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Duca Ioana, Lecturer, Titu Maiorescu University Bucharest

This study covers a highly stringent subject for Romania nowadays – the re-denomination of national
currency. The introduction of the “hard” Leu is the most important monetary measure within the last 50 years. The
new banknotes and coins will be the last Romanian money, as starting 2012, Romania will switch to EURO. The re-
denomination is a technical procedure of reducing the nominal value of the cash ensigns, which was implemented
already by around 50 countries as part of an economic reform. The re-denomination does not change the substance
of national currency, but it is important due to its psychological impact, both nationally and internationally. We will
try to present the long term and short term benefits, the reasons for choosing the timing of the re-denomination, the
technical aspects, the influence on the prices and the way in which the new currency was received. Since the re-
denomination was most recently implemented in Romania and Turkey, we will focus on these cases.

Re-denomination represents the action of decreasing authorities as a signal that the LEU has regained its
the monetary value of cash ensigns, action implemented significant economic value. During the 15 years of
during the last 85 years by approximately 50 countries hyperinflation, the LEU was subject to an important
(Romania included), as part of a complex strategy of depreciation, from 14.92 ROL per USD (31st of
economic reform. December 1989 – NBR source) to 29,500 ROL per
The first country that went for the re-denomination USD in July 2005.
was Germany (1923), which, during a hyperinflation In Poland, the re-denomination of Zloty took place in
period, cut 12 zeroes. Chronologically, our country is the January 1995 under the name of “the crossing out of
last on the list, with the re-denomination process starting four zeroes” and made the Polish currency convertible
1st of July 2005. The national currency, “LEU”, lost 4 according to international standards. But the
zeroes and became RON (Romanian New LEU), which mathematical procedure in itself was seen by the polish
replaced the old abbreviation “ROL” (Romanian LEU). as a robbery attempt by the government.
The “LEU” expression has been kept unchanged These fears were encountered mainly in former
because it is an already accustomed term. After a few communist countries where the re-denomination was
years, « new » will be dropped from the name of repeatedly used by the State to take away the
currency and RON will be called ROL again. This population’s savings. However, the measure proved to
method was adopted in many countries that performed have long term benefits, due to a stabilized economy
re-denomination operation and simply the word “New” and low inflation.
was added before the name of the national monetary
unit, among which are Belarus, Bulgaria, Poland, Table 1: Technical details regarding re-denomination
Turkey, Russia (data appendix). In hyperinflation Eastern and Central Europe
countries, such as Argentina, Brazil and Israel, which
had to remove zeros from their currencies several times, Country Date Double Parallel Exchange
different names have been preferred to prevent confusion display use period
between old and new money. Poland Jan 24 24 14 years
To facilitate the recognition of banknotes and to 1995 months months
prevent confusion in the transition to new currencies, Ukraine Sept 15 days 15 days 15 days
denominations with the same purchasing power will be 1996
printed in similar colors and designs for both issues. Russia Jan 13 12 4 years
Practices in several countries reveal that a maximum of 6 1998 months months
or 7 banknote denominations is the best; otherwise some Bulgaria July 6 6 unlimited
banknote denominations remain out of use. 1999 months months
Starting 1st of July 2005, in Romania, 6 new bank Turkey Jan 12 12 10 years
notes and 4 new coins are issued and it will be the last 2005 months months
Romanian money until 2012, when we switch to EURO. Romania July 16 18 3 years
The introduction of the RON, even though not changing 2005 months months
the essence of the national currency, is seen by the Source: BNR

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In July-August 1993, the Russian government gave Starting January 1st 2005, Turkey re-denominated the
citizens just a few days to trade in their Soviet-era national currency (Lira) at a ratio of 1:1,000,000. The
rubles, and panic ensued. These "reforms" were "sprung" name of the new currency is YTL („Y” stands for Yeni
on the population without official warning, and by - „new” - in Turkish). Old banknotes will be
limiting the time period in which old bank notes could withdrawn from circulation as of 1 January 2006 (after
be exchanged for new ones, they outraged the population this date, Central Bank will convert it to new banknotes
and further damaged confidence in the ruble. for a period of 10 years). CBRT intends also that,
During the re-denomination that took place in January during a 3 months period, to exchange the monetary
1998 (table 1), the new ruble (1,000 old rubles) supply (90-95%).
circulated in parallel with the old one for 1 year. The Based on a macro overview, the Turks chose a highly
declared purpose of the re-denomination was to simplify favorable moment for the re-denomination: economic
the economic activity, as it did not affect the money increase above 8%, inflation reduced to 9.32% in
supply or the population savings. December 2004, the launch of negotiations regarding
The ruble's re-denomination occurred nearly a year EU joining. The psychological impact hit two areas.
after a similar reform in Ukraine, under which the The new Turkish currency is comparable with the hard
Hryvnya was substituted for the temporary Karbovanets currencies: - 1 Euro =1.6361 YTL, 1 USD =1.3448
at the rate of 1 to 100,000 in August 1996. Both YTL. Secondly, the accounting and financial statements
Hryvnias and Karbovanets were used in cash circulation were hugely simplified, as amounts like quadrillions
for 15 days: September 2-16, 1996, with a gradual were reduced - the old currency unit being one of the
withdrawal of the latter (table 1). The use of weakest in the world. (table 2).
Karbovanets for all kind of payments was stopped after
September 1996 and Hryvnia became the only legal Table 2: The highest denominations in circulation
tender of payment within Ukraine. Foreign analysts world-wide at December 31, 2004
greeted the implementation of monetary reform,
considering the introduction of the Ukrainian currency- Country Denomination Value in USD
Hryvnia, as the starting point for stabilization of the Indonesia 100,000 12.04
Ukrainian economy. Cambodia 100,000 25.06
On the 5th of July 1999, the Old Bulgarian Lev was Lebanon 100,000 66.03
replaced by a new Lev in a ratio of 1:1,000 (figure 1). As Mozambique 100,000 4.24
of that date 1,000 old Lev equaled 1 new Lev (equal to 1 Paraguay 100,000 16.09
Deutsche Mark, 0.51 Euro or USD 0.55). Until Romania 1,000,000 31.01
December 31st, 1999, all prices were stated both in new Vietnam 100,000 6.39
and old Lev; after that date, all prices were stated in new Turkey 20,000,000 15.04
Lev only. The entire process was performed in order to Source: MRI Bankers’ Guide to Foreign Currency, 2005
facilitate all payments, as well as all accounting and
exchange operations. The lowest old banknote comprised of 50,000 Lira
and the most valuable had 20 million Liras, which
Figure 1 allowed buying 4 cinema tickets! The share of the
highest denomination was more than 83% of the
circulation. Currently, the total value of banknotes in
circulation was approximately 13.5 quadrillion Turkish
Liras and the number of banknotes was about 1.3 billion



Annual inflation rate 1 month prior to the currency reform: June 1999 - The national economies might function with prices
1.2 % expressed in millions, but the escalating inflation
(Source: International Monetary Fund – International Financial
generates a higher operational risk and continuous need
for larger banknotes issue. Multiple zeros cause
Referring to „the hard Lev”, Steve Hanke, one of the difficulties also in expressing monetary values,
initiators of the currency board arrangement in Bulgaria transactions at the cashier’s office, book-keeping and
is saying in an interview: „The re-denomination of the statistical records, data processing software, payment
Bulgarian Lev was an absolute waste of time. Re- systems, price tagging etc.
denomination has no effect apart from confusing people In Turkey, the inflationary process, which began in
and wasting funds”. However, the foreign analysts the 1970s forced everybody to learn digits used in
considered the measure to be useful and having positive astrophysics. Economic values were expressed in terms
effects in the long run. of billions, trillions and even quadrillions. The cash
demand in the economy was met by new banknotes in

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larger denominations, which were put to circulation Table 3: Inflation before, during and after the re-
almost every two years beginning in 1981. The denomination in East and Central Europe
enormous figures with all the zeros led to a variety of
problems. Due to its record-high denominations in the Country Inflation Inflation during Inflation
world, Turkish Lira lost prestige in the eyes of the during denomination during
general public. previous year next year
As a result of the significant decline in inflation from year
chronically high levels, and the steadily rising Poland 32.2% 27.8% 19.9%
confidence in the Lira, the decision to re-denominate the Ukraine 376.7% 80.3% 15.9%
currency was presented as part of a tight economic Russia 14.6% 27.6% 85.7%
program backed by the International Monetary Fund. In Bulgaria 22.3% 2.6% 10.3%
the light of the above-mentioned factors, removing six
Turkey 12% 8%* 4%*
zeros from the national currency has in fact become a
technical necessity. This move could not only ease
Romania 9.3% 7%* 5%*
dealing with and interpreting astronomical numbers, but
should raise the credibility of the national currency.
The first Draft Bill that aimed at removing five zeros Source: BNR, National Banks
from Turkish Lira was presented to the Prime Ministry
on December 25, 1998. However, “zero-dropping The ruble was re-denominated in January 1998 with
operation” could not be performed until 2005, due to the 1,000 old rubles equaling one new ruble. This re-
facts that: the programs that were put into practice with denomination was expected to increase confidence in
the aim of fighting against inflation, could not be the ruble. But, the government’s inability to service
implemented, and expected and realized rates of mountainous debt obligations forced currency
inflation could not be pulled down to reasonable levels. devaluation a little over six months. The Central Bank
In Romania, the National Bank treated the re- of Russia has been trying to convince the people that the
denomination as a part of the process of EURO currency re-denomination will not cause prices to raise.
implementation. The adoption of Euro will be simplified But, rumors began to spread about another government
now, based on the experience we gathered. The necessity scheme to fool the common people. The inflation rate
of the re-denomination before the acceptance into the grew up to 85.7% in 1999.
EU in 2007 was questioned. However, the reason behind Afghanistan’s experience is similar. The government
this action was the fact that none of the countries that removed three zeros off the Afghani currency in 2002.
recently joined EU were able to automatically replace A short two-month conversion period caused the
their current currency with Euro, although intense efforts currency to fall sharply as people rushed to exchange
were put in place. Romania cannot “skip” these stages their old Afghanis for new notes or dollar.
when joining EU. The complete change to Euro is Removal of zeros from the currency is usually
foreseen to take place around 2012-2014 and only if implemented along with a stabilization program and can
Romania fulfils certain criteria. The newly implemented be at different inflation rates. In Israel (figure 2), which
“RON” will therefore have a 7 to 9 years life span. is one of the countries where the stabilization program
yielded successful results, the currency reform was
made in just a short while after the stabilization program
Figure 2
In theory, erasing zeros from a currency is simply a
numerical move. But past examples show it will not
work if the economy cannot sustain the new rate.
As a negative example we quote Russia’s ruble re-
denomination in 1998. At that time, the ruble has been
relatively steady in real terms against the dollar since the
establishment of a monetary discipline by the RCB and
the establishment of a rouble exchange rate corridor in
July 1995. The RCB converted the corridor into a
"crawling band" in July 1996. The ruble has come under
considerable pressure in the wake of the Asian currency
crises in 1997. Plus, Russia experienced some of the Annual inflation rate 1 month prior to the currency unit reform:
August 1985 - 386.4 %
worst post-transitional inflation in East-Central Europe:
(Source: International Monetary Fund – International Financial
2,600 percent in 1992 and 940 percent in 1993. Inflation Statistics)
began to spiral downward once a tighter monetary policy
took hold in 1993. Progress has been fairly steady, with In Poland and Bulgaria currency reform was
price increases falling to 198 percent in 1995 and 48 implemented only after the positive effects of the
percent in 1996. Inflation fell further during 1997 to 14.6
percent (table 3).
stabilization program were observed. This is the occurred. Brazil repeated the process 6 times, cutting off
recommended approach today. a total of 18 zeroes, while Argentina took 13 zeroes
In Poland, there were concerns that inflation was not during 4 stages.
low enough when the re-denomination took place, but In Turkey, in the process of transition to single digit
inflation continued to moderate by five percent per inflation, year 2005 was considered the best time for
annum between 1995-1997 (table 3, figure 3). This was managing expectations. The re-denomination of Turkish
because Poland had already completed a major Lira was effective as 1 January 2005, beginning of the
restructuring and liberalization of its economy, which new fiscal year, in order to avoid a dual-record system,
contributed to the success of the currency reform. and not to cause an extra burden of preparing interim
financial statements.
Figure 3 Although the re-denomination idea emerged in
Romania in 2001, the national and international political
agenda and also the economic reform schedule made it
very hard to implement. The elections in 2004, the
period needed to stabilize the inflation, the 12 months
time lag necessary to set up the technical frame and also
the upcoming EU joining in 2007 were all factors that
led the authorities to choose July 2005 as the best
implementation time.
Other actions to be taken into consideration for the
re-denomination are:
- Launching of a comprehensive advertising campaign
Annual inflation rate 1 month prior to the currency reform: December
1994 - 29.4 % in all media;
(Source: International Monetary Fund – International Financial - Review of the legislation and making the necessary
Statistics) arrangements in this respect;
- Co-ordination of harmonization and transformation of
In countries where stabilization programs failed (the the accounting systems, computer software, ATMs,
examples of Argentina – figure 4 and Brazil – figure 5), POS terminals, cashier’s type machines, bank accounts,
the need to remove more zeros emerged after a certain functioning of clearing houses.
period of time. The biggest part of the costs is paid by the National
Bank. The commercial banks will pay the costs for the
Figure 4 ATM and POS adjustments (between 800 and 1,000
Euro per machine) and also for the re-configuration of
their core systems. In addition, appropriate storage
places for the two separate types of banknotes must be
in place. The Retailers are also subject to spending in
order to adjust their systems, cash machines etc. The
biggest impact is however in all areas that relates to
The long-term benefits of the re-denomination are as
Annual inflation rate 1 month prior to the currency unit reform (May - Public confidence towards the national currency is re-
1983 - 310.0 %; May 1985 - 1,010.1 %; December 1991 - 84.0 %) established;
(Source: International Monetary Fund – International Financial - Savings in national currency increase;
- The money saved outside the financial system is
Figure 5 brought into the market, as it has to be changed.



This fear was extensively expressed in all countries

that went through a re-denomination process in the last
years. It was enhanced in 2002, when the countries
joining EU and switching to EURO encountered slight
increase in prices. The impact of Euro in the first 6
Annual inflation rate 1 month prior to the currency unit reform months has not exceeded 0.2% in Euro zone (according
(January 1986 - 250.2 %; December 1988 - 980.2 %; July 1993 - to EUROSTAT).
1,581.7 %)
(Source: International Monetary Fund – International Financial The re-denomination of the national currency should
Statistics) not have any noticeable effect on inflation, as the
Therefore, when the re-denomination took place in a operation is simply a zero-removal process. The only
weak and unprepared economy, the adverse effect potential effect on the general level of prices could be
the rounding up (or down) of prices post-re- Figure 7: CCI evolution in Turkey before and after re-
denomination. Furthermore, the requirement to express denomination
prices of all goods and services in terms of both the old
currency and the new currency should help to avoid the
exploitation of the potential rounding up possibilities.
The potential price increases that may result from re-
denomination are not expected to have a continuous
In Turkey, the re-denomination was not expected to
have either an impact on exchange rates, Consumer
Price Index - CPI or the overall level of interest rates but
only a positive impact on population expectations. The
Source: CBRT – News Bulletin 96, June 22, 2005, available at
main factors determining exchange rates, price level and
overall level of interest rates are the fundamentals of the
economy and the economic stabilization program.
The recent trends (figure 6) confirmed that the 4. CONCLUSIONS
Turkish Central bank expectations proved right. The re-
denomination did not have any significant impact on the Based on the analysis above, the re-denomination of
CPI increase (during the first 3 months the trend was national currency must be done only when the following
descendent). circumstances are being met:
 The decrease trend of inflation is consolidated. A
Figure 6 low inflation rate, joined by zero-dropping
operation will improve credibility of the national
 Other significant positive results are obtained,
proving the success of economic reforms and
restructuring (e.g. the real terms increase of the
GDP). It has been proved in the majority of the
countries that put in place a re-denomination
process that this operation is an indicator of the
success in lowering inflation and determination to
keep inflation under controlled margins.
If the above success factors are not in place, the re-
denomination becomes a useless and expensive
Source: CBRT,
“cosmetic surgery” performed on the national currency.
As far as Romania is concerned, we believe that, in
According to the analysts, Turkey could emulate order to accurately assess the re-denomination
Poland’s successful re-denomination of the Zloty in implications, monthly monitoring of certain indicators
1995 and suggest Turkey may have broken a 20-year (e.g. Consumer Price Index, Purchasing Power, Euro
cycle of inflation and high rates. More importantly, the and USD Exchange Rate, Weighted Averages of 1-
move is seen cementing a process of economic Month Deposit etc) must be in place.
normalization, in line with Turkey’s drive towards In addition, based on Turkey’s experience, we
eventual EU membership. consider viable also the set up of indicators such as the
The Consumer Confidence Index - CCI, an indicator Consumer Confidence Index and Business Confidence
calculated by CBRT and State Institute of Statistics, Index.
which monitors the population expectations and
behavior, increased throughout the last quarter of 2004
until February 2005. This evolution can be associated to References (selective):
the waiting period of the re-denomination. On a larger 1. Dijmărescu, E. – Denominarea: experienţe ale altor
time lag, this indicator has a decreasing trend, but this is ţări, BNR – Conferinţă de presă, noiembrie 2004
not due to the currency re-denomination. 2. Isărescu, M. - Leul nou: totul se simplifică,
The decrease in the Consumer Confidence Index Dezbatere organizată de Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie
stemmed from the deterioration in consumers’ a României şi a Municipiului Bucureşti, 15 martie 2005
assessments concerning their purchasing power in the 3. Serdengecti, S. – Re-denomination of Turkish lira by
present period and general economic situation in the next dropping six zeros, Press conference, Central Bank of
period and buying time condition of durable goods in the The Republic of Turkey, Ankara, 2004
present period. The newspaper archives of ”Săptămâna financiară”,
When the index is above 100, it indicates an “Ziarul financiar”, “Capital”, “Banii Noştri”
optimistic outlook, when is below 100, it indicates (2004 –2005)
pessimistic outlook. Georgia 1995 6 1,000,000 Kuponi = 1 Lari
Germany 1923 12 1,000,000,000,000 Mark = 1 Rentenmark 1948 1 10 Reichsmark = 1 deutsche Mark
Greece 1954 3 1,000 old Drachmai = 1 new Drachma Guinea 1971 1 10 Francs = 1 Syli
Hungary 1946 5/ rate of 400,000 Quadrillion Pengoe = 1 convers 4 Forint Island 1981 2 100 old Kronur = 1 Krona Israel 1948 3 1,000 Prutot = 1 Pound
1960 2 100 Agorot = 1 Pound 1980 1 10 Pounds = 1 Sheqel 1985 3 1,000 old Sheqalim = 1 new Sheqel
Kirgistan 1993 2/ rate of 200 Rubles = 1 Som
conv 2
*** North Korea 1959 2 100 old Won = 1 new Won
South Korea 1962 1 10 Hwan = 1 Won
Data appendix Laos 1976 1/ rap of 20 Old Kip = 1 Lao Liberation
conv 2 Kip
Re-denomination History since 1923 1979 2 100 Liberation Kip = 1 New Kip
Latvia 1993 2 100 Talonu = 1 Litas
Letonia 1993 2 / rate of 200 Rublu = 1 Lats
Country Date Number of New currency unit and value conv 2
zeroes Macedonia 1993 2 100 old Denari = 1 new Denari
Mexico 1993 3 1,000 Pessos = 1 new Peso
Afghanistan 2002 3 1,000 Afgani = 1 New Afgani
Moldova 1993 3 1,000 Ruble = 1 Leu
Albania 1965 1 10 old Leke = 1 New Lek
Morocco 1959 2 100 francs = 1 Dirham
Angola 1995 3 1,000 Novas Kwanzas = 1
Nicaragua 1988 3 1,000 Cordobas = 1 new Cordoba
Kwanza Reajustado
Paraguay 1943 2 100 Pesos Fuertes = 1 Guarani
1999 6 1,000,000 Kwanzas Reajustados
Peru 1985 3 1,000 Soles = 1 Inti
= 1 Kwanza
1991 6 1,000,000 Intis = 1 New Sol
Argentina 1970 2 100 Pesos = 1 Peso Ley
Poland 1995 4 10,000 old Zlotych = 1 New Zloty
1983 4 10,000 Pesos Ley = 1 Peso
Argentino Romania 1947 4 / rate of 20,000 old Lei = 1 Leu
conv 2
1985 3 1,000 Pesos Argentinos = 1
Austral 2005 4 10,000 old lei = 1 new Leu
1992 4 10,000 Australes = 1 Peso Russian 1947 1 10 old Rubles = 1 New Ruble
Convertible 1961 1 10 rubles = 1 new Ruble
Azerbaijan 1992 1 10 Soviet Rubles = 1 Manat 1998 3 1,000 Rubles = 1 New Ruble
Bahrain 1965 1 10 Gulf Rupees = 1 Dinar Serbia & 1966 2 100 Dinars = 1 new Dinar
Belarus 1992 1 10 Soviet Rubles = 1 Rubel Montenegro 1990 4 10,000 Dinars = 1 new Dinar
2000 3 1,000 Rubles= 1 New Ruble 1992 1 10 Dinars = 1 new Dinar
Bolivia 1963 3 1,000 Bolivianos = 1 Peso 1993 6 1,000,000 Dinars = 1 (October)
Boliviano (oct) Dinar
1987 6 1,000,000 Pesos Bolivianos= 1 1993 9 1,000,000,000 (October) Dinars =
Boliviano (oct) 1 (1994) Dinar
Brazil 1967 3 1,000 Cruzeiros = 1 New 1994 6 / rate of 12,000,000 (1994) Dinars = 1
Cruzeiro conv 12 super Dinar
1970 3 1,000 New Cruzeiros = 1 Sudan 1992 1 10 Pounds = 1 Dinar
Cruzeiro Taiwan 1949 4/ rate of 40,000 Taiwan Dollars = 1 new
1986 3 1,000 Cruzeiros = 1 Cruzado conv 4 Taiwan Dollars
1989 3 1,000 Cruzados = 1 New Cruzado Tunisia 1958 3 1,000 Francs = 1 Dinar
1990 1 New Cruzado = 1 Cruzeiro Turkey 2005 6 1,000,000 Lirasi = 1 New Lirasi
1993 3 1,000 Cruzeiros = 1 Cruzeiro Uganda 1987 2 100 Shilings = 1 new Shilling
Real Ukraine 1996 5 100,000 Karbovanets = 1 Hryvnia
1994 3 / rate of 2,750 Cruzeiros Reais = 1 Real Uruguay 1975 3 1,000 Pesos oro = 1 new Peso
convers 2.75 1993 3 1,000 new Pesos = 1 Peso
Bulgaria 1962 1 10 old Leva = 1 new Leva Uruguayo
1999 3 1,000 old Leva = 1 new Leva Uzbekistan 1994 3 1,000 Sum-coupons = 1 Sum-note
Chile 1960 3 1,000 Pesos = 1 Escudo Vietnam 1959 3 1,000 Dong (north) = 1 new Dong
1975 3 1,000 Escudos = 1 Peso (north)
China 1955 4 10,000 old Yuan = 1 new Yuan 1975 2 / rate of 500 Piastres (south) = 1 new
Croatia 1994 3 1,000 croation Dinara = 1 Kuna conv 5 south Vietnam Dong
Dem 1967 3 1,000 Congolese Francs = 1 Zaire 1985 1 10 Dong = 1 new Dong
Republic of 1993 6/ rate of 3,000,000 Zaires = 1 New Zaire Source: Adapted from MRI Bankers’ Guide to Foreign Currency 46th
Congo conv 3 Edition, Houston, January 2003,
1998 5 100,000 New Zaires = 1 Franc
Estonia 1992 1 10 Rubles = 1 Kroon
Finland 1963 2 100 old Markka = 1 new Markka
France 1960 2 100 francs = 1 new Francs

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