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1. A storage chamber of interior dimensions high has its inside
maintained at a temperature of whilst the outside is at . The walls and
ceiling of the chamber have three layers made of
60 mm thick board ( ) on the inside
90 mm thick insulation ( ) at the mid
240 mm thick concrete ( ) on the outside
Neglecting flow of heat through the floor, determine the rate at which heat can flow
towards inside of the chamber. (D.S. Kumar, Example 3.13)

2. A 8 mm thick metal plate, having thermal conductivity is exposed to

vapor at 100 on one side and cooling water at 30 on another side. The heat
transfer coefficients are on vapor side and on water
side. Determine the rate of heat transfer and drop in temperature on each side of the
plate. Assume area of the plate as unity. (Summer 2014) (Similar to D.S. Kumar,
Example 3.40)

3. A composite wall has three layers of material held together by 3 cm diameter

aluminium rivet per 0.1m2 of surface. The layer of material consists of 10 cm thick
brick with hot surface at , 1cm thick wood with cold surface at . These two
layers are interposed by third layer of insulating material 25cm thick. The
conductivity of the material are:

Assuming one dimensional heat flow, calculate the percentage change in heat transfer
rate due to rivets. (Summer 2015)

4. A steel tube of 5 cm inner diameter and 8 cm outer diameter ( ), is

covered with an insulation of 3 cm thickness ( ). A hot gas at ,
flows. Calculate the heat loss from the tube for 20 meter length.
Also calculate the temperature at the interface of insulation and steel. Outside air

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1
temperature is at , . (May-2012) (Similar to Mahesh Rathod,
Example 3.29)

5. A steam pipe 8 cm in diameter is covered with 3 cm thick layer of insulation which

has a surface emissivity of 0.9. The surface temperature of the insulation is and
the pipe is placed in atmospheric air at . Considering heat loss by both radiation
and natural convection calculate: (Dec-2011)
I. The heat loss from the 7 m length of pipe.
II. The overall heat transfer coefficient and the heat transfer coefficient due to
radiation alone.
The thermo physical properties of air at mean film temperature of 52 are as

(where the notations have their usual meaning.) use

empirical correlation for horizontal cylinders as ( ) .

6. A refrigeration suction line having outer diameter 30 mm is required to be thermally

insulated. The outside air convective heat transfer coefficient is . The
thermal conductivity of the insulating material is . Determine:
I. Whether the insulation will be effective
II. Estimate the maximum value of thermal conductivity of insulating material to
reduce heat transfer
III. The thickness of cork insulation to reduce the heat transfer to 20% (k=0.04
W/m oC) (Summer 2013)

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2

1. Two long rods of the same diameter, one made of brass (k = 85 W/m-deg) and the
other of copper (k = 375 W/m-deg), having one of their ends inserted into a furnace.
At a section 10.5 cm away from the furnace, the temperature of the brass rod is
120 . At what distance from the furnace end, the same temperature would be
reached in the copper rod. Both rods are exposed to the same environment. (D.S.
Kumar, Example 5.1)

2. A rod of 10 mm square section and 160 mm length with thermal conductivity of 50

W/m-deg protrudes from a furnace wall at 200 , and is exposed to air at 30 with
convection coefficient 20 W/m2-deg. Make calculations for the heat convected upto
80 mm and 158 mm lengths and comment on the result. Adopt a long fin model for
the arrangement. (D.S. Kumar, Example 5.4)

3. A rod of 10 mm diameter and 80 mm length with thermal conductivity 16 W/m-deg

protrudes from a surface at 160 . The rod is exposed to air at 30 with a
convection coefficient of 25 W/m2-deg. How does the heat flow from this rod get
affected if the same material volume is used for two fins of the same length? Assume
short fin with end insulated. (D.S. Kumar, Example 5.11)

4. A 5 cm diameter rod, 90 cm long is having its lower face grinded smooth. The
remainder of the rod is exposed to the 32 room air and a surface coefficient heat
transfer equal to 6.5 W/m2-deg exists between the rod surface and the room air. The
grinder dissipates mechanical energy at the rate of 35 W. If thermal conductivity of
rod material is 41.5 W/m-deg, find the temperature of the rod at the point where the
grinding is taking place. (D.S. Kumar, Example 5.21)

5. A thermometric pocket is a hollow brass tube (k = 75 W/m-deg) having outer and

inner diameter of 15 mm of 10 mm respectively. The pocket extends to 5 cm depth
from the wall of a 15 cm diameter pipe which carries hot air. The heat transfer
coefficient between the pocket and air is prescribed by the relation:
Nusselt number Nu = 0.175 (Re)0.62.
Make calculation for the error in temperature measurement. Presume the following
data: (D.S. Kumar, Example 5.31)

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1
Air temperature 160 and pipe wall temperature 40
Reynolds number 25000 and thermal conductivity of air 0.036 W/m-deg

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2


1. A potato with mean diameter of 4 cm is initially at . It is placed in boiling water
for 5 minute and 30 seconds and found to be boiled perfectly. For how long should
be a similar potato for the same consumer be boiled when taken from cold storage at
. (Summer-2015) (Similar to D.S. Kumar, Example 6.7)
Use lumped system analysis and take thermophysical properties of potato as

2. A solid sphere of 1 cm made up of steel is at initially at temperature.
Properties of steel: , Density = , Sp. Heat =
Calculate the time required for cooling it up to in the following two cases
I. cooling medium is air at with
II. cooling medium is water at with (Winter-2013)
(Similar to D.S. Kumar, Example 6.7)

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1


1. Determine the view factor from any one side to any other side of the infinitely long
triangular duct whose cross section is given in figure 1. (Cengel; Example 13.4)

Figure 1 Infinitely long triangular duct

2. A furnace is shaped like a long equilateral triangular duct, as shown in Figure 2. The
width of each side is 1 m. The base surface has an emissivity of 0.7 and is maintained
at a uniform temperature of 600 K. The heated left-side surface closely approximates
a blackbody at 1000 K. The right-side surface is well insulated. Determine the rate at
which heat must be supplied to the heated side externally per unit length of the duct
in order to maintain these operating conditions. (Cengel; Example 13.9)

Figure 2 The triangular furnace

3. Determine the rate of heat loss by radiation from a steel tube of outside diameter 7
cm and length 3 m at a temperature of 227 if the tube is located within a square
brick conduit of 0.3 m side and at 27 . Take emissivity of steel and brick as 0.79 and
0.93 respectively. (Summer 2014) )(Similar to D.S. Kumar; Example 8.30)
4. Two large parallel plates with emissivity () = 0.5 each, are maintained at different
temperatures and are exchanging heat only by radiation. Two equally large radiation

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1
shields with surface emissivity 0.05 are introduced in parallel to the plates. Find
percentage reduction in net radiative heat transfer. (May 2011) (Similar to D.S.
Kumar; Example 8.38)
5. Calculate the net radiation heat transfer per m2 area of two large plates placed
parallel to each other at temperatures of and respectively.
( ) and ( ) .
If a polished aluminum shield is placed between them, find the % reduction in heat
transfer, ( ) . (Summer 2015) (Similar to D.S. Kumar; Example

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2

1. A hot square plate 40cm x 40cm at 100C is exposed to atmospheric air at 20C.
Make calculations for the heat loss from both surfaces of the plate, if (a) plate is kept
vertical (b) plate is kept horizontal.
The following empirical correlations have been suggested:
Nu = 0.125 (Gr Pr)0.33 for vertical position of plate, and
Nu = 0.72 (Gr Pr)0.25 for upper surface
Nu = 0.35 (Gr Pr)0.25 for lower surface
[Ans: 126.47 W] [D.S. Kumar 11.9, GTU - JAN 2013]

2. Calculate the rate of heat loss from a human body which may be considered as
vertical cylinder 30 cm in diameter and 175 cm high in still air at 15C.The skin
temperature is 35C and emissivity at the skin surface is 0.4. Neglect sweating and
effect of clothing.
Use Nu = 0.13 (Gr Pr)0.33. [Ans: 208.61 W] [D.S. Kumar 11.15]

3. Estimate the heat transfer from a 40W incandescent bulb at 120C to 20C quiescent
air. Approximate the bulb as a 50 mm dia. Sphere. What percentage of power is lost
by free convection? The approximate co-relation is, ( ) .
[Ans: 7.8484 W; 19.62%]

4. A steam pipe 8 cm in diameter is covered with 3 cm thick layer of insulation which

has a surface emissivity of 0.9.The surface temperature of the insulation is 80 C and
the pipe is placed in atmospheric air at 24 C. Considering heat loss by both
radiation and natural convection calculate:
(1) The heat loss from the 7 m length of pipe.
(2) The overall heat transfer coefficient & heat transfer co-efficient due to radiation
Use empirical correlation for horizontal cylinders as, ( )
[Ans: 2243.6579 W; 13.013 W/m -C; 7.0586 W/m -C][GTU DEC 2011]
2 2

5. Water at 10 C, flows over a flat plate (at 90 C) measuring 1 m X 1 m, with a velocity

of 2 m/s. Determine,
(a) The length of plate over which the flow is laminar
(b) The rate of heat transfer up to the above length
(c) The rate of heat transfer from the entire plate.
Useful correlation:
( )( )
[ ( ) ]( )
[Ans: 0.139m; 36.951KW; 471KW][GTU MAY 2013]

6. Air at 20C is flowing over a flat plate which is 200mm wide and 500mm long. The
plate is maintained at 100C. Find the heat loss from the plate if the air is flowing
B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1
parallel to 500mm side with 2m/s velocity. What will be the effect on heat transfer if
the flow is parallel to 200mm side? For laminar flow over flat plate, use following
( )( ) [Ans: 54.14 W, 85.6 W] [R. K. Rajput; 7.15]

7. Air at 20C and at a pressure of 1 bar is flowing over a flat plate at a velocity of
3m/sec. If the plate is 280 mm wide and at 56C, calculate the following quantities at
x = 280 mm.
a. Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness
b. Local and average friction coefficient
c. Shearing stress due to friction
d. Thickness of thermal boundary layer
e. Local and average convective heat transfer coefficient
f. Rate of heat transfer by convection
g. Total drag force on the plate and
h. Total mass flow rate through the boundary
[Ans: Using Blasius Solution:-6.26mm; 0.002969; 0.005938; 0.01519 N/m2;
6.88mm; 6.43W/m2K; 12.86W/m2K; 36.29W; 0.00238N; 0.01335kg/s] [4.6; P. K.

8. A plate of length 750mm has been placed longitudinally in a stream of crude oil
which flows with a velocity of 5 m/sec. If the oil has a specific gravity of 0.8 and
kinematic viscosity of 1 x 10-4 m2/sec, calculate,
a. Boundary layer thickness at the middle of plate
b. Shear stress at the middle of plate and
c. Friction drag on one side of the plate.
[Ans: 0.0136m; 48.491N/m2; 51.433N]

9. Air at 20C and at atmospheric pressure flows at a velocity 4.5 m/s past a flat plate
with a sharp leading edge. The entire plate surface is maintained at a temperature of
60C. Assuming that the transition occurs at a critical Reynolds number of 5 105,
find the distance from the leading edge at which the boundary layer changes from
laminar to turbulent. At the location calculate: (1) thickness of hydrodynamic and
thermal boundary layer, (2) Local and average heat transfer coefficients, (3) Heat
transfer rate from both sides per unit width of plate.
Use ( ) ( )
Assume cubic velocity profile and approximate method.
[Ans: 12.34mm; 13.55mm; 3.05W/m2K; 6.1W/m2K; 917.4W] [GTU MAY 2012]
[4.7; P. K. NAG]
10. The air at atmospheric pressure and temperature of 30C flows over one side of
plate of a velocity of 90 m/min. This plate is heated and maintained at 100C over its
entire length. Find out the following at 0.3 and 0.6 m from its leading edge. (1)
Thickness of velocity boundary layer and thermal boundary layer. (2) Mass flow rate

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2
which enters the boundary layer between 0.3 m and 0.6 m per metre depth of plate.
Assume unit width of plate.
[Ans: 8.30mm; 9.119mm; 11.73mm; 12.88mm; 0.00374kg/s] [GTU MAY 2012]

Use following properties of fluid at required temperature,

Example Temp Cp x 106 K
Fluid Pr
No. C kg/m3 KJ/kg-deg m2/sec W/m-deg kg/m-hr
1 Air 60 1.06 1.008 18.97 0.028 - -
2 Air 25 - - 15.53 0.0263 0.7 -
3 Air 70 1.029 - 21.03 0.03045 0.692 -
4 Air 52 1.092 1.007 - 0.02781 - 0.07045
5 Water 50 988 4.18 0.556 0.648 - -
6 Air 60 - - 18.97 0.025 0.7 -
7 Air 38 1.1374 1.005 16.768 0.02732 - -
9 Air 40 1.128 - 16.96 0.02755 0.7 -
10 Air 30 1.165 1.005 16.00 0.02675 0.701 -

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 3


1. Exhaust gases (Cp = 1.12 kJ/kg-deg) flowing through a tubular heat exchanger at the
rate of 1200 kg/hr are cooled from 400C to 120C. The cooling is affected by water
(Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg-deg) that enters the system at 10C at the rate of 1500 kg/hr. If the
overall heat transfer co-efficient is 500 kJ/m2-hr-deg, what heat exchanger area is
required to handle the load for (a) Parallel flow and (b) Counter flow arrangement?
[Ans: 4.547 m2, 3.758 m2] [14.9, D. S. Kumar]

2. A counter flow concentric tube heat exchanger is used to cool the lubricating oil of a
large industrial gas turbine engine. The oil flows through the tube at 0.19 kg/s (Cp =
2.18 kJ/kg-K), and the coolant water flows in the annulus in the opposite direction at
a rate of 0.15 kg/sec (Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg-K). the oil enters the coolant at 425 K and
leaves at 345 K while the coolant enters at 285 K. how long must the tube be made
to perform this duty if the heat transfer co-efficient from oil to tube surface is 2250
W/m2K and from tube surface to water is 5650 W/m2K? The tube has a mean
diameter of 12.5 mm and its wall presents negligible resistance to heat transfer.
[Ans: 7.21 m] [14.17, D. S. Kumar]

3. A one-shell two-tube pass heat exchanger having 3000 thin wall brass tubes of 20
mm diameter has been installed in a steam power plant with a heat load of 2.3X10 8
W. the steam condenses at 50C and the cooling water enters the tubes at 20C at the
rate of 3000 kg/s. Calculate the overall heat transfer co-efficient, the tube length per
pass, and the rate of condensation of steam. Take the heat transfer co-efficient for
condensation on the outer surfaces of the tubes as 15500 W/m2K and the latent heat
of steam as 2380 kJ/kg. further presume the following fluid properties:
c = 4180 J/kg-K, = 855 X 10-6 Ns/m2, k = 0.613 W/m-k and Pr = 5.83
[Ans: 6524 W/m2K, 4.82 m, 96.64 kg/s] [14.18, D. S. Kumar]

4. A heat exchanger is to be designed to condense 8 kg/s of an organic liquid (t sat =

80C; hfg = 600 kJ/kg) with cooling water available at 15C and at a flow rate of 60
kg/s. The overall heat transfer co-efficient is 480 W/m2-deg. Calculate:

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1
a. The number of tubes required. The tubes are to be of 25 mm outer diameter,
2 mm thickness and 4.85 m length.
b. The number of tube passes. The velocity of the cooling water is not to exceed
2 m/s.
[Ans: 478 tubes, 6 passes] [14.19, D. S. Kumar]

5. A surface condenser used in a steam power plant deals with 27000 kg of steam per
hour at a pressure of 4.15 kN/m2 and 0.9 dryness fraction. The cooling medium will
be water that enters the condenser at 15C and leaves at 25C. From previous
experience, a water velocity of 1.5 m/s is maintained through the tubes and the
overall co-efficient of heat transfer is estimated at 3500 W/m2-K. Calculate :
a. Mass flow rate of water,
b. Surface area required for the given duty and
c. Passes and number of tubes.
The tubes used in condenser are 20 mm outside diameter, 1.5 mm thick and the
space limitation restricts the condenser length to 4 meters. At the condensing
pressure, steam has saturation temperature ts = 29.5C and latent heat of
vaporization hfg = 2435 kJ/kg. Presume that the condensate coming out of the
condenser is saturated water at the condenser pressure, i.e., there is no under
cooling and the steam losses only latent part of its heat.
[Ans: 1.416 X 106 kg/hr, 0.2512 m2, 1158 tubes, 2 passes] [14.22, D. S. Kumar]

6. Calculate the surface area required for a heat exchanger which is required to cool
3600 kg/hr of benzene (Cp = 1.74 kJ/kg-K) from 75C to 45C. The cooling water (Cp
= 4.18 kJ/kg-deg) at 15C has a flow rate of 2500 kg/hr. consider the following
a. Single pass counter flow
b. 1-4 exchanger (one shell pass and four tube passes)
c. Cross flow single pass with water mixed and benzene unmixed.

The overall heat transfer co-efficient for each configuration is approximated to be


[Ans: 4.87 m2, 5.29 m2, 5.18 m2] [14.35, D. S. Kumar]

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2
7. A counter flow heat exchanger is used to cool 2000 kg/hr of oil (cp = 2.5 kJ/kg-K)
from 105C to 30C by the use of water entering at 15C. If the overall heat transfer
co-efficient is expected to be 1.5 kW/m2K, make calculations for the water flow rate,
the surface area required and the effectiveness of heat exchanger. Presume that the
exit temperature of the water is not to be exceed 80C. Use NTU-effectiveness
[Ans: 1380.2 kg/hr, 3.55 m2, 0.833] [14.41, D. S. Kumar]

8. In a surface condenser, the water flowing through a series of tubes at the rate of 200
kg/hr is heated from 15C to 75C. The steam condenses on the outside surface of
tubes at atmospheric pressure and the overall co-efficient of heat transfer is
estimated at 860 kJ/m2-hr-deg. Use NTU method to work out the length of tube and
the steam condensation rate. Presume that the tube is 25 mm in diameter.
At the condensing pressure, steam has saturation temperature ts = 100C and the
latent heat of vaporization hfg = 2160 kJ/kg. Further, the steam is initially just
saturated and the condensate leaves the exchanger without sub-cooling, i.e., only the
latent heat of condensing steam is transferred to water. Take specific heat of water
as 4 kJ/kg-K.
[Ans: 14.5 m, 22.22 kg/hr] [14.45, D. S. Kumar]

9. A tube type heat exchanger is used to cool hot water from 80C to 60C. The task is
accomplished by transferring heat to cold water that enters the heat exchanger at
20C and leaves at 40C. Should this heat exchanger operate under counter flow or
parallel flow conditions? Also determine the exit temperatures if the flow rates of
fluids are doubled.
[Ans: 67.328C, 32.672C] [14.47, D. S. Kumar]

B.E. Semester V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 3

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