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Table of Contents

Section Topic

1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................... 2

2.0 Scope ................................................................................................. 3
3.0 Authorized No Objection Certificates .................................................. 3
4.0 Trial Pit NOC for Trenchless Crossing Activities ................................. 3
5.0 Construction NOC for Trenchless Crossing Activities.......................... 4
5.1 HDD NOC Approvals .......................................................................... 5
6.0 Witnessing of Trenchless Crossing activities on site ......................... 13
7.0 Trenchless Crossing Checklist for NOC Staff .................................... 14
8.0 Pipeline Representative Checklist - Witnessing Trenchless
Crossing Activities ............................................................................ 14
9.0 Post-Crossing Construction Report documentation to be submitted.. 15
10.0 Revision Record and Approval Log ................................................... 16
Appendix 1: Training Guideline .............................................................. 17
Appendix 2: Trenchless Crossing Checklist for NOC Staff ..................... 18
Appendix 3: Trenchless Crossing Checklist for Pipeline Representative 20
Appendix 4: Attachments ...................................................................... 22
Appendix 5: HDD General Information ................................................... 23
1.0 Introduction
Trenchless Crossings are non-open cut trench excavation methods that, relative to
open trench methods, can provide fast, cost effective, and (should provide) minimal
impact on the infrastructure being crossed e.g. road traffic, pipeline/s etc.

Trenchless Crossing methods, with respect to CO XYZ involvement, primarily include


Micro-Tunneling (MT),
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD),
Thrust Boring, and
Pipe Jacking.

These methods are becoming more and more frequent than that of traditional open
cut methods. In particular given 3rd party crossings of CO XYZ corridors are often
required to be installed at a nominal minimum depth of 3.5 below grade so as not to
overly impact any CO XYZ future pipeline construction within the hydrocarbon
pipeline corridor reservations.

However, the potential exists for Trenchless Crossing operations to damage

underground facilities, sometimes with catastrophic results i.e. a Cross-bore
(intersection of an existing underground utility or underground structure by a second
utility installed by trenchless technology that results in direct contact between the
utilities that compromises the integrity of either utility or underground structure).

HDD, and other trenchless method operations, employ a variety of cutting, jetting,
boring, reaming, augering and or jacking techniques. These techniques can result in
rupture or damage to existing underground facilities, including oil and gas pipelines,
electric cables and ducts, water and sewer pipes, telecommunications ducts, fiber
optic cables, etc.
Damage to underground facilities can occur without any immediate indication to the
operator. Sometimes a damaged underground facility will not fail for years after the
completion of Trenchless Crossing operations. Drilling equipment does not need to
fully rupture a facility to create a hazardous situation.
Damage to coatings and other corrosion prevention systems can increase the risk of
a delayed corrosion failure. Escaping and migrating gas can create a safety issue for
the public living and or working near damaged facilities long after the completion of a
HDD and or other trenchless operations. Leakage from a damaged or ruptured
hazardous liquid pipeline can create environmental and safety issues.
The primary safety concern is ensuring that Trenchless Crossing operations do not
accidentally contact existing underground facilities. This can firstly be averted by
knowing the precise locations of all underground facilities in proximity to the
Trenchless Crossing operations via Trial Pit investigations and subsequent

For HDD Trenchless Crossings then :

provision of Observation Pits (as required), so verifying that no impacts took
place during the Crossing operations, specifically during pilot bore and back
reaming operations, and or
where Observation Pits may, as determined by CO XYZ, unnecessarily create
risk (e.g. a deep pipeline alongside a roadway / other pipelines) then employ
of a Paratrack-2 Wireline Locating System; further conditions noted within SOP.

2.0 Scope
This Procedure provides guidance to Pipeline Department Staff who review and
authorize Trenchless Crossing applications to cross below and/or work in the vicinity
of CO XYZ hydrocarbon pipelines and for site based Pipeline Representatives who
witness such activities in order that any risk of interference damage to the
hydrocarbon pipelines is eliminated.

Note, if deemed necessary, CO XYZ may engage trenchless crossing specialist/s

who shall represent CO XYZ in overseeing Contractors trenchless crossing activities
so ensuring compliance with CO XYZ Procedures.

3.0 Authorized No Objection Certificates

In line with the General Safety Requirements no work is permitted within 60m of a
hydrocarbon pipeline or related facility without an authorized and valid NOC.

Where works are to be carried out within Power Station boundary fence/s, a NOC is
applicable for works within a 10m distance from the existing CO XYZ pipelines.

4.0 Trial Pit NOC for Trenchless Crossing Activities

Prior to any Trenchless Crossing activities being authorized, the main Contractor
wishing to perform the crossing shall have applied for, and been granted, a Trial Pit

Note. To gain a Trial Pit NOC for any proposed HDD trenchless crossing of CO XYZ
hydrocarbon pipeline/s the Contractor shall be given, and briefed, in the specific
requirements for such in Section 5.1; specifically but not limited to :

Requirement for either a Wireline Alternating Current (AC) Artificial Magnetic

Field (AMF) Locating System (Paratrak-2), or a Gyro Compass Locating
System, with a (clear) separation distance of 5m together with Contractor
engagement of a Third Party (CO XYZ approved) Guidance Engineer, and or
Requirement for Observation Pit/s (Walkover System can be used), and
Requirements to assist CO XYZ in performing a post pull x-y-z (gyroscopic)

Trial pits will then be carried out by hand excavation in the presence of a CO XYZ
Pipeline Representative in accordance with CO XYZ General Safety Requirements.
The trial pit details shall then be submitted by the Contractor to CO XYZ as part of a
Construction NOC application. Trial Pit details shall include the coordinates and
elevation of survey bench mark/s used during the verification of pipeline location by
trial pit(s).

5.0 Construction NOC for Trenchless Crossing Activities

As part of any Construction NOC application for Trenchless Crossing works, trial pit
results shall be submitted to CO XYZ for review and shall include such details as
cross section drawings depicting the pipeline/s depth/s according to the local
elevation datum, and also to the surface ground level together with the proposed
clearance between the bottom of the hydrocarbon pipeline(s) and the top of the
sleeve/utility/conduit/max-reamer to be installed.

For non HDD trenchless crossings, the minimum vertical separation between the
bottom of the hydrocarbon pipeline(s) and the top of the Trenchless Crossing utility
(sleeve/s, conduits) shall be 1.5m with a preferred vertical separation of 2m for
Trenchless Crossing utilities (sleeve/s, conduit/s) up to and including one meter
diameter (1.0 m). Reference shall be made to Section 5.1 for HDD specific
separation clearances.

Profile drawings shall include details of the launch and receive pits including the
horizontal distance between the edges of the pit to the edge of the hydrocarbon
pipeline(s). It is recommended that the minimum horizontal separation distance
between the nearest edges of the launch/ receive pit to the edge of the hydrocarbon
pipeline is 15m with a preferred horizontal separation of 20m. This is particularly
important when the Trenchless Crossing method is MT, Thrust Boring or Pipe

The method of construction and construction material of the launch and receive pit
supports shall be included. Launch and receive pits shall be adequately supported
and braced, this is particularly important when the Trenchless Crossing method is
MT, Thrust Boring or Pipe Jacking as the strength and stability of the launch and
receive pits has a major influence in the alignment and elimination of movement
during the operation; these methods typically employing traditional survey and or
laser guided alignment techniques whereby the accurate monitoring and adjusting of
the alignment and grade may be required can be performed as the crossing
proceeds. Typical MT alignment accuracy is 3% of MT Boring Machine diameter for
grade and 6% of MT Boring Machine diameter for line.

The method statement and drawing shall include the information regarding the survey
bench mark/s installed during the trial pits on the existing pipeline/s.

Pipe Jacking is not recommended in areas of high water table area given safety and
subsidence risks; MT is preferred.

Thrust Boring generally works best in soils where the bore path elevation is above
the ground water table. When groundwater is present during a boring operation,
special dewatering measures must be taken to prevent the steel pipe casing from
being flooded with water. Such dewatering watering works shall be carried out by a
Council approved dewatering contractor.

Details of dewatering including method statement (as applicable) shall be included in

the submission.

A Construction NOC can only be approved following receipt and engineering review
of the above information, including a detailed job specific method statement.

To assist NOC personnel in determining that all of the above, and those specific items
required for HDD crossings, have been submitted, a checklist pro-forma is included
in Appendix 2.

Full details of the proposed Trenchless Crossing shall be forwarded to the Pipeline
Supervisor along with a copy of the signed NOC. The details will include a copy of
the checklist that was completed by the NOC staff who reviewed the Construction
NOC application, a copy of the method statement and a full set of profile drawings
that was submitted by the Contractor.

The Pipeline Supervisor will issue this package to the Pipeline Representative who
shall witness the Trenchless Crossing works.

5.1 HDD NOC Approvals

CO XYZs NOC Dept. HDD trenchless crossing related review and approval
experience is typically that involving crossings involving Mini and or Midi HDD
equipment, with which HDD Contractors typically wish to employ simple Walkover

Given a CO XYZ 2014 finding of a 3rd Party HDD Contractor (Walkover System)
managed activity that resulted in a Cross-Bore (gouges with associated metal loss),
CO XYZ revised this document to include a draft Risk Assessment of all planned
HDDs at the design stage.

All Contractors that may approach CO XYZ for HDD trenchless crossings shall note
that the Risk Assessment Hazard Effect of Loss of (pipeline) Pressure Containment
shall, by default to reach ALARP, result in a Control Measure being :

removal of Cross Bore risk by a minimum (clear) separation distance of 5m

pilot drilled using a Wireline Locating System with a (closed loop) AC AMF
(Paratrack-2) or a Gyro Compass System


removal of Cross Bore risk by a minimum (clear) separation distance of 1m

proven via adequate exposure (Observation Pit/s) of all hydrocarbon pipeline/s
being crossed during both pilot and reaming activities such that CO XYZ
Pipeline Representative can witness (take photographs) safe passage of both
pilot and all reaming activities under the pipeline/s.

Notes on the above prescriptive Control Measure/s :

Contractor selection of Wireline or Gyro System shall be together with Contractor

engagement of a Third Party Guidance (not in-house) Engineer who has been
trained and qualified (subject to CO XYZ review and approval) in such a System.
Contractor proposed Guidance Engineers resume and Verification of
Competency (VOC) documentation shall be submitted to CO XYZ for review and
approval, together with :
Signed bore path design drawings (Locating Steering Pro-forma) which depict
minimum separation of 5m from CO XYZ hydrocarbon pipeline/s invert
(Bottom of Pipe / BOP) to largest reamer radius
Paratrack-2 setup method statement / details particular to the actual crossing,
including but not limited to :
o Equipment including Revision. Note only Revision C will be allowed
given this is a variable current supply of 7amps peak to peak with 48V
RMS i.e. less risk of human error in setup of the maximum signal to
noise ratio.
o Wire specification and arrangement
2 weeks prior to pilot drilling the Paratrak-2 current calibration certification in
accordance with Paratrack Vendor (Vector Magnetics) specifications, and
pilot bore path as-built (reaming activities shall not commence until such time
as reviewed and approved by CO XYZ and or all other involved 3rd parties).
Wireline System with a DC AMF shall not be an acceptable alternative to an AC
AMF (Paratrack-2) System.
Contractor selection of Observation Pits i.e. a Walkover System :
may involve dewatering depending on ground water levels, season etc.
may involve multiple Pits should several hydrocarbon pipelines be proposed
to be crossed
should ideally be directly at the hydrocarbon pipeline, on the HDD rig/entry
side. CO XYZ may, depending on the site particulars allow the Observation
Pit/s to be several meters away from the Pipeline/s (subject to CO XYZ Risk
Assessment review and approval)
additional Observation Pit/s may be determined to be necessary by CO XYZ
to check / confirm pilot drill and reamer(s) on design path and at design depth
at entry and or exit into/from the CO XYZ corridor such that any future CO
XYZ pipeline installations are unhindered.
should not be viewed as overly onerous given the resultant risk of any cross
bore incident could lead to a greater issues. Refer to Appendix 4 for a typical
drawing of Observation Pit/s required when wishing to perform HDD crossing
operations under Co XYZ hydrocarbon pipelines.
CO XYZ review and approval of any HDD Risk Assessment may involve 3rd
party hydrocarbon pipeline owners, such as AAA, BBB, etc - as applicable.
The position and direction of the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) during pilot
drilling shall be surveyed / checked when it reaches (is local to) the
Observation Pit/s to ensure the required minimum clearance of 1m between
the largest proposed reamer and the pipeline/s will be maintained; this may
require Contractor surveyor mobilization to site if the BHA is visible.
Progressive measurement of the pilot bore length, and orientation along the
design bore path, shall be undertaken to ensure that the pilot drill head has
not missed the Observation Pit/s otherwise drilling operations shall cease until
such time as such errors are assessed and corrected with CO XYZ approval.
are required regardless of any discussions involving :
A drill path philosophy of just go deeper i.e. a safe boring clearance
around existing hydrocarbon pipelines together with a suitable and
achievable bend radius
Drill rod Minimum Bend Radius (MBR)
Walkover System interference mitigating equipment, checks, or opinion,
such as :
o a cabled transmitter or a transmitter with a greater depth (signal
strength) rating (likely make any passive interference worse),
o a extra low frequency transmitter,
o dual/multiple frequency transmitter,
o pre drill interference roll checks over the pipeline/s at an offset
equal to or greater than the design drill depth, and or other
interference / background noise checks
o no brackish water presence (salt or brackish water can affect
Walkover System dipole electromagnetic signal receipt strength at
the Receiver e.g. a 15m sonde can change quickly to a 6m, 3m or
even a 1.5m in terms of signal strength)
o personal experience / rule of thumb that if >15m away from
passive interference eg a steel pipeline then effectively minimal
interference issues
o etc,

Notes :
All Observation Pit excavations shall be subject to Council and or CO XYZ
Excavation Safety Requirements,
Any proposed Pipeline Observation Pit offset / several meters away from the
Pipeline/s e.g. less than 5m so allowing machine excavation will require review
according to document ABC,
In no instance shall any part of any (back) reamer/s enter the minimum 1m
hydrocarbon tolerance zone during reaming activities; that is the HDD bore plan
shall take into account the radius of all back reamer/s, and also consider that any
reaming may not occur directly centered in the pilot bore,
Depths of existing, or even recently constructed, hydrocarbon pipelines shall
never be assumed, trial pits shall be undertaken on all hydrocarbon pipelines to
be crossed. Additionally, it is not sufficient to determine the depth of hydrocarbon
pipeline/s via a trial pit that measures the hydrocarbon pipeline elevation at 1
location only (depth of hydrocarbon pipeline/s may change along the length of the
pipeline chainage local to the crossing point.
In the event of any Contractor NOC request to perform HDD operations parallel to
any hydrocarbon pipeline infrastructure the following guidelines can be assumed
(subject to review at time of NOC application) :
Walkover System not to be used,
a minimum offset / separation of 10m shall be allowed for horizontally (largest
reamer outer diameter to outside of CO XYZ hydrocarbon pipeline) at the HDD
planning stage,
bore path shall be kept at a depth either deeper or shallower than the
hydrocarbon pipeline being paralleled, and
regardless of the actual offset / separation due consideration shall be given
during Risk Assessment to CO XYZ hydrocarbon pipeline exposure during the
actual drill and reaming activities i.e. Observation Pit/s Control Measures as per
that noted above for crossings shall be addressed in the Risk Assessment; that
is depending on hydrocarbon and bore path alignments, bore path length etc
the hydrocarbon pipeline may need Observation Pit exposure every 10m.

Further HDD Risk Assessment ALARP Control Measures

Regardless of the above, additional Quality Assurance ALARP Control Measures

shall be captured in the Risk Assessment and evidence of the same provided, as

Proposed HDD Contractors shall show evidence of qualification by providing a

number of Project References. References should include, at a minimum, Client
contact, Project location, pipe size and material, crossing length, site conditions
and equipment used. Resumes of key personnel onsite and in the office shall be
provided. Ideally, the proposed Project Manager and Superintendent is to be
identical as per those Projects listed as References. Evidence of 3rd Party
qualification, whilst informative, is not necessary. Additionally proposed HDD
equipment operators shall :
o Be trained to operate the specific HDD equipment for the proposed
crossing / parallism with at least 3 years experience in directional drilling
obtained within the last five years.
o Perform HDD operations under the constant direction of a Drilling
Supervisor who shall remain on site and be in responsible charge
throughout the drilling operation. The drilling supervisor shall have
supervised directional drilling of a minimum of 5000m of a similar or greater
diameter, of similar material, over similar lengths, and with similar
subsurface conditions
o Perform all HDD activities in general conformance with TR-46 and or
ASTM F1962 current revisions
Compound (3D) curves shall be avoided
Operations shall be accomplished during daylight hours only, unless otherwise
approved. Operations shall not begin after the hour pre-established as the latest
starting time that will allow completion during daylight hours, unless otherwise
approved. The HDD Contractor shall provide a Work Plan indicating the proposed
hours of operation and length of work week.
Whenever possible, HDD installation should be planned so that back reaming and
pulling the pipe/conduit is completed on the same day. If necessary, it is
permissible to drill the pilot hole and pre-ream one day, and complete both the
final ream and the pullback on the following day.
Reasonable limits shall be placed on maximum fluid pressures in the annular
space of the bore to prevent inadvertent drilling fluid returns to the ground surface,
particularly at the Observation Pit/s. Drilling fluids / cuttings that may by means of
hydraulic fracture (hydro-frac, frac-out) collect into the Observation Pit/s shall be
removed and disposed of immediately by the Contractor such that the CO XYZ
Pipeline Representative can continuously witness safe passage of both pilot and
reaming activities. Should visual witness of pilot and or ream activities not be
possible due to hydro-frac then all HDD activities shall cease until such time as
hydro-frac materials are removed / managed to allow visual witness. Contractor
drill fluids / cuttings disposal shall be detailed and provided for in advance,
methods may include :
o Return to entry / exit pits via a submersible pump and lay flat hose or
HDPE pipe, or
o land spread (subject to environmental review of as planned drill fluids), or
o remove to an approved site / disposal facility
[FIO. Locally based typical Mini and Midi rigs can pump up to approx. 400lpm
(liters per minute), assuming then an Observation Pit to allow visual checking of
a 1m diameter pipeline with 1m of cover given a Pit bottom of 2m width results in
a pit volume of approx. 40m3; assuming a pilot drill fluid pump rate of 120lpm then
such an Observation Pit may fill in approximately 6 hours. Assuming a reaming
drill fluid pump rate of 320lpm then for the same Observation Pit it would take only
2 hours to fill].
For all crossing installations - allow, enable and assist CO XYZ to perform a post-
pulled Conduit/Pipe Installation (x-y-z) survey/s / as-built using a gyroscope
mapping tool pulled through the pulled pipe (selected conduit or conduits). The
estimated access time required is 3 to 4 hours.

Orientation Measurement Unit (OMU) with Centralizing Wheel Sets

HDD Contractor shall assist CO XYZ personnel in the following :
o Accurately survey (x-y-z) tool entry and exit co-ordinates (maximum
10cm survey instrument accuracy) of cut pulled pipe / conduit ends
Pulled Pipe / Conduit Survey
o pulling of x-y-z tool instrument thru (CO XYZ selected) pulled Conduit /
Pipe as many times as it takes (at least twice) to gain repeatable results
o taking of photographs of survey mapping tool entry and exit cut pulled pipe
o Note any HDD Contractor proposal of addition of a tracer wire either
installed simultaneously with pullback of the pulled pipe/conduit and or
pulled through the pipe/conduit, or the Walkover sonde pulled through the
pulled pipe and re-surveyed shall not negate this CO XYZ Mapping Tool

The main and HDD Contractor shall operate a quality management system in
compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 or other equal or approved quality
management system, covering all aspects of the work. The systems shall ensure
that quality management of the Work as a whole is applied from inception to
completion of the work.
The ground geology at / local to the planned HDD drill path should be known or
understood. Investigatory vertical geotechnical drills should be performed for
every HDD location, offset from the planned bore path by at least 10m. CO XYZ
understand that locally based mini and or midi drills are typically non-engineered
and that Contractors are aware of an underlying sandstone / calcaricite layer
which starts some 3 to 10m below the ground level surface. The risk to CO XYZ
hydrocarbon pipelines is for a large conduit pulled back through an area of
geology with little shear strength such that the pulled pipe/conduit buoyancy may
cause the pipe/conduit to (up) lift and impact the pipelines it was drilled under.
Contractor shall allow CO XYZ appointed representative/s to perform, in an
independent manner, any inspection on Contractor QA/QC program and
Contractor shall provide information and access to CO XYZ appointed
representative/s and shall process QA/QC related matters in a manner that will
enable CO XYZ to perform inspections of Work and witness tests in a timely
Contractor shall provide (in advance for review and approval) a design drill path
plan and section drawing that can be used as an (onsite) Locating/Steering
Record Pro-forma (refer Appendix 4 sample, subject to review / change by CO
XYZ depending on actual site circumstances) :
o A3 size preferred
o Shall include a detailed scale drawing of the BHA with pilot drill, with all
reamers, and explicitly detail the location of any and all instrumentation,
non-magnetic components etc within and or local to the BHA.
o Shall depict the as-planned Observation Pit/s
o Shall depict the as-planned benchmarks. Benchmarks shall remain in
place until such time as CO XYZ have performed the Post CIC (Cable/s in
Conduit/s) Installation (x-y-z) survey/s. Benchmarks may require CO XYZ
witness of re-surveyed (checking) prior to any CO XYZ x-y-z survey/s
o Rows populated and or available for onsite population including :
Drill Rod / Survey : point at which readings/measurements taken
usually a numerical sequence (1,2,3,...) corresponding to the
number of rods / joints drilled. The columns drawn shall reflect the
course length points where drill rods are to be added.
Course Length : distance between two surveys as measured along
the drilled path
Measured Distance : total survey distance from entry point as
measured along the drilled path / summation of the course lengths
Away / Station : horizontal position of BHA measured from an
established horizontal control system.
Original Grade Level (OGL) elevation. CO XYZ reserve the right to
witness site re-survey by Contractor to prove GL elevations are
unchanged, and or correct the GL elevations
Design Bore Path - both relative to GL and datum
Pipeline BOP (as calculated from trial pit investigations)
Design separation/clearance BOP to maximum reamer size
Recorded/Receiver depth - both relative to GL and datum
Assumed/calculated clearance BOP to maximum reamer size
Pitch (%) / inclination (degrees) : angle at which BHA is projecting
from the vertical axis at a particular point; vertically downward
corresponds to zero degrees
Roll (24 clock values) / azimuth : angle at which BHA is projecting
in the horizontal plane at a particular point; magnetic north
corresponds to zero degrees
Right (m) : distance of BHA from the design path reference line;
positive values indicate right of the reference line, negative values
indicate left of the reference line
Depth correction,
Left/Right correction,
Reference can be made to TR-46 Figures 22 and 24 for a basic outline
of such a Locating/Steering record. The approved pro-forma will be
populated on site by the HDD Contractor Steering / Locator Man, or
Guidance Engineer, with witness by the appointed CO XYZ Representative
and will include marking of the as recorded BHA/transmitter/sonde location
on both plan and section views by a green x.
HDD Contractor shall, depending on the Trenchless Crossing particulars, provide
forecast and reporting to CO XYZ including :
o forecast activities for next 2 days (48 hours)
o daily reports and logs of all HDD activities undertaken, and
o planned activities for next 2 days (48 hours)
Alignment & Grade
o Trial pits shall be undertaken to physically locate the depth, location, and
size of all existing underground infrastructure in the vicinity of the proposed
drill path
o A comprehensive drawing together with evidence reports of these all
existing underground infrastructure shall be provided prior starting any
HDD construction works.
o The Main Contractor shall be held completely and solely responsible for
any damages incurred by any and all sub-Contractors.
o The kinds, locations and sizes of any existing underground infrastructure
which may be shown on any drawings provided by CO XYZ are intended
only as a guide and are not guaranteed to be even approximately correct.
o HDD entry and exit points shall not deviate from those approved, nor shall
the drill path deviate from the staked bore path centerline. Any HDD
installation that deviates from an approved CO XYZ plan may be rejected
by CO XYZ without any liability and cost to CO XYZ.
o Lay out the approved bore path alignment using a qualified professional
land survey team and confirm accurate horizontal distances. Entry and exit
points shall be located and marked with markers.
o Prior to reaming activities commencing, furnish an as-built plan and profile
of the actual crossing to confirm the installation is in compliance with the
approved bore path drawings. Pilot hole alignment shall require CO XYZ
acceptance in writing prior to reaming and pipe/conduit installation.
o In the event that the Contractor must abandon the drill hole before
completion of the crossing, the Contractor will seal the borehole with neat
cement grout starting at the low point or end of the drill hole.
As-Built records (Survey during drilling)
o As-built data shall be, as a minimum, be recorded for every pilot hole drill
rod length during the actual drill activity from entry to exit point. HDD
Contractor shall provide a tabulation of coordinates, referenced to the
drilled entry point, which accurately describe the location of the pilot hole
shall be provided to CO XYZ prior to any reaming activities commencing.
o As-built Error Distribution. All survey methods / instruments used to track
pilot holes contain errors (some more than others). This error is indicated
by comparing the design path with the actual exit point location. The HDD
Contractor shall, as noted above, submit all data collected during the pilot
drill operations; no adjustment of these raw values shall be undertaken.
The HDD Contractor shall perform a comparison of the design path with
the actual exit points. If the topographical survey is accurate and the pilot
drill calculations are correct, then the observed difference in the two points
results from inaccuracies or errors which shall be distributed over the
drilled path to yield an as-built profile to be compared against the design
approved drill path profile.
o Contractor shall submit as-built plan and profile drawings that reflect any
and all error distributions, on the same horizontal and vertical control datum
provided on the onsite Steering record pro-forma drawing. Based on these
recordings showing the actual location horizontally and vertically of the
installation, and all utility facilities found during the installation.
o The Contractor shall submit a brief report indicating how the raw data was
interpreted and which data (Walkover, Wireless, Gyro, Vendor model,
other detail etc) was used. Any changes from the initial construction survey
should be noted. The report should include a statement and explanation of
the calculation method used.
o Should the HDD Contractor utilize equipment with the capability of
electronically logging the Receiver measurements, so allowing a Walkover
System electronic as-built map eg Ditchwitch TMS Plus or Digitral datalog
mode, then a copy of these shall be provided to the CO XYZ
Representative at the time of the actual pilot drill.
Construction Monitoring
o HDD contractor should have a clear line of sight between the entry and exit
o The approved drill path centerline shall be staked at points not exceeding
o Record and or calculate values to populate the Locating/Steering Record
Pro-forma, refer QA/QC requirements
o The drill string shall be pulled back to the drill rig anytime the ability to steer
/ track is lost, including when the Walkover transmitter batteries fail or the
drill string breaks. While drilling, the BHA shall be tracked at least every full
length of drill rod, more frequently depending on existing underground
infrastructure congestion in the area. Each tracking location shall be
marked and progress checked to ensure the bore is maintaining the
approved / design bore path.
Depth, pitch/inclination and roll/azimuth readings of the BHA shall be taken
after drilling every single joint; such readings being required to calculate
the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the BHA as it progresses.
Should any corrections be made to remain on the design drill path then
such shall also be recorded on the Locating/Steering Record Pro-forma
Drilling operations shall cease if an unidentifiable, abnormal or
unanticipated resistance or sudden movement of the drill string is
encountered. Also, if other conditions develop (lightning, etc.) that could
affect the safe operation of the equipment and personnel. Proceed only
after the source of the disturbance has been identified and/or eliminated
Following completion of a HDD near an existing hydrocarbon pipeline, If
determined to be needed, CO XYZ may demand that Contractor expose
the pipeline/s and or perform a coating defect survey and or a leak survey

6.0 Witnessing of Trenchless Crossing activities on site

Contractors wishing to commence trenchless crossing activities on site shall comply
with the General Safety Requirements including the provision of adequate notice to
the Pipeline Department in order that resources can be organized to attend site.
Contractor shall be in possession of a valid Construction NOC, to be confirmed by
the CO XYZ Pipeline Representative on site. Only RTA approved contractors are
permitted to perform Trenchless Crossing activities; Copies of the HDD Contractors
certification not older than one year, together with the proposed supervisor and
operators experience shall be made provided in the Construction NOC application,
and be available on site.

A copy of the approved NOC including specific and general requirements, a copy of
the NOC Office Staff checklist, a copy of the trial pit profile drawings, method
statement and a copy of this SOP shall be in the possession of the Pipeline
Representative at all times.

All construction drawings shall be checked to ensure that the revision on site matches
the revision approved by the NOC Group.

The CO XYZ Pipeline Representative shall complete the checklist provided in

Appendix 2 to ensure that all NOC Conditions were reviewed and approved by the
Pipeline Department Office Staff exist on site.

Contractor shall inspect and certify the preparation works, including construction of
launch and receive pits. A copy of Contractors signed inspection document shall be
provided to the CO XYZ Pipeline Representative prior to commencement of the
crossing activities.

During the actual Trenchless Crossing activities the CO XYZ Pipeline Representative
shall ensure via questioning and actual verification that the alignment, vertical and
horizontal, is progressing as planned / as depicted in the trial pit profile drawings.

If at any time the CO XYZ Pipeline Representative deems that misalignment is

occurring they shall immediately stop the trenchless operations and inform his
Supervisor who shall in turn inform the NOC Pipeline Office Staff who shall determine
the next course of action.

Daily reports, including line, level and separation distance between the bottom of the
hydrocarbon pipeline(s) and the top of the sleeve/utility/conduit shall be submitted by
Contractor to the Pipeline Representative for their review.

7.0 Trenchless Crossing Checklist for NOC Staff

To assist NOC Staff perform a review of a Trenchless Crossing NOC Construction
application, a checklist has been developed and shall be completed for each
Trenchless Crossing application, refer Appendix 2.

The completed checklist shall be retained in the NOC Dept. project file and a copy
included in the package that is submitted to the Pipeline Supervisor as described in
Section 5 above.

8.0 Pipeline Representative Checklist - Witnessing Trenchless Crossing Activities

To assist CO XYZ Pipeline Representatives on site who are required to witness
Trenchless Crossing activities, a Trenchless Crossing Checklist proforma is provided
in Appendix 2. This checklist shall be completed for each Trenchless Crossing activity
and submitted to the Jebel Ali Pipeline Office upon the completion of the Trenchless
Crossing activity for retention in the Project file.

9.0 Post-Crossing Construction Report

Within 10 days of completion of the crossing works, Contractor shall submit a post-
construction report that details any problems encountered during the crossing
activities, and the measures that were taken to solve or mitigate any problems. As a
minimum, this post-construction report should include the following information :

any problems encountered (such as magnetic interference) with the accuracy of

the as used Steering System
any problems encountered with pipe damage
any problems with drilling fluids exiting to the surface, drilling fluid containment or
drilling fluid disposal
any concerns raised during the course of the drilling activities
an as built drawing (in .pdf file format) and an AutoCAD file detailing the as built
horizontal alignment and profile

and for MT works :

Copy of the log file

Copy of drive report
Copy of surveillance records
Soft copy of drive record files of guidance computer
10.0 Revision Record and Approval Log
At the annual review or for entire plan revisions assign a new revision number and
date. For minor wording or paragraph revisions change the date only, i.e. revision
number remains the same.
Appendix 1: Training Guideline
Appendix 2: Trenchless Crossing Checklist for NOC Staff

Ref: Proj / /

Contractor Name:

Project Location:


Verified copy of trial pit details / copy of field survey


Cross section drawings & detailed drawings


For HDD Locating/Steering Record Proforma

Detail of survey bench mark/s (for trial pit &
construction, for HDD CO XYZ post pull x-y-z

Depth to top & bottom of gas pipeline/s

elevation, and
Surface ground level

Proposed clearance from bottom of gas pipeline to

top of utility/sleeve/conduit depicted.
For Non-HDD minimum 1.5m (preferred), 2m for
diameters up to and including 1m, and 1.5 times
sleeve/casing size if greater than 1m diameter

For HDD, clear distances i.e. pipe invert to max

reamer radius :
Wireline & or Gyro Systems 5m
Walkover, given Observation Pits, 1m

Distance between launch/receive pits to gas pipeline

depicted. Minimum 15m from edge of pit. Preferred

Job specific detailed method statement included

Construction material and method of construction of

launch/receive pits included

Dewatering details and method statement included

Method of monitoring line & level during machine

operation stated
Company Approved by Council / higher authority.

HDD Contractors shall show evidence of

HDD Contractor personnel shall have "Proof of
Training" (a current VOC certificate and card) by a
recognized Trenchless training organization or
For Walkover System should include both
Supervisor and Locator Man. For Walkover or Gyro
System, then :
o Guidance Engineers resume and VOC
o Signed bore path design drawings (Locating
Steering Pro-forma)
o Paratrak-2 current calibration certification
o pilot bore path as-built (reaming activities shall
not commence until such time as reviewed and
approved by CO XYZ and or all other involved
3rd parties

Maintenance history of equipment to be used on site

(not older than 6 months old)

Main and HDD Contractor quality management

Contingency plan in case of equipment failure

Signature Date
Appendix 3: Trenchless Crossing Checklist for Pipeline Representative

NOC Ref: Project Ref: Proj / /

Contractor Name:

Project Location:


Valid NOC on site

NOC Staff Checklist on site

Copy of this doc Trenchless Crossings available on


Copy of Trial Pit Profile Drawings on site

Copy of approved Method Statement on site

Drawing revision on site matches approved revision

reviewed by NOC Staff

i.e. for HDD an approved Locating/Steering Record

Proforma drawing

Copy of Main Client NOCs & Drawings on site

Launch/Receive/Observation Pits constructed as

stated in method statement on approved drawings
Dewatering pumps and or submersible (mud) pumps
available and working with backup systems

Copy of Specialist Trenchless Crossing Contractors

signed Inspection Document

Check Horizontal distance between edges of

launch/receive pit to edge of pipeline. Note 15 meters
minimum, preferred 20 meters

Verify existing ground profile against trial pit record

(for HDD)

DM survey datum/ bench mark/s for elevation and

location available

Current VOC certificate and card / Operators

certification with picture no older than 1 year /
experience documentation available on site
Tunneling log file available for inspection

Maintenance history of equipment on site

Confirm method of checking alignment & separation

e.g. laser, transmitter/sonde/receiver

Actual separation between bottom of gas pipeline

and utility/sleeve/conduit
Non-HDD minimum 1.5m (preferred), 2m for
diameters up to and including 1m, and 1.5 times
sleeve/casing size if greater than 1m diameter
For HDD, clear distances i.e. pipe invert to max
reamer radius :
Wireline & or Gyro Systems 5m
Walkover, given Observation Pits, 1m

Contingency plan available in case of equipment


Signature Date
Appendix 4: Attachments

1. Locating/Steering Record Sample Proforma

2. CO XYZ ABCD Project, HDD crossing, design bore path versus pilot as-built versus x-
Appendix 5: HDD General Information
(background / training purposes)

HDD is essentially a 3 step process :

1. Pilot hole initial bore drilled along designed drill path

2. Reaming pass(es) - increasing the diameter of the pilot hole to allow pipe pullback;
albeit may not be necessary for smaller diameter pipelines (typical reamer diameter
1.5 times the diameter of pipe/conduit to be pulled).
3. Pipe/conduit string pull back pull back of pre-fabricated pipe/conduit

As underground infrastructure is becoming more and more crowded (& CO XYZ require
any third party infrastructure in local hydrocarbon corridors to be laid so as not to obstruct
future hydrocarbon pipelines), Council stakeholders often now elect to utilize HDD to install
telecommunication and or electrical cables via CIC (Cable/s in Conduit/s). Typically HDPE
conduits are installed either as single HDPE conduits of outer diameter 110mm, 160mm
or 200mm, and or bundled conduits, by example, typical Main Client electrical HDPE
bundled conduits typically include :

5 way for 132 kV cable is 4 x 160mm OD HDPE + 1 x 110mm central conduit

4 way for 11Kv cable is 4 x 160mm OD HDPE conduits
3 way for 11Kv cable is 3 x 160mm OD HDPE conduits
1 way for 11Kv cable (or fiber Optic line) is 1 x 160mm OD HDPE conduit

Such is typically managed through the CO XYZ NOC Dept via Main Contractor HDD Sub-
Contractors (hereafter for the purpose of this SOP simply termed Contractor) with either
Mini or Midi HDD category equipment typically. Refer table below for a comparison of the
Main Features of typical Mini, Midi, Maxi and Mega HDD equipment.

HDD Rig Rig Rig Drill bore Drill path Pipe/ Typ Application
category thrust/ torque weight length, up depth Conduit DXB typ. equipment
pullback Typ. to
kN kNm Te m m Inch OD -
Mini 150 7-13 <7 ~ 200 ~ 4.5 2 - 10 telecom & power cables, water
and plastic gas lines
Midi >150-400 15-30 7-25 ~ 400 ~ 23 10 - 24 Streams, roadways
e.g. DitchWitch JT8020
Maxi >400- 30-100 25-60 ~ 1500 ~ 61 24 - 48 Rivers, Hwys
Mega >2500 >100 >60 extreme bore lengths (eg
intersects) and diameters
HDD Category Descriptions (DCA Technical Guidelines: Pull Force, Torque, Weight)

Now, for understanding, Maxi and Mega are relatively sophisticated compared to that of
the Mini and Midi HDD category equipment, including the Locating Systems given the
applications tend to be individual, relatively complicated major installations, requiring the
services of qualified, competent and experienced engineers throughout the process
including during the planning, design and installation phases.

Locating Systems
There are three types of Locating Systems in the HDD technique, which can basically be
differentiated as follows :

1. Walkover
2. Wireline
3. Other


This method of measuring is mainly used with the small (Mini/Midi) drill rig installations,
whose maximum drilling depth is approx. 10m. When using the Walkover System a high
(radio) frequency communication signal (for pitch and roll) together with an
electromagnetic dipolar field emitted; the signals and magnetic field are powered from a
battery which is typically 2 off c sized i.e. 3v but can be via a cable routed through the
drill rods i.e. a powered cable. The complete assembly is termed a transmitter, or sonde,
which is installed immediately behind the drilling head Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA). The
signals and magnetic field are received by an antenna on the ground level surface and
converted to meaningful information in a Receiver device.

As a rule this Receiver device analogously tracks the drilling heads progress underground.
By way of magnetic field signal strength, the operator can locate the transmitter with regard
to the lateral position and depth; In addition the operator can receive information about the
current working direction of the BHA (pitch and roll).

The Walkover System then is exactly what the name implies, that is a person (Locator
Man) with a Receiver walks over the position of BHA where the transmitter is located.

The advantage of this system is that there are no cable connections, which can be labour
intensive and prone to failure. Apart from this, the operation of the system of measuring is
relatively simple and quick to learn. Because of this the Walkover System is a relatively
low cost Locating System.

The disadvantage of this system is its measuring accuracy which greatly reduces with
drilling depth as well as its proneness to interference from magnetic influences from
substratum or due to other magnetic fields. In addition, the energy reserves, which are
limited by battery capacity, can mean longer crossings are not possible.

To be able to successfully perform pilot drilling with a Walkover System the grade level
surface profile above the planned bore path must be accurately known before drilling
begins. The absolute values determined from the measurement sensor (distance of the
transmitter from grade level surface profile / from Receiver) can then be integrated with
the recorded grade level surface profile. The actual course of drilling, and more importantly
depth, can then be documented.

The quality of the data transmission is, amongst other things, dependent on the :

depth of the transmitter under the grade level surface profile,

conductibility of the ground layers present (brackish ground water affects depth
inclination of the transmitter,
stability of the receiver,
external influences of electromagnetic fields local to the bore path (passive and or
active interference), and
actual energy capacity of the batteries used.

As a reference value for the accuracy of a measurement using a Walkover System, a

decline of approx. 10% can be assumed up to a depth of approx. 5m depth; with
unfavorable conditions e.g. inclination of the measurement sensor in rising or falling
segments of the borehole, this value can reduce to 0.5m.

Typical Mini-HDD Equipment and Pilot Boring Process (ref. TR-46)

typical Walkover System dipole magnetic field (plan view hourglass shape). Front Locate
Point is the point in the magnetic field created by the dipole electromagnet where the
field is both positive and oriented vertically. The Rear Locate Point is the point in the
magnetic field created by the sonde where the field is both negative and oriented
Measurement Sensor, transmitter & dipole electromagnet in Bottom Housing Assembly

Drill bit at 0900hrs / left steer

Receiver device in use

Walkover Locating Systems

Once a HDD crossing is performed using a Walkover System, It is normally not possible
to generate a printout of positions with which to draw an 'as built' profile. In practice,
Contractors typically hide the actual positions of the bore, since no data output exists. Due
to the combination of highly directional shovel bits and Walkover Systems the actual as-
drilled profile of the bore often dog-legs up/down and left/right from position to position
throughout the bore. Subsequently issues can occur during pull back of a steel product
line i.e. stuck pipe, parted pipe, loss of reamers and loss of drill pipe; special care by an
qualified and experienced Contractor should be exercised when installing steel product
pipe using a Walkover System.

Wireline System [Magnetic Guidance System (MGS) for oil and gas drillers]

This System is mainly applied to larger drill rigs and thus accordingly to long and deep
crossings, primarily as such drills require greater accuracy and the Project budgets
reflect this. Note, the non-magnetic drill collar / rod, which contains the MGS is restricted
to a 100m MBR; this for short length crossings may imply a greater setback (drilling
length). It has been developed from the measurement system used in oil and gas
directional drilling and can practically be used for all depth ranges.

The Wireline System also has a measurement sensor with magnetometers and
inclinometers as close behind the drill head as possible. These measurement values are
transmitted via a cable connection that is routed through the inside of the drill rods to the
drill rig control cabin. There, the information is processed in a computer and stored.

The reference system of the measurement sensors orientates itself during the execution
of the pilot drill on the earths gravitational field (inclination) and on the earths magnetic
field (azimuth). In addition, the surveyor also receives information regarding the actual
working direction of the drill bit (tool face).

With the aid of inclination and azimuth a progression, starting from the entry point, can be
constructed that represents the actual position of the pilot drilling. Details of the complete
BHA are needed to be able to steer the drill head in accordance with the actual
development of the bore line.

The advantage of the Wireline System is, theoretically no depth limit of the bore line and
the energy supply to the measurement sensor also takes place via the cabled connection
plus the information is effectively continuously available. In addition, the transmission of
the measurement values via the cable are not prone to interference.

A disadvantage is the very sensitive measurement sensors which can be particularly

sensitive to magnetic fields of interference in the bore path e.g. DC train lines, sheet piles,
high voltage power line etc.

To compensate for any such interfering magnetic fields, a cabled loop can be laid out
(accurately surveyed) on the ground surface above the bore axis to generate an Artificial
Magnetic Field (AMF). This effectively blanks the ambient (passive) magnetic field
because of its greater field strength. The (pilot) BHA instruments now detect this AMF and
transmit the BHA actual position with reference to the corner points of the AMF surface
laid cabled loop to the control cabin.

The surveyor then has all the absolute values that is positional details of the (pilot) BHA
instruments with reference to the grade level surface profile. That is Wireline Systems
eliminate the need for a Walkover System Locator Man with a Receiver (human error) to
physically traverse over the bore path line to determine either depth and or alignment.

To successfully perform a pilot drill using a Wireline System the (pilot) BHA instruments
must be calibrated exactly prior drilling begins. The co-ordinates and heights of the entry
and exit points, and also the surface laid coil / loop, must be precisely known.

As reference values for the measuring accuracy of the Wireline System, when using an
AMF under optimal conditions a value of 5 % of the related depth of the measurement
sensor under the surface profile can be assumed (DCA). Other Wireline literature claims
that Wireline Systems may be used to depths approaching 65m with absolute precision;
the understood accuracy being 0.3m in actual practice or within a Vendor claimed
accuracy of 2% in both plan and profile, regardless of borehole depth.

TruTrack DC AMF surface coil / loop arrangement local to HVOH lines

TruTrack DC AMF surface coil / loop arrangement for crossing under steel pipelines.
Note weld machine (ampmeter also required)
Paratrack-2 AC AMF system

Wireline Locating Systems

Note, CO XYZ NOC Approval for a Wireline System is contingent on utilization of an AC

AMF (Paratrack-2) System; Whilst the Tensor [now Tensteer] DC AMF / TruTrack System
achieved great success and was responsible for much of the growth of the large and
intermediate HDD market, in 2015 such DC Systems are considered non-preferred given

depth of (typical) DC AMF is less in comparison to (typical) AC AMF System which is

regarded as directly proportional to interference mitigation capacity, ref. DCA Technical
Guidelines Summary of Various Locating Systems, tabled below, and
understood (anecdotally) that AC AMF Systems are more effective in magnetically
noisy environments e.g. active interference effects such as Cathodic Protection; it is
assumed this is largely due to the alternating (3.00Hz) frequency of the (Paratrack-2)
AC AMF System. The AC signal is of a known frequency and therefore outside noise
can be filtered out i.e. a high signal-to-noise ratio can be attained; this allows for
Steering to greater depths in comparison to say a DC AMF System.
Extract from Paratrack Vendor Manual depicting typical AC coil and noise signal plot
Other Systems

With crossings that are required to be performed in or local to strong magnetic fields the
use of a Gyro Compass is increasingly being utilized. These measuring instruments were
also developed for use in deep oil and gas directional drilling.

Gyro Compasses function independently from the earths magnetic field and thereby can
be independent of environmental conditions, very accurately determining the direction of
the bore axis. This advantage compensates for the disadvantage of the relatively great
sensitivity with regards to mechanical loads (impacts) as well as the relatively high cost of
usage. Apart from this, practice has demonstrated that Gyro Compasses are precision
instruments, the success of their use however being dependent upon the qualifications of
the operating personnel.

Gyro Compass Systems, the BHA location being based purely around calculations, are
often complimented by a Walkover System sonde for say big river crossings to cross
check the BHA location; just as AMF coils allow a cross check of Wireline System
without AMF i.e. MGS steered pilot holes.

Gyro Compass Systems are typically utilized when the combination of both passive and
active interference is too great for a Wireline System (with an AMF, or the AMF cannot be
laid adequately) to overcome; by example a HDD under a bulk fuel terminal where
interference may include :

passive interference
32,000 barrel steel fuel tanks
Underground steel pipelines
Overhead steel pipelines
steel chain link security fence running parallel to the bore path

active interference
Overhead electrical lines
Cathodic protection currents on the underground piping
Multiple, high capacity pumps driven by electric motors
Several large electrical switching control boxes

HDD industry experts, that typically have vested interests in either Wireline or Gyro
Systems, continue to argue the accuracy and repeatable precision merits of both Systems.

Note, current Gyro System are not sufficiently small to be used on Mini or Midi rigs
as the minimum sensor size is designed for drill rods of at least 200mm in diameter.

Locating System Summary

Both Walkover and Wireline Systems are MGSs i.e. use some form of instrumentation to
determine the BHA location within the earths electromagnetic field, or an Artificial
(generated) (electro) Magnetic Field.
Locating Max Accessibility of ground Interference
System drilling level above drillbore
depth path axis necessary
- m - -
Walkover - ~15 Yes Yes
Wireline Without AMF ~ 40 No Yes
With DC AMF ~40 Yes low
With AC AMF ~100 Yes low
Gyro Compass - >100 no no
Summary of various Locating Systems (DCA Technical Guidelines)

There are both DC and AC AMF Wireline Systems available by different Vendors. It is
understood that, at least with the known AC AMF Wireline Manufacturer (Vector
Magnetics, Paratrack-2) that a sufficiently precise accuracy is possible, and proven, that
allows for intersect (two HDDs to be joined when drilled from opposing ends) crossings

Factors that reflect on the precision of both DC and or AC AMF Systems include :
length (ideally slightly greater than the bore length) and simplicity of the coil/loop grid,
width of the coil/loop grid (should be as a minimum as wide as expected bore path
the wire size used to form the coil/loop,
the survey accuracy (northing, easting & elevation) of the placement of the corners of
the coil/loop grid,
proper keypunching of the coil/loop grid corner locations,
number of survey points recorded along the drill path,
available current to power the DC AMF coil/loop grid [DC AMF typically energized by
a welding machine (rated by current) where typical open circuit voltage and
corresponding current is determined by the particular weld machine drooping voltage
characteristic curve, by example 24v=80amps, radial intensity between 2000 and
5000gammas (0.02 0.05 gauss) required; whereas Paratrack-2 AMF output
specification is 43 VRMS, 6 Amps p-p max, 3.00Hz], and
drilling tendencies of the rig operator.

Note. It is understood that from a HDD Contractor perspective there are only minor
differences between DC and AC AMF Wireline Systems, such as only :
DC AMF recommended coil/loop wire size no smaller than AWG 6 gauge (13.3mm2)
for coils lengths over 300m whereas AC AMF requires only 6mm2 (cost impact and
easy to string out in grid arrangement without sags i.e. stretched straight and tight),
AC AMF, relative to DC AMF, typically allows for a longer continuous coil (e.g.
160/200+m versus 100/130m),
AC AMF, relative to DC AMF, is a little more accurate given, by example Paratrack-2,
some 100 shots per second whereas DC AMF (Trutrack) shots only taken say every
10 seconds
AC AMF, relative to DC AMF, has lower grade accelerometers that can affect the
accuracy of the inclination,
AC AMF, relative to DC AMF, is more azimuth sensitive which is magnified in areas of
magnetic interference,
DC AMF, relative to AC AMF, is more sensitive to underground steel structure Catholic
Protection (albeit these can always be switched off for short periods),
DC AMF requires a mobile welder on site whereas AC AMF is typically plugged into
the Control Room power supply (large HDD Projects) and or requires only a small 240v
AC generator, and
AC AMF cost, relative to DC AMF, is typically higher due to the price of the AC BHA
(probe) and the mandatory footage / meter fees whereas DC AMF specialist
Contractors do not, or should not, charge footage fees.

Each of the 3 above Locating Systems has inherent and distinct capabilities, advantages,
and conversely some notable limitations. Regardless of Walkover, Wireline or Gyro, all
Steering Systems are deemed reliable, accurate and dependable by HDD industry
experts. Each Steering System has a fitting place and serves an effective and important
role by assisting HDD Contractors in achieving successful, incident-free bores.

Interference, the bane of any magnetic Locating System, can be either passive and or

Passive interference, as the name implies, does not generate a signal. It could be defined
as anything that blocks, absorbs or distorts a magnetic field. Examples include metal
structures such as chain link fences, rebar, steel pipelines, metal structures and salt water,
to name a few. Anything that is conductive has the potential to act as a passive
interference. Possible effects include depths appearing greater (or in some cases
shallower) than they actually are, incorrect BHA location and direction, all information
being blocked and incorrect calibration, which may lead to depth errors.

Active interference occurs where power lines, traffic loops, fiber-optic trace lines,
cathodic protection systems, industrial motors (e.g. diesel electric locomotives) or other
electrical devices that generate their own electromagnetic fields.

Active interference also includes steel hydrocarbon pipeline residual magnetic fields from
MFL ILI, especially those hydrocarbon pipelines orientated in an east-west direction which
may also be subject to daily telluric effects. The severity of this interference was
demonstrated during September 2014 (pipe pup) cutout and replacement of the HDD
cross-bored section on the ABCD pipeline; some 300 gauss was measured.

Typical magnetic flux density values, and associated pipeline issues, are tabled below for
information only.
Magnetic Flux Density descriptor / Gauss (G) Tesla (T), 1T = 10,000G
strength, static UNO
Earths magnetic field at surface 0.5 Typically 0.00005
0.3 0.7 Varies 0.00003
Manual.pdf MGS-Manual

enough power needs to be

supplied to the coil to give a radial
intensity between 2000 and 0.02 0.05 0.000002 0.000005
5000gammas damage to
magnetometers can occur if
extremely high current is allowed
to persist. TruTracker is not a
panacea. It cannot be run in a
totally magnetic corrupt
environment (when the H total is
near 70000. Constant low level
noise or 0.7 0.0007
1 gamma = 1E-9 tesla [T]
ICNIRP guideline limits time Walkover System typical
varying magnetic fields : frequencies :
- public 0.27 0.000027
- occupational 1 0.0001
Arc Blow typ. guidelines < 10 : can be welded -
> 10 < 20 AC only
> 100 cannot be
welded without
Small permanent magnets in 5+ 0.0005 +
magnetic clips, bags, toys etc
Aluminum Smelter workers and or 10 to 90 Several tens of milli-T
DC welders, typical i.e. 0.001 to 0.009
Small iron magnet 100 to 1000 0.01 to 0.1
National Grid Standard T/SP/P/2 > 120 (usual level 0.012
Welding of steel pipe greater than magnetism after
7 bar pressure, C4 magnetic clean and or
MFL pig run)
ABCD Pipeline repair experience ~300 (in weld groove 0.03
after new pup was
inserted and lined up)
Small neodymium-iron-boron 2,000 0.2
(NIB) magnet
Oil & gas Journal article Method Max 4,000 (in the gap 0.4
provides welders new technique after the pipeline was
for avoiding arc blow 21st Dec cut)
Medical MRI procedures 1,500 30,000 0.15 3
(exposure normally limited to less
than 1 hour)
Junkyard car lift electromagnets 10,000 1
Albeit large volume i.e.
some 20kW power
ICNIRP Occupational workplace
guideline limits static magnetic
fields : 20,000 2
- general < 80,000 <8
- specific
Walkover System Interference Effects. Some of the possible effects of active interference
on a Walkover System Receiver include erratic signal strength and depth readings, loss
of pitch and roll data and inaccurate calibration, all which may lead to depth errors.

It is understood that HDD Contractors in steering/locating the Walkover System BHA when
interference environments are encountered is rely on the pitch and roll information (if being
received at Receiver) and assume figures into their log book [depth is a conversion of
the BHA dipole electromagnet signal strength and erroneous readings may be displayed
with shallower readings than the actual BHA depth in areas of active interference and
deeper readings than the actual BHA depth in areas of passive interference]. This may be
acceptable for brief inconsistencies in depth but not when drilling under live hydrocarbon

The Walkover System has been the typical System employed by local HDD Contractors
in the crossing of local hydrocarbon pipeline/s (corridors) historically.

Given the Walkover System transmitter signal can be subject to both passive and active
interference, Walkover Systems then are considered unreliable / risky to use in the
crossing of local hydrocarbon pipelines.

Walkover Systems can be further rejected for use in crossing transmission pipelines once
it is understood that :

HDD Contractors who employ such Systems are resistive to provide as-built data, and
when provision of as-built data has a commercial aspect then either the design path
co-ordinates will be provided as as-built and or the Contractor will simply discard the
tracking data and replace it with adjusted calculations after the BHA exits the ground
(further discussed within As-Built paragraph/s below)
It is understood that with respect to steering and line placement incidents / cross-bores,
over 95% of the lawsuits involve Walkover Systems, and
Locating should be dead-on; such ability, or in the case of Walkover Systems, lack of
ability, effects the design of the bore, as well as future construction in the same area
(accurate records can improve right-of-way usage). Additionally HDD infrastructure
cant simply be placed if the precise location of existing HDD lines is unknown, precise
HDD installations have allowed more infrastructure to be installed while using less land.
Walkover System Vendor sonde development is ongoing, by example, sondes with
specific and or dual frequencies which Walkover System Vendors lay claim to be able
to manage / mitigate interference issues, albeit only active interference issues.
Ditchwitch TK Series Guidance System Operator Manual The Bore Path Analyzer
analyzes active interference (noise) along the bore path and recommends frequencies
that will ensure the best communication for accurate depth and location. Active
interference is any magnetic field generated by a source other than the beacon
(transmitter), such as power lines, traffic loops, cable TV, and phone lines that
decreases the communication range of the tracker. This feature does not analyze
passive interference (fences, metal pipe, and vehicles), which distorts the signal and
shape of the beacon dipole field, and thus distorts location and depth; i.e. not steel
pipelines with CP or residual magnetic fields as a result of ILI using MFL tools.
For CO XYZ managed pipeline construction projects involving HDD crossings, CO XYZ
has typically specified a Steering System of at least 0.5m in any direction. There have
been 2 recent CO XYZ Project Dept. experiences :

24, approx. 1500m 24 gas pipeline from beach to offshore exit point 8m water depth,
Tensor TruTrack including subsea placed coil/s
3off 48 gas pipeline crossings under local roadways of various lengths, Paratrak-2
[refer Appendix 4 Attachment 2 for detail of one HDD crossing, design bore path versus
pilot as-built versus x-y-z-survey the variances are largely due to the up sizing bores]

HDD Contractor Personnel Training / Certification

All HDD operations basically comprise of three main fields of skill;

1. the Driller,
2. the Tracker/Locator/Receiver Man or Guidance Engineer, and
3. the drilling fluids or mud man

For Mini and Midi equipment the Supervisor typically can perform all roles and manages
the drilling fluids in advance given Mini and Midi HDD contractors only operate within a
small region where the geotech does not change significantly.

Operating a HDD drill rig is not as simple as operating other construction equipment.
Adequate training, qualification and experience is required to understand :

the amount of thrust and torque to use with various drill bits in different soils,
the position of the drill head in relation to the overall BHA length (location of the
Walkover transmitter, Wireline sensor, or Gyro unit all being typically located behind
the drill bit and the bent sub),
mathematics (given during a highway crossing a Walkover System Receiver will not be
used to determine depth, thus calculation of the depth based upon the number lengths
of drill rod used and the pitch of the transmitter),
basic soil mechanics, and
drilling fluid flow.

Basic training on the HDD equipment does come from the HDD manufacturers when
purchasing a new HDD machine though this is mainly in regards to the machine itself, and
not the downhole work practices required to safely and effectively undertake a complete
HDD project.

The other form of training, and most common, is in-house training and comes from other
personnel already working within a HDD operation. This can have its good and bad points
though in many cases bad and incorrect work practices are being passed onto future HDD
Verification of Competency (VOC), together with the onsite assessment of an individual,
is a typical legal workplace Operations Health and Safety requirement, ensuring HDD
personnel are competent to operate HDD equipment. In many cases a person could be
extremely skilled in the area of drilling but not skilled in Tracker/Locator or Drilling Fluids
so the VOC should only indicate the area of Drilling. Assessment typically involves both a
written knowledge exam and a practical exam. The HDD person needs to be deemed
demonstrating competency in both components to be issued with VOC certificate and card.

Historically, no HDD comprehensive training courses and on-site assessments were

available; on-the-job training and 2 to 3 day seminars were the norm. Occasionally,
Trenchless Societies, Universities, and or other organizations (e.g. ASCE) would offer
comprehensive HDD certification and training course/s over 2 week periods. The courses
typically include field training, which by example, consist of installing 500m of 2" HDPE
conduit; then after some 300 hours of documented practical work in actual job conditions
under the supervision of a HDD operator a training certificate earned at the course is
replaced with an HDD operator license. These courses however do not include any
training in any Wireline or Gyro Steering Systems. Currently there are several HDD VOC
training courses available worldwide.

All HDD Contractors should target independent documentation that can be presented to
Clients and or Stakeholders to prove their personnels worth, skill and knowledge.

Only HDD Contractors personnel who have "Proof of Training" (a current VOC certificate
and card) by a recognized Trenchless Technology training organization or institute shall
be permitted to operate HDD equipment in / under / local to the local hydrocarbon
pipelines. Ideally, as a minimum, the VOC shall be for both drilling and Locating/Steering


American Petroleum Institute Guidelines for Property Development, (Brochure),

November 2009, Product Number: D0GP04 [adopted by Chevron, Marathon et al]
Guidelines for Use of Mini-Horizontal Directionally Drilling for Placement of High
Density Polyethylene Pipe, TR-46, 2009, Plastic Pipes Institute
GPTC Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems: 2003 Edition -
Guide Material Appendix G-192-6 - Subsurface Damage Prevention Guidelines for
Directional Drilling and Other Trenchless Technologies
Drilling Contractors Association (DCA Europe) Technical Guidelines, 3rd Edition,
March 2009

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