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Instructions: You must show all work and use explanations. An answer without any work or explanation
will be considered wrong. If you have any questions about how much work/explanations are required, please
ask before turning in your worksheet.

Questions Points Score

1 1.5

2 1.5

3 2

Total 5


Problem 1: (1.5 points) Give an example, if possible, of the following. Explain your answers.

(a) (0.5 points) A sequence which is convergent and bounded.

(b) (0.5 points) A sequence which is divergent and bounded.

(c) (0.5 points) A sequence which is divergent and unbounded.

Problem 2: (1.5 points) Prove that a convergent sequences must be bounded.

Problem 3: (2 points) Suppose every neighborhood of p contains all but finitely many pn . Prove that
pn p.

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