Revizto User Guide

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Revizto User Guide

This document focuses on suggested uses of Revizto software and provides guidelines for how to
utilize Revizto as one unified issue tracking platform to share 3D models, 2D sheets and issues for
efficient collaboration within the entire project team.
The purpose of this document is not only intended for presenting and instant sharing of the BIM
data, but to seamlessly integrate Revizto into project workflow to better identify, track and solve
issues throughout all phases of the project life cycle.
The included information covers topics such as Revizto settings, Revizto Issue Tracker and key
features with the goal of giving users the knowledge, self-sufficiency, and freedom to manage and
troubleshoot all aspects of Revizto across the team and organization.

Watch Revit workflow video

Watch Navisworks-Revit workflow video

1 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Table of Contents
How to install Revizto ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Opening Revizto ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Preferences (Settings) ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Interface language and Measure units ................................................................................................................... 6
Navigation ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Graphics settings........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Camera ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Using the Toolbar ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Project button ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
New project ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Open project ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Import ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Revisions ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Save as ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Export to EXE ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Export for MAC ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Edit button ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Project Properties..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Scenes and Scheduler ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Lighting and Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Visual effects............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Project optimization.................................................................................................................................................. 16
Sync button ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Share button (creating a project team) ................................................................................................................ 17
2D ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Import PDF and DWFX files ................................................................................................................................... 22
3D ................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Fly/walk mode ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
Viewpoints ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Section Cut ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Map............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Create New Issue..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Issue Visibility ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Home .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Objects ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Rooms ........................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Camera Share .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Video .......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Issue Tracker............................................................................................................................................................... 38
Creating New Issues................................................................................................................................................ 38
Working with Issue Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 39
Viewing Issues .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Using Issue Feed ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Notifications............................................................................................................................................................... 41
Synchronizing Issues............................................................................................................................................... 44

2 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Deleting Issues ......................................................................................................................................................... 44

Exporting and Importing Issues ............................................................................................................................. 44
Export clashes from Navisworks............................................................................................................................ 45
Reports ...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Appendix 1. Export to Revizto .................................................................................................................................... 48
Export from Revit...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Export from Navisworks .......................................................................................................................................... 51
Export from AutoCAD .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Export from ArchiCAD ............................................................................................................................................. 56
Export from SketchUp ............................................................................................................................................. 56
Appendix 2. Shared location ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Appendix 3. Adding a user to the license ................................................................................................................. 58
Appendix 4. Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 60
Appendix 5. VR mode ................................................................................................................................................. 64
System requirements for VR .................................................................................................................................. 67
Appendix 6. Revizto hardware requirements ........................................................................................................... 68
Appendix 7. Revizto hot keys ..................................................................................................................................... 69
Appendix 8. List of tutorials ........................................................................................................................................ 70

3 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

How to install Revizto

To download Revizto you need to have a Revizto account. There are two options to get it:
If you are a Super Admin of the Revizto license you will get an email with the login and
If you are a team member you should get an email invitation. If you didnt receive the invitation,
you can check the Spam box or ask your Super Admin to invite you to the team. When the
invitation is received, follow the instructions to create your account.

4 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

When you are done setting up your Revizto account you can download the Revizto software.
1. Log in to the Revizto website Here you need to specify the Region: use
Auto for automatic identification or choose the region manually to which your license belongs
to (where your projects will be stored).

2. Open the Download page , download Revizto and follow the
installation instruction. Most users will need Revizto + Plugins.

You can download the up-to-date version of Revizto here:

Watch the video tutorial

5 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Opening Revizto

Click Revizto icon and the software will open. Sign in using your Revizto account information.

Preferences (Settings)

When first launching Revizto it will force you to choose your preferences before accessing your
project. After you have chosen your preferences you can modify them at any time via the
Preference button on the top right side of your menu tool bar.

Interface language and Measure units

Once in the Preference settings, the General tab will be used to select your preferred language
of the interface and measuring units.

6 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914


While still in the Preference settings, Revizto has several options for navigation on PC. By
default Revizto is using Game mode. To change it, use the Navigation tab.

Here you can choose a navigation mode which is best for you. Game mode is our most popular
for users not technical in CAD software (Revit, Navisworks, etc.).
Game mode (1st person view)

Right Mouse Button hold to rotate view (turn your virtual head)
E float up
Q float down
Shift + W (or A, S, D, Q, E) - move with increased speed
Double click show the properties of the object that is currently under your cursor
The scroll wheel can be used for zooming.
Fly mode flying without collisions;

Walk mode moving with collisions and gravity.

Note: Walk mode uses controls from game navigation mode.

7 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Revit mode
Orbit (around scene pivot) Shift + right mouse button, or Shift + click and hold scroll wheel
Zoom to/from pivot Use the scroll wheel of your mouse
Pan Click and hold scroll wheel
Change Pivot Ctrl + click
Object Properties Double click on the desired object

SketchUp mode
Orbit (around screen center) Click and hold the scroll wheel
Zoom to/from mouse cursor Use the scroll wheel of your mouse
Pan (adaptive) Shift + click and hold scroll wheel
Object Properties Double click on the desired object

Hybrid mode
Orbit (around pivot) Hold right mouse button
Zoom to/from pivot Use the scroll wheel of your mouse
Pan (Adaptive) Shift + right mouse button, or Shift + click and hold the scroll
Change pivot Right-click on the desired place (on surface)
Object Properties Double click on the desired object

Navisworks Walk
Move forward Hold left mouse button + move mouse forward
Move backward Hold left mouse button + move mouse backward
Turn left Hold left mouse button + move mouse left
Turn right Hold left mouse button + move mouse right
Increase elevation Hold middle mouse button + move mouse forward
Decrease elevation Hold middle mouse button + move mouse backward
Strafe left Hold middle mouse button + move mouse left
Strafe right Hold middle mouse button + move mouse right
Look up/down Use the scroll wheel of the mouse
Note: Revizto also supports 3DConnexion devices for navigation.

Watch the video tutorial

8 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Graphics settings

Use the Graphics tab to adjust graphics properties. Use radio-buttons to select graphics quality.

We recommend to use the Good option as great combination between speed and visual quality.
Playing with these settings can help find the ideal balance between performance, your hardware
capabilities and model size. Additionally, if you need to speed up navigation in 3D model you need
to switch off Realtime Shadows as this very hardware intensive.


On the Camera tab, use sliders to adjust camera settings.

Field of View
Visibility Distance
Camera Height height of the camera in the Walk mode.

9 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Note: Increasing the value of visibility distance can lead to ripple on shadows effect. To remove
this effect, turn off Realtime Shadows and SSAO on the Graphics tab.

Using the Toolbar

The main Revizto application interface contains a set of control icons on the toolbar which is
described below.

Project use drop-down menu to choose an action with the project: create new, open, import,
revision, save, export.
Edit use drop-down menu to edit project properties, scenes.
Sync upload all updates in 3D scenes, 2D sheets, viewpoints and video tracks and after that get
the latest version of the model if it was changed in the cloud.
Share create and modify the project team, with its level of access.
2D work with 2D sheets.
3D work with the project in 3D.
Issue Tracker collaboration system, which helps monitor issues, tracking of progress when
working on assignments in the project, and provides communication and notification tools for
project participants.
Preferences adjust Revizto software settings.

Project button

Click the Project button on the toolbar to choose an action with the project.

10 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

New project

New tab allows to create a new project.

The project can be published to:

Cloud upload a new project to Cloud space.
Shared location upload a new project to the local network (see Appendix 2)
None create a new local project
Here you have two options for What to upload:
Full scene all team members who have necessary rights can modify the project (edit or
append 3D and 2D, etc.)
View only scene the project can be modified only from PC where the project has been
uploaded to the Cloud, all others can view and collaborate on it.
Need to choose the Team this is the name of the team to whom the license belongs.
Note: You can publish the project to Cloud or Shared location only if you have appropriate
rights. You should be Administrator or Content creator in Revizto license.

Open project

In the Open Project screen, double-click on a project to open it. To sort available projects by
recent usage or by name, click a corresponding icon on the toolbar.
Note: In this gallery, you may have your own projects uploaded to the Cloud, projects already on
the Cloud shared with you or local projects.

11 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

For each project you can open additional menu by clicking Edit button in the gallery menu and
after that on a project.

Archive project create an archive of the project;

Unsubscribe from the cloud project in which youve been invited;
Load full cache if you need to work offline with the project incl. 2D sheets and issues you
need to download it to a device using this option;
Clear cache delete the local version of the cloud project.


The Import tab is active only for the user who has Edit 3D or Append 3D rights and allows
importing a model in IFC and FBX formats.


Revisions tab shows all revisions of a project which synced to the Cloud. All users can open any
revision for viewing but only the users with Revert project to older revision rights can roll back to
a previous revision at any time.

Save as

Save as tab allows the saving of a project as local with all project information (3D, 2D, project
Issues which are available for the user).

Export to EXE

Export to exe tab allows the creation of a self-executable file for the project with embedded
Revizto software. Any user can open this file on 64-bit Windows PC without Revizto installation.

Export for MAC

12 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Export for MAC tab allows the creation of a self-executable file for the project with embedded
Revizto software. Any user can open this file on MAC without Revizto installation.

Edit button

Edit button is active if the user is the owner or has Edit 3D rights. A click on it opens drop-down
menu for working with the project and its properties.

Project Properties

Change the name of the project, the owner or the thumbnail.

Scenes and Scheduler

The Scenes and Scheduler tab allows the visibility of all associated files with the possibility to
delete the scenes. From Revizto you can set up the scheduler for importing FBX and IFC files.

If the user plans to export a Revit file with more than a hundred 2D sheets or a Navisworks file
exceeding 500Mb we recommend the use of the synchronization scheduler. This will set up
synchronization for non-working hours. In this case Revizto will open the project in Revit,
AutoCAD or Navisworks, export it to Revizto, synchronize changes with the Cloud and close all
programs afterwards.

13 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

To set up the Scheduler for Revit, AutoCAD or Navisworks export, use Revizto tab in

corresponding software. Just click Export Scheduler button in Revizto tab and follow the

Watch the video tutorial

14 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Lighting and Materials

Lighting and Materials tab is available only for the owner or a user with Edit 3D rights. Clicking
on it runs Revizto Editor where a user can edit materials and lighting, set visibility of objects,
optimize geometry.

Visual effects

Visual effects tab allows adding watermark and switching the project to a sketchbook-like view.
This option gives a great overall sense of space in the building. All texture information will not be

15 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Project optimization

To enable a system to work faster with large projects or to open projects on less powerful devices
(such as iPads), use the Optimization tool.

Cloud compression alters the volume of data which will be uploaded to the Cloud.
Textures optimization improves performance by reducing quality of texture images.
If you want to significantly improve the performance use Graphics settings.
An example of two different Cloud compressions.

Cloud compression is Low Last hope optimization

(file size is reduced by 90%)

Sync button

The Sync button runs the process of uploading all updates in 3D scenes, 2D sheets, viewpoints
and video tracks to the Cloud, and afterwards gets the latest version of the model if it has been
changed in the Cloud. This is used for large data transfer, the Issue Tracker is pushed in real time.
If there is a large file that needs to be sync to the project the Sync button will turn bold and will
be clickable.
Note: If you dont have changes in the project which request synchronization your project will be
synchronized automatically.

16 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Share button (creating a project team)

For collaboration through the Cloud you have to create a project team for each project. First, each
member should have a license. See Appendix 3 to add users to the license.
When the user has been assigned a license he/she can be added to the project team. Use the
Share button to manage the team and access levels. Here are 3 default levels that you can
rename to fit your workflow:
This type of user has full access to manage the project team, modify 3D and 2D content,
work with issues.
Edit content and collaborate
This type of user has unrestricted access to modify 3D scenes and 2D content, adding and
editing project video tracks, and reverting the project to an older revision. They can view all
public issues created by other users, add comments on any visible issue, create his/her
own issues, create new tags on the project and edit the list of tags associated with any
visible issue. The user has full access to the issues he/she personally created. Only the
following actions are available for issues he/she was assigned to:
o edit the statuses of issues
o reassign an issue
o edit issue watchers
o edit an issue markup
View and collaborate
He/she cant do anything with the project. This user can work only as a collaborator with the
following rights: view all public issues created by other users, add comments on any visible
issue, create his/her own issues, create new tags on the project and edit the list of tags
associated with any visible issue. The user has full access to the issues he/she personally
created. Only the following actions are available for issues he/she was assigned to:
o edit the statuses of issues
o reassign an issue
o edit issue watchers
o edit an issue markup

You can choose one of them or create a new one based on it. Revizto has a wide range of actions
to manage access levels. Here you have the following options:

17 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Edit 3D
Allows unrestricted access to modify 3D scenes.
Append 3D
Allows appending new 3D scenes to the project. User can modify/remove only the scenes
he/she personally added.
Edit 2D
Allows unrestricted access to modify 2D content.
Append 2D
Allows adding new 2D content to the project. User can only modify/remove the 2D content
he/she personally added.
Add/Edit viewpoints
Allows adding and editing project viewpoints.
Add/Edit videotracks
Allows adding and editing project video tracks.
View public issues
Allows viewing public issues created by other users. Having this option turned off, the user
will see only his/her own issues and issues where he/she was added as a watcher or
Create Issue
Allows the user to create new issues in the Issue Tracker.
Comment Issue
Allows the user to add comments on any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the
user will still be able to comment on issues he/she created or was assigned to.
Edit issue status (except closed)
Allows the user to edit the status of any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the user
will still be able to edit the statuses of the issues he/she created or was assigned to.
Close issue

18 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Allows the user to close any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the user will still be
able to close issues he/she personally created.
Edit issue title
Allows the user to edit the title of any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the user
will still be able to edit titles of the issues he/she personally created.
Edit issue deadline
Allows the user to edit the deadline of any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the
user will still be able to edit deadlines of the issues he/she personally created.
Reassign issue
Allows the user to reassign any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the user will still
be able to reassign issues he/she created himself or was assigned to.
Edit issue reporter
Allows the user to edit reporters on any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the user
will still be able to edit reporters of the issues he/she personally created.
Edit issue watchers
Allows the user to edit watchers on any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the user
will still be able to edit watchers of the issues he/she created or was assigned to.
Edit issue visibility (Public on/off)
Allows the user to switch any visible issue from public to private and back. Having this
option turned off, the user will still be able to edit issue visibility of the issues he/she
personally created.
Tag issue
Allows the user to edit the list of tags associated with any visible issue. Having this option
turned off, the user will still be able to edit tags on the issues he/she created or was
assigned to. This option doesn't affect the right to create new tags on the project.
Create new tags
Allows the user to create brand new tags for the project. Having this option turned off, the
user will only be able to use the existing tags.
Edit issue markup
Allows the user to edit the markup of any visible issue. Having this option turned off, the
user will still be able to edit the markups of the issues he/she created or was assigned to.
Delete issue
Allows deleting issues created by other users. Having this option turned off, the user will
still be able to delete issues he/she personally created.
Manage project rights / invite people to the project
Gives access to sharing settings for the project. User can manage rights and invitations, as
well as share the project with new people. When this option is enabled, the user is given
administrative access.
Revert project to older revision
Allows the user to revert the project to older revision.

Watch the video tutorial

19 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914


2D button allows working with 2D documents attached to the project. Moreover, overlaying 2D
on top of 3D model is one of the most practical functions that Revizto could achieve easily. This
option can enhance the way of how 2D sheet review has been preceded traditionally.
If the project has been exported with 2D Sheets, after clicking 2D you will see the folders with
the names as files names and sheets inside corresponding folder.

Here you can edit tags for each sheet and open any of them for review.

20 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Revizto allows one to create an issue on any place of a sheet and view it in 3D to the
corresponding elevation / coordinate location. For more details view Issue Tracker section of this
User Guide.
Furthermore, 2D sheets from Revit and ArchiCAD are automatically overlay on corresponding
place in 3D model. Instead of reviewing sheets on paper, simply click the little green house
symbol on a sheet and combined view will be opened (align the 2D sheet on top of the 3D

Once in the combined view, you can always proceed with the section cut functionality (see Section
cut chapter).

Watch the video tutorial

21 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Import PDF and DWFX files

In 2D section of the menu you have a possibility to create a new folder, manage folders
structure and also import PDF and DWFX files. Any 2D sheet can be overlaid on 3D scene. To set
up, just click and crop a sheet area which will be mapped on 3D.

Make section cut for the sheet.

Drag pivot points with Ctrl to match pivot points with corners of the facility in 2D sheet and after
that drag it with corners of the facility in 3D. If needed you can tune section cut during this process.

22 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

When you finalize this process you will see a little green house on the sheet. Identical to sheets
directly imported from Revit.

23 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914


Fly/walk mode

Fly mode flying without collisions in the game mode, or use another navigation mode.
Choosing another navigation mode will allow one to use the chosen navigation mode while
in fly mode.
Walk mode moving with collisions and gravity. In this mode you will navigate as if youre
in a video game even if one has selected another navigation mode.


Viewpoint is a way to save current view with a title and then have the ability to return to it later.
Viewpoint will also remember section cut setting and category visibility setting. This can be useful
for navigation and presentation purposes.
Working with Viewpoints
Viewpoints can be opened with the Viewpoints toolbar button. Viewpoints panel consists
of the list of projects viewpoints and controls.

Creating Viewpoints

To create a new viewpoint, just click on the button on top of the list. You can change its default
name at the time of creation or at a later point in the project.
Jumping to Viewpoints
To jump to the view, just click on the desired viewpoint in the list. The item in the list is highlighted
in blue if current view matches the viewpoint.

24 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Home Viewpoint
Each Revizto project contains a home viewpoint after export from CAD. It is the viewpoint which is
shown after the project is opened or when the home toolbar button is clicked. You can change
home viewpoint by selecting another viewpoint and clicking on the button on the viewpoints
panel. The home viewpoint will be updated for the whole team after synchronization and new
users will be brought to the new Home location when opening the project.

Watch the video tutorial


In Revizto you can use the ruler that can help you measure distances between surfaces, points or
objects. To start using the ruler, select the Ruler icon on the toolbar. The ruler will be placed in
the middle of the screen.
In the Ruler toolbar, select the Snapping icon (Surface, Vertex or MIN options) and the desired
color of the ruler. Now, you will need to move the ruler to the desired location. The length
measurement appears next to your ruler, as well as in the coordinate window.

Snap to Surface
While youre moving the end of the ruler, it measures the distance by snapping from the
surface to the first intersection. In this example from the floor to the ceiling.

25 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Snap to Vertex
With this option, the ruler measures a distance between two points. You can click and drag
each end of the ruler to desired location. When you move one end of the ruler, it will snap to the
nearest vertex. The Ruler points will turn green when it locks to a family.

Min distance
If you need to find min distance between two objects you can double click on the first object
and after double click on the second one.

When you navigate to another location in your project, you can create another ruler by clicking the
New button. The new ruler will be placed in the middle of the screen.
To change units for your ruler, click the units menu and select the appropriate units (Feet, Meters,
and Millimeters).

Watch the video tutorial

26 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Section Cut

In Revizto you can cut a scene in any direction with a single plane using the section cut tool. You
can find this tool in the menu on top. When you open the section cut tool, you will see the
helper element on the scene.

Section Cut by Plane

This helper should be used to cut the scene by Plane. It consists of two parts. The bottom cone
may be thought of as suction cap. You can start dragging it, and the nearest cursor intersection
with a surface will be detected. When you drop it, the plane will cut the scene along that surface.
This is how the scene looks after dropping the helper. The roof has been cut off.

27 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Instead of dragging the suction cap, you can also double-click on any surface while in the section
cut mode. This will lead to creation of the new cut along that surface.
The upper part of the section cut helper can be used to adjust the plane position. You can drag it
in two directions where the cones point (perpendicularly to the cutting plane).
Section Cut by Box

You can also use section cut by box. In this case you will see a green box. Click and pull on each
side of the box to select what you need.

28 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Use button to scale the box or to move the box. Also you can rotate the box .

Saving Section Cut

To save recently created section cut, just click on the Create viewpoint button on the toolbar.
Creating an issue for Section Cut

Use button to create an issue for this section cut view. More details about how to create an
issue you will find in the Issue Tracker section. Any issue created from a section box will come
into Revit as an axonometric view that you can choose to save as a new view in Revit. Issues
created from section boxes will also be reflected as section boxes in Navisworks or AutoCAD
based programs.
Clearing Section Cut
There is a couple of ways to clear a section cut. Firstly, you can use the Clear button in the
section cut toolbar. Secondly, you can jump to a viewpoint with different section cut setting. You
can also reset section cut with a New section cut toolbar button. Selecting the home button will
take you back to the default model and clear all selection cuts as long as your home button was
not a saved section cut view.

Watch the video tutorial

29 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914


To view map in your project, select the Map icon on the toolbar. In the Map panel, you can
select which level map to display.

You can double-click any point in the map to automatically teleport to that point in the selected
level of your project. In this case the camera direction will remain unchanged.
Since in Revit levels are defined by the floor position, and the map shows the scene cut on that
level, it would be inconvenient to see that on the map because walls, furniture, etc. wouldnt be
seen. Thats why by default an offset equal to the Camera height selected in the Preferences
tab plus the floor level elevation when displaying on a map and teleporting.
You can turn that off if you need to teleport to a special level like the level of pipes between the

Watch the video tutorial

30 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Create New Issue

Click to create a new issue in 3D scene. More details about how to create an issue you will
find in Issue Tracker section.

Issue Visibility

You can click on issue visibility button to switch off issue visibility in 3D scene.


Click on Home button to jump to the Home viewpoint.


Viewing Objects Information

In Revizto you can double-click any object in the scene to view information about the object. The
selected object will be highlighted in blue.

31 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Working with Objects Tree

All objects in the project are subdivided by Revit categories. To open objects menu click on
after that choose Objects tab.

Here is the Objects panel that contains a list of object categories used in the project.

Objects that belong to a category can be made transparent or semi-transparent in order to

make some other objects visible. For example, you may wish to make the wall semi-transparent to
be able to view communications behind the wall. In addition, you can double-click objects behind
that semi-transparent wall to get information about properties of each object.
Clicking the arrow > will open all objects in the category.
Clicking on the object from the list will move the camera to that object in the scene, making the
entire scene become semi-transparent. The object will be highlighted in blue.

32 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Note: To cancel the selection, just click anywhere on the scene.

To view information about an object, select i icon next to that object. This will open the objects
detailed information panel that contains objects metadata (same as when you double-click on the

In the object list you can use Search field to search objects by name. The search works across all
categories or within a specific category of objects. Just type a name (or part of the name) of the
object in the search field. If you are currently viewing the contents of the category, the search will
work only inside that category.

Watch the video tutorial

33 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914


If the project was exported from Revit, it can contain rooms. To view them, you should click on
after that choose Rooms tab.

The list of rooms is shown on the right panel. You can click on each room to teleport there. If you
click on the i icon, room parameters will be shown as well. The rooms could be searched by
Name, Number or Levels.

Also you will see room names on the map.

Watch the video tutorial

34 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Camera Share

Sharing a camera is an effective tool to make a real-time presentation of a project to the team
members and customers while offsite. You can share your camera with other Revizto participants
when navigating in your project, as well as control remotely a camera of another device. All
attendees invited to the presentation will see exactly what is seen on your screen with virtually
zero delay because only the cameras coordinates are being transported.

To share your camera, click on after that choose the Camera Share option in the Menu. This
will open the Camera Share panel. The participants with whom you are sharing the camera are
displayed in this panel.

Click the + next to the participant you wish to invite to your camera sharing session. The
participant will receive an invitation. To accept an invitation and join the camera share session the
participant will click OK.

Note: During the sharing session you can:

use section cut tool and other users will see it;
use viewpoints for fast relocation with section cut presets (if you have it);
double click on object to view its information and all other will also see it; .
create an issue during the session and the team will see it after the session.
A participant will be able to request control of the session by clicking the Request Control icon. To
exit the shared session, the participant can click x icon. This will stop sharing.

Watch the video tutorial

35 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914


To create a video clip from the scene in your project, click on the top left and select Video tab.

The video recording toolbar will appear on your screen. You may wish to click on the Microphone
icon to enable sound recording.

Click the red circular icon on the toolbar to start recording your video clip. To stop recording, click
on the red square icon on the recording toolbar. When you complete recording your clip, its icon
will be placed on the toolbar.

To play the recorded clip, click its icon on the toolbar, and then click the Play icon in the center of
the clip.

36 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

You can export your clip to the file (with file extension MOV or AVI). To export the clip, select
Export icon on the toolbar while in the playback mode. Then save the video in HD or a more
portable quality.
Note: You need to synchronize the project with the Cloud if you want to make a video track
available for the team.

Watch the video tutorial

37 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Issue Tracker

When developing advanced projects that require significant team efforts, it is crucial to create and
manage an effective project team. Revizto Issue Tracker facilitates collaborations by creating a
platform that allows users to organize issues, share tasks, and assign work responsibilities. To
create a project team you should upload the project to Revizto Cloud, and then invite people to the
project with different access levels for further collaboration. After the project team is created (see
Share section), you should assign particular tasks to project members.
Every issue describes a specific problem in the project and is comprised of a screenshot, a
description of the problem, an assignee responsible for working on the issue, an issue feed, and
some additional parameters.
Revizto Issue Tracker is fully integrated with Revit, Navisworks and AutoCAD. Double clicking on
an issue allows to open the same view and with section cut (if section cut is used) in these
software packages. Its an easy way to find a problem in the software where a project was created
and modify it. At the same time, Revizto allows to export all clashes from Navisworks as a
separate type of issue (see below how to do it).

Creating New Issues

To create a new issue, click the Add New issue icon when you are in 3D or 2D mode. The
system will automatically create a screenshot for your new issue. You have to enter a title (we
recommend to use detailed a description here) for your new issue in the Title section.

Optionally, you can use the markup tool to place marks and draw right on the screenshot.
Note: You can draw with your finger if using the Revizto Viewer on iPad or Android tablet.
When the description of your issue is ready, click Done. The new issue will be created in the
project and the issue parameters window with detailed information about your newly created issue

38 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

is displayed. Note that all parameters except the parameter Title have default values. You can
make necessary adjustments by changing some parameters of the issue.

Working with Issue Parameters

Each issue has the following parameters:

ID # - the sequential number of the issue;
Status of the Issue:
o Open when the issue was located;
o In Progress if the issue is being worked on;
o Solved if the issue has been resolved;
o Closed approved issues.
Title the description of the issue, which can be edited;
Deadline set up the deadline for the issue according to a schedule;
Created the date the issue was created (you cannot edit this field);
Assignee - a person to whom the issue is addressed. The assignee always receives
notifications about any changes with the issue.
Reporter a person responsible for checking execution progress when working on the issue.
By default, the reporter is a person who created an issue. Note that the reporter does not
necessarily receive notifications about the issue. To receive notifications, the reporter
should be in the list of watchers.
I am Watching this this switch shows whether you are in the list of watchers. If you are not,
you can promptly add yourself to the list of watchers by turning this switch into Yes
Watchers persons who receive notifications about any changes with the issue. You can
view the list of watchers by clicking the Show button. You can edit the list of watchers by
clicking the Edit icon.

39 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Public - issues can be public and private. An issue is public by default (the switch is in ON
position). When you create a public issue, anyone who has access to the project can view
the issue. Private issues are seen only by the assignee and watchers. To set an issue to
the private mode, turn the switch to Off. This feature is especially useful for collaboration
within a large group of participants when working on the project. Making an issue private
enables you to grant different privileges to the participants in the group, so that only part of
them would be able to view the issue.
Tags - can be created for the issue and later used to filter and search within the issue
tracker or to pull reports. Tag options are customly defined but can including trades, phases,
discussion meeting dates, submittals or RFI issue numbers
Note: By default the Assignee field is set to the person who created the issue. You should change
the value of this parameter for appointing another person to be an assignee. In this case that
person will receive a notification.

Viewing Issues

To view existing issues, click the issue list icon. The Issues panel will be displayed. Select the
issue from the list. The screenshot will be displayed. To expand the screenshot, click Expand icon
on the toolbar (other open panels will collapse) or you can double-click on the screenshot.
To toggle the panel with issue parameters between open and closed, click the parameters icon
You can click the filters icon to open/close the Filters panel.
To view a specific group of issues, you can use predefined filters created for convenient search of
such issues. To begin working with filters, click the filters icon on the toolbar.

My open Issues tasks with a status of Open or In Progress where the user is an
Reported by me tasks where the user is a reporter;

40 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Watched by me tasks where the user is a watcher;

Closed issues tasks with the status of Closed;
Current issues all problems with a status other than Closed;
In addition, you can filter by assignee, by tags or by sheets.
When an issue is selected, you can use the switch that appears on the left to toggle between
Screenshot with markup, 3D mode and 2D (marked as blue icon).

Note: When the switch is set to 3D mode, you will see a 3D scene in the place where the issue
was created instead of seeing its snapshot. You can click on the issue in the issues list and
Revizto will automatically move the virtual camera to that position.
When the Issue Tracker is active (the Issues panel is displayed) and the user navigates in the
scene in 3D mode, the location of the issue is marked by a bubble. The color of the bubble
depends on the issues status and corresponds to the color of the Status field in the Status Edit
menu (Open, In Progress, Solved, Closed). When you click on the bubble, the system
automatically opens the corresponding issue in the issues list and shows the issue feed.

Using Issue Feed

Every issue has its own feed. When information about the issue is changed, it is automatically
recorded in the feed. You can also write your comments and add a file (png, jpg, pdf) or photos (if
your device has a camera) in the feed.

Note: As soon as a participant writes a comment in the feed, this person automatically becomes
added to the watchers list to receive further notifications about new comments and modifications.


Notifications represent an important mechanism of collaboration between participants. Revizto

Issue Tracker features two types of notifications:
Notifications via e-mail
Notifications in Revizto
Notifications are always automatically sent to an assignee and watchers both via e-mail and in the
issue feed as soon as the issue is assigned, any of its parameters changed, or a new comment for

41 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

the issue is added to the feed. In addition, participants can add their own messages in the issue
As soon as you receive a new message, you will hear a bleeper and green box with the number of
changed issues near the Issue Tracker button.

You can click the issue list icon to open the list of issues. New issues are shown on top of the list.
Next to each issue you see the number of unread messages that have appeared in the feed. If the
issue is new, it is marked by a vertical blue stripe.

To alter the way the feed is displayed on your project you can use sorting order tab found under
the filter icon. This will allow you to always view your feed by Date, Status, Deadline or
Assignee. If we select Date for example we can choose to view the latest issues first in the
feed and when clicking on the issue it will take us to the latest comment or markup within that
specific issue.

For email notification each user can set up his/her own global settings and also customize
notification settings per project.

42 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

43 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Synchronizing Issues

For projects stored in the Cloud, all issues are synchronized automatically for all participants via
Revizto server. In the case that a participant works on the project offline, the issues will be
synchronized automatically as soon as internet connection is restored.
Note: If your project is local (not in the Cloud), you can work with issues locally (for example, you
can send a project file or export/import issues as files).

Deleting Issues

Any issue can be deleted if a user has these rights or can delete only his/her own issues.
However, you should be aware that you cannot undo this operation. Therefore, the deleted
issues cannot be restored. Instead of deleting an issue, we recommend to change its status to
Closed. This will hide the issue in all filters except Closed Issues.
It does make sense to delete wrong issues or duplicated issues.
To delete an issue, click the delete icon on the toolbar. Check mark red icons next to issues you
wish to delete in the issues list, and then click Delete to confirm. The issue will be deleted.
Note: For some issues the delete icon is unavailable. That is because the user has no right to
delete the issue. For more details on using rights in Revizto, refer to the section Share button
(creating a project team).

Exporting and Importing Issues

Each issue can be exported to the file and imported from the file. To export an
issue(s), click the export icon, select the issue(s) you wish to export, and then click
Done. Browse to the appropriate folder and click Save button.
Note: When exporting the issue to the file, you can select either Revizto format (VIMMRK) or BCF
file format.
To import the issue, click the import issue icon, browse to the file you wish to import and click
Note: When importing an issue from a file, you can select files that have Revizto (VIMMRK) or
BCF formats.
Note: If you want to import/export markers between different Revizto programs, you should use
Revizto format (VIMMRK). If you want to import/export markers to/from another program, you
should use BCF format instead of Revizto format.

Watch the video tutorial

44 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Export clashes from Navisworks

Revizto allows exporting all clashes from Navisworks Manage project to Revizto Issue Tracker as
a separate type of issue. Use the following instructions to do it:
Open project with clashes in Navisworks
Click Link to Revizto button to link the project to Revizto project.

Here you have two options:

o Create a New Project the project will be created based on Navisworks project.
o Link to existing project in case youve already uploaded the project to the Cloud. For
export only clashes we recommend to use this option. Just choose the project from the

45 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

As a result you will see the following box message.

After all clash groups are set up in the Navisworks Clash Detective you are ready to
export your clashes and clash groups out to the Revizto Issue Tracker. Click Export
clashes button and the window with the list of clashes will be opened.

Here you can choose the clashes which you plan to export and click Export to start the

46 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

In Revizto you will see the list of new issues with Clash number in the end of titles.

The user has following options to view a clash in 3D:

Isolate to show only a clash

Section cut to show section cut with this clash

Transparency to make transparent the whole other scene

Switch clash transparency to switch between transparency of objects in clash

In 3D scene all clashes will be marked as red square


Clicking on a user can create a report for each project. How to do it view Appendix 4. Reports

47 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 1. Export to Revizto

Export from Revit

Revizto supports all versions of Revit starting from 2014 except Revit LT. For Revit LT you can
load models into Revizto via FBX format (learn more about FBX import).
After you install Revizto, you can find the Revizto tab within the tabs of Revit or you will see it
when you install Revit.

Note: A Revit project must be opened for the Revizto Tools panel to be active. Please note that
using Revit 3D Camera Views or Schedule Views will disable the Revizto Tools panel.

Clicking the Export to Revizto button will open up the following export dialog box:

Using this dialog, you can export the scene that is currently opened in Revit to Revizto. Here you
have the following two choices:
Create a New Project - this option will export Revit project to a new Revizto project.
Link to existing project when Revizto project is already created and needs to add a
new scene. Revizto has two options for it:
o Append as a new model to add a new scene to the project;
o Overwrite existing model link Revit project to already existing scene. For that
choose a name of a file from the list.

48 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Then you will see the dialog box with several options for exporting. Place checkmarks of what you
want to view in Revizto.

If you need to review the details of export sheets click Select button and you will see the list of
sheets and two options for their format, Vector or Image.

49 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

If you export to a new project all sheets in the sheet tree are selected by default and will be
exported. If you choose a current project Revizto checks what sheets were already exported to
this project and selects them in the sheet tree. If you want to change a set of sheets for export you
can do that by selecting and unselecting sheets in the sheet tree. If a sheet has already exported
to Revizto and you deselect it during a new export, the old, unupdated version of the sheet will still
be attached to the Revizto project.
Note: When a Revizto project is created, it is no longer connected with its original Revit model. If
you make changes in Revizto, they cannot be synced back to Revit. However, if you make
changes in the Revit model, you can always perform a re-export to the current project.
By default, all materials will be exported to Revizto with their render appearance. If you want to
export information about phases, which is marked by object colors in Revit, you should turn off the
option Use Render Appearance during the export.
Furthermore, you can also disable Use Render Appearance option to see the colors as shown in
Revit with Shaded appearance or colors defined with the appearance profiler in Navisworks.
Please note that when Use Render Appearance is turned off, no textures will be exported to
Revizto but the defined colors in the model will come through.

Watch the video tutorial

50 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Export from Navisworks

Revizto supports Navisworks Manage and Navisworks Simulate starting from 2014 version. After
you install Revizto, you can find the Revizto on the Navisworks menu.

Exporting from Navisworks to Revizto works correctly only with shared coordinates. You need to
check this option before importing a project to Navisworks from Revit or other software. For that,
open Navisworks Options click on Revit in File Readers and in Coordinates field choose Shared
(see the picture below).

Note: A Navisworks project must be opened for the Revizto Tools panel to be active.
You can export the scene that is currently opened in Navisworks to Revizto by clicking the Export
to Revizto button.

51 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Using this dialog, you can export the scene that is currently opened in Navisworks to Revizto.
Here you have the following two choices:
Create a New Project - this option will export Revit project to a new Revizto project.
Link to existing project when Revizto project is already created and needs to add a
new scene. Revizto has two options for it:
o Append as a new model to add a new scene to the project;
o Overwrite existing model link Navisworks project to already existing scene. For
that, choose a project name of a file from the list.

52 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Then you will see the dialog box with several options for exporting and you can place checkmarks
what you want to view in Revizto.

If you need to review the details of export sheets click Select button and you will see the list of

When a Revizto project is created, it is no longer connected with its original Navisworks model. If
you do changes in Revizto, they cannot be synced back to Navisworks. However, if you make
changes in the Navisworks model, you can always export it again to the current project (see
description above).

53 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Export from AutoCAD

Revizto supports AutoCAD starting from 2014 version. After you install Revizto, you can find the
Revizto tab within the AutoCAD menu.

Note: An AutoCAD project must be opened and 3D view (not plan view) must be active for the
Revizto Tools panel to be active.
You can export the scene that is currently opened in AutoCAD to Revizto by clicking the Export to
Revizto button.

Using this dialog, you can export the scene that is currently opened in AutoCAD to Revizto. Here
you have the following two choices:
Create a New Project - this option will export AutoCAD project to a new Revizto project.
Link to existing project when Revizto project is already created and needs to add a
new scene. Revizto has two options for it:
o Append as a new model to add a new scene to the project;
o Overwrite existing model link AutoCAD project to already existing scene. For
that choose a name of a file from the list.
Note: If trying to link a new scene from AutoCAD to an existing Revizto model make sure the
model being merged is also in shared coordinates or your AutoCAD model may not line up once in

54 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Then you will see the dialog box with several options for exporting and you can place checkmarks
what you want to view in Revizto.

If you need to review the details of export sheets, click Select button and you will see the list of
sheets and two options for their format, Vector or Image.

55 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

When a Revizto project is created, it is no longer connected with its original AutoCAD model. If
you do changes in Revizto, they cannot be synced back to AutoCAD. However, if you make
changes in the AutoCAD model, you can always export it again to the current project (see the
description above).

Export from ArchiCAD

Revizto supports ArchiCAD 18 and newer. After you install Revizto, you can find the Revizto add-
in within the ribbon of ArchiCAD.
Note: If Revizto add-in didnt appear in ArchiCAD after installation you should open ArchiCAD
menu -> Options -> Add-on Manager -> Search for more Add-ons and choose the folder
where you installed Revizto (by default it is C:\Program Files\Revizto).
Clicking the Export to Revizto button will open a series of dialog boxes follow them.

Export from SketchUp

Revizto works with SketchUp starting from 2015 version. When you launch SketchUp first time
after you install Revizto, you will notice a new toolbar with the Revizto icon.
Export your project to Revizto using dialog boxes.

56 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 2. Shared location

If the Company needs to keep the data on its internal servers for any security matters, they can
store projects on the shared location instead of the Cloud. The below scheme shows how the
sharing process is being made in case a user chooses a Shared Location option during the upload
of the model.

As a result, we have the model stored locally and only the Issue Tracker communications go
through the cloud. Only people who have access to a local network can access the model and the
project. The information that is contained within the Issue Tracker will be on the Cloud. This is
limited to snapshots of issues, dates, issue tags, names of project members, and communication
feeds between the project team.

57 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 3. Adding a user to the license

For collaboration through the Cloud you have to create a project team for each project.
Primarily a new team member in the project should have a Revizto license. Only the owner of the
Revizto license (Super Administrator), Administrator and content creator can add a new user to
the license.
Note: A content creator can only add people to the license through project sharing. Each new user
will be added as a collaborator only.
To do this open Revizto website , log in to your account and open License tab.

From here you can manage the team.

Note: The user who already has Revizto license will be free of charge and wont count in the

58 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

You can also use the following ways to add users to the license:
The Share button on the top left of the Revizto toolbar (for more details view Share
button section)
The Revizto Workspace (on the web). Choose the project and open the private
sharing tab
Once added, the user will be automatically consume one of your licenses as a collaborator if they
have not already consumed a license. Later you can manage his/her status on a Teams
management page.
Note: Licenses are tied to the users email address and can only consume one license. If they are
added to additional projects your available license count will stay the same.

59 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 4. Reports

Revizto allows automatic or manual generation of issue reports. To open the reports page, click
under the Issue Tracker tab in Revizto or open My projects page on Revizto Workspace
( ) from here choose a project and click the icon to open the reports

Afterwards choose the report that has been already created or create a new one.
Click Create new report button and type a name of the report and choose time period. If needed,
you can create a report with some tags or for selected assignees or reviewers.

60 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

In the report you will see a chart with numbers of issues in different statuses and a list of issues on
the right.

You can filter the list if you click on the segment with the corresponded color:
Red open
Orange in progress
Green solved
Grey closed
There is also a number of missed deadlines issues in a red circle.
In Delivery tab you can set up regular delivery of reports or one-time with the option to send a
link to a Chart, Excel or PDF file.

61 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

62 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Example of PDF report:

Example of Excel report:

63 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 5. VR mode

When you install Revizto you will see 2 additional icons on the desktop:

Revizto Oculus Viewer

Revizto Vive Viewer

Just run corresponded Revizto Viewer with Oculus or HTC Vive goggles connected to a computer
and turned on. Make sure you have only one monitor turned on. Multiple displays are currently not
When launching the Revizto VR Viewer you will see projects gallery that will mirror your Revizto
gallery. Here you need to choose a project using a mouse.
Note: Only mouse clicking is available on this screen.
After the project is loaded you will see the instruction screen for navigation with two or three tabs
depending on which controllers are connected to the PC. Use a mouse to switch between tabs.
You can open the navigation screen at any time via the F1 button.
Workflow pro tip: One of the largest benefits to using Revizto VR is that youre always walking
through the actual model geometry. As the model is updated the Revizto VR model is updated
with the changes in coordination of the design. Most VR systems require manual and time
consuming work reducing polygon count by fusing pretty images to the geometry. This polygon
reduction enables users to reach 90 frames a second that allows smooth end user experience on
less capable hardware. When the model is updated this process starts over.
With Revizto we keep your polygons, object metadata, geometry, redlines and issue
conversations in VR to allow you to make real project decision. Unlike most VR platforms Revizto
lets users to walk anywhere in the model instead of being forced to teleport like google street view.
Now that you understand why the VR model can be larger, here is a workflow if your hardware is
not getting you the smooth 90 frames a second:
1. Isolate/ section box just the desired area of your project that you would like to walk
through. Most people are not interested in walking through every room on every floor.
2. Save this section box as a new viewpoint in the project. You can repeat step 1 as many
times as needed.
3. Now open up your Revizto HTC or Oculus Viewer and launch the project. Afterwards,
open a viewpoint with a section box in which you would like to walk through. This will allow
your machine to dedicate all of its resources to the portion of the model you actually care
about in VR. Here you can also switch between different viewpoints.

64 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Navigation using the HTC Vive controller:

Navigation using the xBox controller:

65 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Navigation using the keyboard and the mouse:

If you need to interact with objects you should hide the menu. You have the following options to do
HTC Vive controller

xBox controller


66 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

To get information about an object or open an issue:

Point out a necessary place in the scene using the Vive controller and use the right button:

Without the Vive controller you should turn your head to place necessary object or issue at
the center of the screen. Afterwards use a blue button on the xBox controller or the left
mouse button:

System requirements for VR

Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 or better.

CPU: Intel Core i5 4590 or greater.
RAM: 8GB or more.
Video port: HDMI 1.3.
USB port: 2 USB 3.0 ports.
Windows 7 SP1 or newer.

Watch the VR camera sharing tutorial

67 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 6. Revizto hardware requirements

CPU, GPU, RAM and Graphics card are needed for Revizto
The initial conversion into Revizto from your authoring software relies mostly on CPU. To reduce
long export times for large models choose a machine with a decent amount of CPU or use the
Revizto export scheduler. The export scheduler still uses CPU but can be planned during non-
working hours.
Real time navigation relies mostly on GPU and RAM. The Graphics Card is also very important if
youre using a higher graphic quality or looking to view in VR. The NVIDIA GTX 1080 for desktops
or GTX 1060 for laptops is a great choice for anyone needing great visual quality.

68 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 7. Revizto hot keys

(2) - 2D
(3) - 3D
(4) - Issue Tracker
(ctrl+O) - Open project gallery
(ctrl+shift+O) - Import project
(ctrl+R) - Rooms
(ctrl+X) - Section Cut
(ctrl+B) - Objects
(ctrl+I) - Issue Tracker
(ctrl+M) - Ruler
(Home or ctrl+H) - Home
(ctrl+T) - Create video track
(ctrl+E) - Sheets
(ctrl+shift+I) - Create a new issue
(ctrl+W) - Viewpoints
(M) Opens a map
(+) Increases a field of view
(-) Decreases a field of view
(0) zero Restores a default field of view
(tab) - hides the right vertical tool bar menu in the Issue Tracker, objects, rooms, viewpoints,
camera share
(Esc) - Exit

Navigation modes:
(F5) Sets navigation mode to Like in Video Game
(F6) Sets navigation mode to Like in Revit
(F7) - Sets navigation mode to Like in SketchUp
(F8) Sets navigation mode to Hybrid
(F9) Sets navigation mode to Navisworks Walk
(R) - Toggles the Fly/Walk modes (if available)

69 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

Appendix 8. List of tutorials

Name Link Duration
Initial set up
Step 1. Installation of Revizto and managing licenses. 3:44
Step 2. Getting model into Revizto. 3:56
Step 3. Link settings. 2:04
Step 4. Export scheduler. 3:40
Step 5. User management rights. 2:09

Getting started
Part1. Navigation and viewpoints. 4:13
Part 2. Measuring tool and section cut. 3:44
Part 3. Map tool. 1:39
Part 4. 2D button. 3:11
Part 5. Issue Tracker. 6:43
Part 6. Creating issues in 3D. 5:10
Part 7. Issue tracking in Navisworks. 3:23
Part 8. Marking up 2D sheets in Revit. 2:54
Part 9. Creating an issue in 3D view in Revit. 3:03
Part 10. Collaboration on screenshots. 2:57
Part 11. Camera share. 2:45
Part 12. Issue visibility. 1:52
Part 13. Objects and rooms. 2:43
Part 14. Recording video. 1:09
Part 15. Working with large projects. 3:02
Part 17. RFI process. 3:00
Part 18. VR Camera sharing. 1:25

Workflow. Navisworks, Revit, AutoCAD. 5:57
Workflow. Revit to Revizto. 6:31

70 US Office: 505 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA, +1 844 738 4986
EU Office: Rue Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH-1003, Switzerland, +41 78 764 9914

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