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MODULE ONE....................................................................................................................................3
COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION.....................................................................................................3
LESSON ONE......................................................................................................................................4
THE MEANING OF A COMPUTER .............................................................................................4
What is information? .........................................................................................................................4
What is communication? ...................................................................................................................4
Meaning of technology? ....................................................................................................................5
Brief History of a Computer ............................................................................................................5
The meaning of a computer .............................................................................................................5
What Computers are not?.................................................................................................................6
End of Lesson Exercise .....................................................................................................................7
LESSON TWO.....................................................................................................................................8
CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS I ......................................................................................8
How Do We Classify Computers? ..................................................................................................8
Concept behind each criterion ........................................................................................................8
Purpose as Criteria for Classifying Computers .........................................................................8
Special Purpose Computers .............................................................................................................9
General purpose computers ..............................................................................................................9
Type as Criteria for Classifying Computers ............................................................................10
Analog Computers ............................................................................................................................10
Digital Computer ..............................................................................................................................10
Hybrid computers .............................................................................................................................11
End of Lesson Exercise ..................................................................................................................12
LESSON THREE...............................................................................................................................13
CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS II ..................................................................................13
Microcomputers .................................................................................................................................14
Minicomputers ...................................................................................................................................14
Supercomputers .................................................................................................................................15

This module looks at a brief history of the computer and some fundamental
concepts of Computer as well as information and communication technology. The
module also discusses the various ways of classifying computers and models of
computers available on the market today. The module will be looking at the
following core objectives;
By the end of this unit the student should be able to;

 define the term computer

 classify computers into their various categories
 differentiate between personal, mainframe, and supercomputers
 identify and describe the basic components of a computer
 outline the various hardware components of a computer
 outline the various software components of a computer
 state and describe the main operations involved in the processing cycle
 explain the concepts of data and information
 outline the role of computer literacy in education
 describe various ways of safeguarding a Personal computer

The unit is made up of ten lessons. These are;

a. Lesson One Meaning Of A Computer
b. Lesson Two Classification Of Computers I
c. Lesson Three Classification Of Computers II
d. Lesson Four Basics of Computer Systems
e. Lesson Five Basic Hardware Components
f. Lesson Six Basic Software Components
g. Lesson Seven The Processing Operation
h. Lesson Eight Data and Information
i. Lesson Nine Education and Computer Literacy
j. Lesson Ten Taking Care of Computers

Each lesson concludes with a set of questions to test your progress on grasping the
basic concepts covered. At the end of theunit are two sets of standard examination
questions. Students are advised to complete both exercises for assessment.


This lesson takes you through the meaning of a computer by exploring the origin
of the word computer. It also looks at the salient task of a computer as well the
meaning of some basic terminologies. By the end of the lesson the student should
be able to;
a. define the terms information, communication and technology
b. outline the various sources and tools of information, communication and
c. explain the term computer
d. outline five activities performed by a computer
e. state at least two things that a computer cannot do

What is information?

We obtain information from the following sources;

a) people f) announcements
b) news g) bulletin
c) letters h) magazines
d) films i) news papers
e) teaching j) books, music and etc.
Information are usually sent and received with the help of certain tools or
equipment. Below is a list of some of the tools and the kind of information they
are used to send or receive.

radio announcements, news, etc.

television films, drama,
calculator information on calculation
telephone messages
camera sending pictures
talking drums sending messages
computer sending and receiving messages, news, films etc.
microphone talking to large audience

What is communication?
This in its simplest form is a way of exchanging ideas or information between two
or more people. There are various tools that can be used for communication are;
person radio, television, radio cassette recorder, telephone, computer and talking
Take a look at some of the tools and their use;

o telephone is used for conversation

o radio is used for news, announcements
o television for news, announcements, films
o bell for announcements
Communication technology consists of electromagnetic devices and systems for
communicating over telephone, radio; broadcast Television, Cable TV and etc.

Meaning of technology?

They represent tools and equipment that help to make work easy.
These technology tools include radio, thermometer, radio cassette recorder
telephone, computer, television. An information technology is defined as a those
technology that merges computing with high-speed communication links carrying
data, sound and video. Information technology is the sum total of computers and
communication technology. Thus;

Information Technology = Computer + Technology.

Brief History of a Computer
The term computer was first used as an English word in 1646 to describe a person
who is performing some sort of calculation. Although there were machines for
performing such calculations, they preferred to call them as calculators. The word
computer was first used to describe a mechanical calculating device in 1897. Such
mechanical machines were made purposely to prepare tables of numbers, for
navigation and for artillery purposes. The word was used to describe an electronic
device in 1945 after Dr. John Von Neumann’s influential publication on the first
electronic computation machine named EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer). In that paper Von Neumann used the term “automatic
computing system”. Today popular usage has abandoned this cumbersome
terminology in favour of the shorter term Computer. From the brief history above,
you could see that the word computer has undergone a series of transformation
from being a person to a mechanical machine and now an electronic device.

The meaning of a computer

Computers by their nature are physical equipment made of metals and plastics and
as such are referred to as hardware. Can you explain or define the term hardware?
Wait a minute! We will come to that in lesson four.

Now Read on….

They are also not “ intelligent devices” (thus, they cannot work on their own). In
all these they are capable of handling well-written or well defined instructions
without any error at a very fast speed.
A computer cantherefore be defines as a;

 an electronic device , operating under the control of instructionsstored in its

own memory which can accept data , manipulate the data according to specified
rules to produce results which can be stored for future use or sent to another

 an electronic device that works under the control of stored programs ,

automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information
that is the result of the processing

It can also be defined as

 a programmable electronic device that accepts data, performs operations on
that data , presents the results and store the data or results as needed
From the above definitions, it is clear that the computer performs five major tasks
or activities. These are;

a) accepting data
b) processing the accepted data
c) producing an output(information) from the accepted data
d) storing the accepted data or the output(information) for future use
e) sending the output(information) to another device

Imagine yourself composing a text message with your mobile phone, you press on
the key pads (entering data); these are manipulated within the mobile phone to
produce the letters you see on the screen (output). The information can be saved
in the phone for future use or sent to another mobile phone.
All these activities are carried out with the aid of stored program or under the
control of instructions in its own memory.

At this point it is will better to hold on and take note of what computers are not.

What Computers are not?

Computers themselves do not have brains, feelings, or ability to solve their own
problems, they only solve problems they have been programmed to solve. As a
result of these, computers do not have the intellectual ability to decide how, when
and where they should be used. They are just tools in the hands of its users. The
decision on the usage of computers is the sole responsibility of users. Therefore
users or humans should accept the credit for the correct and wrong usage of the
computer. It is good to note that computers can only perform tasks that can be
broken into programmable steps, just as the way a recipe is prepared. Computers
can therefore perform decision-making operations. These decision-making
operations are usually made up of the programmable steps called algorithm.
Therefore the computer cannot do things that
a. cannot be described by algorithm or programmable steps
b. are not part of the instructions or program installed in the computer

End of Lesson Exercise

1. a. What do you understand by the term information?

a. State five sources and five tools for collecting information.
b. Define information technology.

2. a. Explain the term communication.

b. Outline six tools for communication
c. What is communication technology?
3. a. What is a Computer?
b. List the major activities carried out by a computer
c. State two activities that a computer cannot perform

4. The computer can be described as an electronic and electromechanical device

that operates based on a stored program . What is the meaning of the underlined


This lesson takes a look at the various criteria for classifying computers. We will
explore general and special purpose computers with examples in each case. The lesson
will also expose student to analog, digital and hybrid computers. By the end of the
lesson, the student should be able to;

a. state the criteria for classifying computers

b. outline the difference between special purpose and general purpose computers
c. enumerate at least three examples of special and general purpose computers
d. describe analog, digital and hybrid computers with examples
e. outline the distinguishing features between hybrid, analog and digital computers
How Do We Classify Computers?
Computers as an electronic device come in various sizes and are used for
various purposes. As a result of these, all computers are the same. There are
three criteria for classifying computers. These are;
 by purpose
 by type
 by size/capacity
A fourth criterion exists but it is beyond the scope of this book; hence we
shall concentrate on only three. This is by their generation.

Concept behind each criterion

Criteria Concept behind Criteria

Purpose How flexible and versatile the computer is and how easily it can
be adapted to solve problems

Type How data is received and processed

Size/Capacity How large the computer is and the speed at which data is

Purpose as Criteria for Classifying Computers

Depending on how flexible the computer is and how easily it can be adapted to
solve problems , computers can be placed under two main classes, namely;
 Special purpose
 General purpose computers

Special Purpose Computers

Special purpose computers are computers designed to solve or perform a limited

task. Special purpose computers are restricted to solving a particular problem or a
task. The set of instructions required for it to perform a given task is built into
the hardware. The software forms an integral part of the hardware and cannot be
separated. They are used in military operations and also to control devices in
industries that process steel or chemicals, Robots, automobiles etc.
Thermometer CT scan
Fuel Dispenser Money counting
Traffic Light
Speedometer Electric meter
Take for example a traffic lighting system ; it is made to direct traffic only. Apart
from directing traffic it cannot be moved into a shopping mall to count the number
of goods sold. The electronic thermometer is also built together with the
software. Examples of special purpose computes are; speedometer, electric
meter,microwave, CT scanners at the hospitals, machines at fuel filling stations
(fuel dispenser).

General purpose computers

The general purpose computers are designed to solve or perform a wide range of
problem or tasks.They can perform any task required by only changing the
application program stored in their main memory. With general purpose
computers, the software or the instructions for performing the tasks can be
changed depending on what the computer is to be used for. For example the
desktop computer can be used to play music, listen to news, print letters, send
messages, play games etc. by just installing the application program required to
perform these individual tasks. They can perform task such as banking,
accounting, scientific analysis, teaching and learning, playing games among

Type as Criteria for Classifying Computers

This classification scheme is based on the manner and nature in which data is
computed. There are three basic types of computers under these criteria for
classifying computers. These are;

 Analog computers
 Digital computers
 Hybrid computer
Computers are mainly categorized into the following types:
Digital Computer Analog computer Hybrid Computer

Analog Computers
They are essentially measuring devices .They are devices in which continuously
varying data are processed as a continuous stream of varying information .They
are computers which calculate or solve problem by measuring the continuous
variables in a physical quantity such as pressure, temperature and speed.
They perform computations by setting up a physical quantity analogous to a
mathematical situation. The thermometer for example, compares or draws analogy
between the expansion of mercury in it and the surrounding temperature. Likewise
the speedometer compares the speed in miles per hour by measuring how fast the
wheels are rotating. They are generally used for scientific and engineering
Examples include thermometers, voltmeters, speedometers, wall clock, dimmer
switch or heart monitor etc.

Digital Computer
Digital computers are basically counting devices . They are devices which solve
problems by counting precisely , adding, subtracting, multiplying dividing and
comparing. They work with discrete (distinct or separate) numbers or digits. They
use binary digits to process data. They are usually found in digital environments.
They are more accurate than analog devices. Examples are electronic watch ,
electronic calculators , and desktop computers , mobile phones, just to mention a
Differences between analog and digital computers
Analog computers Digital computers
Measurement is always involved Numbers are used
Data change smoothly Data change in discrete steps
Results must be read off a scale Results are given by means of the digits of the number.
There is a limit to the accuracy The accuracy obtainable is theoretically unlimited.

Hybrid computers
Hybrid computers are computers which use both analog and digital technologies to
process data into information. They have a combination of analog and digital
capabilities. They use the analog part to collect data and convert them into
digital quantities before they are used in any processing. These types of
computers are usually used in the industries. Examplesare the fuel dispenser, the
electric metre , money counting machine .
End of Lesson Exercise

Section A
Fill in the blank space below.

1. The three types of computers are Analog______________ and______________

2. The criteria for classifying computers are________, __________ and _______
3. Two examples of special purpose computers are____________ and__________
4. _______________________ have both analog and digital capabilities
Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

5. Special purpose computers are made to perform a wide range of task________

6. The thermometer is an example analog computer_________________________
7. Purpose, type and analog are criteria for classifying computers_____________
8. A hybrid computer usesthe digital component to collect data_______________
9. General purpose computers perform only a limited task____________________
10. Physical size still play a vital role in the classification of
11. In special purpose computers the hardware and software are


1. Computers can be classified by purpose as general purpose and special purpose

computers. What are (i) General purpose computers (ii) Special purpose
computers? What are they used for? [Jan. 2010 DBE Examination]
2. The three criteria for classifying computers are purpose, type and
size/capacity. What is the concept behind each of these criterions?
3. Write brief notes on each of the following
a. analog computers
b. digital computers
c. hybrid computer
Provide two examples each of a, b and c
4. Differentiate between analog and Digital computers.


This lesson is a continuation of the preceding lesson. It takes a look at

size/capacity as criteria for classifying computers. We will explore
microcomputers as well as mainframe and supercomputers computers with
examples in each case. The lesson will also expose student to IBM and IBM
compatible computers and Apple Macintosh computers. By the end of the lesson,
the student should be able to;

a. describe size/capacity as criteria for classifying computers

b. outline the various computers under this criteria
c. describe supercomputers, mainframe computers and personal computers
d. provide examples for super, mainframe and personal computers
e. identify and describe common personal computers available on the
market today

The capacities of earlier computers were measures in terms of their physical size.
Today physical size is not a good measure of capacity because models of
computers have become more compact as a result of the development of integrated
circuits. This technology have reduced the size and increased the power of
computers more than the room-sized computers made several decades ago.
Capacity of computers are now expressed in terms of the volume of work that the
computer can handle, the speed of processing and the functional units of the
central processing unit (CPU). Computers under these criteria can be classified as;

Brief description Examples

1. Mobile devices ; This includes cellular phones and other

communication devices with computer
or internet capabilities.
2. Microcomputers

3. Minicomputers(midrange
and workstations)

4. Mainframe computers

5. Supercomputers

We will be concentrating on microcomputers, mainframe computers and


They are also known as Personal Computers (PC). They are single user computers.
Microcomputers are the smallest and cheapest of all the types of computer
systems. The type of microcomputers includes desktop, notebook, and personal
digital assistants (PDA).
 Desktop computers- are microcomputers designed to fit onto or to be used at a
desk. The main housing (system unit) sits on a desk, with keyboard and mouse
in front and a monitor (screen) often on top. They come in several brands.
These brands come with different platforms or models. Some of the models are
compatible with each other whilst others are not. Based on these, there are the;
 IBM PCs, IBM was the first company to name its microcomputers Personal
computers. Examples are PowerPC-Based Computers and the IBM series 365,
Aptiva C3D computers, NetPC computers etc.
 IBM-Compatible computers are computers which are not manufactured by IBM
but work with IBM oriented programs. They includes computer brands such as
Compaq, Dell, Gateway, Packard Bell, Hewlett Packard(Hp) etc
 Macintosh (Mac) computers include eMac computers, Power Book computers,
iBook computers, Power Mac, G5 computers, iMac, i-Pods etc. they are not
compatible with neither IBM nor the IBM-Compatible computers.
 Laptop computers -are also referred to as Notebook computers. They are light
weight portable computers that are integrated with a built –in monitor(Display
screen), keyboard, trackball, hard disk drive, processor, memory, battery and
an AC adaptor that can be plugged into an electrical outlet. They are designed
to be carried around.
 Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) lacks the power of a desktop or notebook
computers, but offer specialized features for users who need limited functions
and small size. They use a system which combines pen input, writing
recognition, personal organizational tools.
 Tablet PC is a pen based microcomputer with a screen that is capable of
accepting handwriting. The computer digitized the handwriting andconverts it
into standard text that can be processed by other software programs.

Minicomputers are also known as Onyx. The term is used to describe a class of
multi-user computers which make up the middle range of computing devices. They
are between the largest multi-systems (supercomputers and mainframe computers)
and smallest single user systems (microcomputers or Personal Computers). A more
modem term for minicomputers is midrange systems or Workstations.
Minicomputer systems are usually larger and more powerful than microcomputer
systems and smaller and less powerful than mainframes. Example include IBM
system 36, Vax 11/780.

The mainframe computer is used principally by large organizations such as
universities, large business, airlines, hospitals, government agencies and
manufacturing companies and by computer service organizations such as service
bureaus. They provide a centralized storage, processing, and management for a
large amount of data which can be accessed by millions of people simultaneously.
They are large, powerful and expensive general-purpose computers with a range of
powerful input /output, processing and storage facilities. They can support about
100 terminals and requires a high-speed printer. .Examples is IBM 360 and 370,
IBM 3084, Cyber 170 model and NCR 8400.
They are the largest, fastest, most powerful and most expensive type of
computers. They are used by organizations,(airlines, scientists, government
agencies, weather services) requiring complex, sophisticated mathematical
calculation such as weather forecasting, medicine, online banking, nuclear energy
research, petroleum exploration exercises. Examples are Cyber 205, Cray X-MP
and Cray 2.

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