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Lopez, Ian Raphael M.

HUMSS 11-6
Personal Development


1. How would you relate Maslows hierarchy of needs in your personal life?
2. How can positive psychology help you become happier?
3. What are your personal experience as an adolescent in terms of the way you think, reason, feel and the way you
express yourself?


1. Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs states that we need to accomplish these to arrive at the topmost of the
pyramid: "physiological", "safety", "belonging and love", "self-esteem", and at the topmost, "self-actualization.
As we grow up, we acquire the ability to know and distinguish what we need and what we want. The hierarchy of
needs best articulates what we need to have a successful life. We will not be able to reach the topmost or the
highest form of ourselves we do not feel that we have accomplished all the needs before it. We can feel anxiety
or doubt in ourselves if we dont meet one of these needs. For example, we may feel sad if we feel we dont have
love in our life, or we feel incomplete when we dont have self-esteem.
2. Positive psychology is the study of what makes life worth living. This can help people to be happier because
positive psychology makes us focus on the happy things in life. With this, the burden of the negative things around
us is lessened and we will surely be lighter and in effect more productive.
3. As an adolescent, I cringe when I reminisce on what I do with my life before. I have realized that I am more matured
in the way I think and reason out now than before. Before, I am a little bit abrasive. I push my own opinions too
hard to the way that I impose it on other people. Now, I tend to look for our common ground and welcome my
similarities with others. I am now trying to be more open with others. I am more comfortable in keeping my
feelings to myself, but I sometimes tell my close friends and heroes what I feel and ask them on what to do.

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