7447 E Instrumentation Technology UniTrain Short

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Table of Contents 1
Process Control 2
Instrumentation technology (UniTrain) 2

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Process Control

Instrumentation technology (UniTrain)

Instrumentation technology (UniTrain)

The measurement of analog, non-electrical variables is of critical importance and is basic to all areas of
automation engineering. After all, it is the detection of the physical variable and its conversion into electrical
signals which makes the automatic control of a system possible in the first place.

UniTrain-I multimedia courses in instrumentation technology employ numerous experiments and animations to
convey comprehensive knowledge of the measurement of electrical and non-electrical variables. Students taking
the course will be familiarised with various methods and sensors used to measure the relevant physical effects
and the typical analogue and digital electronic circuits used to process the signals recorded. The experiments
introduce many applications in detail and study the properties thereof. Characteristics are recorded and the
limitations of individual measuring processes are demonstrated.

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List of articles:

Pos. Product name Bestell-Nr. Anz.

1 Course - Measurement technology 1: Electric values V/I/P/cos-phi/f SO4204-8A 1

2 Course - Measurement technology 2: Non-electric values T/P/F SO4204-8B 1

3 Course - Measurement technology 3: Non-electric values SO4204-8C 1


4 Course - Measurement technology 4: RLC measurement SO4204-8D 1

Additionally required:

Pos. Product name Bestell-Nr. Anz.

5 UniTrain Interface with virtual instruments (basic VI) CO4203-2A 1

6 UniTrain Experimenter CO4203-2B 2

7 UniTrain-I measurement accessories, shunts and connection SO4203-2J 1


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Additionally recommended

Pos. Product name Bestell-Nr. Anz.

8 Multi13S digital multimeter LM2330 1

9 UniTrain storage case for one system CO4203-2Y 1

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