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The minimum required thickness (pressure consideration) for

straight pipes under internal pressure and for t<D/6 is given as

t= PD/ (2*(SEW+PY))

t= pressure design thickness

P= internal design gauge pressure

D= outside diameter of pipe as listed in the tables or standards

S= stress value From Table A-1

E= quality factor from Table A-1A or A-1B

W= weld strength reduction factor as given in Table 302.3.5

Y= coefficient from Table 304.1.1 which is valid for t<D/6

For t>D/6 the value of Y is given as Y= (d+2c)/ (D+d+2c)

Where c is the sum of all mechanical, corrosion and erosion allowances

How to go about the problem???

The list of lines in IREP unit is given (inside folder LINE SCHEDULE-IC) which contains line
specs for all lines in the unit in excel format. The file contains data including
1. Line number
2. Service
3. Fluid state
4. Size
5. Class
6. Location- from and to
7. Operating temperature and pressure
8. Design temperature and pressure
9. Test pressure

The pipe spec for IREP is also given in a separate excel sheet named pipe spec-IREP which
contains the size, schedule, material and EIL standard. Reading both the document together
will help to determine all the necessary parameters for thickness measurement. For
The first line number in first excel sheet inside LINE SCHEDULE-IC is CL-IC-1101. The line spec is B1A
and the size is 4. Corresponding to the size and spec, we look into the file pipe spec-IREP where we
get the information that the material to be used in ASTM A106 GR.B and the pipe is seamless with
bevelled end. We also get the corrosion allowance as 1.5mm. Now we look into the ASME B31.3 to
get the desired values for finding the minimum required thickness.
The line spec is B1A which has a pressure rating or class of 300 with the material as Carbon steel.
The service is low pressure condensate and size is 4 carbon steel which makes it seamless as per
section in EDB. The design pressure is 24.6 kg/cm2 which correspond to 349.8942 psi. Design
temperature is 233 degree Celsius which corresponds to 451.4 degree Fahrenheit. The allowable
stress for ASTM A106 GR B at 451.4 degree Fahrenheit is obtained from table A-1 as 19 ksi. The
quality factor is obtained from table A-1B as 1 as it is seamless. The weld strength reduction factor is
obtained as 1 as per table 302.3.5 note 9. The Y is 0.4 as per table 304.1.1. Now plugging in all the
parameters into the main equation:

t= 349.8942*4/ (2*(19000*1*1) + (349.8942*0.4)) = 0.0365 inches = 0.92 mm.

The minimum required thickness as per pressure consideration is obtained as 0.92mm.

As per the thermal consideration for minimum structural thickness for temperatures less than 400
degree, the thickness should not be less than 2.3mm for NPS 4. This is obtained from table 6 in API
574 (2009).The higher among the two values is the required minimum thickness or the retiring
thickness. So the final retiring thickness is obtained as 2.3mm

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