atrial overdrive pacing or triggered atrial pac-
of SN remodeling has not been specifically addressed. In ing, alone or in combination, have been evaluated in small
canine studies, atrial pacing for up to 8 weeks induces atrial trials with short follow-up periods, but clinically important
remodeling and SND, which partially reversed after 1 week effects on AF have not been consistently demonstrated.83
of resumption of sinus rhythm.72 Cardioversion of persistent Similarly, alternative sites of pacing such as Bachmann bundle
AF in humans resulted in reversal of SN function by 1 week pacing, biatrial pacing, or dual-site pacing have failed to show
in 1 study that occurred earlier than reversal in AF-induced consistent benefit.83
changes in atrial refractoriness.78 In patients with paroxysmal
AF and prolonged sinus pauses, a gradual improvement in SN Reverse Remodeling of SN After Ablation for AF
function was noted after catheter ablation of AF.76 Patients Symptomatic sinus pauses on cessation of an atrial arrhythmia
exhibited an increase in the mean heart rate, maximal heart are conventionally considered an indication for cardiac pacing
1898CirculationMay 10, 2016

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