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Dental Traumatology 2014; 30: 8899; doi: 10.1111/edt.


Management of crown-related fractures in

children: an update review
Hamdi Cem Gungor Abstract Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) are a serious public health
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of problem. Epidemiology of dental trauma indicates that these injuries are
Dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey more prevalent in child population of the world. Children are the sufferers
in two-thirds of all TDIs observed. Although being a major fraction,
crown-related fractures are a less severe form of TDIs with respect to their
complications and sequelae. However, as with other types of traumatic
Key words: biomaterials; permanent teeth;
primary teeth; pulp exposure; tooth fractures; injuries, the delay in seeking for immediate care following a traumatic
traumatic dental injuries injury and the lack of appropriate treatment may compromise long-term
outcomes. This article reviews the occurrence, management, and prognosis
Correspondence to: Hamdi Cem Gungor,
of crown-related fractures in primary and permanent teeth in light of the
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of
Dentistry, Hacettepe University, 06100 recent literature.
Ankara, Turkey
Tel.: +90 312 3052760
Fax: +90 312 3243190
Accepted 20 July, 2013

An overview of traumatic dental injuries children, the prevalence ranged between 5.3% and 21%
(2429), and 712 years age group had the highest
The oral region comprises a very small area (1%) of frequency for TDIs (27, 30, 31).
the total body (1). However, traumatic injuries affect- Age is a well-known risk factor for TDIs (9). In
ing this part of the body are one of the most common many Western countries, more than half of all children
dental health problems in the general population (2). experience a traumatic dental injury before adulthood
In various epidemiologic studies, the prevalence of (11, 32, 33). However, a study by Thomson et al. (34)
these injuries has been reported to range between 6% has shown that the rate and absolute number of inju-
and 37% (37). This considerable variation is due to a ries among older people have increased during the
number of different factors such as the trauma classifi- 1990s. They also found a general increase in the contri-
cation used, the dentition and the population (e.g. race, bution of falls to the occurrence of trauma. These find-
age group, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) studied, ings lead to the expectation of an increase in the
together with the geographic and behavioral aspects of number of dental and maxillofacial traumas due to
the study locations and countries (8). As stated by accidental falls among this population (9, 35). Never-
Glendor (9), the significance of traumatic dental inju- theless, most of the older individuals in the developed
ries (TDIs) arises from the conditions and conse- countries are likely to retain their teeth for longer (34).
quences associated with them: Maxillary central incisors are the most frequently
1 Their occurrence is frequent (10). affected teeth in both primary and permanent dentitions
2 They generally tend to occur at young ages when (30, 36, 37). TDIs usually affect a single tooth, but cer-
growth and development take place (11). tain trauma events such as sports, violence, and traffic
3 Their treatment is often complicated, time-consum- accidents result in multiple tooth injuries (5, 9, 38). In
ing, and expensive, requiring multidisciplinary most epidemiologic studies, boys were found to experi-
approach (12). ence more TDIs than girls for both dentitions (20, 28
4 Due to their irreversible characteristics, they have a 30, 3941). However, in Western societies, there is an
long-lasting impact on quality of life of the affected increasing interest among girls to participate in tradi-
individual (13). tionally male-dominated sports, which is also expected
Recent epidemiologic studies in preschool children to include other areas of life (9, 42). Hence, a decrease
showed that TDI prevalence varies from 6.1% to in boy/girl ratio is likely to occur in the years ahead.
62.1% (1419), with the most affected age group being Despite the confounding factors such as gender and
the 1- to 3-year-olds (16, 2023). However, in school age (43), increased overjet with protrusion, a short

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Crown-related fractures in children 89

upper lip, incompetent lips, and mouth breathing have Whenever detected, the management of this type of
been cited as major oral predisposing factors for TDIs injury is rather easy with currently available adhesive
(24, 42, 4446). Major causes of TDIs include falls, systems. Sealing off the enamel with an unfilled resin
collisions, and being struck by a hard object. All sport with prior use of an etch-and-rinse adhesive seems to
activities involve a certain risk with regard to orofacial be highly beneficial in preventing further infection that
injuries, and in individuals dealing with high-risk (e.g. could arise from these sites (75).
American football, hockey, ice hockey, mountain bik-
ing) (4750) or medium-risk (e.g. basketball, soccer,
Crown fractures
team handball, tae kwon do, boxing) (5155) sports,
the risk of injury increases (56). Traffic accidents (25) Crown fracture is a type of traumatic injury in which a
are another major group of cause, followed by violence portion of tooth enamel is lost following a perpendicu-
(assaults) (57), child maltreatment including physical/ lar or obliquely directed impact force to the incisal
sexual abuse and neglect (58), and torture (7). Risk edge of the tooth. The clinical presentation, possible
factors also include medical conditions such as atten- complications, and sequelae of crown fractures are less
tion-deficit hyperactivity disorder (59), and obesity severe than those of luxation injuries.
(60). TDIs have also been reported to have a higher In literature, the term uncomplicated is generally
frequency among children with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, used to refer to enamel and enameldentin fractures of
learning difficulties, and visual and/or hearing impair- teeth, while complicated is reserved for enamelden-
ment (6165). tinpulp fractures. Whether it is an enameldentin or
Epidemiologic investigations report a high incidence enameldentinpulp fracture, a crown-fractured tooth
of dental injuries related to accidents within and should be treated immediately (76). The exposed dentin
around the home for the primary dentition and to acci- in an uncomplicated fracture or the pulp in a compli-
dents at home and school for the permanent dentition cated fracture must be protected from the oral environ-
(3, 36, 45, 66). Crown fractures are the most commonly ment with appropriate dressing as an emergency
observed injuries in permanent dentition, whereas luxa- treatment (77). Provided the dentin/pulp wound has
tion injuries are more prevalent in the primary denti- been sealed, restorative treatment can also be carried
tion (7, 67). out at a later stage (78).
When looked from the age perspective, it would be
truthful to state that TDIs mostly affect children and
Enamel fracture
adolescents (68, 69). They are the victims of two-thirds
of all dental injuries (68). Another observation is that A complete fracture of enamel without visible sign of
33% of adults experience trauma to the permanent exposed dentin is referred to as enamel-only crown
dentition; however, the majority of these injuries occur fracture (71). These fractures comprise a major propor-
before age nineteen (9). As declared by The United tion (up to 82%) of all crown fractures observed in the
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (70), primary dentition (14, 18, 7982). Of crown fractures,
every human being below the age of 18 years is a child. enamel fractures are the second most common type of
With these, bearing in mind, the present literature fracture, after enameldentin fractures (27, 30). In both
review aims to focus on crown-related TDIs in chil- dentitions, the prognosis of this type of injury is very
dren. In both primary and permanent dentitions, their favorable, unless the condition is associated with a
management and prognosis will be reviewed. luxation injury (41, 83, 84). In enamel-only fractures of
the permanent dentition, pulp necrosis develops in
approximately 1.7% of affected teeth (83). In perma-
nent teeth, the risk of pulp canal obliteration and root
An incomplete fracture (crack) of the enamel without resorption in permanent teeth has also been reported
loss of tooth structure is defined as infraction (71). to be 0.5% and 0.2%, respectively. However, there are
Unlike the spontaneous infractions observed in poster- no existing conclusive data with regard to prognosis of
ior permanent teeth, trauma-related infractions of ante- enamel fracture in the primary dentition.
rior teeth do not cause pain (72). The cracks in enamel Recontouring or smoothening of the sharp edges in
are commonly arrested when reaching the dentino- minor fractures (<2 mm), using polishing disks (on
enamel junction (DEJ) (73). The crack arrest phenom- slow-speed handpiece) or fine diamond burs (on high-
enon that could be explained by the elastic modulus speed air turbine handpiece), is recommended for the
mismatch of enamel and dentin prevents these cracks management of this type of injury (85, 86). This is par-
from reaching into the underlying dentin (73). ticularly important in small children to avoid further
The literature has no data with regard to the occur- injury to soft tissues and nutrition-related problems.
rence of infractions in the primary dentition. In trauma- Bonded resin composite is required to restore the
tized permanent incisors, the occurence has been missing tooth structure and to fulfill the esthetic
reported to range between 10.5% and 12.5% (74). demand of the patient with more extensive injuries.
Infractions can create pathways for invasion of the root
canal system by bacteria (75). Pulp necrosis was
Enameldentin fracture
observed in 3.5% of teeth when infraction was the sole
injury (74). However, this figure rose to 34.5% with asso- Enameldentin fractures result in the loss of enamel
ciated supportive tissue damage such as subluxation. and dentin without exposing the pulp (71). They are

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90 Gungor

the most common type of TDIs in the permanent use a calcium hydroxide liner has been disputed,
dentition (8). Among all crown fractures, the preva- primarily because of its poor capacity to adhere to den-
lence of enameldentin fractures ranges from 2.5% to tin (102). Pulling away of the material from dentin by
32.6% (14, 18, 41, 7981, 87) in the primary dentition the contraction forces inherent in the setting reaction
and from 2.4% to 33% in the permanent dentition of composite resins is another concern (103). Over
(5, 8790). time, hard-setting calcium hydroxide undergoes physi-
An enameldentin fracture involves dentin. This cal as well as chemical degradation as indicated by the
injury exposes a considerable amount of dentinal observation that bacteria can penetrate the material
tubules, whose numbers vary from 15 000 (at the DEJ) (104). Therefore, pulp protection is not necessary,
to 45 000 (pulp) per mm2 (91), depending on the loca- except for critical regions. It would prevent formation
tion of the fracture line. Together with their proximity of a good hybrid layer with resin tag penetration into
to the pulp and the size of the tubules due to the lack the tubules that compromises bond strength and seal-
of peritubular dentin (92), the number of exposed ing efficacy of the future restoration (105).
dentinal tubules is a major point of concern, as they Complications following crown fractures are uncom-
constitute a potential pathway of invasion for bacteria mon, with pulp necrosis being the most frequent one
and subsequent pulpal disease (93). (106). Concomitant luxation injury has been reported
Due to its tubular structure, dentin is a very porous to increase the likelihood of pulp necrosis (84). Borssen
barrier that could readily be penetrated when open to and Holm (107) and Robertson (101) have noted that
the oral environment, leading to bacterial invasion of pulp necrosis develops in approximately 2% of teeth
the pulpo-dentin complex and may act as a cause of with uncomplicated crown fractures. Cavalleri and
pulpal disease (75). In vivo studies have demonstrated Zerman (108) reported 6% pulp necrosis in crown-
the invasion of tubules by bacteria within 1 week of fractured immature teeth. In Ravns study (100), pulp
exposure (94). In the course of time, an increase in the necrosis was observed in 3.2% of teeth in which
number of infected tubules along with the depth of enameldentin fracture was the only damage.
infection is observed (95). As an initial response to
reduce the diffusion of noxious stimuli through the
Enameldentinpulp fracture
dentinal tubules, the pulp increases the outward flow of
the dentinal fluid by inflammatory process (96). In this type of injury, the fracture involves both enamel
Dentinal fluid components involved in host defense and dentin, and the pulp is exposed (71). Among all
(e.g. albumin, fibrinogen, and IgG) interact directly crown fractures, enameldentinpulp fractures have a
with bacteria and products and reduces the permeabil- prevalence of 2.714.7% in the primary dentition (18,
ity of dentin (97) by production of sclerotic or repara- 30, 79) and 58% in the permanent dentition (109).
tive dentin (98). A critical factor in this process is the Teeth with enameldentinpulp fractures need to be
continuation of an intact pulpal vascular supply (99). treated as emergencies with the utmost care given to
Another contributory factor is the proper sealing of the preservation of pulp vitality, especially in young
exposed dentin as, when left untreated, bacterial inva- patients with underdeveloped teeth. Therapeutic
sion of dentinal tubules overcomes the pulpo-dentinal approaches for the treatment of traumatically exposed
defense mechanisms, resulting in infection of the pulp pulps include the following:
and the root canal system (93). In such clinical situa- 1 Direct pulp capping
tions, the extent of the fracture is a good determinant 2 Pulpotomy
in assessing pulpal prognosis (100). Deeply extended i Partial pulpotomy (Cveks pulpotomy)
fractures confined to the mesial or distal corners lead ii Coronal pulpotomy
to a higher frequency of pulp necrosis than superficial 3 Pulpectomy
corner or horizontal fractures (101). Procedural steps of direct pulp capping and pulpoto-
Treatment of enamel and enameldentin fractures is my, both of which aim to preserve pulp vitality in
quite successfully accomplished with the use of dentin young permanent teeth, have been extensively reviewed
adhesives and resin-based composites. Reattachment of in the literature (86, 110114). For primary teeth, the
the crown fragment, if available, is the choice of treat- American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (115) recom-
ment (71). mends direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggre-
In cases where reattachment is not possible, an gate (MTA) or calcium hydroxide, only in traumatic
interim or a definitive treatment could be performed. pinpoint exposures of the pulp. Other suggested treat-
In late referral cases, with suspected possible luxation ment alternatives include pulpotomy with MTA (116)
injury, it is advisable to provide an interim seal of the or calcium hydroxide paste (117) utilizing solutions of
exposed dentin with glass ionomer cement and to mon- Buckleys formocresol, ferric sulfate (115), and sodium
itor the pulpal status (71). Here it is important to note hypochlorite (118, 119); pulpectomy (120); and extrac-
that, except for the conditions involving a thin layer of tion (117, 120).
exposed dentin (i.e. 0.5 mm or less) with the absence of In permanent teeth, success rates of vital pulp thera-
bleeding, the use of a calcium hydroxide base is not pies are 8188% for direct pulp capping (121, 122);
necessarily required (71). Once the pulpal condition is 9496% for partial pulpotomy (123125); and 7279%
suitable, the tooth can be restored with the use of total for cervical pulpotomy (126, 127). While the reported
etch technique and resin-based composites (102). With success rates of both cervical pulpotomy and partial
contemporary composite resin restorations, the need to pulpotomy are satisfactory, the following advantages

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Crown-related fractures in children 91

of by partial pulpotomy favor its use in traumatic pulp The amount of time that has elapsed since the acci-
exposures (114, 128): dent is an important factor to consider before deciding
1 The cell-rich coronal pulp tissue is preserved, provid- on the treatment approach for the traumatically
ing a better healing potential. exposed pulp. It is suspected that the risk of contami-
2 Physiologic apposition of dentin is maintained in the nation and the depth of infection through the exposed
cervical region (which is lost and dentinal walls are area increase by the elapsed time (110), and root canal
weakened by cervical pulpotomy). therapy or coronal pulpotomy is performed (111). Both
3 There is no need for subsequent endodontic treat- these procedures lead to unnecessary removal of vital
ment, as it is frequently recommended after cervical and productive tissue that could have been preserved
pulpotomy. (111). At this point, a dilemma arises on how much
4 The natural color and translucency of the tooth are and/or at what depth the pulp tissue should be
preserved. removed. This is judged by the clinical assessment of
5 It is possible to perform sensitivity testing. bleeding from the pulp chamber, which should be
The technique employed during pulpotomy is controlled within 35 min under the slight pressure of a
another contributory factor to successful healing. Clini- cotton pellet soaked in physiologic saline or other solu-
cians should refrain from using slow-speed burs or tions such as sodium hypochlorite (111, 114, 137, 138).
hand instruments (e.g. excavators), as the injury caused If no bleeding occurs or it is excessive (uncontrollable)
by them is greater than that of the exposure itself. It and dark in color, then the pulpal status should be
has been shown that injury to the underlying tissue is regarded as unhealthy. The condition may then necessi-
minimal when a gentle surgical technique utilizing tate a more invasive procedure (e.g. coronal pulpotomy
high-speed diamond or tungsten burs is employed for or pulpectomy) (114). In a pulpotomy procedure, the
cutting (129). ability to establish proper hemostasis appears to be
The IADT guidelines for permanent teeth (71) rec- more important than the size of pulpal exposure (139).
ommend direct pulp capping and partial pulpotomy In vital pulp therapy, tissue removal should be
without any mention on the size of pulp exposure, the confined to the inflamed pulp. However, the difficulty
elapsed time, and maturity level. This is interesting in in assessing the exact level of inflammation is also
that, until recently, the choice of treatment has been widely acknowledged. Cvek et al. (140) have clearly
fundamentally determined by the size of pulp exposure, demonstrated that, in mechanical exposures of monkey
the maturity of the injured tooth, the time elapsed, the pulp that were left untreated for up to 168 h (=7 days),
degree of contamination, and the size of the remaining inflammation was limited to the coronal 23 mm of the
tooth structure (110, 130, 131). pulp. Together with this finding and his strong belief in
As stated by Bakland and Andreasen (132), the size preserving the pulp tissue as much as possible, Dr.
of traumatic pulp exposure has relatively less impor- Miomir Cvek developed the partial pulpotomy tech-
tance on the prognosis. A healthy pulp, regardless of nique. This technique became very popular especially
how much tissue is exposed, has a great ability to among pediatric dentists and subsequently called with
survive as long as it can be protected from bacteria his name as the Cvek pulpotomy. With the use of this
(111, 133). However, when the retention of the dressing technique, many teeth have the chance to survive
material is questionable, partial or coronal pulpotomy despite the challenging conditions created by trauma.
should be considered to safeguard the surgical wound In light of the above-mentioned considerations, it is
(128, 130). The rationale behind this consideration is possibly safe to say that the remaining tooth structure
that such procedures allow for maximal thickness of and prevention of infection are the major concerns
the sealing restoration as well as removal of the when performing vital pulp therapy (111, 133, 134,
inflamed and possibly compromised tissue (134). 141). Both of these concerns have a common basis,
When a tooth becomes a candidate for vital pulp microleakage. Both the capping/pulpotomy materials
therapy, the level of root development is a major point and the restoration should resist and prevent micro-
of concern. The use of vital pulp therapy is not neces- leakage on the fractured tooth.
sarily confined to developing teeth. Any tooth, regard- To heal, a wound should be protected from infec-
less of the stage of development and maturity, can be tion. Pulp exposures are especially vulnerable to infec-
preserved after traumatic or accidental exposure if the tion, as there is no self-healing capacity unless the
pulp is healthy (111). Clinicians, when treating a crown wound is properly protected (142). Hence, material
fracture with pulp exposure, should bear in mind that selection is the first and critical step toward this goal.
continuing pulp vitality facilitates continuing root For vital pulp therapies in permanent teeth, the use of
development (124). Radiographic examination must zinc oxide eugenol, corticosteroids, antibiotics, calcium
look not only at the apical part of the root but also at hydroxide, hydrophilic resins (dentin adhesives), resin-
the cervical region and the dentinal walls as a mislead- modified glass ionomer, tricalcium phosphate cement,
ing diagnosis could result about the maturity level of and MTA have been proposed (143). Calcium hydrox-
the tooth. A young and still developing tooth often ide, with its high reputation resulting from numerous
lacks root thickness, which needs to develop even if its clinical and laboratory studies, is a cornerstone is
apical opening appears closed (111). This is the reason dentistry. In the last two decades, however, MTA has
for the replacement of the term apexogenesis by emerged as an useful material in the repair of acciden-
maturogenesis, as the latter fully describes the con- tal (144) or inflammatory root perforations (145) and
cept and rationale of vital pulp therapy (135, 136). inflammatory root resorptions (146), as a root end

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92 Gungor

filling material (147), and as an apical plug for open Based on accumulating evidence, MTA may be
apexes (148). Its possible use in pulp capping and regarded as a suitable successor to calcium hydroxide
pulpotomy procedures has also been investigated (138, in a variety of clinical situations. However, more long-
149154). term research is necessary to entirely replace calcium
Both materials have certain similarities: Due to their hydroxide with MTA.
high alkalinity (pH = 12.5), they have an excellent anti-
bacterial property (151, 155). This helps to maintain a
bacteria-free environment at the amputation site during Crownroot fractures
the critical time when the hard-tissue bridge is formed. A fracture comprising enamel, dentin, and cementum is
With the use of MTA, this period has been shown to defined as crownroot fracture. Depending on the pulp
last for at least 8 weeks (156). Secondly, they have the involvement, this injury is classified into two categories,
capacity to induce hard-tissue formation. Their high that is, uncomplicated and complicated. Crownroot
pH helps them to solubilize growth factors sequestered fractures are the least observed crown-related injury
in dentin during tooth development (157, 158). The with a prevalence ranging from 2% to 2.5% (87, 174)
release of these factors and other bioactive cell signal- in primary teeth and 0.5% to 5% in permanent teeth
ing molecules may cause the recruitment of undifferen- (174, 175) among all TDIs. Little information is avail-
tiated pulpal cells to the wound site, leading to the able with regard to pulp prognosis in crownroot
production of a hard-tissue bridge (159). When a factures. Existing data are mostly related to the sur-
non-setting calcium hydroxide is used, a zone of lique- vival of the affected teeth following different treatment
faction necrosis beneath the calcium hydroxide and a procedures.
deeper zone of coagulation necrosis next to the vital Direct trauma is usually the main cause of crown
pulp tissue are generated (159). This latter zone plays a root fractures in the anterior region, while indirect
stimulating role to form a bone-like hard-tissue bridge trauma generally results in fractures extending below
between calcium hydroxide and the vital pulpal tissue the gingival crevice without pulp exposure (174). The
(160). Blood vessels may become included in the bridge level and position of the fracture line and the amount of
formation during this process (150, 160, 161). By the remaining root determine the type of treatment.
time, through unavoidable dissolution, calcium hydrox- Crownroot fractures require multidisciplinary app-
ide loses its antibacterial effect and the condition roach, which involves contributions from oral surgeons,
allows bacteria to use these vascular inclusions to enter endodontists, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, period-
the pulp, which may result in pulpitis (162, 163). In ontologists, and prosthodontists. As an emergency pro-
contrast, MTA stimulates hard-tissue formation with a cedure to alleviate pain from mastication, fragments in
very narrow zone of coagulation necrosis (164166). crown-fractured teeth can be splinted until a definitive
Next to that zone, a reparative dentinogenesis zone is treatment plan could be realized. The recommended
found. Subsequently, a dentinal bridge is formed faster treatment options in permanent dentition are as follows
than that with calcium hydroxide and with fewer (174):
vascular inclusions (150, 167).
Another prominent characteristic of MTA is its high 1 Removal of coronal fragment and supragingival
resistance to bacterial penetration/leakage. MTA restoration
closely adapts to adjacent dentin (168170). This is 2 Surgical exposure of fracture surface (gingivectomy
most likely due to a physical bond between MTA and + osteotomy if needed)
dentin (a layer of hydroxyapatite is created as a link) 3 Orthodontic extrusion of apical fragment
(168). The created seal prevents and reduces bacterial 4 Surgical extrusion of apical fragment
penetration to the pulp amputation site (171, 172). 5 Vital root submergence
Murray et al. (173) demonstrated that the reparative 6 Extraction of the tooth
activity of the pulp occurs more readily beneath cap- Removal of coronal fragment and supragingival res-
ping materials that prevent bacterial microleakage, a toration are indicated for superficial fractures without
feature favoring the use of MTA. pulp exposure. In this approach, gingival healing is
There is also a procedural difference between two facilitated presumably through formation of a long
materials when performing vital pulp therapy. If a junctional epithelium, which is followed by restoration
paste form is not being used, pulpal bleeding must be of the coronal part (174). The restoration could be per-
stopped before calcium hydroxide can be placed on the formed by reattachment of original fragment (especially
wound (111). However, because of its hydrophilic in young patients with still developing teeth), resin
character, MTA requires moisture to complete its composite restoration with adhesives, and full crown
setting reaction. It can be placed in the presence of coverage (105, 176, 177).
blood (111), which is advantageous in some clinical Surgical exposure of the fracture surface aims to
situations. carry the apical fragment from a subgingival to a
Dark staining created, when gray MTA is used in supragingival position. To this end, gingivectomy and/
capping or pulpotomy of anterior teeth, is a matter of or osteotomy can be used if the esthetics would not be
concern. By the introduction of its white formula, this compromised (i.e. only on the palatal aspect of the
undesired effect has been minimized to an extent; fracture) (174). In this approach, the coronal fragment
however, the observed instances of slight discoloration should comprise one-third or less of the clinical root
continue to be a problem to be resolved (111). (178).

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Crown-related fractures in children 93

In orthodontic extrusion of apical fragment, the frac- requirement of root canal therapy (orthodontic and sur-
ture line is moved to a supragingival position (174). It gical extrusion), treatment procedure in an esthetic sen-
is the only preferable approach in uncomplicated sitive region (forced orthodontic and surgical extrusion),
crownroot fractures, as it is desired to keep the pulp risk of external root resorption (surgical extrusion), and
vital. In complicated crownroot fractures, it is an the magnitude of total/future costs (orthodontic extru-
alternative treatment in which downgrowth of osseous sion, extraction).
and/or gingival tissues is guided to reconstruct the For primary teeth, the IADT guidelines (117) recom-
defects by slow orthodontic extrusion. However, the mend two treatment approaches based on the clinical
technique requires patient compliance and is more time- findings: (i) fragment removal only if the fracture
consuming than surgical extrusion. Heithersay (179) involves only a small part of the root and the remain-
has introduced a rapid extrusion technique for the ing tooth part is large enough to allow a coronal resto-
management of these cases, which was further devel- ration, and (ii) for all other instances, extraction
oped by Ingber (180). In complicated crownroot frac- should be performed. McTigue (86) suggests extraction
tures, endodontic treatment of the root is usually when the fracture in a primary tooth extends through
completed prior to the use of this technique. The extru- the crown to the root. If extraction cannot be
sion of a non-vital tooth can be accomplished within 3 performed easily, root fragments should be left to
4 weeks. It should be kept in mind that relatively small resorb spontaneously to avoid injury to the developing
diameter of the extruded apical fragment could be prob- tooth bud (195).
lematic during restoration and should be assessed
beforehand (181). As the stretched marginal periodontal
fibers may cause relapse following orthodontic extru-
sion, fibrotomy should be performed. It is performed As with other dental trauma cases, crown-related frac-
before initiation of the retention period, which should tures need timely referral to the dentist for the treat-
last at least 34 weeks (182, 183). A new method of ment of injury as delays can affect the long-term
orthodontic extrusion utilizing neodymiumironboron outcomes (196). Yet, the literature shows considerable
magnets has been described by Bondemark (184). The delays in seeking for immediate care of the injured
magnets are attached to the remaining root and incor- teeth (196200). The reported delays have exceeded
porated in a removal appliance. The treatment results in 1 month and even 1 year following a traumatic injury
extrusion of the root over a period of 911 weeks. (197, 199, 201). A contributing factor may be the type
Crownroot-fractured tooth where coronal fragment of traumatic injury, which was reported by Pugliesi
comprises less than half of the root length is a candi- et al. (198). They have found that 51.1% of the
date for surgical extrusion of apical fragment (185, patients sought care within 115 days following a luxa-
186). In dental trauma literature, a modified form of tion injury, while this figure was 52.7% for hard-tissue
this approach exists as intentional replantation (187 injuries and only after 16 days. In addition, the transit
189). Surgical extrusion can be chosen if the root time either to a dentist or from referring practitioner(s)
formation is complete and the root length following to hospital (e.g. in rural areas) and waiting times in the
surgical procedure would be enough to support a pos- hospital may be the cause of delays (196). However, its
tretained crown (187, 190). significant part may be linked to negligence and/or low
When the restoration of a crownroot-fractured level of knowledge of the importance of immediate
tooth is not possible and it is desired to keep the apical management of dental trauma (2, 202, 203). The conse-
fragment in place to maintain the alveolar width and quence of all these factors is the unmet treatment need
height in a young individual, vital or non-vital root of an injured person. Epidemiologic studies have drawn
submergence is the choice of treatment (191, 192). attention to injured and untreated teeth of both denti-
Extraction of the tooth is indicated when the coronal tions in children from different populations of the
fragment comprises more than one-third of the clinical world (15, 42, 45, 204, 205). In several studies, the
root and the fracture line follows the long axis of the percentage of children with untreated damage was well
tooth (174). However, as the supporting bone rapidly over 90% with major proportion belonging to the
resorbs following extraction (193), every effort should crown-related fractures (45, 205, 206).
be exerted to preserve the volume of the alveolar These observations underline not only the great
process (e.g. root submergence). If unavoidable, treatment need, but also the neglected treatment for
implant treatment (in patients with completed growth), TDIs (42, 205207) both by the patient/parent and, to
orthodontic space closure (in still growing patients), some extent, by the dentist. In a recent study, Zaitoun
and autotransplantation can be considered in conjunc- et al. (208) have reported that 39% of patients were
tion with extraction (194). deemed to have received inappropriate treatment
All of the above-mentioned treatment approaches according to the criteria drawn up by the study group.
have their own advantages and disadvantages (105, Moreover, inappropriate management (incorrect pulp
190). Depending on the treatment employed, the advan- management and/or inadequate protection of exposed
tages include easiness to perform (coronal fragment dentine) in complicated and uncomplicated crown frac-
removal, gingivectomy), being conservative (fragment tures was 70.6% and 40%, respectively (208). Hence,
removal, vital root submergence), and possibility of a appropriateness of the initial (emergency) treatment is
rapid final restoration (fragment removal, gingivectomy, another important aspect that should be reviewed from
surgical extrusion). Likewise, the disadvantages include the dental professions side.

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