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pe _“OFERECE VICTOR F..B. DE MELLO ei wo aie renco -cartaena ZL a8 == : STATE OF THE ART VOLUME SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING VOLUME SUR L'ETAT ACTUEL SS CONNAISSANCES SEPTIEME (Wij acmuns ssansosseuin. ngesinice consutoes: il, golcla CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE | wasn ot os IECANIQUE DES SOLS ET DES | Sem te ran TRAVAUX DE FONDATIONS MEXICO 1969 STATE-OF-THE-ANT REPORTS ron 0 sn at nace Aw seaurTon CORDIAIS VOTOS E.CUMPRIMENTOS RAPFORTS SUR L'ETAT ACTUEL DES CONAISEANCES ‘Tae tate ‘srness-oerNMATiON ANO STRENGTH GLARACTERISTICS FonoaTions oF eunninati cAY peed Fret cS enn a Roca oa m nto Ft im ~~ a DP EXCAVATIONS AND TUMNELING IN SOFT GROUND = ed Fog = FoweaTions = mod Fe uw STATE OF THE-ART REPORT TAT ACTUEL DES CONAISSANCES FOUNDATIONS OF BUILDINGS IN CLAY FONDATIONS DE STRUCTURES SUR ARGILES Gige en the subject, ant to attanyt Promostioate ant reconmend tho most maces Geary and produotive lines of eadeavour i onler to solve exieting protien, and to foster of developsest within the Held, ip the tanedsate furure. 4 the present case, owever, the very mi~ ‘ire of tho subject proposed, vary vast on the one hand, anf very pructical on the ether, posed'an initial problen of the naceattty of ohoosing an approach and ‘tbe vory concept of watt knowledge jurrent, ani wat ure the probleas ‘ir sbrioumly most ralative, dopend= ing on place, tine unt person.” Tt baw ‘eaned that the vost froqusnt key-note in Sintiar state-of-the-art reports bas bees to stron the latent dovelopsante and what appear to be the next problese challeng— hg the ressarch ability of ecadante is oles, The yaeinoos of the subject, and Ste sasnently praction2 facet have’ tinted at the pomitie inzorest in dedicating the prasont enteavour to quite a different koy- Ribte, hich may do tus eusmariseas within, The Broad area of Toutine practice of the profession, acd ito consecrated faithe, Maat fa reitly imown, and how should” re ‘cont advances affect euch practices 7 ‘Tous, as a prelininary, st muvt be expha- ‘ined that any Snportant contrintions aay Sot be mentioned, partly through tnevita~ oubjective gineering, 2 the sear fucure, ‘me following thowonte ony better elustaate ‘the Antente along which the present report ‘onsoived, ané for waioh the sontritus ene are uiiversal, whether sekaowlodged “a by Vicor F 8. de Mallo 0. Se. Prof University of Sé0 Povo, Brow on not, tho report tteelf being but an in Gvitably soeurfiotont vohiele. 2a Ase ‘The principal ein of the treatment is to Giecune tho pequence and the levels of con fidence in the nore typicel design deat sions, Im ao doing 4¢ 4s folt that the practising engineer will be soconpaniea through typi= Sel diiemas ana doubeo that greduslly Shape thee "Suderent™ that in the butt of follcneaning srittotene of the eager young Theoretiosan. benia for constructive orisiosea ‘yolopaent, notwithetanding ite tesporary ooeptance. Ingineering enboate ‘mer uncertain prantees, Sion of carteinty, Theory, insofar ae it Le tind $0 tho facts from whch 4 evolved, bolonge to the pesti facts unter observa ‘tion conssitute the present, waioh is never Gay Dotter than our eeane of observing itt finally, the abstractions of analyeis and syathorie, aod rethoorising, are Our bope= ZX projection inte the futures and eo the eyole proceeds, Sinee the main tasks of Civil Eagineering, Tt hap boon folt that one must firstly xe sognize that in examining clayey otis one Sealy faces the truly geasral (e,) oases DE MELLO Ranegating the standard refuge of tho dual= kom olay ves sand, the first Allama 43 hare #0 £54 the caueral oan which te Meither of thoee Pars iiealised cases, 2h Sean inescapable starting roint, ant Without iabouring under ary delusion “of Geexing the unizied £104, 4 mia ocnaluted ‘hat the treatment shoal’ eta fran the general nse, Marefore, rinse to emtwcos too waste ‘tank woo Gleariy an imatrairable propesi= Hon, the soope baa dona soutrioted ty ee cluding, am oempanaation, tho Ainounston of Hees that say be consicsred "pareioular oasoe" oF interesting sideline tomes, 243 Sonoen mroughout the stuly of pertinest latere= ‘ture one of tha probicos that zopt axsatl= ng the prevaztion cf tis roport te the faot, inovitasie acd ecxprehenestio, thay (every publiousion 42 dostisea to prove song Thing Fight. Co the othor bast,” the thea. Fetion! and testing advanooe within” this Field, qualifying and ccapleaent ug oaiier pronatnaonaste, ase #0 coutinuoen and sem Jortant, that ihe dosiccer ay sa0dly fall Inte beriiésred eoatic. dew ona o>) Bary Wings be right et tne sine Yoaoy Detng ponethelase different 7 Ose soluttony Une fortwsately aot toecenon, ia tp ignore ‘ahi but "auo™ right solution, throug a fot of faith oF euboonosious” emotions of Sympetty, Dot this te oleasiy a short “Tived {itusiaa ine world of eecelarated Soumuntoations cnd developnect, within fateh the speed at wich the levels of pra, Diaien cf observerion of experimental Sacre fl intervening factors have continoasiy Amproved, bas boon sock ae 20. e=po! portulated ines to critteies cst revdnios GQuioker ‘thaa they penetrate into eevept- Deounly, within tha decteos of preoteien nt Ginpereion. Sach a concept, that Bas Yo aanune en aura of consecration under a, ‘suspected and wookalluaged nonditieninaey pertaining to tao then corer mangin of frrora, consetous cr rates. 24 Mato Mae greatest m=ter of oostivetioat awe individually boos goncerme! with the obeox ‘Yotton op ootablichsext of eingle-parenster z Tt is fot that a Clanotrioaly oppoaite Gpprosch nay be leo frustrating, “One Tee cogaices that obviouly any paraseter” of Yelavdour Xie sizultaneously e fusotion of am infinite musber of independent or 4, forralated paresetero, >, Ta a firet etage, only ainste perasrter eormelations are uttered, the janis of Glepereion ie ecg wide ani costidoacs levela very lowe Bilas sherte aooud-oer offeke we ively eae within the Fange of oo Feietatio effosts of a sore Feftned Level Of sueeryation, these bunds ill be BAITOR Aye Tnus the teak of digesting the vast pro ae of azalyiieal rescarch offerte must bbe fased with veapoos to eotsions on the Lovel of procicios of our prasent~day ome yeatty to cbeorra, and capacity to apply od cxtereation within the deaten fad to practicing eagineer fase da fot one of discussing mhat addin Hosa) faster soy one of oiftine © fives stage, © st be Tolagated Siacstfieation af sveout-oxtar ‘efteote Suried wuler ihe protestica of the Pastor of Satety. ‘mat couse {noamprehensibie is thet treaty years of rvvearan and devolopeest should Sasa, with Little or no suggestion of a Eeduseion of P valves casiier Pecemmend= ‘An ssinently otatiatical reseontn: seema talented, | ia oniar 20 to delve deeper into thie eethod than oor Setge‘jactstien, ie eiit be aemend tad he staple otatioticn of averages, under poral distritutio:s, may be applied.thare Sze obvioun caceo, noscver, im ectl nechag, feo, in ok St vould appear Pore appree peibte to reseos tncer the statintion of 15 Dugriont3son Tromiaslig, ths Srectiaws of mowledge are sally rued Zoro ty failures, disape tera, ead the bseting of the throsholde of, FOUNDATIONS IN CLAY acceptance by the feared cocastoual axzeed ng thereof, Thu tho ti01d of founda~ ‘oan to inevitably retarded tn sts oppor Yunitiee for progrooe by tho faot that. the Frotielng ensineora try to otay as far Fite such threstola 2istts ae.” gsoaemio Zeotere will perait. Woerens Mature ie Bot oonselous of a reputation at rink and ove not oquandor Pactors of safety on opooy and therefore slope stebility "an, Salyses say froquontly be checked agninet Zatlures, tho same say not bo clained with Forest to foundations. Thus, the seadanie ‘Setorte oan bo extoniod very” far along purely thecretioal Lines, possibly aided ty nodal tests, Jong before any decfacto failure 42 dasisn will de evatlableyat the Befortuse of none well-soazing colleague, To push formrd cece of tho shrecnoias alting provent deetgn practices, 1.6 Recommended generalised epzronch Within the report, the sequence followed ae beon ao closely ao poesible connect vith the sequence of deaseions facing the Foundation engineer, both chronologies Gnd of relative Teoponeibinity of Tieke tnvelved, Tce, fer snctonce, Dearing oa pocty problene are evidently ‘sore taper Tant ftaa eevtlacent protlese, and tho doves of confidence Of dstermination of applicable shoar strength parsnoters pre Seles aa cprraisal cf differences 48 Seam ng capacity formulee, Yor the future progress in the field tre fanio recomendations axe cffored, Pratly, En any Sbvervation or test, cue aust keep) couplete records of ull poucible collat= (ral deta, shatter ito interference 10 ‘Suupooted or act. fren soogns-ordor to" fsret-ordor faetore. foe much szvestigction effort iv rontezed telus for future Tewnaiyeis sorely So ete of a ladk of oonordat nore souplate Fegiotry ef facta. ‘boned of sail relevanes Kept an constant (od, rather than boing conple' Erte thought, observation oF Fesord. Seoondiy, with the mor tools furaiehed ty statistical axalyoie and ooaputere, one Siaouid docicate rush acre effort to ob serve tacts in prototype-ceale, letting ‘thea epeak for thensalvesy ine ‘hei trend through oustabie statistical Ferressions, and finally fitting much be~ hoviour into ceuputorized simulation for ‘the theoriantion, he approuch of FAret Yimalising e tooory gud thon etraight~ ‘eoketing the facta inte the dantred rit jas Altherto cecupiod e large proportion of offerte, and my be said to have fume ‘elled itesif into a texporary condition of dintnfening retums. 2, THR ULOTAMNE BEARING CAPACIEY OF FOU DASrONS, 2.2 Safety eminot fetzures separese ang mparecuieite anelzeie ndubitatay the fines step tn. the SEPUE RY Sigelay' oe" 2 conan te Lo fo enmure that the saxizun foundation load [he foreteen will not ouuse « shear failure of the underlying soil, tantencunt to the Sunching of the foundation into tbe 8042, Gmarectorized ty sottlecente of very nrg tnd unpredictable sagttucen, of & Jrogren sively deteriorating nature. 4 el. mow, ax soon a0 loads ‘foundation, "wettienents ‘sypical doading test rorulty fare applied to ant ourre which io ganerally "sontimuous ith a elope dnoreasingly etesponing util Tho suitinnte", soritieul", or *fatlure™ loading oF preseure ie reacked, frequently fatoused £0 correspond to the atectsea of he poine ret wnioh the gottlosent curve be Conse steep and straight” (Zarangit & Peck, i367). We mst at thie stage dafer for later com Hderation the quite distinct methods ea Sloyed for munoing loading testa, and par- Uoviarly, for interpreting the” reulting pranmure sottLenent survess fe 2 Premmurecrettlenent curves of load toate Qn’ 0, dense or etief end Cz l00ve oF ert vost” DE MELLO. 18 te tnoreaaingly 1ikely that conaidereble aa laudable efforts will costinws to be Stein Soi. Machantcn to unify al) phases the loadeeettlesent-tine Doheviour of 2 and ecnputer solutions Simulating idealised bebaviour patternat bat the effeotive oostriburion of sush in~ foreation to foundation design prection Sa atili aot eles ‘he ispertant point pranise of eupinecring preoticn, In the faoe ef any probiea, «Yur inevoape- bly fraugnt with Uninowsn end unsertassties, he solution aust be formulntod for that ‘tor mesinizing poventinl develspsent of shear failure and for saxinising comsressibility ‘ona on lays tho eriticn) conditions telesente and Rypotheses. In shore, for instance, fceturated olay 4 quick, —eadsein condition Rost 2ixaiy’ to cau! Gietinct from tho olow lons-sumosien load ng that nooestuat ‘delatorioue, ona6~ + generally imply diftorext loading Thus tt evens shat 4% w1L2 gosttzun to. bo fost approprinto to. treat she to oontie Tone (ef decelerating and stibitizing oon prosesbildty sevelasentay yoseus Tilly scowlerating tatisre" cesoreati beparateig, eile probiene are ubvious~ presaisently inportast. huey every foun iin nant Eider Go taverniguesa wth see Beit to sinime satisfactory P value the itionte bearing cepeotty fali- wsahin suse ‘ans caaputedy eeparatolyy Staaee the bohevieur’ wader the vorvice 200d {ng ana couaitione say prove to bo the con= Seelling faove tn conyarieca with the, fou Givion failure criterion (Sezsptoay 2991). Notwitnetanding the groat importance of the determination of Tho ultiaste beuring cepaotty of a foundation, ft in evident fone to. the probe subject 20 Glecuneion, "both ‘Detweon thea, and da co yatroliee tueve anstmaed to ‘hat the theoretical oo an are. ett) 82 ‘check their valicity. _Mowever 1¢ will be Shove that cco dogres of the edifying dis Gussion dooe ust significantly affect de ign practice. Thus, in order net to ex terk direstiy and disccuagingyy inte, the reac of controversy, honever stimulating Stleppears worthwalle Sogianing with © cursory presentation of he solutions that for eote reseon or another appear to have penetrated into wider acceptance and usage, There ie" no intent, herein, to extablian Folative sorite of volutiens! the reasous for the groster Tolutive penstrations of sone solutions are sanyy among which ah iaportent « part is played by the simplioi— 4y of uso of ferculao, gruphe oF sables of Feoults, ae by the authority of the author nd’ the ‘moasure cf divulgation of the work. 2.2 Bering onpectty enlutions most comen- Beupelied 2.2.2 Teraaght'e (2943) solutions and Arisek's (2965) enpirioal simplitioa- son orcaght's (1943) vesring capnetty ‘theory represents one of the firet efforts 10 eanpt to Sotl Nochantce the resulta of the ‘of Contimious “Ke fioua the. poottiéa of © practical solution, Rest authoritatively backed, and of total Desetration. Ao-eover, noms formlae are Genoraliy sransosived into forme analogous So Rerzaghi'a, eo that the most convenient manner of comparing the various theories 49 ‘0 comare the dinenatonlese factore called Bearing Capacity Yaotore, originally — de— ‘fined therein, rt prowably may be elaizod ‘that deopite such ocxpleacatary work in the intervening tventy-five years, te original solutions are still widely used, With but olight adaptations to conform to ubsoguont more somos versions, Pig 2 and ‘the accompanying equations, together" with ‘the Rimorieal yeltes traneoribed, Andteate ‘fhe Danso.ané tho Pemuies of Torsagnt'e dark, ‘vation for a strip foundation of width Bat A tahaliow" doptn D, (D¢ 2), below the murface of tho ourmounding ogi, the shear Strength ef watch iu expressed ty the Mohr SCouioad squetion a = sttang The orteos of depth ta aouservatively aim Of the allure oluvage and ite restating’ Shear strossoe store she level of the base FOUNDATIONS IN CLAY of the foundation. cme anee Le ay % ee ube ay Nt rooting : Tre seme anes one FEW: 1" roaring: Fra is emer emes oe Tn ny FORMULAE FOR Ne, Ne soacamal FTP wor nage rents yy Terran, 70%, Swen froveairineeba fepe ued h ‘The ganerai formule dartved for the footing wo Further adapted ty eaptrical hapa factors, ua show, for aquare’ and etreutar Zootings. This the shape fagtors fore estineted to'be Se + ty} and Sq s 1 for both square and clreular foot, Ange, end Sy = 0,6. for the ciroular and Sy "10,8 for the square footing. strip ho solution which Tervaght proposed aemare realintio is thit wherein "on aosount of ‘fhe roushneue of tho base of the focting end the edbarion between the basa and. the ° “ot the underlying wredge of eoil that descande vertically tor Bother with the footing "rice at an angle 9 to the horizontal" (Torzaghi 1943 pe 18s), “Hovover, formulue are given aleo for ine Lisitins cove (Prandtl) for which no shear streseco develop at the base of ‘ho strip load, originally stated to be the Sperfestly encoth case", us well as for hoes of "intersadiate Soushnaee” “wherein Gio nngle lies within the postulated Lintto @20° Aa the depth of the foundation increases further, tho Gepth factore ro found t Anrreass ct «© decreasing rate approaching Eaximin tulone eotronponding to pile faune tions whtch aro separately discussed, (a) Pile bearing capacity fectore ‘Tho ourine capacity of a single te token ea the sun of point reais Sein fection, beth ef wich depend on the propersiea of the ecii and the nethod of installing the pile, Aa rogarts the point resistence the baste Dearing eapsofty equation con bo euttably stapted, bocune of relative dimension, Sato the fora G+ Kop + ¥D Rap (kayerhof 1951) and the conpreseibsli- ty of the oot, 230 yetuee of Mop. end gp are represent edi Pig. 4s thoy ere stated. te SSaig sf fhe pate tose Ze anbedad an tbs apad-boarsng stratus near the ba Sova depth, whieh Se, apprexinately, Deady 2 Accordance with the probable failure sexe, Gf the order of one pile dinsever atove to OE MEWO four below the bases 2,243 Skemptonta (1951) bearing capacity of olaye Specifically for the evb; ‘clays for which i 30 ‘itumte bearing capactty" (sose ‘sxcopted) the baoie reference in use {nthe profession im Skespton' te Bearing Gapeciny ef clays” (2982). ‘Skenpton rewrites the Tarzaght general for mula to differentiate between she total fren, Py applicable at the base of the footing ao'a veplacusent of the excavation Gtrese release, and the effective overbar don pressure at the foundation Level as tbe surrounding surebarge affecting the nett Dearing capacity. However, Zor P= 0 the (geoerel sqution reduces to feb +> aot Gee lowe 4 thorough dtocusaion of tho darivations of He value io mimmnrized, and, thereupon, avconslusion the sisplified rules wore pet formard as herewith ranseribed and Feproduced tn Faas 5. td ee “4 es Bearing capacity factors for tousiations smelay (G0), (apad Sksspton 3951) 56 (a) Surfeos footings (D = 0) Ne =5 for strip footings No 26 for square or otroular footings (0) A opine perth factory = (240,22) fer 9/0 < 25 Depth factor ay = 1.5 sor 2/a> 2.5 (0) At axy depts, for reotangular footings of Ded Sapa factor So = (2+ 0.2 3/1) ‘mo contimatory evidence for these recom Rondaticus will be pooled together with cther dnta is disoussions further on in {his report. It may De aoted with Sntorest, however, that the No values of 6 (or ‘on the sore rigorous Prandtl 5.14 fer strip footings) for equare and ofroular surface plates,eni of 9 for dep plates, Ins oo gained soceytance that in any ata Yeapts et field tect correlations the ten denoy during tho pact 15 yeara bas been fo quartica the shear streugth torte and © values, theoues aaniasion of the above Ho "values en dafinite, 2,244 Betuwh Danson" (2962, 2966) skapli ‘Hod rescanandations Ba fotty" (1963) with the mubsequent partial Fe viele (1966). Jn the notations adore eaployed, and ex eluding for the precont the "iacitaation feotors” for snelined Lending, the Witinat deuring cepuciey of footings Of aay shape bt dopth may be eristen te Gye (er 4B PINS ho TDLEMIS ee 29 weerein the saterrolation between the Me Tey factors Mo So dy = (Me 50 = 2) 0084 ts boon enployed to elininate the My terms Yor tho No factor Reineh Hansen retains the Yanie Prandtl solution wereny FOUNDAMIONS 1 cLiy Mo (iq = 2) cot ae aose Baty Yor the My factor, for whtek no *rigox Gus", olution sas grasiable fron bora statie and Kisasstta corsideraticnsy futher adjuste! aa capirieal relation " (=) tg tn aying tnternetinta between the eotutions Nipreneseing seat he rosepsires. me being Spper(eyerhof 1951) apd loser (anderen anf Horteasen, 1953) Liniting valteo, Yor shape factors the expirical equations snegneted have been etnpiy Fedused to(1965) Sore 1+ 02 ste a2 wt Sao Yor depth faotore 4% 40 First sousttea shat dy ely Prthar, an expirioal for ula for'shallow foundations (D< 2) 4 ven foro = 1+ 0635 Te may to Soted that because of the Fina ef the gee ral oyiation adopied, c eaparate apth faotor dy 49 exoluded, Finally, a8 regards depth faotors for grow ‘Gepthn, St Se stated thet ds must To aeaiteed that at present too iittlo $0 Shows", #0 that the eapirical formulae ant raphe’ earlier proftered (1961) wore T= yousa (1966). 2.3 Shear strength vetnse applied 2 De 0 yractically all the confimatery or itieste bearing sepecitiee of (lays fe conzested with saturaved elayo and She Ge 0 analyses eesociated with rapid Jonding, st beheves wa to examine ecoovn’ Tie aothots saployed, over the past thirty since Reasurenonte of the paruxctors Oy 23 oy (Wien Recausarily affect the 2ovel of oom To wy a Average Ho value Gotorsinabl tientfieant sbange introdsced in” tho ‘netnods of moaguring either ef tho separate 7 oe Teetacsutel to th eppdtoation of eny cate oulaticn of the ultisnte tearing capacity {ma soil ts the appropriate definition of ‘Gio meae ovranges veluee to be Moreowan, since eho vary subject of defini ‘Sion of tha shear strength of olayey toile ao doen ae 2 rametes peohlee jolstiy, Leu: Renta eithia ons e620 Hest Giswetten, trad oe cute) Pelatsonmly Anpliett. Te ary bo (ost for cuptrtenl confirentien Of tho beasing Sepststy faster No, eome of the early tioomuticel foreulation reli te on rengulded Sy the ceasessea~t culrainnd strength deter, Blontion wan ty sho uncog? ined coapreasio Too) teat waxes ‘Rnosatined coe pression etzengt) domiuiations of he eorralat’ as clays (Gender. ‘onneuscnnnve of Or and of vo tho Farsiolar experimental ostmupy and tte tho exten: £0 which tho ostabliohwent OF tho fefiuce poonune waa Rot unduly” te Fhanoced ty necontursed deformations and by eter. The roughe Suse reliance ca UC ton fed tuto feld problens. festing 2 iment © values vould iend to coneerva~ Hive denten prosticn, and, with the same To "ynluo maintained, any’ developeente Sending to Fovios spsoutu 0. values tarde aa topor Lisit truly representative of vircin dc-edta uxdratned etreagth bem Sivlew of rofl elunontn along the presumed feventsl failure moras0 will eerely raioe he donien proraure, the rano will alao iappony irdepesieatiy of ary reviaion of tino oogeayt end tho Beaber Foflecting the Dinssod encow of ene Py Af aerey & coniler Fr ga 42 Guporelon te achieved DE MELO arousd 0 iianea. atsetionl correlation estar The aubjeot aubdivides into to amin ave Even, that of iaproved undioturbed sampling ive Inboratory testing, oot yrpretative actenpte at viunl Wriour a axoledad from Inovi~ hough siniateed sapling and tert- ing effecte: and that of inseitu shear ‘tenting on the other 2.32 Sampling and laboratory testing Along the Line of seupling and Inboretory festing, in order to represent adequately ihe bentvieur of Sn-eitu soil glasente Under the proposed foundation, oo much out standing wor tue been dono during the past twenty yoora that to attoapt to digest the publigned date on the cubject would coasti~ Tite another Auportent staterof—thewart peper in itself, The interested reader 29 Feferred to sono solected payers ax a key To the vast field, Lest tho procest report Convey any fallacious or over-cumplitied Sapreseion (o.g- Skespton and Sowa 1963 » ada and laste 1963, flooreny and Seed 1965, ladd 1955). Sone ef the principal at that are Herewith sontioned are intended to convey the writer's impression of the cox- feitutsone that have distilled inte ore Significant posttiono within the practin of foundation engineering. (a) Saupling technique thoreas wader many routine jobe of lesser Feoponesbility tanty yours ago eons pre~ [ioteary testing saa performed (on cothe of Yow eeaastivity, 5) with canplea retrieved within « Liver ineide the taickmiled ériy Gh epecn eaxpler of the Standard Panetra~ Hon feet (Terseghi & Peck 1948), the pub Lieations by A. Casegrende (1932) and ioraley (1949) repidiy foctored the Te cognition of the pushed 2* thinwalled elty tube sen-ler ap @ ninisum, 12 uD Aisturted sunpling of eoft to redtwa eleye ‘ho widely Tecogniced major davelopment® are the Caterberg stationery=pietoa 1y~ Sraulically pushed eanpler (Earth Manus, UlERy pe 369) and tho Ewediob foi caxpler (iSeliman, 1950). The ascoptence of ube ‘handvextractoe Jeet to aistioult preston ‘ftreae relonves: slayed and wider excovation. As regante stiff to hard elaya, usually of very 10" fonsitivity Sy, the thicker drives ean= pier continues in use ee smavoldatte and aa txplainably acceptable (Horetto 1967). end, ‘n oltermative, oae Bust revert £0. spe ial core samplers each as the Donisca dou Be-tube core barrel (USBT 1963, p. 358) (b) tavoretory texting tory testing with the un ‘Heturved saxploe retrieved, eaTly tsprove- ents ettenpted (Taylor, et 2.) comprised ‘he eubstitution of uncéaselidated-undreiz~ fod (Wi) and consol idated~undrained (CU) friaxist teete for the uaseatined coxpres~ ‘ion test, (U0), which frequently indicator 20 “alte significantly lower than the Intercept of the P= 09 atraight lina of the erie of UU toate (Skeupton & Honkol 1953, Parrent 1960, ot al). Tho topis haw boon’ recently rectivine mich attention whereas carlior the preferences bad been sore oF oon tackt, without tho poasibility of ade quate experizental tacking. 1% appearequite Sbricus fren the publications reviewed that ‘tio conclusions on the applicability of the bore iaboratory toate au representative of Socoitu sheer strongths will vary connider fabiy from one elay deposit to another, and von within « given clay deposit varying ita the aepth and tho saxple's degree of Proconselisetion, depending principally om iat ay bo decribed under the general Sers of 'structure’, including both the Teloroetrustura" ef ceneitive elays, and tha "eacrostrusturo" of flesured lave. Mention has not deen made, heroin, of the Swedish fallcone teat (Hanabo 2957), tre questly used in Seandizevin in ceabination with OD tenes, and exployed as a tasie of Donfismation of some stability analysen and Plate Lcad tonto (Odonstad 1946), The later Study Sndlonten that the sethad cay be sult, ly correlates with tho undrained ahear Sstrongab of the olay (for wack the f46l4 ‘jane toot result ie aceapted ae the stand Grd of reference), and, in that roepeot fives better reculte than the UC teste 4a fhe sensitive claye, However, the author joists to the inpertance of relating the Falincene test, t0 tke type of canpler used ans to other devailo of design, procedure, 84 interpretation, conclading’ that the Yalues of the fold untrained) shear = Utrengthe of « clay “given by the new interpretation of tho fallcoue teat aifter fron those ebtaining Bitherto, and @ re ~eppraieal of the asfety factors to be= FOUNDATIONS inv CLAY applied aay bo necessary”. 2eded Meld vane testing Prinotpadly decause of the problems assem Slated with undrained ioveitu shear Strength detereization of sort vary sensi= ‘tive and "quick clays, the field wane festing device and techniques (Cedline and Oletsted 1950), with subsequent devel~ ‘Spoente, Deve geinsd wide acceptance ae bout the best metnod presently available. However, the opinion 10 not absolutely oR forulised, siace there are Teferencee WOSTS In the sampling ond laboratory testing Concept continues to merit preferences von setting aoide tke casen wherein pric= Hoe considerations would dapote it. At any rate, since sous busio standard of Feference must be adaitted,4¢ ahall herein De accepted aa true that the in oitu vane values, in outurated clays of gO oon ‘tions, are Tepresentative of in eitu shear streagtse for the current etebility sealyoe ‘Truly one aust concede that at the present onent the study eppeare founded ob some at arbitrary presises, since the methods of stability an bearing capacity enalyeis (tre under iuevitasle revieion, and so are he basic strength parameters’ to be ia- "As WilL be conclused, the inte toa need for additions] rogransed teste, and a reap= preioal of gariior observational § dava, ‘Binge An the fica] analysin all of the ‘Studies are merely aeons to an end, and he ond, whiod Le the deoiga of the ox Ginsoring structure, 10 not being served St all if a now oot of devign recoasenda~ Siona does not remult therefrom, Dut con concositaatly if aust be conceded that ‘bene developzents are to be sot aside po 2 fare aot able to incorporate thon. Tn such category lies for the present, Snstance, tho coasideration of amteotrepio iu sito Strengths we rovenied by different vanes (Aus, 1965; Le and 1illigaa, 1967). ithout any {2lusion or hope of attexpt= tng an adeqtate coverage onthe subsecty whlch depends oa multiple fastore (i Jakobeon, 1954, et al.) the Teble T and Pig. 6 bave been prepared 40 illustrate the diversity of reoulte and ‘conclusions. Despite the tresendous 4 pereion of results, Cadiing and otensted 43550 had shown for'elays of esrangthe be freon Land ¢ t/a? at depths of © 40.20 2) at the rutto of the vane streneth Te 0 the UC Tz. volue can increase slzost Line arly by about 100'$ for every 10 seteres Xoot of the other investigators have sii larly found that acceptable remuite cf 0 Seats aay be obtained up to depthe of about 25 'm, but at greater deptas the vane values Scotinus ve regioter the regular increase of strength with daptr while UC values fend to Tonain constant, Much depends. on senaitivity. Tt ie important to note that ‘hore ere oases of eaitm to ett slays for which the UJ values were ea low ‘one-balf the corresponding vane results! much variations naturally strip of aay en= gineering significance the discussions of fio values in the ordor of ¢ 20%. Tho dtapereion in both types of approaches fre anjor, end point to the need of statin Sioalsreatments. lamb (2967) investigate: statistically the sinisun sumer of teste required to ectinate tho etrength of a clay tovwithin 10%, within 95 8 of confidence level, ascasing purely cohesive material of atrengta independent of depth, and & Boreal distribution of the tect” resulta. Mao conclusion 1s that J0 testo would be required a9 that the mean etrength be deter ined to within 10 Tt must be reoogaized that euoh reasoning constitutes an unavoidable step i any test ing and design prograz. Depending on the level of confidence, and, consequently pronmably on tho? value to. be adopted, @ Binimus murber of torte aust be eatabe Ltshod (Itolle ot al, 1959). Bush depend fon the navure of the distribution of the Fandom factors around the sean. lum (2967) Gonsluded that the distrination wus normal for a marine clay, and postulates that the tune would hold for other soft normally Sonsolidsted earine clays. It in feared ‘hat in etre fincured clays the distribu ‘ion of laboratory tost results ay not de normal, which my be one of the reasons for the difficulties of interpretation of the Dehavior ‘of Londen Clay in the light of Foutine techniques ané thecrte, ey dattialiy Givulgnted by Teylor (1950) and today very widely accepted. By employing a elagle Tpoosuon for several eriaxial testa it voide sone of the dispersions, especially OF MELLO. tan rest Gant Baki Por Rer 7 Hig. 6 eu VANE Zt Ranga of dispersions in untrained Te from Wy OU, Cy and sn the deteratzation of vatuas of @ as derined by the ratio d%/ae, considering the above dtsporetons, and ait ferences in wethod ant result, ie defsaing the ipeastu unarained strength of exturatod ‘socertasce of an average fo value of the ial CU teats va. ‘ineritu vane sasulte omer of 5 to § for shallow foundations 1 Bot aubject to errors of nore than about ‘Rho Eathed exployed to run the Load test ind So interpret ta ultimate value, expe Ate subject” 30 FOUNDATIONS IN CLAY rasiz Miwotration of conparative values of Undrained streagibe (2/=2) eternined ‘oy sifterent eethode oT oe] ats . t+ / no. Bf] “ptActeten | cose/ceiee Bee 8) Sipe nef soen, Go) tect aie G) Zia | = ig we) nia gia Bik 32 aon a= 3 (-20)_ | 263(-2014" anpien) wo} 2 Goh | crsordedaaicosn) 36 | a.5-345.6 (24) | 2eerseeed 8 . mp | 2-3 36 | 2-14 (20) 3-7 3) aga | 2 = 2,4 (aeny) 1 = 2.4 (nany) ne] 7 @) 70) 2B a) 21.2-22,0-22,3(4)4)4| us} 20 G) azie-a8s1-22" (She) » To @) 72° (2) a) * 0.25 = 2.25 269 | 0.25 - 2.25 | (os5rGvedioh foi) 1S Ot 28) ans sf Pa reer 3p = 6 Gale Br [Oro=5 (300) | 045-5 (800) se] 9 a) 207 (3) dm afta oe 165 | 523 (eany) | 2.5 ~ 20 (onmy) ve we fe-4 ce | 2-4 (20) aya f= 34 Gonmy) [2-204 (onny) 9 27 we) [25-38 (8) 18) Spoctal tent, axooth ents or purtner tiiugtrottee references of dif rent ‘cases and consequent opintanay the ‘oder way conault, ncn othera In favour of tneaitu tente ea agatnat oane hile tnd ab inge ” Laraiond and Butler 196% Cato, Proceadtgna Gf the Ceatechnical Conference, T pr, 1397 lowrord and der, 1985, Lontrecl 2th “Ine GCrstlonad Confs’on Sold Leche, I pe 39, fortesan Giayy danas Pal ‘1657, ate arteton ASCH Proceedings Su 3, pe." 183.4 AIL pany Sear an uta”, Ase Pree a 4, pe 3, for Ganadlan arved Cfoyor detaland ond Al 2eiyy 1052," f8e HSER (atte destand. Conf on Sold aches pias “Bray, fay, 195%, ASCE Transact tons God pe! oes Vwene® end Kleiman, 1959, ASTI SpecesFeohe Puls 254) pe 20h. Jn fevour or i acceptence of Isborate SLSESE oF tm eoeastenee af sad Aaratond ond Butter 1967, Onto, Prac, of the sees Cent ral ses He ake, ne, sn oy Has = seeclnenth cruwtatt sect Gath tdaaattte,, Be 9, for, ‘S preconsoltdated efays Bi ight, Bb tech cag Hans atten tes Kegtaedt Conf, For Africa on Sold Mechs, I pe 2203 Sebi nd eet, Tots abe Fs, Be 2’ aaa a Ta ce 2 Vong tal dona, 1085 cetechn fue Led 5 a pao abated rcseet ated Sgr ot St a SEE ee fener andatrapte sine tok layer ‘eae Ta ibn dan, cd Does Bech aes ee ate tote serene oF aneet fom Beebenart cle ett? Stettbeten! aes BE! As rogards tho witinate bearing capacity of Shallow feotinga on @'= 0 clays the zain source of error and Aispersicn therefore Sontinues to be the definition of the aD plicable © value, Ant since thie probes Etit Aes within the reaim in which De Savior, reoulte, and interpretations, may yory voy significantiy fron clay” 0 lay and Fron place to plase with respect. to sanpling end texting procedures and prem eieiona) st appears thet ory atteapt "to Snprove prosont desien criteria must still senort either to locally proven practices, Gr to en anaites celloction. of a vant t= owbt of more truly representative date Zor statistical anaiya In Table Td, an attecpt 4s sade to update eriior similar tabulations in support of Ko values and sinpla Y= 0 foundation failure analyene, The coverage wfortt~ ately cannot prose to bo cosplete or of fy nore than firet-order acourecy, Wher fever poneible the original publication waa yaBLe IL De MELO ILLUSTRATION OF SHALLOW FOUNDATION LOAD TESTS AND FAILURES ESTABLISHING Nc _VALUES. CASE oa Om, [ase [oon 005 oe ff, meeta neat ct haw Wer Ta pooe Jiows-o.8h4 ve |0esien pracene liuesf eur [euteee eiey jan | Bio = our Ws qziosi ose ee Ue beens] 10 [arn vee Bee ve oa I: pseu |ry faze sy Uv,ue FOUNDATIONS IN CLAY examined: sorsover, the reappenrance of ‘the anne data reinterpreted in other pud~ Wietione to recordos ao Tar Te obviounly striking fact io that the Ereatent propertion of published data oom fern soft elaye and attenpts to isprove fhe rigour of deterainations of what Bay tial be claaead as copend-ordor Toctors, do tmportant developsent in tho anaiye of founsntion feiiures of the larger oad Si arene ie furniehed fy faymond (2981), Sheteia the inoreane, of the ia situ Terenete with depth a taken into account, Inelier computetione had eon Based. 08 Sxeeptoate (1951) Feecenondation that "it the shear strength withia depth. of a>= presimately 2/53 beneath foundation Jovel toon nov vary ty. sore than adeut 250.4 vor tne avernge strength in that doptha then thio” average volo of 0 mt Setnda orem and-therewpon seaputetions ore baeed’oh constant © waluss. subjoo~ Tivey everageds Such a blapliftontion Could obviously lead to noticeable errore Sn'Caaoe ef altp edzoles that eevaiop 20 (roater dopthe. (hastey 195}y0% el) Shortant pains, oveovery 40 to distine (quien botroon Fundex varistsone about the Sferago value, whisk ‘could ponsitly be vor grester’ than £ 50°%y and the dette Rite frend of 4sereace of otrangtn nith epthy Srronpective of auch Siaperatons, et capacity theory and formuin 4.2 Suamary of provent wtatus of plate bearing capacity Zt mae indicated above that within the pre fequteite preceupation of every foundation design with regard to an adoqute Zaoter of Hues to be connacred with the appropriate selection of the applicable hour wtrength parameters, and that, co a reoult, there ne aot boon « noticeable practical’ inter set 4a the eoliatere! develepaente taking plage within tae arce of theoresieal Zor Elation of inproved bearing capacity eqva Sone," oa the’ other Mandy” 1s munt be that the very applicability of a ivan et. of auswngtn parnootere £6 « boar Sng capacity formula represente a eiapli= fication of a strovs-etrain concept and ust necessarily depend on the siailerity Sotroan tho athoaaticully iypothanized behavior, and the real behavior of the soil ‘Thun inovospably tt Seconss necessary to szaaine, a: leant curecriiy, the principal problens and solutione of tearing capactsy Eheory Usuaty 4 te much easter to damien ‘she Lintt lond than fer the service lends lusting suoh reroure ‘the Theory of Elasticity for the latter, and, as principal recourse, the Theory of Plasti~ City for the foreer, Thin, deapite the of ste application in the solutions based on he Iattor theory constitute the sost com mon avenue. Taio theory ean only be used Aft (a) the protien in quostion te s fail~ lure problen} "(b) tho aatoriale have plas- ‘io proportion az fa:iurey ties, are able to sustain relatively lange” deformations unter constant failure stresses, permit Hing reaistritution of streveess’ fe) the pertinent constants can be devermined with Feavonable woourmoy; (3) it de ponatble $0 find a reasonably correct solution to ‘the failure probies tor Tt appears that ell tho snthesntica1 the fortes of bearing capacity in s0i10, dé oped through Plasticity Thoory, had an starting point Prandti's solution of the problon cf indentation of “a rigid-plastie Ineompreseibie and weightless, comtinious, veuinineinite, Rosogeneose. and teotropie, sedis bya Tei solid of finite width and intinite ‘length enusing plane defor ation conditions. Apparently the single oxeertion of a different approach se tat euployed by Bichep-Hill-and Hove in setae, fant adapted for clays ty Gibson through Swinger’ largocetrain theory, simulating ‘the failure ef a deep. foundation in clay ‘tho expansion of a epberioa] cavity (Sxanpten 1951). Within the min direction vet ty Prandtl, ‘two principal avenues of reasoning ant en Geayour have beon followed: one being the Bore purely mathosatieal, atteapting to solve” sore "rigorously the equationn, Doundary conditions, and kineastie eondi~ tone that the zathouattcal hypotheses woulé inpooo; the other being partly ax Parinental, attaspting to observe gore carefully "the mature of noveasate ‘of the foil undor model teste,” 43 order to sizue inte au truly as poveible the gecastry of ‘the failure surface, the rovozacta of the masses of v0i1, and’ the boundary conditions (of tho problen” (Bargrelt 1956, 46 Boer and Iadanys' 1962, Biaree et a1 396,” Juniiie 1961, Spencer 1964, 0% al.). 63 DE MELLO Agsinet any dteproportionste seal towards the firee objootive one aight serely Jove. the oritieien that the rigour sought would, hea, oonsuamted, norely achieve & Tie ‘reprecentaios of! a typothetioal Fhvological nodel and ite satheastica benmvior., The otatietical dispersion withla which a real sell would be re Jrevencel, ty auch a theological nodel iil eases Investigation. With respect problese rai Mitnia wien the suall-eeale sodele To represent tho desired prototype, and Gerait obvervations of & precision Gepable of eistinguishing “betwen éif= ferent” geocetricn! formulations of | the burfaces, and kinomatice involved. Fortunately, in simplifying the present Cin et presenting 4 very Seo" ounmary Gf the stata, of veoring capacity theory, SE is" ponettle to refer) tho reader to a oeriea of tory. recent, and thorough publications (de Beor 1965, Karisnl 1965, Yesie 1965, Martina 1965, snd Brinch Manger 1965). Aa a firet atep the analysie 49 concerned Wek eetrip load” on the surface of a Teimntloce snterial, The problem was Treated by Pankine (1857), Prandtl (1920), Setonnar (1924), Buisean’(1940), Teraght (3543), aayertor (1549, 1951), “Wieumo {2928)} caquot nd Kerieel (3958) Soko Jovext"(1960) snd Bisres (1961) enong Gthers. Re Prandtl-foiesner solution forthia weigntieas saterial, under @ Strip. vertical major prinoipal etre Surrounded ty a gurcbarga c, te oon Gidered a “rigorous” olution, giving tho respective eiaesical Re and foiationn, The cubcoquont solutions Teorporuie different attenpee to. in trofuse srealioties frietion sonditions Gt the bane of the footing, ant failure Gaeten,. surfaces, and aovenonte | ere Gn accord) with thooratien) smpositie With the gntersst nett ravtrictod to turiace, footings, the nest atep ganereliy ‘the “introduction of she Ny term, in atteapts so aecoont for non Sfetgntless aaterial (1/0), for wien ca Figorous analytical sclt Tone are yet nvasiuble, As gay roll de teen, the controvory round tho valued of ‘Ny, Sa constaerabie. (ae Boer 1965). Ht aa'of “interact” to note that within the aren of theoreticn) derivacions to sources of error end Siscrepanoy aris Thenoeforth: the fires. conoerna_ the choioe of othod of stability analysis to, be aployed, with ite explicit faiture ‘surfacu eeoumptiony and the Second, concerne “the fect. that upon Conplotion of auch # stability analyete, With conseguont minisization of the’ Tector of afety slong some surface distinct froe that ‘which prevailed for fhe welshtions case (for “Me and Na)y ‘the gonoral bearing capacity formula obtained by adding the tro theoretical ponceoinesdent conditions. In this Focpest,, Hrinoh faneen (1966) gives & Yong alueddetive picture of how the Ne Yelle” woUld sfsultancounly ehange, de pending on the sezho of stability Rhalyeds. Comparing several setbode ot seabilsty analyate fér the staple oni Gf a wolehtleoe soil of O= 30, for Shich the exact Prandtl solution” i Thom, hat Rendulicle Yox- treme’ aethod™ and Rie own "equilibria method” of analysis coro closest to rows value (an orror on unsefo eido). Tt SS of special snterest to note that the vatuss. Tenge fron 30% to 169 # of the Noxaet" “wale of Prandei'a postiates, ant dhat within @ sajor portion of the necuned fellure vurfeces, their neo cofmeidense would sake it rather diffi- Gale se, eletinguien, in suali-eoale oie teeta, ae te ‘which moaned sore Pealdeti ‘me vory revealing fact hat Pocost developments in tho aubjact tn Gioate the futility of theoretical de~ Yalopzonte usiccosponted by satiatactory: Jeet reaulte (Se Bear 1965). Tn order to ‘8 totter fit of theeretical ctrvel to *mustabie” test reoulte, not only are Corrections Antreduced (Meyernot 1953) Sn tne value of G because of the roughly 30% targer value found in plane werain teste in comparison with triaxial % ‘but tao, the curvature of the Hone “ane yolope, “presused us Tz =Gtan@ , te Tneroauead in view of. the crushing of graing, aoa function of tho sodulus of siasticity of the saterial constituting Sho band pertioles. hus, indirectly he conprevatbsasty of tho nom rigide plastic satorial bogina to interfere. ‘the protiene tn ‘thie are dave been Greated by. Dutiman (1960) referred by de Beer and ailays (3948), Tersaght FOUNDATIONS in CLAY iewo (154), Caquot-Kerize) (2948, 1956), Meyernot (2948, 1952, 1955), Lamagren-Norvenses. (1953), Zopadsi (1962), ‘bese must be obtaine: (us munerice? ‘sethods either By rigor ‘suggested by Yamagren-iortonsen (1953) and. Sovolovand, (3360) (the latter better’ esapted to computer solutions), or ty "rigercua Grepbien2 sethode tus as) Joosolin de Songte (2959). Ae regarde deep founcations in ouay Greated an @+Osateriale, no theoretical Sreatnante ‘have toon propoeed (Kertoel 1565) beyond thoes already nenticnod (ater the referense to. Skeapton 931 ) Wider itea 2.2.3. Recent experimental evidence, principally with respect to of the Tendon Clays and” to tho use Seatie Penatroneter will be 4! ly. the lator tae, 4a eas ‘Nop "valves as hign a 15 to fof the theoretically proposed but “hitherto it ie" the Srosocazasination under the of the Nop = 9 an” wedl-oetetiichad, fied not the contrary. On the other band, She exporinental evidence from lange= “sored pile teste tn lonion has pointed Yo the Bajor relevance of the intarfor= (shoe of daforeation puoxoneca, and cf he" nocecoary definition of realineso" hoor etrengin parusatere: once ening the tendency tae’ been to necept lop = 9 tod ‘te adjust field and levoresory eecstruin beluvior cf undieturbed feneitive olays, ie 2ed Iadanys (1967) aelude thet tho Top valve of Jy wali" for poncsonsitive clays, should ‘to about 6 to.7 for claya of manttivity, and to bout 4 sve olaya, proterypo-senle dusted and. ol fine “forged a Tory mijor revision af carlier theo~ Fetioah ‘soncopte (Voote 1965). To tomin with, im the ease of doep foundstions 85 im sands (9708) , the controversial Nr feotor had been eat anide because cf ‘the doatmificant “dimension of the point Am oonparioon with tha depth. However, ith the formula ‘recused to he form Gz = S06 op + Sy g Naps and with ‘the Gocepianon “of the first term as matiefactorily “established, the if— Fences of method of formulation of the problen, ae sanarseed in Fig. 7” bad Eiresdy’ ied to very major discrepancies in ap yaluos proffered ty various surnors (Vents 1965). Turther, the now experizental tacts (erioel 2961, ot a1.) revealed, once aguin, the very najor influence that Getormtion problens, not considered ‘ntil then, play in tho Jetorsination of Zailars "sondstione, appropriate fend genuequest” mp. valuns. Fig. 8" saroin reproduced frox_Yeoie 1965 jerves to iiluatrate te proportions cr ‘the effect of compressibility considered, ‘Aitnough the subject las been treated ite typo-seale observation ably under improved teohniquee shoved porspectives; (b)to Teanphasize tha iaflvones oF ecaprossibiiity and Aeroreabiaity phenowesa, whieh would fmlogouy effect tao’ gouerel cone of (C9) clayey soils » (0) to tl- Suatrate, within the gonerel panorama fof bearing capacity probloas how sttle bas really boon effectively established for the general soil ai Rue? Aalyein of tho signficasone of aieterent thearss In appraieing the routine foundation design procedure, one must Tegogmize the faot Gant engineers” are tmodintely faced with flection of a formula ‘the probles: of Agneze tho fact that the Hy faotore reocemanded Wy aistere fautiors can upper discouragingly éif= ferent. Trorefore, a2 a next step in the prosent report ft'vae desided” to tnvestigate DE MELO Pig 7 Diftorent ratiure patterce end for osroular deep foundations awaue oF rmerion # cupectty fectors ‘apy Voeso 1965) ine CY ETON MAP FOUNDATIONS IN CLAY —T Tet Tree ery § Ce ee a) ANGLE OF INTERNAL PRIETION f ve. 8 Bearing capsoity factor Map fore deep founeaticn tn coapraseibie ob1i¢ (apud Yeoio 2965) through radieantary statistics, the levels of eonfidence inpliest in any snob bof: 2t 48 cortaimy uneurranted to reproduce evaia'the sptastions and conputtiont pared of «12 Tecoseended numorical 1 Yalnes for @ valune of OF 10%, 209, 30 Sempuret ions in Figs 95 10 Kot ll, for the eimpler sallow foundation 87 Z| “opransnidne wesc 7 2 a rd $ ‘AvERaae Wen © ~ 60802 #(2.08 ncn Hem (wet) et MOE NG Ce pel we we [eae [oa warps fae a wen] oo wea [iss va. 9 Statietioal average relation for Ho 4m the form of Prandtl-Reteaner ot al, shallow otrip foundation DE MEO 292527. a a50503.0 sane Tuswen ro cal 7 ot 5% conrioence 7 Ny Ng Pig. 20 Statietion) average relation for My « in tbe fora of Brinch Uaneen*® (2961): nallow strip footing FOUNDATIONS IN CLAY As regarda ths selection of the "reference Squitions it as reaponed thet It woul DEacceptable to axploy the Prandtl = (Brinch Hansen 1961, Mayerbot 1963) and iat for the My factor, by. analogy, it ight be aveeptable to ase "the eich Yaseen 1961 equation adapted to Ry = = aC = 1) tan 9. Tn part thie reasoning us based on the | Szpreosion that all the formulae constituted variations ch the original Pranttl these, with inaurfiotent (evidence to wupport the “preferences, 0a he Roditring faster separately invroduoed. ‘he results wore sufficiently revealing » and of a high enough loval of seatietioal Significance, to permit restricting the nage and. "ohallow foun dation" fermune were considered topsthert the repult preceaved refers. 20 sbalion foundation formulae aloce, and, an nay be Seon, avon with thie Limitation the levels of confidence are such wider than for” the iy "and He) ceses, Sous simple practical ooneluston# that derive fron the figures and” ntatistical, azalyeen my be sussarisod ast” (a). the fforte spent with respect to better de- Finttion of valuse of io have basicaly roailted im an average inarense in tte value by 9 % in comparieon with the Frond-eienoer. solution; (0) the average result for “Ny sslutlons proposed would Andieate Ry * 2.06 (iq ~ 1) tan 9 y which roprosente but a” 14% Snorense ‘with re spect to Brinch Hansen's (1961) recommen sion; (6) a noticeable discrepancy eure with reopect t0 the Ra voiioe sonar colton Sh Indication that nerita questioning pot ‘berely by itwelt, but also ‘in enuneebior ‘ith the postulated bento Snterrelation Setwoen the No andy foctore in the Prandtl-Reisoner solution; (4) eke levels of significance of the regroseions ansured decrease aoticeably from Ho to My to Bey and in the latter two. cases” the range of dispersion 0 sonsiderably wider. ‘As An indioation of practical interent, in ‘cach of the Figures 3, 10, 11 curves have ‘leo been plotted of 3 ‘the ‘respective statistical average NW walue, Sine fre quently a factor of safety Fs} is eo ployed 4m foundation design, it would be Of interest to represent how far” the Bok of “correct” N values sight affect ‘the safety of foundations (assuming "thet ‘i avorage applicable shear etrengtn pare ire not in quostion at tke sonent). ‘Be inet ss tur so'formdne axe concerasty ‘the eritioal afens of dnciaion arise for’ My values for @< 30°, and for Ny values for 9 < 200. Te must be resinted, however ‘that ‘the value ef thio proviminary aqyraieal Ao very united, cinge it coneren ealy’ ‘the relative ectparisen anong different fox, mulae. 24.3 Batinate of tho f101d of practical Gmtorest and available "coufirentory: frsdence Recent advances in the use of statietion2 interpretation of date eeations 29 formula’ the cbeerved fa0t £200 untverse, permit one to fore Prandtincodel approaches to bearing capa city problens aay shortly be eupermeded ty entirely new forculations. ‘There is, ‘thorefore, sono ntoreet in ezanining oan aidiy, trom the perspective of a stranger ‘to tis einid of Sost hechantoe' " eatnect Sad hitherto fruitful endeevoure, what fare the probable boundaries of tho svation ‘tieal untveree of bearing. capacities that Sensern tho foundation engineer, and hat ‘eould be the woot rescmsended delineation Of a sampling progran to represent it 2o¥t ftictontly, 20 desired levele of onti= ‘ones. h ‘vory simple approach to the problem, vuning that a genorel bearing feilure Seat stake, 7g. 12 me prepared for the intendod anaivois. "Setting aside nang sosont-crder factors, and adopting the fenomnl ohtiloy footing bearing oepeokty formula with the Brinch Manson 2961." ¥ ory Simplification single valuse of T= 1,6 S/a3 , and D= 1a were applied. Thun ‘the prinoipal independent paranetere were oe MELO arte sacho ot OT Fr crs ines] n * © ~ 12 Lone teeta: 2 tune @ Zistone yore, snes fe tone rear ara, Or svat ( uitovie 20 vig. ae Pield of sntorest sn bearing onpacttion ‘aad available coufireatory evidence reduoed to the following, with the ranges Of waluen applied 20 sash: O« 0-220 */aty Cag edey 03498 20u, Pinlly, for the further simplification of grephi~ Sel presentation, tha correspending 00> puted bearing capacity values are plotted Tn'Pig, 12, only Zor Bw 2, thus petting fide the sonewba aaallerorer varia fons dus to. 8, in aruming tho curves of equ Ce. fe bon ‘hab hae not been aodieved, but At wan not Parsued Dooause, with ibe grazie an they Ere, the eonolusions are obvious to any ftuginser, The concentration of field end Lntoratory tent evidenoe, plotted in the 70 Pigare, merely deeoribos the extrenttine Of the two bownderies (0 = 0, ant G = 0) Of tho f1e18 of interest. ery Tow date have been Jooated that fall within the (tres of more general interest. a « result, [e'vee conoioded that mea a amber of Aasitions) pointe are contributed for plot~ ing approxinatoly in « ari pattern within fhe general aren, at present St ta “not possible to subject the problem to statis Boel enalyeia for suggeoting the venting thet would bo ef greater Anterest Geetfioloncy towards revising the present eon room oush 0 formulation becomes nore trust ful, the progcan woule be satablished with a viow 20 raining the levela of confidence Ge detorsimtion of Oz. Moreover, af Soo egein the ten of P=}. bo, intexprete Sas a likely presont lower 98% oom Hagnoe tovel, the progressing of preotice {atorsst to foundation enginnering practive woula bo auch aa wovld fwieo the Feepective Jenring valus, by rasuing this lover eon fidence Level. 2.4.4 Some testo probleas sspociated with Frunde) theory and Bearing Capacity Pormulzs te any wtteapr to acastno the perspectives of future develorsent along a given line Of thinking, 42 2 nooeounry to revert 10 Sone measur #0 ike basie prestosn, which Bre generolly fongetten turing nore routine application of dee remite, Por Anstance, Shoreaa St bas beoote routine to apnly, Pinsviesty Shacry ap if it wore an abso ute Loe, 4 would doustiens be edifying fo examine cho onnfidenoa lintte very data whioh prove see validity, Gros to chook how Zar ¢ might be worth Fefining sonolustons cased on the theory. Sn anslecy te Zumioned by the eetioulous Genonatrations ty Manep (1965) fer the Gane of another impliostyacospted law Ghat “tho experinantal remulte, Lowevers Strongly suppers the uoh-couleab oriterion, tnd we must, I tes, aneapt the ohm Soules oriterion as being the only Uiopae criterion of reaaomible generality. He eos, Honover, inlorsstisate the value Gor plave strain in donee sands iy Sp to fo nat ‘pha tho use of the Theory of Plastiotty: fo bearing capacity aay gein fron apeattio Tareareh 00 soap of the” baeie preskea Heong phioh the following are olted a8 re FOUNDATIONS IN CLAY Yaretly concerning the etrove-etraia be Baviour, it mst be aoted thet nocording 40 the bethodology of tho theory ef Masti- ony, up to the presont the theoretioal. om Sutidae have been worked out for” rigid splastic behavior, shereas soot soils would Fequire a nore reulistio tresteoat ae natorplastiv, with atrain-bardoning or Struincoottenins, an the sinimus adequate fore. of representation. Tho use of com putational gofele, ax ‘stomplitied by Snttman aod Hoos’ (1965) and others, opens ew vistas along thie Line. Tndeed, mention tna “already boon sade of iadanyi'e (1957) Gesonotration of the affect of @ strain softening betavior of sensitive elaye on he Me value ef deep foundations Sa olare, Moreover, 1% say be noted that tue effects are pot considered, neither ure cridenoee Of tystereste in ttress-etrein behaviors ‘Meo St "ie aocapted from the theory. thay tn plastic “frictional materials every protese of plastio deformation 19 aouoa~ ponied ty ah inerense in voluse, whieh Soubtlese raises quostions om the accepte~ bility of the sodel (Drucker 1953). Alma, She theory hte bees systematically ‘applied fe'sctia inder the assumption ef the Linea Theory of Doforsation, i.e, oonstasring shat the geonetzy of the tase will not suffer changoo during the deforanti procaee, Mealy, Genonatrated that’ ‘the radius ‘oan aly’ bdergo aovezents of rotation or trans dation aoa rigid boty. when the oliding Nerfaoe ent the failure liseo re atment Lines or log spirale, rst e@en? ‘merein the. log epsral becones” ofroula> only in a purely echesive material Badiiio fant’ aieé 1967). A seoood probes that i0 raised consorne the choice of the applicable "flow ori- terton™ through the Hehs-Coulonb equation ao +tang. so is vell-korwon, 12 Shia equation io expreseed in term of affective strestes, involving the true Gxgle of intersal friction @”y the bear ing capacity analysis should be conéuoted with TULl cogaisazce of pore prenuures, Lf, however, the pore prossuren imnediom sely ubder & loaded footing are rot Emam, Le sost “generally tho eave, tho oval stress analyia coupled with "some we Grained etrongte “parasetore oy and Dy. rill have to be employed, end “a probles eigen with respect tothe valus a= plieable. Stated 4m general terse there ‘may bo three dicrorent values at play within a bearing capacity feraula, even Ei'go exciuse fron Soualderation tha gra dually curving crvelepes that” generally: obtain im tmoaturated coils, and that ere Parethy there is the woll-aotablioned fat ‘that the geometry of Failure planee 1 de tornined ty tho tris angle” of internal frletion:” therefore, since the bearing capacity factors are detercined throug Stability analyses of failure masses ee abtsaned aooording to such «_geoaetry, © Ginorepancy aay erie inastar am ty ‘ap Siloet loa. of the @nvaduny the “H fuotere TALL be aneooiated with a failure. surta: onewast different fron that waien “shewd Ye the reel ono. This protien has been Givousced ty Davis 1956, "under @ sot of beceanarily einplitying asmusptions, some of which Pertaining to. Blautie Theory Soostarts, togother with Skeapton'e A” and 3 coeftioients assumed to be constante at sure, ani {tte conaluied that "in spite of the sect that cy end Jy, are Sot the toe paraneters’ gan Untrained erablity axalyeie will eSmaye give the correct anewar in "terme of @ Seoter of eefety or the magnitude of the oad causing failure, provided all the other nesuptions with regard to ahape ef fatiure plane, horogencity and inom ‘tom of the eclt mga, sdoonce of con Bolidation, eto... are Tessosable, and strength sivelope otraicht Lino over the range of tress ‘he problany Tt will, however, give ‘an incorrect attra” of slip. Lines oF ponition of the failure plane" (1oe. etfs e170). The aesumptions and provi Pau questions. Tho cane eubsest Ao treated by Alsbep and Nijerrum Q960).. By provided the undrained ie Analysing a siaple idealized cave of ike stability of o verticel out, and using Rankine active states of o2reso, the aie thera prove that the factor ‘of satety Pind oolsoidea for both fot however, with sto tathenntionliy’ deterato= ed faiiive plano; i.e, the failure plane for the @, = 0 method aininined to ys 1 -romitn on'a 45° plane, whereas ‘the failure plane fer the oqusvalent ae= Fepyive trons condition ofa) = 0 ead @'# 0, azalogounly sininised, resulta sn 45072" plane aza the pane P= 1 ‘The eonelustens are sha! "Piretiy, both’ De MEWo total and affective tres Mitty tralyein will eatee in atving a factor of safety of 1 fore goll anos drought into Limiting equilibrius by a charge of stress under undrained conditions, “soondly, elthough the values of a factor of nafety are the sae, ition of ‘he rupture surface ae found to depend oa ‘the value of used in the analysie. The loser this value approximtes to the true angle of internal friction, the nore realig ‘ie ie the position of she failure ourface "Cages ets ps 48). The authors there fore caution with respect to the we of Sota) etroos methods in over-sonmalidated In waten the pore precoure. stows netnode of ota~ drop during the latter stages of ‘shear, becuase the total stress sethod Ssplicstly uses value of pore. prescire related vosthe pore preamure at failure in the undmained vest, ‘The opcond manner sn which 4¢ any bo yies~ alized tat additional difterest values of @ are sizultaneously at play tn a gencrel voaring cupacity protien soncems the n= terpretation of ¢ asa at /ag Ina general way thors are two conditions of Sat play within @ failure surface under G'sootings "the faret concern tha a2) Corresponding to overvunden prosoures, and the seoond coneerna the aq of the mur charges und the very footing presoure ap- plied, causing Inevitable changes of nor Zal stresses alone the failure eurface com cositant with ke shearing stzeasoa that ead’ to the failure Rypothoatzed, Classi- cally the &2/d (Yx) tao doen diary Ggaried ty the doo of a constant “weighted Gveruge” e value ao suggoated by Skazp- tonli95iy and ae above discussed under ten 2.3.3. Honever, thin @ value, whieh te that corresponding £0 conaolsdatoa-an~ draiand shear tects, or preferred, tho e/p” ratiot Fined by in-situ vane testay play whenever iho oize of tha Ioated area should prevail. 23 thio factor hae Received attention fro: saymoad (96%, sore gently. Yareaver, clasically the GT y/aq nan obviously been taken for oaturated slays ae the Gq =O, in unsa~ turated olaye rapid leading, Gefined by appropriate Stadreined “Wt n rated claya sone degree of dissipation of pore prosoures during construction sould Socount fara Dy > 0, The “influesoe of Conatrustion Tina of Pore Preatire Dis ‘ipation Beneath Pouniations" me Feceatly fSeeated ty Lb (2905), but The “wibjoot renaina eoaplex. ‘ha choice of a sincle G value zomt ap plicable to a given problen treated ty the Total etrose aethod dapendo on the relative participations of the ceveral fa0tors nen Htouod." For mall footinge on wtifter anys plied pressures transit stroeat h higher than the testy nitial co Solidation pressurca, that the prevatling Gndrainod @ value will be given by UW teats (aocuning G0 drainage) Bectuse of a pre valence of the dT ¢/iq factor. Yor large lGreas on soft olays, with light loadings for analyoee by bearing capacity. factors the provatling tdreined ¢ wild gore oloce- Ay approxigate that of the "aT 2/@ (Y=) ‘The relative proportion of the Peoter. euvinated ty plotting the presumed wires patho of roprocentative oii lena Pinally, since some of the reasons for tne doveloycont of new” azalyaen in the past ‘have Boon connected with iypotheana ‘r0- garding the development of {ristion boley the base of the footing, 1 Eay be note: ‘at no field ‘evidence. has yet ean ob- tained on this point, in waiah both adhe— sion and friction wil be mt play,” the latter depending on pressure diazrimitions welok in fur depend. on the structural Pigidity of the footing ant wultipie other factors (ag. Ueyerhof 1963, Szecky 2963). ‘he thooretical develormente should ala at allowing independent e] and 1 para~ Setera (or correction factors | for” tha Davie 0G acil porasstora) at the bat ‘of oxeoution ef postulated for of the foosines because 2.445 Bearing capacity solutions for apectal Masy special cases the the pmotieing foundation engineer cocastonmliy faen have merited special derivations witht ‘the bearing capacity formulae above die Sunaed, Algholgh within the tone, aat for ‘hin general report, in comparteon with ‘the dispersions already sentioned west of muck oases mould appear to conatstute ‘Second-order oF subsequentastags effeots 2 regurdn prosentaday ability #0 entioate FOUNDATIONS IM CLAY (a) Shape factors, for square, rectangular ind ekreuiar foundations. an cospared with the trip founlotion, havo already boon ontioned, Indications on the aubseot have been’ furnishoa ty Tereaght (2943), Seyerhof (2951, 1963), Skoupton (2952), Eizune (1953), heineb fnnoen (1961, 1965), fant de Boor (1965) (2) Inoisaation factors, Enolined Loada on shallow and di Tone have been recomended by Mayerhof {igea)y Sokoloveed. (1960), Brinoh “Hansen (2961), Shirasans (1964), "Iappetis (2967) fund Jappeid! and Torterdot (1967), asone there. fe) Bauivatent end effective areae SP rotded areae are not of the atantard ‘Shapes in pian, it io cuctonazy to tran form then Firat anto an "oquivalent™ reem ferale of the same area and center of grovity, with the ania axes coinoiding, foe aith the ease ratio of maxims to iniows plastie seotion aodulus (= 1:5)" (Brinek Hansen 1961). horeover, the procedure for bantling Centeie loadings haw been Tecosnanded by toyerbot (1953) snd Brinch Hansen (1961), jo ty inbib and. Tonoag (2960), wi Siveequent publication aloo by Litenainter thal (1961). Handel (1963) etudied the frobles theorwtioally. It 16 concluded Gut the inerense of bearing capacity 10 copligitie in = 0. cauen, although 3 ie vory atgnificant in runie. (2) "Bouring enpacity of footings on slopes ‘Bho subject tan been ctueied buccesatvely yernet (1953), daavu (1957)» mizano Rede! (1961), Zabarozoa (2961), inneen (Adseuseien, 1961), Jeppelit aasé7). (£) nape of the eerscot surface of the Foundation « seveny (1965) snvestigntes the influence "convex and coneave flat contact murfuc of footinge on the boarinc capacity, and Statins the conclusion by toets on aande. } Influense of layered dopontte ie probles, which appears to be of nore practies) interest than the Zoregoing, Bae toes repeatedly studied, The foatowine uonse of contributions atteste to. ihe Selivance of the tepie; Button (2953) , Uniaredater (1956), Midovio (2963), Konney (2964), Yasagvens '(2967), Roday "ana wy Srinivsean (1967), and Yokow et a1 (1965), zone others. (h)iwerforence of an underlying shallow ‘resk horiaon ‘mie etuey, consonttant with vhat of the Setluonoe Gf 8 iieites ehiokneso of the layer of soft oisy, originally connidered ‘wydmgoncon (1934), wan inter treated ty Unyor and Habib (2351), Habib aba Sud fo (2954)y Sukdge (1954) and Yynor (2967). 205 Bouring capacity of individual piten ‘sas pire 2,502 Point and ekin roeletanee for piles Im an atteapt to report firet on wht ap- peer to bo the gost current prewent—day Frecticer in foundation engineering it rae Rentioned, under Stes 2.2.2 (@) and through Figs 4 that Meyarhof'e deep foundation 20- Lutien to oxtensivoly applied for the com putation of poist bearing capacity through The Zactors ‘lop and gp av plotted, Kore over, Skeapton's recomended valse Kop = 9 for point bearing capacity in elaye (@= 0 ) was also estailished ao of wideopresd ao- Soptance Honevar, under Stes 2.4.1 sone questior yore ruivod, although pertaining ore to (general boating ouyaoity problese. There re ciious oondstions that uke the bea hg oapuotty problace of piere and piles & nonevhat special elacs of problea! suffice 4S to cay that there ta che Joint contri ution of lateral or Skin Friction, and Point Dooring, that the former frequently conetstutes the principal contribution, fant that even for tho poiat bearing ooh ritvsion it fe a sosewhat meaningless abstraction to ingine @ deep plate without Gating into account how 1% got there and Want tho Teopective consequeacen sight be Sf the so-called execution effecte,. Thun SE Dehovew Ge t9 examine 4m aovewtat closer oki the protent evatun of Dearing oapa after generel ncoumilation of date, the casa of Yonton Clay anvostigasions will be treated separately in view of the vast azomt of Gnoreatien aid of seme speesal problans ‘ont appear to obtais An that Andividunl {a} Point restavanse Regering point reelstenco tn clays 2t has aiveady been pentioned that the thotor Hep = 9 {2 not general. Iadaryi’awork (2967) wth roopeet to the influence of the strain “toftoning strecs-otrain curves hae alrendy 73 be met boon centioned as capable of redueing Hop toa low a valve as 4 for extrocely con ditive elayer In an earlier etedy(ladanys 2563) taaod os the theory ef the expansion of a cavity (both opherical and eylinéri~ bad already proved that Skeapton’ Grpreseion for the Soop otreular foundation talent alee tase on the Secant modulus’ te Hiasticity Ty'"gave veluee foo 5 20.5% higher haa" theee newly tersved, such valune FENG= Ine tres about § for Ty/ty(ou) = 25. to about 9.2 fer fof, (wy 580r. Yayerho Cinee) ie nie aisoletion therefore sux Hien that oinse hie ow Figid-plastio a= Tniyeie had indiontee. ep = 9,3, shapiic Foe receasendationa could read "that the Hop. valve onould bo correctod by ro dhseion tector varying fran about 0.5 for Saffquge 23 80. 20 £0 LafefPOD. ‘the model teat values 5. itor ‘et, within the presont appraisal, to the ohne of purely eomeaive ('¢= 0) sateriale. (a) Pooutble rare exceptions oxelused, the ctudiee dononetrating tho npplication’ of the penetroaster method have boon clearly restrieted eithor to sodel-prototype ae Tlnateo, er to the eusee of purely coho ive and puroly eohosioniess enteriade, wath avast preponderance of the iaeter. Thos, notwithetanding the Smtereot 49 Geintuinine « general trentannt of (0,9) Sevorinle prosent in thio disouasion, "st Sunt bo recognised that within tho routine practical eppiicusions 1m foundation Hovering tknuserable vuch eases of (09) Entarinis must have Seon ancounterod, tut Sitneut hituorts furmiunine any adastionad ‘Ligne for theoretioe! appraieed. (bo) Regurding the design of pile foundne Hons, sietlivude (with jacked proonet piles}, sie affecta, and rate of penx 83 ‘tration effocto, it ham been proved to satisfaction that tho penetrometer | fur bishea tuvaluable, easily applicable, date. Hate of ponotrution affects are inaigai~ floant, “Size effects are iaportant tn snnootien with point restetance, ae Bon Honed below; but there ie genefel sgres- ent (deupite an understandable soatter ef fundanented opinion) that for tbe akin Eriotion tho direst extrepolation in prom portion to the pile to ponotronetor fur fase areas ie on the aso of safety. (orgs casbotort 1953) at ‘do 15 quite comprehensible, jAdsns of the two cospom ‘e-umerrented, And tn epectad streta ( Plorentin ot al 2961, Aetikogl, 1962) sone correlation factors’ have boon ostablishod on tho bneie of con parisone with a sufficient number of load teste, {2} The uitinate pile or pior point resin ‘ance 48 8 hoooganeous sediun 18 the saze ‘25 the penctroseter point veciatance (Kori 1961, 0 Boor 1963, Yesto 1955), pro- Vided, hoover, that the very inportant Sistine anbednont Tutho(4epte/aianeter) Within the etrutun 40 respected becawe of Donring enpacity ecneiderations. A certain inimis thioenose (10 £2 20 diameters) of taifers oot] {2 required in order to obtain @ penesration swoletanse wleh 8 truly Fepresentative of a particular stratus, Thue, in viow of the fact thet the pene moter point Tocietanoesig-r0g mush more larply than sould obtain under pile Ponts, At ip necousnry to obtain for the pile a Hair everogo value: it lao boom suggested ‘hat the average te obtained over a. dae ance Fron one dlaneter below the actual pile point to 3.75 diasatore above ity (van Ger Veen 2957). (a) Allowebie point ‘tearing values are ee ‘tabliched through an onpirical redvetion factor (variously recomended betwoon 2:5 fen 10) taking into nopount heterogeneitioe of the etrata, exocution eftects, and eote ‘onost considerations, For instance bo of tho heterogenaition (in eardo) om ho beste of atetiatics! ce=parseon with Joad teste a factor of 1,5 i6 rovomended (van dar Veen 1957)1 ‘ani, for the sano ‘iderations through cosparicen with the Stremenetraia behaviour of a 42 on. dla Bator tect pile (Plantesa 1948) Sitional faster of about 1,6 40 reccmmand~ Yor a nore general discussion of uch oupitical roduetion factors veo, for Snstanoo, Kensenbaok (962). DE MELLO YL0n these general indications, further Stleation <4 now dineoted tothe ane oF tit ttatie panetrona:es Yor tevertiaine She thence tesriny capseity for deep founda iste pe eorned ever (1 we agcee fe tpotione can variouciy $e" cone dered otther see Cheek on point Toatetanco ip. if the op = Dr value Sa accented and the Snceita 2°78 Considered known; oF a chook on Sehy Gr finmily as sn aatvelonal ceana ef dee Scerining the in-osty oe Rofervnoes thet parait ouch correlative dete are relatively few aad, for tho pre ont, extrecaly confucing. ‘teow (2952) provente the reoulta of an Savestigation to depths of 1.3 = comparing lip. valve with UC tostay and separately ‘Comparing sn-situ vane toota with the OC Yuluao. Zhe rosults are conewbat attri Cult to aprreise because of trecendous Eectter and poocible disturbance effecte: {we aotuze the vane valuea ae sore near dy Correct we rould conelufe that 3.5/0 Rp 6 ft, working load to be eva Iuated free sottloaont saloulations, @) check etilazante of structure, oar aoe Neon curvan of dovalopseat of ration ‘of nase and ace resistence (apua Mritaxer & Cooke, 1966) With regard to tho use of the results of the outotanding publications above suama= ied, sone contoate say ecour to aid the gh engineer's Sudgoent. Tho inter proved ineroase of anart adnooson with. Hine (Whitaker and Cooke 1966, Pig. 17) ‘ay be eubject to aloure, daopite. the og. tine voale, vecaues of a Iask of Sa Forcetion on eetinated tiniting value Pig. 2} herewith precunted purporse 0 Incorporate estiattes of the lowest 24ait~ ing value of’ about 820.29) and the upper *1 TIM _T Ilaaateseh! 1 fe oH tana cori : aT el 2] | Seen) al iff 1 ELTA S aati ape, *| uj | Zi. tit Cl Pig. 23 Ineruase of frictional reoietance with Sine shows ty testo on anchor pileo ‘(CApud Mhstaker & Cooke, 1956) Limiting value of about A = 0.7 ae ausgeot- fo by Skoxpton 1939." 49 @ eonsequenoe oi ‘hor a curve aight be sugsested, or @ Gouble etruigst=line relntionship be cain ‘thine’. Horeover, it 40 not understood wy. faccording to the authore' Pig. 31 (100.039) ori reprosicea nn Pig. 24, et moauured snare etrein tho sano shaft 2 (0F B foctora) developed ty without enlarged tases would result about 25% lower than for she piles with enlarged Lavoe. "Would stntistical dieparaions oF exscutton offecto cover the aifterence! Gustitying tho use of the nena ourve? Pinaliy, as regarde tho importance ef sott ‘uont of'tho base, it appeare moet. \sofil fo exploy the nonadinensionel plot (Burland ot als, Fige 6 nd 7), heronith reprofuced fs Fig. 25, to ostinato tho immediate aettle Bento, Quoting theat "Zhe results of plat “loading testa carried ouat varsoun dopths at ooveral sites sndionto that there exists 4 wique son-dimensional relationship be ‘troon load and settlenaut for a wide range of depthe ot a given otto, Tho rolationent ie nearly Iinecs up to onowthira of the wltiaate load and may bo written fe/o = = E(C/e4).. Valuoo of K have basa found +0 lle principally between 0.01 and 0.02 fer London Clay. hon plotted in Son-dimeneions) fore the reuse of

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