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5 Flexibility of Veze/ Stele Negotiating Social Protection in Bijeljina Carna Brkovié ‘A parent bigest dsr for er child td dy before her What wi happen to oarchidren ater wee gone? (Maple a parent fom The Sun) Magdalena. 2 mother of «teenage boy with developmental dies, ‘aid thi ring a meeting t The Sue, « NGO wesking with cite with evelopment ficulties and thir parents in Bijena,& towe BH, 00 the border wih Seria Jat ks had happened in may oer towns, ‘Bien scl workers rom the Cente for Soil Protection ihe Cente, ‘Sater nsitton for administering social protection, repre The Sen {nthe aly 2000 8a kindof substitution for a yar cente for cide with deeopmenal difcukis This was poor substitute tecase at the time of esearch in 2009 and 2010 the parent coud cing thee chien 40 The Sun only twice a wee for howe to py with cach eter an! ‘work wih speci pedagogies Thee wee between TS and 20 pens ll ‘moter, who tok ther children to The Sun regula. While the een ere working wth he pil pedagogies Ist withthe parents ins eps ‘om, where we were dking cof, smoking snd aking. Out chat at the ‘rznisuion ofen included icy language and revolved around pret daly ‘robles as och ss around other people inthe town The women dec {he children itary regimes. medial experiences and encoun with social workers They ls shared tad infrmation abou other people they dscused ote Tae mariage nd ast ove alse iano war erences and work oleaguen. andthe regula) acted what ind of ‘son someone was and how connected his person was bia the tore ‘The Sun masa pac where they engage in elatonallbour (Baym 3010), ‘speily wih socal workers and sed ill faformation sou chan insocia protection trough person contacts “he parents shred very few socal postions One had lw dere, one asa tuned muse other women were ducted vp to secondary arachoo| level The majority of them perce themes Ses butter wer so ‘wen who persed themselves a Bosnian Masts or Bosna sd os ‘ercied helf a Croat. There were women who wef thee tee tis and some who were approaching the fies Some of them had bee iti of hey fy abuse. while others had hareoniosfamies Tit ‘lon ao had very diferent disbitie, an some had moe than one esi of VzeiScle 98 Despite thee diecaces al parents shared the eifcles that came with the 2d policy changes hat Feplaced the formes Yagi medical model ‘of social protection fr people wit bile with "sca model of soa reton ral mode sce zal). Whe the edi vol eats “sabiiy asa meal problem. and theefre pe empsass om treatment, ‘shublittion and commeon, ihe social modal “emphases responsibly ‘of society to provide adequate support and to aceep dbity-ileence ‘Anonymous 208: 21) Ox inthe words of one developmental expert ding an edctiona seminar on this tpic organise in Bin bythe Beja Lake nie for Socal Protection in 2009, the posta “socal mode included Sapesion of responsi for Social peection from the sae towards the ‘whale community jeta adhe). The basi pin of the soa model was oie diferent actors in private and ci sectors aking esponstty fr aieret aspects of soll protetion, wl the state legally elated oorintes cooperation across sectors The mperian hing for socal prot "io now asthe same developmental expert ak, ws ohare pod managers ‘uning things, connecting people and lobbying for shred goal Despite developmental expe promises of mprotrent, in pracice the ‘xia model meant ta women rom The Su almost no suport ouside ‘oC thr amex With 41 KM (approximately 20), the base soc ponson nthe munkpity of Bjeina wat moe than ten tines ower than he erage ‘ality a the time’ Mos peas wer umbl fo enter a crpoyment sme one ado tkecare techie and may of thet had ben sanded by husbands or partners arte cd was brn. Adon, inerpesoal ‘htons shaped the dlvery of social pesston Certain sil were fo ‘he Cone sopped th statutory vis ooo dierent women om The Sut ase perona anion theca of one woman an ft frm es 'g (with another woman). Alo, Bjtinns Cente ano techn est 10 Jur nfoemtion abou new provisos among lis wera tne man nc Asa el the pares had to clit frendly rations with he soca ‘workers who ran Te Sun inode oar what hey had ih to apply All ths things fomed a enviroment in which dese for Your chi to ic 8 tbo you could beatae ~ as Magalenas words sgget- When Mandaena Si this other parents psn a th meting aed wth et One ofthe add: "Ys. bo Wl ake exe them ar we ae gone” ‘While a mother’s desire for a child ode «bit Before her may appear sa efction of «neoliberal ‘polities of fled soi” (oun 20 the simultaneous post-war and postsosalit neoliberal transformations ‘of socal protetion in Bi dd not simply cu off soca. ote site fiom the everyday lives of user Coller (2011) suggests that “rt conventional wisdom’ about neoliberal approaches Ht as am Ine Iccual movement 10 define and Uansform the state Into post ca ‘ity a dispersed and localised coordinator mediating ation of vt ‘us profi-riente actors. rising this perspective in his unalysiy of Russian postsceiais transformations, Caller spproashes neoliberal 'w the frame of biopoltc: “as form of teteton that arose prescy 96 boi reponse othe problems of the soil ate and source of propoe 2d and repping the sol ate (Coter 2001 Sina, Mortis (201) argues thatthe nota present in on- tempor aly id ot inde sada histor bres with past were ‘Srengemea nse, ti dependent on and intertwined with, pacts, {oeusand aes aay asoited ih Ford welfare state Ting tren rom hin his chap explore how the mltaneous post-xar “indonesia unsormatons i BiH (ber 6) encour! pa ‘ale fos of scaly an gsney with lte-rguied social rots tion ncting ora sah a ee (eral elation, conestion») and Sete acai welations and conection ht haf be fined). Ren and ‘Thelen 20%) plate tht gery of ae wha nay probleme fr ieking abot east Europes postsocialt anon Mons benan varios ste Boe, actor and stitaons continue 19 Shape welle in somplen sud sontaiiry nay Inthe reading the jbl snot so moh that he state as ot for nella bu tht has ‘fanged roc and sponses of ensuring sural and welling in Simian Bh potsoiaint xodormations lone the complex postmar aime isons of the ste apart id ot eu the ‘cto wth thee of ate nen he ate has bear in sn pontmald (Alnander 2) Magic Hoek and Ree {Govt seth dc fo the Dayton adnate dion of BiH and therealing [3 mints fr fathead scl poecton, he Sot of elas suport peop cold get depended on whee thy resid. None Wine eapablisfor mere wre aldo the out evel iste ‘ons ty the BH Constton, wich reget he ol of Supa! Ssvimenaonl ay wel ey bs nd muna nstttons for he uunsaon of cl tsi (Sabb 200) The meas that ome ste Sota proton sens and proven came ite tose Ba t= ‘em not obs Farhernre the mtodion ofthe Sec mode of cul protein, nce nt moi erm delopen stg or ik dis ton plan fom the ma 0 Ss th al omen asthe ity unt intr menor for poing sol protcton. Since the er to fads for sal proton the nto Repu Sepa ae een {tamfeedo he mania badges ad te sea hid cores otk and Raia 2007) Th means that muna goverment — and conmgueny he arty pola had ery inporin rebecsne he ‘tunica deh oun of th bac wel rvs, wheter 0 [ec pc! pvitne adi, bow a pel ponaon wos te andhow many people woul Such pos-areetins of sia protcton asa responsi of he “oc omni” enforced the ambit of whether hs globe ‘ton a he sate ora mateo pron! pode om the part of scaly {Gested ctor wits pblieand pte actors The enbigos ground of xb of exe Stele 97 social protection puted people to become god manages running things Connecting people nd lobbying fr shared gal, ze ad ele were cri forth because they enabled peopl o aap Rely to ilfernt expec ‘ions and to invoke personal knowledge and compassion when neptiat- ing services and provisions they fl they were ented to. Ax we Wil 308 ‘ce the ditrbing parental question of Wha wl happen with he cen ‘er we are gone)? could as wel be read as. "Who vill pursue ve for the children after we are gone. The post-va neoliberal transformations ff Bi encouraged the train’ ofthe scat of Kinship iendship {td patronag into the state arenas Neoiberalen has eordered socal it [i and crested new kinds of ambivalent rations and em Kinds of desis (ot starve 20128). Inorance and Stabbornness During one of our regula mevings Ions, the dior of The Sus and & Social Worke, came i abd announced tat the organisation had reosed Support to bythe material fo the parents o make handbags. The handbogs ‘ro be od a th ny rele ay wo ard fod ner {ites ofthe organo, cameo th esting the ett week exced Shout ths change of dans inthe organsation. However, the parents did to ce to sate ay excement. When everybody gathered atthe ofc, ‘Se ated making coe, smoking and gossiping, us usa. Alera couple ‘f minses I eot ep. went outsie and Brot the mater rom another sccm, Tend Ut, prt, esol rt eng the Bag os wad ae {oto time to mae them. Magdalen, who was th informal leader of he 7up. sa "Sure we woul tart working on that son Isat down joined In emgong comersaio, ad the eving was ot mentioned agin. The bags seve never made and untaveing Why this hd happened ~ er athe, why ‘Chad net happened ~ points toa parte srctre of entement and "expectations tht this group of women ped upon the ate as izes. ‘tera coupe of weeks waiting ona ace, lated at the sbbby wooden harraks of Btn’ Cente By pos, itwas ear that the gs ‘ould not be made ad Kon si: ‘These mothers ae dsterested, pase; they do not want to move, 0 work oBe engage. Although, i fiat fo them, its nt easy tobe "avon, lon tobe a parent of icc Se couidnot Believe tht the mothers did aot make any handbags though she had arranged a donation to buy the materials and created "simple plan, whieh the mothers should have followed inorder 1 raise 8 sal prot or The Sun tn ute dsbeb,se continued for sometime Taking shout how mothers needed toe ative and to start moving, ‘hey wanted to help themselves, and even adde thatthe moter ae mot 98 Ben “the most capable people, intelectual nd we need to id ther paents ‘who cam make things happen” From the perspective of the organisations Teaders and wouter, the parents seamed 19 be far from flexible agents ‘who would ewig and abe managerial to take things into thei own ands nd septate beter soil protection in various public tents Hone, ovars the en of her outburst on others nay fnd passivity om sad something quite diferent: "They are not reais “They donot understand that everyone the state isin dict station {nd they rete ae tatThey Behe they are the oly ones Wilk ‘hrclon "Thepescnwhowasrealitic nbonsbopnion wasahsomething-yeur-okd ‘man wih developmental challenges who exesionally vised The Sup an ‘ho had i that hey should not expet the municipal goverment help ‘hm hey cannot help themssies Thus Tomas iitation was not cause ‘so mich by the pasty ofthe parent bu y teresa wo be raise From ber experienc Ivona knew well hat the women were perfectly capable oorpaise hemes and act. when they thought i matted 3 ins way thy saw as meaning. A yea eae. ona witesied a situation ‘in which the same parents managed to convince Bijinas mayor to push ‘the municipal partment to inttedoe anew social protection provision ‘She also knew ha the peas were wing and able stipose tei oe ‘ews on the dstibution of mosey within he organisation Namely ater {humanitarian exibition organised by The Sun with the help of volun- {eer a year ea, the parents did 1 spit the mgs) used prot mong themselves instead of ivestng itn the organisation. Ivo an ‘ther people fom the organisation werent too please by the parents Secon twas episodes ke this deciding about money and managing 10 ‘convince the mayor to intduce anew eoision - that challeoged the es ‘ofthe parents as incapable In such moment was apparent that pssity ‘ofthe parents was not theres of thei ptologcl dependency” onthe State orth inability to resoorne the nad tobe proactive, It was more ‘the esl of thee bel tat the stste should oso and provide te ‘vith much beter socal protection se Jansen 20148). The women di not ‘maketh bags because they expected the ate Lo take esponsibity fr the swell of their elon. As we wile, they were not alowed fo ast the work of The Sua under their ow lrmi they had no intention of = ng up thei shor intervals of ete to generate a smal pro for The Sen, fstead when hey feibly negotiated improvement of Social pros tion the parents pursed vez and fee ‘Managing Ambiguity Social protection in Bijina was sometimes daca ata tizns’ right and gal obligation of the sat and sometimes a 4 main of personal ‘ompasion and goodwil of particular people Indeed, tte onthe wall a Flexi of Vere Sile 99 of the Cente conference room represented a Golden Medal, which the ‘municipality of Bjcina awarded to the Cems 201 fo Renowned work and activites of speci ipnieance forthe manicpality ‘the area of scl work andespeial for fort sucesfl usa the ‘feral effort in an onaied humana wor and asta the ‘pied population emphasis added, The ibs tha a public wolfe institution i carping out work tha has 4 ‘human character inde some ofthe ambiguities ofthe stats of ‘cil roetonin Bijan the 200 The Sun ea casein point Alou formally registered at an NGO, the organisation did notre on projet, funding Asst was reiteed by terval workers 2h funded bythe Cente, ‘ryan the organisation tallad about The Sun as ‘something ikea sate Servic a mung effet to compensate forthe ck of day-are cent The Sus had no permanent employes and projets tha euied inolvement of the parents and etermal fending ining making nd sling Bas — ‘tre onanise once year, nce in2 years Water and lett ils and honor for to spel pdagoguts were covered by eguar subventions ‘roid by the Cente (an consequently by te municipal) At the sme tims the women from The San proce the oguiation party a ons humanitarian endemour. As they often commented, without the goodness ‘ot Thon’ heart. thee woul have Ben 80 organisation. 1 invest & {ix of pevonal and profeonal flr ato improving the weltcing of purcistnd ther chides, despite er oscsonal outburst fiitaton and ‘Grappoiment. Ava eat of thi ambiguity of The Sun, dvsion of rks “nd responsbis within the organkaton was ot clear peop isitd the meting when the oul thy often postponed th arrangements made ony {ay ear sometines they canes the matings and 0 forth “The triple character ofthe organisation ~ a an NGO. tate weve ad achaniy ive fine example the complex way in which the socal made Fevmied amb to shape socal protection in every Ie Tesbout be ed tha he ambaen status of weal tection was not tbe consequence ‘St Bonin cultural species or complex and fie state sovereignty (the inpkaton being that once the Bi sate ly developed ae modernised, thestatu of socal tection and various ators win would be dear abd ‘ambiguus, Tis pra Knd of ambit) was rather he result ofthe Isteratonallysupervied poxtsccait apd post-nar tempts o bul Bill ‘nein away tha diapered espn for welfare rom the sate to the ‘ole commu Furthermore, ambiguity was not jst the outcome of the process of social transformation - was ao characters of socal eatonships “hat could be managed, tensed or tured ito lai and ths used fo push socal relationships sd proce of assormaton towards a cer Bim deton (Stabe 2013, Wedel 2008), However, ot everybody could do 100 ton {his tring se xb to mange ambiguity of ssl prteon brows intr pool bes ed pee ens cause donee sca (Boi 215 For tac the who ould manage eh ifthe tiple trace of Te Sin = san NO, rte rir td taste oanition~scaed tbe abt pn smehing ot of The toluntersclvatd contact at he Centr, tur incre th chanes f ting job there This ha append ith vo and te ede ok The Santer obaning spermato oar asc worker ose ron sce for several ear at the oaston, proving her odes sina andasahamanrin’ a sh puta hye hector te Cente: Mi, the vnc rom he Seely sed she help ont ‘he ngnintion moder tbe vin eee (pe oa of pope free Cente spel te Sesto hong fad ence ee theta “The para howe,ad alnotn0 way fang and manag th aebiomty ot the nanan They had 1 gus totam odie ey equ aout eter scl rt, hn ha ay. prec t sak torn ver tw af he eye forte pret neces ‘pe: tasonomyandtomake sah dct of dest ce thr wp fen a tem Frist hn on prs sod rien peta become a mabe a th prior of The San hos {nd ter il woes who rn the oaniaton mtd her aplcaion Th il worer-amorgnaon eden wane the ans ae ‘tie’ but na vey parila mame without medi ie sont sect of he ego. Ths th parents mete len ition f ht ens aster dnt ee of New era {coed poe. Mert hy were To point _zmlobying rte een tren inte mame of ee NCO sa ef oer uate wh eelpmenial dal be sone by making and wing bes Ye sete cecal ng te ees floc TV ding compen “thy wae expels eho ‘em gt for vrtne he adnate foos Hare nares the povering oar hore the chance of tron he pe ano ih anion aan alma vis andes che ate Flexible Procedures ‘According to Genoa, the neoliberal ntion a agency presupposes self {at ie lel bundle of sil that efexny manages oon thoy ‘he elf asa busine (Gershon 201: $37: sx ano Martin 05) Hees spproaching people a8 business who tend to thet om goatee Flesiiliy of Vert Stle 101 tes as owned asets and who use math rations to rt on sil ‘sationships and socal strates The nlite nin of sls nny distance fom which ‘nei alyssa with one’s fare tha, must be conscoulsteered through vaso posible allancet an opsley {Gerson 21:83) The active ofthe pret from The Su id not gue ‘temstes a anything remotely sil to Busines and they il sok oe {hel qualities and traits as omned sets th could be tured io somthing Sinanciay valuable Also, they didnot alk about themscheinciinoegens, of natonalised erms Rater the treed thir cizensip sats sty ‘nde rok (Hels 2003) The pret alld sou temic soul ‘zens ket lon by both the tat ad soy: somtimes go tothe who would do anything er th chien oa fighters whe ba stunce ‘ih niference and peje ona diy bse ‘weer. the parent di not se tht personhood in buns terms, «heir procedures of negotating beter socal protection were highly Ree ‘As we wl shen the parents edo convince the mayer ose the ‘onstruction of a day-cate centre and rete povons the) ok fo realest up a meting with him. The pus of eps ‘exible, adaptable and refexve proce, whit allowed them fo full the ‘equrement of bring both item and sci lcned person (mates ‘oman, poured, acquaintance, when ned, ‘To assert gun, ths ambiguous requirement of being both cz and 8 social load person in ode to sss improve soil potion war otsome sor of « Balkin seit nora rmna of Ygosa soa col ture Instead, emerged ste ely specie maaiestaton of «loo ‘erento sep away fom izeship gh asthe grounds of wlan nd ‘replace them with notions of duty and espoonbliy, which sexily lated tons may pose o one another (Watson 300) As Fink Lis and ane phase the head suturing the relation between sat people. came inde sustained and systematic atach tog the comerpence of «al ers elite tothe sharpened contradictions of global Fords a the coming to power of New Right poll! partis i aay countries Europe andthe USA. The esl war shit nthe laments suturing the ‘People state and welfare rom rights nd woud the eno ty nd responsi. (nk ets. 2001: 3) Wisma wonder nor a wansional speci) tht soil poston in i asambiguousy postioned betwee tert alzen aly mateo pet ‘onal compassion and goodwill of parc pepl i the ransormations 102 hone ths ld the at wo dade ne not ince an axprtion towards ‘he creation of “hick stactures (Stubbs 2014) inthe form of for exam iss coutry-wige soil ind” apparas for duration of wei ha ‘ul ena on eguaty ofall ctzem Ica the ntermationay sper ‘sed teasfomations of Bosnia Welle regual included male poets working onthe same or verlpping.o yet hight tld, ses with it te or no diatgue or atempts af complementarity between then" (Stbbs 201410), The rest was highly fragmented, unstable ad rowded space ‘ot governance (Stubbs 20149), Ath forms of soil proeton aco BiH eguiedoal weak vole mont ofthe tate and sree the nee! to deelop manager sil se fini into soch requirements. The social me of socal protection in [Biebin equ poplin tbe thors efor thy could help ty the moniipal government lo forced pope to emison previo non-use paths ovate improvement of socal potion 1 be som ‘anapers of social sions Ar deelpmentl exper pointed pope hd to be manages reting mites and alums wre none had ext ‘efor Pursuing provided peopl with ut that away to generate all- snes and to envision noel pats othe inproverent of soc prteton “They provide a opal way fo sek ne asoitenaaigat illeren actors and ime dss of duty and rsponsbityfowatd socal bad persons tar ifn rat ei te mo a ‘eden (200,203) sues tht Hat ye of Two ad ‘rma nos onset Ria, sees fo oesome te Ras of nunderdesoed,rnsitoning market esonomy In Bosnian set pote: tin, however nslitce should nat be understood a ealturalpeiic wy 'o oesom defences ofthe developing market economy. Isc, fe Faves fom The Sun, pursuing vse mas the way to manage cal rlations esi in the fel of sil protection. Vez did no emerge rm he del ‘tthe were ransormatons but preseed a way Wo enact the new ee ‘mens inoue by sue ranaormatons| ‘Such overapsfetween personal relationships and profesional support fered a model of ow things actually got prove. For insane. oe | the onganisation, Homa talked about how a daycare ext for cle ‘ith developmental challenges was opened in another Bil town, She reps ‘ay emphasise the proacive role the parent in that town a. One pat ‘aa ater ofa tld with developmental cic in tht town cold he ben role mol forte parents at The Sun ase sid becuse ths ‘an was educated, ‘alte! and pratt He aslo l,l, cause al es lint place forbear tems see) the

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