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Analysis using finite element method

Part : 1
Description : 1
Customer : HECON SA
Author : LN
Date : 2/19/2017
Project ID : 1
Project number : 1
Global settings
Project type : Plane strain
Analysis type : Stress
Tunnels : yes
Advanced input : no
Detailed results : no
Concrete structures : EN 1992-1-1 (EC2)
Soil parameters - basic data
No. Name Sample
[kN/m3] [MPa] []

1 Teren 20.00 15.00 0.04

Soil parameters - data according to model

No. Material model

1 elastic
Soil parameters - uplift
sat s n
No. Name Sample
[kN/m3] [kN/m3] []

1 Teren 21.00

Rigid bodies

No. Name Sample

1 Rigid body No. 1 25.00

Input data (Stage of construction 1)

Line supports
No. Location
Direction X Direction Z
A1 Mesh line No. 6 fixed free
A2 Mesh line No. 8 fixed free
No. Location
Direction X Direction Z
A3 Mesh line No. 7 fixed fixed
A1 up to A3 - automatically generated line supports along model edges
Length and slope / Anchor Diameter / Elastic Tensile
Origin Active Force
coordinates spacing area modulus strength
No. in
d [mm] / A
x [m] z [m] l [m] / x [m] [] / z [m] b [m] E [MPa] Fc [kN] compre F [kN]
1 10.15 1.40 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
2 10.39 2.60 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
3 10.63 3.80 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
4 10.87 5.00 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
5 11.11 6.20 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
Location / Origin / Length / Width /
Slope Magnitude
Point 1 Point 1 Point 2 Point 2
No. Type
z [m] / x1 x [m] / z1 l [m] / x2 b [m] / z2
[] q, q1, f, F q2 unit
[m] [m] [m] [m]
1 strip on terrain x = 11.20 l = 16.00 0.00 30.00 kN/m2

No. Name

Water type : No water
Analysis settings
Method : Newton - Raphson
Stiffness matrix change : after each iteration
Max. number of iterations for one calc. step : 100
Initial calculation step : 0.25
Displacement error : 0.0100
Imbalanced forces error : 0.0100
Energy error : 0.0100
Respect material interfaces : no
Newton - Raphson
Relaxation factor of calculation step : 2
Maximum number of relaxations of calculation step : 2
Min. number of iterations for one calc. step : 1
Line search
Solution method : iterate no
Line search limit - minimum : 0.100
Line search limit - maximum : 1.000

Results (Stage of construction 1)

Stress analysis was successfully completed.
Analysis settings : standard
Elastic analysis.
Attained loading = 100.00 %

Stress (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Sigma Z, tot. [kPa] 11.35 6.85 -72.75 25.28 -3.92 1399.72
Sigma Z, eff. [kPa] 11.35 6.85 -72.75 25.28 -3.92 1399.72
Sigma X, tot. [kPa] 6.95 0.65 -73.62 14.03 6.85 286.10
Sigma X, eff. [kPa] 6.95 0.65 -73.62 14.03 6.85 286.10
Tau XZ [kPa] 10.26 1.46 -111.44 10.00 0.65 220.84

Strain (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Epsilon eq. [%] 0.00 0.65 0.23 25.28 -3.92 10.74

Pore pressures (extremes)

x [m] z [m]
Pore pressure u [kPa] 10.00 0.65 0.00
Point / Point 1 Point 2 Results
No. Active Monitor type
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m] Variable Value Unit
1 Yes line 12.04 8.00 12.10 -3.63

Input data (Stage of construction 2)

Line supports
Line support Support
No. modifie Location
new Direction X Direction Z
A1 Yes Mesh line No. 6 fixed free
A2 Yes Mesh line No. 8 fixed free
A3 Yes Mesh line No. 7 fixed fixed
A1 up to A3 - automatically generated line supports along model edges
Length and slope / Anchor Diameter Elastic Tensile
Anchor Origin Active Force
coordinates spacing / area modulus strength
No. post- in
l [m] / x [] / z d [mm] /
Fc [kN]
new stresse x [m] z [m] b [m] E [MPa] compre F [kN]
[m] [m] A [mm2]
d ss.
1 No No 10.15 1.40 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
2 No No 10.39 2.60 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
3 No No 10.63 3.80 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
4 No No 10.87 5.00 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
5 No No 11.11 6.20 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
Location Origin / Length / Width /
Surcharge Slope Magnitude
/ Point 1 Point 1 Point 2 Point 2
No. Type
z [m] / x1 x [m] / z1 l [m] / x2 b [m] / z2
new change [] q, q1, f, F q2 unit
[m] [m] [m] [m]
1 No No strip on terrain x = 11.20 l = 16.00 0.00 30.00 kN/m2

No. Name

Water type : No water
Analysis settings
Method : Newton - Raphson
Stiffness matrix change : after each iteration
Max. number of iterations for one calc. step : 100
Initial calculation step : 0.25
Displacement error : 0.0100
Imbalanced forces error : 0.0100
Energy error : 0.0100
Respect material interfaces : yes
Newton - Raphson
Relaxation factor of calculation step : 2
Maximum number of relaxations of calculation step : 2
Min. number of iterations for one calc. step : 1
Line search
Solution method : iterate no
Line search limit - minimum : 0.100
Line search limit - maximum : 1.000

Results (Stage of construction 2)

Stress analysis was successfully completed.
Analysis settings : user-defined
Elastic analysis.
Attained loading = 100.00 %


Displacements (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Displacements x [m] 9.20 -2.36 -8.4 11.75 6.85 126.6
Displacements z [m] 27.43 6.85 -420.8 0.00 -3.92 0.0

Stress (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Sigma Z, tot. [kPa] 11.35 6.85 -6.97 25.28 -3.92 243.86
Sigma Z, eff. [kPa] 11.35 6.85 -6.97 25.28 -3.92 243.86
Sigma X, tot. [kPa] 7.89 0.65 -29.32 12.96 6.85 118.98
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Sigma X, eff. [kPa] 7.89 0.65 -29.32 12.96 6.85 118.98
Tau XZ [kPa] 10.26 1.46 -36.99 11.35 6.85 42.49

Strain (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Epsilon eq. [%] 0.00 0.65 0.06 25.28 -3.92 1.87

Pore pressures (extremes)

x [m] z [m]
Pore pressure u [kPa] 10.00 0.65 0.00
Monitor Point / Point 1 Point 2 Results
No. Active Monitor type
new x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m] Variable Value Unit
1 No Yes line 12.04 8.00 12.10 -3.63

Stability of slopes
Analysis using finite element method
Global settings
Project type : Plane strain
Analysis type : Slope stability
Tunnels : no
Advanced input : no
Detailed results : no
Concrete structures : EN 1992-1-1 (EC2)
Coordinates of interface points [m]
No. Interface location
x z x z x z
1 0.00 0.65 10.00 0.65 11.24 6.85
11.35 6.85 11.75 6.85 11.99 6.85
21.24 6.85 27.43 6.85

2 10.00 0.65 10.10 0.65 11.35 6.85

Soil parameters - basic data
No. Name Sample
[kN/m3] [MPa] []

1 Teren 20.00 15.00 0.04

Soil parameters - data according to model

No. Material model

1 elastic
Soil parameters - uplift
sat s n
No. Name Sample
[kN/m3] [kN/m3] []

1 Teren 21.00

Soil parameters
Material model : elastic
Unit weight : = 20.00 kN/m3
Poisson's ratio : = 0.04
Elastic modulus : E = 15.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : sat = 21.00 kN/m3

Rigid bodies

No. Name Sample

1 Rigid body No. 1 25.00

Assigning and surfaces

Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
1 10.10 0.65 11.35 6.85
Rigid body No. 1
11.24 6.85 10.00 0.65

2 10.10 0.65 10.00 0.65

0.00 0.65 0.00 -3.92
27.43 -3.92 27.43 6.85
21.24 6.85 11.99 6.85
11.75 6.85 11.35 6.85
Mesh generation

Mesh generation parameters

Element edge length : 0.91 [m]
Mesh smoothing : yes
Generate multinode elements : yes
Mesh generation result
Finite element mesh was successfully generated.
Number of nodes 1699
Number of elements 981 (region 609, beam 93, interface 279)
Input data (Stage of construction 1)
Line supports
No. Location
Direction X Direction Z
1 Mesh line No. 6 fixed free
2 Mesh line No. 8 fixed free
3 Mesh line No. 7 fixed fixed
Length and slope / Anchor Diameter / Elastic Tensile
Origin Active Force
coordinates spacing area modulus strength
No. in
d [mm] / A
x [m] z [m] l [m] / x [m] [] / z [m] b [m] E [MPa] Fc [kN] compre F [kN]
1 10.15 1.40 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
2 10.39 2.60 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
3 10.63 3.80 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
4 10.87 5.00 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
5 11.11 6.20 l = 7.14 = 11.31 1.50 d = 22.0 21.00 400.00 No 150.00
Location / Origin / Length / Width /
Slope Magnitude
Point 1 Point 1 Point 2 Point 2
No. Type
z [m] / x1 x [m] / z1 l [m] / x2 b [m] / z2
[] q, q1, f, F q2 unit
[m] [m] [m] [m]
1 strip on terrain x = 11.20 l = 16.00 0.00 30.00 kN/m2

No. Name

Water type : No water
Analysis settings
Method : Newton - Raphson
Stiffness matrix change : after each iteration
Max. number of iterations for one calc. step : 100
Initial calculation step : 0.25
Reduction of soil parameters : reduce c, phi
Initial reduction step : 0.90
Displacement error : 0.0100
Imbalanced forces error : 0.0100
Energy error : 0.0100
Respect material interfaces : yes
Newton - Raphson
Relaxation factor of calculation step : 2
Maximum number of relaxations of calculation step : 2
Relaxation factor of reduction step : 2
Maximum number of relaxations of reduction step : 3
Minimal reduction step : 0.99
Line search
Solution method : iterate no
Line search limit - minimum : 0.100
Line search limit - maximum : 1.000
Name : Stage : 2
Results : comp. to prev. stage; variable : Settlement d Z; range : <-441.6; 0.0> mm
Tasarea sub sarcina geologica

Name : Stage : 3
Results : comp. to prev. stage; variable : Settlement d Z; range : <0.0; 21.4> mm
Tasarea din suprasarcina aplicata pe taluz
Analysis using finite element method
Part : 1
Description : 1
Customer : HECON SA
Author : LN
Date : 2/19/2017
Project ID : 1
Project number : 1
Global settings
Project type : Plane strain
Analysis type : Stress
Tunnels : yes
Advanced input : no
Detailed results : no
Concrete structures : EN 1992-1-1 (EC2)
Soil parameters - basic data
No. Name Sample
[kN/m3] [MPa] []

1 Teren 20.00 15.00 0.04

Soil parameters - data according to model

No. Material model

1 elastic
Soil parameters - uplift
sat s n
No. Name Sample
[kN/m3] [kN/m3] []

1 Teren 21.00

Rigid bodies

No. Name Sample

1 Rigid body No. 1 25.00

Results (Stage of construction 3)

Stress analysis was successfully completed.
Analysis settings : user-defined
Elastic analysis.
Attained loading = 100.00 %


Displacements (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Displacements x [m] 9.20 -2.36 -8.4 11.75 6.85 126.6
Displacements z [m] 27.43 6.85 -420.8 0.00 -3.92 0.0

Stress (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Sigma Z, tot. [kPa] 11.35 6.85 -6.97 25.28 -3.92 243.86
Sigma Z, eff. [kPa] 11.35 6.85 -6.97 25.28 -3.92 243.86
Sigma X, tot. [kPa] 7.89 0.65 -29.32 12.96 6.85 118.98
Sigma X, eff. [kPa] 7.89 0.65 -29.32 12.96 6.85 118.98
Tau XZ [kPa] 10.26 1.46 -36.99 11.35 6.85 42.49

Strain (extremes)
Location Location
Min Max
x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m]
Epsilon eq. [%] 0.00 0.65 0.06 25.28 -3.92 1.87

Pore pressures (extremes)

x [m] z [m]
Pore pressure u [kPa] 10.00 0.65 0.00
Monitor Point / Point 1 Point 2 Results
No. Active Monitor type
new x [m] z [m] x [m] z [m] Variable Value Unit
1 No Yes line 12.04 8.00 12.10 -3.63

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