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Technologies in Inventory Management

1702212 Mrigul Uppal PGDIM 24

Using proper technologies for your inventory management can be helpful in the following manners:
Real-Time Product Updates As customers order items, real-time updates enable you to
accurately manage warehouse product levels and keep your eCommerce site up-to-date.
Additionally, youll be able to better forecast when and how much of a particular product needs
to be reordered, avoiding over or understocking items.
Easy Accessibility Inventory management technology doesnt mean you have to be tied to a
desktop computer running numbers. A robust solution provides easy accessibility, allowing you
and warehouse personnel to check on inventory levels from a laptop, tablet or other mobile
Scalability Your eCommerce business might be small now, but youll continue to grow, and
you need an inventory management system that can handle that growth. Its important to
choose a technology/system that is scalable to support larger levels of inventory. Selecting a
system that can grow with your brand prevents you from having to switch technologies every
few years.
In-Depth Reporting Reporting is a must-have feature if you hope to better manage inventory.
In-depth insights and analytics clue you in to which of your products are most in demand, and
which products have been sitting in your warehouse for an extended period of time. Other
helpful reports include inventory summaries, comprehensive order histories and inventory

Inventory management software

It is made up of several key components working together to create a cohesive inventory for many
organizations' systems. These features include:

Order management- This helps companies avoid running out of products or tying up too much capital
in inventory.

Asset tracking- Nowadays, inventory management software often utilizes barcode, radio-frequency
identification (RFID), and/or wireless tracking technology.

Service management- Companies that are primarily service-oriented rather than product-oriented can
use inventory management software to track the cost of the materials they use to provide services, such
as cleaning supplies.

Product identification- A barcode reader is used to read barcodes and look up information on the
products they represent. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags and wireless methods of product
identification are also growing in popularity.
Modern inventory software programs may use QR codes or NFC tags to identify inventory items and
smartphones as scanners. This method provides an option for small businesses to track inventory using
barcode scanning without a need to purchase expensive scanning hardware.
ERP inventory management software
There are several advantages to using inventory management software in a business setting.
Cost savings
Inventory management software helps companies cut expenses by minimizing the amount of
unnecessary parts and products in storage. It also helps companies keep lost sales to a
minimum by having enough stock on hand to meet demand.
Increased efficiency
Inventory management software often allows for automation of many inventory-related tasks.
Warehouse organization
Inventory management software can help distributors, wholesalers, manufacturers and
retailers optimize their warehouses by restructuring the warehouse by ABC analysis.
Updated data
Up-to-date, real-time data on inventory conditions and levels is another advantage inventory
management software gives companies. This automatic updating of inventory records allows
businesses to make informed decisions.
Data security
Managers can grant employees enough information access to receive products, make orders,
transfer products and do other tasks without compromising company security.
Insight into trends
Through the reports generated by the inventory management software, firms are also able to
gather important data that may be put in a model for it to be analyzed
Disadvantages of ERP inventory management software
The main disadvantages of inventory management software are its cost and complexity.
Many large companies use inventory management software, but small businesses can find it
difficult to afford it.
Inventory management software is not necessarily simple or easy to learn. A company's
management team must dedicate a certain amount of time to learning a new system, including
both software and hardware, in order to put it to use.

Cloud inventory management software

The main benefits of a cloud inventory management software include:
Real time tracking of inventory
Not only can business owners track and collect data but also generate reports. At the same
time, entrepreneurs can access cloud-based inventory data from a wide range of internet
enabled devices, including: smartphones, tablets, laptops, as well as traditional desktop PCs.
Cut down hardware expenses
Because the software resides in the cloud, business owners do not have to purchase and
maintain expensive hardware. Cloud-based solutions also eliminate the need to hire a large IT
workforce. The service provider will take care of maintaining the inventory software.
Fast deployment
Deploying web based inventory software is quite easy. All business owners have to do is sign up
for a monthly or yearly subscription and start using the inventory management software via the
internet. Such flexibility allows businesses to scale up relatively quickly without spending a large
amount of money.
Easy integration
Cloud inventory management software allows business owners to integrate with their existing
systems with ease. For example, business owners can integrate the inventory software with
their eCommerce store or cloud-based accounting software.
Enhanced Efficiency
Cloud inventory systems increase efficiency in a number of ways. One is real-time inventory
monitoring. In addition, cloud-based solutions offer greater accessibility.
Disadvantages of cloud inventory management software
Security and privacy
Using the cloud means that data is managed by a third party provider and there can be a risk of
data being accessed by unauthorized users.
Dependency and Decreased flexibility
Since maintenance is managed by the vendor, users are essentially fully dependent on the
provider. Depending on the cloud service provider, system and software upgrades will be
performed based on their schedule, hence businesses may experience some limitations in
flexibility in the process.
Not all on-premises systems or service providers can be synced with the cloud software used.

Miscellaneous Points

Point of Sale
Computerized point-of-sale systems are one method to control and track inventory. The system
decreases the available inventory by one each time a product is sold, and alerts the user about
low stock and stock-outs to ease the ordering process. POS systems can print out inventory
count sheets that are used during a manual count to verify inventory levels. Cost savings are
realized because potential inventory problems are caught early on, reducing the risk of a pricy
rush order.

All that is needed to start a barcode-based inventory system is inventory control software (like
a point of sale system or a program specific to managing inventory) and a barcode scanner.
Using the scanner, products are checked in as they are received, or checked out as they leave
your warehouse or store as it is sold, transferred and so forth. Many different vendors offer
barcoding solutions for small-business owners.
Radio frequency identification systems streamline inventory control through the use of a small
microchip on a tag or the packaging of the product. Instead scanning each product individually,
as barcodes are scanned, an RFID reception device can pick up the signals from all microchips in
within a few feet. This solution makes controlling inventory much quicker process, as each
product has its own separate RFID chip and may be scanned in bulk.

Big data and Analytics

Big data is a general advancement in technology thats making operations for most companies
radically different, both on the inside and outside. In the inventory management space, this
means companies are gathering more specific insights about their products and operations
than ever before, and theyre using them to form more impactful conclusions about how their
businesses operate. Companies are learning more about what processes are most efficient and
which ones need to change, and theyre getting more helpful data about who their customers
are and what they need from their brand. Ultimately, this leads to a more complicated data
system to manage, but a more effective and beneficial one.

Small, Medium and Big enterprises are moving their inventory management process to
cloud-based systems that offer flexible scalability at affordable pricing. Most importantly,
on-cloud inventory management can also be distributed across all devices with varying
screen sizes for uniform inventory management capabilities.
The cost efficiency and operational swiftness that cloud systems give are also favo ring a
robust bottom-line for businesses. Needless to say, a definite cloud migration of inventory
management is one of the emerging trends in inventory management to look out for in 2017.

Enterprise Mobility in Inventory Management

With cloud connectivity, the possibility of deploying mobile and tablet devices for inventory
management is shaping up as one of the latest trends in inventory management. Employees
will become adept in collecting, analyzing and taking proactive measures in inventory
management with the help of mobile applications. Wearable technologies built exclusively for
warehouse management and SCM (Supply Chain Management) will also become a norm in
inventory management.

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