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Week 1: Day 1

Bonus Reading Welcome! In todays lesson, well learn 14 vocabulary words. Carefully read the
Listening following paragraph:



Week 1: Day 1

Week 1: Day 2

Week 1: Day 3

Week 1: Day 4

Week 1: Day 5

Week 1: Day 6

Week 1: Review

Week 2: Day 1
Environmental Report for the City of Agate, Colorado
Week 2: Day 2
Week 2: Day 3

Week 2: Day 4 Amazing changes have taken place in our city. Despite a huge people increase,
Week 2: Day 5 Agate has continued to push forward environmental protection. There are less
Week 2: Day 6 cars on the road than ever before. More people have been moved to take buses
Week 2: Review and trains. Yet new forms of movement arent the only improvements. Our city

Week 3: Day 1
has begun trying new ways to keep animal home areas safe and has helped the
growth of an independent organization whose main purpose is environmental
Week 3: Day 2
protection. These changes havent happened by themselves; none of these things
Week 3: Day 3
could have happened without the work of the city council and neighborhood
Week 3: Day 4
Week 3: Day 5

Week 3: Day 6
Ready to improve the paragraph?
Week 3: Review

This word part will help us:

Word Part: Auto-

Meaning: self (by itself)

Tremendous changes have taken place in our city. Despite an immense people increase, Agate
has continued to push forward environmental protection. There are less automobiles on the
road than ever before. More people have been moved to take buses and trains. Yet new forms
of movement arent the only improvements. Our city has adopted strategies to keep animal
habitats safe and has helped the growth of an autonomous organization whose main purpose is

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environmental protection. These changes havent been automatic; none of these things could
have happened without the work of the city council and neighborhood council.

As you can see, the paragraph has been improved with seven vocabulary words. To learn the
definition of each underlined word, find the word or expression that has the same meaning in
the original paragraph.

Lets try an example

Find the first underlined wordtremendous. In the original paragraph, the word was
amazing. Tremendous is a word whose meaning is similar to amazing. Weve learned
one new vocabulary word.

Lets try another example

Today, we learned one word partauto. Think about the meaning of the word part. Auto
means self or by itself. What does automatic mean? In the paragraph, it replaced the
phrase by themselves. Do you know things that work by themselves, without extra help?
You might have something automatic in your home. My rice cooker is automatic; I dont
have to change the temperature, stir the rice, or press the off button. It works by itself. When
I open my car door, the light turns on automatically, or by itself.

What about autonomous? Can an organization be by itself? In the original paragraph, it

is an independent organization. The meaning is similar, right? The organization works alone,
without influence from other groups. Because you know the word part auto, you wont forget
autonomous or automatic that easily; its the reason why we are teaching not only
words but word parts. Great, right? Now, we know the meanings of three words. Find
definitions for five more examples:

au-to-mat-ic by itself (self)

au-ton-o-mous by itself, independent (self)
tre-men-dous amazing

Master accent for higher speaking scores

Words are divided into syllables. These are the parts of the words that have an individual vowel
sound. For example, automatic has four vowels--u, o, a, i--so it has 4 syllables--au-to-
mat-ic. When a word has more than one syllable, we say one of those syllables louder than the
others. Au-to-mat-ic. Weve placed that syllable in bold to make it easy for you to master.
Practice saying each word out loud at least three times.

Lets look at the paragraph again. With seven more vocabulary words, we can

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make it even better.

Another word part will help us

Word Part: mov, mob, mot

Meaning: move

Tremendous changes have taken place in our city. Despite an immense population increase,
Agate has continued to promote environmental protection. There are less automobiles on the
road than ever before. More people have been motivated to take buses and trains. Yet new
forms of mobility arent the only improvements. Our city has adopted strategies to keep animal
habitats safe and has encouraged the growth of an autonomous organization whose chief
purpose is environmental protection. These changes havent been automatic; none of these
things could have happened without the work of the city council and neighborhood council.

Again, compare this paragraph to the original paragraph and learn the meaning of each
underlined word. Youll need to know word parts like mov, mob, mot and auto. One
exampleautomobilescombines both of the word parts that we learned today. We know
that auto means self and mob means move. Why does the word automobiles use
both of these word parts? When we look at the original paragraph, we learn that
automobiles means cars. Cars are machines that move themselves. People dont move
them. Find the meanings of some other words from the paragraph:

au-to-mo-biles cars (self)(move)

mo-bil-i-ty (move)
pro-mote (move)
mo-ti-va-ted (move)

Master accent for higher speaking scores

Again, practice saying each word out loud at least three times.

Natural pauses

To master accent and fluency takes many skills, the first is your breathing and word grouping
patterns. This is essential to demonstrate the fluency that will earn a high score and the
speaking that allows for the greatest comphrenesion to the ears of a native speaker.

Below is the paragraph with (***) where every natural pause should be in your speech. Listen
and then record yourself again and again until you match the same word grouping. Do you
notice anything about it? It occurs in every sentence or clause, so mastering this will improve
your grammar and thought process as well because you'll accustom yourself to speaking in
complete thoughts, helping to avoid the disastrous ummm and uhhhs that affect so many

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Tremendous changes have taken place in our city. *** Despite an immense population increase,
*** Agate has continued to promote environmental protection. *** There are less automobiles
on the road than ever before. *** More people have been motivated to take buses and trains.
*** Yet new forms of mobility arent the only improvements. *** Our city has adopted strategies
to keep animal habitats safe *** and has encouraged the growth of an autonomous organization
*** whose chief purpose is environmental protection. *** These changes havent been
automatic; *** none of these things could have happened without the work of the city council
*** and neighborhood council.

Follow along and listen for the natural pausing and intonation patterns--the rise and fall of

The recording is 41 seconds long. Set the timer and record yourself with the link below with
your best try. Show us what you go and listen to others as they master the exercise and their
score as well. Good luck!


For timing yourself: Stopwatch

For recording yourself: Voxopop



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1 entries

Mercedes Gonzales wrote on Friday February 17, 2012 1:31pm
how will i use the voxopop.i don't know how set the mic please help

4 of 5 6/19/2012 4:30 AM

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