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\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.

d{ y bdt ]L {yT +{ usY

+< |<X
Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016 B : 27`08`2016

1. d{ y bdt ]L{yT +{ usY, +< |<X ( MT< SLPRB (jTdt.m.|.sY._) > |s=q&+
sT>TT+~) +~ bdT\ <s U dT\ qT Vk+~. HH <s <s U dT\ T #dysT yud T
( bbs eyT <sUdT\T #jTe\d +T+~. B
07`09`2016 <jT + 10 >+. qT+ 01`10`2016 kjT++ 5>+. es <s U dT\ T #jT e#T.&
d+#&q y \T b$q eyT . s m+{ eTT+<dT d#q +& esT\T s>e #TqT.
]L{yT +{ |jT ]L{yT +T d++~+ @ $wjT + nsTTH e&| wqq T H{| #d V
SLPRB, A.P. +~.
Xs =\\ | (| yTsYyT +{ fd)t , X]s keTs + | (| m|w j
T fd)t nsY 2016
yTT<{ ys+ s>e #T. e] s | qe+sY 2016 yTT<{ ys+ s>e #T.

eT d+K bdt & bdT |sT U\T

1. 25 ds TT|+& &{ sTT bdtd T (eTTwH ) 494

(d\ T, |sTw\T)

nu sT\ T HH <s U dT #dT q |&T eT b{, d++ , \<MsD |+ (_.d, jTdt.d.,jTdt.{.

nu sT\ ) |s # * (n|t& #j **)

2. bdT d++~+q s :
+< |<X |uT + C #dq |uT s T G.O. Ms.No 315 Home (Pol.C) Department, B 13-10-
1999, +< |<X bdt (ds TT|+& &{ sTT) s, d++~ d+dsD\ |s+ bdT &bsTy T +T
|q |s=q bdT\ (bdt & H+sT 26, 27) ]L{yT +{ sT>T+~.
3. eTV\ ]swqT:
&s ]L{yT +{ bdt & H+.25 331/3% eTV\ ]sT #jT &sTT. ns\ Tq eTV nu sT\ T
\_+# |+ y]d+ ]sT #jT &q U\T eTsTd{ d+es ysTT< yjT &+ s>< T .
|sT w nu sT\ U\qT u #jT &+ sT>TT+~. d|wj T d+ |s+ V]C+ ]swqT horizontal
reservation e&+ sT>TT+~. ]swq d++~+ +< |<X d{ n+& du]H{ dddt s
1996 d++~ s |s+ eTV\ ]swqT ysT @ esZ #+~qys < <ec |s+
dsT u T #jT &+ sT>TT+~.
4. | ]swq d++~+, n+f BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, BCE, SC, ST and Ex.Servicemen
]swq d++~+ +< |<X d{ n+& du]H{ dddt s 1996 s 22 e]dT + ~.

1 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
5. | \ ]swqT :
| \T, n+f VA+>sT\ T, bdT d+~ |\\ T, Hwq &{ sY \ +< e&q |s 17
$es\ |s+ V]C+ |< < +bsYy T + udd t dsT u T #jT &+ sT>TT+~. n+f nu sT\
| ] ]swqT nu ] @ esZ #+~qy& esZ+ ]swqT <ec +T+~.
yqT&q esZ\T, jTdt.d.,jTdt.{.\ d++~+ (|s 6 7)
6. >]w ej|]$T d&* +|. |s (9) (B) (b) (i)) qT </eT]jTT BC-E group ]swqT <
_d` >| @ ]H ]swqT nH~ HjTkH |+&+>T q dT rsT| <s|&
+T+~. nsTT >]w ej|]$T d&* +| |s (9) (B) (b) (i)) qT </eT]jTT BC-E group
]swqT, _d` >| yTT<{ |< \T>T \, dT|+sT d$ n| H+.2628-2637 of 2010
e&q +f]yT ss |s+ +T+~. |uT s T H+.23, yqT&q \ d+ e T $u>+, B
07.07.2007, d]jT H+sT 15 |s=q&q \qT OC > |]>D+ #&+ sT>TT+~.
7. MT jT sY:
yqT&q esZ\ MTjT sTqT ]swqT ks + qT+ |+#& |uT + G.O.Ms.No. 3, Backward
Classes Welfare (C2) Department B 04-04-2006 and G.O.Ms. No. 26 Backward Classes Welfare
(C) Dept., B 09.12.2013, s T \ nedsy T q jTeT+<q \T |s=+~. $TjT sTqT >T]+#&
us |uT + d+q sTTf]jqT +< |<X |uT+ b{k+~. +< |<X |uT + y] <jT
|]$T sT. 6,00,000/`> s]++~.
m. yqT&q \T, jTdt.d., jTdt.{.,\ #+~q ysT ej|]$T d&* +| b+<\+f,
\< MsD |+, |{q B < MsD |\qT Annexure - II |s=q&q bs{ <K\T #j *.TT
< MsD |\T G.O. Ms. No. 58 SW (J) Dept., B12-05-1997 |s+ q s $q n~sT\T C
#dq $ eyT #\TsTT.
_. yqT&q G.O.Ms.No. 3, Backward Classes Welfare (C2) Department, Rc. No. 247/
R&T/Rect.2/2016, B 01.09.2016, 3 of 23 B 04-04-2006 and G.O.Ms. No. 26 Backward Classes
Welfare (C) Dept., B-09.12.2013 |s+ s+#&q MTjT sT #+<ysT eyT ]swqT
ks + b+<>\ sT. Annexure - III e&q bs{ |s+ MTjT sT qT < M]+# |eTT,
n> Annexure - II |s+ \< MsD |eTT d++~ n~] (V d\T<sT) qT+ rdT <K\T
#jT e\d +T+~.
d. MTjT sT #+~q yqT&q \ nu sT\ T ej| ]$T d&* +| b+<& nsT\T.
]swqT { b+< ns <T . n+{ ysT Annexure - II |s+ \< MsD |eTT <K\T #j *.
8. nedsy T q $<s\ T, ejTdT, Xs |eD\T, m+| |jT e>s $es\T +< e&sTT.
H{| wqT d#q\qT, HH <s U dT\ T |+|& e&q d#q\qT nu sT\ T X<> #<y *.
9. ns jTe\T:
m. bdt & 25 |s=q bdT\ e\+ d\ T, |sTw\T nsT\T
_. ej|]$T:
m. k<sD jTeT+:
(i) +< |<X
sw+ k&q e, H{| wH C deTj +< |<X
bdT $u> |#dT q e, VA+>sT> s +&T d+es\ \+ d+ 360
sE\T &{ #dq e, + VA+>sT> $<T \T =qkdTq e, 18 d+es\ ejTdT
<{q e, E 1, 2016 H{ 30 d+es\ | ejTdTq e, |{q B E 2,
1986 H eTT+<T > < E 1, 1998 s e.
2 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016
\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
(ii)s nu sT\ +<] d++~+, 18 d+es\ ejTdT +&*. E 1, 2016 H{
22 d+es\ ejTdT <s<T. |{q B E 2, 1994 eTT+<T>, E 1 1998 s
> +&s<T.
2. ej|]$T d&* +|
|q |s=q |s para (9) (B) (a) >]w ej|]$T +~ d+<s\ d&* +#&+
(i) nu ] yqT&q \, jTdt.d., jTdt.{. \ # +~qy& >]w ej|]$T
d&* +| < .
(ii) +< |<X |uT < nsTT s >T\sY ddT \+ >]w+ > < es d&* +|>
|]>D+ #&TT+~. nsTT @.|.{H, &d yT, @.|.CH , @|jT dt sY{d , sswqT,
eTTdb*{\T, kd+ d\ T yTT<q y{ |#d <>T\ d&* +| e]+#<T .
(iii) us dq +, H<+ , msTTsYb sT |#dq y] ddTbT n<q+> eT&
ej|]$T d&* +| \_dT + ~.
(iv) mHdd &{ sY Hd s >Y d+ 6 H\\T |fyT |#d q e n
ddT bT eT&T d+es\ \+ ej|]$T d&* +| \_dT + ~.
(v) d{ dqdt &bsTy T +T * <> d+ 6 H\\ \+ 1991 |#d
jT{ eq e eT& ej|]$T \_dT + ~.
(vi) $+Te\T, $&\T b+~q eTV\ < HjTkq+ <s us qT+ d|s wH
b+~ |q]yV+ #dT eTV\
a) nu ] jTdt.d., < jTdt.{.\ #+~ +f d ejTdT 18 d+es\T +&*. E
1, 2016 H{ 40 d+es\T <{ +&s<T. |{q B E 2, 1976 eTT+<T>,
E 1, 1998 s> +&s<T.
b) jTdt.d., jTdt.{.\T +& $T*q nu sT\ T d ejTdT 18 d+es\T +&*.
E 1, 2016 H{ 35 d+es\T <s<T. n+f |{q B E 2, 1981
eTT+<T>, E 1, 1998 s > +&s<T.
>eT : $+Te, $&\T b+~q d < HjTkq+ <s us qT+ ysT b+~q d>
]swqT sTTq nu sT\ T +< |s=q d++~ |\T <K\T #j *.
(i) $+Ty us eTsD d++~+q &Y d]| T, <+bT |q]yV+
#dT < n|& $ T <K\T #j *.
(ii) $&\T b+~q eTV, HjTkq+ <s us qT+ ysT b+~q eTV nsTT
$&\T < HjTkq+ <s ysTqT < M]+# sT rsT < & d]| T |
<K\T #j *. <+bT qT |q]yV+ #dT <q n|& $ T L& <K\T
#j *.
|q |s=q d&* +|\T $TqV eTs+{ $TqVsTT+|\T ej|]$T $wjT + e]+#e.
>eT: d+& d d]| { (jTdtjT dtd) , yT{ wH , < eqyTq | |s=q&q |{q BjT
n~]+> SLPRB, AP >T]dT + ~. eTs+{ |{q B |H , <VsD C\T, n|& $ T, eTTd|
sswqT qT+ |\T, ddT ]sT\ T @M #\e .

3 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
10. d $<s\ T
nu ] E1, 2016 H{ jTdtjT dtd | rsT & +&*. < bT +&dj T f +>
d { qT+ m\ yT < qs wH f\J n+& m\ ddy T yTsTT+fHH <
+|PsY |s sY n+& b>$T+> ndd+ { < yT qeTsY m < m\w j T HY d]| T
b+~ +&*.
s +&T d+es\ +&jT { sT m+.|.d. < jTdt.jTdt.d s y=wq +&jT { sTqT
m) ..{ (m\ +]+> f wjT H) _) m\ f wjT H ({) (b|sT m\ y] +> n+&
dd+> |t m\ n| wH (.&T jTdt@) #d +&*.
>eT : |q |s=q $<s\ H n~y T q $<s\ Tq y] L& m+| |]>Dq
rdTe&+ sT>TT+~. y] L& |q |s=q $<s\ T >\y] deq+>H |]>D+ #&+
11. Xs |eD\T
nu sT\ T +~ |eD\T * +&*
m. mT : 162 d+.MT. e +&s<T.
_. #r : }|] |*q|&T 84 d+.MT\ e +&s<T. }|] |*q|&T d+ 4d+.MT\T
d\ T
m. mT : 152.5 d+.MT. e +&s<T.
_. sTe : 40 .>.\ e +&s<T
>eT: jTdt.{.\, l+, $jTq>s+ , $XK|+, sT><e], |eT><e] ~yd
nu sT\ T +~ |eD\T +f #\T:
|sTw\T :
m. mT : 160 d+.MT\ e +&s<T.
_. #r : }|] |*q|&T 80 d+.MT\ e +&s<T. }|] |*q|&T d+ 3d+.MT\T
d\ T
m. mT : 150 d+.MT. e +&s<T.
_. sTe : 38 .>.\ e +&s<T
12. y< |eD\T:
m. +{ #| : m+| +{# | |eD\T +~$<+ > +&*.

& qT m&eTqT
(i) <s| #| 6/6 6/6

(ii) <>]Z #| 0/5 0/5

ii)| qTqT |P] | $H +&*.

4 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016
\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
iii)\sY sTT+&Hd ,t yT\, < +{, qTs|\ d++~+q eTs<H y \ + nqs>
|]>D+ #&TT+~.
_. nu ] <&y T q s>+ * +&*. m+{ y \ eT +&s<T. m+{ |eTT H nqs>
|]>D+ #&TT+~.
d. +~ b\T < y<T \Tq ysT <>\ nsT\T <T.
i) Xs+ > $+>T\T
ii) y ysT (Knocking-knees), m<Ts=eTT uT> qysT (pigeon chest),
b<\T #<T qT> qysT (flat foot), nHs> ds\ T (Vericose veins), *uqy\T
e+qysT (Hammer toes), \T#T \T $]q ysT, <+j T + qysT, q, b
#e&T, nk<sD eqd |e *q ysT
>eT : nu sT\ T <s U dT #jT & eTT+< d$ dsq T <s |\ T #sTT+#T+f eT+~. nedsy T q
Xs, y< |eD\TqB B eTT+<T>H \TdT+f sX >TsjT |]d +&<T .
13. sTdTeTT
m. z.d., _.d.\ s] sTdTeTT sT.300/` (eT&Te+<\ sbjT\T eyT ). jTdt.d.,jTdt.{.
\ s] sTdTeTT sT. 150/` (qju sbjT\T eyT ). <s U dT bdd+> deTT, |\
deTT sTdTeTT #*+ #e\d +T+~.
_. sTdTeTT #*+ # |< :
d| t 1 : nu ] @<H MT dy/m.|.HH / {.jTdt.HH +< y*. q eT* e>
$es\T n+f |sT, +&|sT, |{q B, yTTu H+sT, \+, jTdtjT dtd <
< deqyTq | V { T H+sT ~s $es\T *jTCd s] sTdTeTT
#*+ #*. ]L{yT +{ H{| wqT |E
qT #s H, d{ y bdt ]L{yT +{ usT,
+< |<X |s Rc. No. 247/R&T/Rect.2/2016 H{| wH deT *jTCd
#*+ #*.
d| t 2 :MT dy/ @.|.HH / {.jTdt.HH qT+ sTdTeTT #*+ q sd< T rdTq s
yud{ z|H #j *. yud T HH n| wqT
<K\T #j *. |E #*+ q s HH n| wqT bs+ |+|b n+{
dT\qT m+{ H{dT +& sd ]+#&+ sT>TT+~. k] #*+ q |E
yq e&+ s>< T .
14. B 01.01.2016 kjT++ 5>+.\ s <K\T #dq n| wqT d]+#&e. nd+|Ps+ > q
n| wqT d]+#&e.
15. nu sT\ T eT j>qT s]+#Ty*: nu sT\ T eT j>\qT eTT+<T>H s]+#Ty*. n
ns\ T qB B #dTy*. s] ns |eD\ |syT n <X\ qT m+| sT>TT+~.
e\+ n&{ sT < V { T b+~q+ eq usT y] nu ] d]+ m+| #d+ <
]q d]| qT y]| #jT &+ <s $<s\ |eD\qT usT s]+#T+T+~. nu ] |q
*| wH eTTdq s y]| wH sT>TT+~.
16. m+| |jT : m+| |jT +~$<+ > +T+~.
m. |*$Tq d\H fdT :
bdT |*$Tq d\H fdT @B <T . HH ]Jdw q T eTTdq s nu ] q d]| y]| wH
d+, Xs |eD\ |\ d+ ]bsT #j *. V { T| $es\T +{sTT. ~ $jTy& /
5 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016
\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
>T+sT\ sT>TT+~.
_. Xs |eD\ fdT (| yTsYyT +{ fdT )
|q |s 11 Xs |eD\T #| &sTT. d |eD\T * q nu sT\ +<s m+| q T |{ + #&+
d. | m|w j
T fdT :
| | HqZ ysT s 1600 MTs (yT \ T) |sT >T bZH*. ~ *|s TT+> |
|sTw nu sT\ T 10 eTTc\T < n+H e deTjT+ |sT >T |P] #j *.
eTV nu sT\ T 12 eTTc\ 30 dqT < n+H e deTjT+ |sT >T |P] #j *.
&. e] s |
|q |s=q Xs |eD\ |, Xs keTs + |\ HqZ ysT e] s| (eT&T>+\T)VsT
e\d +T+~. | d++~+q d\dt Annexure - I e&+~.

||sT d esT\T
||sY I f ||sT (u y f| t 200 |X \T) 200

>eT : 1. nu ] | rsT & T e& d+ z.d.nsTT 40% esT\T b+<e\d +T+~.

_.d. nu sT\ T 35%, jTdt.d., jTdt.{., eJ d \T 30% esT\T k~+#e\d +T+~.
2. | nu y f| |X \T +{sTT. +^w , \T>T uw +{sTT.OMR qsY wT| nu sT\ T
yT\T sj*. < u ubsTT+{ |qT eyT sj*. nu sT\ T eT bT < u
u bsTT+{ |qT #T y*.
. dH
nu ] m+| nH~ e\+ yT]{| eyT <s|& +T+~. | fdT qT, f& fdT qT HZ s|
Vsq nu ] s +&Te+<\ esT\ >qT m esT\T ksT #X&q< m+| |eD+ neT+~.
+< |<X |_ m+bjTY yT+{ (sHZ C w H |t &sY n+& s >TwH |t &s ]L{yT +{) ss T,
1975 k nu sT\ ]swH s\T & e]+#<T .
. b<q\T: ] <s T < n+H me eT+~ nu sT\ T deqyTq esT\T
b+~, ejTdT |< nsTTq nu ] b<q e&+ sT>TT+~.
17. | \ dw ]|+fwH :
+~ | \ dw ]|+fwH e\+ +< |<X sw+ k\ eyT e]dT + ~
m.dw ] {\T: VA+>sT\ 2%, bdT d+~ |\\ 3%, Hwq &{ sY (mHdd ) 1%,
_. dw ]\ ]swq +~ jTeT+<q \T e]ksTT.
i) VA+>sT\ T: H{| wH B H{ +< |<X sw+ VA+>sT\ T> s +&T d+es\
\+ 360 sE\T &{ #d, VA+>sT\ T> ddT =qk>TTqys +&*.
ii) bdT d+~ |\\ T: +< |<X bdT $u>+ |#dT q d+~ qds T s+ es
q d+~ |\\ T, +< |<X bdT $u>+ |#dq ]fsY nsTTq < #bsTTq d+~ qds T
s+ es q d+~ |\\ T ]+~ eksT .
>eT : +|\ ]fs yY T +T b+~qysT, =\+#&qysT, &d$t Tdt #jT &qy] |\\ +<
]swH e]+#<T .
iii) Hwq
&{ sY (mHdd ) : mHdd d d]| T b+~q nu sT\ b<q +T+~. q

6 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
d+K nu sT\ T qsTT mH.d.d. _ d]| TqT L& |]>Dq rdTe&+ sT>TT+~. +
U\T $T* mHdd @ d]| T L& |]>Dq rdTe&+ sT>TT+~.
i) VA+>sY, bdT d+~ d+q+> ]swH sysT | jTeT+<q \ q$<+ > +&*.
nedsy T q d]| T annexure IV and V |s+ <K\T #j *. VA+>sT\ , bdT d+~
d+H d++~+q d]| T\qT H{| wH B sEq n+f 01`09`2016 < s q
n~sT\ qT+ b+~ +&*. B H eTT+<T b+~q d]| T d]+#&e.
ii) mHdd { +< ]swH sTTqysT d++~ d]| T <K\T #j *.
iii) eJ d \ { +< ]swH sTTqysT +< |<X d{ du]H{ dddt s
s 2 (16) nqT>TD+> +&*. d++~ n~sT\ qT+ d]| T <K\T #j *.
18. nu sT\ m+| b$q eyT . ]q d]| y]| wH s, j+{d& + { y]| wH, y< |\
s eyT |q neT+~.
19. j+{d& + { y]| wH: nu ] q&e&, ># ] m+| q$<+ > +< dH n<]{, nbsTT+{+>
n<]{ d+| |&q +es nu ] &s ]L{yT +{ <s @ <>yT H b+< ns \_+#<T .
20 nbsTT+{yT +{ nqs\ T:
+~ nu sT\ T jTeT+<q \ |s+ m+| , nbsTT+{yT +{ nqsT\T.
1. eT* ydy \qT <|&+ (n| wqT bs+ , mfdw H bs+ )
2. nu ] djT+> H < q $TT\T, +<T e\ <s > n~sT\ qT+ < nq~sT\
qT+ jT{ &, eT< T <s q m+| d+ |jT d
3. nu ] (m) J$u >k$T q eTs=] $yV |+< #dT +f, (_) J$u >k$T
+&>H eTs=] $yV+ #dT +f, nsTT nu ] $wjT + |s q |s+ n
#jT &+ nqTeT+#&+<, sw |uT + d+| #+~, s\T qT+ $TqVsTT+| d |
nqsT&> |]>D+ #&&T.
4. sw < +< ddT\ qT+ &d dt #jT &q e < sw, +< |uT n+&sfY + > d+d\
&d dt &q e < kd+ d\ < eTs n<]{ &d dt &q e nqsT&T .
5. HjTkq+ <w> | & q e nqsT&T
6. H |H d+# m+{ Hs+ nsTTq |yT jT+ q e nqsT&T .
21 nu ] q @ de#syT H n<e T, d]>< m|&H *d, jT|& , < nqT nqsT&q ~
m|&H , nbsTT+{yT +{ sH jT|& y+H, eTT+<dT H{dT +& nbsTT+{yT +{ n<]{
n ddT\ qT+ =\+#&+ sT>TT+~.
22 eT*ydy \qT <|&+ , mfdw H bs+ (b$q> ds TTq nu ] bs+ e&TT+~)
ydy \qT <|&+ e\ nu ] nbsTT+{yT +{ nqsT&> |]>D+ #&&T. nu ] n+<Cd q de#s+
n<e T, < d]> < jT|&H , nbsTT+{yT +{ sH > nqs @<H *dH nqT / yT
y+H eTT+<dT H{dT +& ddT\ qT+ =\+#&sT.
23. ds TT|+& n\yH : d+k> D \+ (s>T\sY nsTTH mf+& nsTTH) |uT + deTjqT>+ >
s]+q ds TT|+& nu ] b+<e#T. D jT|<+ > |P] #dq s +< |s 24 |s=q |s+
s >T\sY | d\T nbsTT+{yT +{ b+<TsT.
24. |d\T : bdt & H+sT 26, 27: sT. 16,400/` qT+ sT.49,870/`
25. 01`09`2004 s nbsTT+{yT +{ ]q <>T\ +{ |qH deTT e]dT + ~. +< |<X
]yC & |qH s 1980 |s+ |qH deTT y] e]+#<T .
7 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016
\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
26. H{| wH |s=q @ bdT H b$q m+| ]q nu ] +< |<X d{ >esyT+T/ s
sw |uT \T/ +<|uT +/ |uT s+> d+d < nsTT ddT qT+ ]|t < sJHe s
eyT D #s> \ &T.
27. nfdw H bseTT\T < d++~ |\T < y< | VsTe&+ < D #s& \ee~ \ee~
H{| wqT |s=q @ bdT H b$q m+| |Pss TTq nu ] nfdw H bs+ <K\T #jT e\d
+T+~. < bT eT]= d++~ |\T <K\T #j *. y< | s] B\ VsT y*.
D nsT&> m+| q nu ] s] B D VsTy*. deTj VsT nu ], nedsy T q
|\T <K\T #jT &+ $|\ yTq nu ], y< | VsT nu ], deTj D VsT
nu ] m+| eTT+<dT H{dT +& s<T e#T.
28. Xs |eD\ | deTjT+ nu ] rdTse\dq d]| T : Xs |eD\ | deTjT+
nu ] e> + > +~ d]| T ]q bT d{ s |\T L& rdTsy*. s |\T
> f& n~] q$<+ > nfdt #sTT+#T y*. | yTsYyT +{ fdT , | m|w j T fdT \
d+<s + > d]| T rdTse&+ | d]. |+ nu ] sd ]+#&+ sT>TT+~.
m. d+& d\T/ yT{ wH d]| T. < |{q B q eq |\ d]| T.
_. $<s\ T:
nu ] E1, 2016 H{ jTdtjT dtd | rsT & +&*. < bT +&dj T f +> d {
qT+ m\ yT < qs wH f\J n+& m\ ddy T yTsTT+fHH < +|PsY
|s sY n+& b>$T+> ndd+ { < yT qeTsY m < m\w j T HY d]| T b+~
s +&T d+es\ +&jT { sT m+.|.d. < jTdt.jTdt.d s y=wq +&jT {
sTqT m) ..{ (m\ +]+> f wjT H) _) m\ f wjT H ({) (b|sT
m\ y] +> n+& dd+> |t m\ n| wH (.&T jTdt@) #d +&*.
d. uysY ddt +< ]swqq T s _.d. nu sT\ T C \< MsD |+, |{q B < MsD
|+, MTjT sT #+<ysT> < M]+# |\qT d++~ s $q n~sT\ qT+ rdT
<K\T #j *.
&. jTdt.d.,jTdt.{. $u>\ +< ]swqT, ej|]$T d&* +| s jTdt.d.,jTdt.{., nu sT\ T
C \< MsD |+, |{q B < MsD |\qT d++~ s $q n~sT\ qT+ rdT
<K\T #j *.
. sw |uT <>T\T/ , HM, msTTsYb sT\ eJ d<>T\T/ mHdd Hd s T / sw dqdt
&bsTy T +T 1991 |#d ]f+#Y nsTTqysT ej|]$T d&* +| d+ d++~ n~sT\
qT+ d]| T <K\T #j *.
m|.t @ @]j w& fu , ~yd >\ #+~q nu sT\ T Xs |eD d&* +|,
]swqT sTTqysT d++~ n~sT\ qT+ @ @]j yd< MsD |+ rdT
<K\T #j *.
. VA+>sT ddt d]| T/ d|| (bdT d+~ |\\ ) d]| T neds+ yTs <K\T #j *.
V#Y. eJd < d]| T/ mHdd ` @,_,d d]| T e>s neds+ yTs <K\T #j *.
29. +<q \ yTs |\ sVD, m+|\ d++~+ sj \T rdTH ds V\T SLPRB, A.P.
HsTT. n $wj qT SLPRB, A.P. sj T yT T~ sj
T +. nys sD\ e\ SLPRB, A.P.
|\ sVDqT, w&qT m|&H esT\T #jT e#TqT. n+{ esT\qT nu ] *jTCjT &
8 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016
\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
n |jT \T sT>TsTT. nsTT nu sT\ T L& yud{ eT+| +& #d +&\, ys| \T,
{M s MT&j C njT H{| wqq T #&\ sTTH+.

nTd+ >, |jT dt.

#s H
d{ y bdt ]L{yT +{ usY
+< |<X

nqT+<+ 1
s| d\dt
f ||sT (u y f| )t (200 |X \T)
1. m\
s ] d n+& n| wH |t +&s Y , HdT sY, dMT +&s Y , H d H |t sH, ys Y eP+& (jTsY >]~$T)
s dds Y , <] ksY bfH{ j
MTsY, s |t , zyT , || |t H d H n+& dw |# s Y |t d+|
MTsY, eT$+> sH eT$+> sTT MTsY, ${$m+, jTes MTsY, zMTsY n+& MTsY, \s {+>
s+ {, @.d.+&dt yC , s+ {, bs& |H | H dt |t d +&H , @.d.qssY n+& |$ T+> r
|+ >sY s, | |, jesC sY.myT.jTdt. y\dt, |+ H n+& n| wH |t y usY.
2. m\ n+& s &j
s ] d n+& n| wH |t +& H H @ H ds {, sTT H|t |t ]j H , |C , |esY bs,Y
+& H n+& m|w j T +{ |t |+ >, ddt n+& bs\ H H |t bdsY H @.d. dsT {, &|s +{ f| t
|t bdsY n+& <s Y n| wH , ud m*yT+{ |t ]kHH dsT {, bs\ m.d. ds {, j+{ s kHH
ds {, +> n+& s+ { > sTTH, H d H |t {ds Y , u bsY +H &yd ,t |mH| mH|m H {ds Y
n+& &q $T sY , || |t m|t { {ds Y , jT Cdt |t &j & n+& s |s Y , V|t yy n+& | yu s |s Y
ds { _& s |s Y , m| |t ]|, jTCdt |t |\ s Y , ]jTsY e&TwH (@.m+. n+& m|.t m+.)d+ d&
u+&, u+& $&, |& * { n+& *{, H d H H ~ ]desY, &f s Y , &d$THsY, s +C |t &j | ,
Hdd { |s Y +|| wH @, _ n+& d. |wt | yC +| |s ,Y || |t d|sY V &&H ]desY, |
qsH, .m|.t +|| wH, || |t e>{ k+& ]]+>, e>{ f|t , e>{ V& ms+> V&,
f*$H ||, H d H n+& e]+> || |t | sY u &|w H yTs u, ud {M ddy T k+>
d+HC w H +b{ M&j d> .
3. ud +|PsY
m+.mdt.|d t (m+.mdt.esY, m, |esYbsTT+{), |+ &yT + |t +|PsY ]f sY, eT<suY sY n+& |]|s ,
j ddt, m+.mdt.&dt, $+&dt |s {+> ddy T , |.d.nd +; n+& k|yt s Y Hkw H , H{e]+> n+& H, ud
|t yH.
4. f*bH ddy T :
ud |t |jT dt{m H fbH H{esY, fbH HdTy T +{, |@_m, m|@t m, +s{ fb, jTdtm+
n+& d&m +@ bH ddy T .

9 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
nqT+<+ 2

Serial No.
S,C. District Code:

S.T. Mandal Code:

B.C. Village Code:
Certificate No:
(1) This is to certify that Sri/Smt./Kum ________________________________________
Son/Daughter of Sri ________________________________________________________ of
Village/Town ______________________________ Mandal ____________________ District
_______________________ of the State of Andhra Pradesh belongs to _________________
Community which is recognised as S.C./S.T./B.C. sub-group _______________________
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950
G.O. Ms. No. 1793, Education, dated 25-09-1970 as amended from time to time (BCs) /
S.Cs., S.Ts. list ( modification) Order, 1956 S.Cs. and S.Ts. (Amendment) Act, 1976.
(2) It is certified that Sri/Smt./Kum ________________________________________ is a native
of ____________________________ Village/Town ________________________ Mandal
____________________ District of Andhra Pradesh.
(3) It is certified that the place of birth of Sri/Smt./Kum ___________________________ is
____________________________ Village/Town ________________________ Mandal
____________________ District of Andhra Pradesh.
(4) It is certified that the date of birth of Sri/Smt./Kum ___________________________ is day
________________ month _________________ year ____________ (in words)
__________________________________________________ as per the declaration given by his/her
father / mother / guardian and as entered in the school records where he/she studied.
Date :
Name in Capital Letters:
Explanatory Note: - While mentioning the community, the competent authority must mention the
(in case of Scheduled Castes) and sub-tribe or sub-group ( in case of Schedules Tribes) as listed
out in the S.Cs. and S.Ts (Amendment) Act, 1976.

10 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
nqT+<+ 3

1. Name of the Applicant:

2. Date of Birth:
3. Caste and Group:
(Certificate issued by the competent authority
should be enclosed)
4. Religion:
5. Address :
a) Present Address: ________________________________________________
b) Permanent Address: _______________________________________________
6. Occupation of the Applicant:
7. Name of the Father:
8. Date of Birth of Father:
9. PAN No. / TAN No. of the Father:
10. Name of the Mother:
11. Date of Birth of Mother:
12. PAN No. / TAN No. of the Mother :

11 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.


Father Mother
A) Constitutional posts
i) Holding / held any Constitutional post
ii) If yes, Name of the post holding /
B) Government Employment
i) Holding / held any Government
ii) If yes, Employment under Central
Govt. / State Govt. / Public Sector
iii) Designation of initial appointment
iv) Status of initial appointment
(Group-I or II or III or IV)
v) Designation of present post held and
status of the post
vi) If the initial appointment is of Group
II Category and the individual was
promoted to Group-I category, date of
promotion and age at which promoted
to Group-I category
C) Military/Paramilitary forces
i) Designation of the post holding or
ii) Is the post holding or held Is
equivalent to Colonel or above
D) Land holdings possessed by the family (Father, Mother and unmarried children)
i) Extent of double crop irrigated land
i) Extent of single crop irrigated land
ii) Extent of unirrigated / dry land
iii) Nature of Crops / Plantations raised

12 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.

iv) If the entire land possessed by the

family is irrigated land, does the
extent of irrigated land exceed 85%
of the Ceiling limit as per Land
Ceiling Act:
v) If the land possessed by the family is
both irrigated and unirrigated land
and after conversion of unirrigated
land into irrigated land on the basis of
conversion formula, does the extent
of irrigated land so obtained exceed
80% of the Ceiling Limit as per Land
Ceiling Act.
vi) If the plantations like Rubber, Coffee,
Tea etc. are raised, the annual income
from them during last three years.
E) Income from other sources - Private employment, Professional Services, Business,
Commerce, Rents etc.
i) Sources of income to the Family with full details of source:
Private employment
Professional Services
ii) The annual income during last three years year wise:
(enclose income tax returns)
F) Wealth Tax for having vacant land and / or building (s) in urban areas and urban
i) Location of property and value
ii) Details of property
iii) Use to which it is put
iv) Whether Wealth Tax is being paid and Tax paid per annum
13 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016
\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.


It is certified that the above mentioned particulars are true to the best of our
knowledge and belief.

Signature of Mother Signature of the Father Signature of the Applicant


The particulars mentioned above have been verified and found that
a) The applicant does not come under creamy layer of BCs/OBCs under any of the
b) The applicant comes under creamy layer of BCs/OBCs under the category of
__________ (A/B/C/D/E/F) mentioned above

Signature of the Issuing Authority

nqT+<+ 4
This is to certify that Sri/Smt,/Kum ________________________________________
son/wife/daughter of Sri___________________________________________ residing in
House No. __________________, ________________street __________________ Village,
____________________ Mandal, ___________________ district/ town/city was enrolled as
a Home Guard on ________________.
2. He/She rendered his/her service as Home Guard continuously for a period of two
years from 01-07-2014 to 30-06-2016. During this period his/her service was utilised for
________ days. He/She is also currently on the roll of the Home Guards Organisation.

Signature and Designation of

Date: Unit Officer with seal

14 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

\T>T nqTy<+ e\+ nusT\ k\u+ d+, ne>Vq d + eyT. +^w | de#syT n~] de#s+ { +^w | L& #<y*.
nqT+<+ 5

This is to certify that Sri / Smt. /Kum. ____________________________________

residing in House No. ________________, ___________________street _______________
Village, _______________________ Mandal, __________________ district/ town/city is
the son / daughter of Sri / Smt ______________________________________ who is / was in
the service of the A.P. Police Department.
2. The candidates parent was enrolled on ____________ in the A.P. Police Department
in the rank of _____________________ in ____________________ unit and is in service /
retired / died in the rank of _____________________ in __________________________
unit as on 01-09-2016.
3. The candidates parent does not fall under any of the following categories
a) Compulsorily retired
b) removed from service
c) dismissed from service

Signature and Designation of

Date: Unit Officer with seal

15 of 15 Rc. No. 246/R&T/Rect.2/2016, Dt: .08.2016

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