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Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - How to use this listicle

1. Read the definitions of types of international agreements very carefully from the Definitions sheet
2. Go over to the Listicle sheet and carefully browse through the important IR pacts signed in the last few years
3. This table below gives you a sneak peak at how the spread has been across types * categories
We have covered 53 pacts and that's a power packed tool for all of you guys

Type Category # Relevant for Prelims

Charter E&B 1
Conventions Diplomacy 1
E&B 10
Economy 1
Society 1
Declaration Connectivity 1
Diplomacy 1
Disaster Management 2
E&B 4
Health 1
Social 1
Society 1
Protocol E&B 2
Summit/ Conference Diplomacy 7
E&B 7
Economy 6
International 1
Polity 1
Treaty E&B 3
Social 1

Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - Definitions

Filter Definition Example Note4students

For example Beijing Declaration reaffirms commitment to equal rights
and inherent human dignity of women and men and other purposes and
principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, to the
A declaration means a formal statement, proclamation, or announcement
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human
embodied in an instrument. For example, declaration of dividend, declaration of
Declaration rights instruments, in particular the Convention on the Elimination of All
intention and declaration of trust. In international law, it refers to stipulations within
Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the
a treaty according to which the parties agree to conduct their actions
Rights of the Child, as well as the Declaration on the Elimination of
Violence against Women and the Declaration on the Right to

Difference Between Protocol and Convention

A convention is the framework in which the parties decide the basic
Protocol is commonly described as a set of international courtesy rules. These well-
guidelines and will not go into details of everything..
established and time-honored rules have made it easier for nations and people to
A protocol to the convention is where the parties set specific aims
Protocol live and work together. Part of protocol has always been the acknowledgment of
or legal obligations etc..
the hierarchical standing of all present. Protocol rules are based on the principles of
For example Vienna Convention doesn't mention any obligations or
% reduction in ODS in specific numbers.. these are dealt with in
Montreal Protocol..

Difference Between Summit and Conference

Agra Summit where India and Pakistan discussed all Bilateral disputes. A conference is a formal gathering of delegates with common
Summit/ A summit meeting is a meeting of heads of state or government, usually with A summit will always involve Government institutions while a interest within the company, private and / or governmental
Conference considerable media exposure, tight security, and a prearranged agenda. conference can involve Government as well as private indivisuals institution. While summit is an pre-scheduled meeting/s of
Example International corporate Governance Conference diplomats and heads of government coming from different

Difference between a convention and a treaty:

Conventions are passed when several countries come together to discuss any UNCLOS laid down general principles of law related to sea. 5 countries Conventions are usually passed by International Community
Conventions particular issue. Conventions usually lay down general principles of International might come together and enter into a treaty to demarcate law coming together and passing a law and this law may or may not be
law. boundaries amongst them and respecting them. binding. Treaties if ratified are binding upon parties. Treaties might
not make law.

The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia is a peace

It is an international agreement signed between two or more nations regarding
Treaty treaty among Southeast Asian countries established by the founding
specific or general subjects. Bilateral/ Multilateral
members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Charters are usually ones which are made in order to form an institution or
committee. They're the guiding rules and regulations for the functioning of that
Charter UN Charter, ICJ Charter
institute and also might lay down certain limitations for outsiders or participating

All the 'Acts' are statutes of the country and the provisions laid under it
Statue A statute is a law passed by a legislature
formulate 'statutory law'

Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - Declarations, Conventions Listicle

Name Type Category Year (wr. Note4students Place Brief Intro Objective Key Terms/ Institutions spinoffs India specific trivia
- The Convention was adopted in the Iranian
city of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force in
1975 after UNESCO, the Conventions
depositary received the instruments of
The Montreux Record - a register of wetland sites on
accession from the countries. An intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and India currently has 26 sites designated
the List of Wetlands of International Importance where
RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands Conventions E&B 1971 Medium Ramasar - The RAMSAR Secretariat is based at the international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and as Wetlands of International
changes in ecological character are of concern. It is
headquarters of the International Union for the their resources. Importance (Ramsar Sites)
maintained as part of the Ramsar List.
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Gland,
- World Wetlands Day is celebrated on
February 2nd.
The Convention recognizes the way in which
people interact with nature, and the The Convention defines the kind of natural or cultural sites which can be
The World Heritage Convention Conventions E&B 1972
fundamental need to preserve the balance considered for inscription on the World Heritage Listunder UNESCO
between the two.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Summit/ Stockholm Declaration contains 26 principles. These principles provide the basis
Stockholm Conference E&B 1972 Geneva has been established by the UNGA in pursuance of the
Conference of an International Policy for the Protection and improvement of the environment.
Stockholm Conference.
1.It is a multilateral treaty drafted as a result of a
resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of members of
the International Union for Conservation of Nature
To ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does The Government of India signed the
CITES Conventions E&B 1973 High Washington not threaten the survival of the species in the wild, and it accords varying degrees Convention in July 1976, which was
2.Although CITES is legally binding on the Parties in
of protection to more than 35,000 species of animals and plants. ratified in October 1976
other words they have to implement the Convention it
does not take the place of national laws.

1.It was adopted on 12 September 1997. It can

enter into force after ratification by at least 5
countries having minimum of 400,000 units of
installed nuclear capacity.
India has ratified Convention on
2.It provides a uniform framework for
Supplementary Compensation for
channelling liability and providing speedy
Nuclear Damage (CSC), 1997 which
compensation after the nuclear accident.
Seeks to establish a uniform global legal regime for compensation to victims in It has been framed in consistent with the principles of sets parameters on a nuclear operator
Convention on Supplementary Seeks to encourage regional and global co-
the unlikely event of a nuclear accident. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear s financial liability. In this regard, India
Compensation for Nuclear Damage Conventions E&B 1997 High operation to promote a higher level of nuclear
Damage (1963) and the Paris Convention on Third has submitted the Instrument of
(CSC) safety in accordance with the principles of
l Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy (1960). Ratification of the CSC to the
international partnership and solidarity.
International Atomic Energy Agency
3.All states are free to participate in it
(IAEA) and shall come into force after
regardless of their presence of nuclear
90 days i.e May 2016.
installations on their territories or involvement
in existing nuclear liability conventions.

The Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) is a world

summit, aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism
around the globe. The first summit was held in
Washington, D.C., United States, on April 12
Summit/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Nuclear security summit International 2010 Medium Washington 13, 2010. The second summit was held in Aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism around the globe.
Conference attended the NSS 2016 in Washington
Seoul, South Korea, in 2012. The third summit
was held in The Hague, Netherlands, on March
2425, 2014. The fourth summit was held in
Washington, D.C. on March 31April 1, 2016
1.Ashgabat Agreement, is an international
Indian government on March 23, 2016
transport and transit corridor facilitating
has requested approval for acceding
transportation of goods between Central Asia
to the agreement. Indias intention to
and the Persian Gulf.
The objective of this agreement is to enhance connectivity within Eurasian region accede to the Ashgabat Agreement
2.The transit agreement provides for a transit
Ashgabat Agreement Declaration Connectivity 2011 High Ashgabat and synchronize it with other transport corridors within that region including the would now be conveyed to the
corridor across Central Asia and the Middle
International NorthSouth Transport Corridor (INSTC). Depository State (Turkmenistan). India
East through the continuous landmass
would become party to the Agreement
between Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
upon consent of the founding
Turkmenistan and Iran before reaching the
Persian Gulf and into Oman.
The Conference on Interaction and
Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA)
is an inter-governmental forum for enhancing
The Conference on Interaction and
Summit/ cooperation towards promoting peace,
Confidence-Building Measures in Asia Economy 1999 Low Almaty enhancing cooperation towards promoting peace, security and stability in Asia India is a member of CICA
Conference security and stability in Asia. It is a forum
based on the recognition that there is close
link between peace, security and stability in
Asia and in the rest of the world.
It called disaster risk reduction (DRR)
stakeholders to: (i) participate fully in the
consultations leading to the post-2015
Development Agenda and the post-2015 DRR
framework; (ii) integrate local level disaster
risk reduction and climate change adaptation
into national development planning; (iii)
support local risk assessment and financing;
(iv) strengthen local risk governance and
partnership; (v) build local community
resilience; (vi) identify accountability measures
Disaster It is a outcome of the Fifth Asian Ministerial
Yogyakarta declaration Declaration Medium Yogyakarta for more effective implementation of a post-
Management Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR)
2015 DRR framework, political commitment to
deliver at all levels, awareness, education and
public access to information; (vii) build and
sustain capacities and legal mandates of
national and local governments and the private
sector to integrate DRR in land use planning
and building disaster-resistant infrastructure;
and (viii) implement cross-cutting issues, such
as socio-economic vulnerability and exposure,
gender, disability and age capacities and
cultural diversity.
The Beijing Declaration and Platform for
Action (BPfA) is an international declaration of
womens rights set up at the UNs landmark
Fourth World Conference on Women, held in
Beijing in 1995. The BPfA covers 12 key It was the outcome of The Fourth World Conference on
Beijing declaration Declaration Social 1995 Medium Beijing critical matters of concern and areas for action gender equality and the empowerment of all women, everywhere. Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace
including women and poverty, violence against convened by UN
women and access to power and decision-
making. It was supported by 189 countries,
including the UK, at the 1995 World

Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - Declarations, Conventions Listicle

The World Health Organization Framework

The FCTC established two principal bodies to oversee
Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC)
To protect present and future generations from the devastating health, social, the functioning of the treaty: the Conference of the
The World Health Organization is a treaty adopted by the 56th World Health India has hosted 7th Framework
Summit/ environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and parties and the permanent Secretariat. In addition, there
Framework Convention on Tobacco Economy 2005 Medium Geneva Assembly held in Geneva,Switzerland on 21 Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO
Conference exposure to tobacco smoke" by enacting a set of universal standards stating the are over 50 different intergovernmental and
Control (WHO FCTC) May 2003. It became the first World Health FCTC)
dangers of tobacco and limiting its use in all forms worldwide. nongovernmental organizations who are official
Organization treaty adopted under article 19 of
observers to the Conference of the Parties
the WHO constitution.
The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal bloc of
industrialized democraciesCanada, France,
Russia belonged to the forum from 1998 through
Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and
Summit/ To discuss issues such as global economic governance, international security, 2014then the Group of Eight (G8)but was
G-7 Economy 1975 High the United Statesthat meets annually to
Conference and energy policy. suspended after its annexation of Crimea in March of
discuss issues such as global economic
that year.
governance, international security, and energy
1.It was started in 1999 as a meeting of
Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors in the aftermath of the Southeast
Asian (Tiger economies) financial crisis.
2.The Group of Twenty (G20) is the premier
forum for its members international economic
cooperation and decision-making. It is
deliberating forum for the governments and
central bank governors from 20 major
economies on economic issues and other
important development challenges.
3.In 2008, the first G20 Leaders Summit was
Summit/ held in Washington DC, US. The group had It was established for studying, reviewing, and promoting high-level discussion of
G-20 Economy 2008 High India is a founding member of G-20
Conference played a key role in responding to the global policy issues pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability.
financial crisis. It comprises total 19 countries
plus the European Union (EU), representing
85% of global GDP, 80% of international trade,
65% of worlds population. Its members
include Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada,
China, India, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy,
Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia,
Russia, Turkey, South Africa, UK, US and EU.
4.The 2016 summit was held in Hangzhou

1.It is a comprehensive international

agreement in harmony with the Convention on
Biological Diversity, which aims at
guaranteeing food security through the
conservation, exchange and sustainable use
of the world's plant genetic resources for food
and agriculture (PGRFA), as well as the fair
and equitable benefit sharing arising from its
use. conservation and sustainable use of all plant genetic resources for food and
The International Treaty on Plant India has signed the International
2.It also recognises Farmers' Rights, subject to agriculture and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their .It is a comprehensive international agreement in
Genetic Resources for Food and Treaty E&B 2001 Medium Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for
national laws to: a) the protection of traditional use, in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity, for sustainable harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity
Agriculture (IT PGRFA) Food and Agriculture.
knowledge relevant to plant genetic resources agriculture and food security.
for food and agriculture; b) the right to
equitably participate in sharing benefits arising
from the utilisation of plant genetic resources
for food and agriculture; and c) the right to
participate in making decisions, at the national
level, on matters related to the conservation
and sustainable use of plant genetic resources
for food and agriculture.
1.The treaty requires signatories to introduce
national law provisions that facilitates the
availability of published works in formats like
Braille that are accessible to the blind and
allow their exchange across borders by
organizations working for the visually
2.The pact will help import of accessible
To create a set of mandatory limitations and exceptions for the benefit of the
Marrakesh treaty Treaty Social High format copies from the member countries by
blind, visually impaired and otherwise print disabled (VIPs).
the Indian authorized entities such as
educational institutions, libraries and other
institutions working for the welfare of the
visually impaired.
3.The treaty will also ease translation of
imported accessible format copies and export
of accessible format copies in Indian
Officials from WHO, the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation, the world's 13 leading
The London Declaration on Neglected Tropical
pharmaceutical companies, and government
Diseases is a collaborative disease eradication It was inspired by the World Health Organization 2020 roadmap to eradicate or
London Declaration Declaration Health 2012 Medium London representatives from US, UK, United Arab Emirate,
programme launched on 30 January 2012 in negate transmission for neglected tropical diseases.
Bangladesh, Brazil, Mozambique and Tanzania
participated in a joint meeting at the Royal College of
Physicians to launch this project.
1.The Declaration outlines a number of rights and freedoms pertaining to LGBT
The Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay,
and intersex people that it is proposed be universally guaranteed.
Bisexual, and Transgender Human Rights is a
2.It encompasses all aspects of human rights, from the guarantee of
document adopted in Montreal, Quebec,
Declaration of Montreal Declaration Society 2006 Low Montreal fundamental freedoms to the prevention of discrimination against LGBT people International Conference on LGBT Human Rights
Canada, on July 29, 2006, by the International
in healthcare, education and immigration. The Declaration also addresses various
Conference on LGBT Human Rights which
issues that impinge on the global promotion of LGBT rights and intersex human
formed part of the first World Outgames.
The Istanbul Convention is the first legally-
binding instrument which "creates a
comprehensive legal framework and approach
The convention aims at prevention of violence, victim protection and "to end with Only European countries have signed
Istanbul Convention Conventions Society Medium 2011 Istanbul to combat violence against women" and is The Council of Europe
the impunity of perpetrators this convention
focussed on preventing domestic violence,
protecting victims and prosecuting accused

Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - Declarations, Conventions Listicle

. The Vienna Convention classifies diplomats according

to their posting in the embassy, consular or
1.It is a treaty that came into force in 1964 international organisations such as the UN. A nation
2.It lays out the rules and regulations for has only one embassy per foreign country, usually in
diplomatic relations between countries as well the capital, but may have multiple consulate offices, It has been ratified by 187 countries,
vienna convention on diplomatic as the various privileges that diplomats and generally in locations where many of its citizens live or including India.Was in news because
Conventions Diplomacy High 1961 Vienna i t
relations diplomatic missions enjoy. visit. Diplomats posted in an embassy get immunity, of Devyani Khobragade and Italian
3.One of these privileges is legal immunity for along with his or her family members. While diplomats Marine issue
diplomats so that they dont have to face posted in consulates too get immunity, they can be
prosecution as per their host countrys laws. prosecuted in case of serious crimes, that is, when a
warrant is issued. Besides, their families dont share
that immunity.
Though these countries are relatively
small in land area and distant from
India, many have large exclusive
1.The Forum for IndiaPacific Islands economic zones (EEZs), and offer
Cooperation (FIPIC) was launched during promising possibilities for fruitful
Hon'ble Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi's cooperation.
visit to Fiji in November 2014.
2.FIPIC includes 14 of the island countries India's focus has largely been on the
Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Indian Ocean where it has sought to
Summit/ Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New play a major role and protect its
Jaipur Summit Diplomacy Medium 2015 Jaipur Increase Cooperation Between India and 14 Pacific Countries
Conference Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, strategic and commercial interests.
Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. The FIPIC initiative marks a serious
3. The second summit of the Forum for India effort to expand India's engagement in
Pacific Cooperation (FIPIC-2) in Jaipur on 21- the Pacific region.
22 August 2015 has made significant progress
in strengthening India's engagement with the At this moment, total annual trade of
14 Pacific Island countries. about $300 million between the Indian
and Pacific Island countries, where as
exports are around $200 million and
imports are around $100 million.
Key Highlights of the conference
Manama Declaration: Both sides also
issued a joint statement called the
Manama Declaration.
Terrorism: The two sides condemned
terrorism in all its forms and
manifestations and rejected
associating it with any religion. They
The first Ministerial Meeting of Arab-India vowed to combat terrorism and called
Cooperation Forum was held Manama, capital for developing a collective strategy to
The forum seeks to provide platform for Indias bid to reach out to West Asian
Summit/ city of Bahrain. The meeting was inaugurated eliminate its sources and its funding.
India Arab Ministerial Conference Diplomacy Medium 2016 Manama nations (22 Arab League nations) to further strengthen the economic, trade and
Conference by Bahrains Foreign Minister Khalid bin Islamic State: Strongly condemned
financial cooperation.
Ahmed Al Khalifa and was attended by crimes committed by all terror
representatives of 22 Arab League nations. organisations, especially those
committed by the IS. Both sides
affirmed their respect to the
independence, sovereignty, unity and
territorial integrity of Iraq and non-
interference in its internal affairs in
tackling with IS.

During the 4th conference following

decisions were taken
1.During the calendar year the Ministry
of Petroleum and Natural Gas plans to
mount composite delegations
comprising upstream, downstream
The India-Africa Hydrocarbons Conference
and EPC service providers from both
was conceptualised in 2007. The objective of
public and private sector to countries
the Conference is to
where potential for future co-operation
1.foster bilateral trade relations in the
is assessed.
4thINDIA-AFRICA HYDROCARBONS Summit/ hydrocarbons sector
Economy 2016 Medium New Delhi Boost India Africa energy relations Held under the aegis of India Africa Forum summit 2.250 fully funded scholarships for
CONFERENCE (IAHC) Conference 2.understand policy and regulatory
African nationals for technical and
professional courses in the
3.offer opportunities for strategic partnerships
Hydrocarbons sector in Indian
in upstream and downstream sectors of the
two regions
3.It was also agreed to provide
facilitating framework, wherever
required, for public and private sector
companies of India and the African
countries to undertake oil and gas

The NPT is a landmark international treaty

whose objective is to prevent the spread of
nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to
promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of India has not signed the treaty as India
nuclear energy and to further the goal of argues that the NPT creates a club of
achieving nuclear disarmament and general "nuclear haves" and a larger group of
and complete disarmament. The Treaty To prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote "nuclear have-nots" by restricting the
NPT Treaty E&B 1970 High represents the only binding commitment in a cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of legal possession of nuclear weapons
multilateral treaty to the goal of disarmament achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. to those states that tested them
by the nuclear-weapon States. Opened for before 1967, but the treaty never
signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force explains on what ethical grounds such
in 1970. a distinction is valid.

The treaty thus awaits signature and

ratification from India, Pakistan, and
North Korea and in addition requires
the United States, China, Israel, Iran
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
and Egypt (which have already signed)
(CTBT) is a multilateral treaty that bans all
to formally ratify it.
nuclear explosions, for both civilian and
Even though it is yet to sign the CTBT,
military purposes, in all environments. It was
CTBT Treaty E&B 1996 High Nuclear weopan free world India has supported the treatys basic
adopted by the United Nations General
principle of banning nuclear
Assembly on 10 September 1996 but has not
explosions by declaring a unilateral
entered into force as eight specific states have
moratorium on nuclear testing. Indias
not ratified the treaty.
expressed support to the essential
requirement of the treaty makes it a de
facto member of the CTBT.

Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - Declarations, Conventions Listicle

It was established in 1989 in order to leverage the

growing interdependence of Asia-Pacific regions
economies and promote free trade in the region.
APEC is regional economic forum of 21 Pacific Headquarters: Singapore. 21 Members Economies:
India is observer of APEC since 2011
Rim member economies that promotes free Australia, Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, South
Summit/ and has applied for membership.
APEC summit(2016) Diplomacy 2016 High Peru trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Promote free trade in Asia-Pacific region Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand, United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China,
Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Peru, Russian and

The East Asia Summit (EAS) is a forum held

annually by leaders of, initially, 16 countries in
It is formed to promote the objectives of regional peace, security, and prosperity.
Summit/ the East Asian, Southeast Asian and South India is a founding member of the East
East Asian Summit Diplomacy 2016 High Laos It has played an indicative role in the strategic, geopolitical and economic
Conference Asian regions. Membership expanded to 18 Asia Summit.
evolution of East Asia.
countries including the United States and
Russia at the Sixth EAS in 2011.
While the Secretary General of the United Nations
receives instruments of ratification and accession and
The United Nations Convention on the Law of
the UN provides support for meetings of states party to
the Sea (UNCLOS), also called the Law of the
the Convention, the UN has no direct operational role in India became a signatory to the
Sea Convention or the Law of the Sea treaty, is The Law of the Sea Convention defines the rights and responsibilities of nations
UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON the implementation of the Convention. There is, UNCLOS in 1982 and has had
Conventions Economy 1994 High the international agreement that resulted from with respect to their use of the worlds oceans, establishing guidelines for
THE LAW OF THE SEA (UNCLOS) however, a role played by organizations such as the continuous representation in CLCS,
the third United Nations Conference on the businesses, the environment, and the management of marine natural resources.
International Maritime Organization, the International ITLOS and the International Seabed .
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III), which took place
Whaling Commission, and the International Seabed
between 1973 and 1982.
Authority (ISB). (The ISB was established by the UN
1.Under the provisions of the Minamata Convention,
developed under United Nations sponsorship,
governments have agreed on a range of mercury-
containing products whose production, import and
export will be banned by 2020.
2.It also seeks to decrease the discharge of mercury
into the air, water and land, to promote proper storage
and disposal of mercury, as well as reduce the use and
The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an discharge of mercury in the process of gold mining in
international treaty designed to protect human To protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of developing countries.
Minmata Convention Conventions E&B 2013 High Minmata India signed Minmata convention in 2014
health and the environment from mercury. 3.The pact, which is expected to take effect in 2016 at
anthropogenic emissions the earliest, also calls for a ban by 2018 on the use of
mercury to produce acetaldehyde, which was the
cause of Minamata disease.
4.It will also provide financial aid through a fund to
developing countries to assist their efforts to cut
mercury emissions, but does not refer to issues such
as compensation for victims and who should be
obliged to restore mercury-contaminated
to protect workers who are exposed during the course of their work to C6H6, also Convention was created by the International Labor
Benzene Convention Conventions E&B 1973 Medium India has ratified benzene Convention
known as Benzene, a recognized carcinogen. Organization.
Conference of Quadrilateral Coordination
Group (QCG) on Afghan Peace and
Reconciliation process was held in Islamabad
on 11 January 2016. The purpose of the
conference was to explore ways to create
The four-nation group was set up in 2015 to expedite the process of
consensus for talks between the Taliban and
Conference of QCG on Afghan Peace Summit/ reconciliation in the war-torn country after decades of bloodshed. The first round India is not a member of conference of
Diplomacy 2015 High Islamabad Afghanistan's government.
and Reconciliation Conference was held in July 2015 but the process was suspended in the same month after QCG
The conference was participated
news of Taliban Chief Mullah Omar's death was announced.
representatives from Afghanistan, Pakistan,
China and the US. The group will again meet in
Kabul on 18 January 2016 to hold discussions
on a roadmap.

This is Indias first ever Maritime Summit and

the flagship event organised by Union Ministry
of Shipping.It was a global summit that
comprised of an Investors Summit along with The main focus of summit is to give impetus to Make In India and blue economy
exhibition and demo session. More than 50 under the Union Governments ambitious Sagarmala Project emphasising on
First Maritime summit Economy 2016 High Mumbai other maritime nations participated in the port-led development Organized by Union Ministry of Shopping

The organization's vision is to aid humanity at large, it aims to empower

The World Government Summit is a UAE-based
governments for the future with the ultimate objective of improving the lives of
international organization[ that serves as a
Summit/ seven billion people all around the world. The Summit acts as a knowledge
World Government Summit Polity 2016 Medium Dubai platform for global dialogue attempting to
Conference exchange hub between governments, futurism, technology and innovation. It was
revolutionize how governments operate and
created and incubated by a team of experts from different disciplines in an effort
how policies are made.
to bring government, business and civil society together.
The three day conference was attended by
high-level government representatives from all
13 tiger countries and resulted in a new
resolution that guides the next six years of
Hosted by the Global Tiger Forum (GTF) and National
Asian Ministerial Conference on Tiger Summit/ tiger conservation. These 13 TRCs are:
E&B 2016 High New Delhi Protect and Safegurad Tiger Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) on behalf of the
Conservation 2016 Conference Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India,
Government of India -
Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Nepal, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - Declarations, Conventions Listicle

Key Highlights of Goa Declaration

1.BRICS nations condemns terrorism in all its forms
and stressed that there can be no justification for such
acts. 2.International terrorism, especially the Islamic
State (IS) is an unprecedented threat to international
peace and security.
3.BRICS nations reaffirmed the commitment to
increase effectiveness of the UN counter terrorism
framework. Need for adaptation of Comprehensive
The eighth BRICS summit was held in Goa Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) in the UN
from 15 to 16 October 2016. The summit General Assembly. 4.Urgent need to reforms of the
Goa Decleration Declaration Diplomacy 2016 High Goa concluded with adaptation of Goa Declaration. United Nations, including UN Security Council, to
increase representation of developing countries.
Resolution of civil war in Syria, in accordance with the
legitimate aspirations of the people of Syria and
action against U.N.-designated terrorist groups like IS
and Jabhat al-Nusra. 5.All
nations must counter radicalism and block sources of
financing international terrorism, dismantling terrorist
bases and countering misuse of the Internet including
social media.

The ASEAN Summit is a semiannual meeting

held by the member of the Association of India is a full dialogue partner with
2017 ASEAN summit Diplomacy 2017 High Manila Southeast Asian Nations in relation to Close cooperation among ASEAN countries ASEAN.India has also signed FTA with
economic, and cultural development of ASEAN in both goods and services.
Southeast Asian countries
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a group The primary of objectives of the non-aligned countries focused on the support of India is the Founding member of NAM.
Summit/ of states that are not formally aligned with or self-determination, national independence and the sovereignty and territorial This Time Vice president Of India
NAM Summit 2016 Diplomacy 2016 Low Venezuela
Conference against any major power bloc. As of 2012, the integrity of States; opposition to apartheid; non-adherence to multilateral Hamid Ansari represented India In
movement has 120 members military pacts and the independence of non-aligned countries from great power NAM 2016
The Kigali Amendment amends the 1987
Montreal Protocol to
All signatory countries have been divided into three
now include gases responsible for global
groups with different timelines to go about reductions
warming and will be
binding on countries from 2019.
HFCs. This agreement shows a new form of grouping:
1.It also has provisions for penalties for non-
First group: It includes richest countries like US and
those in European Union (EU). They will freeze
2. It is considered absolutely vital for reaching
production and consumption of HFCs by 2018. They India is included in the third group i.e.
the Paris Agreement target of keeping global
Summit/ to reduce the emissions of category of greenhouse will reduce them to about 15% of 2012 levels by 2036. it has to freeze HFC use by 2028 and
Kigali Agreement E&B 2016 High Kigali temperature rise to
Conference gases (GHGs) which leads to hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) Second group: It includes countries like China, Brazil reduce it to about 15% of 2025 levels
below 2-degree Celsius compared to pre-
and all of Africa etc. They will freeze HFC use by 2024 by 2047
industrial times.
and cut it to 20% of 2021 levels by 2045.
3. Under it, developed countries will also
Third group: It includes countries India, Pakistan,
provide enhanced funding support estimated
Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc. They will be freezing
at billions of dollars
globally. The exact amount of additional
use by 2028 and reducing it to about 15% of 2025
funding from developed countries will be
levels by 2047
agreed at the next
Meeting of the Parties in Montreal in 2017.
1.In the latest 22nd CoP of the UNFCCC held at
Marrakesh, Morocco more than 190 countries
negotiated to
prepare the fine print for Paris deal. It sought
to make the rules that would help in the
Summit/ To
Marrakesh COP E&B 2016 High Marrakesh implementation of
Conference prepare the fine print for Paris deal.
the law i.e. Paris Agreement.
2.The countries have agreed to complete the
rule book by 2018 as the Agreement would
come into force from
WSDS has replaced TERIs earlier called Delhi
Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS).
The first DSDS was organised in 2005. It
underscored need for businesses and private
sector to take lead in poverty reduction and to
The aim of the summit is to provide various stakeholders a single platform in The summit was organised by The Energy and
ensure rapid and sustained adoption of
World sustainable Development Summit/ order to provide long-term solutions for the benefit of the global community. Resources Institute (TERI) with the theme Beyond
E&B 2017 high Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It had
summit Conference 2015: People, Planet and Progress.
brought together Nobel laureates, decision-
makers political leaders from around the world
to deliberate on issues related to sustainable

1.The first International Agrobiodiversity

Congress (IAC) held in New Delhi has adopted
New Delhi Declaration on Agrobiodiversity
2.In the declaration, 900 participants from 60
Delhi Decleration Declaration E&B 2016 Medium New Delhi
countries have urged researchers and policy-
makers to
strengthen and promote complementary
conservation strategies to conserve and use
It laid bare the common thread of challenges on
disaster issues faced by all the BRICS nations. These
(i)mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction,
(ii) use of advanced technology in providing early
A meeting of BRICS ministers on Disaster
Disaster Management was held in Udaypur, Rajasthan.
Udaypur Decleration Declaration 2016 Medium Udaypur (iii) need for adequate funding to deal with
Management It ended with the adoption of Udaypur
rehabilitation and reconstruction after a disaster
(iv)the impact of climate change on disasters
Member nations have resolved to set up a dedicated
Joint Task Force for Disaster Risk Management for
regular dialogue, exchange, mutual support and
1. Aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avianmigratory species throughout
The Convention has two appendices:
their range.
Appendix I lists migratory species that are classified as
2. The Convention facilitates adoption of strict protection measures for Marine Turtles, Siberian and Dugong
endangered and where urgent international cooperation
Convention on Migratory Species of endangered migratory species, the conclusion of multilateral agreements for the are a part of the conservation under
Conventions E&B 1979 is necessary to address the issue.
Wild Animals (Bonn Convention) conservation and management of migratory species, and co-operative research this convention which are related to
Appendix II lists other species that require or would
activities. India.
benefit significantly from international agreements
under the Convention.

Declarations, Conventions, Protocols | [CD Listicles] - Declarations, Conventions Listicle

1. It set out fundamental principles and objectives for conservation worldwide,

and identified priorities for national and international action.
World Conservation Strategy E&B 1975 2. It is considered one of the most influential documents in 20th century nature
conservation and one of the first official documents to introduce the concept of
sustainable development.
The Nairobi Declaration was adopted for The Declaration envisaged the creation of a special commission to frame long
Nairobi Declaration Declaration E&B 1982 Nairobi celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the term environment strategies for achieving sustainable developments upto the
Stockholm conference on human Environment year 2000 and beyond.
The five principles:
1. Nature shall be respected and its essential processes shall not be impaired.
2. The genetic viability on the earth shall not be compromised; the population
levels of all life forms, wild and domesticated, must be at least sufficient for their
survival, and to this end necessary habitats shall be safeguarded.
3. All areas of the earth, both land and sea, shall be subject to these principles of
It proclaims five principles of conservation by conservation; special protection shall be given to unique areas, to representative
World Charter of Nature Charter E&B 1982 which all human conduct affecting nature is to samples of all the different types of ecosystems and to the habitats of rare or
be guided and judged. endangered species.
4. Ecosystems and organisms, as well as the land, marine and atmospheric
resources that are utilized by man, shall be managed to achieve and maintain
optimum sustainable productivity, but not in such a way as to endanger the
integrity of those other ecosystems or species with which they coexist.
5. Nature shall be secured against degradation caused by warfare or other hostile
The convention was adopted by the
conference of The Vienna Convention for the The Vienna convention of 1985 was the starting point of the global cooperation
Vienna Convention for Ozone Layer Conventions E&B 1985
Protection of the Ozone Layer is a Multilateral for protection of ozone layer
Environmental Agreement
1. India accepted this protocol along
with its London Amendment in
September 1992.
1. The protocol set targets for reducing the consumption and production of a 2. The Ministry of Environment and
range of ozone depleting substances. Forest has established an ozone cell
2. In a major innovation the protocol recognized that all nations should not be and a steering committee on the
treated equally. protocol to facilitate implementation
3. The agreement acknowledges that certain countries have contributed to ozone of the India country program, for
Montreal Protocol Protocol E&B 1987 Medium
depletion more than others. phasing out ozone depleting
4. It also recognizes that a nations obligation to reduce current emissions should substances production by 2010 to
reflect its technological and financial ability to do so. meet the commitments India has also
5. Becauseof this, the agreement sets more stringent standards and accelerated taken policy decisions.
phase-out time tables to countries that have contributed most to ozone depletion. 3. The Ozone Depleting Substances
(Regulation and Control) Rules 2000
were drafted under Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986.
1. The industrialized world in the 1980s had
led to increasing public resistance to the
disposal of hazardous wastes, in accordance
India ratified the convention and
with what became known as the NIMBY (Not
enacted Hazardous Wastes
in My Back Yard) syndrome, and to an
The objectives of the convention are to reduce trans-boundary movements of Management Rules Act 1989,
increase of disposal costs.
Basel Convention Conventions E&B 1989 High hazardous wastes, to minimize the creation of such wastes and to prohibit their encompasses some of the Basal
2. This in turn led some operators to seek
shipment from developed countries to the LDCs. provisions related to the notification of
cheap disposal options for hazardous wastes
import and export of hazardous
in the developing countries.
wastes, illegal traffic and liability.
3. Environmental awareness was much less
developed and regulations and enforcement
mechanisms were lacking.
The formal process of UNCED culminated in the
adoption of fivedocuments, namely:
1. Rio Declaration: a statement of broad principles to
guide national conduct on environmental protection
United Nations Conference on It was the biggest International Conference in
Summit/ It discussed global and environmental problems very widely. and development
Environment and Development (Earth E&B 1992 High Rio-de-Janeiro the history of International relations- was also
Conference 2. Agenda-21: a massive document containing a
Summit) called as the 'Parliament of the planet' then.
detailed action-plan for sustainable development
3. Legally Non-Binding Principles of Forestry
4. Convention on Climate Change and
5. Convention onBiodiversity
1. Rio principles placed human beings at the centre of sustainable development
concerns by stating that humans are entitled to a healthy and productive life in
harmony with nature.
The Rio Declaration was adopted in the 2. The gist of those principles are happy and healthy life to all people in the world
conference recognizing the universal and in order to achieve this goal, concept of sustainable development has been
integral nature of Earth and by establishing a established.
The Rio Declaration Declaration E&B Medium
global partnership among states and enlisting 3. To achieve sustainable development, states shall reduce and eliminate
general rights and obligations on unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, exchange of scientific
environmental protection. and technological knowledge, compensation for adverse effects of environmental
damage caused by activities with in their jurisdiction or control to areas beyond
their jurisdiction, precautionary approach shall be widely applied by states
polluter should bear the cost of pollution.
1. The Agenda emphasizes on issues like poverty, health consumption patterns,
It is a comprehensive action plan which gives a
natural resource use, financial resources human settlements and technological.
Agenda-21 Declaration E&B High future plan in relation to environment and
2. It also includes energy, climate and other wide range of issues concerning
environment and development.
1. A framework for international cooperation to combat climate change by India signed the agreement in June
limiting average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change, 1992 which was ratified in November
and coping with impacts that were inevitable. 1993. As per the convention the
U.N. Frame Work Convention on 2. The primary goals of the UNFCCC were to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions reduction/limitation requirements
Conventions E&B 1992 High
Climate Change (UNFCCC) at levels that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the global apply only to developed countries. The
climate. only reporting obligation for
3. The convention embraced the principle of common but differentiated developing countries relates to the
responsibilities which has guided the adoption of a regulatory structure. construction of a GHG inventory.
1. The main feature of the Protocol is that it established legally binding
The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty
commitments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases for parties that ratified
which extends the 1992 UNFCCC that commits
the Protocol.
State Parties to reduce greenhouse gas
Kyoto Protocol Protocol E&B 1997 High Japan 2. The commitments were based on the Berlin Mandate, which was a part of
emissions, based on the premise that
UNFCCC negotiations leading up to the Protocol.
(a) global warming exists and (b) human-made
3. Minimizing Impacts on Developing Countries by establishing an adaptation
CO2 emissions have caused it
fund for climate change.

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