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The focus of this PPT should be from a student mind set. It should aim to answer typical
questions students have in mind before they enroll for any course. The technical
presentations will support this document but a rough draft need to be composed. These
should essentially describe in crisp 4-5 bullets the following:
- Few Facts
- Sample projects
- Why learn methodology
- How it is applicable to my stream of study
- Why should I take this course or how will it benefit me
- What harm does it cause if I dont take it now
- Few Examples of successful projects executed in that stream

Note: The above questions should not be answered as specific Q&A. These questions
should be used as reference to draft bullet points. Repetition of good points across
slides is permissible
Six Sigma Applicable to INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Students

Few Facts:
- World leaders like Toyota, Mc Lauren, Ford, Dupont, Koyo, Airbus, Boeing, Rolls Royce, Suzuki have
embraced it successfully already
- Annually some 87000 jobs are published for lean six sigma in manufacturing alone in India (Ref:

- Acc. to Quality Progress magazine's 28th annual Salary Survey 2014,

- In the U.S., employees with at least one Six Sigma training program earn $97,586 compared to
$80,553 for those who have not completed any training -- a difference of $17,033.
- Full-time employees in the U.S. who have completed Six Sigma Green Belt training make $8,824
more than those without training, those with Black Belt training make $20,000 more than those
with no training, and those with Master Black Belt training earn almost $46,000 more.

Why Learn the Methodology (mostly this section will not change)
- Depth understanding of structured defect reduction technique
- Only methodology to aim for near zero production defects
- Concepts of data based problem solving and innovation can be applied to decision making
- Each and every sector requires improvement and only a well-trained and skilled manager can help to
achieve that goal. LSS Certified employees will know the fundamentals of improving a business
processes and will incorporate this knowledge to help improve the industry.
Some Sample Projects

- Developing healthy commercial relations between countries which, in turn, enhances global economy.
- To improve operations of International Shipping Companies Optimize cargo volume, ship turnaround time, maintenance
costs, and equipment availability.
- Improving Port Systems - Adding terminal capacity and new technologies, dredging deeper channels, and upgrading
intermodal connectors.
- Enabling both ports and shippers to make continuous improvements in competitiveness, efficiency, safety and
environmental responsiveness in the face of the industrys relentless growth.
- To reduce truck congestion in marine container terminals via smoothing the gate activities, in particular weighting process
of trucks carrying import/export/transit containers.
- Defining and laying out procedures for quality control checks which in turn reduce work force and time energy and avoid
wastage and pilferages.
- Maintaining right to equality, right to maintenance, freedom and expression and self-value between two participating
- Enhancing the cross-border cross-cultural management & communication skills.
- Managing Foreign trade policy and procedures, Deemed exports/imports, Foreign Trade related Funding, Customs-Import
& Exports, Reverse Logistics, Duty Draw back & other refunds.
- Streamlining the creation and delivery of complex letters of credit and other trade payment documentation.
- Enabling around-the-clock trade operation resulting in faster cash conversion and considerable reduction in turnaround
time, as well as operational cost.
- Improving Financial efficiency - savings in cost of trade services processing & reduction in per trade transaction cost.

- Enhancing Operational efficiency - Increase in transaction processing throughput through automation and process
optimization & Scalability to handle more transaction volume spikes on a daily basis.

- Increased Cash flow and risk Management - Reducing Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) & Improving visibility and control
of financial supply chain

- Flexible processes for the bank to launch new products and services and incorporate regulatory changes
Examples of successful implementation

- Varied examples exist on successful implementation of concept for:

- Example1: Maersk Line, the largest container shipping company in the world. Mason School designed the
Lean Six Sigma training and project management program to fit Maersks unique needs (focus on
International Maritime Shipping) and operating environment. Participants in the program represent Maersks
key operating and business processes that will bring added value to its operations by using Lean Six Sigma
methods to dramatically improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their processes.

- Example 2: CMA CGM, the number 1 in France and world number 3 in container shipping runs an in-house
university called CMA CGM ACADEMY with its sights set on the future. In order to improve our operating
performance and quality, the university offers innovative LEAN and SIX SIGMA courses, which have
demonstrated success within major corporations

- Example 3: Six Sigma for Better Trade Management: The leaders in global trade are using various tools -
such as trade agreement planning solutions, classification engines, solutions for managing shipment
information like country of origin and certificates of origin, along with methodologies like Six Sigma for
streamlining process flows and increasing automation.

- Example 4: TOC Logistics International, LLC embraces the Lean Six Sigma culture in implementing
continuous operational excellence. Under this program, they have a certified Green Belt on staff to
champion their Lean methodology and drive efficiencies that ultimately benefit all stakeholders, including
our clients. KPIs are used for monitoring the performance in areas regarding weekly financials, on-time
delivery percentage, claims recovery, cube utilization, transit times and cost savings.

- Example 5: GENCO combines advanced technical services, final packaging and foreign trade zone services
(FTZ) within a single distribution center for high-tech products. Technology companies seeking U.S. foreign
trade zones can leverage this unique combination of capabilities to create more agile supply chains. It
operates with a Lean Mind-set - ISO 9001-2000 quality standards and a Lean Six Sigma culture drive
manufacturer-like quality and continuous improvement.
Examples of successful implementation

- Varied examples exist on successful implementation of concept for:

- Example 6: As a market leader, Black & Decker runs manufacturing operations in 11 countries and markets
its products in more than 100 countries. The companys Operational Excellence program focuses on the
use of Six Sigma tools for multi-echelon Inventory optimization to set inventory targets and sourcing
strategies that incorporate, demand variability and supply time and uncertainty. Multi-million dollar inventory
reduction with high service levels; stopped the movement of select production lines to China by recognizing
total supply chain cost.

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