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trigonometry (noun), trigonometric (adjective): the first part of the word is from

Greek trigon "triangle". The second part of trigonometry is from Greek metron "a
measure." The Indo-European root is probably me- "to measure." Trigonometry is
literally the measuring (of angles and sides) of triangles. Historically speaking, the
triangular approach to trigonometry is ancient, wheres the circular approach now
taught in our schools is relatively recent.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

The most practical use of trigonometry is to "solve" triangles. If you know all the sides or two sides and
the angle in between, or two angles and a side, then you can find all the angles and all the sides using
trig. This has applications in navigation, the military (think of shooting missiles at an angle in the
air), and analysis of motion, and even building a sundial.
Without trig, your house would likely be lopsided!

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