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Sulinet Digitlis Nyelvi Tananyagbank (www.sulinet.


rettsgi elkszt feladatlap 3.

Emelt szint Szvegrts Szvegkiegszts 1.

Fill in the gaps from the list below and write the letters in the boxes under the numbers.
There is an extra letter you do not need. The first one has been done for you.

Because of their _____________________ (0) adolescents are no longer treated like

children. The expectations adults and peers have of them change and their behavior
changes. Thus the _____________________ (1) in which they live changes in important
ways. One of the most obvious social changes is the beginning of serious interest in and
interactions with teens of the _____________________ (2). They have to learn
_____________________ (3) that go along with these relationships. They also experience a
change in how adults treat them and talk to them, which is often in a
_____________________ (4). They are also seeking more independence. They are given
more privileges that were reserved for adults _____________________ (5). However, they
may feel they should have even more privileges and these may become
_____________________ (6) for parents and teens. In many cases parents may
_____________________ (7) the perception that teens want more freedom but not the
responsibility that comes with it.

A) to handle emotions and behavior

B) social world
C) physical and mental growth
D) opposite sex
E) discipline problems
F) areas of conflict
G) feel frustrated with
H) more adult manner
I) like driving or working

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Key to Use of English:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


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