SCI 207 Complete Class

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SCI 207 Complete Class

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SOC 305 Crime and Society Course Material

Week 1 to 5 Ashford
SOC 305 (Crime & Society)
Week 1
Week 1 DQ 1 Moral Panic

After viewing the video, Gender & Crime,

please address each of the following
1.Is crime normal in a society?
2.What is the purpose of crime and
3.How much crime is enough, and how
would this be measured?
4.How is crime defined?
5.What problems are defined as worthy of
social control?
6.What is the influence of the media?

Week 1 DQ 2 Race and Death

This discussion focuses on topics addressed
in several chapters of your text the death
penalty and discrimination. Although first
discussed in Chapter 2, the death penalty is
also discussed in Chapter 4. Rather than
thinking in rigid terms about reading
assignments, please use your textbook as a
resource. After reading the text and watching
the video, Injustice for Blacks in Alabama,
respond to each of the following questions:
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in
length. Support your claims with examples
from the required material(s) and/or other
scholarly resources, and properly cite any
references. Respond to at least two of your
classmates posts by Day 7.
1.What do you think best explains high
incarceration rates for Blacks compared to
their percent of the general population?
2.What do you think explains high
incarceration rates for Blacks on death
3.Is institutionalized racism to blame for
these disparate rates? Please explain.
4.Are genuinely high rates of Black crime to
blame? Why or why not?
5.What other factors explain the high
incarceration rates for Black men?
6.How can this problem be solved?
Week 1 Assignment:
Week 1 Quiz 10 MCQs
Week 2

Week 2 DQ 1 Legal
Representation and Social

After listening to the interview with Stephen B.

Bright, The quality of a legal defense: Does it
matter if youre rich or poor?, please respond
to the following:
1.How does geographic location play a role
in the quality of representation provided by
the public defender?
2.How does the overburdened public defense
system in many areas contribute to issues
of wrongful conviction?
3.Contrast the legal representation described
by Bright to the level of representation
available to white-collar, corporate, and
environmental crimes.
4.This discussion highlights two issues
wrongful conviction and the overburdened
public defender system. How can these
problems be solved?

Week 2 DQ 2 The War on


After reading this weeks required text, please

respond to the following:
1.In your opinion, what have been among the
main outcomes of the War on Drugs?
2.How close has it come to its original goals
of reducing drug use and punishing drug
3.How has this war impacted
African-American males?
4.How has this war impacted immigration
5.How will this war end?
Week 2 Assignments:
Final Paper Preprations Overcrowding in
Correctional institutions (1350+ Words)
Week 2 Quiz 10 MCQs
Week 3

Week 3 DQ 1 Child or Adult?

Determining whether to try a

child in the juvenile or the
criminal justice system will
have an impact on every step
of his or her experience.
Although the exact laws and
practices of the systems vary
from state to state, broad
underlying beliefs
differentiate the two systems.
While the juvenile system is
often thought to be more
lenient in its punishments,
there are often stricter
regulations throughout the
process. In the juvenile
system a child may not have a
right to a jury trial or bail.
Juvenile records are not open
to public access like criminal
records and parole is very
different between the two
systems. When the child in
question is considered a
child, the courts act as more
of a parent attempting to
punish but also protect.
Week 3 DQ 2 Relationships in

Womens relationships in prison commonly

fulfill an emotional need. They are different
from mens sexual relationships in prison in
that they are less likely to involve coercion or
be motivated by power and status grabs. In
addition to romantic relationships, female
inmates are also likely to form prison families
with roles that mimic mothers, sisters, and
even grandmothers. For many inmates, their
prison family is the first positive female role
modeling they have encountered.
Ashford SOC 305 Week 3 (Myths and Reality of
Crime). 900+ Words
Week 3 Quiz 10 MCQs
Week 4

Week 4 DQ 1 Honor Killings

After reading the articles, Are honor killings

simply domestic violence? and Honour
crimes are domestic abuse, plain and simple,
please respond to each of the following
1.Are honor killings simply domestic
2.What similarities do honor killings have
with other forms of interpersonal crime?
What differences do they exhibit?

In your opinion, what is the

best way for the criminal
justice system to treat and
respond to honor killings?
Week 4 DQ 2 Hate Groups and
Hate Crime

Please view the video, Inside USA Rise of

hate, Part 1, or read the article, Number of U.S.
hate groups is rising, report says, in
preparation for this discussion.
Were you aware of the number and range of
recognized hate groups in these states? This
video helps us learn about hate groups in the
United States. In addition, please visit
the Teaching Tolerance website and view
the Hate Map. Please review the maps for the
state in which you live, or a state of your
choice. Respond to each of the following
Week 4 Assignment: Week 4 Quiz 10 MCQs
Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1 School

As we learn in the readings, media reports of

school crime tend to create misconceptions of
a danger that is actually quite small for the
overwhelming majority of school users. In fact,
given the number of students, teachers, and
other personnel in schools on any given day, it
is quite astounding how few violent episodes
there are. To track violence in schools, read
the US Department of Justice and US
Department of Education report, Indicators of
School Crime and Safety: 2011. After reading
the report, please address each of the
1.Refer to a specific statistic found on the
site, with proper citation. Tell us why this
statistic surprised you, confirmed your
belief, etc.
2.In 81% of violent, targeted school attacks,
at least one person knew someone was
conceiving of or planning an attack. In
most cases no one came forward with this
information. Why do you think this is?
3.What are some significant differences
between on-campus crime and crime in the
general population?
4.Discuss the challenged inherent in
preventing school and workplace violence.

Week 5 DQ 2 Privatization

After reading the two articles addressing

privatization, Arizonas private prisons: A bad
bargain andThe case for privatizing
Californias prisons, respond to each of the
following questions:
1.In your opinion, what groups of people
benefit most when the prison system is
capitalized? What groups or people benefit
2.In your informed opinion, are private
prisons a bargain? Why or why not? Has
the general public reached the same
conclusion? Why or why not?
3.Has your opinion about private prisons
changed as a result of this research?
4.What problems come with privatizing
traditional government services like
incarceration, military work, or policing?
What benefits?
5.What do for-profit prisons say about
societys expectations of incarceration and
criminal activity? What do they say about
societys opinion of inmates?

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