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1. W/c refers to the criteria for determining levels of goodness, worth or beauty?
A. Conduct
B. Value
C. Moral
D. Character
2. W/c signifies the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully in accordance w/ a sense of
fairness and sincerity?
A. Prudence
B. Spirituality
C. Honesty
D. Peace and Justice
3. Guides as to what are right and just
A. Values Education
B. Moral Values
C. Objective Values
D. Subjective Values
4. The ff. are norms and grounds of morality except
A. Conscience
B. Natural Law
C. Societal Norm
D. Personal Nature
5. If a value has an absolute character, it is
A. Personalistic
B. Dynamic
C. Objective
D. Bipolar in nature
1. B. Value
2. C. Honesty
3. B. Moral Values
4. C. Societal Norm
5. C. Objective

1. 1. Question

Which of the following should be the ultimate basis for the guiding principles of
values development?

o A. Scheler's Values Hierarchy

o B. Professional Code of Ethics
o C. DepEd Values Education Program
o D. Moral Law or Natural law


2. 2. Question

The human person in his/her moral dimension must cultivate the value of

o A. self-worth
o B. physical fitness
o C. cleanliness
o D. productivity


3. 3. Question

What is the basic premise in the development of the human being?

o A. The human beings potentials are means to development.

o B. There is a Supreme Being's more powerful than oneself.
o C. The human beings endowed with faculties for optimum development
o D. The development of the human being is limitless.


4. 4. Question

The immutability of values allows the Values Education teacher to do the following
EXCEPT one. Which is the exception?
o A. To change teaching strategies to effectively deliver subjective value
o B. To teach values based on the universal and absolute principle
o C. To teach values to children according to changing concepts of values
o D. To direct the students to emulate Filipino values
5. 5. Question

What does the statement One cannot give what he does not have presuppose?

o A. The home is the primary source of basic values.

o B. Facilitators of values must grow in their own personal total
development and struggle to understand and apply what they teach.
o C. The school has the sole responsibility to educate the youth.
o D. Values education is a lifelong process.

6. 6. Question

Which illustrates the statement: The end does not justify the means?

o A. A teacher who collects donations from the students in order to support

cleanliness and beautification project of the room.
o B. A student studies very hard for the examination in order to pass the
o C. A teacher and guidance counselor accepts bribery to finance a very
important project of the school.
o D. A teacher pursues graduate education in order to be promoted.
7. 7. Question

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement on freedom and responsibility?

o A. Exercise of true freedom is never without respect for others.

o B. Freedom is a gift from God, who is limitless therefore, it is limitless.
o C. The greater freedom a person has, the greatest is his/her
o D. The person's free will is actually deciding to choose the will of God.

8. 8. Question

Moral Values are absolute when they __________________.

o A. are universal, objective and eternal

o B. are relative and applicable only under certain conditions
o C. conform with the societal expectation
o D. are subordinated to ones conscience

9. 9. Question

Which of the following statements is closely related to philosophy. People are born

o A. The human capacity to do good is not that strong to fight evil.

o B. There is basic goodness in every human being.
o C. A person as he/she grows older would never deviate from doing good.
o D. The evil that arises from society makes the individual good.
10. 10. Question

Which one in Freuds structure of personality would have been acquired by person
who possesses moral principles?

o A. Id and Ego
o B. ld
o C. Superego
o D. Ego

Ito na po answer key>>> yung may <3 yan po sagot.

1. I thought I _______ her before, but I was wrong.
A. met
B. had met <3
C. had meet
D. have met
2. Bread and butter ______ our daily food.
A. is <3
B. are
C. were
D. has
3. Every silver knife, fork, and spoon _____ to be counted.
A. Have
B. Were
C. Has <3
D. Was
1. Ilan ang ponema ng wikang Filipino?
A. 28
B. 20
C. 31
D. 21 <3
2. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang HINTAY KA?
A. Tay
B. Tayka
C. Intay
D. Teka <3
3. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang WINIKA KO?
A. Ikako
B. Wika ko
C. Kako <3
D. Wika ko
1. All except one is considered as a water soluble vitamin?
A. Retinol <3
B. Cyanocobalamin
C. Thiamin
D. Niacin
2. What do you call the opening found on leaves?
A. Stoma <3
B. Lenticels
C. Guard cells
D. Pores
3. Considered a renewable resource.
A. peat
B. coal
C. air <3
D. petroleum
Soc. Sci.
1. Mother of Biak na Bato by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo.
A. Teresa Magbanua
B. Agueda Esteban
C. Teodora Alonso
D. Trinidad Tecson <3
2. Visayan Joan of Arc
A.Teresa Magbanua <3
B. Agueda Esteban
C. Teodora Alonso
D. Trinidad Tecson
3. The world: The Nike River. The Philippines: ________
A. Agno River
B. Rio Grande de Mindanao
C. Rio Grande de Pampanga
D. Cagayan River <3
1. diabolical
showing cunning or ingenuity or wickedness
2. debacle
a sudden and violent collapse
3. dragnet
a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths
4. accomplice
a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan
5. abduct
take away to an undisclosed location against their will
6. masticate
bite and grind with the teeth
7. oar
an implement used to propel or steer a boat
8. ewe
female sheep
9. manifest
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
10. motley
consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds
11. taxonomy
a classification of organisms based on similarities
12. entail
have as a logical consequence
13. empathise
be understanding of
14. ostentation
pretentious or showy or vulgar display
15. grubby
thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot
16. disingenuous
not straightforward or candid
17. iffy
subject to accident or chance or change
18. winch
lifting device consisting of a horizontal cylinder turned by a crank on which a cable or rope winds
19. backtrack
retrace one's course
20. pique
a sudden outburst of anger
21. siphon
a tube used to move liquid from one vessel to another
22. edgy
being in a tense state
23. volte-face
a major change in attitude or principle or point of view
24. hokum
a message that seems to convey no meaning
25. onus
an onerous or difficult concern
26. uppish
(used colloquially) overly conceited or arrogant
27. insidious
working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
28. flaccid
drooping without elasticity
29. abject
of the most contemptible kind
30. bleak
unpleasantly cold and damp
31. chastise
censure severely
32. disdain
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
33. encumbrance
an onerous or difficult concern
34. flimsy
a thin strong lightweight translucent paper
35. grisly
shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
36. hapless
deserving or inciting pity
37. intrigue
a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends
38. jaded
39. keen
intense or sharp
40. dainty
something considered choice to eat
41. tarry
leave slowly and hesitantly
42. knuckle
a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
43. discrete
constituting a separate entity or part
44. efface
remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing
45. evident
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
46. composure
steadiness of mind under stress
47. embargo
a government order imposing a trade barrier
48. interdict
command against
49. intrepid
invulnerable to fear or intimidation
50. importune
beg persistently and urgently
51. destitute
poor enough to need help from others
52. pauper
a person who is very poor
53. evacuation
the act of leaving a dangerous place in an orderly fashion
54. yuppie
a young upwardly mobile professional individual
55. silo
a cylindrical tower used for storing silage
56. demur
politely refuse or take exception to
57. acumen
shrewdness shown by keen insight
58. antebellum
belonging to a period before a war
59. bellicose
having or showing a ready disposition to fight
60. bowdlerize
edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
61. abjure
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
62. circumlocution
an indirect way of expressing something
63. ameliorate
to make better
64. accolade
a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
65. apprise
inform somebody of something
66. agile
moving quickly and lightly
67. clandestine
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
68. clemency
leniency and compassion shown toward offenders
69. conspicuous
obvious to the eye or mind
70. havoc
violent and needless disturbance
71. jeopardy
a source of danger
72. exorbitant
greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
73. fiasco
a complete failure or collapse
74. sap
a watery solution in the vascular system of a plant
75. blend
mix together different elements
76. exultation
the utterance of sounds expressing great joy
77. forthwith
without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening
78. fortitude
strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity
79. jubilant
full of high-spirited delight
80. relinquish
turn away from; give up
81. redundant
more than is needed, desired, or required
82. sordid
foul and run-down and repulsive
83. sporadic
recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances
84. ruthless
without mercy or pity
85. heartfelt
86. amity
a state of friendship and cordiality
87. honorary
given as an award without the normal duties
88. excerpt
a passage selected from a larger work
89. amiable
diffusing warmth and friendliness
90. zenith
the point above the observer directly opposite the nadir
91. pinnacle
a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower
92. dilemma
state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options
93. paradox
a statement that contradicts itself
94. admonish
scold or reprimand; take to task
95. pilfer
make off with belongings of others
96. foe
an armed adversary
97. woe
misery resulting from affliction
98. mendicant
a pauper who lives by begging
99. importune
beg persistently and urgently
100. mull
reflect deeply on a subject

Vocabulary Review 9
1. affliction state of pain, distress, or grief
Sample Sentence: We must not abandon our brothers and sisters in the time of their
2. cajole to persuade someone to do something or to give you something by making
promises or saying nice things
Sample Sentence: Anna, the favorite daughter in the family, cajoled her father to buy her a
new computer.
3. drought a long period of dry weather
Sample Sentence: Many crops were damaged because of the 5-month drought.
4. dumbfounded so shocked that you cannot speech
Sample Sentence: Maria was dumbfounded when her boyfriend proposed to her in front of
so many people.
5. extol to praise highly
Sample Sentence: His first movie was extolled by critics for its profound originality and
musical scoring.
6. illicit not legally authorized; not allowed
Sample: A teacher and student relationship in the same school is an illicit affair.
7. harangue a scolding or a long verbal attack; a long and passionate speech
Sample Sentence: He delivered his speech in a harangue: full of passion, vehemence, and
8. reverberate to continue in a series of repeated sounds
Sample Sentence: The sound of his voice reverberates across the room.
9. succumb to give away to a superior force; to yield to disease, or wounds (die)
Sample Sentence: After 3 years of suffering, she finally succumbed to cancer.
10. vehement strongly emotional, passionate, zealous
Sample Sentence: Despite the vehement protest of the employees, the company did not
give in to increasing their salary or other benefits

1. boisterous noisy, rough, and energetic
Sample Sentence: The sound of her boisterous laughter was disturbing everyone.
2. camaraderie a feeling of friendship to a group; good-fellowship
Sample Sentence: One of the most valuable things you learn in school aside from academic
lessons is camaraderie.
3. conundrum a difficult problem having only a guess as an answer; a riddle or puzzle
Sample Sentence: The origin of the universe has always been a conundrum to humankind.
4. divergent to follow to different directions; deviates from the standard
Sample Sentence: My business partners and I have divergent ideas on how to runour
5. foster to help grow or develop
Sample Sentence: The UN has helped foster peace and equality among all the nations in
the world.
6. intuitive having to know or understand by means of feelings (and not by facts)
Sample Sentence: Most people have the intuitive knowledge of right and wrong.
7. mundane worldly, common, ordinary
Sample Sentence: His mundane desires make people think that he is a shallow person.
8. opulent expensive and luxurious
Sample Sentence: Before he went bankrupt, he had an opulent lifestyle.
9. procrastinate to delay to do something because it is boring; to delay doing something
out of laziness
Sample Sentence: Even if you procrastinate, you will still make a decision, so I suggest that
you make up your mind once and for all.
10. spontaneous done or said without lots of thoughts and planning
Sample Sentence: My friend has a habit of spontaneous visiting even in late hours of the

Vocabulary Review 1
1. alleviate to make easier to endure, to lessen
Sample Sentence: After this operation, take three tablets everyday to alleviatethe pain.
2. amicable friendly, showing good will
Sample Sentence: After so many years of battle in courts, the two families finally agreed on
an amicable settlement.
3. benevolent showing good will, desiring to help others
Sample Sentence: The first time I saw him, I knew that he was a benevolentperson.
4. inevitable sure to happen, unavoidable, certain
Sample Sentence: Death is inevitable. Taxes too.
5. scrutinize to examine in detail
Sample Sentence: The guy who entered the building was suspicious, so the police
scrutinized belongings.
6. tenacious persistent, stubborn, obstinate, retentive
Sample Sentences
That guy has been courting me for 5 years. He was so tenacious that I finally fell in love
with him.
I have quite a tenacious memory. I cant forget a face.
7. disdain to scorn, to treat with contempt, despise
After the death of his wife, he was offered a large amount of money by his boss, but he
refused it with disdain.
8. evident plain or clear to the sight or understanding
Sample Sentence: Even when he was young, it was evident that he will do great things.
9. frugal not wasteful, thrifty
Sample Sentence: All his life, he had been frugal in his expenses. No wonder he has a lot of
10. superficial lacking in content, shallow
Sample Sentence: Sometimes, his writings seems superficial, but when you look at them
deeply, you will see the real meaning.

1. diabolical
showing cunning or ingenuity or wickedness
2. debacle
a sudden and violent collapse
3. dragnet
a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths
4. accomplice
a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan
5. abduct
take away to an undisclosed location against their will
6. masticate
bite and grind with the teeth
7. oar
an implement used to propel or steer a boat
8. ewe
female sheep
9. manifest
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
10. motley
consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds
11. taxonomy
a classification of organisms based on similarities
12. entail
have as a logical consequence
13. empathise
be understanding of
14. ostentation
pretentious or showy or vulgar display
15. grubby
thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot
16. disingenuous
not straightforward or candid
17. iffy
subject to accident or chance or change
18. winch
lifting device consisting of a horizontal cylinder turned by a crank on which a cable or rope
19. backtrack
retrace one's course
20. pique
a sudden outburst of anger
21. siphon
a tube used to move liquid from one vessel to another
22. edgy
being in a tense state
23. volte-face
a major change in attitude or principle or point of view
24. hokum
a message that seems to convey no meaning
25. onus
an onerous or difficult concern
26. uppish
(used colloquially) overly conceited or arrogant
27. insidious
working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
28. flaccid
drooping without elasticity
29. abject
of the most contemptible kind
30. bleak
unpleasantly cold and damp
31. chastise
censure severely
32. disdain
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
33. encumbrance
an onerous or difficult concern
34. flimsy
a thin strong lightweight translucent paper
35. grisly
shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
36. hapless
deserving or inciting pity
37. intrigue
a crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends
38. jaded
39. keen
intense or sharp
40. dainty
something considered choice to eat
41. tarry
leave slowly and hesitantly
42. knuckle
a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
43. discrete
constituting a separate entity or part
44. efface
remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing
45. evident
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
46. composure
steadiness of mind under stress
47. embargo
a government order imposing a trade barrier
48. interdict
command against
49. intrepid
invulnerable to fear or intimidation
50. importune
beg persistently and urgently
51. destitute
poor enough to need help from others
52. pauper
a person who is very poor
53. evacuation
the act of leaving a dangerous place in an orderly fashion
54. yuppie
a young upwardly mobile professional individual
55. silo
a cylindrical tower used for storing silage
56. demur
politely refuse or take exception to
57. acumen
shrewdness shown by keen insight
58. antebellum
belonging to a period before a war
59. bellicose
having or showing a ready disposition to fight
60. bowdlerize
edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
61. abjure
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
62. circumlocution
an indirect way of expressing something
63. ameliorate
to make better
64. accolade
a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
65. apprise
inform somebody of something
66. agile
moving quickly and lightly
67. clandestine
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
68. clemency
leniency and compassion shown toward offenders
69. conspicuous
obvious to the eye or mind
70. havoc
violent and needless disturbance
71. jeopardy
a source of danger
72. exorbitant
greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
73. fiasco
a complete failure or collapse
74. sap
a watery solution in the vascular system of a plant
75. blend
mix together different elements
76. exultation
the utterance of sounds expressing great joy
77. forthwith
without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening
78. fortitude
strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity
79. jubilant
full of high-spirited delight
80. relinquish
turn away from; give up
81. redundant
more than is needed, desired, or required
82. sordid
foul and run-down and repulsive
83. sporadic
recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances
84. ruthless
without mercy or pity
85. heartfelt
86. amity
a state of friendship and cordiality
87. honorary
given as an award without the normal duties
88. excerpt
a passage selected from a larger work
89. amiable
diffusing warmth and friendliness
90. zenith
the point above the observer directly opposite the nadir
91. pinnacle
a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower
92. dilemma
state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options
93. paradox
a statement that contradicts itself
94. admonish
scold or reprimand; take to task
95. pilfer
make off with belongings of others
96. foe
an armed adversary
97. woe
misery resulting from affliction
98. mendicant
a pauper who lives by begging
99. importune
beg persistently and urgently
100. mull
reflect deeply on a subject
SOURCE: Compiled Reviewer -Civil Service

Pwede po favor? pa comment po ng picture ni >>>Francisca Reyes Aquino- tanyag sa

larangan ng sayaw sa Maynila. Tanyag dahil sa kanyang ginawang pananaliksik at pag-
aaral tungkol sa mga katutubong sayaw na mula sa ibat ibang rehiyon. Inilarawan niya ang
mga hakbang sa mga katutubong sayaw at isinaplaka ang mga tugtuging ginamit sa mga
ito. Binigyang-diin din niya ang paglalarawan ng mga kasuotan at mga kagamitan sa bawat
Ilan sa kanyang mga naisulat na aklat: Philippine National Dances, Gymnatics for Girls,
Fundamental Dance Steps and Music, at Philppine Folk Dances, Volume I to VI.
Pinarangalan siya bilang Pambansang Alagad ng Sining sa Sayaw.
Sobrang hina po kasi ng wifi ko now. Thanks po!

Ina ng katutubong sayaw. Pambansang alagad ng sining ng sayaw

Mula sa aking tahanan patungo sa aking paroroonan, habang nasa jip at minamasdan ang
paligid ay napansin kong halos di mabilang ang mga nakalagay na Bawal magtapon ng
basura DITO , Bawal tumambay DITO, Bawal umihi RITO (hindi ba dapat Bawal magtapon
ng basura RITO , tumambay RITO? sapagkat ang sinundang salita ay nagtatapos sa
patinig at mala- patinig na y at w - gagamitan ng R kaya RITO, RIYAN, ROON, katinig-
DITO, DIYAN. DOON), bukod pa riyan, karamihan ay may mga tindahang hindi nilalagyan ng
apostrophe S, hal. Luna's Store. With apostrophe S ay nagpapakita ng pagmamay-ari, marahil ay
hindi pa 100% na sa kanila ang tindahang iyon (joke). Napadaan sa isang SPA (hindi ako nag pa
SPA) naalala ko bigla sina Socrates, Plato at Aristotle (Aristotle naging guro si Plato, at si Plato
naging guro naman si Socrates) Si Socrates na nakadikit noon sa tabi ng aming pisara na dinadasalan
ng aking kamag-aral noon sa tuwing may reporting (alam mo na kung sino ka) hehe but direct dapat
sa Ama. Nakarating na sa patutunguhan...
Noong lumabas ako sa pinto (yung binubuksan, pintuan-pinaka frame) may nakalagay na PULL ,
karamihan sa ginagawa ng mga nauna sa akin ay PUSH ang kanilang ginagawa. Marahil ay hindi na
nila napansin o sadyang nakikiuso sa PUSH mo yan teh , naalala ko tuloy sa pinto ng bulwagan sa
lungsod ng Caloocan may nakasulat sa pinto PUSH mo yan teh! Nagbilang pa kami noon ni (yung
nagdarasal kay Socrates) kung sino ang makakatama sa PUSH and PULL na yun. Mas marami talaga
ang nag pupush. Bakit may ilang tindera na kahit isa lang yung tinda nila ay tinatanong pa nila kung
ano ang iyong bibilhin?
Muntikan na akong makarma sa mga napapansin ko, sa loob ng elevator muntik na akong magpara,
mabuti na lamang at hindi ko naisatinig iyon, papaano kung sa eroplano mo nasambit iyon? wehehe.
Nagtataka ako, madalas yung jeepney driver nagsasakay at nagbababa sa may nakalagay na NO
LOADING/ UNLOADING at pag nakapwesto ako sa LOADING and UNLOADING nilalagpasan
ako. Bakit ganern? Dalawa lang yan, maaaring hinding talaga sumusunod o hindi nila ako nakikita
ARAL na aking natutunan: Ang mga bagay sana na ating nalaman ay agad na ginagamit sa pang-
araw araw nang hindi agad nakalilimutan (hindi nakakalimutan)- NAKALILIMUTAN- inuulit ang
unang pantig ng salitang-ugat, nakatutuwa, nakaaaliw) kahit sa simpleng bagay na pagmasid sa
paligid. Kahit maliit man ang mga bagay/paskil na ito sa iyong paningin, pero huwag ka lumalabas
ang ilan sa board exam wehehe. Huwag din nating mamaliitin o ipagsawalang bahala ang mga
maliliit na bagay na sa tingin natin ay tila ba hangin ngunit darating ang tamang panahon na malaki
pala ang maiaambag nito sa lipunang ating ginagalawan.
>>> Pa Comment na lang po kung may mali sa paskil na ito hehe. Thanks!
with <3 <<< ANSWER KEY
1.) Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which is nearest in meaning of word
1.) Subdue
2.) Irritate <3

3.) Repent
4.) Request
5.) None
2.) The country resources should be "JUDICIOUSLY" used
1.) Sparingly
2.) Reasonable <3

3.) Adequately
4.) Immensely
5.) None
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word or
1.) If you are ambivalent with the answers, analyze the given problem.
1.) Confusion
2.) Innocent
3.) Uncertain <3

4.) Unaware
2.) He left the country because of the ominous experiences he had in the past.
1.) Unforgettable
2.) Threatening <3
3.) Ugly
4.) Remarkable
3.) Teenagers are easily susceptible to peer influence.
1.) Flexible
2.) Inspired
3.) Dependable
4.) Inclined <3

4.) My mother is always adamant in eating breakfast before leaving the house.
1.) Resolute <3

2.) Uncertain
3.) Forgetful
4.) Clueless
5.) Reading words without understanding their meaning is futile.
1.) Helpless
2.) Useless <3

3.) Unnecessary
4.) Avoidable
6.) She wears gold but people know how ostentatious she can be.
1.) Pretentious <3

2.) Ambitious
3.) Gorgeous
4.) Rebellious
7.) He submitted a grotesque artwork that nobody in the class could relate to.
1.) Different
2.) Weird <3

3.) Beautiful
4.) colorful
8.) Their clandestine affair remained unknown for three years.
1.) Forbidden
2.) Surprise
3.) Secret <3

4.) Unacceptable
9.) They say love is like a firework, a fleeting moment.
1.) Brief <3

2.) Unforgettable
3.) Shinny
4.) Remarkable
10.) Cara is repulsive and rebellious. She always speaks sordid words.
1.) Dirty
2.) Vulgar <3

3.) Weird
4.) Bizarre
11.) Every time I see Cathy looking at me, I feel Euphoria in my bones.
1.) Gravity
2.) Ecstasy <3

3.) Eroticism
4.) Numb
12.) I bought this book because when I read the blurb at the back, I feel in love with it
1.) Summary
2.) Teaser <3

3.) Blog
4.) Plot
13.) Finding a way out of the labyrinth is the last challenge of the competition.
1.) Castle
2.) Forest
3.) Maze <3

4.) Box
14.) There is still love in our hearts amidst our seemingly mundane existence.
1.) Complicated
2.) Modern
3.) Worldly <3

15.) Cassington has a strong penchant in collecting cars.

1.) Belief
2.) Fondness <3

3.) Hobby
4.) Route
16.) Diskettes and CS are going obsolete. ( U.Word -obsolete)
1.) Recycled
2.) Refurbished
3.) Updated
4.) Outdated <3

17.) The Queen of the Night dances vivaciously.

1.) Lively <3

2.) Awkward
3.) Kindly
4.) Sweetly
18.) The court released a dogmatic statement that made people more hopeful.
1.) Nave
2.) Unbelievable
3.) Assertive <3

4.) Unclear
19.) This generation is prone to plethoric use of mobile gadgets.
1.) Essential
2.) Crucial
3.) Important
4.) Excessive <3

20.) I am usually haphazard in composing my poetry but they turn out so well anyway.
1.) Disorganized <3

2.) Blank
3.) Puzzled
4.) Strategic
21.) The father __upbraided___ his children for their extravagance.
1.) Advocated
2.) Scorned
3.) Scolded
4.) Praised
5.) Punished
22.) Science is constantly seeking to discover the __immutable__ laws of nature.
1.) Silent
2.) Unchangeable <3

3.) Constant
4.) Impenettable
5.) Varied
SOURCE: Civil Service Reviwer. May iba kasing words dyan na lumalabas din sa BLEPT/

Choose the correct answer from the choices given.

1.) Shall we have a break _______lunch?
1.) for
2.) to
3.) so
2.) Priscilla _____ rather not invest her savings in the stock market
1.) Must
2.) Has to
3.) Could
4.) Would
3.) These children ______ how to improvise more props for the play.
1.) Knew
2.) Knows
3.) Know
4.) Known
4.) I hope you don't mind _____ joining you.
1.) To be
2.) I had been
3.) That I may
4.) Me
5.) Most basketball players are 6____ tall or more.
1.) Foot
2.) Feet
3.) Foots
4.) Feets
6.) Did you have any problem ______ our house?
1.) Search
2.) To search
3.) Searching
4.) For searching
Yung may , yun po answers.

1. She has a venus beauty.

A. Litotes
B. Simile
C. Metaphor <3

D. Hyperbole
2. Chromosomes replicate during
A. Interphase <3

B. Anaphase
C. Telophase
D. Metaphase
3. Which sentence shows the proper use of parallelism?
a. Mahalia said she likes to swim, dancing, and cooking.
b. Mahalia said she likes to swim, to dance, and cooking.
c. Mahalia said she likes to swim, to dance, and to cook.<3

d. Mahalia said she likes swimming, to dance, and to cook.

4. At the age of 18,William Shakespeare married his wife named_____?
A. Viola
B. Elizabeth Browning
C. Anne Hathaway <3

D. Geltrude
5. The overall equation for photosynthesis reveals that:
A. Both oxygen and carbon dioxide are consumed,while H2O is released
B. Glucose and CO2 are the ultimate products
C. Sunlight provides the energy to produce carbon dioxide
D.Carbon dioxide and water are the inputs,glucose and oxygen the outputs <3

6. DNA and RNA molecules:

A. Are nucleic acids found in all living organisms <3

B.Build proteins only in certain plants and fungi

C.Are both located as sections of genes within cell nuclei
D. Neither help nor hinder the synthesis of cell proteins
7. The four major types of chemical body builders are:
A. Proteins,Lipids,Glucose, And benzene
B.Lipids,Fats,Proteins, and Carbohydrates
C.Nucleic acids, inorganic salts,proteins and lipids
D.Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids <3

8. Chemical bonds are:

A. Ways in which Biological Disorder is promoted
B. Means by which plants grow without need for any energy
C. Chemical linkages that serve as temporary store of potential energy <3

D. Always due to a net loss of outermost electrons between different atoms

9. Where was Rizal buried after his execution at Bagumbayan?
a. Libingan ng mga Bayani
b. South cemetery
c. Paco cemetery <3

d. North cemetery
10. What does a speedometer: of a moving car show?
a. Average Acceleration
b. Instantaneous speed <3

c. Average speed
d. Instant acceleration

1. Despite her parent's complaint, she decided to live by ________ in Manila.
A. her B. herself C. oneself D. himself
2. Your findings are impertinent to the results of this investigation. The underlined word
A. malicious B. violent C. important D. irrelevant
3. The price of these sneakers _____ reasonable.
A. is B. are C. seem D. aren't
4. The famous singer and composer ___ arrived.
A. have B. has C. will D. is
5. Some of my friends _____here.
A. are B. was C. will D. am
6. The pair of scissors____ on the table.
A. was left B. were left C. was leaving D. is leaving
7. Joan lives ____ Santillan Road.
A. In B. on C. at D. to
8. The test was hard for Alice and _____.
A. me B. I C. myself D. himself
9. He is the _______ of the two brothers.
A. most tall B. tallest C. very tall D. taller
10. Those are probably the _____ blankets in the store.
A. least fancy B. fanciest C. most fanciest D. most fancy
11. The kittens play with each other happily. Which word in the sentence is an adverb?
A. kittens B. each C. play D. happily
12. Your sister is paying for your tuition fee, _______?
A. aren't you B. isn't it C. is she D. isn't she
13. _______not making the most of _______ opportunities.
A. You're-your B. You're- you're C. You-your D. You're- you
14. Both Rony and ____ plan to go.
A. my B. me C. myself D. I
15. Which sounds like "when"?
A. Pin B. Whine C. While D. Pet
16. He was as helpless as a child. Classify this statement.
A. Simile B. Idioms C. Synonym D. Hyperbole
17. She is a rose is an example of a _______.
A. Idiom B. Metaphor C. Simile D. Hyperbole
18. News travels as fast as the wind. This statement is a/an______.
A. Idiom B. Metaphor C. Simile D. Hyperbole
19. Stop shilly-shallying and make-up you mind. This serves as not to ________.
A. go ahead B. hesitate C. decide D. continue
20. What figure of speech is employed when the author states. "O souls and spirits of the martyred
brave arise?"
A. Idiom B. Metaphor C. Simile D. Apostrophe
21. Wala ______ lahat maliban sa ilang katulong na na nagliligpit ng mga kalat.
A. ng B. nang
22. Naipadala na _____Traffic manager, na si Narciso, ang tugon sa pahatid-kawad.
A. ng B. nang
23. Dapat ka _____ matuto sa lahat ng darating pang mga suliranin.
A. ng B. nang
24. Marami _____ bayani ng sangkatauhan ay makapagkilala sa pamamagitan ng pahayagan.
A. ng B. nang
25. Tawa ______ tawa ang kapatid ko dahil sa palabas.
A. ng B. nang
26. Bukas na _____ umaga.
A. ng B. nang
27. Bukas na ______ maaga.
A. ng B. nang
28. Mag-aral ka _____ mabuti.
A. ng B. nang
29. Paborito ko _____ iyan.
A. rin B. din
30. Ang kaibigan _____ ay sadyang malapit sa akin.
A. rin B. din CORRECT ANSWERS>>> 1 B 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 B 8 A 9 D 10 B 11 D 12 D 13 A 14 D
15 D 16 A 17 B 18 C 19 B 20 D 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 B 25 B 26 A 27 B 28 B 29 A 30 B
CORRECT ANSWERS>>> 1 B 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 B 8 A 9 D 10 B 11 D 12 D 13 A 14 D 15 D 16 A 17
B 18 C 19 B 20 D 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 B 25 B 26 A 27 B 28 B 29 A 30 B

Only Holy Book or
Scriptures of Islam
Qur'an= recitation
Muslims believe it to be
revelations of Allah/God
through angel Gabriel
to prophet Muhammad
First revelation during
Ramadan 610 CE
Surah 96: Lailat al-Qadr
night of power
Revelations continued 23 years
Until Muhammad's death, 632 CE
Muhammad memorized individual revelations
He "recited" them to his followers.
They wrote them down, during his lifetime
Qur'an not compiled until 640s CE
Under third Caliph, Uthman ibn Arran
All other versions destroyed
Qur'an contains:
Moral guidelines
Laws of God
Rules of Islamic Faith
In form of:
moral directives
legal prescriptions
good tidings
words of consolation
Written in Arabic
Any translations are considered "interpretations"
Only one genre:
Speaker is God, through angel Gabriel
114 Surahs
With 3-285 Ayas each
Arranged by length
Decreasing length
Except Intro Surah 1
Same heading:
"In the name of Allah,
the most Gracious,
the most Merciful"
All except Surah 9
Divided into 30 Juz (blocks)
Muslims read whole Qur'an during Ramadan
Earlier Surahs
(1, 6-7, 10-21, 23, 25-32, 34-46, 50-56, 67-114)
Makkan period
Social justice, conversion, final judgment, monotheism
Makkah Surahs: establish Islam
Later Surahs
(2-5, 8-9, 22, 24, 33, 47-49, 57-66, 98, 110, [55, 76, 99?])
Madinan Period
Relationships within Muslim Community
Relationships with Jews and Christians
Madinah Surahs: build community
Ref. to members of monotheistic faiths:
Jew & Christians
Qur'an mentions many HB characters
Inter-faith marriage:
Marrying Jews or Xns allowed for Muslim men only, not women
Muslims respect these faiths, but Qur'an is thought most accurate
Sayings & actions of Muhammad
Sunna ("custom") become guidelines for Muslim life after death of Muhammad
Compiled 9th cent. CE
Biographies of Muhammad
Various editions
Islamic Scripture: Qur'an
Believed to be revelations of God, through Gabriel, to Muhammad
Respect for other monotheistic faiths,
but Qur'an is most accurate revelation
114 Surahs, longer to shorter (except 1)
Divided into Ayahs
Originally in Arabic; Prophetic Genre
Other core writings: Hadiths, Sira
There are four main sects within Hinduism:
1. Shaivism, in which Shiva is worshipped as the main god;
2. Vaishnavism, in which Vishnu is the main god;
3. Shaktism, in which the female aspect of god is primarily worshipped
4. Smartism, in which six main gods are worshipped: Shiva, Vishnu, Shakti, Ganesh, Murugan and
What was the original purpose of ENIAC, the world's first "modern" computer?
A: To compute ballistic trajectories for artillery shells. ENIAC--an acronym for Electronic
numerical integrator and Calculator --was introduced in 1946.
What gives the mineral turquoise its distinctive color?
A: Traces of copper.
What percentage of the average human brain is water?
A: 80 percent.
What does eccentricity mean to an astronomer?
A: The degree to which an orbit deviates from a circle. The eccentricity of Earth's orbit is 0.07.
What is alloyed with steel to make it stainless?
A: Chromium.
Which planet weighs over twice as much as all the other known planets combined?
A: Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system.
How fast--in miles per hour---do the fastest messages transmitted by the human nervous system
A: 180 to 200 miles per hour.
How many frames --or pictures -- per second are transmitted over American television?
A: 30.
In years past what was used as transmission oil in Rolls-Royce automobiles?
A: Spermaceti oil--from the sperm whale.
How many pointers were there on the first clocks with hands--made in the fourteenth century?
A: Only one, the hour hand.
What temperature does the tungsten filament in an electric light reach when the light is turned on?
A: 2,577 Degrees C, or 4,664 degrees F.
Why did German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen name the invisible rays he discovered X-rays?
A: Because he had no idea what the mysterious rays were.
Who, long before Columbus, claimed the world was round, reasoning that if it were flat all the stars
would be visible from all points on its surface?
A: Aristotle, who offered as added proof the fact that the earth casts a spherical shadow on the moon
during an eclipse.
When did American sales of cassette recordings surpass those of long-playing records?
A: In 1983.
What product was originally called the Soundabout when it was introduced in the U.S. in 1970?
A: The Sony Walkman.
What do the letters represent in the acronym DNA -- the protein substance inside each cell that
transmits genetic information from parent to child?
A: Deoxyribonucleic acid.
Pagbabagong Morpoponemiko
Asimilasyon - pagbabagong nagaganap sa (n) dahil sa impluwensya ng ponemang kasunod
Asimilasyong di ganap - pagbabago sa unang morpema
Halimbawa: pang + bansa = pambansa, sing + bait = simbait, mang + batas =
Asimilasyong ganap: pagbabago ng kapwa panlapi at salitang-ugat.
Halimbawa: mang + tahi = manahi, pang + palo = pamalo, pang + takot = panakot
Pagpapalit ng ponema = kapag ang (d) ay nasa pagitan ng dalawang patinig kaya ito'y pinapalitan ng
ponemang "r".
Halimbawa: ma + damot = maramot, ma + dunong = marunong
Paglilipat (Metatesis)=-paglilipat ng posisiyon ng panlaping "-in" kapag ang kasunod na ponema ay
ang mga ponemang (l, y)
Halimbawa: lipadin-nilipad, yakapin-niyakap
Pagkakaltas ng ponema - mayroong pagkakaltas o pagtatangal ng ponema.
Halimbawa: takip + an = takpan, sara + han= sarhan, labahan = labhan, dalahin = dalhin
Ang mga salita ay ginagamitan ng mga pang-ugnay upang maging madulas ang pagbigkas.
Ang mga pang-ugnay na ito ay tinatawg na "pang-angkop". Ginagamit ang pang-angkop
bilang pang-ugnay ng salita sa kapwa salita. May tatlong pang-angkop ang ginagamit sa
pag-uugnay ng mga salita:
at ito ay ang :
-ng halimbawa: balik ng balik
-g halimbawa: pagkaing baboy
-na halimbawa: pangit na pangit
Ang klaster ay isang salitang may dalawa o higit pang magkakatabing katinig sa loob ng isang
pantig. Halimbawa: kard, plantsa, plato, braso, eksperto
Ang diptonggo ay isang salitang may patinig at malapatinig (y at w) sa isang pantig.
Halimbawa: kahoy, kalabaw
Hindi itinuturing na diptonggo ang mga salitang tulad ng ngipin sapagkat ang ng ay iisang titik
lamang sa alpabetong Filipino.
Ang Pang-uri ay ang salitang naglalarawan sa pangngalan at panghalip. Ito ay tinatawag na Adjective
sa wikang Ingles.
Tayutay (Figures of Speech)
Simili o Pagtutulad - di tiyak na paghahambing ng dalawang magkaibang bagay.
Ginagamitan ito ng mga salitang: tulad ng, paris ng, kawangis ng, tila, sing-, sim-,
magkasing-, magkasim-, at iba pa. Ito ay tinatawag na Simile sa Ingles.
Metapora o Pagwawangis - tiyak na paghahambing ngunit hindi na ginagamitan ng
pangatnig.Nagpapahayag ito ng paghahambing na nakalapat sa mga pangalan, gawain,
tawag o katangian ng bagay na inihahambing. Ito ay tinatawag na METAPHOR sa Ingles.
Personipikasyon o Pagtatao - Ginagamit ito upang bigyang-buhay, pagtaglayin ng mga katangiang
pantao - talino, gawi, kilos ang mga bagay na walang buhay sa pamamagitan ng mga pananalitang
nagsasaad ng kilos tulad ng pandiwa, pandiwari, at pangngalang-diwa. 'PERSONIFICATION' sa
Apostrope o Pagtawag - isang panawagan o pakiusap sa isang bagay na tila ito ay isang tao.
Aliterasyon - Ang unang titik o unang pantig ay pare-pareho.
Anapora - Pag-uulit ng isang salitang nasa unahan ng isang pahayag o ng isang sugnay.
Anadiplosis - Paggamit ng salita sa unahan at sa hulihan ng pahayag o sugnay.
Epipora - Pag-uulit naman ito ng isang salita sa hulihan ng sunud-sunod na taludtod.
Empanodos o Pabalik na Pag-uulit - Pag-uulit nang pagbaliktad ng mga pahayag.
Katapora - Paggamit ng isang salita na kadalasang panghalip na tumutukoy sa isang salita o parirala
na binanggit sa hulihan.
Pagmamalabis o Hayperbole - Ito ay lagpalagpasang pagpapasidhi ng kalabisan o kakulangan ng
isang tao, bagay, pangyayari, kaisipan, damdamin at iba pang katangian, kalagayan o katayuan.
Panghihimig o Onomatopeya - ito ang paggamit ng mga salitang kung ano ang tunog ay siyang
kahulugan. ONOMATOPOEIA sa Ingles.
Pag-uyam - Isang uri ng ironya na ipinapahiwatig ang nais iparating sa huli. Madalas itong
nakakasakit ng damdamin.
Senekdoke o Pagpapalit-saklaw - isang bagay, konsepto kaisipan, isang bahagi ng kabuuan ang
Paglilipat-wika - tulad ng pagbibigay-katauhan na pinasasabagay ang mga katangiang pantao, na
ginagamit ang pang-uri.
Balintuna - isang uri ng ironya na hindi ipinapahiwatig ang nais sabihin sa huli.
Pasukdol - pataas na paghahanay ng mga salita o kaisipan ayon sa kahalagahan nito mula sa
pinakamababa patungo sa pinakamataas na antas.
Pagtanggi o Litotes - gumagamit ng katagang "hindi" na nagbabadya ng pagsalungat o di-pagsang-
ayon. Ito'y may himig na pagkukunwari, isang kabaligtaran ng ibig sabihin.
Teorya ng Wika - Pinagmulan ng wika
Ding Dong - bagay. Ipinalagay sa teoryang ito na ang lahat ng bagay sa kapaliran ay may
sariling tunog na siyang kumakatawan sa nasabing bagay. Mga tunog ang
nagpapakahulugan sa mga bagay tulad ng kampana, relo, tren, at iba pa.
Bow Wow kalikasan. Dito ang tunog ng nalikha ng kalikasan, anuman ang pinagmulan ay
ginagad ng tao.
Halimbawa, ang tunog-kulog, ihip ng hanging, at iba pa.
Pooh Pooh tao. Ipinalalagay na ang tao ang siyang lumikha ng tunog at siya ring
nagbibigay ng kahulugan. Dito ang tunog mula sa mga tao.
Kahariang Ehipto Ayon sa haring si Psammatichos, ang wika ay sadyang natutuhan kahit
walang nagtuturo o naririnig. Natutunan kahit walang nagtuturo. Unconsciously learning the
Charles Darwin Ito ay nakasaad sa aklat na Lioberman (1975) na may pamagat na On
the Origin of Language, sinasaad niya ang pakikipagsapalaran ng tao para mabuhay ang
nagtuturo sa kanya upang malikha ng ibat ibang wika. Wika natutunan tungkol sa mga
Genesis 11: 1-9 Tore ng Babel. Story of Tower of Babel. Based on the Bible.
Wikang Aramean Believes that all languages originated from their language, Aramean or
Aramaic. Syria. May paniniwalang ang kauna-unahang wikang ginagamit sa daigdig ay ang
lenggwahe ng mga Aramean. Sila ang mga sinaunang taong nanirahan sa Syria (Aram) at
Mesopotamia. Tinatawag na Aramaic ang kanilang wika
Karagdagan sa teorya ng wika mula kay Myan ng TristanCafe Pinoy Forum:
Teoryang YO-HE-HO. pinaniniwalaan na ang wika ay galing sa ingay na nililikha ng taong
magkatuwang o nagtutulungan sa kanilang gawain. Ito ay ay unang nasapantaha ni NOIRE,
isang iskolar noong ika-19 na dantaon.
Teoryang Musiko. kilala sa teoryang ito ang DANISH na si OTTO JERPERSON. sinasaad
dito na ang wika ay may melodya at tono at walang kakayahan sa komunikasyon o hindi
nakakakomunika sapagkat taglay nito ang kakulangan sa mga detalye at impormasyon.
Teorya ng Pakikisalamuha. ayon kay G. Revesz, isang propesor sa Amsterdam Germany,
ang tao mismo ang gumagawa ng kaniyang wika upang may magamit sa kaniyang
pakikisalamuha. Naniniwala ito na ang wika sa likas na pangangailangan ng tao upang
makipagsalamuha sa kaniyang kapwa.
Teoryang Muestra. pinaniniwalaan sa teoryang iyo na nuuna ang pagsasalita sa
pamumuestra. Magkaugnay ang pagsasalita at pagmumuestra at ang sentro sa utak na
kumokontrol sa paggalaw at pagsasalita ay magkalapit at magkaugnay

There are five ways in which we normally use question tags and they are easily explained
1. Positive/negative
If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative.
Example: Hes a doctor, isnt he?
Example: You work in a bank, dont you? ( Note that if there is not an auxiliary use do, does, or
didnt at the end of the sentence)
If the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive.
Example: You havent met him, have you?
Example: She isnt coming, is she?
2. With auxiliary verbs
The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. If this is an auxiliary verb
(have, be) then the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb.
Example: Theyve gone away for a few days, havent they?
Example: They werent here, were they?
Example: He had met him before, hadnt he?
Example: This isnt working, is it?
3. Without auxiliary verbs
If the main part of the sentence doesnt have an auxiliary verb, the question tag uses an appropriate
form of do.
Example: I said that, didnt I?
Example: You dont recognise me, do you?
Example: She eats meat, doesnt she?
4. With modal verbs
If there is a modal verb in the main part of the sentence the question tag uses the same modal verb.
Example: They couldnt hear me, could they?
Example: You wont tell anyone, will you?
5. With I am
Be careful with question tags with sentences that start I am. The question tag for I am is arent
Example: Im the fastest, arent I?
or in a negative form we use the same am form at the end as in the positive form of the sentence.
Example: Im not fat , am I?

Ammu is tall.
Job is taller than Ammu.
Mohan is the tallest of the three.
In the second sentence, the word taller is the comparative form of the adjective. The comparative
form of the adjective denotes a higher degree of the adjective tall when two people or things are
In the third sentence, the word tallest is the superlative form of the adjective. The superlative form
of the adjective denotes the highest degree of the adjective tall when more than two people or
things are compared.
Here are some simple rules to keep in mind when forming comparatives and superlatives.
For most adjectives, er is added for the comparative form and est for the superlative form. Tall
Taller Tallest
Strong Stronger Strongest
Short Shorter Shorter
Kind Kinder - Kindest
For adjectives ending with e, r is added for the comparative form and st for the superlative form.
Wise Wiser Wisest
Large Larger Largest
Nice Nicer Nicest
Fine Finer - Finest
For adjectives ending with y, y is removed and ier is added for comparative form and iest for
the superlative form.
Lazy Lazier Laziest
Crazy Crazier Craziest
Wealthy Wealthier Wealthiest
Heavy Heavier - Heaviest
Usually for longer adjectives, more + adjective is used for comparative form and most + adjective
is used for superlative form.
Handsome More Handsome Most Handsome
Beautiful More Beautiful Most Beautiful
Intelligent More Intelligent Most Intelligent
Difficult More Difficult Most Difficult
Irregular Adjectives: There are some irregular adjectives for which the comparative and superlative
form follow no particular rule.
Good Better Best
Bad Worse Worst
Many More Most
Little Less - Least
Share ni ma'am Lucy
- the epic of gilgamesh
- ILiad and odyssey
- the analects
-the oresteia
-theban plays:
-oedipus rex
-oedipus at colonus
-the trojan women
-the histories
-the history of peloponnesian war
9.SUN-TZU - the art of war
-the clouds
-the birds
11.PLATO -the republic
-ethics,politics, and poetics
13.MENCIUS -the book of mencius
14.VALMIKI -the ramayana
15.VYASA - the mahabharata
-the bhagavad gita
17. SSU-MA CH'IEN -records of the great historian
18.LUCRETIUS -Of the nature of things
19.VIRGIL -the aenid
20.AURELIUS, MARCUS -meditations.
A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal
meaning. It can be a metaphor or simile that is designed to further explain a concept. Or, it
can be a different way of pronouncing a word or phrase such as with alliteration to give
further meaning or a different sound.
Examples of Figures of Speech
Using Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of beginning sounds. Examples are:
Sally sells seashells.
Walter wondered where Winnie was.
Blue baby bonnets
Nick needed notebooks.
Fred fried frogs.
Using Anaphora
Anaphora is a technique where several phrases or verses begin with the same word or
words. Examples are:
I came, I saw, I conquered - Julius Caesar
Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition! King John - William Shakespeare
We laughed, we loved, we sang
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, - Abraham Lincoln
We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. - Winston Churchill
Using Assonance
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together. Examples are:
A - For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore (Poe)
E - Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee (Coleridge)
I - From what Ive tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire (Frost)
O - Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn (Wordsworth)
U - Uncertain rustling of each purple curtain (Poe)
Using a Euphemism
Euphemism is a word or phrase that replaces a word or phrase to make it more polite or
pleasant. Examples are:
A little thin on top instead of bald
Homeless instead of bum
Letting him go instead of fired him
Passed away instead of died
Put to sleep instead of euthanize
Using Hyperbole
Hyperbole uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect. Examples are:
Ive told you a hundred times
It cost a billion dollars
I could do this forever
She is older than dirt
Everybody knows that
Using Irony
Irony is using words where the meaning is the opposite of their usual meaning. Examples
After begging for a cat and finally getting one, she found out she was allergic.
A traffic cop gets suspended for not paying his parking tickets.
The Titanic was said to be unsinkable.
Dramatic irony is knowing the killer is hiding in a closet in a scary movie.
Naming a Chihuahua Brutus
Using Metaphor
Metaphor compares two unlike things or ideas. Examples are:
Heart of stone
Time is money
The world is a stage
She is a night owl
He is an ogre
Using Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it is describing. Examples are:
Using Oxymoron
Oxymoron is two contradictory terms used together. Examples are:
Peace force
Kosher ham
Jumbo shrimp
Small crowd
Free market
Using Personification
Personification is giving human qualities to non-living things or ideas. Examples are:
The flowers nodded
Snowflakes danced
Thunder grumbled
Fog crept in
The wind howled
Using Simile
Simile is a comparison between two unlike things using the words "like" or "as." Examples
As slippery as an eel
Like peas in a pod
As blind as a bat
Eats like a pig
As wise as an owl
Using Synecdoche
Synecdoche is when a part represents the whole or the whole is represented by a part.
Examples are:
Wheels - a car
The police - one policeman
Plastic - credit cards
Coke - any cola drink
Army - a soldier
Using Understatement
Understatement is when something is said to make something appear less important or less
serious. Examples are:
It's just a scratch - referring to a large dent
It is sometimes dry and sandy - referring to the driest desert in the world
The weather is a little cooler today - referring to sub-zero temperatures
I wont say it was delicious - referring to terrible food
The tsunami caused some damage - referring to a huge tsunami

Using Understatement
Understatement is when something is said to make something appear less important
or less serious. Examples are:
It's just a scratch - referring to a large dent
It's a litttle dry and sandy - referring to the driest desert in the world
The weather is a little cooler today - referring to sub-zero temperatures
It was interesting - referring to a bad or difficult experience
It stings a bit - referring to a serious wound or injury
These examples of figures of speech were selected to show a variety of stylistic and
rhetorical devices that make the English language more creative, more expressive,
and more interesting.



The four pillars of learning

The four pillars of learning are fundamental principles for reshaping education:
Learning to know: to provide the cognitive tools required to better comprehend the world
and its complexities, and to provide an appropriate and adequate foundation for future
Learning to do: to provide the skills that would enable individuals to effectively participate in the
global economy and society.
Learning to be: to provide self analytical and social skills to enable individuals to develop to their
fullest potential psycho-socially, affectively as well as physically, for a all-round complete person.
Learning to live together: to expose individuals to the values implicit within human rights,
democratic principles, intercultural understanding and respect and peace at all levels of society and
human relationships to enable individuals and societies to live in peace and harmony.
These are some of our Heroes and their Pen names:
Jose Protacio Rizal
(Laong-Laan/ Dimasalang)
The national hero, was born in Calamba, Laguna on June 19, 1861 to Francisco Mercado
Rizal and Teodora Alonso. Rizal went on to Ateneo Municipal de Manila and finished
Bachelor of Arts with highes honours on March 23, 1876 at the University of Santo Tomas.
Rizal studied medicine. He then went to Europe and finished medicine and philosophy at
the Central University of Madrid in 1885. He took up graduate studies in France. Rizal
became a linguist and learnt Greek and Latin. During his time in Europe, He wrote Noli Me
Tangere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Rebel), which told of the oppression by
Spanish colonial rule.

Rizal returned to the Philippines in June 1892. He founded La Liga Filipina, a forum for
Filipinos to express their hopes for feedom from Spanish rule. His writings and La Liga
Filipina were banned. Rizal was arrested as a revolutionary and imprisoned in Fort Santiago
on July 6,1892. On July 14 he was exiled to Dapitan. He stayed there for four years, treating
the sick, opened up a school and tried to make the place beautiful and safe.In order to
escape his exile, Rizal volunteered to serve as a doctor for the Spanish forces with the
breakout of the Cuban revolution for independence.
Rizal was arrested while in transit to Cuba and sent back to the Philippines. Again, he was
jailed in Fort Santiago and on December 26,1896, the Spanish authorities tried him and
found Rizal guilty of inciting rebellion and sedition. Rizal was executed by a firing squad on
December 30,1896 at Bagumbayan (now Luneta) at the age of 35. On the eve of his
execution,Rizal wrote his most famous poem Mi Ultimo Adios (My Last Farewell).
Andres Bonifacio (Agap-ito Bagumbayan)
was born to Santiago Bonifacio and Catalina de Castro, a Spanish mestiza, in Tondo,
Manila on November 30, 1863. He supplemented his low education through reading and
self-study. Among the books he read were Rizal's novels, the lives of presidents, Victor
Hugo's Le Miserables, the ruins of Palmyra, and the French Revolution. Those books
prodded his spirit of rebellion and gave him impulse to organize the Katipunan. This
organization spread rapidly in 1894 in many parts of the Philippines. He felt that he was
about ready to lead a successful revolt in May 1896. However, before he could act, the
Katipunan was discovered by the authorities. More than 1,000 Katipuneros assembled with
him at Pugad Lawin, Caloocan, on August 23, 1896 and tore their cedulas. More than 1,000
Katipuneros assembled with him at Pugad Lawin, Caloocan, on August 23, 1896 and tore
their cedulas. Bonifacio with his family and men left Naic for Indang. On his return from
Montalban, Aguinaldo sent men to arrest him, but Bonifacio resisted arrest and was
wounded. He faced a trial for acts inimical to the existence of the new government and was
given the death sentence by a military tribunal. Aguinaldo's men executed him in the
mountains of Maragondon, Cavite on May 10,1987.
Antonio Luna (taga-ilog)
Born in Binondo, Manila on October 29, 1856 to Don Joaquin Luna and Doa Laureana
Novicio, of Badoc, Ilocos Norte. He entered the Ateneo de Manila where he began to take
interest in literature and chemistry. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in 1881. At the
University of Santo Tomas, he won first prize for his composition Dos Cuerpos
Fundamentales de Quimica, on the occasion of the elevation of Fr. Ceferino Gonzales to
the Cardinalate. At the invitation of his brother, Juan, he left for Europe. He got a Licentiate
in Pharmacy at the University of Barcelona. The Central University of Madrid conferred him
his Doctor of Pharmacy in 1890. In Spain he wrote El Hematozoario Paludismo, acclaimed
by leading bacteriologist in Europe as thorough and exhaustive scientific work. Using the
pen name Taga -Ilog, he published in the La Solidaridad Impresiones a satirical
observation of Spanish customs and idiosyncracies. he returned to the Philippines where he
wrote less but was more vocal in advocating that the Philippines be made a province of
Spain with the Filipinos enjoying the rights and privileges of Spanish citizens. He was not
sympathetic to the Katipunan but advocated liberalism which caused his imprisonment in
Madrid. After his release, he left for Belgium where he studied the art of military strategy
under General Leman. In 1898, he surveyed the Manila-Dagupan terrain for possible
defense perimeter against the American troops. In 1899, he was appointed Chief of War
Operations with the rank of Brigadier General. After the fall of La Loma on February 5,1899,
he saw the urgency of reorganizing the army. A military academy was created at Malolos to
train officers for field command. Officers of the 1896 revolution were recruited. A Red Cross
chapter was also organized. After the fall of Marilao, Bulacan on March 29, 1899, he was
crushed not only by the defeat but by the lack of discipline among the Filipino troops. He
tendered his resignation but Aguinaldo did not accept. He continues to fight in the fields of
Pampanga, Tarlac and Pangasinan against the Americans. On June 4, 1899, he received a
telegram from Aguinaldo ordering him to go to Cabanatuan for a conference. He arrived at
the Cabanatuan Catholic Church Convent only to learn that Aguinaldo had left for
Pampanga. Greatly provoked, he uttered insults at the President and berated the guards
who were the same men he disarmed after the battle of Caloocan. When going down the
stairs of the headquarters, the assassins riddles him with bullets and he was stabbed. After
he was buried in the churchyard, Aguinaldo took command of the troops and relieved
Lunas officers and men of their duties in the field.
Apolinario Mabini (Dimlas-ilaw)
was born of Tanauan,Batangas on July 23, 1864. The second son of Inocencio Mabini and
Dionisia Maranan. During his third year in high school, Mabini won first prize. a silver medal
and a diploma of honor for the course in Universal History, in a competition for scholarship
conducted by the college of San Juan de Letran in Manila. He was able to obtain a new
teaching position in the school of Sebatian Virrey. In March 1887, desirous of continuing his
studies, Mabini took and passed the required examination at the University os Santo
Tomas,obtaining the degree of Bachelor Of Arts completed the course in 1894. In the
examination for Licentiate in Jurisprudence om March 2,1894, he obtained the grade of
'excellent '. He became a copyist in the court of first Instance of Manila. It was in January
1896 that he contracted a severe fever which resulted in his permanent paralysis. His
physical condition prevented him fir taking a more active part in revolutionary movement.
Despite of his physical condition , Mabini played a prominent part in the second period of
revolution. He planned the revolutionary government and acted as the Prime Minister of
Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo. He occupied the constitutional de la Republica Filipina was one of
the models of the Malolos constitution. His works earned revolutionary congress elected
him chief justice of the supreme court. Mabini was captured by the American's in December
1899. He was released from prison on October 3,1900. He lived in a small nipa house in
Manila where he barely supported himself writing a political articles. (El Simil de Alejandro)
prompted the Americans to exile him to the island of Guam. After August 1901, because of
his refusal to sign the required oath of allegiance to the U.S. after 17 months, he was
convinced of the sincerity of American's good intension's in his country, he agreed to take
the required oath.
Mabini died of cholera in Manila on May 13, 1903 at the age of 39. Aporlinario Mabini was
called the "Sublime Paralytic ," having been paralyzed by a fatal illness which struck his
lower limps in 1894. A lawyer by profession, his earlier political exposure was through the
revived La Liga Filipina, the organization established by Jose Rizal in 1892. Not
withstanding his physical handicap, Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo recognized his brilliance and
named him his chief adviser. His thinking shaped the constitutional and political basis of the
Philippine Republic, thus earning him the title the "Brains of the Revolution."
Emilio Jacinto (Dimas-Ilaw)
was born on December 15,1875 in Trozo, Manila.His parents were Mariano Jacinto and
Josefa Dizon. Because of hard life he was forced to live with her uncle, Don Jose Dizon. He
was enrolled at the San Juan de Letran College; then he transferred to the University of
Santo Tomas where he took up law.At the start of the Phillippine Revolution in the year
1896, Emilio gave up his studies and joined the Katipunan. The bad experiences he had
with his Spanish classmates, his readings about the Spanish injustices, and the sufferings
of the Filipino people made a mark in his heart, leading him to go against the will of his
loved ones and become a katipunero. At the age of 19, he became one of the ablest
leaders of Katipunan. He served as an adviser, secretary, and fiscal to Bonifacio. He also
supervised the manufacture of gunpowder.His intelligence was of great use to the
Katipunan. He was reffered to as the "Brain of the Katipunan". He wrote the "Kartilla" the
primer of the Katipunan where rules and regulations are contained. He edited the
Katipunan's newspaper "Ang Kalayaan". A poet, Emilio's greatest poem was A La Patria,
inspired by Rizals' My Ultimo Adios.It was signed "Dimas-Ilaw"his pen name. He was known
in the Katipunan as Pingkian.
In February 1898, he fought the Spanish cazadores (riflemen) in Maimpis, Magdalena,
Laguna. During this combat, he was wounded in the thigh and was taken to the Catholic
church of Magdalena, where he was mercilessly dumped on the brickpaved platform of the
stairway with his bleeding wound unattended. He was taken to the church of Santa Cruz
where a Spanish surgeon kindly ministered to his wound, produced a pass from his pocket
which identified him as Florentine Reyes. This saved his life. The truth was that the pass
really belonged to a Filipino spy named Florentine Reyes whom Jacinto captured in Pasig
some weeks before the battle in Maimpis. He took the pass and kept it in his pocket so that
in case he should fall to the hands of the enemy, he could identify himself as a spy in the
service of Spain.
From his hideout, he wrote Apolinario Mabini in Malolos to express his plan to continue his
law studies in the newly established Literary University of the Philippines. Mabini was happy
to receive his letter and speedily consulted Aguinaldo about this plan. Aguinaldo welcomed
Jacinto's coming to Malolos because of his remarkable intelligence. Mabini wrote him,
saying that Aguinaldo approved of his request and that the last day of enrolment in the
University was December 1, 1898.Unfortunately, Jacinto was unable to proceed to Malolos,
for he returned to Laguna upon the urgent appeal of the fighting patriots of the province who
wanted him as their leader. Jacinto established his secret headquarters in the hills of
Majayjay. There he contacted the malignant malaria which caused his death on April 6,
1899. He was only 24 years old.
Marcelo H. del Pilar (Plaridel)
started school in the College of Mr. Jose Flores. He transferred to the College of San Jose
in Manila. He finished law in 1880. Marcelo H. del Pilar was more popularly known as
He later married his cousin Marciana del Pilar in 1878. They had seven children.Plaridel
established the Diariong Tagalog in 1882 to publish observations and criticisms on how the
Spanish government in the Philippines was run.Pedro Serrano Laktaw helped him in
publishing "Dasalan at Tuksuhan" and the "Pasyong Dapat Ipa-alab ng Puso ng Taong
Bayan".In Spain, he and Graciano Lopez-Jaena published the
"La Solidaridad" which was the organ which contained their desires in improving the
Philippine Government. He succeeded Lopez-Jaena as editor of the La Solidaridad.He died
a poor man on July 4, 1896 in Barcelona, Spain.
Marcelo H. del Pilar's reputation as a propagandist was already established before an order
for his arrest forced him to flee the country in 1880. Gifted with the common touch, he found
ready audiences in the cockpits, the plazas, and the corner tiendas of his native Bulacan.
Unlike Rizal who wrote his novels in Spanish, a fact which cut him off from most Filipinos
who did not know the language, del Pilar wrote his propaganda pamphlets in simple
Tagalog -- lucid, direct and forceful.
Graciano Lopez Jaena (Diego Laura)
is a Philippine writer more known for his literary Fray Butod .'Butod' the word Hiligaynon for
"bat" and it also slang equivalent to "tabatsoy". Graciano Lopez Jaena was born in
Jaro,Iloilo, on December 18,1856 Founder and first editor of the newspaper La Solidaridad,
which became the vehicle of expression for Filipino propaganda in Spain. Together wtih
Jose Rizal and Marcelo H. Del Pilar, he undertook propaganda campaigns in Spain.
Jose Ma. Panganiban (Jomapa)
Avenger of Filipino honor. Born in Mambulao, Camarines Norte, on February 1, 1863. A
good friend and co-worker of Rizal. He was Bicolandia's greatest contribution to the historic
campaign for reforms, more popularly called the Propaganda Movement. He wrote articles
for La Solidaridad, under the pen names Jomapa and J.M.P. Died in Barcelona, Spain, on
August 19, 1890.
Pedro Paterno (Justo Desiderio Magalang) Statesman, poet, writer, and peacemaker. Born
in Manila on February 27, 1858. He was the negotiator/mediator of the Pact of Biak-na-
Bato. He helped prepare the Malolos constitution. Died on April 26, 1911. He used " Justo
Desiderio Magalang" as his pen name when he wrote Ninay the very first filipino novel
written in tagalong.
Maligayang kaarawan Pepe!
Works and writings
Rizal wrote mostly in Spanish, the lingua franca of the Spanish Philippines, though some of
his letters (for example Sa Mga Kababaihang Taga Malolos) were written in Tagalog. His
works have since been translated into a number of languages including Tagalog and
Novels and essays
Noli Me Tngere, novel, 1887 (literally Spanish for 'touch me not', from John 20:17)[43]
El Filibusterismo, (novel, 1891), sequel to Noli Me Tngere
Alin Mang Lahi" ("Whate'er the Race"), a Kundiman attributed to Dr. Jos Rizal[44]
The Friars and the Filipinos (Unfinished)
Toast to Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo (Speech, 1884), given at Restaurante Ingles, Madrid
The Diaries of Jos Rizal
Rizal's Letters is a compendium of Dr. Jose Rizal's letters to his family members, Blumentritt, Fr.
Pablo Pastells and other reformers
"Come se gobiernan las Filipinas" (Governing the Philippine islands)
Filipinas dentro de cien aos essay, 188990 (The Philippines a Century Hence)
La Indolencia de los Filipinos, essay, 1890 (The indolence of Filipinos)[45]
Makamisa unfinished novel
Sa Mga Kababaihang Taga Malolos, essay, 1889, To the Young Women of Malolos
Annotations to Antonio de Moragas, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (essay, 1889, Events in the
Philippine Islands)
The Triumph of Science over Death, by Rizal.
A La Juventud Filipina
El Canto Del Viajero
Briayle Crismarl
Canto Del Viajero
Canto de Mara Clara
Dalit sa Paggawa
Kundiman (Tagalog)
Me Piden Versos
Mi primera inspiracion
Mi Retiro
Mi Ultimo Adis
Por La Educacin (Recibe Lustre La Patria)
Sa Sanggol na si Jesus
To My Muse (A Mi Musa)
Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo
A Man in Dapitan
El Consejo de los Dioses (The council of Gods)
Junto Al Pasig (Along the Pasig)[46]:381
San Euistaquio, Mrtyr (Saint Eustache, the martyr)[47]
Other works
Rizal also tried his hand at painting and sculpture. His most famous sculptural work was "The
Triumph of Science over Death", a clay sculpture of a naked young woman with overflowing hair,
standing on a skull while bearing a torch held high. The woman symbolized the ignorance of
humankind during the Dark Ages, while the torch she bore symbolized the enlightenment science
brings over the whole world. He sent the sculpture as a gift to his dear friend Ferdinand Blumentritt,
together with another one named "The Triumph of Death over Life".
The woman is shown trampling the skull, a symbol of death, to signify the victory the humankind
achieved by conquering the bane of death through their scientific advancements. The original
sculpture is now displayed at the Rizal Shrine Museum at Fort Santiago in Intramuros, Manila. A
large replica, made of concrete, stands in front of Fernando Caldern Hall, the building which houses
the College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines Manila along Pedro Gil Street in Ermita,
Source: Wikipedia
Qs with As
41. Center of Excellence- CHED
42. Integral part of teaching process- CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT
44. Cluster remote stand-alone school is under one lead school ahead strong influence-
46. President Fidel Ramos- EFA (Education for All)
47. Bottom up management style-INVOLVEMENT OF STUDENTS, PARENTS, TEACHER
49. Learning to Know- UNDERSTANDING
51. Realia FEASIBLE
52. Learning to live together-
53. Ex. Volcanoes erupted- MOCK UP
54. Topic Discuss Earth- MODEL
57. Nearest from the real thing-EDGAR DALE- CONE OF EXPERIENCE WATCHING
60. Low profile classroom technique- MANAGE MISBEHAVIOR

Principles of learning
Educational psychologists and pedagogues have identified several principles of learning,
also referred to as laws of learning, which seem generally applicable to the learning
process. These principles have been discovered, tested, and used in practical situations.
They provide additional insight into what makes people learn most effectively. Edward
Thorndike developed the first three "Laws of learning:" readiness, exercise, and effect.
Since Thorndike set down his basic three laws in the early part of the twentieth century, five
additional principles have been added: primacy, recency, intensity, freedom and
Readiness implies a degree of concentration and eagerness. Individuals learn best when
they are physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn, and do not learn well if they
see no reason for learning. Getting students ready to learn, creating interest by showing the
value of the subject matter, and providing continuous mental or physical challenge, is
usually the instructors responsibility. If students have a strong purpose, a clear objective,
and a definite reason for learning something, they make more progress than if they lack
motivation. In other words, when students are ready to learn, they meet the instructor at
least halfway, simplifying the instructors job.
Since learning is an active process, students must have adequate rest, health, and physical
ability. Basic needs of students must be satisfied before they are ready or capable of
learning. Students who are exhausted or in ill health cannot learn much. If they are
distracted by outside responsibilities, interests, or worries, have overcrowded schedules, or
other unresolved issues, students may have little interest in learning. For example, we may
identify the situation of an academic examination of a school, in which the cause of securing
good marks in various subjects leads to mentally and emotionally readiness of students to
do more hard labour in acquiring knowledge.
The principle of exercise states that those things most often repeated are best remembered.
It is the basis of drill and practice. It has been proven that students learn best and retain
information longer when they have meaningful practice and repetition. The key here is that
the practice must be meaningful. It is clear that practice leads to improvement only when it
is followed by positive feedback.
The human memory is fallible. The mind can rarely retain, evaluate, and apply new
concepts or practices after a single exposure. Students do not learn complex tasks in a
single session. They learn by applying what they have been told and shown. Every time
practice occurs, learning continues. These include student recall, review and summary, and
manual drill and physical applications. All of these serve to create learning habits. The
instructor must repeat important items of subject matter at reasonable intervals, and provide
opportunities for students to practice while making sure that this process is directed toward
a goal. But in some or many cases, there is no need for regular practice if the skill is
acquired once. For instance if we have learnt cycling once, we will not forget the knowledge
or skill even if we aren't exercising it for a long time.
The principle of effect is based on the emotional reaction of the student. It has a direct
relationship to motivation. The principle of effect is that learning is strengthened when
accompanied by a pleasant or satisfying feeling.
Source: Wikipedia
Q with A
21. Thomasites
22. Erickson said that child aged 3-5 is most likely
23. Child always fight his classmate very short attention span
24. Adopted to provide universal access to basic learning to eradicate illiteracy
25. Free public education Article XIV Sec. 2
26. Philippine Education during revolution period
27. Shy
- thinking about their thinking
29. Jean Jacques Rousseau
30. Jean Jacques Rousseau- said that
31. How teacher uphold high standard of the teaching profession?
32. Colonial Mentality
33. Learning to know
34. Pattern of acquiring values is based on values are
35. Progressivist
36. Free movement time allotment
37. Activities ahead of time
38. Normal practice followed in the classroom
39. DECS changes to DepEd
- RA 9155
40. Teacher controlled his off talk giving him direct contact

Share po ni Sir Emman Agkem

Sabi po ni Sir, sagutan nyo raw po muna bago tingnan yung mga tamang sagot. Thanks po!
Physical Science (Chemistry):
1. True or False: A sample of water that contains ice cubes is considered as a
heterogeneous mixture.
2. What type of change is associated in the ripening of fruits?
3. What is the general term for properties that are dependent on the amount of matter?
4. Who is responsible for the discovery of the electrons?
5. What is the basis for the arrangement of the elements in the modern periodic table?
6. Which element among O, Si, Sr and Al has the largest atomic radius?
7. This quantum number describes the shape of an orbital.
8. What is wrong with the given electronic configuration: 1s^2 2s^2 2p^8 3s^2?
9. According to this law, mass cannot be created nor destroyed and hence the mass of
starting materials in a reaction must be equal to the mass of products after the reaction.
10. True or False: The name for the compound CuS is copper sulfide.
11. What is the mass of one molecule of methane?
12. How many atoms of O are present in an oxygen tank containing 16.0 kg of oxygen gas?
13. What type of chemical bond exists between carbon and oxygen in carbon monoxide?
14. Among carbon, nitrogen, flourine and chlorine, which is not a strict follower of the octet
15. What is the correct molecular geometry of sulfur dioxide?
16. This law states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the amount of gas in
17. Balance the following chemical equation: HCl + Cr --> CrCl3 + H2
from sir Emman Agkem
1. False. By definition, a heterogeneous mixture contains 2 or more components. Since
water and ice are both H2O, it is considered as a single-component system. Hence, it is a
pure substance, not a heterogeneous mixture.
2. Chemical change. Ripening causes a change in the taste of fruit which means that the
composition of the fruit also changes. A change in composition is always associated to
chemical change.
3. Extrinsic or extensive properties. These properties change depending on the amount of
matter such as weight, volume, etc. Those that are not amount-dependent are called
intensive or intrinsic properties.
4. J.J. Thompson. He proved that electrons exist after performing the cathode ray tube
experiment. He then proposed the plum pudding model of the atom.
5. Atomic number. Previous arrangements were based on atomic weights and
physical/chemical properties.
6. Sr. Note that the atomic radius increases from top to bottom and decreases from left to
right of the periodic table.
7. Azimuthal QN. The shapes are spherical (s), principal (p), diffuse (d) and fundamental (f).
8. 2p^8. The p orbital can only contain maximum of 6 electrons.
9. Law of Conservation of Mass
10. False. Since Cu can exist as Cu+ or Cu2+, each ion must be named differently. Cu+ is
named cuprous or copper(I), while Cu2+ is named as cupric or copper(II). Hence, the
correct name should be cupric sulfide or copper(II) sulfide.
11. 16.04 AMU. The molecular weight is simply the sum of the masses of all the atoms in
the molecule. Since methane has 1 C and 4 H, the molecular mass should be (1)(12.01
AMU) + (4)(1.008 AMU)
12. 6.02 x 10^25 atoms of O. 16kg of O is equal to 16000 g of O. Since the molar mass of O
is 16 g/mol, it means that 16000 g of O is equal to 1000 moles of O. Recall that 1 mole is
equal to 6.02 x 10^22, hence 1000 moles is 6.02 x 10^25.
13. Covalent. Two non metals form covalent bonds while a metal and a non metal form ionic
14. Chlorine. Only C, N, O & F are strict followers of the octet rule. Other elements can
either have less or more than 8 elctrons
15. Bent. Since the central atom has 2 atoms bonded to it and one lone pair, the molecule
assumes a bent geometry as dictated by the VSEPR Theory.
16. Avogadro's Law. Other gas laws include Boyle's, Charles' and the Ideal/Combined Gas
17. 6HCl + 2Cr --> 2CrCl3 + 3H2
Thanks po sir and God bless po always!
Questions and Answers
1. Used as medium of instruction during Spanish- SPANISH
2. Government program allow students who are not accommodated in community public
school. To enroll in private school- GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (GAP)
3. CHED Study Now Pay Later
4. Integrated Approach in both secondry and primary level-BASIC EDUCATION
5. 1980s foremost education issue BILINGUAL EDUCATION
6. Support equal access but on the other hand quality might be compromised- OPEN
7. The government education program on _______ made Philippine education Placement
Test for adults and out of school youth.- EQUITABLE ACCESS DEVELOPMENT
8. College students are required to take a constitution course for them to- DEVELOP
9. Education institution effort of developing work skills include the schools are aim at-
10. Seek out a classmate for help when problem occurs-INTERPERSONAL
11. Dysfunctional family- EMOTIONAL FACTOR
12. Child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain- TRUST
13. Philippine Education during Spanish regime EMPHASIS ON RELIGIOUS
15. Boy closer and girl closer- PHALLIC STAGE
16. Objective of the continuous progression scheme in the elementary 1970-71.- MASS
17. Fullest/ highest- SELF ACTUALIZATION
18. First American Teacher- THOMASITES
20. PRC (LET)- RA 7836
Encoded by:

Wala na pong magcocomment kung nasaan ang answer key, basa basa rin po pag may
time. Thanks!
1. When light bends as it enters a different medium the process is known as what?
2. A magnifying glass is what type of lens? convex
3. Electric resistance is typically measured in what units?ohms
4. A person who studies physics is known as a? physicist
5. Metals expand when heated and do what when cooled?contract
6. What is the first name of the famous scientist who gave us Newtons three laws of motion?isaac
7.what state of the art computer technology is used to train pilots when wanting to copy the
experience of flying an aircraft? A flight simulator
8. Electric power is typically measured in what units?watts
9. The most recognized model of how the universe begun is known as the? Big bang
10. Who is the Hubble Space Telescope named after? Edwin Hubble
11. The wire inside an electric bulb is known as the what? filament
12. Theoretical physicist James Maxwell was born in what country? scotland
13. Infrared light has a wavelength that is too long or short to be visible for humans? long
14. What kind of eclipse do we have when the moon is between the sun and the earth? Solar eclipse
15. True or false? Iron is attracted by magnets. true
16. What is the earths primary source of energy? Sun
17. Conductors have a high or low resistance? low
18. Electric current is typically measured in what units? ampheres
19. What scientist is well known for his theory of relativity? Albert einstien
20. Earth is located in which galaxy? The Milky way galaxy
>Miss Moon<
Answer Key Click here(Mapupuntahan nyo po itong link kahit naka free data- free data rin po yan)
1. Several factors must be assessed to arrived at a sound __________
A. Query
B. Decision
C. Change
D. Problem
2. Famous sculptor of landmark structures.
A. Jacinto
B. Manansala
C. Castrillo
D. Cuevas
3. What is a collection of Indian sacred hymns?
A. Rig Veda
B. Mahabharata
C. Upanishad
D. Ramayana
4. This Filipino writer who used Hispanic Filipino culture and traditions in his fiction works.
A. Edilberto Tiempo
B. Nick Joaquin
C. Sionil Jose
D. Jose Garcia Villa
5. Who is the famous composer from Angono who is also a national artist?
A. Buenaventura
B. Cenizal
C. San Pedro
D. CayabyabClick here for ANSWER KEY>>>

Yung may yan po yung correct answers.

1. He established the tobacco monopoly during the Spanish era.

a. Jose Basco <3

b. Rafael Izquierdo
c. Basilio Agustin
d. Francisco Rizzo
2. Technology ______ dramatically in the twenty-first century.
a. Was improved
b. Has improved <3

c. Is improved
d. Did improve
3. A bread and butter sandwich ________ my favorite morning snack.
a. Is <3

b. Has been
c. Are
d. Have been
4. This is a segmented worm that can be used to facilitate anticoagulation.
a. Leeches <3

b. Maggots
c. Earthworms
d. Bloodworms
5. The ______ of the story is that friendship is sacred.
a. Morale
b. Message
c. Moral <3

d. lesson
6. What are the prime factors of 273?
a. 3x3x7x7
b. 2x3x13
c. 3x7x13 <3

d. 3x3x6x9
7. This is the surface of the earth between the Tropic Cancer and Arctic Circle.
a. Plane
b. Circle
c. Zone <3

d. Cone
8. Political idealists advocate ideals in politics such as justice, and fairness. Political realist
have a more realist viewpoint of politics, aptly stated by Might is right. Who among the
following is more of a political realist rather than political idealist?
a. Julius Caesar <3

b. Mohatma Ghandi
c. Martin Luther King
d. Benigno Jr. Aquino
9. Even when her friends betray her, Becky bears no rancor in her heart because she is not
a. Insulted
b. Embarrassed
c. Consoled
d. Bitter <3

10. If I _____ known you before, we could have become partners for a project.
a. Will
b. Could
c. Had <3

d. Have
11. These are the thin structures of cytokinesis amoeboid movement changes in the cell
a. Pseudofilaments <3

b. Myosinfilamints
c. Microfilamints
d. Nanofilamints
12. All important factors must be considered to arrive at a sound ________.
a. Query
b. Change
c. Problem
d. Decision <3

13. The cause of power outage was a ______connection.

a. Lose
b. Loose
c. Lost <3

d. Losing
14. Virtual face-to-face communication is made possible by this software.
a. Google
b. Skype <3

c. Twitter
d. Facebook
15. My head is bloody, but unbowed
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Alliteration
d. Hyperbole <3

16. The shakesperean classic saw the predicament of two lovers from warring families.
a. Hamlet and Ophelia
b. Anthony and Cleopatra
c. Ana and the King
d. Romeo and Juliet <3

17. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is a _______.
a. Shambers
b. Rectangle
c. Square
d. Parallelogram <3

18. The proposed equipment ______within the budget of the school.

a. Are
b. Is <3

c. Is appearing
d. Are appearing
19. The Philippine Legislature has two houses: senate and House of Representatives. What
term best describes this setup?
a. Bicameralism <3

b. Bipartisanship
c. Unicameralism
d. Co-legislative power
20. How do you call the tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals?
a. Income Tax <3

b. Real estate tax

c. Community Tax
d. Inheritance Tax
21. This field with the study of how human beings behave.
a. Philosophy
b. Morality
c. Psychology <3

d. Ethics
22. Which of the following is considered the lowest form of learning?
a. Perceiving
b. Responding
c. Conditioning
d. Teaching <3

23. Reason must be used in understanding the existence of God. Who advocated this
a. St. Benedict
b. St. Peter
c. St. John
d. St. Thomas Aquinas <3

24. If the principles and theories of human behavior were to be applied to teaching and
learning. The field will be called ______.
a. Educational Theory
b. Educational Philosophy
c. Educational Psychology <3
d. Educational Sociology
25. In July 1901, Isabelo delos Reyes founded the first labor union in the country. What was
its name?
a. Association of the Philippine Labor
b. Union Obrera Democratica <3

c. Union Trabajadores de Filipinos

d. Association De Compania Tabacalera
Ang Wastong Gamit ng Salita
Ng at Nang
Gamit ng NG
ginagamit bilang pantukoy
Halimbawa: Nag-aaral ng Ilokano si Sonia.
ginagamit bilang pang-ukol na ang katumbas sa ingles ay with
Halimbawa: Hinampas niya ng payong ang aso.
ginagamit bilang pang-ukol na ang katumbas ay sa
Halimbawa: Magsisiuwi ng Pilipinas ang magagaling na doktor.
Gamit ng NANG
ginagamit na pangatnig sa hugnayang pangungusap bilang panimula ng katulong na
sugnay o sugnay na di makapag-iisa
Halimbawa: Nang siya ay dumating, dumagsa ang tao.
ginagamit bilang pang-abay na nanggaling sa na na inangkupan ng ng kayat nagiging
Halimbawa: Nagbalita nang malakas ang aking kaibigan sa opisina.
May at Mayroon
Gamit ng May
ginagamit ang may kung ang sumusunod na salita ay:
Halimbawa: May batang nahulog.
Halimbawa: May sasayaw na babae mamayang gabi.
Halimbawa: May bagong bahay na nasunog.
Panghalip na paari
Halimbawa: May kanya-kanya tayong alam.
Pantukoy na mga
Halimbaa: May mga batang pupunta dito mamaya.
Pang-ukol na sa
Halimbawa: May sa-kalabaw ang boses ng taong iyan.
Gamit ng Mayroon
sinusundan ng panghalip na palagyo
Halimbawa: Mayroon kaming dadaluhang pulong bukas.
sinusundan ng isang kataga
Halimbawa: Mayroon ding pulong ang kababaihan.
ginagamit sa patalinghagang kahulugan
Halimbawa: Si Mayor Favila ang mayroon sa lahat.
Subukin at Subukan
subukin pagsusuri o pagsisiyasat sa uri, lakas o kakayahan ng isang bagay o tao.
subukan tingnan kung ano ang ginagawa ng isang tao o ng mga tao.
Halimbawa: Subukin mong gamitin ang sabon na ito.
Sunubukan nila ang disiplina ng mga mag-aaral.
Pahirin at Pahiran
pahirin pag-aalis o pagpawi
pahiran paglalagay ng bagay
Halimbawa: Pahirin mo ang dumi sa iyong mukha.
Pahiran mo ng pulang pintura ang gate.
Walisin at Walisan
walisin pandiwang pokus sa layon.
walisan pandiwang pokus sa ganapan.
Halimbawa: Walisin mo ang mga tuyong dahon sa bakuran.
Walisan mo ang bakuran.
Maliban at Bukod
maliban (except o aside) may kahulugang matangi sa bagay na binanggit ay wala nang
bukod (in addition to o besides) karagdagang sa mga bagay na binanggit.
Halimbawa: Maliban sa lupa, wala na siyang maiiwan sa nag-iisang anak.
Bukod sa lupa, may bahay pa siyang maiiwan sa nag-iisang anak.
Kung at Kong
Gamit ng Kung
ginagamit na pangatnig sa mga sugnay na di makapag-iisa sa mga pangungusap na
Halimbawa: Kung siyay narito, tayoy magiging magulo.
Gamit ng Kong
buhat sa panghalip na ko ang kong at nilalagyan lamang ng pang-angkop na ng sa
pakikiugnay sa salitang sumusunod:
Halimbawa: Ipinagtapat kong nangyari.
Din at Rin; Daw at Raw; Doon at Roon
Gamit ng din, daw, doon
ginagamit kapag ang nauunang salita ay nagtatapos sa katinig maliban sa w at y
Halimbawa: Napanood din nila ang pelikula.
Napanood daw nila ang pelikula.
Napanood doon nila ang pelikula.
Gamit ng rin, raw, roon
ginagamit kapag ang nauunang salita ay nagtatapos sa patinig. Ang w at y ay itinutuing na
malapatinig. Samakatuwid, ang rin, raw, roon ay ginagamit kapag ang sinusundang salita
ay nagtatapos sa mga titik na ito.
Halimbawa: Himala rin ang kailangan niya.
Kaliwete raw ang dalaga.
Umuwi roon ang kanyang asawa.
Ika at Ika-
Gamit ng ika
ginagamit bilang panlapi sa bilang na isinusulat bilang salita
Halimbawa: ikatlong taon
Ikalimang araw
Gamit ng ika-
ginagamit ang ginitlingan na ika bilang panlapi kung mismong bilang ang isusulat.
Halimbawa: ika-25 ng Enero
Ika-5 taon
Maka at Maka-
Gamit ng maka
ginagamit ang maka na walang gitling kung pangngalang pambalana ang kasunod na
Halimbawa: Naglunsad ng poetry reading ang mga makabayan.
Gamit ng maka-
ginagamit ang may gitling na maka- kapag sinusundan ng pangngalang pantangi
Halimbawa: Maka-Nora ang mga nanonood ng kanyang mga pelikula.
Gawin at Gawan
ginagamit ang mga panlapi -in/-hin sa mga pandiwang pokus sa layon
Halimbawa: Gawin mo ang sa tingin mo ay tama.
ginagamit ang panlaping -an/-han sa mga pandiwang pokus sa direksyon
Halimbawa: Subukan mong gawan siya ng mabuti.
>Miss Moon<
RATIONALIZATION: Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which asserts that reality
does not exist outside the human conceptions. It is the individual who construct reality by
reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it.
RATIONALIZATION: As defined, Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which asserts
that reality does not exist outside of the human conceptions. It is the individual that
construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it. It is founded
on the premise that by reflecting on our own experiences, we construct our own
understanding of the world we live in. Therefore, learning is simply the process of adjusting
our mental modes to accommodate new experiences.
RATIONALIZATION: Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes subjectivity, freedom
and responsibility.
RATIONALE: Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of selfhood and proclaims
mans freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny. In this question Thea made her own
choice and did not listen to her sister.
RATIONALE: Naturalism aims to unfold the childs potential, not to prepare him/her for a
definite vocation or social position but to prepare him/her to adapt to the changing times and
RATIONALIZATION: Empiricism upholds that the only source of knowledge is the senses
and sense-based experience.
RATIONALE: Humanism is a philosophy that stresses to live life to the fullest.
RATIONALIZATION: Both Epicureanism and Hedonism deals with pleasure. Epicureanism
can be the answer to this, however Epicureanism is just a form of Hedonism. Hedonism is
the general, Epicureanism is the specific. If ever you encounter this type of question ...
Always select the general answer. That's the reason why the answer to this is HEDONISM.
RATIONALIZATION: Realism concerns with what is real, actual. For ideas to be realized,
they must be transferred or demonstrated.
RATIONALIZATION: Idealism is the answer because it stresses the existence of ideas
independent from the material world. Ideas that which exist in the mind are the only reality.
RATIONALIZATION: Essentialism - is an educational theory rooted in classical realism and
idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of the basics like the

o Acquire basic knowledge, common body of knowledge
o Excellence in education
o Student centered
o 4R's (Reading , Writing, Arithmetic, Right Conduct) Proponent: William Bagley
o Freedom of choice
o Individual Differences
o Unique individual
o Awareness of consequences
Proponent: Jean Paul Sartre
o Education are changeless- Humanistic
o Educate the rational person
o Back to basics
o Cultural literacy
o Great work of civilization
o Develops the ability to think deeply
o Student centered
Proponent: Robert Hutchins
o Always in the process of development
o Teaching using real life situation
o Relevant curriculum, humanistic education, radical school reform
o Growth
o Learning by doing
Proponent: John Dewey
o Unified reality with God
o Morally and mentally upright
o Mind
o Anything what is in your mind (absolute value) Proponent: Plato
o Based on natural law
o Lecture method and memorization
o Logical and abstract thinking
o Objects exist independently of the mind
Proponent: Aristotle

o Always changing
o Interaction of individual with environment
o Essence of idea comes from the consequence of its
o Practical / Beneficial
Proponent: John Dewey, William James, Rousseau
o Reconstruct society
o Improvement
o Change and social reform / social change
o Awareness of societal needs and problems
Proponent: Pragmatism, Teodore, Brameld
o Back to basics
o Stimulus response to teaching
o Modification and shaping of students behavior
Proponent: John Watson
Rationalism to enable to think for themselves Naturalism nature is the aggregate of physical
objects Constructivism creating new idea connecting (old-new) Humanism loving one self
>>>Property and ENCODED BY: icko reyes
>Miss Moon<
1. The Philippine Elementary School Curriculum gives greater emphasis on the
development of basic skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic. What is the philosophical
basis for this?
A. Pragmatism C. Essentialism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Essentialism. Essentialism - is an educational theory rooted in
classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of
the basics like the 3R's.
Pragmatism- is regarded as an American philosophy whose various forms advocate
instrumentalism, functionalism, and practicalism and their curricular offerings imply a wide
range of subject areas.
Pereninialism- is a traditional educational theory that puts premium on eternal truth as
contained in the "Great Books".
Existentialism - personalizes knowledge to the individual. The person chooses the
knowledge that he deems is relevant to his process of becoming to realize his essence.
2. Teacher H asks one of her students, What do you want to become when you grow up?
question is an indication of what kind of philosophy? A. Progressivism C. Existentialism
B. Naturalism D. Idealism
RATIONALIZATION: D - Idealism. Idealism is the answer because it stresses the existence
of ideas independent from the material world. Ideas that which exist in the mind are the only
3. Teacher X has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also
imparted this to her students. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy?
A. Naturalism C. Realism
B. Idealism D. Perennialism
RATIONALIZATION: C - Realism. Realism concerns with what is real, actual. For ideas to
be realized, they must be transferred or demonstrated.
4. In his class, Teacher M always presents principles and values so as to encourage his
students to examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept them or not. What
kind of philosophy does he practice?
A. Idealism C. Humanism
B. Essentialism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: D - Existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes
subjectivity, freedom and responsibility.
5. When a teacher emphasizes that mans sense should be trusted because they are the
way to acquire knowledge, the teacher can be regarded as . A. Naturalist C. Empiricist
B. Realist D. Pragmatist
RATIONALIZATION: C -Empiricism. Empiricism upholds that the only source of knowledge
is the senses and sense-based experience.
6. Teacher K views her pupils as unique, free choosing, and responsible individuals. She
plans activities where the pupil can develop his unique personality. What theory underlies
this nature of the pupil?
A. Realism C. Existentialism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of self
hood whose fundamental doctrine proclaims mans freedom in the accomplishment of his
destiny. In this case, emphasis is given on the students rather than on the curriculum
7. "Learning is the process of retrieving prior learning", this is a statement from _. A.
Constructivist C. Progressivist
B. Reconstructivist D. Empiricist
RATIONALIZATION: A. Constructivist. As defined, Constructivism is a philosophy of
learning which asserts that reality does not exist outside of the human conceptions. It is the
individual that construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it.
It is founded on the premise that by reflecting on our own experiences, we construct our
own understanding of the world we live in. Therefore, learning is simply the process of
adjusting our mental modes to accommodate new experiences.
8. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's teaching
is against what philosophy?
A. Realism C. Epicureanism
B. Hedonism D. Empiricism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Hedonism. Epicureanism is just a form of Hedonism. Hedonism is
the general, Epicureanism is the specific. Always select the general answer.
9. After listening to the homily of the Priest about fidelity, Catherine has a moment of
reflection. Her understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as she related this
to her past experience. This typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Constructivism C. Humanism
B. Reconstructivism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Constructivism. Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which
asserts that reality does not exist outside the human conceptions. It is the individual who
construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it.
10. After studying the Principle of Identity, Teacher W asks her students to determine which
among the given set of problems conforms to the said identity. This shows that Teacher W
upholds what kind of Philosophy?
A. Perennialism C. Essentialism
B. Progressivism D. Naturalism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Progressivism. Progressivism is a philosophy of learning by doing
11. Thea listened to the advice given by her sister to end the relationship that she has with
Gilbert. However, her sister learned that the advice she has given was not followed and
Thea decided to continue the relationship. This action of Thea is a manifestation of what
kind of philosophy?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Existentialism D. Humanism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of
and proclaims mans freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny.
12. After finishing the degree in Education, Teacher M learns that learning never stops. In
fact, she accumulates more knowledge after leaving the portal of her alma mater. This
typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Constructivism C. Progressivism
B. Perennialism D. Humanism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Progressivism. Progressivism connotes change, growth and
development. It is an active form of philosophy for it continues to evolve.
13. Matilda is an advocate of the principle making the most of your life. She is indeed an
advocate of what kind of philosophy?
A. Humanism C. Realism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Humanism. Humanism is a philosophy that stresses to live life to
the fullest.
14. Teacher X is a very dedicated teacher in the nursery. Her foremost concern is for
students to learn how to adapt themselves in the environment. This shows that Teacher X
upholds what kind of philosophy?
A. Naturalism C. Progressivism
B. Pragmatism D. Rationalism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Naturalism. Naturalism aims to unfold the childs potential, not to
prepare him for a definite vocation or social position but to prepare him to adapt to the
changing times and needs.
15. Teacher J serves as an inspiration to his students because of his efficiency and
effectiveness as a teacher. The mind set of his students towards him/her is an instance of
what kind of philosophy?
A. Realism C. Nationalism
B. Idealism D. Constructivism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Idealism. Idealism is a philosophy which asserts that whats in the
mind is the only reality. In this situation, the teacher inspires his/her students through the
values that he/she possessed. Values are absolute are told to belong in realm of ideas.
Hence, these are considered as ideas that exist only in the mind.
16. John learns well through active interplay with others. His learning increases when
engaged in activities that has meaning in him. Which philosophy can describe this?
A. Progressivism C. Realism
B. Idealism D. Empiricism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Progressivism. Progressivism is a philosophy of hands of learning
or experiential learning. Learning by doing. Learning is based from the questions of ones
experience of the world. Hence, it is the learner himself who thinks, solves, and gives
meaning through his individual experiences.
17. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and
so teaches you the skill to cope with the changes. Which in his governing philosophy?
A. Experimentalism C. Idealism
B. Existentialism D. Realism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Experimentalism. Experimentalism believes that things are
constantly changing. It is based on the view that reality is what works right now and that
goodness comes from group decisions. As a result, schools exist to discover and expand
the society we live in. Students study social experiences and solve problems.
18. Principal C shares this thought with his teachers: "Subject matter should help students
understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete
responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions." From which philosophy is this
based? / Teacher V teaches her students to appreciate themselves as unique individuals
and are
to accept the responsibility to their feelings, actions and thoughts. She upholds the
philosophy of
A. Perennialism C. Existentialism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of
and proclaims mans freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny.
19. Teacher H class is engage in problem solving activity which in a way is a reflection of
the personal and social experiences. The purpose of this activity is for the students to
acquire the skills that can help them in solving their own real-life problems. What philosophy
can best describe this?
A. Realism C. Progressivism
B. Idealism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Progressivism. Progressivism connotes growth and development.
In this manner learning comes best when things are being experienced, that is learning by
things. It involves participation of the students and allows them to exercise freedom.
20. In the Social Science class of Teacher G, students identify the various social and
economic problems that require urgent solutions. They not only discuss the ways to address
it but also agreed to participate in solving them. What kind of philosophy does this class
A. Naturalism C. Progressivism
B. Constructivism D. Reconstructivism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Reconstructivism. Reconstructivism covers the underlying factors
that constitute reality or society. In this regard, students are encourage to become involved
in the problems whether political, social, or economical that confront the society and be able
to arrive at solutions in order to reconstruct society.
21. A curriculum should only include those that have survived the test of time and combine
the symbols of literature, history, and mathematics. Thus, curriculum like this contains
values that are constant and universal. What philosophy describes this kind of curriculum?
A. Idealism C. Humanism
B. Perennialism D. Essentialism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Perennialism. Perennialism maintains that education involves
confronting the problems and questions that have challenged people over the centuries.
Thus there is a need to study classical tradition of great books.
22. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day,
longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist C. Progressivist
B. Essentialist D. Existentialist
RATIONALIZATION: B. Essentialist. Essentialism is an educational theory rooted in
classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of
the basics like the 3R's.
23. Education is a continuous process of experiencing and of visiting or reorganizing
experiences according to a Progressivist. What does it mean?
A. Education begins and ends in school.
B. Education takes place anytime and anywhere. C. Education happens formally and
D. Education goes on throughout life.
RATIONALIZATION: D. Education goes on throughout life. Progressivism connotes growth
and development. It is an active form of philosophy for it continues to evolve.
24. Mr. Cruz exemplifies an ideal teacher and son. He is competent in his field based on the
various recognitions that he received from his school. As a dutiful son, he assumes all the
responsibilities of raising his family (this includes his parents, siblings, and their own
families) giving all their needs and wants. The fulfilment of these is the neglect of the
responsibilities to himself. This attitude of Mr. Cruz is against what kind of philosophy?
A. Existentialism C. Pragmatism
B. Constructivism D. Humanism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Humanism. Humanism stresses personal culture, individual
freedom, and development (the best way towards full and rich lives).
25. Teacher R ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings in the bank. At the
end of the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages
rather than of buying expensive clothes, jewellery, and latest gadgets. Favoring the former
action over the latter exhibits that Teacher R follows what kind of philosophy?
A. Existentialism C. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy that gives a person
the freedom to choose. It is a philosophy of subjectivity.
26. Teacher R ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings in the bank. At the
end of the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages
rather than of buying expensive clothes, jewellery, and latest gadgets. This shows that
Teacher R is an advocate of what kind of philosophy?
A. Pragmatism C. Naturalism
B. Perennialism D. Essentialism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Perennialism. Perennialism views education as a recurring process
based on eternal truths. Good education involves a search for and understanding of truth
which can all be found in the great works of civilization.
27. Teacher X rates the art work of her students not just on the merit of its appeal to the
senses but also considers its uniqueness and the responsibility that every student has given
in accomplishing the task. This practice shows how Teacher X upholds this kind of
A. Realism C. Idealism
B. Reconstructivism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Existentialism. Conceives philosophy as something that is felt by an
individual because its concrete in itself or based on what is concrete. There is also personal
involvement in this kind of philosophy.
28. In line with the philosophy of Reconstructivism, which of the following should be given
emphasis in teaching?
A. To seek a better position in the society
B. To compare oneself with the less fortunate
C. To become economically self-reliant
D. To designate ones superiority over the others
RATIONALIZATION: C. To become economically self-reliant. Reconstructivism aims to
achieve social changes. This is a philosophy that entails the identification of social
problems, finding solutions for this and be a part of the solution.
29. Joining organizations or clubs in school is requisite to granting of academic distinction
under DECS Order No. 65, s. 1998. This shows school community connection reflected in
activities geared towards society's needs. What philosophy is related to this? / Activities
planned by
school clubs or organizations show school-community connection geared towards society's
needs. What philosophy is related to this?
A. Realism C. Existentialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructivism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Reconstructivism. Reconstructivism aims to achieve social
changes. This is a philosophy that entails the identification of social problems, finding
solutions for this and be a part of the solution.
30. Increase of time allotment in English, Math and Science in the Elementary level under
the New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) as provided in DECS Order No. 1, s. 1993
contributes in the culturation of basic literacy by providing the needed essential skills. The
related philosophy is .
A. Realism C. Idealism
B. Essentialism D. Perennialism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Essentialism. Essentialism is an educational theory rooted in
classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of
the basics like the 3R's.
31. Teacher A believes that the learner is the product of his environment. Sometimes he
has no choice. He/she is determined by his environment.
A. Rationalist C. Existentialist
B. Behaviorist D. Progressivist
RATIONALIZATION: B. Behaviorist. A behaviourist believes that human behaviour can be
best explained in terms of responses to external stimuli. Also, education can be best
achieved by modifying or changing student behaviours in a socially acceptable manner
through the arrangement of the conditions for learning. The control is obtained not by
manipulating the individual, but the environment.
32. The curriculum is viewed as a means of developing desirable habits. It is recommended
that the way /means to form these habits is through the mastery of organized subject
matter. Which philosophy is behind this educational view?
A. Naturalism C. Realism
B. Idealism D. Pragmatism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Realism. This educative process is viewed mainly as the
transmission of information and knowledge. The curriculum has the function of forming the
body and this interrelationship gives rise to the dictum "sound mind in a sound body."
33. Teachers in school perform the role and responsibility of parents in the development
and education of the child. This stems from the belief that the home is the primary agency in
the education of the individual. Thus, teachers are regarded as surrogate parents along the
loco parentis principle. Which philosophy espouses this view of education?
A. Pragmatism C. Idealism
B. Naturalism D. Realism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Naturalism - the school is seen as the extension of home and
teachers are deemed "surrogate parents".
34. This philosophy believes that students need a passionate encounter with the positive
and negative phases of life like the joy and agony of love, desirability of life, the inevitability
of death, the anguish of freedom and the consequences of choices and actions. Which
philosophy advocates this view in education?
A. Existentialism C. Essentialism
B. Perennialism D. Realism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Existentialism - it is a modern school of thought that grew out of the
thoughts of European philosophers , particularly from Soren Kierkegaard, who believes that
the central problem humanity is facing is the ability to cope with its existence.
35. The teacher should provide for shared experiences in the classroom that fosters
cooperative learning rather than competitive learning. Scientific means of inquiry
complements such atmosphere. Which theory advocates this view?
A. Existentialism C. Perennialism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
36. This philosophy believes that ideas are inherent in the invidual. This explains the nature
of the Socratic dialogue in teaching, where the teacher asks questions to wring out the
ideas innate in the learner. Which school of thought has advocated this belief?
A. Naturalism C. Realism
B. Idealism D. Pragmatism
37. Teacher B believes that the learner can choose what he can become despite his
A. Rationalist C. Existentialist
B. Behaviorist D. Progressivist
38. Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided
reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which
principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism C. Behaviorism
B. Environmentalism D. Constructivism
39. Changes in the T.H.E takes care of the cognitive needs of students. It also emphasizes
the use of project method as implied in DECS Order No. 91, s. 1998. The related
philosophy is
A. Realism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Reconstructivism
40. DECS Order No. 13 s. 1998 entitled "Revised rules and regulations on the teaching of
religion" is emphasizing the development of one's spirituality and moral. What philosophy is
related to it?
A. Realism C. Essentialism
B. Idealism D. Progressivism
41. DECS Order No. 57 s. 1998 entitled "Clarification on the changes in the Social Studies
programs" offers Economics in 3rd year instead of 4th year. The change hopefully will
provide the needed social reform in alleviating the condition of poverty. What philosophy
addresses this concern?
A. Realism C. Essentialism
B. Existentialism D. Reconstructivism
42. DECS Order No. 54, s. 1995 entitled "War on Waste" helps students realize their role in
the conservation of nation's resources. This also helps instil discipline among them.
What philosophy is related to this?
A. Realism C. Perennialism
B. Essentialism D. Reconstructivism
43. Which philosophy has the educational objective to indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the
teachings of the Catholic church which is to foster faith in God?
A. Realism C. Idealism
B. Pragmatism D. Existentialism
44. Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of
good and beauty consistent with the good and beauty in God. What philosophy supports
A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
B. Idealism D. Reconstructivism
45. Scouting and Citizens Army Training (CAT) give training in character building,
citizenship training, etc. which leads to the creation of new social order and a new society
eventually. What philosophy supports this?
A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
B. Perennialism D. Reconstructivism
46. Teacher V demonstrated the technique on how to group students according to their
needs and interests and how to use self-paced instructional materials. Which philosophy is
manifested in this activity?
A. Essentialism C. Realism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructivism
47. Teacher G, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values
development and discipline, what could be her educational philosophy?
A. Idealism C. Progressivism
B. Pragmatism D. Realism
48. What philosophy is related to the practice of schools acting as laboratory for teaching
reforms and experimentation?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Reconstructivism
49. What philosophy of education advocates that the curriculum should only include
universal and unchanging truths?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Idealism D. Pragmatism
50. Which philosophy of education influence the singing of the National anthem in schools?
A. Nationalism C. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism D. Socialism
51. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular
homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
A. Essentialist C. Realist
B. Progressivist D. Reconstructivist
52. Teacher G says: "If it is billiard that brings students out of the classroom, let us bring it
into the classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach Math." To which philosophy does Teacher
G adhere?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Idealism D. Reconstructivism
53. Which philosophy influenced the cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in
teaching? A. Confucianism C. Taoism
B. Existentialism D. Zen Buddhism
54. Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less. It is better to be a
generalist claims Teacher R. What philosophy does she uphold?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Pragmatism
55. Everything changes explains the teacher. This entails readiness to accept challenges
in life and be ready to address it. What kind of philosophy can this be attributed?
A. Realism C. Behaviorism
B. Materialism D. Rationalism
56. Life is what you make it, exemplifies best what is :
A. Existentialist C. Idealist
B. Humanist D. Realist
57. If Teacher V believes that learning also takes place in having interaction with the
environment, this teacher can be regarded as:
A. Pragmatist C. Realist
B. Empricist D. Herbalist
58. Teacher Q is concerned more on conceptual matters since reality is mental. She
upholds this kind of philosophy:
A. Empiricism C. Idealism
B. Realism D. Progressivism
59. Teacher W is known in giving great importance on humanistic education. Which of the
following will depict this trait?
A. Developing students into thinking individuals
B. Making students civilized, distinctly educated and refined
C. Giving the students the freedom to choose and decide for themselves
D. Teaching the students the different works of civilization
60. To come closer to the truth we need to "go back to the things themselves." This is the
advice of the .
A. Behaviorists C. Idealists
B. Phenomenologists D. Pragmatists
61. Which group of philosophers maintain that "truth exists in an objective order that is
independent of the knower"? / Teacher D believes that "truth exists in an objective order
and independent of the knower".
She is considered .
A. Idealists C. Existentialists
B. Pragmatists D. Realists
62. Edukasyong Kagandahang Asal at Wastong Pag-uugali (EKAWP) is integrated in the
New Elementary School Curriculum. Which philosophy supports the teaching of EKAWP in
the elementary school?
A. Taoism C. Hinduism
B. Buddhism D. Confucianism
63. Who is most likely to advise you to modify your classroom environment in such a way
that your pupils will be motivated to learn?
A. Humanist C. Cognitivist
B. Behaviorist D. Existentialist
64. You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought
come? A. Experimentalist C. Idealist
B. Realist D. Existentialist
65. If a student believes in this passage "One cannot see perfection but i long for it" then,
student can be regarded as
/ Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it.
So it must be real." Under which group can he be classified?
A. Idealist D. Pragmatist E. Humanist
B. Empiricist C. Realist
66. If a teacher would say that honesty is still an important value even if no one values it,
the teacher can be regarded as .
A. Realist C. Idealist
B. Empiricist D. Positivist
icko reyes
5. When a teacher emphasizes that mans sense should be trusted because they are the
way to acquire knowledge, the teacher can be regarded as . A. Naturalist C. Empiricist
B. Realist D. Pragmatist
RATIONALIZATION: C -Empiricism. Empiricism upholds that the only source of knowledge
is the senses and sense-based experience.
6. Teacher K views her pupils as unique, free choosing, and responsible individuals. She
plans activities where the pupil can develop his unique personality. What theory underlies
this nature of the pupil?
A. Realism C. Existentialism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of self
hood whose fundamental doctrine proclaims mans freedom in the accomplishment of his
destiny. In this case, emphasis is given on the students rather than on the curriculum
7. "Learning is the process of retrieving prior learning", this is a statement from _. A.
Constructivist C. Progressivist
B. Reconstructivist D. Empiricist
RATIONALIZATION: A. Constructivist. As defined, Constructivism is a philosophy of
learning which asserts that reality does not exist outside of the human conceptions. It is the
individual that construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it.
It is founded on the premise that by reflecting on our own experiences, we construct our
own understanding of the world we live in. Therefore, learning is simply the process of
adjusting our mental modes to accommodate new experiences.
8. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's teaching
is against what philosophy?
A. Realism C. Epicureanism
B. Hedonism D. Empiricism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Hedonism. Epicureanism is just a form of Hedonism. Hedonism is
the general, Epicureanism is the specific. Always select the general answer.
9. After listening to the homily of the Priest about fidelity, Catherine has a moment of
reflection. Her understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as she related this
to her past experience. This typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Constructivism C. Humanism
B. Reconstructivism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Constructivism. Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which
asserts that reality does not exist outside the human conceptions. It is the individual who
construct reality by reflecting on his own experience and gives meaning to it.
10. After studying the Principle of Identity, Teacher W asks her students to determine which
among the given set of problems conforms to the said identity. This shows that Teacher W
upholds what kind of Philosophy?
A. Perennialism C. Essentialism
B. Progressivism D. Naturalism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Progressivism. Progressivism is a philosophy of learning by doing
11. Thea listened to the advice given by her sister to end the relationship that she has with
Gilbert. However, her sister learned that the advice she has given was not followed and
Thea decided to continue the relationship. This action of Thea is a manifestation of what
kind of philosophy?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Existentialism D. Humanism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of
and proclaims mans freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny.
12. After finishing the degree in Education, Teacher M learns that learning never stops. In
fact, she accumulates more knowledge after leaving the portal of her alma mater. This
typifies what kind of philosophy?
A. Constructivism C. Progressivism
B. Perennialism D. Humanism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Progressivism. Progressivism connotes change, growth and
development. It is an active form of philosophy for it continues to evolve.
13. Matilda is an advocate of the principle making the most of your life. She is indeed an
advocate of what kind of philosophy?
A. Humanism C. Realism
B. Perennialism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Humanism. Humanism is a philosophy that stresses to live life to
the fullest.
14. Teacher X is a very dedicated teacher in the nursery. Her foremost concern is for
students to learn how to adapt themselves in the environment. This shows that Teacher X
upholds what kind of philosophy?
A. Naturalism C. Progressivism
B. Pragmatism D. Rationalism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Naturalism. Naturalism aims to unfold the childs potential, not to
prepare him for a definite vocation or social position but to prepare him to adapt to the
changing times and needs.
15. Teacher J serves as an inspiration to his students because of his efficiency and
effectiveness as a teacher. The mind set of his students towards him/her is an instance of
what kind of philosophy?
A. Realism C. Nationalism
B. Idealism D. Constructivism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Idealism. Idealism is a philosophy which asserts that whats in the
mind is the only reality. In this situation, the teacher inspires his/her students through the
values that he/she possessed. Values are absolute are told to belong in realm of ideas.
Hence, these are considered as ideas that exist only in the mind.
16. John learns well through active interplay with others. His learning increases when
engaged in activities that has meaning in him. Which philosophy can describe this?
A. Progressivism C. Realism
B. Idealism D. Empiricism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Progressivism. Progressivism is a philosophy of hands of learning
or experiential learning. Learning by doing. Learning is based from the questions of ones
experience of the world. Hence, it is the learner himself who thinks, solves, and gives
meaning through his individual experiences.
17. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and
so teaches you the skill to cope with the changes. Which in his governing philosophy?
A. Experimentalism C. Idealism
B. Existentialism D. Realism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Experimentalism. Experimentalism believes that things are
constantly changing. It is based on the view that reality is what works right now and that
goodness comes from group decisions. As a result, schools exist to discover and expand
the society we live in. Students study social experiences and solve problems.
18. Principal C shares this thought with his teachers: "Subject matter should help students
understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete
responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions." From which philosophy is this
based? / Teacher V teaches her students to appreciate themselves as unique individuals
and are
to accept the responsibility to their feelings, actions and thoughts. She upholds the
philosophy of
A. Perennialism C. Existentialism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy of subjectivity of
and proclaims mans freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny.
19. Teacher H class is engage in problem solving activity which in a way is a reflection of
the personal and social experiences. The purpose of this activity is for the students to
acquire the skills that can help them in solving their own real-life problems. What philosophy
can best describe this?
A. Realism C. Progressivism
B. Idealism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Progressivism. Progressivism connotes growth and development.
In this manner learning comes best when things are being experienced, that is learning by
things. It involves participation of the students and allows them to exercise freedom.
20. In the Social Science class of Teacher G, students identify the various social and
economic problems that require urgent solutions. They not only discuss the ways to address
it but also agreed to participate in solving them. What kind of philosophy does this class
A. Naturalism C. Progressivism
B. Constructivism D. Reconstructivism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Reconstructivism. Reconstructivism covers the underlying factors
that constitute reality or society. In this regard, students are encourage to become involved
in the problems whether political, social, or economical that confront the society and be able
to arrive at solutions in order to reconstruct society.
21. A curriculum should only include those that have survived the test of time and combine
the symbols of literature, history, and mathematics. Thus, curriculum like this contains
values that are constant and universal. What philosophy describes this kind of curriculum?
A. Idealism C. Humanism
B. Perennialism D. Essentialism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Perennialism. Perennialism maintains that education involves
confronting the problems and questions that have challenged people over the centuries.
Thus there is a need to study classical tradition of great books.
22. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day,
longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist C. Progressivist
B. Essentialist D. Existentialist
RATIONALIZATION: B. Essentialist. Essentialism is an educational theory rooted in
classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of
the basics like the 3R's.
23. Education is a continuous process of experiencing and of visiting or reorganizing
experiences according to a Progressivist. What does it mean?
A. Education begins and ends in school.
B. Education takes place anytime and anywhere. C. Education happens formally and
D. Education goes on throughout life.
RATIONALIZATION: D. Education goes on throughout life. Progressivism connotes growth
and development. It is an active form of philosophy for it continues to evolve.
24. Mr. Cruz exemplifies an ideal teacher and son. He is competent in his field based on the
various recognitions that he received from his school. As a dutiful son, he assumes all the
responsibilities of raising his family (this includes his parents, siblings, and their own
families) giving all their needs and wants. The fulfilment of these is the neglect of the
responsibilities to himself. This attitude of Mr. Cruz is against what kind of philosophy?
A. Existentialism C. Pragmatism
B. Constructivism D. Humanism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Humanism. Humanism stresses personal culture, individual
freedom, and development (the best way towards full and rich lives).
25. Teacher R ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings in the bank. At the
end of the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages
rather than of buying expensive clothes, jewellery, and latest gadgets. Favoring the former
action over the latter exhibits that Teacher R follows what kind of philosophy?
A. Existentialism C. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy that gives a person
the freedom to choose. It is a philosophy of subjectivity.
26. Teacher R ensures to put a certain amount of his monthly earnings in the bank. At the
end of the school year, he used all his savings in visiting places rich of cultural heritages
rather than of buying expensive clothes, jewellery, and latest gadgets. This shows that
Teacher R is an advocate of what kind of philosophy?
A. Pragmatism C. Naturalism
B. Perennialism D. Essentialism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Perennialism. Perennialism views education as a recurring process
based on eternal truths. Good education involves a search for and understanding of truth
which can all be found in the great works of civilization.
27. Teacher X rates the art work of her students not just on the merit of its appeal to the
senses but also considers its uniqueness and the responsibility that every student has given
in accomplishing the task. This practice shows how Teacher X upholds this kind of
A. Realism C. Idealism
B. Reconstructivism D. Existentialism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Existentialism. Conceives philosophy as something that is felt by an
individual because its concrete in itself or based on what is concrete. There is also personal
involvement in this kind of philosophy.
28. In line with the philosophy of Reconstructivism, which of the following should be given
emphasis in teaching?
A. To seek a better position in the society
B. To compare oneself with the less fortunate
C. To become economically self-reliant
D. To designate ones superiority over the others
RATIONALIZATION: C. To become economically self-reliant. Reconstructivism aims to
achieve social changes. This is a philosophy that entails the identification of social
problems, finding solutions for this and be a part of the solution.
29. Joining organizations or clubs in school is requisite to granting of academic distinction
under DECS Order No. 65, s. 1998. This shows school community connection reflected in
activities geared towards society's needs. What philosophy is related to this? / Activities
planned by
school clubs or organizations show school-community connection geared towards society's
needs. What philosophy is related to this?
A. Realism C. Existentialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructivism
RATIONALIZATION: D. Reconstructivism. Reconstructivism aims to achieve social
changes. This is a philosophy that entails the identification of social problems, finding
solutions for this and be a part of the solution.
30. Increase of time allotment in English, Math and Science in the Elementary level under
the New Elementary School Curriculum (NESC) as provided in DECS Order No. 1, s. 1993
contributes in the culturation of basic literacy by providing the needed essential skills. The
related philosophy is .
A. Realism C. Idealism
B. Essentialism D. Perennialism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Essentialism. Essentialism is an educational theory rooted in
classical realism and idealism which advocates curricular reform stressing the essentials of
the basics like the 3R's.
31. Teacher A believes that the learner is the product of his environment. Sometimes he
has no choice. He/she is determined by his environment.
A. Rationalist C. Existentialist
B. Behaviorist D. Progressivist
RATIONALIZATION: B. Behaviorist. A behaviourist believes that human behaviour can be
best explained in terms of responses to external stimuli. Also, education can be best
achieved by modifying or changing student behaviours in a socially acceptable manner
through the arrangement of the conditions for learning. The control is obtained not by
manipulating the individual, but the environment.
32. The curriculum is viewed as a means of developing desirable habits. It is recommended
that the way /means to form these habits is through the mastery of organized subject
matter. Which philosophy is behind this educational view?
A. Naturalism C. Realism
B. Idealism D. Pragmatism
RATIONALIZATION: C. Realism. This educative process is viewed mainly as the
transmission of information and knowledge. The curriculum has the function of forming the
body and this interrelationship gives rise to the dictum "sound mind in a sound body."
33. Teachers in school perform the role and responsibility of parents in the development
and education of the child. This stems from the belief that the home is the primary agency in
the education of the individual. Thus, teachers are regarded as surrogate parents along the
loco parentis principle. Which philosophy espouses this view of education?
A. Pragmatism C. Idealism
B. Naturalism D. Realism
RATIONALIZATION: B. Naturalism - the school is seen as the extension of home and
teachers are deemed "surrogate parents".
34. This philosophy believes that students need a passionate encounter with the positive
and negative phases of life like the joy and agony of love, desirability of life, the inevitability
of death, the anguish of freedom and the consequences of choices and actions. Which
philosophy advocates this view in education?
A. Existentialism C. Essentialism
B. Perennialism D. Realism
RATIONALIZATION: A. Existentialism - it is a modern school of thought that grew out of the
thoughts of European philosophers , particularly from Soren Kierkegaard, who believes that
the central problem humanity is facing is the ability to cope with its existence.
35. The teacher should provide for shared experiences in the classroom that fosters
cooperative learning rather than competitive learning. Scientific means of inquiry
complements such atmosphere. Which theory advocates this view?
A. Existentialism C. Perennialism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
36. This philosophy believes that ideas are inherent in the invidual. This explains the nature
of the Socratic dialogue in teaching, where the teacher asks questions to wring out the
ideas innate in the learner. Which school of thought has advocated this belief?
A. Naturalism C. Realism
B. Idealism D. Pragmatism
37. Teacher B believes that the learner can choose what he can become despite his
A. Rationalist C. Existentialist
B. Behaviorist D. Progressivist
38. Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided
reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which
principle is Teacher F's conviction based?
A. Cognitivism C. Behaviorism
B. Environmentalism D. Constructivism
39. Changes in the T.H.E takes care of the cognitive needs of students. It also emphasizes
the use of project method as implied in DECS Order No. 91, s. 1998. The related
philosophy is
A. Realism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Reconstructivism
40. DECS Order No. 13 s. 1998 entitled "Revised rules and regulations on the teaching of
religion" is emphasizing the development of one's spirituality and moral. What philosophy is
related to it?
A. Realism C. Essentialism
B. Idealism D. Progressivism
41. DECS Order No. 57 s. 1998 entitled "Clarification on the changes in the Social Studies
programs" offers Economics in 3rd year instead of 4th year. The change hopefully will
provide the needed social reform in alleviating the condition of poverty. What philosophy
addresses this concern?
A. Realism C. Essentialism
B. Existentialism D. Reconstructivism
42. DECS Order No. 54, s. 1995 entitled "War on Waste" helps students realize their role in
the conservation of nation's resources. This also helps instil discipline among them.
What philosophy is related to this?
A. Realism C. Perennialism
B. Essentialism D. Reconstructivism
43. Which philosophy has the educational objective to indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the
teachings of the Catholic church which is to foster faith in God?
A. Realism C. Idealism
B. Pragmatism D. Existentialism
44. Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of
good and beauty consistent with the good and beauty in God. What philosophy supports
A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
B. Idealism D. Reconstructivism
45. Scouting and Citizens Army Training (CAT) give training in character building,
citizenship training, etc. which leads to the creation of new social order and a new society
eventually. What philosophy supports this?
A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
B. Perennialism D. Reconstructivism
46. Teacher V demonstrated the technique on how to group students according to their
needs and interests and how to use self-paced instructional materials. Which philosophy is
manifested in this activity?
A. Essentialism C. Realism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructivism
47. Teacher G, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values
development and discipline, what could be her educational philosophy?
A. Idealism C. Progressivism
B. Pragmatism D. Realism
48. What philosophy is related to the practice of schools acting as laboratory for teaching
reforms and experimentation?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Reconstructivism
49. What philosophy of education advocates that the curriculum should only include
universal and unchanging truths?
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Idealism D. Pragmatism
50. Which philosophy of education influence the singing of the National anthem in schools?
A. Nationalism C. Pragmatism
B. Naturalism D. Socialism
51. Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular
homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
A. Essentialist C. Realist
B. Progressivist D. Reconstructivist
52. Teacher G says: "If it is billiard that brings students out of the classroom, let us bring it
into the classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach Math." To which philosophy does Teacher
G adhere?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Idealism D. Reconstructivism
53. Which philosophy influenced the cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in
teaching? A. Confucianism C. Taoism
B. Existentialism D. Zen Buddhism
54. Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less. It is better to be a
generalist claims Teacher R. What philosophy does she uphold?
A. Essentialism C. Progressivism
B. Existentialism D. Pragmatism
55. Everything changes explains the teacher. This entails readiness to accept challenges
in life and be ready to address it. What kind of philosophy can this be attributed?
A. Realism C. Behaviorism
B. Materialism D. Rationalism
56. Life is what you make it, exemplifies best what is :
A. Existentialist C. Idealist
B. Humanist D. Realist
57. If Teacher V believes that learning also takes place in having interaction with the
environment, this teacher can be regarded as:
A. Pragmatist C. Realist
B. Empricist D. Herbalist
58. Teacher Q is concerned more on conceptual matters since reality is mental. She
upholds this kind of philosophy:
A. Empiricism C. Idealism
B. Realism D. Progressivism
59. Teacher W is known in giving great importance on humanistic education. Which of the
following will depict this trait?
A. Developing students into thinking individuals
B. Making students civilized, distinctly educated and refined
C. Giving the students the freedom to choose and decide for themselves
D. Teaching the students the different works of civilization
60. To come closer to the truth we need to "go back to the things themselves." This is the
advice of the .
A. Behaviorists C. Idealists
B. Phenomenologists D. Pragmatists
61. Which group of philosophers maintain that "truth exists in an objective order that is
independent of the knower"? / Teacher D believes that "truth exists in an objective order
and independent of the knower".
She is considered .
A. Idealists C. Existentialists
B. Pragmatists D. Realists
62. Edukasyong Kagandahang Asal at Wastong Pag-uugali (EKAWP) is integrated in the
New Elementary School Curriculum. Which philosophy supports the teaching of EKAWP in
the elementary school?
A. Taoism C. Hinduism
B. Buddhism D. Confucianism
63. Who is most likely to advise you to modify your classroom environment in such a way
that your pupils will be motivated to learn?
A. Humanist C. Cognitivist
B. Behaviorist D. Existentialist
64. You arrive at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought
come? A. Experimentalist C. Idealist
B. Realist D. Existentialist
65. If a student believes in this passage "One cannot see perfection but i long for it" then,
student can be regarded as
/ Student B claims: "I cannot see perfection but I long for it.
So it must be real." Under which group can he be classified?
A. Idealist D. Pragmatist E. Humanist
B. Empiricist C. Realist
66. If a teacher would say that honesty is still an important value even if no one values it,
the teacher can be regarded as .
A. Realist C. Idealist
B. Empiricist D. Positiv
icko reyes
Most Frequently Asked Questions (MFAQ) in Legal Bases of Education and Their Possible
Answer(OR A Simplified Catechetic in Legal Bases of Education)
Question: This question is in connection with student arrest in the school premises.
the arresting officer taking the student under custody is a member of the military
establishment properly identified but without warrant of arrest, what would be the
responsibility of the school if the student injury is sustained within the campus?
Answer: The school authorities have no liability. The reason is that they could not fight the
police or military establishment. In this connection, the Supreme court gives the advice that
when one is picked up by the police officer, he should not argue with the policeman. He
must argue in court.
Question: Is a parents signature permitting his child to join on outing or excursion or field
trip tantamount to a waiver? Suppose something happens to the students.
Answer: It is not a waiver. A parent just gives the permission to his child to join the outing or
excursion or field trip but not the permission to be injured.
Questions: Assuming that one can prove that he exercised proper diligence, what then is
the parameter for proper? When do we know it is proper not proper? What constitutes
proper or not proper? who will decide that?
Answer: According to the Supreme Court of the Philippines, you cannot show that the
diligence exercised was proper by calibrated degrees. Each case will have to depend on the
circumstances surroundings the event. It is found in the Latin quis, quid, quibos, qour,
quomodo, quando. What is proper diligence is one case may not be so in another
circumstances because of the difference in the attendant circumstances .There are no hard
and fast rules that can possibly be given.
Question: Would the school authority be liable for any accident that happens to its students
in the school bus or because of traffic accidents to and from the school?
Answer: If the school bus belongs to the school, the school is liable. If it belongs to a private
company, then the concessionaire is the one that is liable.
Question: Suppose that in a student evaluation, a teacher is consistently graded in a
manner of leading to the conclusion that the teacher is inefficient; would this be ground for
dismissing the teacher:
Answer: If the testimony of the students is convincing, and with due process, yes.
Question: Suppose something happens to the students on the way from the school to the
police precinct , what is the schools liability?
Answer: The school no liability. Nothing. The reason is that the student is now under police
Question: It is said that most foolishness and conduct unbecoming of a student occur when
the teacher dismisses his class too early, let us say, twenty minutes after the time or fifteen
minutes before the time, Since every school head is after escaping liability, may he issue as
an exercise of diligence, a regulation that anything that may happen within the period when
the teacher is supposed to be in the classroom will be his liability and that the school head
has nothing to do with it?
Answer: If it was already known to the school authorities that a particular teacher or
teachers are in the habit of coming to class late or dismissing classes too early, the school
has not done anything about, then the school is still liable. The regulation should be a
general rule such as an announcement at the beginning of the school year or during faculty
or teachers, meeting and that violation of that rule will be ground for disciplinary action on
the teacher. That teacher shall be subject to administrative action.
Question: Suppose during a class a student leave without the teachers permission. Then,
he meets an accident outside the school campus. the question is: Is the teacher, and
therefore the school liable?
Answer: In such a case the age of the student will be the one to be the deciding factor. If the
student is a minor the law requires that the school post guards so that the students cannot
go out during class hours. If he is of age and he goes out of the school, the school is not
liable. The schools negligence will be for failure to post guards for the security of the
students who are considered minors.
Question: how do you differentiate tenure from term of office?
Answer: The word tenure refers to the period of time during which the incumbent is in office
where the word term of office refers to the period of time during which the incumbent has
the right to be in office
Question: If an educational institution converts itself into a foundation and any of its
employees or teachers refuse to become part of the foundation, would the refusal be
tantamount to separation?
Answer: In the words of the Supreme Court, transfer is not just physical severance but the
fact of being separated. Now, if a school employee or teacher refuses to be absorbed by the
foundation, he has thereby made his own decision. In the words of the Existentialist
Philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, a person who makes a decision is the moral one and the one
who cannot make a decision is the immoral one. Now, he has thereby made his own
decision. He has laid off himself. In short, he has dismissed himself!
Question: Suppose a school transfer location due to a government order on dispersal, is the
refusal of a teacher to join that school that transfer location be a ground for separation, and
may the Commission hold the school accountable?
Answer: Because the relocation of the school is mandated by the state, whoever refuses to
join the migration and complains to the Commission on accounts of his separation would
have to convince the NLRC that the school was acting in bad faith.
Question: why is it difficult to dismiss inefficient faculty members and yet comparatively
easy for a faculty member to walk out of his school with very little penalty?
Answer: The question has, of course, serious socio-economic and moral implications. The
state has to use its police power to counteract certain pressures in the free world economy.
In a developing country like the Philippines which has a labor excess economy, which
means that here we have a situation where the man runs after the jobs and not the job
running after the man, the guidelines are based on the philosophy that unemployed workers
constitutes a social burden to the government and such a situation should not be
recommended to escalate. Moreover, the philosophy of egalitarian must be used here
where the State is guided by the motto: the greatest good for the greatest number.
Question: If a professor carries on an affair with a female student and the affair is carried on
outside the school, may the professor be charged with immorality? Or if an unmarried
teacher should become pregnant is this a case of immorality?
Answer: Moral standards are supposed to be universal. Such a situation should not be
tolerated whether the school is private or public.
Question: What is our law on tenure?
Answer: The explicit mandate of the 1987 Philippine Constitution enjoins the State to assure
the security of tenure of workers in employment. This constitutional provision abolishes the
almost absolute right of the employer under the Termination Pay Law (R. A 1987) to
terminate at any time the services of his employees even without just cause. (Department of
Labor Staff Committee on labor code)
Question: what statutory law implements the constitutional provision on tenure?
Answer: The statutory law that implements the constitutional provision on tenure is
presidential Decree 442, as amended, which took effect last may 1, 1974. Specifically its
pertinent provision provides that In cases of employment without a definite period, the
employer shall not terminate the services of an employee except for a just cause or when
authorized by this Title. (Article 269, Labor Code)
Question: What is the effect of an unjust dismissal of an employee?
Answer: He shall be entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority right and to his back
wages computed from the time his compensation which was withheld up to the time of his
compensation which was withheld up to the time of his actual reinstatement. (Article 269,
Labor Code)
Question: What do you mean by dismissal for a just cause?
Answer: As a sufficient ground for dismissal, a just cause is a legal cause and not merely a
cause, which the appointing power, in the exercise of his discretion, deems sufficient. It is
the statutory prescription of the cause of termination of employment.
Question: What exactly do we mean by probationary period?
Answer: Under the Labor Code, the probationary period is actually the period needed to
determine fitness for the job. This period, due to lack of a better measurement, is deemed to
be the period needed to learn the job.
Question: What is the probationary period for employees covered by the Labor Code?
Answer: The general probationary period is actually six months. If the job is apprenticeable,
the probationary period is the apprenticeship period, which may range from less than six to
more than six months depending upon the nature of the job. The probationary employment
of professors, instructors, and teachers shall be subject to standards established by the
Department of Education and Culture (Policy Instruction No. 11). However, for those
working in the DepEd now, there is no more probationary period.
Question: what is liability, if any, or to what extent will heads of schools be liable for mass
demonstration similar to those in Thailand or in China?
Answer: Mass demonstrations are without sanction of the school activities. Therefore, the
schools are not liable.
Question: Suppose the demonstration is inside the school premises without permission of
the school authorities during class hours just like what happen to the University of Southern
Mindanao way back in 1983s, what liabilities do the school officials have?
Answer: If the activity is in violation of school regulations and the school authorities had
tried their best to stop it, the school would not be liable. The school will be held liable if there
was implied consent.
Question: In case of an arrest of student during class hours. What is the liability of the
school if it refuses to surrender a student?
Answer: This is disobedience to lawful authority. The school is therefore held liable.
Question: Can a teacher who has to use force in a students fight be held liable if he
accidentaly hurts a student in trying to stop the fight?
Answer: No., because the teacher was acting in the performance of lawful duty. However,
the forced employed by the teacher must be commensurate with the danger involved.
Question; Is there direct assault if both offender and offended are persons in authority?
Answer: In a case where a superintendent boxed a fellow superintendent because of
conflict of jurisdiction, it was ruled that there was no assault.
Question: Is serious vandalism committed by an employee against the property of teachers
in the classroom considered as assault of person in authority?
Answer: The offense may be termed malicious mischief or destruction of property with evil
motive, etc..
Question: Is a student liable for direct assault upon a person in authority even if the act was
committed during recess time and not in actual performance of the teachers duties?
Answer: Yes, as long as it is by reason or no accession of the teachers duties. When we
say on occasion of the reason behind the assault was the performance of the teachers
Question: If a students refusal to obey teacher in public provokes the teachers anger who
loses his temper and slaps the student or even manhandles him, should the school officials
side with the teacher or the student?
Answer: That situation is a plain case of the teacher taking the law into her own hands-the
teacher becomes the offender and the students, his victim. More importantly, the offense is
even aggravated by the teacher being a person in authority.
Question: When we refer to students assaulting persons in authority, do we refer only to
student currently enrolled or does this include students who have been granted honourable
Answer: The law does not mention students only. It includes non students,parents, even
strangers. If a student was flunked by a professor there is direct assault on a person in
Question: In most barrios it is difficult to divorce the social functions of a teacher from the
academic. If a teacher attends a school social function and in refusing to dance with a man
she gets slapped direct assault on a person in authority?
Answer: It depends on the reason why the teacher was slapped.
Question: The teacher refused to danced with him because he smells liquor.
Answer: The teachers refusal to dance has nothing to do with the performance of a
teachers duty but for a private reason. If a teacher is in the performance of duty, no matter
if the reason for the assault has nothing to do with teacher (such as when a teacher is
explaining a lesson and a creditor comes and slaps her in front of the students) there is
direct assault of person in authority. The reason is immaterial if the assault is committed
while the teacher is performing her duties.
Question: Would homosexual practices constitute just cause for separation?
Answer: The attending circumstances should be taken into account. In most state
universities and colleges as well as private.
Mga Uri ng Matalinghagang mga Pananalita
Pahayag Idyomatiko (Idiomatic Expression)
Isang pariralang ang kahulugan ay di mahahanago sa alinmang bahagi ng pananalita.
Ang kahulugan ng mga ito ay di bunga ng pagsasama ng kahulugan ng mga salitang bumubuo sa
mga ito kundi isang natatanging kahulugang naiiba sa mismong parirala.
Malayo ang kahulugang literal o tuwirang kahulugan sa kontekstuwal o tunay na kahulugan.
Matatag na ang pagiging gamitin ng mga pahayag idyomatiko dahil ginagamit na sa mahabang
panahon at bahagi na ng talaslaitaan ng bayan.
Nagpasalin-salin ito sa bibig ng mg tao.
alagang ahas taksil, walang utang-na-loob, kalawang sa bakal
gagapang na parang ahas maghihirap ang buhay, maghihikahos, magiging miserable ang buhay
parang ahas na kuyog galit na lahat ang buong angkan sa kagalit ng isa sa kanila
bagong ahon baguhan sa pook, bagong salta
alanganin bakla, tomboy
lumilipad sa alapaap walang katiyakan, alinlangan
inalat minalas, inabot ng alat
pinakain ng alikabok tinalo sa isang karera ng takbuhan
nasagap na alimuom nakuhang tsismis, sabi-sabi, bali-balita, alingasngas
Patayutay na Pananalita ((Figurative Word or Phrase)
Isang salita o parirala na ang kahulugan ay ipinahihiwatig ng salita o ilan sa mga salita sa parirala.
Nasisinag ang kontekstuwal na kahulugan sa mga salitang ginagamit.
magulo pa sa sangkuwaltang abaka masalimuot, napakagulo, nakalilito, walang-walang kaayusan
abo ang utak walang pang-intindi, bobo, tanga, mahina ang ulo
anay lihim na kaaway
anak sa labas anak sa di tunay na asawa, anak sa ibang babae
parang iniihan ng aso di mapakali, di mapalagay, balisa
buhol-babae mahina o madaling makalas ang pagkakatali, di matatag/matibay
agawin ang buhay iligtas ang buhay sa kamatayan
mag-alsa ng boses sumigaw (sa galit), magtaas ng tinig
mabigat ang katawan masama ang pakiramdam o di maganda ang pakiramdam, tamad
Eupemistikong Pananalita (Euphemistic Expression)
Pananalitang ipinapalit sa mga salita o pariralang kapag ipinahayag sa tuwirang kahulugan ay
nagdudulot ng pagkalungkot o pagdaramdam, pagkarimarim, pagkalagim o ibang di kanais-nais na
damdamin sa pinagsasabihan o nakakarinig.
Ginagawa ang ganitong pagpapalit upang maging kaaya-aya sa pandinig ang pahayag at nang
maiwasan ang makasugat ng damdamin ng iba.
Madalas na ginagamit ang mga eupemistikong pananalita sa mga pahayg kaugnay ng kamatayan,
maseselang bahagi ng katawan ng tao at sa malalaswang gawain.
Eupemistikong Pananalita Kahulugan
sumakabilang buhay
o binawian ng buhay namatay
pagsisiping o pagtatalik pag-aasawahan
Mga Uri ng Matalinghagang mga Pananalita
Pahayag Idyomatiko (Idiomatic Expression)
Isang pariralang ang kahulugan ay di mahahanago sa alinmang bahagi ng pananalita.
Ang kahulugan ng mga ito ay di bunga ng pagsasama ng kahulugan ng mga salitang bumubuo sa
mga ito kundi isang natatanging kahulugang naiiba sa mismong parirala.
Malayo ang kahulugang literal o tuwirang kahulugan sa kontekstuwal o tunay na kahulugan.
Matatag na ang pagiging gamitin ng mga pahayag idyomatiko dahil ginagamit na sa mahabang
panahon at bahagi na ng talaslaitaan ng bayan.
Nagpasalin-salin ito sa bibig ng mg tao.
alagang ahas taksil, walang utang-na-loob, kalawang sa bakal
gagapang na parang ahas maghihirap ang buhay, maghihikahos, magiging miserable ang buhay
parang ahas na kuyog galit na lahat ang buong angkan sa kagalit ng isa sa kanila
bagong ahon baguhan sa pook, bagong salta
alanganin bakla, tomboy
lumilipad sa alapaap walang katiyakan, alinlangan
inalat minalas, inabot ng alat
pinakain ng alikabok tinalo sa isang karera ng takbuhan
nasagap na alimuom nakuhang tsismis, sabi-sabi, bali-balita, alingasngas
Patayutay na Pananalita ((Figurative Word or Phrase)
Isang salita o parirala na ang kahulugan ay ipinahihiwatig ng salita o ilan sa mga salita sa parirala.
Nasisinag ang kontekstuwal na kahulugan sa mga salitang ginagamit.
magulo pa sa sangkuwaltang abaka masalimuot, napakagulo, nakalilito, walang-walang kaayusan
abo ang utak walang pang-intindi, bobo, tanga, mahina ang ulo
anay lihim na kaaway
anak sa labas anak sa di tunay na asawa, anak sa ibang babae
parang iniihan ng aso di mapakali, di mapalagay, balisa
buhol-babae mahina o madaling makalas ang pagkakatali, di matatag/matibay
agawin ang buhay iligtas ang buhay sa kamatayan
mag-alsa ng boses sumigaw (sa galit), magtaas ng tinig
mabigat ang katawan masama ang pakiramdam o di maganda ang pakiramdam, tamad
Eupemistikong Pananalita (Euphemistic Expression)
Pananalitang ipinapalit sa mga salita o pariralang kapag ipinahayag sa tuwirang kahulugan ay
nagdudulot ng pagkalungkot o pagdaramdam, pagkarimarim, pagkalagim o ibang di kanais-nais na
damdamin sa pinagsasabihan o nakakarinig.
Ginagawa ang ganitong pagpapalit upang maging kaaya-aya sa pandinig ang pahayag at nang
maiwasan ang makasugat ng damdamin ng iba.
Madalas na ginagamit ang mga eupemistikong pananalita sa mga pahayg kaugnay ng kamatayan,
maseselang bahagi ng katawan ng tao at sa malalaswang gawain.
Eupemistikong Pananalita Kahulugan
sumakabilang buhay
o binawian ng buhay namatay
pagsisiping o pagtatalik pag-aasawahan
Mga Tayutay o Mga Salitang Patalinghaga
Tayutay (Figures of Speech)
Nagpapaganda sa akda, nagpapalalim sa kaisipan at nagpapayaman sa guniguni ng
bumabasa. Ang mga tayutay ay madalas na gamitin sa mga akdang pampanitikan.
1. Patulad o Simile paghahambing ng dalawang bagay na magkaiba ng uri (ginagamitan
ng salitang para, gaya, katulad, kaparis, at iba pa).
Para ng halamang lumaki sa tubig,
Dahoy nalalanta munting di madilig.
2. Pawangis o Metapora paggamit ng salitang nangangahulugan ng isang bagay sa
pagpapahayag ng ibang bagay.
Sapagkat ang haring may hangad sa yaman
Ay mariing hampas ng langit sa bayan.
3. Sinekdoke gumagamit ng bahagi sa halip ng kabuuan o ng kabuuan sa halip ng
At ang balang bibig na binubukalan
Ng sabing magaling at katotohanan.
4. Pangitain o Vision
Sa sinapupunan ng Konde Adolfoy
Aking natatanaw si Laurang sinta ko.
5. Panawagan o Apostrophe kagyat na pagtutol sa naunang pagpapahayag at
pananawagan sa tao o bagay na wala roon.
Kamatayay nahan ang dating bangis mo?
6. Pabaligho o Paradox pahayag na wariy salungat o laban sa likas na pagkukuro ngunit
nagpapakilala ng katotohanan.
Ang matatawag kong palaya sa akin
ng ama koy itong akoy pagliluhin
agawan ng sintat panasa-nasaing
lumubog sa dusat buhay koy makitil.
7. Padamdam o Exclamation pagbubulalas ng masidhi o matinding damdamin.
Nanlilisik ang matat ang ipinagsaysay
Ay hindi ang ditsong nasa orihinal,
Kundi ang winikay ikaw na umagaw
Ng kapurihan koy dapat kang mamatay!
8. Pandiwantao o Personification binibigyang-katauhan ang isang bagay na walang buhay
o kaisipang basal (abstract).
Parang walang malay hanggang sa magtagot
Humilig si Pebo sa hihigang ginto.
9. Pahalintulad o Analogy tambalang paghahambing, pagkakawangki ng mga
Inusig ng taga ang dalawang leon,
si Apolo mandin sa Serpyente Piton.
10. Enigma naikukubli ang kahulugan sa ilalim ng malabong pagtukoy.
Tapat ang puso koy di nagunamgunam
Na ang paglililoy nasa kagandahan.
11. Papanuto o Aphorism maikling paglalahad ng isang tuntuning pangkaasalan.
Kung ang isalubong sa iyong pagdating
ay masayang mukhat may pakitang-giliw
pakaingatan mot kaaway na lihim,
siyang isaisip na kakabakahin.
12. Tanong na Mabisa o Rhetorical Question tanong na naglalayong magbunga ng isang
tanging bisa at hindi upang magtamo ng kasagutan.
Anong gagawin ko sa ganiton bagay
ang sinta ko kayay bayaang mamatay?
13. Pagmamalabis o Hyperbole pahayag na ibayong maindi kaysa katotohanan o lagpas
sa maaaring mangyari.
Bababa si Marte mula sa itaas,
Sa kailalimay aahon ang parkas.
14. Aliterasyon paulit-ulit na tunog ng isang katinig na ginagamit sa mga magkakalapit na
salita o pantig.
At sa mga pulong ditoy nakasabog, nangalat, nagpunla.
Nagsipanahanan, nangagsipamuhay, nagbatot nagkuta.
15. Asonansya inuulit ang tunog ng isang patinig sa halip ng katinig.
Ang buhay ng tao at sa taong palad,
Nasa ginagawa ang halagay bigat.
16. Onomatopeya pagkakahawig ng tunog ng salita at ng diwa nito.
(1) Tuwirang onomatopeya kapag ginagagad ng ga tunog ng patinig at katinig ang tunog
ng inilalarawan ng taludtod.
Ikawy iniluwal ng baha sa bundok
Hahala-halakhak at susutsut-sutsot.
(2) Pahiwatig na onomatopeya kapag ang mga tunog ng patinig at katinig ay hindi
gumagagad kundi nagpapahiwatig lamang ng bagay na inilalarawan.
Ayon kay Lope K. Santos, ang ating mga titik ay nag-aangkin ng sari-sariling pahiwatig na
kaisipan. Ang A ay nagpapahiwatig ng kalakhan, kalinawan, kalawakan, kalantaran,
samantalang ang I ay nagtataglay ng diwa ng kaliitan, labuan, karimlan, kalaliman,
kalihiman, at iba pa.
a araw, buwan, ilaw, buwan, linaw, tanghal
i gabi, lilim, lihim, kulimlim, liit, unti, itim
i - Ang suot ay putiy may apoy sa bibig,
Sa buong magdamag ay di matahimik,
Ngunit ang hiwagang di sukat malirip,
Kung bakit sa gabi lamang namamasid.

Let's ______! Doing ______ exercises is important.
A. warm up / warm up
B. warm up / warm-up
C. warm-up / warm up
D. warm-up / warm-up
Philippines Flag first displayed during____.
A. Battle on may 28, 1898
B. June 12, 1898
C. Tejeros convention
D. July 4, 1896
Second President of the Commonwealth
A) Manuel L Quezon
B) Jose P Laurel
C) Sergio Osmea
D) Manuel Roxas
Gen Ed SOC Sci
Which is not a masses of constitutional rights?
A. Civil rights
B. Political rights
C. Privacy rights
D. Right of the accused
Gen Ed Soc Sci
What is the smallest city in the Philippines?
A. Pateros
B. San Juan
C. Marawi
D. Jolo
Dyslexia is learning disability that affects the ability to:
A. Do math
B. Read
C. write
D. speak

Red tide is caused by____.

B. Algae
D. Nekton
Noong panahon ng himagsikan, si Gregoria de Jesus ay isa mga babaeng tumulong sa

mga Katipunero, sino sa mga sumusunod ang asawa nito?

A. Jose Rizal

B. Marcelo del Pilar

C. Andres Bonifacio

D. Antonio Luna

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