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1.When fewer nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the
element is called __ element
(a) subparametric (b) isoparametric (c) superparametric (d) complex
2.When same number of nodes are used to define the geometry and displacement, the element is called
__ element
a. subparametric (b) isoparametric (c) superparametric (d) simple
3.When more nodes are used to define the geometry than are used to define the displacement, the
element is called __ element
+1 evaluating the 1 (2 + 33 + 2) by using Gaussians quadrature methods how may Gaussian
points are required to get exact integral results
5.the size of the stiffness matrix of a linear strain triangle element
6.the size of the stiffness matrix of a axi-symmetric element
7.the equation of stiffness matrix for Axi-symmetric triangular element
8.the shape function of a rectangular element in terms of natural coordinates
9.write the jacobian matrix for rectangular element
10.axisymmetric problems are solved using ______coordinate system.
11.In axisymmetric problems having the total symmetry about the z-axis, all deformations and
stresses are _____________of the rotation angle
12.An axisymmetric problem exists when neither the geometry nor the surface loading are
functions of the ___________________
13.Write down the finite element equation for 1-D heat conduction with free end convection
14.Write temperature and temperature Matrix B for 1-D heat conduction.
15.Write the finite element equation for 2-D heat conduction
16.Write the finite element equation for 1-D fin with end convection
17.Write the stiffness matrix for 1-D heat conduction equation.
18.Write the equation that relates heat flux and nodal temperature for 1-D FEM
19.The thermal load vector for 1-D heat transfer is given by _______________
20.In heat transfer problem the rectangle geometry is divided into 8 traingle element then the
size of the global stiffness matrix
21.The velocity of fluid flow is related to the hydraulic gradient by ____________
22.The fluid flow boundary conditions are __________and ______________
23.The potential function for 1-D fluid flow is given by ____________
24.The gradient potential matrix is given by _________
25.The permability matrix is given by _____________
26.The force matrix due to uniform surface flow rate s acting over the surface of the element is
given by ____________
27.The volumetric flow rate is given by _______
28.The vibrations without damping are called ____________vibrations
29.The consistent mass matrix for bar element_______
30.The consistent mass matrix for truss element_______
31.The consistent mass matrix for beam element_______
32.The lumped mass matrix for bar element_______
33.The lumped mass matrix for truss element_______
34.The lumped mass matrix for beam element_______
35. The eigen vector is a measure of ____________of Vibrations
36.the eigen value is a measure of _________of vibration
37.Natural frequencies obtained with lumped mass matrices are LOWER than those obtained
with consistent mass matrices, while the mode shapes are practically same.
38.A natural mode of vibration represents _ at each node
(a) absolute displacements (b) relative displacements (c) proportional displacements (d) absolute Strain.
39.Natural frequencies obtained using lumped mass matrix are LOWER than exact values.
40.Total mass of the element is assumed equally distributed at all the nodes of the element in each
of the translational degrees of freedom. then the mass is known as _______

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