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Skills for Nursing Leaders and Managers

4 A’s characteristics of a leader

A- Advocacy – influence others on what you believe in

A- Accountability – liability and answerability
A- Adaptability
A- Awareness

Characteristics of:


- Guiding vision
- Passion
- Integrity
- Self awareness
- Optimism


- Leader
- Clinical expertise
- Business sense

Critical thinking:

Is the process of examining underlying assumptions interpreting and evaluating arguments,

imagining and exploring alternatives

-it is used to resolve problems rationally

Effective critical thinker: constantly generate new ideas

Decision Making

- Complex ; cognitive process

- Choosing a particular course of action
- A process whereby appropriate alternatives weighed and one is ultimately selected
Problem Solving

- Part of decision making

- Systematic process that focuses on analyzing a difficult situation
- Always includes a decision making step
- Diagnosing a problem
- A process of identifying possible cause of notion or alternative that will alleviate a

Types of decision making:

Routine decision – made when problems are relatively well defined and common

Adaptive decisions – made when problems are somewhat unusual and partially understand

Innovative decision – type of decision made when problem are unusual, unclear and creative
solution are necessary

Characteristics of decision making:

- Not a linear or totally or logically process, may include intuition as well

- An often result of many incremental steps
- Smaller choices may be impacted


- A warning to management that something is a miss

- Measurable and can be constructive

Source of conflict:

- Cultural differences
- Do not have the same facts

Types of conflict:


- Originates from sender who gives conflicting instructions or expectations


- Conflict arrive when an individual receive conflicting message from 2 or more sources


- When an individual belongs to one or more group




Role ambiguity

Approaches in Managing conflict:

- Avoiding

- Accommodating


- Collaborating

- Competing

Strategies of Management of conflict:


Conflict Management

- Application of techniques to receive indifference between two parties


- To eliminate the conflict issue

- To ensure that as parties feel positive about the resolution

Conflict resolution

- Implies a solution that satisfy all parties

Application to conflict resolution

- Negotiation
- Mediation

Major Areas of Responsibility of the nurse managers:

1. Patient Care management

a. Problem – oriented in nursing system

b. Primary nursing

2. Operational Management

a. Planning – budgeting
b. Organizing – staffing, scheduling, providing supplies
c. Directing – communicate
d. Controlling – quality assurance

Human resource Management

- Recruitment
- Selection
- Orientation
- Counseling / coacting
- Staff development
- Labor relations

Management levels: Management Skills Management functions

TOP Conceptual and human planning and organizing

MIDDLE Balance balance of four mgt. functions

FIRST LINE Technical and human leading and controlling

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