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Writings of a Finnish

Military Expert on 9/11

(Note: On NO ACCOUNT does

Coffinman agree with the idea that planes
hit the WTC towers, the pentagon, or the
hole in the ground at Shanksville)

Written in spring 2005, a modestly language-corrected version

Corrected by another person than the original author.

The photographs attached in this non-profit distribution are for

securing volatile, important evidence on 9/11 for discussion and
education. Author hereby grants full permission to reproduce the
drawing 'The Bombs in the WTC' and his writings. You are
encouraged to mail, publish and mass produce these documents
or your enhanced versions of them. Due to concerns for his
personal safety, the author has chosen to remain anonymous.

The 9/11 Operation: A Summary

The 9/11 operation consisted of at least the following:

Military exercises by the North American Aerospace Defense Command

(NORAD) with 22 imaginarily hijacked planes on 9/11/2001, before and
simultaneously with the 'real' hijackings. Some of the defense interceptors flew to
Alaska, as far as possible from the cities that were being attacked.

The 'hijackings' of four civil aircraft and the substitution of all of the planes that
really were used on the real flights to remote-controlled ones. It is certain that an
operation this complex and heavy in the preparations of the demolitions is not left
to be handled by arabs with carpeting knives. Plissken-Valentine or Pearl are
well-assumed estimations on how the aircraft operation was performed. Since
the part of airplanes hijacked and flown into buildings was critical to the real aims
of the operation there must have been a couple of reserve planes for the USAF
Boeing 767's and the Global Hawk. Alternatively, the Boeing 757 shot down in
Pennsylvania might have been a remote- controlled reserve plane like those.

The booking of seats on certain flights was artificially kept low; those coast-to-
coast flights were booked by 20% instead of the usual 75% in order to minimize
deaths, which could cause problems. If the flights were real, the passengers on
them had to die (or at least disappear). Two of the flights were probably nothing
but fictious, real only on radar screens, which minimized the amount of
passengers to be murdered.

There was use of put options with airline stocks and with the re-assurance
companies related (American Airlines, United Airlines, Allianz, Munchener Re,
Schweizer Re, AXA). Furthermore, the assurance values of the WTC were
doubled in July 2001.

The camouflaging of six remote-controlled aircraft in order to make them look like
Boeing 767's or 757's. The four planes probably were 2x USAF 767 tankers, a
Global Hawk in Pentagon and a 'real' 757 in Pennsylvania.

False tracks leading to 'terrorists' using young moslem looking persons, who take
aviation classes in Southern USA and party at night clubs, were created.

The demolition preparations of the wing of the Pentagon that was under
reparation. This was supposed to collapse a horseshoe-shaped area of the
building, which would seem to be caused by the crash of a Boeing 757 after the
Global Hawk attack. This partly failed. There is photographic evidence of a small
plane before the actual collapse of the wing of the Pentagon. The structures did
not collapse until firefighters sprayed lots of water on the ceiling of the building.

The demolition preparations of the WTC towers and WTC 7 so that it was
possible to make them collapse completely. Also the positioning of an electronic
homing device in the towers and in Pentagon in order to ensure the accurate hits
of the remote-controlled aircraft. Extra napalm for dramatizing the effects of hits
of airliners. The WTC buildings could have been exploded down to earth in same
way even completely without the airplanes.

Ordering, preparing and transportation of the charges for the demolition of the
WTC. Solely for the steel pillars of the outer circle 40 x 240 charges were
needed, let's say 10 000 cutting charges each weighing 50 lbs for each tower.
For WTC 7 at least 4000 charges were needed. Also at least one small
thermonuclear bomb for each of these three buildings.

The locating of critical targets for the conspiracy in the WTC towers. For
example, there was a lot of evidence of world-wide economic crimes. The FBI
was in WTC 1 in the floors from 22 to 24. (It has been said that one case was the
case against Mobil Oil and James Giffen on illegal oil swaps between Iran and
Kazakhstan and the evidence in the investigation of gold price fixing stemming
from charges brought against Alan Greenspan, Morgan & Company, Goldman
Sachs.) It is possible that some targets were attacked because of the unique
opportunity exploitable where the human bodies and all evidence of the crimes
automatically disappeared when a hydrogen bomb exploded. Explosions heard
from the towers before the commencing of the 'collapse' may have been related
to these attacks. There is a reason for the huge explosion in the customs
building, as well.


1) One needs to find out the right size and the dimensions of suitable cutting
charges and then order 24 000 pieces. One must as well order fitting detonators
(detonators were needed a lot more). Fitting detonators usually already exist in
stores of military forces (or the CIA). Time of delivery is several months in any
case. All detonators must be equipped with some kind of safety mechanism,
which will be removed by a radio signal at the final moment.

2) After this, the cutting charges are installed in the selected rooms that are not in
use. Some of these rooms may as well serve as temporary storages for charges
needed elsewhere. After this the apartment is renovated and circulated to the
clients in the WTC. One man continuously assembles maybe 5 cutting charges
per hour. With 10 assemblers 350 charges are installed a day. As surplus
transportations of supplies, renovators and guards. Maybe about 20 people more
were needed (5 of them know what is going on, 15 do not). For the installation of
the charges this operation takes at least four months with 30 men. Considering
step 1), six months are probably needed. The amount of personnel could not
have been increased, but probably decreased, if more time was available.

3) To some of the chosen apartments, no one had access. That is why on the
weekend on 9/8/2001 and 9/9/2001 it is announced, that floors up from the 40th
floor are being equipped with cables and no normal employee has access to the
working area there. The installations of explosives are completed and at the
same time at least in the charged areas listening devices are set to find out a
possible premature discovery of the plan. If someone finds charges the guards
are soon on the scene and will deal the situation in one way or another.

4) One completes the area of secret service in WTC 7 so that its demolition
operation can be carried out. A military flight beacon is placed there (planes are
homing to it from far away). Remote controls for air planes and radio transmitters
to be capable of blowing up at least one third of the cutting charges are placed.
At this location, the ability to eavesdrop any area of the WTC, for example by a
laserbeam, aimed to a selected window, probably already existed.
5) A radio beacon helping the final approach is placed in targeted apartments in
the WTC towers. Close to these, remote controlled napalm explosives are placed
as well, in order to draw the interest from the planes to fires. The higher in the
towers the planes are targeted, the less there will be deaths. (Real terrorists
would do exactly the opposite.) Evacuation from lower floors should be possible
through the staircases. The target is to create a new reason for odd wars and
fascistic laws, not to kill as many Americans as possible. 'A new Pearl Harbor',
meaning the death of about 3000 citizens is probably the desired loss of lives.

6) The attack plans are made so that they can be executed during the chaos, for
example in the offices of the investigations of the economic crimes by the FBI.
(The attackers had already their own men infiltrated in these facilities.) Also in
WTC 6 (customs) either a small nuke or a very strong bomb is blown out (which
one, depends on whether there was melted steel ponds in the cellar of WTC 6.)
An explosion, of course, hides the loss of any supplies (A nuclear explosion
covers up murders, as well.)

7) In the morning of 9/11 the operations are performed after a timetable in which
seconds are important. From the command post facilities the actions in towers
are monitored. To hide the true nature of the operation, there was probably an
agent on call in both towers, who could silence the people finding out too much.
(The agent probably did not know what was going to happen.)

It is not likely that all the people, who knew about the demolition charges in the
WTC, or those who installed the remote controls of the aircraft or did some
camouflage paintings for drones are still are alive and capable of telling about
their acts, which changed the world.

8) The mini-nukes are transported to the cellar floors in elevators. After that the
elevators are locked down, guarded and monitored - no service repairman will be
allowed near these elevators. The thermonuclear device used in WTC 7 was
different, its yield was set lower and it was directed in a way better suitable for
that building.

9) The explosions have been timed so that 99.9% of people around will look at
the top of towers, and perhaps two seconds later the small thermonuclear bomb
is exploded in the cellar of the south tower, and again two seconds later another
very powerful charge in the WTC 6 customs building while nobody is looking that
way. There are also the continuous explosions of the thousands of cutting
charges tearing the south tower down at the speed of gravity-driven free fall.

10) The demolition of either of the WTC towers took at least half a year to
prepare, including installation of 10 000 cutting charges and the delivery of a
thermonuclear device at the last moment. The demolition of those ultra strong
steel pillars in the central core using cutting charges only is not possible without
waking up unwanted attention. These charges must be in touch of the steel
pillars, and there is not enough enclosed space in the central core to hide these
biggest possible charges.

11) The demolition operation is finished by destroying WTC 7 using a nuke and
completely destroying the op center with its equipment. Concrete evidence like
the military flight beacon and the remote control devices for cutting charges and
napalm as well as the recordings of eavesdropping devices regarding events
within the towers vapourize and vanish without a trace.


Most of the media is controlled by people related to the attack and tell misleading
stories only, as if crushing of the airliners or a weak fire could have caused the
'collapse' of the towers. The true attackers are the ones with strong and vigorous
broadcasting around their false version of the events which is very different to
what really happened.

Until these days, no single newspaper, magazine nor a national tv channel in the
western nations have taken a critical view on the so-called truth, according to
which the planes and fires caused the WTC towers to collapse. The destruction
of WTC 7, which has no explanation at all, is bypassed without any comments. A
huge bomb, exploded in WTC 6 is also bypassed as a non-existing event.

Some things, like the sharply-drawn pictures of the closest seismographs may
have been falsified. A Specialist in demolitions, V. Romero, may have been
forced to change his original statement. The hoax is completed by Osama Bin
Laden, who as a CIA agent 'confesses' to have ordered the airliner strikes. The
Bin Laden hoax and the suicidal arabs construct a net of lies that catches the
most of the mankind.

Laymen have no experience in observing differences in collapses, controlled

demolitions and underground nuclear demolitions. Even the destruction of heavy
steel constructions or a typical fire damage are far away from their field of
experience. These towers were build to take the impacts of hitting Boeing 707's,
comparable to Boeing 767's, taking into account the fires caused by the aviation
fuel. And the buildings did survive well all that.

The knowledge of relevant advances regarding weapon technology is even rarer.

Many of those who are up to date are bound by strict commitment of loyality
that is vigorously looked after. In some cases, they get executed (an 'accident'

The author of this text feels as his duty to spread mainly the advanced
knowledge in explosives from a military point of view in public discussion as it is
obvious that lacking this information the events observed around 9/11 cannot be

The photographs attached in this non-profit distribution are for securing volatile,
important evidence on 9/11 for discussion and education. Author hereby grants
full permission to reproduce the drawing 'The Bombs in the WTC' and his
writings. You are encouraged to mail, publish and mass produce these
documents or your enhanced versions of them.

The Bombs in the WTC

Note: This drawing is schematic only. The actual towers were much taller and the
observed arch of destruction of the energy-directed thermonuclear device was
correspondingly more narrow.
The Ground Zero here is in the original sense of word, a nuclear blast site. The
thermal energy may absorb heat at a rate of 10 E 23 ergs / cm2 sec and near the
bomb all surfaces may heat to 4000 C or 7200 F igniting or vapourizing
violently. Source: US Department of Defense & US Department of Energy,
Glasstone Dolan: 'The Effects of Nuclear Weapons' (1980).

The thermonuclear bomb used was a 'pure' hydrogen bomb, so no uranium or

plutonium at all. The basic nuclear reaction is Deuterium + Tritium > Alpha + n.
The ignition of this is the fine part, either with a powerful beam array or antimatter
(a very certain way to get the necessary effect of directed energy in order not to
level the adjacent blocks of high-rise buildings, as well).
The Development of Bomb
Technology Related to the 9/11
These outlines of developments in military bomb technology have been written to
give the layman some idea, why bomb technology has developed into what it is.

A hollow charge made possible a small charge to make a hole in armour plate
was invented in Switzerland in 1937. A cutting charge, used in the WTC in tens
of thousands of pieces, was an evolunary model of the principles of a hollow
charge from 1950's.

A Claymore threw steel balls towards the enemy, but was otherwise harmless
even from 5 meters distance, was developed in the USA approximately in 1960.

A flank mine is able to direct a narrow pressure wave through AFV flanks from a
distance of 20 meters and was more developed in Finland around 1970. Due to
efficiency causes, growing part of military explosives deploy improvements
utilizing directed explosion energy.

By controlling several layers of the explosion fronts the size of a nuclear bomb
has been minimized during the 1960's (fission implosion). After that, the control
of explosion force in nuclear explosions was developed. Too strong an explosion
is sometimes unusable, for example when the enemy have broken too close to
friendly cities.

While looking for a bomb with a small size and a strong effect, a pure hydrogen
bomb was an obvious solution. When no atomic device is needed for igniting, the
size of the hydrogen bomb gets even smaller and the yield (effect) can be set
within a wide range, for example between from 1 to 100. This succeeded in the
1980's, as well as the neutron bomb, which kills only living things and leaves
most material untouched.

The former Soviet Union is said to have had more than 500 command centers
durable for a small nuke. That led into the developing of different types of bunker
busters. A working solution is a nuclear missile that directs 96% of its yield into a
thin, all penetrating heat+blast wave forward, tunnelling hundreds of meters
downwards into solid rock. This type of a hydrogen bomb was developed
somewhere in the early 1990's. Nowadays, both the yield and the direction of the
destructive force of a small tactical hydrogen bomb can be somewhat controlled.
The amount of fusion-able materials control the yield (effect) and the shape of
the charge as well as the initiation arrangements impress the direction of the
explosion wave.

Observations Suggesting the Use of

Small Hydrogen Bombs
1) The concrete pulverized into fine dust, 70300 micron particles (just this
could take more energy than the total gravitational energy available). See Gehue
plates 6 and 7

2) Very energetic hot dust after the explosions. (Demolition charges would
produce white clouds of dust, which would not move much, and a gravity-driven
collapse would produce much less and more coarse dust.)

3) Brown shades of color seen in the air these are produced by nuclear
reactions of a thermonuclear device. The reactions use (gamma radiation caused
by free neutrons, N2, O2, H2O > nitrid acid, NO2, NO3). These clouds soon get
their usual white color after some minutes as the heat and fast movement of the
clouds cease becoming ordinary clouds with some water.

Note: many of the pictures taken regarding the WTC Towers and the clouds
seem to have been developed too blue, killing shades of brown. (This may have
been an attempt to suppress the evidence.) Also there was supposed to be 200
000+ gallons of water on the roof of each tower this water was spilled into
stairwells etc, but was later all converted into water vapour reducing the brown

4) Superheated steel objects, disintegrating into steel vapour. Molten ponds of

steel were found in the elevator shafts. There were lots of burned cars in the
parking areas of the towers. The fire department did not announce until
12/19/2001 that the fires under the WTC rubble have been distinguished (more
than 3 months after the incident). For more, see (Gehue plate 8)
location F C name
A 1341 727 WTC7
B 1034 557 WTC7
C 1161 627 WTC1
D 963 517 WTC1
E 819 437 WTC3
F 801 427 WTC2
G 1377 747 WTC2
H 1017 547 WTC4

The thermal survey of the WTC 9/16/2001 (NASA /US Geological Survey).
Despite of fire department having cooled the rubble, aluminium would still be
melting in some sites 5 days after the incident.

5) Elevated values of tritium in this area, but not elsewhere in New York. The
University of California found elevated values on 9/13/2001 and 9/21/2001 within
bounds of the WTC. They found them harmless for health. In pure hydrogen
bomb isotopes of hydrogen are fused (D + T > n + a + 17.6 MeV).

6) An EMP-type phenomenon blacked out cellular phones at the moment when

the first (southern) tower started to 'fall down', at the exact moment when a small
thermonuclear bomb was detonated. Even in electronic cameras and videos a
strange afterglow was seen in the late phase of the 'collapse' of both of the
towers. See Gehue plate 5

7) A wave of pressure was witnessed in the root of the tower at the moment
when the so-called collapse was progressing just about two hundred meters and
nothing had fallen down to earth. The blast wave turned over for example a
photographer and a fireman close to the entrance, who was taking photos of the
dust cloud. The burst of the dust cloud on the root of the tower was
photographed as well. In the image at the left below is what probably was the
explosion of WTC 6. The Customs building was deliberately exploded for some
reason - it was not damaged because of the falling girders as they had not yet
reached the roof of WTC 7 when the photo was taken. A couple of seconds later
the clouds of the explosion were already partly above the roof of WTC 7, which
was too energetical to be caused by usual blasting agents. This suggests it was
the second hydrogen bomb in the WTC block. The first hydrogen bomb is
discharging upwards (pulverized concrete) exactly in the picture, and the steel
structures vaporized by the bomb are already falling down 100 meters (approx.
328 ft.) farther down. The mass of cloud, caused by vaporized steel, is seen in
the center of the picture and even more clearly in the picture at the right.

8) In the cellar, out of all the 47 ultra strong steel pillars, the steel was melted
completely at the length of more than 20 meters (approx. 65 ft). Even cars were
melted and burned in the cellar. The pillars were far too thick for thermite, which
some have suggested. An explosion of a thermonuclear bomb explains the
phenomenon well.

9) Steel columns and pillars were ejected in the surroundings of the building. In
the beginning of the so-called collapse, exists no such energy exists that could
throw steel pillars outwards from 60 to 175 meters (approx. from 170 to 574 ft.)
from trunk. Not even cutting charges can do that. Instead, the blast wave from a
nuclear bomb is capable to do that.
View of a Military Expert: Why the
Towers of the World Trade Center
The airplanes did not a have true effect on the destruction of towers; they were
needed to give an excuse for odd Orwellian wars at the same time when the USA
is turned into a police nation, like the German Third Reich, to some extent. The
towers took the impacts of crushing Boeing 767's. The towers were originally built
to take impacts of Boeing 707's, which are approximately of the same size and
was widely used in the 1970's.

Fires that kindled from the fuel in the planes were too shortlasting and weak to be
able to severely damage the structure of the skyscrapers. Even in the extreme
situation, the heat from a kerosene fire cannot threat the durability of a steel
trunk. With the temperature of carbohydrate fires that reaches only 825 C
(approx. 1517 F) steel weakens at 800 C (approx. 1470 F) and melts at 1585
C (approx. 2890 F). In the skyscrapers of the WTC the surroundings were not
at all ideal as there were far too many steel columns and they led heat away from
the burning area. WTC 1 burned for 102 minutes and WTC 2 for 56 minutes only.
A fire burning much longer, from 10 to 20 hours, could slowly increase the
burning temperature down to perhaps 1100 C (approx. 2010 F). Provided there
is more substance to burn, such a fire will damage concrete and irons, but not
severely heavy steel constructions.
In mid-February in Madrid, the Windsor Tower (see above) burned for over 20
hours, which led to a fire stronger and hotter than that in the WTC, but even the
collapses of the Windsor Tower caused by the very strong and long-enduring fire
were minimal and limited to the upper floors. If either of the WTC tower had
started to collapse because of fires the collapse would have been limited to only
a few of the floors and then stopped.

The impossibility of a gravitational collapse is closer seen in other documents. A

collapse would produce large pieces, and does not explain reports of fine dust
from concrete, huge amounts of dust and pieces of steel ejected outwards.

Destruction of the towers by explosions is clear according to the photographs

and reports of the eye witnesses. In the picture below, a range of cutting charges
have just exploded in the down left sector and a typical white cloud is formed
outwards from the wall. Down right, explosions are seen as well. Even a flame is

In video tapes taken of the so-called collapses of the WTC, more explosions of
these cutting charges can be seen. The explosions advance quickly, with a gap
of a couple of floors, cutting the strong steel pillars in the outer wall. The
explosions are timed so that it appears that the tower collapses occur in the
same timing as in a gravitational collapse. The explosions are not completely
synchronized in timing, probably a few charges are triggered by radio, and other
charges explode out of the impulses of one of these charges (infrared, pressure

More challenging problems to the demolition men, however, were the central
cores of the buildings and the 47 steel pillars more robust than the ones on the
outer rounds. The pillars of the central cores were made of steel even 100 + 100
mm thick, thicker than the side armours of a battle tank. Cutting those, even with
explosives, is extremely difficult. One would need to surround the whole pillars,
every single pillar on every floor intended to get blasted, with powerful cutting
charges. These charges would have needed to be placed in such a way that the
users of the skyscrapers could not notice these preparations.
As seen in the following pictures, the cores of the towers were not distracted by
thousands of powerful cutting charges but by a modern thermonuclear explosive,
a small hydrogen bomb. In the picture below, a hydrogen bomb explosion, the
bomb having been placed in the cellar and directed to the core, has reached the
roof of the tower and the upper parts of the outer walls. On its way up the waves
of fire pressure partially penetrated about 100 floors of concrete and steel. Over
ten million degrees of heat caused by a hydrogen bomb sublimised all water
within the concrete in a moment. Water exploded extremely quickly into 1000-fold
volume and totally pulverized the concrete. Even people and computers that
were in the buildings disappeared turning into heat and light. That is why almost
nothing of them was found in the ruins.

Burning radiation is absorbed in steel so quickly that steel heats up immediately

over its melting point 1585 C (approx. 2890 F) and above its boiling point
around 3000 C (approx. 5430 F). In the pictures down below, super hot groups
of steel pillars and columns, torn from wall by pressure wave, are sublimized.
They immediately turn into a vaporized form, binding heat as quickly as possible.
Bursts upwards, even visible in the picture below, are not possible for a
gravitational collapse or for cutting charges which are used horizontally.
Storax Sedan 104 Kt shallow underground

In the upper picture the explosion is in theory 100 times stronger than in the
picture below, but in practice the difference is only four times due to the capability
of direction of the small hydrogen bomb.
In the picture at the right, the brown shades caused by a hydrogen bomb are
seen, while the top of the tower that is already collapsing is breaking down and
the posture straightens up as the hydrogen bomb pulverized the core and it lost
all its resistance. The piles point the blasts of the cutting charges. (Gehue plate
Steel pillars are turned into

Extremely hot, sublimating

pieces are not created with
many methods.

For comparison, pictures of subterranean nuclear explosions where the

explosion is blasting onto surface and into the air:
Ess1.2 Kt

WTC 2 Banberry 10 Kt underground

Radioactivity in air creates shades of brown. (The subterranean nuke in the

picture on the right is 10 times stronger than the small nuke on the left.) This is
the reason why the FBI did not search the crime scene. Ground zeros of nuclear
weapons are a health risk and belong to the FEMA.

Evidence of advanced fusion devices at the WTC:

1. Pulverization of 99% of concrete into ultra fine dust as recorded by official studies. Concrete
dust was created instantly throughout the towers when the fusion device million degree heat
rapidly expanded water vapour 1000-fold in the concrete floors.

2. Superheated steels ablating (vaporizing continuously as they fall) as seen in video clips of the
towers collapsing. This requires uniform temperatures roughly twice that of thermite.
Conventional demolition or explosive charges (thermate, rdx, hdx etc.) cannot transfer heath so
rapidly that the steel goes above it's boiling temperature.

3. 22 ton outer wall steel sections ejected 200 meters into the winter garden. Cutting charges
cannot eject heavy steels and throwing charges cannot provide the energy required without
heavy, solid surface mounts.

4. 330 ton section of outer wall columns ripping off side of tower. Cutting charges cannot eject
heavy steels linked together and throwing charges cannot provide the energy required without
very heavy, solid surfaces to mount those charges.

5. Molten ponds of steel at the bottom of elevator shafts (WTC1, WTC2, WTC7). Massive heath
loads have been present at the lower parts of these high-rise buildings. As one of the witnesses
after seeing the flow of metals declared: "no one will be found alive".

6. The spire behaviour (stands for 20-30 seconds, evaporates and goes down, steel dust remains
in the air where the spire was). The spire did not stand because it lost its durability when the
joints vaporized.
7. Sharp spikes in seismograph readings (Richter 2.1 and 2.3) occurred at the beginning of
collapse for both towers. Short duration and high power indicate an explosive event.

8. A press weighting 50 tons disappeared from a basement floor of Twin Towers and was never
recovered from debris. Not possible with collapses or controlled demolitions. The press was
vaporized or melted totally.

9. Bone dust cloud around the WTC. This was found not until spring 2006 from the Deutsche
Bank building. (In excess of 700 human remains found on the roof and from air vents). See

10. Fires took 100 days to extinguish despite continuous spraying of water. Thermate would burn
out totally and then cool down much faster, just in a few days. This long cooling time means the
total heath load being absorbed into the steels of the WTC was massive, far in excess anything
found in collapses or typical controlled demolitions.

11. Brown shades of color in the air due nuclear radiation forming NO2, NO3 and nitric acid. TV
and documentary footage changed the color balance to blue to disguise this fact indicating
complicity in the coverup.

12. Elevated Tritium values measured in the WTC area but not elsewhere in New York. Official
studies stated that 8 EXIT signs from two commercial Boeing jets were responsible. The tritium in
those EXIT signs is insufficient to explain the measurements (very little tritium is available for
measuring after evaporation into air as hydrogen and as tritiated water vapour. This can provide
conclusive proof of fusion devices and therefore US/Israeli military involvement.

13. Pyroclastic flow observed in the concrete-based clouds. Only found with volcanic eruptions
and nuclear detonations. The explosion squibs cool down just a few milliseconds after the
explosion or after having reached some 10 meters in the air. Pyroclastic flow will not mix with
other clouds meaning very serious heath in those clouds not possible with the conventional
demolition or explosive charges. The pyroclastic clouds were cooling down at the WTC but this
process took some 30 seconds. See

14. Huge expanding dust clouds 5 times the volume of the building indicating extreme levels of
heat generated far in excess of traditional demolition explosives.
15. Rubble height was some 10% of the original instead of 33% expected in a traditional
demolition. Fusion device removal of underground central steel framework allowed upper
framework to fall into this empty space and reduce the rubble height.

16. No survivors found, except some firefighters in one corner pocket in the rubble who looked up
to see blue sky above them instead of being crushed by collapsing debris. Upward fusion
flashlight-like beam of destruction missed this pocket but removed debris above those lucky

17. 14 rescue dogs and some rescue workers died far too soon afterward to be attributed to
asbestos or dust toxins (respiratory problems due to alpha and tritium particles created by fusion
are far more toxic)

18. Record concentrations of near-atomic size metal particles found in dust studies due to ablated
steel. Only possible with vaporized (boiling) steels.

19. Decontamination procedure used at Ground Zero (hi-pressure water spraying) for all steel
removed from site. Water spraying contains fusion radioactivity.

20. No bodies, furniture or computers found in the rubble, but intact sheets of paper covered the
streets with fine dust. Items with significant mass absorbed fusion energy (neutrons, x-rays) and
were vaporized while paper did not. Paper and powder theory.

21. 200 000 gallon sprinkler water tanks on the roofs of WTC1 and WTC2, but no water in the
ruins. Heat of fusion devices vaporized large reservoirs of water.

22. Reports of cars exploding around the WTC and many burned out wrecks could be seen that
had not been hit by debris. Fusion energy (heath radiation and the neutrons) caused cars to ignite
and burn far from WTC site.
23. Wide area electrical outage, repairs took over 3 months. Fusion devices cause EM pulse with
Compton scattering. See German engineers help the USA plate 5.

24. EM pulse was recorded by broadcast cameras with high quality electronic circuitry. This
occurred at the same time as the seismic peaks recorded by Lamont Doherty during the
beginning of the collapse. This is due to the Compton Effect and resulted in a large area power
outage at the WTC.

Basic principles how wars are being planned

Suppose, for a moment, that you are a dictator. You envy or hate some
people, or you are very greedy and you think now it is the time to loot

that weakly-defended nation. The secretary of state shows you that

the estimated incomes make the operation economy wise into a very
good business. What are the factors you need to think, if you prefer
to stay in power for a looong time (like almost all dictators do)?

First, you will need an excuse. If you just launch an invasion, sooner
or later many weaker nations will form a coalition against you in order
to maintain peaceful conditions and perhaps to punish the aggressor

nation (that will be you). This will be easier, if you have very superior
media influence, so whatever you invent, thousands of media outlets
will explain it without too critical tone. Some of your nation's young
men will die, and basically you cannot just send them abroad and
order them to "make a little looting" or to "revenge an insult".

Secondly, you need competent military to execute your plans. You

need to have significant force superiority. You should expect the
attacking military forces available to the front line will be 5-fold or
stronger compared to the victim state. If this is not the case, the
attacker may have fallen into some kind of trap, or the situation is
desperate for them or in the most common case the information

regarding the true attacker is false (a hoax).

Wars are winnable with a smaller superiority margin, but they will
be so exhausting, that all the participants will be weakened when
the war is over. So what you wish will be a nice little war with fast
and clean victory and all the fruits of the conquest.

Thirdly, you need to consider particularly great damages possible.

You don't want to see a major power coming to help your victim,
because your careful plans and designed force superiority easily
goes astray. You don't wish to cause global famine, lack of oil or
huge losses into your population due some surprise weapons of
mass destruction (wmd's). This wmd consideration is a new one,

existing since 1944 or so with recently invented atomic weapons.

Looking back in history, can we see that some of the wars are
framed? That some of the wars actually are not fought with just
cause? This is an important question, because if the controlling
media superiority exists, you will not read the true answer from
mainstream news magazine or see it from international TV news.

Actually, most of the wars are framed. The weaker nations never
started those wars whatever the media is telling you. Democracies
do not start wars (supposing true democracies). Dictators wish to
stay in power, so they never start a war against superior forces.
The US is able to start wars, because it is a corporate fascist state
just posing as a democracy (the change was made at least 100
years ago).

You also need to consider the nature of military operations. If

you thought wild Finns with a population of 4 millions attacked
the Soviet Union with a population of 200 millions, there could
be something not quite matching in this thinking. In 1939 they
said Finns shot some artillery shells and killed a few peasants.
What a great strategy! To kill a few people from a nation which
recently had killed some 20 millions of their own people? And
what was our follow-up strategy? Not existing, no other moves
ever made.

In real attacks the attacker has an objective and he will deliver

a series of attacks aimed to some goals. No nation will ever
deliver just a single punch against a strong enemy and then
start waiting what the consequences might be.

In these judgements the use of your own brains is mandatory.

The Truth is not easily found printed in the magazines. All the
mainstream media is owned by our true rulers, and it is being
used like a big brainwashing machine. Very little help in that
direction. The elected presidents are not the rulers. The men
behind them are. Just think a ship. There is a captain in the
bridge, but the true commanding power behind him is in the
hands of the owner, in the shipping company. The captain is
just running things locally on behalf of them.

Historical events actually happened in just one way. Multiple,

conflicting explanations are not true. But there is often a very

powerful interest to muddle and veil the true events. Let's look
at the president Kennedy's assassination 22.11.63. If you were
Oswald, and you planned to shoot the president, you would not
a) pick a cheap, low-accuracy rifle b) shoot in that difficult target
(you would have shot earlier, when the car was still approaching).

The real assassins had better, cross-fire positions like the railway
bridge in the front, the grassy knoll and the building frontside of
the car's route. And you actually saw, how president's head was
violently ejected backwards, and how mrs Kennedy tried to pick
parts of his husband's skull in the left rear of the car. So the
killing shot clearly came from the right front direction (grassy
knoll). Those behind this assassination had a huge interest to
cover up their tracks. This is why you never see the true story
published in their controlled media. And they have controlled
all the significant media for more than 100 years.

Please notice, just making the claim and using the media will be
enough. No one asks painful questions, like what kind of strategy
was behind these devious attacks? So you just frame an incident
and then blame someone not understanding what is happening.
In this Finnish example based on Moscow archives we now know
that the Soviets planted a few artillery shells into a field of a border
village, and then exploded them with remote control. If you quickly
win the ensuing small war, odds are that nobody cares or dares
to ask questions, and the new status quo will prevail.

The claim of the truth movement is, that the 9-11 incident was
not a terrorist attack using hijacked airliners. And the perpetual

"War on Terror" that followed, is not based on terror incidents but

rather is based on neocon motives of domination and looting the
natural resources of other nations in global scale.

We need to take a quick look into American history to find out, if

it is possible that some wars have been fought without the purest
of motives in mind. So the question is: are some American wars

actually "False Flag" operations, where it just looks that the

weaker nation has boldly attacked the U.S.A. without a strategy
and without any hope of success?

New insight on some American wars

Very few of those wars are real ones. The American war of Independence,

1776 to 1779 was one. The Americans under the British oppressive rule
broke free. The second war of Independence, 1812 to 1814 also was a
real one. The British, based on Canada, tried to re-take the U.S.A. but
due failed naval battles at Great Lakes they were forced to abandon the
re-conquest. The British Empire was still considered the leading super-
power for the next hundred years if not longer. The rest of the American
wars are not genuine.

There is the takeover of Texas and the Mexican war 1846 to 1848. It is
supposed the Mexican military mad some ill-thought moves, but actually
it seems Americans built and operated a fortress almost 100 miles behind
the Mexican border. The planned clashes of military units led to a general
war, in which the still weak Mexican republic lost some 1/3 of it's land areas.
These successes are often attributed to president Polk, but I suggest some
type of think-tank making longer-span plans behind the known events. This
operation spanned some 30 years, starting with Florida and the settlement
of the then-Mexican Texas.

1861-1865 commonly known as the American Civil war started with covert
outside influence. The British Empire tried once again, but this time as a
leader of a coalition. The American Civil war was meant to split America
into two weaker, warring nations. Had this happened as planned, those
nations could have been played against each other repeatedly. The war

was successfully triggered, and the intention was that a coalition of British,

French, Spanish and Austro-Hungarians would all diplomatically recognize

the Confederation. The British Empire was the ruling naval power, and the

French were the second-strongest at sea. The Spanish felt there was
something fishy in the way their former-held Mexico lost a third of their
lands. It was also the intention to launch a naval embargo against the
Union to support the Confederation, which with this help then propably
could have been able to enforce the terms or narrowly defeat the Union.

But the Russia intervened. Their Atlantic fleet sailed into New York, and
their Pacific fleet sailed into San Francisco (these being the biggest US
ports at that time). The Russia also declared 1863 that it would be a
casus belli (cause of war) if any of those European powers do recognize
the Confederation. Russia was a formidable land power with a population
of 100 millions (like the U.S.A.) so the Europeans, which had recently been
at war with the Russia backed off and so the US Civil war become quite
one-sided with the Union actually blockading the Confederation and not
the other way round.

The 1898 US-Spanish war was triggered by an explosion sinking the US

battleship Maine into the Havana bay. The Hearst press (leading media
at that time) immediately blamed the Spanish. So there was no need to
further research the cause of the sinking. The Americans captured many
Spanish colonies, and sunk the Spanish navy. Some 5000 American
and 15 000 Spanish soldiers died. The conquest of the Philippines still
took some 600 000 native casualties as the Americans suppressed the
freedom-wanting Philippinos. Now we know, after an American admiral
Hyman Rickover researched the cause of the Maine explosion, and 1976
published his study, that it was an inside job, either a bomb inside the
USS Maine or a coal explosion.

The World War 1 involved the Germany exhausting the French and the
British, and defeating the much bigger, 3.6 million size Russian army.

The US joined the war based on the Lusitania incident. The Lusitania
was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine blockading the British
isles. Some 128 innocent Americans died with some 1000+ people from
other nations. But a single torpedo could not actually sink such a huge
ocean liner. Now we know, after archived information has been released,
that the Lusitania actually was transporting 6 million pounds of artillery
shells and rifle ammunition from the US to the British and French forces.
The passengers on board did not know this.

It was an inside job again, and a devious one in that. The then-leader
of British navy, First Sea lord Winston Churchill ordered a destroyer,
Juno, escorting the ocean liner to withdraw. The British also knew that
three German submarines patrolled that coastal area. The torpedo
explosion triggered a series of secondary explosions as the military
load of that blockade-running Lusitania started to explode. Many those
survivals told this, but the British successfully suppressed their stories.
The US joined into the World War into the British side and decided the

The World War 2 involved the US again first secretly and later more or

less openly helping the British. There was the Lend-Lease agreement
with the US hiring British military bases for 99 years. The British got
50 old destroyers, fighters, bombers and tanks and all kinds of military
ordnance. There was also much technological co-operation like some
co-operation in radars, radio direction finding and code breaking. The
US convoy escorts attacked German submarines at sea, but Germany
refused to get provoked, and maintained neutral attitude towards the
US. Then the US naval intelligence invented an indirect way to get the
US involved into the war based on the German alliance with Japan.

Most of the Americans propably don't know the real story of the
Pearl Harbor. Only the version given in the media for the purpose
of joining the war is known. The US congress looked into the events
as recently as 1995 and still found the navy and army commanders
at Pearl Harbor incompetent. So even they didn't know the Truth.
Actually, there was a long series of acts on purpose manouvering
the Japanese into a corner, where they only had a choice either to
get deeply humiliated or to go after their own oil sources. Those old
big battleships served as a bait just like some US nuclear-powered
big carriers do in the Gulf at the moment. Today the Truth is known,
and there are many good sources for this complex story.

The top-secret American plan was called "8 insults". It was skilfully
executed, and suddenly Japan, an industrialized nation waging war
in China found, that American volunteers, like the Flying Tigers
volunteers air group were helping the Chinese and there was a
total blockade of oil against Japan. The US, the British and the

Dutch all refused to deliver oil to Japan which operated millions

of cars, thousands of aircraft and a huge navy.

Not surprisingly, the Japanese decided to launch a war of conquest

In order to seize some Asian oil sources (Borneo, Java etc.). This

war started with so-called surprise attack against Pearl Harbour

followed up by operations suppressing and later conquering the
Philippines. In order to make successful conquests it was for the
Japanese mandatory first to neutralize the hostile US Pacific area
military forces.

In Korea you will find out, that the South initiated the hostilities 1949.
Revenge and an attempt of conquest was expected, and the political
future of South Korean and Nationalist Chinese leaders depended
on it.

In Viet Nam you will find out, that the South attacked the North weekly
from the sea and just before the Maddox incident the South invaded
some North-held islands at sea. The Americans were so eager to get
involved into a small local war they didn't really need a provocation.
The next day American carrier planes destroyed more than half of
the North Vietnamese motor torpedo boats (some 25 of them).

Wars where the true attacker is not the nation which looks like an attacker?
The exploitation of new technological innovations (like the thermonuclear
device here, 50 years more modern than those the layman is aware of)?
The answer is affirmative.

Related to these cases with American wars, some of the pre-WW2

unknown facts were, that both Japanese and German military encryptions
were broken. The Americans could read the Japanese navy transmissions,
and the British could break any German military transmissions where they
put their effort in any given day. The western allies knew, what was the next
bombing target, what squadrons were ordered to attack and what types
of bombs were being loaded. All this before the bombers had taken off.
To protect this encryption breakthrough a series of deceptions were used.
They claimed that some agents found this information, or that voice
direction finding had located those bombers (the radar was also secret).
Sometimes a reconnaissance plane was sent to locate something, like
a convoy, what already was known to be there.

This code breaking success was first revealed by Winterbotham 1974.

The Ultra secret, as it was called, was successfully and tightly held,

though some 50 000+ people knew parts about it (the code breaking

crew was huge, but most were carefully hand-picked, reliable upper
class women). Any book touching strategic warfare aspects in WW2
and published before 1974 contains mistakes, because the authors
didn't have an idea about the depth of allied code breaking success.

The American side has been still more veiled, because the question
hangs in the air: if they acted then like this, what are they doing now?

Has anything been changed? This is why they have humiliated Pearl
Harbor commanders buried in disgrace, the Magic successes hinted
some 40 years past the event and continuing difficulties to explain
what the "Flying Tigers" were actually doing late 1940 and early 1941.
Volunteers helping a just cause are easy to understand, but there is
a more difficult question of how 3 squadrons of then-modern P-40Bs
happened to be available for these volunteers.

Even the US-Spanish war needs to be veiled again. Some 25 years

after the US admiral Hyman Rickover published his findings about
the internal explosion of USS Maine, there is a computer simulation
claiming that it is within the limits of possible, that an outside mine
explosion could cause the damage found at the wreck of Maine.
This incident of course could have been settled 100 years ago,
but for some reason the reliable research has been waiting. I'm
not supporting simulations against admirals, but an interested
reader should make his own mind...

History of American false flag operations

The leaders of smaller and less industrialised nations are not madmen (whatever

the media claims). They also are generally better informed than their citizens.

In a war an attacker does not need equal forces compared to the enemy attacker

needs a 5-fold local superiority, or better. No one begins wars without very definite
objects and a quick victory in sight. If a war with more even military balance erupts,
someone has been mislead and walked into a trap (usually arranged by third party).

After the American war of Independence, 1776-1779, and an English challenge

to that independence 1812-1814 no single nation has planned an offensive war
against the USA. It is probable that a strong coalition of Anglo-French led European
nations planned to split the USA into two states through diplomatic recognition of
the Confederate state possibly followed up by naval blockade embargoing the Union.
At that time the British was the strongest naval power, and the French the second-
strongest. The events led, however, into the Civil War 1860-1865 and due
the Russian intervention 1863 into the Union's side those European plans
were quietly abandoned.

Mexican wars 1819, 1846-48 Long series of operations, commencing with the
annexion of Florida 1819 and followed by an independence declaration of Texas
(from Mexico) 1836. Provocative troop movements near U.S. southern border

caused an incident which led to war (it is said the US built a fortification 150 km
inside the Mexican border). The annexation of Texas (into USA) and the
conquest of California, New Mexico and nearby territories. Mexico had a weak
government at that time, because after Napoleon conquered the Spain 1809
their former colonies soon revolted. Mexico had been a colony of Spanish
kingdom but now they revolted and went into republic. There was a series of
revolts, not just one.

Spanish-American war 1898 The surprise explosion of the battleship Maine

at Havana, Cuba. 255 of the crew died. The Hearst press accused the Spanish,
claiming a remote-controlled mine under the battleship. The USA declared war
on Spain. The US conquered Philippines, Guam and Cuba. Now we know this
was an inside job, the explosion was inside the Maine and it was most probably
an accident, a coal explosion. Or some type of time bomb inside the battleship.
Anyway, the divers got the proof as the armour plates of the ship were blown
bending outwards, not inwards.

World War I 1914-1918 The U-boat torpedo hit ocean liner Lusitania near
the Britain and some 1200 people including 128 Americans on board lost their

lives. Now we know this was an inside job, the major explosions were inside
the Lusitania as it was secretly transporting 6 million pounds of artillery shells
and rifle ammunition as well as other explosives on behalf of Morgan banking
corporation to help their clients, the Britain and the France. It was actually
against the US laws to transport war materials and passengers in the same

World War 2 1939-1945 The U-boat torpedo hit ocean liner Athenia near
the Britain with some 1100 passengers of which 311 were Americans. The
sea was calm and only 118 people on board lost their lives.The ship was sunk
because it behaved like a military transport, blackened out and zigzagging. This
time this incident wasn't enough, and the Germans also refused to get provoked
despite many American acts of war. Americans confiscated German merchant
ships, Americans started to support the British with various lend-lease items,
US volunteer pilots joined the RAF and some RAF pilots were trained in the US,
US gave the British 50 old but usable WW1 destroyers and 20 modern torpedo
boats, tanks, light bombers, fighter aircraft like P-40s and so on...American
destroyers also escorted the convoys bound to Britain, and attacked German
U-boats even far away from those convoys. The US did not maintain a neutral

attitude towards the warring nations.

The US naval intelligence, chief of Japan desk planned and suggested "8 insults",
which should bring Japan into war with the US. The president Roosevelt executed
this plan immediately and also added some other insults enraging the Japan.
The most serious one was a total blockade of Japanese oil imports, as agreed
between Americans, British and the Dutch. The FDR also declared an all-out
embargo against the Japan and forbid the use of Panama canal from them
(which made Venezuelan oil also less reachable).

The Flying Tigers volunteer air group fighting successfully the Japanese in China
with some 90 fairly modern P-40Bs was another effective one and not in the list
of naval intelligence. Still today the latest history of this air group fails to mention
any air combat action prior to 7th December 1941. But at that time the Japanese
already had lost about 100 military aircraft, mostly bombers, to the Tigers. After
Pearl Harbor these squadrons were the hardest-hitting ones in the US service.

An attack on Pearl Harbour followed some 6 months later. Having broken the
Japanese encryption codes the Americans knew what was going to happen,
when and where, but the president did not dispatch this information to Pearl
Harbor. Americans even gave their friends the British 3 Magic decrypting
machines which automatically opened encrypted Japanese military traffic.
But this same information was not available to the commanders of Hawaii.

The movement of the fleet was also visible in the very effective radio direction
finding network. Japan had an alliance with Germany, and the Germans upheld
their promises by declaring the war against the USA right after the Japanese

Two scapegoats, the navy commander, Admiral Husband Kimmel and the army
commander Lt. General Walter Short were found incompetent and reduced in
rank as they were allowed to retire. Short died 1949 and Kimmel 1958. Still
1995 the US Congress re-researched this decision and found it a valid one.
Then some archive information came into daylight and in 2000 The US Senate
passed a resolution where both were observed having served in Hawaii
"competently and professionally". 1941 they were denied all vital information,
and even on presidential orders mislead on purpose into believing that the
Japanese feet could be expected from the southwest. These commanders
still today have not been rehabilited by the Pentagon.

Korean War South Korean incursions (the Tiger regiment etc.) into North
Korea 1949 led to contrary claims and into war 1950-53. The cause of this
war propably was covert action involving leaders of Taiwan, South Korea
and the US military-industrial complex (John Foster Dulles as an organizer
of the hostilities has been mentioned). After the unpublished hostilities in
1949 also the communist powers were strongly backing the North Korea.

The Chiang Kai Sek was being abandoned, isolated and falling prey to the
powerful communist Chinese operations. The right-wing South Korean ruler
was expected to loose the soon-to-be-elections. American military-industrial
complex went into high gear again, and huge government orders were
flowing in.

The American-led UN forces had troubled times early in the war, but after
enough forces arrived they advanced victoriously and penetrated again into

the North Korea. The strong Chino-Russian intervention into the war once

again turned the tides [Chinese with vast armies on ground, Soviets less
visibly but in large numbers in the air] and the UN forces almost lost the war.
Finally the front stabilised along the original 38th parallel armistice line. The
result of this war was 3 million Korean and Chinese dead, and all Korean
cities in ruins, but Taiwan in strong American protection and South Korea
firmly in the hands of the right-wing president Syngman Rhee. Some

55 000 Americans lost their lives.

Vietnam War "The Tonkin incident" where American destroyer Maddox

was attacked twice by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats 1964 in the
Gulf of Tonkin never happened. What was happening were very aggressive
South Vietnamese raids against the North in the same general area. Huge
American presence wasn't decisive and President Nixon negotiated a
peace with honour 1973. This war was lost, when the North Vietnam finally
conquered the South Vietnam 1975.
Grenada invasion The Grenadian leader favouring the left and having
invited Cubans to help building the infrastructure (extending airport big
enough for long range Soviet aircraft) was replaced at a moment when
he was negotiating in the UN, New York for a more open UN UFO policy
based on Grenada initiatives. The fake reason for the immediate invasion
was that American medical students (becoming doctors much cheaper
than in the US) studying in the Grenada were in danger due the Cuban
presence. The new leader supported by the US favoured more traditional
values and the right.

War on Drugs The war was launched by Richard M Nixon sometime like
June 17,1971. The drug problem was found bad within the army in Viet Nam
around 1968 and action was required towards the end of the war. Nowadays
it is estimated that the military will never win the War on Drugs. The street
prices did not change in the USA despite the military action in foreign drug-
producing countries. Colombian experience (local military supported by the
US) is that peace is more important than war against drugs. The Colombians
have successfully negotiated some 1000s of guerrilla fighters back into the
society and out of jungle.

This "war" actually seems to be an excuse to make military invasions into

less developed countries, where covert "bad" drug lords on behalf of western
intelligence services are producing drugs into US and first world markets.
This operation produces huge income, generating black budget money for
those intelligence services managing the global drug operations.

Panama invasion The incident between American and Panamanian troops

led into invasion. The leader Noriega was changed and the earlier Carter

administration plan to hand the control of the canal over to Panama was
cancelled. The strategic importance of the canal has surpassed any more
just thinking in the US global domination policy.

US-Israeli sponsored war between Iraq and Iran 1980-1988

The US built a power base into the Middle East area into Iran starting with

the CIA-organised coup 1953, where Iranian prime minister Mossadeq was
replaced with the Shah of Iran Reza Pahlavi and he by his son Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi. Iran was equipped with the best western military equipment
including the American F-14 fighters with Phoenix missiles and the British
Chieftain MBT:s. Unfortunately there was 1979 a coup of ayatollah Khomeini
replacing the Shah and founding an Islamite nation.

After this the US warmed up relations with their good Iraqi friend Saddam
Hussein, and started to build a nation capable of challenging the Iranians.

The Iraq acquired large numbers of effective weapons including factories

able to produce older versions of gas warfare agents (these would later
be called wmd:s which these models being the WW1-weapons of course
are not).

The war broke out and was fought in exhaustion because third powers,

especially the Israel were carefully monitoring the power balance and
supplying more weapons to the side which seemed to be loosing. "Too

bad they both cannot loose" is how the Kissinger evaluated this situation.

Desert Storm, (First Gulf war, 1991), Iraq

Saddam Hussein asked for permission from the US (via their ambassador
April Gillespie) and got an answer that the US does not care Arab quarrels.
That was a trap, and after Saddam occupied the Kuwait region George Bush
sr. mobilised a coalition of some 40 nations to "liberate the Kuwait" and to
smash the recentlybuilt Iraqi military power base. This also involved a
media hoax, where the daughter of Kuwaiti US ambassador played nurse
in TV and "witnessed" Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators in

War on Terror The war was launched by Bush administration October 2001.
The war was claimed to be the response on terrorism, especially the 9-11
incidents. Most of the people in the world today know, that these reasons
are false and that those events were based on MIH type (make it happen)

inside job.
Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan invasion 7.10.2001-) Without any
evidence, the former CIA-asset, a Saudi-Arabian Osama bin Laden was
claimed to be the mastermind behind the 9/11 strikes at the WTC and the

Pentagon. Such a complex operation, if actually executed which it was

not, in this case would be much beyond the capabilities of anything in
Afghanistan. Only some top ten intelligence services in the world could
hope to be successful in such an operation involving forgery, infiltration,
living "underground" in a foreign non-Moslem country, coordination of
moves, illegal arms, hi-quality flight training, accurate aircraft navigation
in no-visibility conditions and so on. Perhaps even less, because the
friends of the US (at that time, still most of the world) would also have
been interested in stopping the attack.

Enduring Justice (Second Gulf war, 20.3.2003-), Iraq, later known

with less irony as Operation Iraqi Freedom
The claimed reason of the attack was that Iraq was a clear and present
danger to the US with wmd's available within less than an hour after the
decision to assemble them has been made. Since no wmd's were found,
and after the Iraqi also scrapped some 800 long range Scud style missiles
before the US coalition attack, the reason for the invasion was changed
into "bringing the democracy into Iraq".


Why the Pearl Harbor took place:

Robert B. Stinnett: Day of Deceit: the Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor, 2000

Mark Emerson Wiley: Pearl Harbour mother of all conspiracies

Cordell Hull's Ultimatum to Japan
What the US usually knew in advance (books):

Fredrick W. Winterbotham: The Ultra secret, 1974

Bradley F. Smith: The Ultra-Magic Deals, 1992

F.H.Hinsley: British Intelligence in the WW2 (4 large volumes), 1988

How to create innocent-looking wars: How wars are made

Especially these items: World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, The Vietnam War

How to create distant future wars:

The Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton

The out-of-print book: From Major Jordan's Diaries (Google this item)

How to dominate as a global superpower:

Nafeez Ahmed: The War on Truth, 2005

Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower by William Blum

a new updated edition published November 2005
See chapter 17: A Concise History of US Global Interventions, 1945--present

Freeing the world to death: Essays on the American Empire by William Blum
published September 2004
See chapter 15: Overthrowing other people's governments, the Master List

USURY SECRETS: REVEALED! 2005 (Google it; it ought to be an 18.6 MB
pdf document)

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