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I ENGLISH LANGUAGE I One day as he was relishing the
bowl of rice he had just received
coins in exact forthe fiverice grains.
If only I had given my entire bowl.
from a humble home. he heard that thought Raman. I would have had
Directions (1-10) : Read the Rani Matsya was to pass from the a sack full of gold.
followingpassage carefully and an- veryplace he was standing. Her gen-
swer=the questions given below it. 1. According to the passage,
erosity had reached his ears and he which of the followingis defi-
Certain words/phrases are given in knew if he pulled a long face and
bold to help you locate them while nitely true about Rani Matsya?
showed how poor he was. she would (A)She was beautiful
answering some of the questions. hand him a bag full of gold coins-
King Hutamasan felt he had enough for the rest of his life. (B)She was intelligent
everything in the world not only due enough to buy foodand supplies for (C)She was kind
to his riches and his noble knights, his family.Hethought he could keep (1) Only (A)
but because ofhis beautiful Queen. some coins for himself and only re- (2)Only (B)
Rani Matsya. The rays of the sun veal a fewto his wife. so he can ful- (3)Only (C)
were put to shame with the irides- fll his own wishes. (4)Only (A)and (C)
cent light that Matsya tllumtnated, He ran to the chariot ofthe Rani
with her beauty and brains. At the (5)Allthe three (A),(B)and (C
and begged her soldiers to allowhim 2. What does the phrase 'pulled
right hand of the king she was to speak to the queen. Listening to
known to sit and aid him in all his a long face', as used in the pas
the arguments outside Rani Matsya sage mean?
judicial probes. You could not es- opened the curtains of her chariot
cape her deep-set eyes when you (a) Scratched his face
and asked Raman what he wanted.
committed a crime as she always Raman went on his knees and (b) Lookedvery sorrowful
knew the victim and the culprit. Her praised the queen. HIhave heard you (c) Disguised himself
generosity preceded her reputation are most generous and most chaste. (4)Put on makeup
in the kingdom and her hands were show this beggar some charity. Rani (5)None of these
always full to give. People in. the narrowed her brows and asked Ra- 3. What can possibly be the mor
kingdom revered her because ifshe man what he could give her in re- al of the story?
passed by. she always gave to the turn. Surprised by such a question. (1) Do onto others as you
compassionate and poor. Far away Raman looked at his bowl full of
from the kingly palace lived a man would want others to do to
rice. With spite in him he just picked you.
named Raman. with only ends to up a fewgrains ofrice and gave it to
his poverty and no means to rectify (2)Patience is a virtue.
her. Rani Matsya counted the five (3)Winningis not everything,it
it. Raman was wrecked with pover- grains and looked at his bowl full
ty as he had lost all his land to the is the journey that counts
of rice and said. you shall be given .
landlord. His age enabled him little what is due to you. Saying this. the (4)Change is the only constant
towards manual labour and so beg- chariot galloped away. Raman thing in life.
ging was the only alternative to sal- abused her under his breath. This (5)Teamwork is more we and
vage his wife and children. Every he never thought would happen. less me
morning he went door to door for How could she ask him for some- 4. Why was begging the. only op-
some work. food and money. The thing in return when she had not tion for Raman to get food?
kindness of people always got him given him anything? Irritated with (1)Raman belonged to a fami-
enough to take home. But Raman anger he stormed home and gavehis ly ofbeggars.
was a little self-centred. His world wife the bowl of rice. Just then he (2)Beggingwas the easiest way
began with him first. followedby his saw a sack at the entrance. His wife
familyand the rest. So he would eat for him to obtain food.
said some men had come and kept (3)Raman's family had forced
and drink to his delight and return it there. He opened it to find it full
home with whatever he found ex- him to beg.
of rice. He put his hand inside and (4)He had lost all his property
cess. This routine followed and he caught hold of a hard metal only to
never let anyone discover his inter- and was too old to do man-
discover it was a gold coin. Elated ual work.
ests as he always put on a I.oDI face he upturned the sack to find fiv~gold
when he reached home. (5)None of these

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