Discover The Love of ChristJuly17.Publication1

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First Baptist Church

Discover the Love of Christ

Frostproof, Florida July 2017

Pastors Remarks
Dear Church Family,
A couple of weeks ago we finished up Vacation Bible School, which was
one of the most fun, quality ones that we have done in a long time,
including the Family and Friend Day on Sunday morning. Even though
we battled the rain almost every night, it went well. I am grateful for the
abundance of workers and leaders who gave of their time to help. Laura did
an exceptional job of putting it all together and getting it carried out.
On a less positive note, we are saying goodbye to Brian and Laura Coon.
Brian will be going on staff at FBC Kissimmee, beginning August 1. Brian
has served our church for six years as our Minister to Students and Laura
has served one year as our Childrens Ministry Director. They have both
done a great job and we will miss them. At the same time, we pray for them
as they begin their new ministry there. We pray for Gods blessings on their
We can be assured that God has a plan for us here at FBC. He already
knows the person/ persons to come for our future ministry and direction in
both the youth and childrens areas. Would you pray for Gods will to be
done and pray that we would have His wisdom? In the meantime, if some of
you feel led to help out in those areas, even on a temporary basis, let me Inside this issue:
Pastors Remarks 1
In case you were not present on Fathers Day, or maybe have forgotten,
could I remind you of my message, which is good for all of us:
Mission: Dignity 2

1. Line Up Your Priorities- What is it that is really important?

Student Ministry 3
2. Lighten Up Your Attitude- Dont take yourself too seriously, dont forget
to laugh. Childrens Ministry 4

3. Look Up to God- put Him first, make sure of your relationship to Him. July Calendar 5
July Birthdays
Lets be found faithful in these days! As we celebrate our freedoms in this
great nation, lets not forget to celebrate our freedom in Christ. FBC Ministry 6
Service Schedules
Library Hours
In Christ, Welcome New Members
Our Sympathy

Bro. Darrol

Our Ministry for Almost 100 Years

From the beginning, a relief program has been a part of Guide Stone Financial Resources. In 1981, the Adopt An
Annuitant ministry was established to operate side-by-side with the relief program. Funds from the Southern Baptist
Convention Cooperative Program initially supported the relief program, but all the funds used by this new ministry
came from an endowed fund and gifts made directly to the ministry.

The first Adopt An Annuitant recipients received $25 per month. In 1984 the monthly amount was raised to $50 and
then to $75 in 1998. The relief program and the Adopt An Annuitant ministry were merged into a single program
under the Adopt An Annuitant name in 2002. Guidelines for the newly merged Adopt An Annuitant ministry raised
the monthly assistance to $200 for single recipients and $265 for married recipients.

In 2008, the ministry changed its name to Mission: Dignity to better share the heart of our ministry: giving back to
those who sacrificed so much. Through the years Mission: Dignity also expanded the guidelines so that single
recipients now receive $225 and married couples receive $300. The neediest couples with at least 25 years of
ministerial service are eligible for as much as $600 each month.

The extra help each month is such a blessing to those on the receiving end. They can buy groceries, pay a utility
bill, or get prescriptions and medical care. They dont have to choose between food and medicine. As one of our
retired pastors noted, the Mission: Dignity check is like receiving a hug from the Savior and hearing a small voice
say, You are loved and not forgotten, my son.

More than $7 million is paid out annually by Mission: Dignity to help retired Southern Baptist ministers, workers and
their widows. Much of the funding for the ministry comes from the direct gifts of individuals, groups and churches in
our Southern Baptist family.

We cant do it without you. Would you ask God how you could be of assistance to this ministry?

Dear Church Family,

July is here and we are off to youth camp!

Our students are very excited about student camp coming up! Please remember, July 10th will be our first
day of Super Summer 2017! sponsored by the Florida Baptist Convention at Lake Yale.

Please begin to pray for the hearts of those who are going
this year. Pray that this camp experience will radically
change their hearts for Jesus and the community, so that on
their return they may impact Frostproof in a way we have
never seen before.

I also have some very bittersweet news to announce: after six great years, I will be resigning as youth
minister here at First Baptist Church. My wife Laura and I have been prayerfully seeking Gods direction
in our lives and have felt that He is calling to expand our ministry in Kissimmee. This will be a very
difficult time for us in that we will miss many of our cherished relationships with you dearly. However,
as difficult as it will be, we are confident that God has called us and it would be wrong to not honor His
call in view of our own personal comfort.
It has been a true blessing to serve such an amazing congregation over the past six years. I will treasure
each memory and pray for the health and well-being of each ministry member. Please know I will do all
that is in my power to assist in the smooth transition from my departure to finding a replacement for the
youth, young adult and sound ministries. As my wife Laura will naturally be resigning with me, we will
also be prayerfully considering a replacement for all that she does with children and preschool. One thing
we know for sure- when God calls people away He also calls for others to step up and fill the ministry
role. Pray for those replacements, and if perhaps through prayer you feel that God may be calling you,
please contact Pastor Darrol to make your conviction known.
Thank you for everything that you have done for my family. We will miss you dearly, but are excited
about what God has in store for our lives. Please pray for us as we enter these uncharted waters.
With all my love and gratitude,

Good News Club will return in

October of 2017
Mark your calendars and start
praying now to see if you can help
spread Gods word in public

Hello Church Family,

July is here and it sure is bringing a lot of changes!
If you have not read the student ministrys portion
of the newsletter, I would encourage you to read
that section first and then listen to what I have to
AWANA will return in September of 2017!
say. How will you help teach our children about
At the end of July, Brian and I will be resigning from God? This is an opportunity to be grasped!
First Baptist Church of Frostproof in light of a
calling to Kissimmee, FL. We are excited at the
knowledge that God is guiding our steps and feel
His Hand working in and throughout this move.
However, our love for you all will not make this
goodbye an easy one. We are grateful for the
support and love by which we have been
Join us for our SUMMER FUN!
surrounded. None of you will be forgotten as you
each have played a significant role in our lives. We
have enjoyed our time here at FBC Frostproof and
thank God for this place of growth and love.
As Childrens Director, I am grateful for this
experience-filled year to work with your WHEN: Wednesdays, June 14th to Aug 9th
preschoolers and children. I will always cherish the TIME: 6:30-7:30pm
lessons Ive learned and the grace extended to me. WHERE: Fellowship Hall
Thank you so much to the families who have WHO: All children 1st - 6th welcome (Preschoolers
welcome if parent is attending Wed Night class or is
allowed me to be a part of your childrens lives. You a volunteer worker.)
have precious children and I cannot wait to hear WHAT: A different themed hour of fun and
and see how God uses them for His glory!
Check out KidZ~Korner Facebook page or stop by
As you all have become family, I am confident in the office to pick up the Schedule for every themed
week. You want to be prepared for those water
this: this is not a goodbye, but a see you soon! nights!
Thank you once again for being a loving church and
allowing me to be a part of your story. Under His leadership,
With all love and grace wished to you, `A _tt
Laura Coon
It is for freedom that Christ has set us

July 2017 free. Stand firm, then, and do not let

yourselves be burdened again by a yoke
of slavery. Galatians 5:1 NIV

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 Deacons serving: 3 4 5 Student Refuge 6 7 8

Freddie Senterfitt office closed at office closed 6pm-Bible Study & Pray Team 5:30 Smith Mission Fellowship
Ed Butler 12:00pm Childrens Program Bldg. 5:30 Fellowship Hall
6:30pm LINK 7:30

9 Deacons serving: 10 Youth Camp 11 WMU Sewing 12 Bible Study 13 14 15

John Cavanaugh Lake Yale 10-14 Fellowship Hall 9am 6:30pm Pray Team 5:30 Smith
Garry Talley Childrens Program Bldg.
6:30pm LINK 7:30

16 Deacons serving: 17 18 19Student Refuge 20 21 22

Larry Ogburn 6pm-Bible Study & Pray Team 5:30 Smith Feed the Community
Bill Rankin Childrens Program Bldg. 5:30 Fellowship Hall
Business Mtg. 6pm 6:30pm LINK 7:30

23 Deacons serving: 24 25 26Student Refuge 27 28 29

Ernie Wasdin 6pm-Bible Study & Pray Team 5:30 Smith
Cliff Lightsey Childrens Program Bldg.
6:30pm LINK 7:30

30 Deacons serving: 31
Doyce Cotton
Larry Blackwelder

Visit our Church Library, our hours are: Sunday 9:15-9:45 am, 10:45-11:00 am & 12:00-12:15 pm
Closed on Wednesdays evenings through the summer.

I pledge
allegiance to
the Christian
flag and to the
1 Kirsten Scarborough 16 Teddy Singletary,
3 Marilyn Hill Justin Haley Savior for
4 Kendra Henson 18 Martin Ratliff
5 Brenda Denby 19 Ben Scarborough whose
7 Gary Barnes,
Laura Coon 20 Maria Good, Kingdom it
8 Joelyn Crosby, Barbara Carver
Devon Costello 21 Stephanie Godwin stands: one
10 Margaret Cotton, 23 Kassie Bowles,
Tenny Ruth Croley, Wyatt White brotherhood,
Retha Fowler 24 Brianna Kimberling,
11 Nina Dyer, uniting all
Beverly Hawkins
Anne Williams mankind in
12 Faith Tetrick 27 Louise Highley
14 Baylea Dery 28 Rodney Strickland
29 Jason Stone
service and in
15 Lola Middlecamp
16 Patty Pittman, 31 Linda Baquero love.
Louise Goddard
Discover the love of Christ! First Baptist Church Ministry
Gods Vision For FBC: He desires us to be a church that impacts our community
with the Gospel.
Gods Mission For FBC: Making disciples, leading believers to become fully
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH devoted followers of Christ.
96 West. B. Street Gods Strategy For FBC:
Post Office Box 327 Connect with God through worship and with others through relationships.
Frostproof, Florida 33843-0327 Grow spiritually and numerically through small group Bible study.
Serve others by joining a team engaged in ministry.
Phone: 863 635-3603
Fax: 863 635-6923
Website: Service Schedules
First Baptist Church of Frostproof Sunday
2017 July Newsletter Life Group Classes 9:45am
Celebration Worship Service 11:00 am
Worship Service 6:00pm
Connecting with God! Children and Student Programs 6:00 pm
Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm
Connecting with Others! Choir 8:15 pm

FBC Library
Summer Hours
Cody Doggette
We will continue to be open on 22 North Street
Sunday mornings as follows: Frostproof, FL 33843

9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Xander R. Swisegood
12:00 noon to 12:15 p.m. P.O. Box 7002
Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855
We will be closed on Wednesday
evenings through the summer

Our sympathy to the Rudy A. Wise family.

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